Monday, July 20, 2020

An art discovery. Buried beneath blockbuster tabeau, I nearly never watched this and did so out of absolute boredom wiith free streaming crap from the tube.

Cinematic history.

Brando--Bravo Phoenix skinnier less brawny more miserable sensitive depth. Deep into the soul and the spirit of how a killerr is born. Immersed in blood. Thriving off energized destruction.
I waited long after the awards season to watch this film. I did not want too delve into another violent H-wood flick. Found it the usual blood bath mayhem, but within the context of theusual death culture movie genre
this is more than art. The acting and directing and theme and writing is more than a formula, although puttwithin the boundaries of the usual plot formula. Far beyond the borders of the mundane. Into the realm of genius and outstanding in all aspects. I never want to listen to the soundtrack---ha ha, it's morbid. The composer comes out of a sordid cleanliness environment of glorification in death culture.
A film in main stream H-wood that is real ART. I laugh at the sordidness that is glorified but turned into the human conditioning.


Dear Mr. Joaquin Phonix. Gainesville has changed so greatly since the days of Tom Petty and your family were educated running wild upon the swampy eroding, abrasive sands of Paines Prairie. The free-flowing campus days have turned into an historical book entry in the Alachua County library that is stacked someplace where the carefully clothed, SUV-driving student body cannot find it. True there are all sorts of behaviors, dresses and subculture groups representing a fashion statement. I lived in that town, that city where I eroded the waste of Miami Beach and Gainesville then put new poisons into my body, which I continue to detox from today.

When I read your description of having been brought up in Gainesville, with a kind of hippie communal environment, I can assure you that if you walk on the University of Florida campus today you will be stunned at the blank silence of the post-drunken party state of the students who are fixated on getting rich and wearing the right clothing for power in the corporate world. That was the Gainvesville I experienced for a few years, striving to get out because my expectations of a free community of intellectuals was dashed by years of experiencing the ennui of a long-destroyed independence community. All that remains is remnants of fashion statements making political statemens in the guise of disguise of garb.

Garbled as this may sound, the children of the people who inspired you appear to have become zombies emotionally and intellectually--back there in Alachua County.

Please forgive me for making this biased "blanket" bigoted statement because I was around the "alternative" culture and was sorely disappointed in what appeared as interesting from the fashion and appearance and music tastes that so lured me initially into their "scene".

I saw archived photos of the days when Tom Petty wouuld jam in outdoor events and people were sitting on the grass and frolicking in the subdued enthrallment of a powerful independent lifestyle. The photos are faded Tom Petty is dead. I went to the street where he grew up and only saw suspicious crackers protecting their right to be white and fight for the slight that they sustain theiir old-fashioned morality upon .

I searched and searched for that old movement culture and found shadows and remnants of faded copies of copies.

When I watch you act, I know that the environment must have been inspirational and free, there in Gainesville. ACTUALLY, when I went to Micanopy one day, (such a lush, pretty little small town, but a very cool-looking guy at the gas station counter told me that it was a small-minded town and with all the fresh-cut grass and American flags proudly displaying patiortism, I was informed that you hand your family had lived in that tiny Micanopy town. It now resembeles the tree-lined plantation post-Jim Crow atmosphere.

The people, the only people in Gainesville who were real and authentic were the real authentic Christians who were not fake or in abstentia advocating the Devil.

Peace be with you, brother, for your performance. I know you were raised in an environment that instilled a sense of profundity that was like a small, tiny portal in the unpermeable Southern disposition of The South, in the tiny university town of Gainesville. (or MIcanopy, a 15 or 10 minute drive outside Gainesville borders).

As always: hacking interference. Attack simultaneously on my brain so I couldnot remember my ideas and the sensation of being glued into mental paralysis. It becomes almost painfuol to conitnue as my head feels like ti's being crushe dinward. Like it's being gdipped in drugs and I am going to suffocate and wipe out unless I stop and pause. The attacks from the technology are overwhelming and I can barely get a few sentences out before I have to stop. The jumbled quality of writing, and also thehackking with deletions and interuptions. jTis is alwayas the case whenever I write anything, (or speak to anyone inn public, for any reason, for any thing, everywhere non-sttop arouund the planet).

I have written of this every time I post , but I want to exonerate myself forom all the chaotic mess thae hcakers and the mind control techs create. Every post is compromised in this way and I feel the need, every single time, to excuse myself rfrom the disarray the hackers and techs create on my wriiting and other fucntions related to writing ANYTHING. All is a total mes. Due to the terrorist and not from my inability or lack of anything except protection from their atackks. I should really copy and poaste this same paragraph at the beginning of every post. I am not watching the words any longer because I am trying to get this out. My fingers are moving outsided the boundaries of the keys, which I must also pound down due to malware affecting the keysboard so I must bpound down. My fingers are "confused" because my brain is under so much attack and my hands won't move correctly. Please note that none fo this is an "excuse".

SUBLIMMINAL ATTACKK: After having written the postt, I turned off thelaptop. I "heard" subliminals screaming into my ear on that very low frequency, but screaming hate at me with threats and obscenities. Teh b-word was uttered. They have called mea "crazy cat lady" so how do they then turn it into me being a dog if I am crazy about cats? H a ha, the joke is on but on whom? Well, "they" want me to never describe how mundane, immature (my descriptions of them appear to make me "immature" but I merely am echoing their chrlish immaturity and childish terroorist antics, immature but deadly with all the suppressed lack of real self and substance. Their opp[ression turned upopn me, or anyone elsed if and whenever possible.)

"they" want me to remain silent about their torutre, but to write about it so they can get promoted. "They" want me to describe how insidious they are, but in ways that are creative so "they" can steal the ideas to crank out their formulas about how wonderful they are as heroes rescuing society from the evils that they are "people" endorse and are promoted for participating in.

Again, I must state emphatically that my brain is under attackk and the keyboard as well---

I was making a not very subtle reference to The Devil's Advocate, turning the wording but it was a sensible description of the reality I encountered. You, the reader, and "you" Mr. Joaquick Phoenix, may have your old support system and your old art friends still living in Gainesveille and it's environms (but my experience as a "target" means that all people who might support me are pushed away from me with lies, gossip and theats by this organization. Subliminals are also turned upon people who surround the target but are not part of the attack system. It works on many levels and is aimed into people's brains in various modalities.

Thus, whatever was interesting about Gainesveille I had very little access to. I still reduce all my statements down to people being sheeple and doing what they are told, believing the subliminals as their own thoughts, and not wondering if what they think is reality or what is expected of them. Thus, as I had written, the freedom of intellectual adn emotional expansion as I had experienced it myself growing up in the art/hippie?alternative subculture has diminshed to the point that it's all a fashion statement. That is a huge bigoted statement on my part. I makke it as a huge blanket statemtnt, as I am blanketed by the silence of the complicit civilian population who take my plight as a joke.

The people torturing me, who I made reference to, havve raped me, tortured me, threatened rpeatedly to kill me, and have gotten endless promotions for it.

I know, Mr. J. Phoenix, that if you had been a part of this stalking eleportation torture group, you did ont openly participate or threaten me as far as I know. I do believe you are aware of my situation, because I think you have participated in this situatioon to some degree. Your movies werre put on my tv along with the rest of the attackk H-wood gang, years ago before i got rid of the boob tube that was pirated wiith hacked in material of the now huge circular clown posse of rapists and teleporting torturing/rapist and near-death accident orchestrating recipients of all the firty lucre and awards that this system hands out, in hierarchical awards status, most huge profits first goiing to white males tand then their females and then the minorities get last dibs on the orture, but if they wait long enough, they get theiir chance too to rape, insult and torture me and order the stalking vcrews to make my home filthy, my body disfigured, as they laugh asnd watch me fight to clean up the stinking mess and fight to not get dismembered and destroyed as well.

going off now into this realm of their violence. You, Mr. J Phoenix (I cannot remember how to spell your first name, my memory is so jarred by the tech attack on my brain--I don't want to spell it wroong. I am really that hindered by the technology it's like parts of my brain are literally beingclosed off while i"m fighting to think and type.

You have not atacked me in this vicious sense. Your talent demonsttrates how you do not NEED TO participate in this to get promoted.

On the other hand, the eople who just issued a huge subliminal offensive attack on me, I could feel and hear obscenities pouring out as they werre disgruntled about what I had typed on my personal blog. I thought to myself, which "they" can hear, how banal, mediocre, boring, nasty, stupid, sick and vile and ugly and rotten these people actor bs conartists selling dissemintaion of death culture wrapped up in plastic-coated smmiesl and fake posturing of societal heroic gestulications. Natsy, meaningless and foul. So horrid. I am so very gald that you put this movie out (also to Mr. Todd Phillips, what a genius also in directing.And for the rest, even the composure but the music is very morbid.

I am now in the jumbled cognitive statge and state. The tech is blasting my brainn. My fingers can't move to keys I am trying to ty pe out.

I do wish someone would stop these sick parasites from using the subliminals. I know they can hear me when I ttell them that IT IS THEY WHO ARE TEH BITCHES. Their hate is disgusting and they are stupid as anything like a bottomless pit of junkk mental mind control that they live by, empowerred by it, they lackk all creativity they must rape and torture so they can steal ideas.

I am goign to try to write your name correctly excuse if I misspell: Mr. Joachim Phoenix---(my eyes are closed, my brainn is being turned on and off by this micriship/computer interface/jerk-off technoician under orders of rotten nasty wealthy people ordering them to attack me in this way)

If you werre a hack actor you would nottbe a rapist trying to get points in the Whorewhood establishment so your movies would be put into lead Acadamy Award status. deserved it. Years of horrid sick and stupid movies winning this award until this year (meaning last year).

Not just one lead actor making the movie, the rest of the cast of course, I have a feeling that the director had a LOT and most to do with the quality of the acting and the movie. The synergy between director and asctors always is a testament to the quality of a m omvie.

I mean "always" as far as I, an outsider observer, can say from never havinb been in a movie studio.

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Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...