Thursday, July 9, 2020

I enjoy listening to William F. Buckley Jr.'s Firing Line presentations of discourse elegance. Either he evolved consciously in the 70's or this 50's op-ed piece is his true dereliction direction.

William F. Buckley has impressed me, or made an impression, in many respects because of his extreme talent in erudition. He has impressed me with his presentation and polite demeanor in his most intellectual and fascinating forays into intellectual and political oppositions, in his flat/ roundtable discussions. I refer to the few short shows I watched of his grainy black and white Firing Line interviews. I recall Buckley, Jr. interviewing my heroine Andrea Dworkin in one of his more relatively recent Firing Line interviews (meaning, it was in color around the time of the 80's). What amazed me is that in this long-ago short time ago tv zone, outside of the blasting blue, red and off-white Fox News template, Buckley, Jr. actually allows his opponents to finish their sentences (from the few interviews I have watched on YouTube). He does not blast yelling interruptions as so many of these modern shows anchors do. His vocabulary and style are the epitome of calm rhetorical debate white educated culture. I am engrossed in the themes of his interviews. I realize that many of the interviewees are not pragmatically honest in their answers. The art of polite dissemination of disinformation is a uniquely sophisticated talent, emerging as calm and extremely well-poised personalities dominating his interview shows.  That he would endeavor to quietly (but with a few very obscene gestures at Dworkin nevertheless, as silent obsenities shouted in disgusting extraneous silent forms of communication) interview the extreme Dworkin makes his earlier, unapologetic 50's racist stance appear like he had a few epiphanies about being politically correct for the new hip generation now generically glued to Fox News where shouting and interrupting is the norm.

Perhaps this is the most prominant reason I enjoy watching Buckley's Firing Line because this show delves most quintessentially into the realm of rhetorical debate without the hate of snapping in judgment at opponent's views, which is so rare on mainstream tv that I appreaciate Buckley's approach nevertheless. I will continue to watch his shows knowing his background. I have not read the National Review simply because of lack of computer, lack of information, lack of brainpower due to drugging (no excuses, a reality of mind control programming and the excessive drugging with drugs no one can comprehend unless they are forced into the mire of the abyss of these brain-blowing drugs forced upon me). A calm and rational intellectual like Buckley makes the drama chaos of drugging much less powerful upon my brain. Buckley is in some form an antidote to the mesmerizing chaos the drugs and the media influx of hate chaos which permeates the media in all it's insidious permutations.

When it was cool to be a racist editor intellectual in mainstream America.

When Buckley, JR. perhaps DID evolve or get with it in politically correct culture mainstream media. Here he is actually defending Andrea Dworkin when the "Right Wing" pro-porn woman makes judgmental errors in rational thinking. This is a style of debate that is so refreshing because of the current hate syndrome in the media of expressing hate, rancor, increasing vocal dissent and unsubstantiated claims about opponents. Opinions are currently being expressed as fact. Stupid jokes insulting the opposition appears to have taken the place of this highly esteemed ancient form of discourse that does hail back to the Greek orators of historic fame.


TEN MINUTES after posting the above. I got up from the laptop, ran my hands over water, as water appears to be a grounding element counteracting the effects of the electronic bombardment of my brain. I then could "access" the word DISCOURSE from my brain's nearly defunct memory banks. Obliterated while typing in front of whatever tech is being aimed into my brain, directly from the internal components of this laptop (and every laptop in internet cafes, or from whatever source, or from a microchip implant in my brain and remote tech affecting me by the groups of stalkers carrying portable sources surrounding me, every single place I go non-stop I am under bombardment, I believe, with this electronic brain-swamping technology.

thus, going off into tangents again: I could for a moment access this term. I added it into the "title" section of this page. Now my brain is back to being blanketed and I must backspace routinely to correct hacker inserts. I think absolutely differently in the spaces between these attacks and every instance while I am sitting typing or writing. Hand writing is a more effective deterrent to the attack. Other attackks subsume the efficacy of handwriting.

I do love using terminology and more elegant or sophisticated language. It's blocked almost completely, this ability to render words elegantly or think clearly, under these conditions I am forced into.

Buckley, and others of that intellectual level, always make me feel more empowered intellectually just by the force of their sheer verbal expressionism in an articulate intellectualism. What he expresses is profound, regardless of political siding with Nazis, I mean white Supremacists. As I am trying to relate, this man gave others who could speak elegantly the quite and reserved chance to speak inimpeded by interrruption, shouting and nasty commentaries. I respect him for his ability to expand his domain of narrow confines of white male privilege and create panels of discussion with near polar opposite pundits. The controversial subjects he brings to the form are never dull, the debate is never slow-moving. I would hazard that William F. Buckley was not a staunch radical racist or that in his latter career "life" he was capable of change and evolution, albeit to a narrow degree. 

I just watched a more recent Firing Line interview of Buckley, Jr. with Muhammed Ali. Buckley most respectfully listened and was not negative in any sense when Ali spoke of racism. It appears that even Buckley may have had a few Saving Grace moments in his white privilege life/career. I think he also was capable of growth emotionally or at least for media interviews in contemporary DISCOURSE about politically delicate, surging to violent contrasts of opinions that Buckley navigates with calm assurance that rational thought can extend beyond it's own limited borders hitherto learned behavior and political formations. 

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