Wednesday, July 15, 2020

When a 3-piece speaks, it must be relatively close to authority to take seriously.

Dr. Ross explains authoritarianesque in a calm, rational tone, that non-consensual mind control and information extraction therein is being conducted by CIA and other sources like military in NONCONSENSUAL "experimentation". I say that the experiment is in the implementation stage and the public is cheering like a crowd watching a crucifixion in the old amphitheater of the Roman Circus Circus.

Just ask me but no...Dr. Ross can lead you to the edge but never let you drink from the true source. He uses outdated information that is public information to base his talks upon. Interesting that he can never find a credible person who actually experiences these "experiments" on a daily basis nor can he do anything about whatever the discredited people being mind controled claim is damaging their lives.

Lots of talking but very little support. People want to have their own torture pupepts and that is the real reason why this situation only extends to the information stage onhow to exploit other human beings.

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