Friday, July 24, 2020

Bangkok Dangerous Mai Dai mayday mayday

It's a good film. I watched it maybe 10 years ago or more, I remember a few scenes. The American version is NOTHING like the original. I prefer the original even if I have forgotten much of the film which I am now about to watch or download since I am fixated on watching Joker again, as it is a most fascinating film on many levels.  Bankok Dangerous maybe not so much.

Mai pen rai.

You, parenthetical reader, can watch it if you will see a rape scene and murder!!! American films mostly focus on murder and consensual sex. Welcome to Bangkok Dangerous. There's also a Muay Thai fight scene and a motorbike race. The Thai Government has recently outlawed/banned street motorbike racing as many have been injured or killed. That is a reality and shown in the movie as the reality of Bangkok.  As for the rest, it's about gangs and drugs. But it was the rape scene which was unusual as I wrote, women being raped in a movie is not a very American media pursuit. Men who are raped in movies (usually hinted at, never shown) make waves in culture whereas women being raped is relatively not portrayed as a crime as much as men being raped (which appears as a huge tragedy for endless series --i.e. Mr. Robot.) Men are allowed to murder their assailant whereas women get killed in the movies if they say no, are somehow to blame if they get raped, or are killed off at the end (Thelma & Louise--I HATED THE ENDING they should have lived happily ever after with some fun, happy boy toys who are not playboys like b.p who starred as the one-night boy toy in the movie). When will H-wood ever get it straight-up? As I recall, in the Thai version the male friends of the woman raped go get some payback for the rape and beating the beautiful escort Thai prostitute/bar girl endured. It was a work of art, deserving of the awards it received. The American version was of a mercinary money-oriented white male who gets a Thai blind lover who showers him with the servitude he is lacking in Western society, etc murders upon contract--bloodshed as the final tumultuous climactic ending---like the last movie, and the last H-wood movie, and the last H-wood movie....

and assouncing--Bangkok Dangerous, where women raped get supported by men and girls can also drag race on motorbike and be tough and intelligent!

You just have to watch the move to see what I mean.  I also forgot the ending so this movie watched once again will be a very nice treat compared with the usual climactic death ending (it probably follows the same formula).

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Discrimination/denial of service from two delivery companies from which I order healing herbs and items so I don't have to carry huge heavy bags in the 2 times per month I am physically capable of going out due to poisoning and fracturing of my body (no details as they will try to cause further harm, for those maybe not with the details I won't expose the serious vulnerabilities): Services from delivery companies Lazada and Shopee are being denied through a series of delivery changes which I never make. They are stating "delivery status today" and then never contacting. Couriers never answer phone numbers provided, if they provide (Flash Express through Lazada does not leave contact information but it's supposed to) and from Shopee they just never answer any phone calls. They then state "recipient reschedule" and then cancel the orders stating that I have instructed reschedule and then cancel orders. The status only changes after I contact the chat agents (jerk-off shit down t he hallway hacking into my system not the real agents) my phone calls are hacked/blocked from the customer service help line, I can't call the company. The chat agents are constantly lying and canceling orders and lying to me and etc. In the past 8 days when the white pig ape Nazi filth moved in from whatever shit country (i.e. Germany or England) they came from, they are instructing Thais to bother me with blathering incomprehensible English with information I can't understand. My brain is rendered in a state of "belief" and the inability to ascertain deception. I am in a daze of "belief" and only understand after walking away from this computer system where my body is attacked by their technologies to alter brain function. That is the best way I can detail it as my brain is also rendered blocked from higher critical thinking while I attempt any communication, in any form, written or verbal.

  They are CONSTANTLY lying in the chat, and the agents are not Lazada or Shopee agents, or if they are, they have been hired specifically f...