Friday, July 3, 2020

More Facebook carryover, mind controlled descriptions of attacks with the usual hacking inserts. I am weary of this. Much of it is being forced through mind programming to get me to write.

These very sick and ugly men (and their plastic-coated Nazi female co-criminal assistant cheerleaders) enjoy reading my ranting posts which I can never type due to hacking and never write clearly due to the brain-altering tech endlessly aimed into my brain as I fight to type or think. I write about the attack interface because I don't know who is reading my posts, when ir if anyone ever will read my posts, and I want to make sure that people know what system of encumbrance I am confined into on every post. Some people might read an inadvertant post and immediately think I am confused and inarticulate (the discrediting tactic which I thus have to describe to try to eliminate the discrediting tactic of completely blotching my every post by this group).

Here is what I wrote, I have decided to include the nasty video made by the rape-cheerleader German women who cheer the teleportation rape and violence directed at me (trust me when I write this the German women I see on this video are very similar to so many German women I have lived around and met in Germany. I also knew social workers who "care" about domestic violence situations but participate in attacking me. Oh yes, one was or is a lesbian or bisexual and is now married with children I guess. They all  have to succumb to the socialization of routine repetition of paradigms in Germany and unfortunately in America and that includes most of the rest of the world). How many other cultures I have met with this same punk underground culture who have in one way or another looked the other way or lightly participated in targeting and character assassination and drugging/attackks on me. Alternative, anti-establishment/ white males who play in punk bands, their girlfriends/the blacks endlessly oh the blacks participate. The list never ends of the alternatives who want a piece of the white male pie of established through violence power.

The video, which I will try to upload (hacking makes this impossible many times) is this German woman relaying how German women were raped by American soldiers in WWII. All this information was "suppressed" because, as she claims, the Americans were "heroes" saving and rescueing the poor German women from their seemingly awful Nazi male partners. Almost laughable, but Nazi propaganda nevertheless. I watched a few seconds of this tv anchor or woman who wrote the documentary or tv series, sitting in an erect posture of righteousness with a grim determination of suppressed hate on her nasty face (caked with make-up). I know what is behind it and I know about the alteration of facts and how these are presented by these women and the other "alternatives" who posture but are really false opposition pawns serving and servicing the powers they claim they hate and are fighting against. I'm sure ALL of these people would marry an American male who rapes if they could get more access to H-wood studios and media access.

If German women were raped, as this video contends (I could not watch more than 1/4 of it, after observiing the posture of the German writer I feel so much antipathy towards her and I "know" her mentality, or I assume to know since the pressure of conformity is so high and fraught with danger if a person steps outside the acceptable boundaries of conformity and Nazi duplicitous posturing into the red zone of actually truly caring--murder is still an operative principle in Germany against their labeled, "traiters" of the 4th Reich. If Americans did indeed rape German women en masse, since rape is not something confined to "evil" foreign enemies but also to seemingly benign Americans who "fight for Democracy". However, since having lived in Germany for years and the Germans always crank out the same, repetitive slogans about Americans (also the same bs about how Americans killed more Native Indians by far than Jews in Europe--and why doesn't America get endlesslly castigated about that historical fact?) I have heard the same things over and over and over in Germany (spoken in German) and not once have I ever heard these stories of rape, nor read anything. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but if the Germans can latch onto any single excuse to attack and incriminate Americans, I think in all the anti-American posturing I heard from Germans in German (in German) I would have heard at least one time something about how American soldiers raped German women. That does not mean in any way it never happened in a large quantity but I have reservations in believing this documentary regarding the "innocent" German Nazis.

Here's the Facebook post, and then I will attempt to post that nasty documentary. What I do believe is the testamony of the Korean and Chinese women who were imprisoned in "Comfort" spots. What I also "believe" is that German women were raped, but I have heard more that the Russians did a lot of violence and I have never heard of Americans raping German women too. The footage of one German woman at the beginning of the video is of a woman beaten and standing in front of rubble. Commentary of the video links her with American soldiers raping German women. The Nazis also contended that Jews who were wealthy were raping German women. That ties in directly to the Weinstein scandal by the rotten men teleporting and raping me, taking over the studio vacuum to put out their propagandized version of bs and being instructed on how to rape and torture me. These same p-a's with their wives have put this sick video on my YouTube and it's almost laughable, if only they were not being promoted right now with the consent of the viewers who are also part of the H-wood cartel structure (doing nothing to stop this if against it, I do not blame you but still...action does need to be taken if you ARE against this system of terror and rape and teleportation and gang stalking Nazi/Stasi death squad activities you read of, that I describe).


GRATITUDE TO PEOPLE READING MY POSTS AND PROVIDING SOME KIND OF "HELP" OR RELIEF. Albeit not nearly enough for what I really need to live in any kind of peace. (not quibbling but still... this is all laws breached by criminal terrorist organizations that pose as superstar celebrities and political leaders, touting freedom --to rape and torrture according to genocidal and foreign-protocol death squad tactics).
I realize that the people terrorising me are obtaining endlless promotions at this very moment for non-stop attacks upon me. I awoke this morning to a teleportation attack of some white male hand slapping the air in front of my face, but at a horizontal angle so it wasn't directed INTO my face but at a right angle from my very oblique vision. Almost like a completely grainy black and white movie from a few decades ago on a analogue tv screen. Not a "dream" but a teleportation atttack scenario. A "terrorising" act of sabotage to my every moment and waking state. Then I have to think of these expletives and then they insert subliminal hate messages as I think of how disgusting they are.
I know that they are also trying to obtain reactions of me writing their names or descriptions of what they are doing, which always are higher springboards for their promotions. When I say nothing about their actions, they are promoted nevertheless. How I regret having put a video of that English murdering bigot I have described repeatedly for the last few days. His desperation to get rich and infiltrate the "stupid" American Hollywood cartels of Nazi power is like a frantic attack situation of exploiting violence towards me for his and his Nazi wife's personal power attainment. Also like the Danish creep who I wrote a few paragraphs on his YouTube (fake) video about how much he cares about polirtical justice after he was imprisoned for a few years for murdering someone he had a "beef" with. Nazi prison just allowed him to come out in the same amount of time as someone (black, poor, Latino or et al) in America who is convicted of possession of an ounce of crack cocaine. The Mandatory Minimums in the United States are as punitive as 1st or 2nd degree murder conviction in Denmark. Very sad and disgusting as well. This situation of police and prisons in the United States, but even moreso for the Nazi creeps in Nazi countries who get away with every crime and have Swastika flags in their homes.. When not in Germany, Swastikas and associated Nazi affiliation flags are not illegal, as they are in Germany. Openly Nazi but now quietly putting out the same fodder as the brainwashing propaganda "celebrities" in H-wood. This one jumped to attack me in league with his buddies in California the "liberal" establishment which tauts Nazi ideology and wines and dines Nazis out of Europe who hold the money (stolen from genocides and IMF policies and World Bank destruction and Austerity loan packages) and...I have wriitten it all before.
How I regret having posted a video a while ago, how long ago? About this English bigot who looks like a beer-sopping fat obese outright racist bigot now. That I wrote anything about his "tour" of London and then wanted this pig to be able to come to America. What these Nazi bigots do is eliminate (i.e. kill/assassinate just like I believe this pig did wiith Sid & Nancy--Nancy stabbed to death, Sid put on suicide programming mixed in withh his heroin and cocaine. The mixture is lethal when it comes to mind control programming. The brain acts like an absolute sponge to all kinds of subliminal suggestion including suicide). I now see why Sid wore Swastikas and made hints at Nazi philosophy. I know from public media that Nancy, a Jewish American woman who was really the basis of the punk movement, while the fake who eliminated the competition that wanted to get away from this bigot and violentt sick personality, psychopathic hater who is perfect at spouting the alternative philsophy and I too was taken in after bieing drugged (but never when I first saw him back in the 70's. I liked punk at the local scene level but never at the famous rock cock rock media level--and he's the epitome of this false dichotomy ). And thus.....Nancy is dead, this fake I years into poisoning and drugging wrote that he should be allowed to come to America. This was the response to all alt media taken over (that I have found on the internet, and in private and personal levels and local levels, what exists is rife with stalking and it's very hard for me not to outstage their skits and gaslighting and character assassination of me. Whenever I get around people I really think are okay, they have already been informed of lies about me. I have been approached by people who tell me that they have heard very awful things about me, which after they get to know me, then never admitting they are part of the stalking circuit, but treating me in a very friendly manner. Because i am under non-stop surveillance I then NEVER EVER SEE THEM AGAIN IN MY LIFE. They are completely banished from my presence.
So, I am stuck watching mainstream media and when a dasterdly fake like this puts out his fake trite crap about how he's an "anarchist" and "against" the wealthy who are exploiting the poor, and I latch on in a kind of desperation to hear anything but the sick crap the others in this group put in my media on a continuous basis and I really can't find anything alternative to their bs crap. All is blocked from my every search engine result and personal discovery.
Thus, although I never thought this fake alternative icon was decent, interesting, after years of the people who had represented something are now dead (murdered many of them I believe by people like all these fakes I have been writing of for years)
how I regret writing that he should be allowed to come to America because it needs people who are alternative so much. I "bought" into the spiel fo this fake and am now under violent assault by him. An absolute fascist who wants to become an aristocrat and hoards of all the posturing fake alternative "punks" of America will associate this meaningless fake trite blathering hate personality as something representative of alternative culture.
Yesterday there was a Deutschewelle broadcast of women as objects of rape wartime violence. The German wife of this utter slime personality I think may have instructed him to put this on my YouTube channel. My ponderings about these seeming "conspiracy theory" actions are not me being "crazy" but a reallity of hacking and mind control programming. Under drugging and the hypnosis effected by the tech aimed at me while I am typing and fighting and struggling to access what I really am capable of writing and thinking, blocked and put into a stultifying almost mesmerized ranting hate state...instead of accessing my ability to concentrate and analyze and write with any sophiistication and imagery and resonant meaningful way on these subjects
lost and confused and meandering from the original thought
as I am now. These ideas I write of are then stolen by these very same fakke news pundits I wriite of now. How I regret having had any single iota thing to do with this infiltrator Nazi having access to Hollywood and it's lucre, the dilthy and dirty lucre for which this p-a is now being handed so he can represent, through intimidation, acts of sabotage and violence towards me with his Nazi German wife (please note that I have met many Germans and when you scratch beneath the fake, warm and charming exterior they are adamant Nazi supporters and cleverlly disguise all even with tears of repentance when they describe how they are so sad about the Holocaust. Tears of joy when they get their endless benefits and pensions so they can have sex parties with their little brown-skinned wives they claim they love as they invest in villas and condos and build and build cement crap all over Paradise.
Enough, I can't write my brainn is under too much attack.
Every morning I wake up and my laptop has been altered so all the WiFi drives are missing and I have to try to restore and uninstall the old drivers and reinstall new ones.
Hacking continues.
I want to thank anyone who is doiing anything for me, including not participating in the teleportation situation, you people out of Hollywood. If you are readiing this, then you are still participating in the situation if you are reading this out of curiosity you participate as well if you don't help me. O fcourse, probably none of you ever will as it's only been more than 7 years of me writing about this and one actor and musician and group comes after me to torture rape and exploit after the next.


Continuing in the comment section: (copied from Facebook amidst backspacing from hacker insertions whiile I type, taking so long to type a single sentence!)

"They", the criminal stalking organization and it's adjunct H-wood media p-a's, want me to write day-after-day not only as testament to their torture and ability to destroy someone's every positive thought with their ugliness, stupidity and darkness inflicted and then tthey feel only temporarily relieved of their stupidity and ugliness for a few moments afterwards. They are promoted which pumps them up further every time I write about how sick and violent and stupid and ugly they are. They never stop doing this, I keep writing waiting and waiting ror anyone to come and stop this and protect me. years and years and years of writing it's never happened. I hope one day they will be not only castigated but castrated for what they are now doing. Otherwise, I'm still drugged, under technological mind control and all sources of love, support are dead (I want my cat La Moux returned alive and my own home) II need a support system and please get these creeps off me. That is all i can write. I have no "hope" left that any new election is going to put some real alternative candidate in power who will do more than passively or actively participate in this stallking and never stop these p-a's from all this rape and torture and violence so they can get more power in media and politics. Participation in these types of activities, whether active or passively looking the other way, appear to be the gatekeeper pass to attaining huge promotions in the media and in politics. No one else who thinks otherwise in any compassionate capacity in this respect gets any entrance to the portals of power. It's very unfortunate. The cover assassinations of people who are actually against this system continue and SILENCE is also part of the entrance password code to this power structure.

I thus remain having to write to get any relief from violence and torture and hate and rape which no one will stop or protect me from in a truly significant way. I do thank people who are getting involved, if any. I am not ungrateful but I have tried to express for so many years that perhaps it might behoove you to get your derriers in more active state and actively stop this teleprotation technology from spreading like a death virus, handed like candy into the clutches of idiotic pernicious parasites who are devouring leeches and violent, murdering genocidal bigot racist rapist expletives.

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Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...