Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Joker Particle spiraling down to the lowest common denominator of entropic state of rest. The rest is a not funny reality but a jest.

This title refers a bit to quantum physics. Particles in an atom when shocked by energy in whatever form (protons, for eg) accelerate in energy and rise to higher states of form. When the external energy source is stopped or diminished, the force of entropy takkes over and the particle descends into it's more low, base state. The particles I mention are actually electrons, but my brain is under so much attack I had to switch the browser, stop my writing activity and then go to a search page to be able to access this in my memory. I must stop my writing activity or browsing and either leave the space I am sitting at to write, or go to some other activity for the attacks on my brain's cognitive functioning to somehow block their blocks and be able to access my own memory and obtain the words or concepts.

Electrons revolve around the nucleas of a molecule in a shell, with various orbits. I can now access this only because I did something else in order to access my own brain.

I thought of this concept after I got off the laptop, after writing about the Joker movie. The joke was on me as usual because, in the accessing of my then unblocked memory, I realized that I WAS and HAD BEEN UNDER ATTACK by this lead actor whom I had stated was a superlative actor. He is, and has been (not in all the movies, and certainly not in the movies he had  put on my tv when I had a boob tube in my room, was drugged to the point of comatose inertia, my body put out-of-aligment as the terrorists in the rooms next to mine would smear fungus into my hair, orifices and clothing/blankets (as they still do) and I lay in bed watching the pirated/hacked tv stuff that the actors teleporting me put on, wiith themselves of course as lead actors in this attempt to further both discredit me ("she's delusional and schizoprenic, with paranoid personality disorder" for claiming that she watche smovies, or clicks on pages with videos of celebrities, and in her "dreams" they rape and abuse her--what a crazy female this is..the story goes, as they , the terrorists obtaining lead roles and promotions for participating in this crime an doffense, are so assured that NOTHING NO ONE NO PRESIDENT NO ONE WILL HINDER THEIR VIOLENCE OR PROTECT ME IN ANY WAY).

It was his movie about some internet fantasy stuff, I could not watch the movie it was both borin and upsetting considering that I am and was under the same sort of terorist situation (in the movie, it was a loner finding "love" with some internet fanatasy--or something like that, I have forgotten the plot it was a terrible movie). 

I ALSO was in this sense, "forced" to watch the movies of the director of that film Joker, who had made comedies about going to get screwed, drunk and dishevelled in a devilish way in Thailand. I was not exactly offended by the movie so much but a little. It was revealing of the rape culture that exists in the form of colonialistic empire going on vacation to get sucked, fucked and cleaned in Thailand by slaves but confined to happy, smiling will -do-anything tourism operators, enslaved financially and psychologically by the "handers" who come to invest and then control all aspects of Thai political and social life.

I had then "remembered" that upon watching this movie, which I still retain is an excellent film, an historical moment in film history due to the sensitive handling of more 'Universal" themes, both political and in every way personal for white males in society who want to unleash their rage against the machine as long as they can be "free" to become on top as usual; the expectations of the viewers and the endless paradigm of white male supremacy.

Not trying to make this exactly a political statement. This is an analysis of the content and the actors and their modus operandi, as it revolves around me, and how it evolves into fake opposition political propaganda movie and tv and media output.

I had searched, after first viewing the movie Joker, for information about what I had thought was not a vicious co-conspirator, the lead actor who deservedly won top awards. Albeit, he did participate in this contract, or I believe he did as his movie was input into the long list of the other rapist, bigot, black white asian conspirators in HH-wood (or 88-wood).  I first got a photo of this actor glaring, dishevlled, needing a hair cult, a shave, but not his trim and manivulred beard for his interview siith Kimmel, for ecample, but looking raggedy--as many of the peterrorists in these G-wood video simulated attack, psychological trigger pirated videos all appear. Soemtimes they put on make up to appear very ugly.They must present themselvse as being ugly and nasty towards me. The contract. Just as people in my immediate vicinity must come to me if in person, and in  a private setting, stinking of body odor. Landlords do this quite often.

The look of grim hate on his face was absolutely in contract to the happy, glowing look when interviewed for his promotion in the media. It was another orchestrated hate attack. I had "forgotten" this when typing that he wasnot involved in the attackk upon me.

His co-conspirator, an obvious mafia personality in the media, along with his friends and fellow mafia movie cohorts, put endless videos of himself, his movies, and the film Joker on my YouTube channel for me to see z(drugged up, I was "directed" sublimminally to look at YoutuBe, please undersatand how powerful and devestating these drug/tech interfaces are, plus absolute isolation, all happy loving things blocked from me including just simple birds flying outside my patio view of the nearly dead hillside directly opposite mywindow)

I know there are many topes in the last paragrpha but I have spent so many hours of my life backkspacing to correct these types. I am closing my yes right now, so whatever happens with the mess that comes out, I'm not going to spend time of fixing it.

I had written on Facebook about the foursome of Brooklyn mafia media personalities (two were in a reality show, a movie was moade about their patriarchal mafia figurehad, for which tyheyy remain riding the crewt of a wave of poublicity because he so souccessfully, fora whitle, was able to oust various established crime figures in NYC--with the enlargement of this global concern of Nazi/mafia dn organized toerrorism, now they are included in the wider circle and participating in this contract out on me.

The two others, both males, have been imn many movies toegether. both are famous and both put their tv shows for me to click on (so they can call me crazy if I click on them and then claim that they are teleporting,m assaulting, using disgusting verable subliinals at me when I use the toilet, under all surveillance--and it's supposed to be me who is crazy and not them or this organization)

ha ha, what a joke.

I had "forgotten" under drugging, duress and near paralysis, as i have been very, very sick in this last phawe of detox.

I am tiree of writing now.

I have deleted all the recent movies, including Gladioator. They are worthwhile movies, but part of the inclusive propaganda to create the system of eliminating the "Demoractic" ideals which Ameirca is supposed to encompass.

I bleieve that revolutions are desired so that mass waepons and mimiltary force can be used against civilians, disgruntled by thee "system" that oppresses them, more and moreso as time goes by and the top 1 percent dwindles down to the .05 % of the top while more and more are strulggling and dying in the streets or being killed by cops and military juntas and forces. More riots in the streets will mean more Martial Law ordinances and then laws breaching all constitutional rights. That is what I bleieve this movie was engenering and subliminally enhancing into the sconsciousness of the viewers. This movie alone had billions of viewers around the world.

I am going to stop this analysis right here, as typing is fraught with mistakes and my brain is being blankketed and I'm tired of not being able to reach anyone with my rwiting except for more terrorists hackking and blocking my bwebsites and pages from being actually published.

All my attempts to actually get my blog advertised or read, all is for naught. I am blocked frrom all outside access. I therefore remain forced to live in terorist violent conditions and unable to fafford to defend myself with living in a place with at least solid walls--a nd I mean a real decent home wiith happy, beautiful things and people around me instead of disgusting minorities always spraying disgusting sprays into my home and body so they can get promoted by colonisliatic Nazi bigot handlers telling them what to think, ewear, eat and behave as they obey completely and blindely without hesitation (or risk being destroyed if they disobey).


I am going to try to find some offline platform to save or writ emy posts, as probably what I wriite is being obliterated from the interentet and only the hater terrorists have access to whta I write.

They rreally truly are disgusting and I so wish that people would be able to act defenseively or protect me, but with all sielncing of my writing and of my situatioon, with no o0ne around me in eveyr place I have gone for years participating in this...

but you can watch the movies by thesee terrorist who are assured that nothing is ever going to happen to their careers let alone terms of justice appolied to rape, torture, disfigurement, murder attempts, theft of my CAT, and others endlessly exonerated by  persident after preseient. They are exalted and confirmed into the hallowed abyss of the Satanists who control and use them to spawn their hate societyof genocide for hire theft for prosperity and oppression as political satire turhned into movies about death, murder and redepmption of the victims of society, played by millionaires or billionaires in HH-wood who act with absolute supreme hate at me, and confirmed with conviction that there will never be any legal action or defense for me--as they continue to pump out their hate and redemption and righteousl salvaging of the black underdog, the white underdog, the rape victim, etc etc and all these actosr absolutely participate in all these foul crimes against me.

Thus the joke particle, elevated by the platform of public excitement that a white male can play so well that he actually acts like a real artist--so devolved the theater of public media is that when one actor behaves like he's actually an artist it's like the world is stunned---

but then, when the energy is not pumped into the endless titilalation of violence as redemption, organized chaose as a rejuvinating streeet explosion of violence, murder and hate as the elevating sense of identity--giving eh viewers csome catharsis for their own real and imagined sense of depreciation in a soystem designed now to create a very deadly, aristocratic society where people can be slaughtered in teh streets and if htey protext, the governments have huge militarized waepons that can blast out dear drums or burn entire groups to ao crisp--the technological weapons aimed at crowd control will quickly eliminate all the disssenting hoards, who scream and yell at the streets. The facial recognition software can identify all thepoeple protesting as the ganag stalking orgniaztion can quitely eliminate them--lets say, wiht a pandemic or other diseases, acciedents, or floods, etc.

Not a very delusional or parnoid association if you confront the terorist stalking organization daily, as i do. It makes one more familiar with the tactic and the style of covert assassination and control.

And thus, the writers and actors continue to attack me so they can simply suck out the ideas by the thought-reading teh and by teleporting me to phyhsical assault and death threats when I fight to stop them from picking my idaes, as they blank out my braiin when I try to have a career and write, and block all opportunities for expression or creativity and all avenues of financial solvency.


I will try very hard to save my written posts on some device. What I write, despite having put a copyright symbol on this blog, is always open, like open source, for the rapists and terrorists to steal because they operate as agents in the media. The contract out on me entails stealing ideas from me just to fab at my psyche as much as possible. One of the people who made a film based on the concept I wrote that I am under attack this much because when I had the chance to compete, I won top prizes and therefore, due to racism I have been paralyzed and raped as a form of "humiliation" (not for them of course, they are the pornographic heroes of society for the cock rock jocks and jokers and clowns to admire and pay and rave about). 

I also wanted to state, but "forgot" that for years I have described these jokers in the media who are terrorists teleporting me and using their terrorist organization to make my home and body destroyed, I called them CLOWNS for years in these ranting, drugged up Facebook posts which also served as information for them to steal, per terms of this contract out on me.

That ties into the clown theme, perhaps there is a direct connection between this contract out on me, the actors/writers using this theme to elevate the concepts of outcast outsider (supposed loser/loner_ attaining redemption through MURDER   with masses of street people, disenfranchised, revolting and thus reclaiming their sense of pride in their lost paradisical humanity. Clowns, cloying clowns and grasping rapists and terrorising traumatizing Nazis, parasites, etc etc are the terms I have used for the very wealthy actors who are cranking out this mind control propaganda for the masses to latch onto. Raking in millions more, as they glare in hate at me or participate from the crowds of them sitting in rows as they teleport me to watch me fight, after being assaulted in these teleportation episodes (all put on film, no doubt for the "Dark Web" and other informational tutorials on how to get what you want using this new tech/terrorist organization drug/tech interface genocide systematic hate).


A half hour later: I "remembered" what had been blanket-out from my memory by the tech/terrorist/hackers when I tried to begin to describe how some actor/writers used my concept of Nazis thwarting my life because I kept competing and winningg when I was not made parralyzed and incoherent from drugging and under non-stop terrorist attackk by "them". the actoor is "blackk" and turned my concept into a male, black situation. I wrote about this on Facebook years ago. hundreds of posts ago. However, it comes to mind because this movie also went up the charts of public approval suported by Nazi mafia and completely funded by white supremacists and theiir Nazi, foreign ilk. I beolieve/know" that this blackk male and his group stole my concept sbecause first, a plethora of his videos appeard on my YouTube channel (the portal through which many a rapist/perpetrtorr male/female "celebrity" had stolen ideas and planted the stolen concepts on my channel, or put theiir endles videos so if I click on one, they can teleport me and then claim I am paranoid, schizophrenic and delusional as they pilfer, rape and torture wiith asolute exonneration by all law and up to the Executive with full promotion and $$$$$!!!! Oh yeah hooray Whorewood exalts in this !!!

Not just this onslaught of videos, but videos verbatim using phrases I have witten on my Facebook page. "AM I the only one?{ I wrote being teeleported and raped and tortured? This exact phrase was stolen verbatim by this black male to portray a rape scenario, but put in light of blackk male underdog pretenses. The usual configuration of underdog movie selling hypocrisy cranked out by multi-milioniiare rapist abusers mafia Nazis and their genocidal supporters.

It is very very hard for me to write and I am exhausted from this efort. Who is reading this besides terorists? Or maybe some people who "care" when they are "safe" and can then "care" as the usual habit is when crimes perpetratred by State "actors" is lfeft silenced until it's safe for the concened public to show sympathy--usually when the victims and perpetrators are long dead and they are given theokay signal by the perpetrator subsequent generations--swho then use thematerial to foment fake opposition aginast their entrenched oppression but put into jake sympathetic light in these waves of concern over the situation too long dead to be a tthreat anylonger to the terorists who always seem to get out unscathed afterwards. Except for a few iconimc symbolic clowns who get stuck in the crossfire of public enraged witch hunt actions as catharsis for the huge massive generational recurring landscape.


Again, after my brqain was put into a ramblling mode and then I "forgot" to add the most incisive point: the blackk male who I believe stole my concepts, participating in this contract but not openly assaulting me in these sickening teleportation skkits. One of the tv skits he put on my YouTube channel was of him saying that someone had stolen ideas, but "your ideas are so bad" was his reply. This was put prominantly on my channel. I took it as a token sign of the signature of the contract out on me, to humilliate and insult all I work for that they steal, claiming only they are intelligent and I am supposed to be "stupid" a "b-word" and etc etc profanities, after they steal all they can and act like stupid apes which they then ridicule by having apes holding up the middle finger worn on teeshirts by terrorists who follow me and nearly hit and drive into me in the Thai roads--so I will notice their hate symbols.

One of their MO's is to mock and "laugh" about my hate responses by calling them apes and pigs and etx. Their strategy is to joke and be Jokers about my rsesponses by calling it all stupid. Particularly raciaml slurs that are encased into the public consciousness, which are stupid and ugly. If I try to create my own, such as the Mafia outof Brooklyn or Italy, as there are very few insults that are so established as the black and Jewish "jokes" and hate slurs--they mock and insult tring to diminsh the impact of the created insults I make to laugh about them myself. They then augment their reversal mockery wiith violence and tortrure. I remain fighting alone and fighting just to type agiout this.

What JOKERS they really are, but not fun or funny. How does the woorld at large actually buy into their jesting joker media personalities and the lies that they continuously crank out? Oh yes, much of the world that had fought against this Old World Disorder have already been killed. The rest firmly buy with real money into the media purchases that create these billionaire rapist hedonistic soulless sadists who are promoted by all players in the leadership death thrones sitting atop with splendor of genocide filthy lucre that they obtained from MURDER. Endless movies about MURDER and death put into near jocular jesting joker format. All murderers are emulated and turned into heroes! Mafia movies especially abound, now in Latino and all other country formats!!!

A more exact explanation of the Higgs-Boson "God Particle" video, leading to the conclusion that the non-random cascading effect of the JOKER PARTICLE is being aimed, through the electronic force of the boob tube phenonmena, into the brains and cerebral cortexes, massive dimishment of E=mc2 of the brain mass due to endless radiation effect of the Joker Particle blasting each and every brain cell until brain mass diminishes, allowing the Joker Particle to penetrate and cause massive deflation and implosion effects.

In the end, the Anti-God force field exacts an anti-gravitational field around brain mass, causing massive implosion into a CLASS WAR AND REVOLUTION in the inhabitant of the diminished brain mass. This saves time for obscene legislation aimed at curbing the excessive demands of the ruling centrifugal force field of the Goddless Particle which accelerates the more money you put into the machine.

Causing white, male surburban males to contemplate growing dreadlocks and listening to Rage Against the Machine and watching more movies with songs of revolution so they can feel appeased about their need for absolute power and control which their controllers dictate to them until they "grow up" and assume the mantle of oppressive Godlike goddless Particle acceleration into assumption.

All the while watching the movie Jocker until they can reach this point of calcification and rigidity so they will never fall into the trap of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, aka Entropy. Too stiff to fall into the supine position of thinking and pondering and being loose, flowing and alive with energy.

The band collectin' all those royalties for the movie, a precursor to The Joker. All the white angry males now have children they can protect with control out-of-control----assuming the mantle and their children rebel. Oh Joker particle spawning masses creating chaos bringing order out of chaos.

MUSE-SICK for the masses, pulling forces apart. Revolutiion Joker Particle pulling the joke on the masses the joke is on/in/out/within pulling forces apart. The Matrix yawns with each stagnating Joker Particle that descends in entropic fashion into the depths of the revolution that came around to the slaughter of the masses echoing it's last revolution that came before the old men were replaced by younger angry men who then were killed off by the old men resuming power. The Joker heckles and laughs and resumes his silent vulture existence, waiting for the next spawning turn of the wheel revolving around a centrifuge of stagnating energy, where solid structures are assumed to never really fall or collapse under the weight of the masses pounding to reach a more stable but negative state of equilibrium within the dynamics of zero gravity forces impoverishing starvation dissolution revolution.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...