Hackers are also blocking the font size. I am now using a large font, but when I try to publish the print size is always at some very small size. I copy, and then click on the font size to increase it and the font remains at the very small size. Today I used the "largest" font size and that worked, so maybe the malware or hackers have blocked the "large" size, I really don't know. The writings I attempted to put out are so rewritten by hackers that most of the congruency has been deleted and rewritten BY THEM.
I also slept for another 7 hours after waking up this morning. The detox situation that has been ongoing for 10 years, literally, is at this point where the poisons hard into my spine/hips/legs/skull etc all over my body embedded into the bone structure, plugging up viscerae and and it's incredibly deadly and amazing that I have survived for so long. My ability and propensity to exercise has helped greatly. This group has blocked my ability to exercise not only by blocking all exercise through the poisoning, but blocking all financial earnings so I can't live in a house in Thailand, renting, which has a private pool. The cost is $1000 month, which I think I could have obtained if my internet were not endlessly blocked and all avenues of earnings completely blocked as my internet is always blocked from the public World Wide Web. I remain in a kind of cloistered internet framework with only scoundrels of the terrorist organization having access to my writing or my attempts to obtain relavant information.
Today, absolutely sick from the poison which is at this stage where it's so toxic I can't function any longer. I am beginning another fasting and I have to gorge on food until my body bloats up so badly, after more pieces of this hard stuff come out, I am ill for days as the poisons eek out into my blood stream and I must fight not only terror and abuse while sleeping but from the terror agents cutting into my body. Today after I drank a cup of green tea, for this first day of sickness and detox, because I have to wait until my body can't take any more eating as I bloat up, pieces of the hard poison endlessly crumble off and it's such a slow process (10 years) and so, sick and bloated and poisons blocked in my abdomen and into my bloodstream, I was so ill this morning plus YEARS of violence, torture, rape and endless fighting to preserve my body and the stress has aged me broken my immune system down and these billionaires and millionaires have REFUSED to help me with the most basic health care--while attacking me, trying to break my body and leaving me fighting for remedies online as they attack without end but seeing that I am shitting poison out in reams every single day as they with no compassion or any humanity whatsoever are torturing me day and night for YEARS without end, from one to the next, to obtain ideas about everything from feminism to creative concepts and they have not stopped I keep seeing my ideas I can barely type out, written with endless "mistakes" as they retain the original that I attempt to t ype and just go stealing and stealing ideas--=for TEN YEARS AND LONGER--ONE OF THEM SINCE 1987 HE'S GONE ON AND ON. After of course poisoning me with intention to murder me.
So I slept and my entire body was exposed, for the first time in YEARS I slept in utter sickness, unable to move, and I had the patio sliding doors open so I could sleep with fresh air for the first time in years. Literally all my life, in America and in other countries, in winter and summer (because the terrorists always made my room smell bad) so I slept with a window cracked open even in the coldest of winter (mostly I mean), For the past 6 years I have had to sleep with fungus poured into my room and body, with windows not just closed but sealed so nothing can break through with these mechanical arms. Seeing of course, today, that I collapsed that I am very ill, the parasite pig apes attacking me took no hesitation to slice into the area between the large left toe that they have broken twice (one of the times, the last time a few months ago, was after a rotten English bigot Nazi who is famous for being "punk" rocker, a bloated nasty mean-spirited fake slathering his vitriol about how "people" and "human beings" are being downtrodden. After being allowed to live in fascist, Nazi Los Angeles and enjoying fame and fortune, with his ugly frumpy-looking German wife who probably has obtained endless plastic surgery (the "alternative" type who has encouraged this fake to become as fascist as the worst of the bigots attacking me and...) he appeared ugly and bloated in a way that to me signaled that he may be poisoned with the hardening poison that many besides me have been poisoned by. I have written of this in an earlier post. But, like the black aprah who is such a heinous rotten ugly parasitic skanky whore I can't express how rotten and stupid and sick these creeple are--after he then teleported me because these pig apes are "reading" my thoughts, he asked me for detox and healing tips. Not understanding how exactly fake and rotten this English absolutely filthy fascist nazi bigot really is behind all the 1970's punk memorabilia that has kept this fake posturing pig ape into some kind of fame (and fortune): I told him tips and cared. He responded with no thank you, nothing but this expectation that I am "supposed" to just hand him information which he may be able to sell of as his own concept while observing, as he has been like they all have been in Whorewood, my rape, torture and disfigurement and doing NOTHING but smirking in delight once they get to inflict their psychoses upon me as well. I thought that this pig had responded exactly like a Danish satanist had responded and that there is little difference between the two and immediately the next day he teleported me and threatened me if I published this THOUGHT that they were stealing. Right now I have to backspace without end as hackers are juxtiposing letters while I type. Thus, they forced an accident on me by drizzling extremely slippery oil on the hillside outside my condo while I was driving down my bike slipped underneath me. My toe which had already been broken was then injured but there was no damage, but it was sore. That same night, in a sleeping state the terrorists then rebroke the toe because I had injured it and every accident is an opportunity that they take to really damage and break bones and vertebrae when I fall due to their microchips and their incredible organization of attack. All funded by THE US GOVERNMENT as I now see all my life.
At this point, I have re-read the above and saw hackers had deleted words and parts of sentences. First, they leave mostly intact all the descriptions of violence, rape and torture. This is the titillation that the parasites these pig apes are trying to impress want to read of daily--the daily report of rape, torture and disfigurement as they mentally or in reality masturbate over the violence they are inflicting upon me. Those portions remain mostly intact for every post. My descriptions of the heinous stupidity and ugliness of these famous (ne-er do well scumbags really, in reality) celebrities and politicians--well, that content is highly redacted to make little sense as words are deleted by hackers and sentences are partially deleted and then strung together--above, I was trying to write about sleeping with fresh air for the first time in years. Not only was my brain utterly confounded by the technology blasting into my neural firing and blocking cognitive functioning---but the hackers went at it--you can really only get a straight reading of the portions about abuse and rape and disfigurement on all my posts, which are the highlight of the pig apes attacking me to read as this is how they continue to get promoted. Every act of violence is met with a promotion for them, and all ideas they steal become the basis of huge studio bonuses and production costs.
I had written about a "Danish satanist" who, as the hackers and the brain-attackers simply blocked from my brain and ability to write, because I spend most of the time as I write struggling to backspace to correct as I have to increasingly pound down on keys to get anything out--otherwise if I press lightly nothing comes out and I must fight with all exertion to pound down to get anything out whatsoever. Because they are blocking my ability to exercise and breathe in fresh air at night but I must instead breathe in fungus all night because they have forced utter poverty on me, blocked all access to other real estate and I must live with sealed off windows all night and am thus poisoned so badly my entire body has stagnated and corroded due to their attacks. But, I was trying to write about a Danish heavy metal Satanist/Nazi who attacked me because I clicked on a movie on a really sick nasty alternative website for streaming movies--in all my sickness I tried to get outside of the stupid Whorewood movie arena and to try to get rid of these scumbags who have attacked me because I click on a page that features their shitty movies. Instead, I got a Satanic heavy metal man (married with children of course). He behaved exactly like the English "left wing" rotten pretender and I was only THINKING to myself about a possible story plot and how they are almost the same thing. I was threatened to not write this and my toe broken and then tissue gouged out of my foot to literally try to make my toe severed off slowly.
I am really under extreme brain-altering attack every time I write and in addition to hacking and endless backspacing and pounding down I can never get anything out before hackers rewrite what I have written anyway. But you readers keep on allowing them to get away with all of this endlessly--year after year--until society itself is in such a state of complete shock from all your rotten do-nothing parasitic exploitation of every single thing possible--this technology these pig apes are using upon me exaggerate a psychopathic megalomaniac behavioral propensity that perhaps already exists in these whores out of whorewood who are then handed every kind of orgiastic luxury so they can run for politics and destroy the United States and all while they are on vacation in Europigape land buying up properties and shopping for luxury items with the Europigapes who are fascist as Hell supporting them fully and plying them with more goodies for their snoring pig addictions. That is the reality behind all the endless deterioration of the United States-and as I wrote, Aprah (and you know, that bloated matriarchal comforting black woman whose tv shows I could never get through a single episode it was so banal and I could see obviously her role and part that she plays--consoling all them white folks with all their problems with her fake sort of "urban" speech patterns it was revolting and in person she's a disgusting rotten parasite with expectations of RUNNING FOR US PRESIDENT and now JZ obvious wants to obtain a power position of political importance AND HOW MANY OF THESE INCOMPETENT IGNORAMUS WHORES ARE AMERICANS GOING TO VOTE FOR LIKE RAY-GUN THEY WILL DECIMATE THE ECONOMY TO FEED THE GREED OF THEIR power brokers and....I stop here as it's tiresome endlessly writing about this for years and years to only have more and more of these zombie idiots coming after me to obtain ideas--now another politician and I sit here fighting to survive endless poisoning with no fresh air no exercise and they keep on spraying fungus and toxins in my room and I must sleep with no fresh air, no exercise to cleanse my poisoned body and they just keep on attacking me slowly to death so fascist nazis who control whorewood hand them more promotions because they want to hear me crying for help for the rest of my life, which is why all my descriptions of rape, abuse and poisoning remain relatively unhacked while all my depictions of the heinously stupid behavior of these pigs and apes and hyenas is blocked, hacked and they remain with no incrimination no stop by politicians who keep these pigs as their political companions to the K-rap they put out about caring about the American public while they are handing out these death and torture technologies to more and more of these stalking death squads and now more blacks are being inducted into these organizations as the desperation that the failed economic policies, plus the endless display of conspicuous wealth that these fake black Nazi operators display plus their endless angry songs and rap K-rap about how they are fighting racism and soon they will become the next Nazi black poster child running for president alongside their fascist white Nazi counterparts who claim they are "liberal" while the white supremacists "hate" them all but still, the billions of dollars for that rotten industry appears to be provided exactly by these ultra-nazi "right wing" pornographers who love hearing about me being raped and tortured just like a reality porn hate tv show put on the "dark web" for their even darker aspirations at handing America over to Nazi Europigapes with these rotten whores spouting all lies and deceptions and exactly bringing such a scenario into rotten fruition (rotten fruit that they are--making my body rotten as I fight endlessly and still I remain here a prisoner of their hate with no relief and no entity defending me with all this screaming about protecting the First Amendment, the blacks on the YouTube pro-black activist entertrainment channels are descrying how the First Amendment is being blocked by Nazis but they participate in blocking my content WHILE THEY ARE STEALING FRAGMENTS AND PARTS OF IT so they can continue to crank out their do-nothing diatribes about how nasty and bad racism is.
But, in the interim, the group of pig ape terrorists have cut into the webbing between these toes and have cut it not only to the bone but have gouged out tissue so the bone is cut and there is a huge gap--cutting off blood supply and they have done this for years, daily (before they rebroke my toe as well). So drugged for so long I have not been able to ascertain the extent of their violence as they have been raping me and all I could observe immediately was fungus poured into my hair, ears (into the ear canals) and my vagina and my room stinking of fungus each and every single day on all objects. I have been forced to close all doors so I can try to stop their endless death attacks albeit slow murder which I have been fighting and fighting while so ill from their poisoning I can't move, as they continue to poison and drug me so it's MURDER. These apes then, two nights ago, rotten Aprah and this rotten JZ creep, who is a thug with his creepy gyrating wife, they are obnoxious and absolute black nazis--obviously like Aprah with plans to run for US PRESIDENT like all the preceding ones who are currently supporting them. They attacked me for my THOUGHTS just like the white bigot who partners with them in this by now huge operation of scores of actors, performers and politicians of some of the highest public standing in the world--attacking me to obtain ideas but moreso because of the contract out on me to torture me to death and abuse ideas out of me and then especially with these pigs it's attack for my thoughts--from the people who scream and shout and sing and make their crappy movies (based on ideas they stole from me) about how a technocratic society is going to close off freedom of speech and human rights. So engrossed in attacking me with all blocks to freedom of speech and human rights they behave like entitled enfant terrible and all backed by fascist Nazis coming out of Germany and in that general region (France as well).
Today I literally passed out from poisoning and I slept for the first time with fresh air and the sound of the few remaining birds that have not been shot and killed on the hillside outside my window. They hide behind the rocks behind the crest of the hillside while when I first moved in the entire hillside was covered in birds and flowers. It's all completely bare and the last lizard which I had formed a bond with, I would call to it, it came out from it's crevice in the rocks, and stared at me and etc. It was out on the rocks every day and this sick psycho had it blown up, the entire crevice of the rocks--when I screamed after saying NO to it's demand that I provide it with a baby so it and it's family can obtain more than all they have been handed by this US and now foreign fascist Nazi conglomerate which controls all these stupid and meaningless pig ape whores.
But they cut into that formerly gouged out part of my foot, they cut into my gum tissue and I was teleported to extremely violent murder scenes in teleportation.
They are disgusting and foul. Please get this group of shit off me--the names, I could go on a huge list and I would not be able to "access" all their names because this is over 10 years of pig after pig teleporting me alongside rotten pieces of crap out of Europigapeland sponsoring this kind of technology and training the pig apes out of America who posture as "liberals" defending every humanistic cause but really are the most fastidious and cloying conservative fascists possible--gloating over this technology and aiming their hate at me and endlessly being awarded and handed every top prize and coveted position for employing these fascist Nazi protocols upon me.
So I urge you people reading this who actually care about "Democracy" that if you don't want meaningless stupid and psychopathic whores to continue to sell your country to the nearest fascist leadership in a consortium of greed, stupidity and death-mongering nature-killing pig apes, then you should actually pay attention to what I am writing and also get them off me as the longer they pass me around the more idiots are put into highest positions where they suck out all they can steal. The enormous "power" they inhale while torturing me has enabled them to become absolutely stupid psychopaths engendering murderous and death-to-nature plans and operations.
The re-reading my posts yesterday and seeing how badly hackers had inserted letters into words to make them foul and disgusting. Waking up to decorations I put on the walls slashed and ripped off and hanging off, shredded. I described briefly above that I had taken off the clothing which I have sewn to cover my hands. In order for the terrorists to reach my hands to slice under my fingernails and re-open the huge internal wounds that are huge welts of bloody red skin and partially dead fingernails--I must take off my clothing--so this group, which has groups of people brainstorming on how to attack me on a daily basis (they must hold meetings every day for what attacks, at what frequency and how to destroy all my defenses with their teams surrounding me, surveillance equipment and drugging which keeps me too ill to move--every single day). I then was hynpotized to take my clothing and tape covering my body off while I was then literally attacked by microchips or remote tech to pass-out and faint so after taking my clothing off and taking the layers of packaging tape I cover my body with to try to avert the cutting and smearing of damaging chemicals on my skin and hair--they just cut into my gums , my hands are cut into so there are huge red bloody welts under the skin, cut to the bone every single day. I have not inspected anything else but my body smells like faintly nasty odors while I put perfume on last night my body was clean and now it's been smeared with some nasty greasy substance. My hair is nasty and it's always partially balding (this began four years ago, making my hair fall out--that was after fighting to stop them from making my hair fall out after I dyed it a beautiful color created years ago, which I wrote of yesterday in this horrifically stress and drugging state of imposed attack upon my nervous system along with hacking while my brain is basically blocked from functioning while my motor skills are blocked and the keyboard is so badly hacked and has so much malware that it won't operate and then after I finally get something out, hackers then rewrite what I have published.
All to claim that they are "superior" to me. I remain here in utter poverty due to their block of every financial avenue I have pursued for years while they rake in millions for having stolen ideas from me, in a rotating circle of H-wood creep parasites who never tire of slapping, hitting, punching, raping and assaulting me if possible daily and they never stop for years.
I just saw another black sexual assaulter (who has teleported me to insulting sexual assault--however, I only consider him to have insulted himself, but of course, according to this group, the means suits the ends and when these pig apes teleport and assault me and they are exonerate and exempt from all litigation or conviction, they are told that it's me who is the shamed and humiliated one, not they. This black terrorist advocate of black supremacy, who has an Ivy-League education and "represents" blacks in the higher echelons of white supremacist elitist ivy-coated ranks of white supremacy: welcomed and endlessly touted as a high-ranking "intellectual" and then as a "black" but---operating for the white bigots who promote him to do their bidding and their agenda. They (he was interviewed by a YouTuber who is extremely articulate, I consider him to be a genius of sordid sorts although his demeanor is actually of good intention he is just another black nazi of this black caucus who also operates alongside the "Illuminati" "Lion King" wanna-be US President pop stars and rappers and actors who attack me, collaterally or directly through these terrorist networks and through the indirect/direct teleportation crime that they are absolutely absolved of all legal action and are endlessly promoted by the foreign Nazi-controlled media (from what I have seen of this scene all these years, they are absolutely under the thumb of Europigape Nazis who expect to be handed everything for free to infiltrate the US Media. These rotten actors and rappers are only too delighted to be handed shopping sprees, not insulted by racist whites in Italy and in France as they gorged on Louis Vuitton and are welcomed into the gold-plated halls of the fashion industry. I have also been attacked by fashion models who are black and out of Europe, who are adamant about attacking me--actually they attacked me (I mean she attacked me) for the white bigots, the minority always at the forefront of the attacks while the white Nazis who instruct them on how to act, and what to do, stand back smirking and smug as these performers enact the hate skits while they feign that they deplore racism. Oh, it never ends.
Yesterday, after fighting to type, as right now ,the same exertion upon my brain, nervous system and body is making thinking extremely difficult. Typing is like having to individually pound down on each keystroke to get the keys to operate as if I do not press down with my entire hand literally pounding down the keys won't display anything.
The blacks in this interview--the elitist black "intellectual" who alters his voice for blacks of the "street" level Nazi organization who pose as "fighting" against racism because they are allotted these spaces and not hampered, poisoned or drugged into incoherency by these terrorist operators as I am daily. The title of this video that was hacked into my YouTube feed main page was about Obama and the Third Term of his administration. On clicking on the video--and only because of the man who runs this page not for the man who had teleported and masturbated in front of me with a huge crocodile predatorial smile of glee that I am being raped while he's descrying black women being raped by whites in slave times AND yet, so happy it's happening to me and he will participate in it as his ratings within the organization continue to rise while the white "intellectuals" continue to give him unadulturated welcome into their lecture halls. Not that he hasn't done the work to have achieved high ranks within the intellectual community, but his insulting bearing and demeanor and the change of his tone of voice from the white lectures and the black groups, where he bends down as if to talk on a low level while addressing a black (poor) crowd so differs from the erect and "erudite" posturing and tone-of-voice he uses to impress his white colleagues in the Ivy-league lectures. Look it up on You Tube it's there for the world to see.
Instead of a discussion on Obama, because I clicked this page off abruptly after more than 20 minutes of these men mentioning books but not getting into the subject or content of the books, and then discussing the rappers of pop culture who are "fighting" racism and operating for "the black man" and one of these was the very black rap K-rap huge celebrity who is so famous for his angry songs and lyrics explaining slavery and racism--who has operated with his wife to attack me, as they posture in Lion King self-grandizing (the bigger the lie, the more the Nazi groups will follow it) and that is apparent at this very moment in history so I mean only that any huge lie to create a myth is being welcomed because reality is not a salesworthy pitch and people buy into delusions if only they can associate themselves with a grandiosity. They mentioned as if these pop culture icons are of highest intellectual capacity in their lyrics, which many a person of lower status can also crank out (and I do not insult them or the points they make, only in the hypocrisy that I have endlessly encountered from the various levels within this vertical and horizontal structure of this Nazi/Illuminati/Freemason and their various sub-entity factions of varied different names, groups, identifications but globalization has also reached international status within the operations of these groups to form a one-world system of inter-related technocracy which is now openly becoming a vicious tyrannical autocracy. One of the only countries that appears to be not as fascist as America is Germany (the onus and origin of these nefarious divide-and-conquer operations, for a large part but of course I am not an insider I only have been teleported TO insiders of this operation for years now. I have had to see some of their foreign controllers and I know that the leaders of American media who teleport me answer to Europigape controllers who "handle" these actors and politicians.
So, I have to get off YouTube because once I turn on this Wifi my brain is under attack and I literally lose my grounding (while I fight to backspace and correct hacker inserts and typos which appear continuously because the keys are being juxtaposed while I type).
I am influenced to respond to these videos. The "mind control" is so persuasive that I do not understand that it is happening while it is happening (a hallmark of the mind control technology that it is so subtle and pervasive and impossible to detect and even when I do vaguely understand I cannot control it--up to this point because I am so endlessly sick from drugging due to hard poisons that are continuously pumped by this terrorist group into my food because of mechanical arms I cannot stop entering my room and slashing my body and poisoning/drugging my food and destroying my property.
With full gleeful consent and participation by some of the leading "black" Nazi Illuminati/Freemason/terrorists operating as your saviors in the media and in politics.--
This due of terrorist fakes "representing" the "black community" albeit with expertise and professionalism--as I highly respect the man who operates this YouTube channel and I think of him as a genius who operates very well within his expert analysis and production. However, he still "represents" partially this Nazi terror group if only to be "allowed" to have a daily presentation and he is famous for it, and well-deserved too. However, He also is "borrowing" concepts but only at a fragmental stage of theft of my ideas, as he participates in this terror operation out on me so he and his cronies can like all the rest get notice and promotion by leaders of the white bigot consortium that rules and controls THEM. The interchange that these black men had was of endless cooing "My brother this-and-that, and my brothers and my brothers--sometimes they used "sisters" but I can't remember or recall them ever using any woman as any standard to which they held up reverence for the "black struggle". They then went on to commiserate about how they using the term "we" have obtained a wave of power through the George Floyd movement.
I want to state that for years these K-rap rappers they adulate have participated in TORTURE, RAPE AND DISMEMBERMENT of me because I held onto the activism and idealization I obtained from my years of living in MINNEAPOLIS and being part of academic feminist lectures, movements and I imbibed the atmosphere of undiluted concern that these protests have emerged from, as the impetus. The crafted, corrupted and rapist/racist enablers of Whorewood and this intellectual who teleported and jacked-off in front of me with a most hideous and ugly grey-smile of hate and delight that it is ME being raped and not his "sisters" whom he rarely mentions as in the white male supremacist tradition it's really only the males that he refers to when he talks of a power structure and it's leaders.
The purity of fighting against corruption, that is also part of the Minneapolis movement that neither of these men could actually discuss nor understand. The intellectual much moreso than the Youtube lecturer (who I guess has made many mainstream media productions as well--I only heard about him because he lately has begun to hack his videos onto my YouTube pages when I search for the never-ending debacle of this election cycle where tragedies and explosions and death have become a daily terror report on the media--and the looming coup and Martial Law--so I remain busy ensconsed and tied to YouTube to get media information and these terrorists using this mind control technology have infiltrated my every search without impunity and it's a plague of them in scores and droves of their videos for every time I open YouTube, which is every day to catch the news from afar overseas where I now am (no tv as I understand that much mind control programming is used through the boob tube so I have taken all tv's out of my living quarters which are nasty enough from the bombardment of electronic mind control and torture with the terrorists surrounding and attacking me.
I am now exhausted from pounding down on the keyboard, my arms hurt (my biceps) and I have been badly drugged by this team of terrorists which slash into my body, use mind control to get me to take all my clothing and all the packaging tape I cover my body with to stop my skin and body from being damaged to the point of utter permanent scarring on every point of my body and hair and etc--they just forced me to take it all off, using mind control, slashed into my gums and hands and feet and smeared nasty oils and chemicals into my skin and hair and then teleported me to another hate stupid skit as I fight to get them to return my cat(s) and get off me and for some real authority to remove these parasites and for a semblance of justice to take place where I live in peace without terror or torture squads, I am not forced into having a baby with a rapist Nazi and I can live in my own house that these billionaire parasites will have to pay for while they are blocked from using this technology on me or anyone else.
Back to the hypocritical black Nazi caucus that I am describing or trying to pound out with my entire arm by now pounding down:
the energy that was the impetus to the George Floyd movement that these fakes and Black Nazi proponents who NEVER got anything done for ANY ACTION WHATSOEVER except to endlessly blather on and on about the problems with no solutions--or if offering solutions, never actually going out to implement them and to actually risk anything to achieve any change--as the people fighting and being shot at and killed in the streets--which these black Nazis are now taking credit for as "their" brothers and sisters fighting alongside them in the "struggle" and blah blah they go on and on taking credit for behavior that they sexually abused, verbally attacked ME for clinging to in a tempest of torture and violence person after person who raped and attacked me out of the most bigoted white supremacist H-wood "A-list" elitist Nazi cartel ordered them to participate in which they did not need much ordering to comply with--at all. Instead, they viciously attacked me and then, stole ideas and claimed them as their own too.
Again fighting very hard to pound down to get ideas out while my brain is blocked and I am SICK from drugging and poisoning while my brain is currently under a very severe technological attack so it's like I'm dizzy and nearly fainting as I fightj to think while fighting to pound words out on a keyboard where the slightest touch should have words flowing without any block to functioning. I have not been able to do this for YEARS UPON END due to this group which CONTINUES TO STEAL IDEA AFTER IDEA FROM ME BUT CLAIMING IT ALL AS THEIR OWN.
They raped, slapped, punched, assisted in rape and torture of me, these black "brothers" with their adjacent "sisters" as I fought to defend the real human rights that aren't associated with the singular "black" movement but for PEOPLE. That this most racist crime against me is not to be shunned as something that blacks hold no stake in nor care about but even PARTICIPATE IN is a sick crime against the REAL struggle for justice due to racism.
That is a bit of what Minneapolis is about, but you ignorant celebrities and politicians are incognizant of how and what this type of mentality is because you are so concerned with posturing in your Lion King pig sniffing the air nazi postures in your luxury glamor photo-ops for your endless multi-million dollar Nazi-backed investments and studios and productions.
I am now very sick from this attack on my nervous system and body. I got up from this laptop nearly falling down from dizziness, and then now, as I sit here, my head feels like it's slightly imploding as my head feels both light and like it's falling off in heaviness--I am so completely sick from poisoning and my body is too polluted by hardening poisons to move any longer while the soft, liquid poisons remain a huge bloated bubble like a hanging disgusting pot of cottage cheese cellulite (in apperaance, it's poisons hanging off my body the poisons latch onto bone and the poisons that are trapped appear to push up the adipose tissue so it appears like congealed cottage cheese cellulite--in addition to not being able to exercise because I NEED A SWIMMING POOL but these billionaires who have profited off attacking me FOR YEARS cannot help me with a $1000/month rental supplement after YEARS of obtaining ideas which have both promoted them as advocates for alternative causes but also has generated perhaps millions in revenue, in addition to promotions from within this organization of hate and racism that they are enjoying posturing and being promoted as (African) Kings and Queens if they associate themselves with the Nazi and also English Imperialistic insignia of the Lion. They could so easily as the huge group of millionaires/billionaires or very wealthy just contribute a small amount so I can live with a private swimming pool so this congealed crap under my skin that they have also poisoned me with (so obviously they will NEVER offer me a single penny or bit of any kind of help, only torture to death while extracting all possible from me while claiming that the people who have exploded for lack of representation in the media and in politics are really all that they represent and are icons offering political solutions for (if only they will just vote for these Lion King formerly working class Nazis who have never instigated anything but complicity and co-opting of alternative movements in the whoredom which has paid them in billions for their posturing "help" for their masters on the plantation.
I have discovered what and who is eating up my plants and despite my patio being destroyed, flowers ripped off vines just as they are about to blossom, laying on the floor picked off--there are insects on my plants who have eaten all the leaves, I just saw them now because they ate literally all leaves completely off the plant and are sitting there on the bare stalks. That does not exempt the possibility that the terrorists put these insects on my patio which is on the 3rd floor of a condo with a huge parking garage at ground level. Would these insects who, for over 2 years have never been on my patio before, suddenly crawl up three flights of cement to eat my plants?
I am now so ill from the remote mind control attacks that I cannot write any longer or hold my head up as it's like I'm about to faint from these attacks by these terrorists aiming sophisticated technology as representatives for the bigot nazis and there are plenty of those surrounding me who are not famous plastic surgery icons they are obviously not wealthy enough to live in expensive places here in Thailand and so their rancid ugliness is very openly apparent. Some of them all these years are not as fugly as some others, but they are younger who are being handed free rent on their endlessly undeserved vacays for which they continue the policies of genocide and the Holocaust for which their parents and grandparents in their advancing retirement old age instructed them how to lie and feign that they are against for politically correct posturing (very well done in Germany I must say from my years of experiencing of witnessing all of it from the rancid old Nazis at the dinner tables glaring with expectation at the lying fake younger generations to continue the facade of caring--as Germany is so caring about fascism now so against T-rump and so fundamentally against Nazism as while it exists in Germany it must be some "mistake" and is only a small representation of the general population--according to the endlessly repeated scripts that I have been told by warm-smiling hissing snakes called Germans when I lived in Germany. These are funding the people attacking me right now, who are trained in the exquisite art of fundamental deception and it's being sold off to the masses through these generated talk shows, extending to "grass roots' in YouTube presentations (which is blocked from me--I tried to open my own channel and my posts were blocked and censored).
I am too exhausted and sick from "mind control" draining my brain and my body is reacting to attacks: my eyes are tearing up from remote attack affecting my eyeballs (they also attack my vision) and my arms hurt from pounding down while I am so dizzy I can barely sit up any longer.
I got a youtube video put out by a famous whistleblower hacker-with recommendations on software to install that protects against government surveillance. How can I download it with the Government blocking and censoring all my downloads and internet dealings? While terrorists enter my room to get into my computer once I leave, as I cannot carry five heavy bags around with me all the time because I carry so much that I want to have no tampered with when I leave, while these terrorists just rampage my room to wreak filth, spray destroy and steal and then hack into my laptop so I cannot block out these attacks I really need a support system but of course the creeple hacking into this blog are more terrorists of varying orders and levels of the larger structure and of course, you can never affect any real change you only latch onto the people who are risking death in the streets as part of your "struggle" for which you tortured me for exhibiting because I am fighting your system apparently to the death unless and until someone actually intervenes in this, which appears will not happen. But they are all now being championed for representing the actions of people who were so desperate for change because you fakes are PART OF THE PROBLEM and can never affect the change unless it means you will suck out some political power while remaining safely in your high-fashion "Lion" attire in your luxury mansions and houses without having to actually do more than blather out more affirmation for the people you claim are your allies but you have been torturing me to death for having and holding these same ideals of resistance that you currently are torturing me slowly to death to change in torture-based "behavior modification" technology that you ALL latch onto and will use to quell further dissent but as long as you can get political power and shout that you are fighting for change as part of the George Floyd movement which you have never worked to achieve but perhaps wish you had. Still, you attack me regardless of the overt Nazi movement that you have helped to foster into a huge political "base" now marching in the streets with assault rifles while you continue in the safety of the safety net you are allotted by your Nazi handlers to crank out your blathering intellectualism and pulp culture K-rap rap songs and talk shows about how much you are fighting for change.
It is now absolutely painful to use my arm because the keyboard is so stiff and impossible to pound down on any longer. My muscles on my bicep are literally bulging out from exertion at this moment and it's like I have an ache from pounding down to write this.
Am I actually doing anything but entertaining sadistic scumbags when I write these posts who later steal the concepts to use as part of their huge luxury lifestyles of the infamous do-nothing celebrity politico blathering spinning heads circuit controlling the world? Maybe these movements you claim you are part of can effect change, but you will be working under orders to wreak the damage of internal collapse so these groups are infiltrated and eventually made so obsolete that the former blathering conspiracy theory K-rap you have put out for years remains as the most tangible evidence of any fake "resistance" which essentially makes any real change obsolete.
I also have to add that these disgusting, filthy pigs continue to use mechanical arms to break into my room through the panels separating my room from the minion creeps in the rooms next door--to spray stinking foul odors on my blankets, body and clothing. The pig apes who are attacking me are trying to create this endless filth surrounding me to force dilapidation upon me. My body remains covered with scars from their nightly attacks. My skin has been curdled for years by chemicals they smear all over my body. My left large toe is so badly broken that it's pointing at an angle that is making the other toes shift to the left, all point in disarray due to the many times this toe has been broken and I have never harmed this toe myself in any accident--it was broken while I was in a comatose sleeping MK ULTRA state.
They are filthy, they are disgusting. No one ever intervenes. Now the world is in such a state of chaos, which you all watched happen to me which I have spent years non-stop fighting. The same attack system is happening now on a global level. You can thank heartily your heartless celebrities of the A$$list stature and the leaders who you all believe when they chant American Democracy slogans and other progressive beliefs. Really, the situation appears quite dismal at this point. I have told myself to just shut the computer off until after January 20, 2021. Every day they attack me so badly I write just to try to get support, as the attack protocols go that after I write the terrorists reduce the attacks that I describe for a day or for less time, use other attacks, and then resume the other attacks I tried to stop in a rotation just like the pig ape hyenas attacking me go in rotation.
How many years must I beg online for help before someone actually cares about protecting human rights for everybody and not just their own group. If you can only care about your group you will allow the perpetrators to ravage your group when you are still divided against one-another in your minority clusters.
later on the next day. I saw hacker inserts that I had to correct. If anyone read my post yesterday they would have read the hacker inserts. The people inserting their words to change my meaning and making the words I do write a sick joke (i.e., I wrote above the word "impactful" and hackers changed it to impactfoul--just as they had changed the phrase I wrote, "low-brow" into "low-brown". The filth is apparent of their inner mentality. These are merely the not-wealthy shadows and parallel structures of the plastic-surgery counterparts in H -wood who operate with these foul terrorists (English-speakers undoubtedly), perhaps the hacks are from the scum in H-wood and not my minority minion Thais surrounding me pouring the filth for the filthy parasites of H-wood into my home on a daily and non-stop basis.
Dear dumb, a$$ greedy rapist racist black Nazi enablers and white supremacists and German Nazis and I am merely mentioning those who call themselves in a DELUSIONAL attempt to self-promotion that they are "Lions" and thus, the endless reversion of "The Lion King" motif which, is such pure "BULLSHIT' according to William Cooper deary dumb a$$ rapist, racist enablers PLEASE take 45 minutes to listen to this lecture. This lecture is the basis of my analysis of you, and I thought about this after YEARS of you attacking me and your movies and pop song. I thought about how, in a most unregal manner, you are using this technology to continue and not just continue to but support RABID NAZISM while you are being paid to promote "anti-racist" crappy songs and interviews and tv talk shows all with the most compassionate concern for humanity while you torture me year-after-year. Dumb a$$ idiots please listen to this lecture for a moment. For you who are interested, this is a most intelligent deconstruction of a very realistic nature of The Illuminati which holds a huge bearing on our predicament of racism and this "threat" to Democracy that exists at this very moment in history. You can thank these dumb a$$ Whorewood stars of all colors and creeds for this current fiasco and threat to the planet:
PLEASE listen to this lecture it is truly admirable in intelligence and realistic interpretation.
...and then, watch as Obama symbolically hands power over to Trump in this media presentation that is "supposed" to represent a "rift" and that is an illusion which has carried both of them into further political oppositional entertrainment for political purposes. However, if you take the lecture above, especially the symbolism of the PRIEST ape or baboon who the Lion King hands the baby Lion to at the very beginning of the movie, The Lion King. Obama (see clip below) used this as a reference to his "real" birth, claiming with the usual entertaining entrainment, that the clip which was shown as a "joke" should appease the wrath of his ape-like opponent, Trump. However, the exoteric meaning behind the use of this clip which takes The Lion King beginning scene is supposed to be an innocent reference to a fun Disney movie about someone born in Africa. The real fraternal ESOTERIC meaning was a horse of a different color: a reference to the induction of Obama into the fraternal Order of The Illuminati (he was the baby lion in this hyperbole) and Trump was the "Priest" ordaining respectable baptism into the Order which Obama used as a symbolic power-sharing device by playing this clip at the White House Correspondents' Dinner where Trump made his stand, not the last stand but the first stand, for power at the White House officially but in this sense, symbolically. When I consider how much power Trump has within this Illuminati/Freemason organization, I understand that Obama "had to" make a concession and thus, the "beginning of a beautiful friendship" was played out as a hostile attack upon the birth origin of Obama. The meaning was that Obama was not fully baptized into the Fraternal Order and had to compliment Trump by associating Trump with the higher powers of the order, as represented by the Ape-Priest. And thus, Obama referred to Trump and his orange hair (quoting the barbs which were really a reference to) the priestly class of higher and superior intelligence (the apes or whatever simian ape-like animal was portrayed at the opening scene of The Lion King, who had to permit acceptance and give his blessing before the baby Lion could ascend into the next seat OF POWER TO THE THRONE but only with consent of the higher ape class of Priests.) See in the video below that Obama refers to himself as the baby Lion (regarding his birth) and Trump is supposed to represent the "orange"-haired ape or whatever that animal was but it was a PRIEST of a higher rank than the baby, and the higher animal had to give it's esoteric blessing. That shift of power resulting in a power exchange between Obama and Trump, even during the first Obama Administration, was the vert first act of the Trump Administration.
...at this point hackers deleted almost the entire portion of this paragraph that had made reference to the technology they passed to one another for promotion used upon me, this most insidious evil and low-brow (*just now I had to retype the phrase "low-brow" because hackers rewrote it as "low-brown". The hacking is so atrocious and my inability to focus and the expletives I use and insults are so puerile but I am truly being blasted with brain-altering technology and the hackers are really having some sick exercise in ugliness attacking every sentence I write. The creepy rotten people who have just moved into this building, the white fascists from Europe or Russia who are being paid free rent to just hack and attack me and if they could they would be raping and inserting fungus into my body and etc but for now, they are killing beautiful plants, cutting into my body, using subliminals and other forms of sleep-deprivation technology affecting my nervous system to get me to take off my defenses so they can destroy my hair, limbs, digits and skin with damaging chemicals and my food is drugged. After eating I am nearly fainting from the drugs that are being poured into my food. The mechanical arms get through layers of items I glued and pounded into the tiers of panels covering this room on all sides, and despite that they reach many lengths using extremely sophisticated surveillance technology to absolutely attack me in utter darkness going through layers of tape and clothing I am fully covering up my body but I just sit here drugged, sick and fighting to heal endless slices into my body--skin cut to the bone every single day. After years of writing about how I need a safe home I continue to have to write this for my life to save my life from dismemberment and torture to death. The famous icons you all support mis- use of technology and it's ensuing contract of continuing promotion the more vicious they attack and abuse me using teleportation in conjunction with terrorist stalking squads that range in multi-millions of goons. Transferred in this hand-over of power and thus power-sharing (which has culminated in EIGHT MORE YEARS OF BOTH USING THIS TECHNOLOGY ON ME SO INTERNATIONAL NAZI CONCERNS WILL HELP PROMOTE BOTH IN THE MEDIA AND IN THE NAZI CIRCLES WHICH NOW INCLUDE "ELITIST" BLACKS. who turn upon "Jews" like me who actually have nothing to do with the Jewish culture or race except that I was merely born into it, but grew up in Christian white culture with blacks too but almost no jews. I have not been indoctrinated and thus, a target for their de-programming and hate tactics so I can fit into their pyramidal schemata, cliches and stereotypes which pit me at a lower rank than I would otherwise be able to achieve if only they would stop poisoning, drugging and attacking me so I can't do more than sit in a sick daze in paralysis for years in a room being tortured and unable to write without hacking and brain-altering tech forcing hysteria and blocking ability to type, think and convey information WHILE the content is being rewritten and partially deleted and turned into rambling mostly deleted mumbling stuff. I am very upset about how badly the hacking and rewriting destroys what I am trying to convey and how incapable I am of reading, writing and functioning and being unable to express any idea without it being tainted and destroyed by this hacking and brain-altering horrific technology.
Back to the terror groups:Using fully indoctrinated blacks and other minorities they are struggling to fit me into the "hyena" class of subordinate by using this technology to endlessly torture and "traumatize" me into divulging my ideas, so they can posture and claim they are of the "superior" class. I use this division of "class" because The Lion King has the lower realm of hyenas and evil dark-haired lying Lions, and the "good" blonde-haired Lions operating with other "good" animals who do not use ghetto parlance like the "evil" hyenas do (at least in the first Lion King that came out years ago. The one that came out recently has one of the terrorist teleporting stalkers and I could not stand to see another movie and be tortured because I watch their films--which is part of their protocol once I watch their films they teleport and abuse me and I'm "supposed" to love them in return. This is programming for people to be mislead by these media groups and organizations but still "love" their controllers and those who lead them perhaps to death but still loving them until they finally collapse and are destroyed (doesn't that sound like a familiar theme in this current disaster in the history of time which is merely a repetition of this pernicious group which relies upon old formulas--again, see video above on The Lion King as these are ancient formulas for power and control being rehashed in modern media disguised as fun cartoons or Disney or other fun or tragic H-wood movies and presentations.
I insert this after having read up to this point the 3rd attempt to remove hacker inserts and deletions and rewrite: the paragraph just above has parts deleted. I am sick of this endless editing after having written the post fairly well enough for it to be intelligible. It's so hard to get past the hackers blocking key functions that I spend most of the time just backspacing once I fight to rewrite what hackers made so completely rewritten as to have no sense whatsovever. I have already deleted many huge parts of this post because hackers completely deleted sentence after sentence and then strung parts of half sentences remaining together. I also want to add that of late, due to "high season" here in Phuket, another wave of rotten older Europ-a parasitic creep scum has moved into this condo (which is mostly empty) and this happens year after year in all the places I have been forced to live--amongst many other people surrounding me with no options to get out, all financial opportunities blocked so they can continue to torment me and I have no chance to ever even buy food I need to heal and get strong they have left me in such poverty. The scum creeps who stalk me in the halls are rotten disgusting whether they are young or old, but the creepy things they all do is reminiscent of completely decaying rotten corpses brought back to life by hell forces. They are completely rotten and worse than even some of you reading this! They are completely rewriting and hacking this is worse than it has been in a long time. The fugly creeple who are hacking and attacking me with pure filth and stupidity are of a most ugly physical appearance and they really act like filthy greasebags. It's this way every single year. This is under orders from plastic-surgery icons of "beauty" and "culture" within the United States. Your icons. It should demonstrate to you people skeptical of all I write that when I describe these creepy people you should understand that they are just caricatures of the plastic-coated icons but without plastic surgery making them appear glam. The hackers once again are simply inserting letters while I am typing and also making the space bar jump so there are always spaces between letters. this is literally impossible to type and it's very painful to pound down forever to get anything out.
The rest of this must undoubtedly be so confusing and impossible to sort out due to hackers. I am spending hours just fighting to retype what has been completely changed by the hackers so it's impossible to understand what I have already written that was coherent when I wrote it. I am so sick of asking people to stop allowing this system to continue to get me into safety and to stop promoting these people participating in this sick situation. It appears that the next batch is participating to some extent in this crime and thus...I have to leave any change to you unfortunates out there who are suffering SUFFERING due to the excesses of the power struggles and machinations that are harming you that your wonderful black and white leaders have been imposing upon your lives and deaths, because you have all left me to fight without protection or support all these years and what you have done by not doing anything to stop them has created the same conditions of torture and near death upon you as you watched happen to me but DID NOTHING and now it's all coming back to haunt you.
The video below, to continue on the Obama/Trump theme as it relates to the Lion King:
So watch Obama hand power over to Trump back when the "Birther" fake news entrainment spectacle took place at the White House Correspondents' Dinner when Trump had a face-off with Obama while Obama played a clip from The Lion King:
At 3 minutes into the clip is a stark reference to The Lion King---made by Obama in reference to Trump. It was a power-sharing moment because both I make unreservedly but still "hypothetically" are involved in "The Illuminati" organization (or some other offshoot of that organization but labelled under different names and organizations as this is a global organization) and this was an admission that the referencing of Trump as some kind of ape was really an esoteric reference to Trump being of a high order of initiates in the Order, who must bless the "Lion King" (supposedly Obama in this case). Watch the clip, listen to the Cooper lecture to the end.
I regret that the technology and endless fighting to backspace and pound down on keys and my brain being put into a technologically-induced" hate state is blocking my ability to write with a real credible stand. My words are coming out as hissing hate and I realize it would drive people away. I can't help it, I really ask for the billionth time for readers to stop this endless attack upon me so I can write with a sense of calm constraint upon the "lower" nature of hate which YEARS twelve TWELVE YEARS of non-stop torture have produced.
AT 3 minutes is the reference to The Lion King--and The Lion King came out just recently with one of the people teleporting me, amongst the never-reducing huge intertwining circuits of these politicians, actors, "musicians' and others, but this black woman was hissing anti-Semitic hate rants at me while a German (who had raped and assaulted me as she fully supports him and attacks me for him but for his promotions and acceptance) but the German who behaves as if I am to take it by rote that he's automatically superior, as most people have already been brainwashed and trained to make obsequious avowed subservient acknowledgment of automatically without question. Having lived in Germany for almost 6 years I cannot do this if I am able to think and am not utterly drugged and under extreme mind control, as speaking German and living around Germans has shown me that lies and pretensions exist when huge amounts of money have been stolen and the "victors" can buy everyone and everything off from their huge genocidal exploits. However, back to the black racist Nazi "anti-racist/feminist" black female who hissed racist hate at me with her back to the very rabidly racist Nazi type who stood there smiling because they performed his orders so well and completely (as they do in Thailand but even with more slavish devotion than any actor vying for a role has done on any casting couch).
Afterwards, I see the culprits won and won top awards for their media roles; as these same blacks have been awarded once more again this year. Perhaps they think that because he, the white male fascist Nazi, is smiling at them that he's not a "Nazi" assuming that he likes them because they are black and he just loves them so much, is so hip and is far nicer than Americans are (I have heard this very often when I lived in Germany). No, he is smiling because you are such good minions serving the Nazi agenda. You continue to attack me because for playing that subordinate minion role for a German Nazi and for the other Nazis you are so filthy RICH AND FAMOUS for it and you are always told (except when you teleport me) that you are such glamourous, incredible, superior "Lions" and moreso if you hiss hate at me and if you stick your heads up and make Nazi postures and oh my my aren't you just glorified endlessly.
All of them are rapist and racist enablers and if anyone out there assumes that this is "Lion" superiority I don't think that Lions actually would sink to the level of a sub-hyena.
THREE MINUTES INTO THE VIDEO the power-sharing moment depicting the Lion King roars out the mutual support system. The Love for power and $$ and endless nominations and media presentations and both sides claim they are fighting "for America" when they roar out their slogans to the sheeple watching and taking up arms to protect their shepherd wolves in sheeple clothing. At this point these animals who posture and make these claims about how superior they are have been so unjustly violent towards me for so many years because THEY ARE ALL UNDER THE ORDERS OF ANTI-AMERICAN BIGOT NAZIS AND OTHER FOREIGN INFLUENCERS. (I am reading this after having gotten up earlier in a daze, dizzy, unable to walk straight after fighting to type while my brain was attacked. Hackers deleted entire sentences and then parts of other sentences and I can see clearly that this paragraph has been made to have no sense:
Most of this post has been completely altered and when I try to read what is left, so much has been sliced together and deleted I can't even follow what I had written at all.
I have to delete now most of the former paragraphs that I had written earlier.
Because of these politicians and their "this is my friend" cohorts in H-wood, for over 8 years and lognger-I must live with all opportunities to earn money blocked so I must stay in this one position without being able to exercise while I am stuck in poisoning paralysis as they continue to torture me night and day: in a torture /surveillance abuse chamber and am paralyzed and remain being drugged and poisoned with zero support. (again I see that hackers deleted parts of this paragraph and sliced bits and pieces together so this is absolutely unreadable to the point of absolute incoherency (not due to my fault or abilities)
All of this began with the introduction of The Lion King at the White House Correspondents' Dinner years ago, which currently involves two presidents attacking me so they and their cohorts (one for white and black Nazis, the other for black and white Nazis in H-wood), a huge team of billionaires and millionaires is attacking me with hundreds of thousands of blacks, whites and all kinds of mostly nasty people (all are nasty in every single way) attacking me like subhuman scum and laughing like demented hyenas afterwards. The segue to this extreme US government/Executive Branch torture situation using "new" technology began with a clip from The Lion King. It is a symbolic reference to the upper classes of this separate but unequal "superior" group versus the dark, stealth, wicked low class of the evil fake Lions versus the Good light-hearted superior Lion and ape-priest classes. I also want to use another William Cooper reference that Cooper uttered at 12 minutes into his lecture (in above video) about the "Golden Age", which the Illuminati and Freemasons refer to as The Good Old Days when the Order of Life was structured and perfect. The Golden Age really equates to MAGA and it's been oft-used by these secret societies to lure people into a false reality of superiority for many millennium.
OBAMA, TRUMP AND THE LION SUBSERVIENT TO THE HIGHER APE-PRIEST CLASS GRANTING ENTRY INTO THE PORTALS OF POWER in the "golden age" of the pyramid structured secret societies. (referencing William Cooper lecture above, not using a "conspiracy theory" that I am just ranting off on this page).
I do wonder how much of this that I have now spent another 30 minutes retyping will be hacked off the page and then pasted into other sentences, as has happened so far almost every other sentence on this post. I am very tired of rewriting so I am not going to read further and correct what obviously will be more hacked and disorienting horrid hacking. I just want some of this post to at least make a bit of sense after reading and seeing how badly they completely destroyed all that I fought to pound down on the keyboard after backspacing endlessly to correct their inserts which appear while I am typing.
Which sick, stupid psychopath or psychopathic attack should I begin to describe first?
The terrorists are killing a huge, beautiful flowering plant on my patio that I grew from seed, which has grown into a huge, beautiful flowering object on my patio. They just got through killing a new plant flowering with exquisite flowers and now they are killing, ripping flowers off and leaving them on the ground on the patio, etc etc. Yesterday I noticed that leaves had been stripped off branches, but there were a few remaining leaves and flowers. This evening all is bare, completely ripped and shredded off the plant. The plant is now just bare branches and even the new growths that had begun in just one day have been ripped off with the mechanical arms that break through whatever they do on my patio.
The Lion King: I have been pondering the symbolic aspect of the very oft-used and too-often used movie theme of The Lion King. Some of the rappers, talk show hosts and pop singers and politicians who ascribe to this "Lion King" philosophy (for that is surely what it really is, beyond a mere allegorical tale and people may not even be able to discern that the movie is actually an allegory). The theme essentially is about elitism and classism. The "new" Illuminati membership extends now in this "woke" culture beyond black and white. I had been pondering various political events and the entertrainment terrorists attacking me who have used this theme to promote themselves as being of an elitist class. The attack upon me is supposed to infer that I am, of course, not of the elitist class and thus, not "allowed" to even publish my own thoughts or concepts without first being drugged and hacked to the point that writing, thinking and even movement is impossible. One of the women attacking me now with violent mental illness is a huge star for her posturing compassionate interview of mostly the white slave-owners of the Amerikkkan plantation that fund her billion dollar empire. The movie she made that was stolen from a small snippet of ideas that I could barely type or think or write-out by now many years ago, which she could have put into her "book club" but never got to that book because like her interviews, the crappy saccherine K-rap she and (others of this group) crank out are meaningless sentimentality that reaches no heart because the hearts involved are more concerned with shopping stories and baking recipes, which her magazine is sugar-coated with. The concepts that I had written of were regarding a technocratic authoritarian government/ a universal time-travel multi-verse where Love can over-ride the computerized programming of a soulless automatic centralized (real Stalinist/Communist tyranny) society. Or post in the modern era these terrorists I must face when they teleport me, as they are awake, I am sleeping and teleported, drugged and under non-stop torture as I have been for over a decade literally every single day and night.
However, without wanting to get into more of the meat of this carnivore fanatical rabid capitalist fascist group of enter-trainers (mind F*88 operators).
She has been behind attacking me for my very thoughts many times in the past and does not slow down or stop. All of the terrorists are certain that NOTHING is ever going to stop them or protect me and that, like all the other terrorists they are on a parallel organizational immunity with, they will never be anything but pardoned and exempted from Law which they believe is not anything they must adhere to when they can circumvent rape, torture and attempted murder and laugh about it THEY WILL and then they WILL GET MORE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROMOTIONS FOR THEIR STUDIOS, TOURS, MOVIE LEAD ROLES and etc as they dance, gyrate and blather about how they care about "Amerikkkans".
The one who holds up an Illuminati pyramid sign as his open worship of the pyramid master plan which has endowed his "anti-racist" movies and performances with more millions (or billions, I really don't know I don't read the Forbes list) but....his absolute devotion to The Lion King (and you can also see that Obama used this as a reference when he HANDED POWER TO TRUMP in the symbolic gesture when the "Birther" scandal had become the seeming thorn in the regal "paw" of the Obama administration when actually it was, symbolically, the same elitist esoteric statement that represents the concept that there is a class of "Lions" and another class of "Hyenas". Black and white do not matter any longer, now it's just who is who in the predator kingdom and which class of animal is of a more regal nature when it comes to crime and predatory behavior and which is of a low-brow thug class.
I would have written about this more clearly with a creative fiction or story-telling aspect. However, they are now attacking me for just thinking about this and considering how I would write it if the keyboard weren't hacked endlessly, if I were not sick and dizzy daily and unable to literally move from drugging that is endlessly poured into my food and smeared on my body. Also there are electronic weapons aimed at my brain and that causes exhaustion whereby I can't concentrate or think or work (and can't read, which I truly very much miss and want to resume and I get exhausted after reading two pages. Just like when I try to swim the terrorists make my heart palpitate so dangerously that I am heaving for breath after two small laps in a small pool. I grew up winning swimming events and was on swim team for over 8 years during my childhood and into high school).
As for the politician who spoke with such conviction but it appears that my words were borrowed and then conformed to the "Black" struggle (which I am at least on some level supportive of if the words I use were used for a good cause, however due to SO MANY BLACK PEOPLE ATTACKING ME--AS IN, THE TERRORISTS IN THE MEDIA i MENTIONED ABOVE ARE ALL BLACK and all "fighting" against racism
but Black is now "woke" and anti-Semitism is the new genocide (not really, but from my vantage so many blacks have attacked me--from bus stops, to University staff supposed to represent people making claims of discrimination--and from black people everywhere participating with whites attacking me, as back up doing the nasty work and jobs and acting with more vile nastiness almost than the whites--this is also true of other minorities but for some reason the representation of blacks in this terrorist organization attacking me far exceeds the other "races" although in Miami it's Latinos by a huge margin over any other race.
Whatever I write that has any smack of attack upon "black" is met with racist claims against me---as with everything, all I try to use to describe this injustice is turned like a pancake flipped just back on the other side to be burnt to a crisp.
The politician: I wanted her to be the leader and now she has been handed that title. I am very glad. However, when I wrote, "This group has poisoned, raped and disfigured and maimed me (not those exact words but I have written this for years many times over) and it is because IF I COMPETE I WIN AND THEY CAN'T STAND TO HAVE THEIR FAKE CLAIMS OF SUPERIORITY undermined.
Because my brain is under so much attack right now I really cannot type or write with the real words, which have escaped my brain/mind connection. As I type the letters I press are juxtaposed so when I type a sequence to spell a word the letters are literally jumbled by hackers or their malware or attack. All day the laptop has frozen and stopped operating if I just clicked on a page the entire laptop would freeze for at least 5 minutes. It is now nearly impossible for me to type a single word without all being jumbled/juxtaposed by hackers.
The politician: this has been done before with blacks, and with all of them: my words are taken out of context and reformatted back into the "cause" of the people stealing my ideas. She said that if black people were not suppressed in voting they would win. I could look up the exact words, which were almost in the same sequence that I had written the phrase of if/then---the black vote has been suppressed because every time the blacks vote they WIN (HUGE cheers from the crowds in Georgia on this video).
I am now stumbling with my fingers struggling to think of words and get my hand to write and then I am continuously, non-stop fighting to backspace and correct what these people are hacking in with the letter/keyboard block.
I do so hope that this woman who seemed to repeat my words, and I write this because HER VIDEOS have appeared and peculiar not-publicity photo-op photos of her have appeared on my Facebook page, really not professional photos and not of media news sources--just to add to the huge litany of these seemingly untouchable "elitists" but (not saying she is, I get a very good feeling when she speaks, I do not find it so abhorrent that she perhaps stole my words, perhaps_ but I do say this emphatically to all: when you attack another group in the face of this horrendous racist organization which pays you millions and billions to perform acts of brainwashing so the gullible will follow you because you "represent" anti-racist causes but are RESPONSIBLE for one of the most openly racist organizations to inflict violence in the United States for a few decades (as Nazis that you really endorse as they endorse you) are marching in the streets right now fighting to uphold absolute racism which you are also upholding as you gyrate and sing in anger about racism but THEY PROMOTE YOU FOR ATTACKING ME.
WHEN YOU ATTACK ANOTHER PERSON OF A RACE FOR RACIST REASONS BECAUSE YOU THINK IT WILL BEHOOVE YOUR BLACK (A$$) YOU ARE REALY BRINGING EVERYONE DOWN although you may remain in your mansion and continue to have dominance over the industry. What you do now will reverse years of people DYING IN THE STREETS fighting to stop racism and people fighting in WARS TO STOP RACISM. Dumb A$$ES.
What else? I realize that my brain is seriously under bombardment with brain-altering tech. I know that this is the same technology that is, or will be, on a wide national or regional level become a standard form of brainwashing and programming to influence viewing decision-making and to program and brainwash people into loving their enemies and those who want to suppress not just the vote, but your friggin' brain and mind and heart and soul. I truly want to stress that the people attacking me, from my perspective of seeing them, I believe that many or most of them are THEMSELVES BEING PROGRAMMED AND DRUGGED AND ARE UNDER MIND CONTROL.
The hackers are changing the font size now, blocking keys, and I feel sick and dizzy and unable to continue to even think due to how badly my brain and body are being blasted with some form of tecnological assault--I don't know if they are cutting oxyen flow, as I know I have microchips implanted in my throat, in my back, there are scars on my scalp so probably there are items inserted into my brain as well--undoubtedly. I think what has been done to me is now of a more "wireless" form of brain attack and I want you people to know a few things:
What you do to me will be done to you. It is ALREADY happening around the planet on a much wider and larger scale. If you thought you were part of the "Lion" class you are now dismally whining that you never thought "it would happen to me" but it is, because your leaders think of you as "hyenas" and all the other "loser" terms that they are trying to force upon me by poisoning and drugging me, torturing me, making me financially so desperate I have no choice but to submit to their oppression and if they could only program me (as they have successfully done in the past) to become another automated attack unit, turning upon other people or animals upon subliminal command. Like many more people will be doing, out of desperation until there will be almost no more independent people or thinkers except for those who claim they are, in their esoteris fraternal secret societies (call it "Illuminati" if you will, which I know is just one of the terms used because this is a global organization with more and more people and adherents joining and now in this most traumatic time period unless you are one of them, you are going to be exterminated like the "hyena" classes (which are the lower ranks of Blacks, Latinos and Jews and other minorities, IN THE MOVIE THIS IS WHAT THE EVIL HYENAS AND THE LIONS OF THE LESSER FORMS ARE)
AND JUST another dumb a$$ movie I have to try to deconstruct for more people stealing my ideas to continue to steal.
However, because I could not crank out the quotes that perhaps--as I am not definitely stating this but the certainty of this being a theft is HIGH--will she, like all her male and female Nazi counterparts in the media and in politics that have access to this information about me, will she continue to attack me to support the "black cause" or will she actually become a proponent of "change" because, I actually would WIN if I were not suppressed but because one group is attacking me because they are told to continue the HOLOCAUST (where Jews killed other Jews upon order of the Gestapo, and you can bet this same system has been enlarged to include Blacks against Jews, Latinos against Blacks)
so really greedy, not very introspective black people attacking me: when you attack someone of another race, i.e. "Jewish" (as I really am not, just born into a family, am not part of the diaspora, never participated in the rituals or the customs or the social groups, ever except for a few single times sporadically just to investigate, just as I have with Christianity and Paganism and Buddhism and etc just studied religions and wen to various sectors of the grand religious pantheon--but because I do not subscribe you are most vehement in categorizing me and putting me "down" because you are all so engrossed in "representing" your oppressed state that you Must INCLUDE me in your secret sense of shame and being inadequate and "inferior" thus you posture like other species that are also dominant in The Lion King but of a dumb greedy nature and you posture with the Nazi poses using this theme that NAZIS USED about how you are "LIONS" AND THUS predators with class and superiority.
As I have to continue to struggle and fight to pound down on the keys, as now they are stiff. Regardless, the parasites attacking me continue to do so because this contract also entails traumatizing me to obtain a reaction that I write which people steal and use as their own concepts and then THEY in turn abuse and attack me (to death, as this is attack without end for years and murder attempts and slow murder with poisoning and toxicity poured into my food, what I must breathe and endless stress of a most deadly nature and every night the stupid and sick psychos who teleport me demonstrate to me that mere animals like hyenas are far more classy than this bunch of hybrid animals. Just now the hackers highlighted and deleted all that I have written thus far. I retrieved it but I am struggling so hard to pound down and fight to think and move my hands as my brain is under so much attack.
I hope that the newest member of this attack team who I suspect stole my words and used them for "black" voters will not leave me to be tortured by her elitist "anti-racist" buddies who are of the wealthy class who are blocking my finances, my ability to move, who steal my ideas and then rape, torture, sexually assault, threaten and have their minions destroy my property after I think of what utter crap K-rap they crank out and are paid in billions to perform while they "represent" the poor, black people being killed in the streets. I could say more but it's so hard to fight to type. Keys are not printing as I pound down on the keyboard.
I have lost my train of thought and fighting to use correct hyphens and grammar is now impossible because it's too hard just to fight to pound down any longer.
What you idiots do to me you continue to have inflicted upon your precious poor "hyena" blacks who you really disdain but suck out their money as you posture in your "Lion" Nazi pig-sniifing the air postures about how "superior" you are for a few crappy lyrics to a few bass beat rhymes and musical riffs which are repeated with computerized synchronism and repeated and then labeled by your white Nazi organization which provides the promotions, the production and your endless mafia-backed awards for these stupid ceremonies awarding the criminals who steal my ideas and win top awards and the mafia performers who keep "winning" lead roles and prizes and contests year-after-year.
Hyenas would be a compliment to call you blustering dumb-a$$ complicit in RACISM parasites of the lowest order of human society but raised for your grinding gyrating blathering K-rap because you so well fulfill the needs of your bigot, white Nazi masters.
That also goes for the blonde women trying to take over the Weinstein group by being handed their own studios after his huge media monopoly was destroyed by you rapist sleazy parasites who also have stolen my ideas and concepts and then claimed all as your own. There is almost no difference as you are RESPONSIBLE for abortion being nearly destroyed and perhaps will be DUE TO YOUR STUPIDITY YOU DUMB A$$ paraisitic hyenas.
They really ALL act like snoring hyenas but like pig apes, the hybrid that I really consider these paraistic creeps to be, the animals are innocent these are GUILTY.
And I have gone into this brain-altered state where my thoughts are pouring out and turning into hate hyperbole.
I STOP NOW (for today_) and also , this is what these creeps wanted, this written reaction. they have to destroy something and many things in my home and my body every single day plus their stupidity, ugliness, hate, rape and violence inflicted upon me when these worthless billionaires can teleport me to torture ideas, sexual energy (which I have completely programmed myself not to waste on these parasites as they are pornoskank psychopaths and that is a compliment not intending to insult psychopaths or skanks who are superior to these)
and thus, I am under many forms of mind control, the keyboard is being hacked so badly I can barely type, and my brain can't formulate coherent thoughts without this emotional hate digression sinking into hate and rage which has been created by the tech, which is blocking cognitive functioning.
These creeps are being paid to torture me to obtain a reaction so I write. It has been well over ten years, actually since 2008, that I have been tortured so meaningless pornographic sleazy rapist wealthy scumbags can torture ideas out of me, as i write about how ugly and sick "they" are, they then steal the ideas and now it's actually TWELVE YEARS of this going on from the same people, just getting larger year-by-year but the SAME PEOPLE TWELVE YEARS AGO ARE STILL PARTICIPATING IN THIS.
Will you ever, dear leaders of Democratic America, ever stop this violence against me by STOPPING THIS SYSTEM STOPPING THESE PARASITIC LOW-LIFE ANIMALS OF THE LOWEST ORDER OF THE ANIMAL KING/QUEENDOM DUMB DUMB A$$ idiots will anyone ever stop them? Will I ever be "allowed" to write without people stealing my ideas will I ever be "allowed" to not be tortured in my home will I ever not have to fight for my life continuously because blank and meaningless sleazy rapist porno psychopaths want to vent their hate and insecurities out on me and then feel elated as my government supplies them with the tools, weapons, terrorist squads while no one ever intervenes because they are too busy "fighting" for their own "group" to have power not understanding that by allowing this to happen to me they are /you are building the trap that you will yourselves be victimized in? It is already happening to the planet: what has been done to me is now being done to masses of people for a huge genocidal mass population deletion program and the chaos ensuing that has been orchestrated is leading to a division that may never be healed until you greedy, self-serving people stop attacking the innocent so you can be promoted to crank out the divide-and-conquer hate that you are being promoted and paid to trickle down into society through your most heinously mediocre "art" and music and blathering talk show fodder about how billions of dollars have made you more compassionate and you "represent" those being made homeless, shot in the streets and as the white supremacists who control you are telling you to do: blame the "Jews" for it and especially take it out on ME because unlike you I have fought to resist the labels and racist undermining stratification that you are "fighting" against by claiming erroneously that you are superior elitists as you pose in the white Nazi bigot pig-sniffing-the-air Nazi postures and claim you are "Lions" because you made a movie or just claim, as the white pig apes you adore who promote you claim, that by just saying they are superior and using VIOLENCE of a most low and stealthy sleazy nature, you are superior predators and thus, attacking Me MEANS THAT of course you are superior inherently as you drug, poison and attack me while I am sleeping and drugged as you are awake but acting like torture prison camp rapist murdering bigots just as you have been trained to do by those you love who you claim you are "fighting" against as you all stick your dumb but wealthy a$$ pig faces up but claim you are "lions" because you stick your noses up like pigs sniffing the air as you have been coached to do by your Whorewood handlers as they pay you and promote you endlessly.
FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT but if anyone were teleported to these idiots as I have been you could never associate them (or white supremacists or German Nazis) with anything but lying, disgusting, sleazy, rapist pornographic animals of the lowest orders. I have lived in Germany I have lived around poor black people and I have seen these parasites who have been handed so much money and I have been attacked by white people who perform their hate acts like the lowest parasites possible.
Please---the Lion King IS NOT YOU.
This is taking HOURS to write, and rewrite, and recorrect, and backspace and retype. I have tried to change the font size four times. The function works when I am in the edit page, but after I publish none of the changes takes effect. The print is pretty tiny for this page and I have spent another 10 minutes fighting to change all without success due to hackers.
I want to add to the terrorist list that I have made a cap to sleep in so terrorists stop literally shredding my hair and pouring damaging substances into my hair so it's brittle, weak and falling out. Since I have begun to sleep with this cap on, which I sewed a chin strap to and put other constraints upon it so it won't be easily pulled off--I have been "programmed" while sleeping to remove this hate as if I believe that it is nearly morning and I am awake. I pull the hat off in a near sleeping nascent state and then they damage my hair and then take the tape off my mouth which is taped to an entire range of tape covering my face, they use solvents to loosen the tape and they then use the mechanical arm to continue to cut into my teeth and gum tissue, amongst other areas of my body they cut into (the same places) night after night to sever blood arteries or capillaries, cutting off blood flow and severing parts of my body slowly OFF completely, but slowly. I am SO DRUGGED I CAN'T FIGHT THIS. I am always so ill from drugging, and I am also always detoxifying from not only the hard poisons glued into my body but also from more drugging and poisoning that occurs from the mechanical arms entering my room and probably food is drugged when I but it (on sale) on shelves. This group can easily open cans or use factories to drug/poison articles then package them and ship them off to be used by targets. The organization is that extensive and prepared to attack me to that seemingly impossible degree but it's so very possible that it's inevitable for targets.
And, I had wanted to not write until January at least, but night after night I am attacked in this most sickening teleportation hell by these rotten people sucking my life out of me, rejuvenated by their "power" and off they go spouting every humanitarian "liberal" cause possible on the planet...
animal planet of the most disgusting animals that nature never created they must be some creation of some indelible force of life-threatening deterioration.
again, I see that the title (a huge, long paragraph) was partially deleted. It takes so much effort to operate this computer at this point I can't even get to the point to correct. First my head is so dizzy from the attacks I can barely read or think. Above I had written that I must pound down on the keyboard (in the above title) but hackers deleted the words "the keyboard" and just glued together "I must pound the title of this blog) or whatever...it's so disjointed I can't even focus without nearly fainting while fighting to type about how badly hackers are changing everything I write.
this entire post is a sick testament to how sick these people are who are hacking and rewriting my post which was written completely coherently. If I try to rewrite my brain is under so much attack I begin to digress while fighting to correct so even when I try to rewrite correctly my brain is so under attack I can't keep the train-of-thought and I just ramble despite correcting hacker inserts and sentence partial deletions and then restringing together to make aboslutely no sense. It reads like a completely misaligned jumble of disconnected words.