Saturday, January 2, 2021


My inclusion of Sometimes it Snows in April is unfortunately reminiscent of one of the teleporting terrorists who sang this song in his tv show not long before he terrorized me with his gang of terrorist black and white supremacist Nazi-funded fascists who are engaging in this technology to practice absolute hate and violence. All of them claim they are defending the Floyd Minneapolis protests and all I have done for years if defend human rights, mine specifically but also in general terms, for which the protestors were risking being shot in the streets for in the Mpls riots. The terrorists kept asking me why I didn't like being tortured as they continued but now they are riding the waves of huge financial gain by surfing on the populist movement that the protests have enabled them to profit off. They continue to attack me most viciously every single time they possible can (every time they attack me they obtain more rewards and funding--many of them continue non-stop nightly while I am sleeping as they teleport and slap, punch, abuse, rape and torture and they go on collectively and personally FOR YEARS TAKING TURNS AND CONCURRENTLY AS WELL.

These terrorists I have written of for years are being programmed to emit hate into the sound and visual bytes that the masses of viewers consume and digest into their very mental frameworks. They are being trained to become something like all the police who have killed the poor and defenseless in the streets who are now fighting for the right to live without threat of murder from around every corner the cops appear on or if they just barge into the target's homes. This is what I am being bombarded by from these famous celebrities who keep being handed production studios for completing these hate crimes which are all repetitive scripts and protocols. This is why America is being turned into a destroyed country with people saying they want "civil war" and to secede from the union and to kill politicians who don't agree with a Master Plan of power grabs.


Hackers are blocking the page which is freezing (DOS attack) and the font size will not change to the size I have clicked on at least 8 times and it remains at a small size). My sentences are partially deleted. Grammar has been taken out (such as periods and commas and then the sentences are fragments that are sliced together.) I am tired of re-editing so I will leave it all in because after I publish the hackers do the same thing once more).
What I had meant to say about the Prince video is that I do not want this hateful terrorist who just accosted me because these celebrities are increasing the hate and negativity because this contract of forcing a "baby" out of me after they (collectively, none are innocent and none of them cares about all the physical damage their "friends" have ordered to be inflicted which has caused permanent damage to my body) such as: part of my uterus literally severed and cut out as it came out of my body--a few years ago. They want a baby and with absolute hate after years of dismemberment and torture literally on a 24/7 schedule for OVER TEN YEARS WITHOUT A DAY PAUSE they are surrounding me with hate because they want to suck and drain everything else possible out of me. I have been cleaning up toxic filth for over 7 years and meanwhile they have had me poisoned so badly I can barely move and indeed cannot move to clean for hours every day I must clean and clean up the toxic filth they have their terrorist minions spray into my room through the mechanical arms entering/breaking through the non-existent "wall" panels. Otherwise, I will repeat what I have written for years: I need $$$ as compensation, I have legal strings that I need cleared up due to the endless financial blocks to all earnings this group has forced upon me. I NEED my OWN HOME IN MY NAME WITH ALL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN MY NAME. I need these terrorists to be literally pried off me as they have sucked my life out of me individually and collectively for YEARS WITHOUT END and I just never want to have anything to do with any of them; and/or see their media output or any "news" regarding them and my cat(s) returned and money to live on for DECADES they should be forced to pay as compensation for intellectual property theft and torture and other injuries (the list of crimes is now endless). I just want to live alone and have security, privacy and to live in a clean and beautiful house with abundance and wealth enough to live well. right now my body is completely drained of vitality and health because they have forced me into such poverty I can't afford to pay for food that would nourish me (I eat food but it's on sale, poisoned and drugged my body is ravaged and scarred up from their attacks and I need more money for FOOD AND MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE which they have blocked from me for YEARS and then have attacked me on 24 hour schedules so my lymphatic and nervous system have been OVERTAXED FOR YEARS ON A DAILY BASIS without end. My body has completely deteriorated and I need a private home with swimming pool because my body is stiff and hard from internal poisons that people just like these celebrities have poured into my food all my life.

I am now experiencing dizziness due to the attacks on my brain which have increased while I have been writing this. I am dizzy and can't concentrate or see clearly any longer and must stop.

But to see one "actor" belting out this song by Prince when he has no understanding of love, compassion or humanity unless it pertains only to his denizens of corruption (the partners he is operating with now in teleportation also included). They are not "liberals they are not charitable they have tortured me non-stop for years to obtain ideas which they then sell for their false policies of compassion in the hate-driven media mind-meld programming of duplicity and deception. All of them are likewise programmed I have a hard time digging deeply enough to find a single personality trait amongst them all. When it comes to greed, selfish acquisition and hate and violence they have only one personality albeit with a few local characteristics befitting their origins not their current makeup of conformity to a system of genocidal hate and greed and violence.

That this song has been stolen by this H-wood crowd to symbolize the sympathetic deaths by another virus while they violently attack me because of any rationale (they use the most inane lies to "justify" attacking me when they come at me claiming I have injured them by hissing hate words and phrases at them after YEARS of them stealing, their friends or they teleport and rape me endlessly as long as they can suck out energy from a drugged up reaction from me and then according to the protocols they have me tortured immediately afterwards which is a never-ending torture protocol they NEVER STOP THE ATTACKS upon me for a single day or a single moment.

Thus, the world appears to have lost it's soul. 
The protests appear to be only some advantage of exploitation amongst these performers. Their every action towards me which is a token of their real personality structure is of exploitation of every nuance of vulnerability that could be exploited.

How I hate that Prince's song has been co-opted by these hate people. Being homosexual has no bearing in terms of the crocodile tears they shed in their movies about the tragedies of being sarcastic bitchy hate Queens vying for power just like macho white men who ravage and kill--who they operate alongside if possible to achieve awards and promotions.

I have no doubt that all of these terrorists attacking me are in one way or another themselves being programmed/perhaps even drugged but all of them will do nothing to even check their environment or secure their food intake upon my advice (which they torture out of me) they are so smug and assured that this contract and their rising into higher positions entails that whatever happens, they will be groomed as leaders and if that means they are poisoned or drugged they have no concern. Imagine how much less concern they have for other people (me in particular as they torture me to death while no one ever, ever intervenes). Imagine the mental make-up of the terrorists orchestrating this entire production of hate and imagine what goals they really have in store for the whole panorama of American culture (it appears that foreign interests have bought out the American media and you can see them in the awards ceremonies and in the lavish French restaurants that these wealthy terrorists love to posture in and claim that they are really "French" or one of the elite. They then obtain gold-plated posturing photo-ops and no concern about their own safety can ever dissuade them from their blind-folded onslaught into this contract of brain programming into death and hate alongside technologies like HAARP that CAN change brainwaves of huge swaths of land masses and the inhabitants. Just to name one technology and there is an entire range and arsenal of similar weapons encompassing the planet. Tesla the company is also involved in these terrorist acts and the CEO is a smug and laughing participant and had participated in the attacks upon me. They want an elite class of very wealth  and the rest to be struggling in the streets being shot at by police as they fight for food bank scraps while they are being poisoned and drugged and mind controlled and slowly exterminated by your posturing, smiling celebrities and those who inform them of what scripts they are to perform with their fake orchestrated smiles with plastic surgery concealing the hate they imbibe every moment they are like toxic fuming endless volcanos of hate and ugliness and violence spewing hate with subliminal content but disguising it all as Love.

Well, just please get them off me and let me live ALONE in enough prosperity as they forced poverty and no chance for a career and I have been poisoned and I can't work due to their violence inflicted upon me and then weakening me and murdering me so I need to rest and heal and get them off me--

Two re-realizations after having written my last post today.

 One: I am being very drugged up by mechanical arms breaking through panels to smear patches on my skin; or/through the food in my refrigerator. I also am very under attack by some brain-wave altering device simultaneously. I realize my last post was akin to being absolutely high and in some rambling mode that was forced upon me which I would rather had not happened. 

Two: I wrote that I would prefer Minneapolis over various cities in my last post. I wrote under the influence of having been drugged and the sieve effect of this technology. I have not been to Minneapolis since 1988 or 89. It was a completely different place all those years ago and my memory is more like a fuzzy old movie about reminiscing fond occurrences that randomly happened. For the most part, when I left Minneapolis I was thrilled to be getting out of the Midwest and seeing the rest of the world. I just saw a video from a Detroit man visiting Mpls in 2019. What he described and the footage from his little camera, posted on YouTube, shows me a city that has become completely altered. Mass transit has morphed into what appears to be streetcars or trams coursing through the streets. People were yelling in the subway cars at one another. There was no subway or these street cars when I lived there, but what the footage shows appears to be threatening and hostile with people behaving like aggressive protagonists against strangers in the subway. It was a very placid and composed place when I lived there. It was also very affluent at the time. Now the downtown area (or last time I checked) has become a kind of ghost town with many businesses boarded up and homeless people everywhere. What a stark contrast to the thriving area I had enjoyed occasionally but for the most part, my experience of Minneapolis was an idyllic one living on campus in dormatories and living around students who had lots of parties and were engaged in experiencing life through academics, which is a kind of cloistered lifestyle. 

Thus, I won't delete any of what I had written, but I know I am drugged up and rambling but only after it happens. The drugs are awful I really do not want to be drugged I so hope that all my YEARS of writing these posts will soon have some huge effect on people who are supposed to not fund these criminal activities and instead I can live a somewhat normal, non-drugged up not teleported not "gang stalked" lifestyle. 

As for Minneapolis: I think it's a completely different "kettle of fish" nowadays and I am absolutely unsure I would want to visit much less live there. I would have to go there and see how the vibe has changed and if my changes within my self are congruent with the city after all these years and all the people I used to know who I now realize were terrorists attacking me all the places I have ever lived, I would have to return as a complete stranger with a complete tabula rasa state-of-mind struggling to experience what I had known but with a completely different mindset. Thus, not returning to the same people or places I had once been (mis)lead into.

It could be really very nice otherwise. The man in the video I just watched claimed that there was a very constant interruption of sirens/ambulances and the like in the downtown area and in other parts of the city. As I recall, I almost never saw police or noticed them and never saw any arrests or problems. I mean I never saw any of this while I lived there for over 4 years. It used to be such a safe and pristine city, from my experience living in that wonderful oasis of academia in Dinkeytown and in that environment. I realized I never wanted to live in many of the other ugly areas of the city which I avoided so my experience was of beautiful architecture and fun people. And First Avenue which was to say the least mind-blowing and soul-expanding, consciousness elevation and fun and groovy to the max.

I ate at Embers! Great burgers.

Entertainment USA Minneapolis St. Paul (Pt 1 of 3)


Minneapolis 2020

George Floyd protests "mandatory curfew" (Martial Law)
protests and revolution. The city looks like a war zone that has been left to crumble with infrastructure decaying for years...never saw that while I lived there in the 80's.

What happened to Minneapolis?

On the other hand, recent footage of the First Avenue area resembles a high retail area with clean franchise entertainment and restaurant surroundings which had formerly been run-down but acceptable downtown businesses that were so bland they melted into the grey skyline and were unnoticeable in summer months. Drab and grey sooty and boring. Now all that once was shabby and not very affluent is high-end and very retail boutique in appearance (from the small amount of footage I saw of that general area).

"Hands up, Don't Shoot"/"I can't breathe" shouting and rage in the streets of some area (Minnehaha) that I have never seen nor been in. I missed out on a lot of the city and what I had seen was mostly very well-structured, clean and affluent suburbs, a very wealthy city so it was at one time back when I lived there--I mean per capita and in terms of suburban wealth distribution. I did a quick survey of general wealth one time for grants research which resulted in me seeing that the average, per capita income in many of the white suburbs was much higher than the national average. There were many suburbs surrounding Minneapolis that were on that higher per capita income level. However, the video below represents something that has been dismissed, left to fade, wear down and crumble all the infrastructure appears like ghetto post-war (before all the burning and looting happened).

Police Shoot-to-kill unarmed driver fleeing detainment. 
The tenor of the hate and violence that the police show and the brutality and violence is only a shadow of what I experience from the very wealthy who are teleporting me. The ugliness of American culture has culminated in eruptions of violence, threats, hate and confusion (controlled chaos as all sides of the debates are essentially operating under the control of one larger hate organization--at least in the media). 

The American culture and the contiguous states I believe are being bombarded with frequencies that are making people behave in absolutely violent capacities unchecked almost. Like the collective nervous system of many inhabitants of the country are on methamphetamines that are being delivered through frequencies which release these hormones within the brain--or some similar effect I am not an expert but there are documentaries on various technologies that can be delivered to huge segments of the GLOBE which will affect brainwaves (HAARP IS ONE).

The people teleporting me are being programmed to adapt to hate programming as a social construct to be delivered through the media into the minds and brains of viewers. Along with other technologies pumped into their bodies from other huge sources of output such as HAARP (only referring to that because it is the only high-altitude source of technology which is capable of emitting such frequencies to land masses that are enormous in scope and delivery). 

What had been a most intellectual and compassionate society is now a hate-driven violent deathscape panorama in all directions. This cannot be some random mishap of unplanned social engineering. It is deliberate I believe just as the implementation of this hate technology and it's most vile uses and abuses has created absolutely violent psychopaths who teleport me, who become more violent as time passes with each day and month that they are allowed to vent all their hate and feel this sense of power, their lack of humanity almost increases exponentially like an algorithm expanding in exponential terms to the nth power.

I believe other such technologies are being used to create a maelstrom of hate within American society (and in other "hotspots" intended for reallocation of resources and peoples to inhabit the chaos that they planted with the implantation of these hate technologies and subliminal content. Just the amount of death and murder that is being portrayed in movies and endless crime scenes in the news is helping to create this current hate violent society. It is only one more variable in a function that has been carefully constructed.

It is unnecessary to shoot into a car multiple times if  driver is trying to get away from police. 

$8 Million of Mpls police budget for 2021 reallocated into violence prevention funding.

Hope glitters like the reflection of frozen ice kicked to the curb in the glare of flashing headlights of Mpls SWAT teams firing gas and rubber bullets into a crowd protesting police violence. Mayor Jacob Frey is balancing on a high tightrope and standing his ground amidst all the oppositional forces. Truly a good move on the part of the City Council and the mayor of Mpls. It still makes me proud of Mpls although that city truly needs infrastructure renovations especially in the areas where the protests took place. 
I hope the new administration of Biden and Harris will help to reform that broken down part of Minneapolis and to restore the bountiful promise that could be realized at least to a much greater degree than has happened in the last decades of decay.

....and I definitely do not miss sludging through this mess for over 5 months a year (sometimes it snows in April which is a form of torture).

Please let there be internet privacy so my ideas are not stolen any longer by dick-head parasites posing as heroes and rescuers of the world's problems that they embrace, support and are all "friends" with in their clandestine operations of hate and mass murder of the planet and it's precious resources. Stop the theft of my online ideas and of this vile technology used against me. If the future is any prognostication of future events: a host of deadly parasites like a plague will infect the planet with this technology that turns scheming wanna-be's into psychopathic rapist thieves and murdering pedophiles and pornographers on a huge, technological level of mass consumeristic voyeurism sucking the soul out of the planet and of the heart of existence. Trust me when I say this technology you all gape at in awe and continue to support by your silence will bring about a deadly virus of psycho-scumbags who will and can do "whatever I want" (is their motto) because you/I have no defense because "everyone" has been programmed (or eliminated if they display any dissention) to obey and laugh with the dick-heads who are penis-ophiles and love usurping, penetrating and destroying and then raping all they can suck out with their tubular technocratic tentacles over-lapping into your BRAIN and sucking out your soul. Thus, you love them because you know nothing else and are programmed not to have access or research much more than the box you are placed into like a Matrix you will be force-fed with their exploitation which you love and obey and never resist. So, if you care about the fluidity of your body, heart and soul then stop this organization with their fixations upon piercing through your every "pussy" vulnerability and all rapists and abusers are not only championed but rewarded beyond measure. Thus a structure of enormous aggression and technocratic impermeability has fostered a most deadly strain of a hate and death culture that postures in rescue missions for your celluloid isolation cubicular hollowed out conformity (to death and hate but dressed up like a plastic-coated meaningless model of "love" which has no personality but appears like a glamorous delight but if you just scratch beneath the hard plastic you will find pollution to the core of the death structure fixated endlessly upon the hard penetration of the penis into your f-ee death hole abyss of absolute hate you will be mired into unless you stop trusting in them and in their penis structured technocracy crazy insanity. .But still, at least stop them from hacking into my posts and stealing ideas as everything I write, upon terms of this contract, is studied for what words, concepts and the like can be sucked out while blocking me from all participation in society, with absolute shunning of everyone including all reading this, as the hate penetrating dick-o-philes are awarded. What a system of death you are allowing to foster like a burgeoning disease structured in the cells of the prisons of a matrix technocrazy that you all buy into and applaud when it gets nominated for best plastic penis penetrator hate-rapist award year-after-year you never fail to worship the defunct hate phallus.

Welcome to Prince's year 1999 turned into Minneapolis 2020! Let the power never die but expand into a new era of that soul city as the epicenter of world revolution. 2021, harbinger of 1st Avenue People's Party. Maybe that could actually overtake the Progressives I would like to start my OWN PARTY with REAL PEOPLE.

 2021 and beyond into infinity! Prince 4 EVER and his legacy continues. The Revolution.

2021: Let all the haters (of all races and genders around the planet) get back their lost souls so they become the children of Paradise creating a planet of harmony and beauty and peace and joy. Be gentle as doves but strong as water and fight raging fires of death and hate with compassion and deadly FORCE. 


Give me Minneapolis over Paris, London or Berlin (or et al) ANY DAY.

Prince representing a new Revolution of not men in drag hag hate defying fate, but reclining in a soft posture of femininity without exaggerated pomp. The soft with his hard masculine body. Makeup without appearing hideously deformed attempting to mock the feminine. The balance of what appears as weak mocked and shunned by the gangster goons has created more of a spark of revolution than any drag queen or dominating f-er K-rapping about bigot-bending-banging ever could or has or will. 

Equality, soft love, sexy, riotous rebellion. How many people viewed this photo and were shocked at the display of a male posturing like a female sensuous siren?


Let 2021 be a new era for this planet before the f-ee's destroy all they can plunge into and exploit to death. That is their real mentality behind all the posturing pornographic "Luv" (not sexy).

Annuit Coeptis 2021: Balance and Genital Lives Matter (GLM). Copious copulation of Dancing and floating on a dream of soft penetration accumulating in a force greater than anything the Stars (H-wood celebrities and the like) have ever donned in their cons.

 All written under the influence of (remote, NONconsensual) brain-altering tech and hacking on Facebook today.

All typos and incongruities and otherwise "mistakes" are due entirely to hacker insertions and deletions.****




Genitals MATTER! Genital equality NOW. Cartoon expresses absolute genital equality. Our penocentric culture of warheards, penis-shaped structures, penis-mentality as dominance, and women trying to be like aggressive men must be radicatlized through cartoon dancing genitals to also embrace the Yoni as a symbol of freedom and equality!
(see subtitles of the Swedish cartoon for content on genital equality)!

The English Version of above song: (apparently the lyrics as translated do not match the subtitles of the Swedish version. I wonder why that is? Cultural acclimation between American and Swedish lack or block of sexual content and "morality" perhaps?)


Speaking of DICKHEADS: the hackers are blocking the computer functioning as usual. Keys won't print, I am continuously correcting the insertions of hackers and of course my brain is also under attack while it's all happening. The penis-posse strikes again with it's insertion and penetration with all the pussies out there doing nothing to stop these terrorists! Good do-nothing dickhead job of do-nothing limp and flaccid penis-ophiles.

It's not a matter of color, it's not a matter of gradation of degradation of hue: it's a matter of addiction to hormones, testosterone as one of the main sources of the woes of our indelible plight of inequality. It's not a matter of gender as there are rapists of both gender-bender kicked-to-the-curb bruised and broken fenders of foul festivities of filth. One is hard, the other penetrable. Our culture worships that which can penetrate and consume. The vulnerable are hard-pressed to find a soft spot to exist in.

IN other words: it's not about race, gender or socioeconomic status. It's about the f-er's and the f-ee's and the divide betwixt the twain and who gets to claim that they sustain society. The differential due to this hate organization is being socially-engineered to the f-er group has more penetration with protection than the f-ee group, which consists on both parts of every race, religion and creed on the planet. Therefore, a total devotional pseudo-religion of worshipping the f-ers is creating such an imbalance that even the onslaught of female impersonators does not begin to balance the toppling divide.


Proposition: THE HEGEMONY OF THE F-ER'S VERSUS THE soft power of the f-ee's which may prove in latent strength to be the most powerful force over-riding, dominating and conquering the hard penis mentality of the f-er's.

You can thank the loveless, heartless and calculating misuse of technology by people who become intertwined with AI interface and computerized life for this imbalance. The totality of the technocratic division is now being enhanced and I have to wonder how society will look if only the f-ers have total hegemony when all the f-ees finally can't take the penetration any longer even if they are being programmed to "love" their f-ers. Will human nature and the soft indelible but fiercest as all elements the permeable nature of NATURE like soft water which appears to easily penetrable utterly wipes out the f-ers in a deluge of some antediluvian presser-cooker that nature will inspire as a backlash against this most inhuman system of penis-worship society of f-ers pitted against the defenseless (seeming) f-ee's?


How soon before balance in our fragile Earth Paradise universe is restored so the aggression penis-worship culture is softened by sheer force piercing through the hard structures that have become so ossified that they will shatter upon impact of the real force of equality equalizing? The f-er group is so fossilized by now that the entire penis-structure can be blasted from the base of it's structure by a few well-aimed soft blows by the huge imbalance of the millions of the f-ee's who are trying to swing this ancient outdated structure of death like a virus infecting the entire surrounding area of the penis-generated environment. All the technocratic institutions remedied so there is beneficial support to all human kind when the ancient hard penis Gods you have erected come tumbling down by the soft penetration of the real world of nature and it's real laws governing the planet Earth.

Monday, December 28, 2020

The hackers and mind control exertion upon my body and brain make writing anything impossible for this blog (or on any forum my sentences are always rewritten with typos and words deleted).

 I remain stuck in this rut I never created or slipped into through weakness on my part: this group, the people profiting off attacking me, and there is never a deficit of those attackers profiting off attacking me--they create chaos, impossible-to-deal with situations and I write on these social forums (my blog, Facebook)_ and the situation simmers to a low torture boil for a short while, only to increase almost immediately and always the very next day another onslaught of attacks begins and never stops. I write on Facebook or here (my thoughts digress so often while I begin to write what I had intended to be only a short sentence and the tech effect on my brain forces a reaction of utter verbal expulsions that ramble into phrases that I never intended to write, which are then partially deleted and strung together by hackers. Later on, perhaps the next day or months later, a movie or a YouTube video is put on my YouTube "recommended" page, which I spend hours on for various reasons but mostly because the technology literally effects real nasty MIND CONTROL and I cannot control my actions--it is literally impossible in this situation and under these conditions because once I get on the laptop and turn on the WiFi I can't stop being controlled to a certain extent. With the realization that it is happening, and partially that is due to the endless chaos that is happening in the news so I am obliged to turn on the WiFi to see what catastrophe or calamity and political fiasco and coup and blasting and bombing has happened in the United States yesterday and today. So I remain glued to this system which I had intended to stop participating in, because this is how these people who have attacked me for years (this specific H-wood group and now beyond, the more I look into the political commentators the more of them join in this huge group which is like a blast ever-expanding in scope and numbers of participants).

I want to emphasize that the chaos that my posts appear to be is 100% and entirely due to hackers and this technology blasting into my brain and altering my thoughts, mood and performance ability and cognitive functioning so I can't write without digressing into other points. The hackers create the rest of the mess that appears to be completely inconsistent rambling but which WAS WRITTEN COHERENTLY IN A COHESIVE MANNER.

Realizations on how "mind control" technology is beyond control when I sit in front of this laptop and attempt to pound out a post or two (due to hackers making the keyboard stiff so it's nearly impossible to pound down after 15 minutes because my arm is literally sore from strain).

 *Just re-reading this post again and saw that part of the very first sentence had been partially deleted by hackers. I can only assume the rest is similarly destroyed but pasted together to make it appear as if I am not finishing thoughts. I also just want to state at first that the sensation of the "mind control" technology is akin to being drugged and losing all orientation while sitting still in one place. My vision is slightly in a kind of blinder "tunnel" vision, something I experience physically in fast-acting situations where my eyeballs are literally made to look downward when I am trying to confront a white supremacist (I instantaneously lose vision, I see a black fog for less than one second or one second and my body feels like it is floating--I can only assume that this group, which can force me to literally faint in an instant, is making me "faint" using these microchip implants in my brain or skull and other remote sources connected to the controls of this system, but I experience this so badly while I fight to type as hackers block the keyboard function and then later rewrite all that I write. This is so disconcerting and I have to try to not write any longer until a period of time (I also need to heal my right arm bicep as this is painful by now pounding down continuously to write. The over 10 years of non-stop attack without end from this terror group has made every day of another attack a reason for me to pound down the angst because it's too much to hold in any longer waiting for someone or anything to ever protect me. The waiting for any justice is now at a forever and nearly impossible stage so I write, just to alleviate stress because I am partially paralyzed due to the terror organization poisoning me so badly nearly to death all my life, then attacking me without end while blocking my capacity to earn any money online so I remain without health care and living in a torture situation they laugh about having created and enforcing for their continuation of million dollar investments for using these technologies for YEARS on me.

Thus, here is my first sentence which has already been altered by terrorist hackers. I had written that I "am writing this after having written earlier today" and you can read how hackers change this. The rest is probably very hard to understand and there are undoubtedly many phrases inserted to discredit me and etc. I am so SICK OF WRITING ABOUT THIS AND WAITING FOR ANY LAW AND JUSTICE TO STOP THIS GROUP OF PSYCHO PARASITES WHO ARE ATTACKING ME WHO YOU CALL YOUR A-LIST CELEBRITIES AND POLITICIANS RULING/RUINING THE COUNTRY.

I am writing this section long after I wrote what I will now copy and paste from my earlier Facebook post. The effect of the technology blasted into my brain from some source either nearby or perhaps there is a relay system embedded into my computer which operates on WiFi frequency or some other technicality which I am absolutely unable to find information on because it involves a level of electrical sophistication where I am just akin to a neophyte.

I am building up a muscular bulge on my right arm from pounding so hard on the keyboard and so, having already exercised this muscle for a few hours plus non-stop backspacing due to hackers deleting letters while I am pressing/pounding down so I must rewrite continuously: I leave it as what I wrote under drugging sickness, after waking up to drilling and pounding in the room below, and then the "mind control" technology kicked in and I began to rant and use expletives and hate phrases about the psychos attacking me who are famous and fond of destroying other people's lives if they can get away with it and profit off it. 

Welcome to the new "K-economy" and it's pitfalls of the wealthy preying upon the vulnerable. The celebrities you all love absolutely exemplify these qualities of elitist genocidal murder towards anyone they can rape, torture and murder with full exoneration because they are "celebrities" and wealthy. Welcome to the USA Today. I write about some of the rage and the effects of mind control below. 

What needs to be written of more is the inaction of the majority of people who are now realizing that they are actually not entitled to endless security and that their lives are now in a state of chaos, just as they watched happening to me all my life but never even informed me of what was surrounding me. Thus, I write this post as a warning and as a suggestion to not take for granted that what you read of my attacks and the hate and aggression and ugliness that is being continuously foisted upon me by your favorite celebrities is now a looming threat to your lives in one sense or another. I end here because my arm (my right bicep, because I am balancing the keyboard on my left leg so my right bicep must dominate in pounding down every single keystroke and it's now absolutely painful to do this any longer.


What I wrote today in a long, laboriously written (terrorist-induced) non-consensual drugged up with mind control slimed-state-- this post I wrote after more threat to my peace and security, which is a continuous threat to my life every single day with zero protection from any source after years of attempting to get even one single human being to protect me:


And the cycle of terror and "relief" comes for another day: I wake up and pounding and drilling, which has been in sequences going on for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, for periods up to 2 months, recurring repeatedly for a length of a total of almost 8 months in the 2+ years I have lived in a tiny studio, with the studio beneath mine pounded into all these months--all day, literally 7 days a week. The distance between the door and patio is less than 6 paces. The width of the studio is about four paces. All studios beneath mine are the same size in this box structure.
The cycle of attacking me, then me writing about it as the silent organization temporarily stops the attack. I then am BOMBARDED WITH MIND CONTROL TECH as I type and thoughts and emotions come pouring out like from a sieve. The brain-mapping capabilities of this technology literally create an electronically-induced "truth serum" with emotional hyperbolic responses where other words and sentences are then inserted into subconscious eruptions of emotions while I type--the discrediting occurs through my seeming emotional excesses--which, after more than TEN YEARS WITHOUT A DAY'S PAUSE IS MORE THAN EXCESSIVE TOTURE in addition to daily dismemberment and all the other attacks that never stop. The effect is rage and hysteria which through drugging and the mind control tech blasting away at my brain as I have to ask online for the cycle for yet another day to be stopped so I can have at least some kind of healing space after multiple murder attempts, disability from poisoning and endless threats to my life which are a daily event.
The cycle has gone on for another day. I get into theorizing as the parasitic people attacking me to TORTURE ideas and concepts and healing tIps FOR FREE, ENDLESSLY FOR FREE and not just that but blocking my ability to publish, earn anything from my self-healing modalities and my experiences all blocked as these hate apes steal all possible while insulting and denigrating me and then physically assaulting me when I try to defend myself verbally after their endless physical and deadly assaults including the multifarious physical attacks. Right now the keyboard and my hands are not functioning as my brain is now being hindered in motor skills so I have to hesitate to "remember" where keys are.. I should be able to type at an excess of more than 75 wpm if not hindered endlessly like this (much faster actually by now).
Thus, it happened again. I got into explaining hoping that people might be actually concerned about the various tortures that are endlessly and daily and nightly aimed at me while people just keep reading my posts to see how they can use my terms and vocabulary per the contract out on me which is to steal concepts and realign them to the conforming narrative that is a highly structured variant of the general mind programming.
And so, I succumbed to the daily cycle of abuse and then "relief" which is just me endlessly being attacked and after years if it with even just my cat stolen from me, I have absolutely no relief from, no chance to obtain protection, no chance to reach out to any support group as none exist (all that claim that they are are either hacked and I am attacked by hacker agents or the groups are simply facades) and then, this cycle never ends.
I did it today. I had no intention of reacting but more drilling and hammering after months and months, which I tried not to react to, and plus my laptop had been broken, I had no recourse to communication online--and I could not afford to pay for even a few minutes at internet cafes my money was stolen repeatedly from my room.
I really want people to intervene and stop this sick group from inflicting their hate and hell at me ever again. That they can't stand to see me have my independence and live with a chance to compete and be happy and beautiful has been a source of near death attacks that never end.
I also want to state that when I begin to surf the internet, my brain and mind are so influenced by the mind control tech that the endless slew of movies and clips I find with the people --celebrities and politicians--who have teleported and raped and tortured me--I find myself "curious" to see how the next adaptation of a series that came out years ago, starring the people who ordered me to be hit by cars and they nearly murdered me after years of torture and they tried to kill me after I called them "apes" or "pigs"--online, after YEARS OF MURDER ATTEMPTS AND RAPE AND TORTURE and I sit in a daze watching them because my focus and my choices are so completely under a haze of smog from the mind control I do things that I am absolutely against and have sworn I would never do.
At this point the keyboard is so stiff I can't print out anyh longer. I spent so many hours pounding down on this keyboard my arms are sore from exertion just from the last two days and I can't type any longer it's literally too painful to get out anyh more
I am thus so blasted by this tech that I am writing as if I am being spun around and have no bearing, no direction and I look at peopole I would rather see disappear and not get more contracts---and yet I watch out of a curiosity that absolutely disappears after I get off the laptop, almost scolding myself not to do this and while I sit in front of this laptop I am absolutely bombarded by brain-altering mood altering technology and I can't truly "blame" myself but this is an effect of how badly the technology affects my reactions and choices. But, this is how they want to get more misery posts out of me, to fulfill their contracts of creating hate, negativity and misery (which is slow death and murder) and they get more contracts out of ordering hate, negativity and every day these psycho creeps order my home to be made more filthy, dirty and broken down while I spend my life cleaning up their filth inside and outside my body and I am always surrounded by people I consider to be disgusting and nasty and ugly. I see no exception from the people teleporting me except that they have been paid for much plastic surgery and are enthralled at having someone to suck the life out of after rape and then torture.
And yet, they remain being championed and I remain writing and sitting in a torture chamber and under so much attack that I "must" write and once I get on, the ideas flow the parasites suck out the ideas they continue the cycle they get more deals and awards I sit here writing endlessly for YEARS AN DYEARS ABOUT THEIR FILTH AND CRAP WHICH IS NEVER STOPPED. I remain with ZERO SUPPORT SYSTEM AND NO DEFENSE SO I MUST REMAIN WRITING ABOUT IT AND THE CYCLE NEVER ENDS.
Update for today: the hammering, drilling and pounding in the studio beneath mine has apparently stopped. If anyone is helpful in having stopped this, then a great thanks but I really have no idea how this situation is being monitored or the other nutty bolts involved in this screw situation.
I want to also add that after years of having written these posts and also having done a very small level of observation on how the group en toto responds--I do not write about happy and bright things that I feel or experience any longer. Any time I do, the terrorists are quick to destroy whatever good mood I exhibit in writing, or what I claim is a bright spot in my life is almost immediately destroyed or stolen and is gone within a day or two. Thus I write only about the problems. I am not in such a morbidly negative mood all the time. However, the technology affecting my moods and emotions along with a consistent stream of hate and ugly subliminals poured into my subconscious and the tech changing my brainwaves into a more "negative" mood, altered and I feel the difference almost the moment I get outside, out of this room. However I remain partially paralyzed and am not capable of leaving this room for days on end, and thus I remain in a dazed techno-drugged state of negativity with cyclical repeat negative phrases endlessly repeated like broken records almost dominating my brain. I try very hard to breathe deeply but even that is difficult as the hard poisons have latched, literally, onto my rib cage and my lungs have been blocked for YEARS due to this hard poison makign movement and even breathing painful if I attempt to do deep meditative breathing exercises.
However, I appreciate the few good things I have and am not endlessly sullen and enraged but I can't really demonstrate it online due to an increase in the destruction of all I enjoy and love if I exhibit any pleasure at anything.
The "behavior modification" rewards system entails being able to purchase things that I think of that I need at dollar stores and in 2nd hand clothing stores, which later on are stained, holes and threads are ripped out or the products are slowly chemically destroyed (all metal objects are rusted almost immediately) and clothing that is put out that I buy is shrunk to a tiny child's size so whatever they "reward" me with is immediately sprayed with stinking odors that never wash out (chemically treated with stinking permanent sprays from disgusting laboratories that this most professional entity orchestrating all these attacks have been handed out of research labs and organizations)
So, whatever.....I also wanted to add from my last point a very small detail, as while I am writing my brain is literally blanketed-out to the point that I can't remember details while I am writing about subjects, and indeed my brain wanders to other points while I am in the middle of sentences (as a discrediting technique but it's my brain being bombarded with technology to stifle or block brain activity and cognitive functioning with all their brain-mapping technological capabilities).

*At this point, upon re-reading that which I wrote this morning, it is now nighttime and dark outside it has taken me an entire day to relieve my arm from pounding down and then going into this post to try to correct hacker deletions. They deleted the first part of this paragraph and they strung it together with the paragraph above. If anyone read this post earlier today, I am trying to correct what is the inevitable mess this group makes of all I fight for, obtain, work very hard for, and create that is original (they steal all they can).

I was writing about a dress I converted into a sleep garment so my hands would be protected from the mechanical arms cutting into my body and under fingernails, which has been going on for years every SINGLE  NIGHT and by now my hands are extremely damaged and there are many other damages that continue with these mechanical arms and from people breaking into my room (probably for much longer than I have ever imagined and don't even want to consider or think about). Thus I continue with what is left of what hackers did not delete. You see, deary readersz: the information about the mechanical arms is probably something this group of criminal terrorists want undisclosed so they deleted what I had written. It contained information about their modus operandi.--This is where I leave what is remaining of what I had published as a cohesive paragraph earlier today (and now I'm not going to continue to spend another hour re-reading the rest of this post I know there are parts missing and I am tired of this so I'm not going to go through with more. If any of you could even care to put money into my DONATION box and then help me I could not have to spend a huge portion of my life attempting to write just to try to get anyone involved with protecting my human rights, which every person you all think of as your humanitarian celebrities--all of them consider me to have absolutely no human rights whatsoever and they have full access to every predatorial attack upon me they are allowed to commit (they all operate continuously on a life script and under orders)...and now the post I had written but which has been so badly hacked and partially deleted..." I sewed sleeves and then added parts of fabric to a dress so that there is no opening for the hands, all is sealed and the only way to access my hands is for me to take the dress completely off. This was done to salvage my hands from further permanent damage to my cuticles and fingertips which have been cut to the bone since 2013---SEVEN YEARS EVERY SINGLE NIGHT there are huge insertions into my fingers to the bone, very small of course but on a daily basis. I only sewed one layer of thread and thought to myself that if I sewed another layer it might make the sleeve opening too tight (I didn't measure the sleeves that I cut and sewed onto the open arms of the dress--) and because this group literally monitors every single thought and uses every vulnerability to exploit, they cut and inserted their mechanical arm through this opening in the sleeve that they cut into to try to damage my hands once more. I of course use other layers of protection to protect my hands and I was prepared but this is the extent of attack that I live under every single day--(and much worse to the point of absolutely unnerving my nervous system and the attacks are far worse if these terrorists get access to damaging my body in very ugly ways. I have spent over 2 years fighting to just defend my body from absolute damage that this group inflicts if they have physical access to my body. The mechanical arms, however, can open my refrigerator, poison and drug my food, spray stinking odors that are permanent on my clothing and furniture AFTER I endlessly clean all they spray it at night so it's never clean. Etc etc.


Again, as I copy and paste this, I realize that in my first introductory paragraph above, I began to nearly feel a sensation of spinning, confusion, inability to stick to the topic and a blank attempt to gather my thoughts and express them. The tech aimed at me every time I try to fight the hacking to write is so bad and awful in terms of blocking my brain functioning that it's impossible, literally to get a cohesive train-of-thought out. I have always wanted to have some degree of ability to have a career in the written word. That my brain is under so much attack that I cannot even connect thoughts due to this tech is more of the endless torture. This organization to which most or all of you belong who are currently reading my blog and posts is of such a pernicious nature it's so unhuman and so dangerous to the security of the future of the planet itself. The lack of concern about anything or really anyone that so many of these attackers exhibit, and how things are now falling into the pattern of chaos that they are being programmed to exert upon me, is a testament to how miscalculated their machinations are turning out on a global level and how deadly their aims really are. They simply plan to create chaos and division and then after the slaughter take over what remains of the planet. They assume that nature is just going to bend to their collective (beehive) Will but however nature is a bit more intelligent of design than these unnatural parasites can even begin to imagine in all their hubris about their "power" with this technology they are so disconnected to reality.

Back to what I had written earlier today--as my arm is sore and it's just sickening to continue to write these posts I am so sick of this I so hope that the situation I write of will not be taken as a mental masturbation sport of those hacking in and that this is not a theater and it can affect your lives to the same degree that I am currently and have been expressing for years while you all seem to remain silent or laugh about it (or do nothing to stop it because you think it can't ever happen to you). Listen to the people fighting to survive now who are losing their homes who miserably claim the same phrase of they can't believe it's happening to them. BUT OF COURSE, THE PARasites and scumbags reading this are only concerned with what phrases and words and uses of vocabulary they can steal from my writing, as this is only intended for them to steal ideas due to the miserable violence this huge group of fakes in the "arts" use to suck out and drain concepts from me. They laugh about all of this. They are millionaires and billionaires living in mansions (some are facing a bit of stress lately though). They still assume it's a fun game and can never happen to them. However, not all of you reading this are of that psychopathic group and perhaps you may be concerned that perhaps what you allow to happen to me may happen to you or your children or to your PLANET.
But, the creeps hacking in and reading this never donate money to me although they keep stealing ideas and then being awarded top prizes in the awards ceremonies dominated by the Nazi/Mafia you all adore because they keep making movies about and for these people whether as anti-or pro, it's really all a constructed propaganda to brainwash you into only referring to them in your very mental constructs as your reality and leaders in all fields. Thus, they steal from me and I remain sitting here being tortured day after day so they can force a reaction so they can then use the mind control tech to steal more ideas out of the misery they create. They are all about sucking everything out of the planet through the massive misery they create and by now you may be able to understand an iota of what I have been silently screaming at top pitch in my posts on Facebook and in this blog all these friggin'years which no one has responded to in any way so far.
Still fighting to backspace and retype and pound down on keys it's so arduous to type it's almost impossible and so I just finally stop writing about the hacking. I really want to stop writing these posts about the misery these parasites inflict I so hope you reading this will finally engage in defending me and others who are being attacked by this disgusting sick group you have allowed to take power through these ill-gotten means in their organized chaos of hate, racism, sexism, violence and impoverishment of larger and larger masses of people now facing not poverty but DEATH and these parasites are going to reap up that which has been left from their devastation.
I just noticed, after getting up I see that the skin on my shins, on both legs, have been cut into so skin has been scraped as if I cut myself shaving. Due to illness, I have shaved my legs for three day and the cuts are fresh. I sleep with a huge terry-cloth cap with straps I made myself, with a soft fluffy sleep eye blinder thing (I don't know what it's called my brain is also blocked for memory and I am fighting too hard to struggle to type to do more waiting for the hacked system to reveal names of these items) and....I have covered my arms and torso, my feet are bandaged and covered and the covering is tied in twisted string around my ankles after rolling them up so it's not easy for the terrorists to unravel and break through--but my legs are exposed and so, these terrorists "must" cut into my body and now they are creating endless scars on my legs from slicing skin off my shins--which they also do every time I shave and now they are doing it days after the last time I shaved so---I must sleep completely covered from head-to-foot and then, after more than two years of struggling to stop entry into my room, now the mechanical arms are the main culprit with all their surveillance and technology endlessly attacking me. As I wrote, I have been too ill to spend more hours unpacking and cleaning stinking clothing (as all smells bad from these attack, all that I own has a nasty odor no matter if I have just cleaned it to perfection or not) and then, I must unwrap items I need to carry so many things I don't want absolutely destroyed if I leave them in the room, and it takes me a total of FOUR HOURS TO just unpack and clean and fight to get all arranged (I can't leave it out overnight due to the mechanical arms) I have to try to bury my items to try to block the mechanical arms from destroying all if I plan to conveniently have it placed on my clothing rack and open it will be destroyed so when I wake up I will have stinking and broken items I need and it's always that I must fight for HOURS to get out the door, which is blockaided with items stuffed into the cracks of the door to stop the entry of people absolutely violently attacking my body physically (not just the nasty attacks but they also put my hips and spine out of alignment every time they get in) and thus---that is the story for today. Is there any compassion out there although so many people MORE than when I first began to write and issue my warnings about allowing this technology to enable people who are deadly to be put into power--and now so many MORE people are suffering and dying what I am writing about almost pales in comparison. While I was one of a relative few (in general terms) people ignored me pleas for help because it wasn't their problem and now that they have multiple problems they can't get involved because they are lost and confused in a panic of destitution or they have enjoyed huge spikes in their portfolio enterprises and thus are more empowered by utilizing this system that I am writing about as they profit and get promoted endlessly These are the people being handed plastic surgeries who are now descrying all the problems that they really had and still have a huge investment in maintaining. As I fight to just not be permanently destroyed with physical scarring from the mechanical arms while I fight without any access to health care because these billionaires have blocked all my financial avenues of earnings so they can manipulate adn threaten me endlessly while being paid in huge sums in the millions for these activities as a protocol for a much larger exercise in devastation. Keep remaining doing nothing about this situation that I write of though, perhaps you won't be one of the casualties if you just keep silent and quiet about it even as you count all your new profits off participation in this system perhaps it won't last as long as you have been lead to believe.
No new emails have appeared in my Google account for the last two days. All are being blocked by hackers.
The hacking has increased in the last week to a most obstructive degree in all respects. All emails that should have arrived are being suppressed.
The terrorists are drilling, pounding and hammering in the studio below mine for the 8th month out of 2 1/2 years. It's a terrorist attack of "sound" manipulation of senses.
Otherwise, terrorists ripped a hole in the garment I hand-sewed to try to insert a mechanical arm down the sleeve and rip into my cuticles and fingers once more. The hold is less than a half-inch circumference wide, and that is how large the mechanical arms are which get through many layers of defenses I put on every single panel on the floor, on all sides into all cupboards lining the walls from floor to ceiling, and the ceiling also has huge gaping holes with light fixtures that allow for anyone on the floor above mine to insert anything like a camera or mechanical arms. I have taped and hammered nails into all and what I really have to do to more securely protect myself would mean more permanent damage (although all the furniture has been damaged by this group, and I am financially responsible for it all) board up cabinets and cement into the tiles and etc would mean I could face immediate eviction by this landlord who operates for the terror organization.
I still don't know if he has renewed my lease as I am in too much pain and sickness to have to unpack all my purses and backpacks I use to carry the items I can't have destroyed (which they destroy at night with the mechanical arms, I have to hide them under layers of objects which mechanical arms can't get through, without leaving visible evidence--and that is the ONLY protection I have is that their protocols at this time will not allow for visible evidence but ripping holes could be perceived as a "normal" occurrence
I would have to spend two hours just to clean the items I want to wear (by spraying cleaning fluids on the clothing) as all clothing is sprayed with at least a thin layer of stinking fluids while it's hanging outside of my closet on a rack--I have no space to move in this roomb ecause I have to take all objects out of all cabinets except for two clothing cabinets which are laced with fungus and I must seal them to try to prevent the mechanical arms from entering but they still do and then remove all evidence of breakthrough--
and so...that is how I must be forced to try to live in this space, which has some benefits and is not as bad as some of the options other victims of this organization have faced and are now having to deal with.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Again: hackers completely altered posts I have written by inserting typos and deleting words. This morning I wrote a post and read it today, or attempted to. It has been completely altered but remains as a fragment of what I had written. It's completely confusing due to all that has been deleted and rewritten by hackers.

 Hackers are also blocking the font size. I am now using a large font, but when I try to publish the print size is always at some very small size. I copy, and then click on the font size to increase it and the font remains at the very small size. Today I used the "largest" font size and that worked, so maybe the malware or hackers have blocked the "large" size, I really don't know. The writings I attempted to put out are so rewritten by hackers that most of the congruency has been deleted and rewritten BY THEM. 

I also slept for another 7 hours after waking up this morning. The detox situation that has been ongoing for 10 years, literally, is at this point where the poisons hard into my spine/hips/legs/skull etc all over my body embedded into the bone structure, plugging up viscerae and and it's incredibly deadly and amazing that I have survived for so long. My ability and propensity to exercise has helped greatly. This group has blocked my ability to exercise not only by blocking all exercise through the poisoning, but blocking all financial earnings so I can't live in a house in Thailand, renting, which has a private pool. The cost is $1000 month, which I think I could have obtained if my internet were not endlessly blocked and all avenues of earnings completely blocked as my internet is always blocked from the public World Wide Web. I remain in a kind of cloistered internet framework with only scoundrels of the terrorist organization having access to my writing or my attempts to obtain relavant information. 

Today, absolutely sick from the poison which is at this stage where it's so toxic I can't function any longer. I am beginning another fasting and I have to gorge on food until my body bloats up so badly, after more pieces of this hard stuff come out, I am ill for days as the poisons eek out into my blood stream and I must fight not only terror and abuse while sleeping but from the terror agents cutting into my body. Today after I drank a cup of green tea, for this first day of sickness and detox, because I have to wait until my body can't take any more eating as I bloat up, pieces of the hard poison endlessly crumble off and it's such a slow process (10 years) and so, sick and bloated and poisons blocked in my abdomen and into my bloodstream, I was so ill this morning plus YEARS of violence, torture, rape and endless fighting to preserve my body and the stress has aged me broken my immune system down and these billionaires and millionaires have REFUSED to help me with the most basic health care--while attacking me, trying to break my body and leaving me fighting for remedies online as they attack without end but seeing that I am shitting poison out in reams every single day as they with no compassion or any humanity whatsoever are torturing me day and night for YEARS without end, from one to the next, to obtain ideas about everything from feminism to creative concepts and they have not stopped I keep seeing my ideas I can barely type out, written with endless "mistakes" as they retain the original that I attempt to t ype and just go stealing and stealing ideas--=for TEN YEARS AND LONGER--ONE OF THEM SINCE 1987 HE'S GONE ON AND ON. After of course poisoning me with intention to murder me. 

So I slept and my entire body was exposed, for the first time in YEARS I slept in utter sickness, unable to move, and I had the patio sliding doors open so I could sleep with fresh air for the first time in years. Literally all my life, in America and in other countries, in winter and summer (because the terrorists always made my room smell bad) so I slept with a window cracked open even in the coldest of winter (mostly I mean), For the past 6 years I have had to sleep with fungus poured into my room and body, with windows not just closed but sealed so nothing can break through with these mechanical arms. Seeing of course, today, that I collapsed that I am very ill, the parasite pig apes attacking me took no hesitation to slice into the area between the large left toe that they have broken twice (one of the times, the last time a few months ago, was after a rotten English bigot Nazi who is famous for being "punk" rocker, a bloated nasty mean-spirited fake slathering his vitriol about how "people" and "human beings" are being downtrodden. After being allowed to live in fascist, Nazi Los Angeles and enjoying fame and fortune, with his ugly frumpy-looking German wife who probably has obtained endless plastic surgery (the "alternative" type who has encouraged this fake to become as fascist as the worst of the bigots attacking me and...) he appeared ugly and bloated in a way that to me signaled that he may be poisoned with the hardening poison that many besides me have been poisoned by. I have written of this in an earlier post. But, like the black aprah who is such a heinous rotten ugly parasitic skanky whore I can't express how rotten and stupid and sick these creeple are--after he then teleported me because these pig apes are "reading" my thoughts, he asked me for detox and healing tips. Not understanding how exactly fake and rotten this English absolutely filthy fascist nazi bigot really is behind all the 1970's punk memorabilia that has kept this fake posturing pig ape into some kind of fame (and fortune): I told him tips and cared. He responded with no thank you, nothing but this expectation that I am "supposed" to just hand him information which he may be able to sell of as his own concept while observing, as he has been like they all have been in Whorewood, my rape, torture and disfigurement and doing NOTHING but smirking in delight once they get to inflict their psychoses upon me as well. I thought that this pig had responded exactly like a Danish satanist had responded and that there is little difference between the two and immediately the next day he teleported me and threatened me if I published this THOUGHT that they were stealing. Right now I have to backspace without end as hackers are juxtiposing letters while I type. Thus, they forced an accident on me by drizzling extremely slippery oil on the hillside outside my condo while I was driving down my bike slipped underneath me. My toe which had already been broken was then injured but there was no damage, but it was sore. That same night, in a sleeping state the terrorists then rebroke the toe because I had injured it and every accident is an opportunity that they take to really damage and break bones and vertebrae when I fall due to their microchips and their incredible organization of attack. All funded by THE US GOVERNMENT as I now see all my life.


At this point, I have re-read the above and saw hackers had deleted words and parts of sentences. First, they leave mostly intact all the descriptions of violence, rape and torture. This is the titillation that the parasites these pig apes are trying to impress want to read of daily--the daily report of rape, torture and disfigurement as they mentally or in reality masturbate over the violence they are inflicting upon me. Those portions remain mostly intact for every post. My descriptions of the heinous stupidity and ugliness of these famous (ne-er do well scumbags really, in reality) celebrities and politicians--well, that content is highly redacted to make little sense as words are deleted by hackers and sentences are partially deleted and then strung together--above, I was trying to write about sleeping with fresh air for the first time in years. Not only was my brain utterly confounded by the technology blasting into my neural firing and blocking cognitive functioning---but the hackers went at it--you can really only get a straight reading of the portions about abuse and rape and disfigurement on all my posts, which are the highlight of the pig apes attacking me to read as this is how they continue to get promoted. Every act of violence is met with a promotion for them, and all ideas they steal become the basis of huge studio bonuses and production costs. 

I had written about a "Danish satanist" who, as the hackers and the brain-attackers simply blocked from my brain and ability to write, because I spend most of the time as I write struggling to backspace to correct as I have to increasingly pound down on keys to get anything out--otherwise if I press lightly nothing comes out and I must fight with all exertion to pound down to get anything out whatsoever. Because they are blocking my ability to exercise and breathe in fresh air at night but I must instead breathe in fungus all night because they have forced utter poverty on me, blocked all access to other real estate and I must live with sealed off windows all night and am thus poisoned so badly my entire body has stagnated and corroded due to their attacks. But, I was trying to write about a Danish heavy metal Satanist/Nazi who attacked me because I clicked on a movie on a really sick nasty alternative website for streaming movies--in all my sickness I tried to get outside of the stupid Whorewood movie arena and to try to get rid of these scumbags who have attacked me because I click on a page that features their shitty movies. Instead, I got a Satanic heavy metal man (married with children of course). He behaved exactly like the English "left wing" rotten pretender and I was only THINKING to myself about a possible story plot and how they are almost the same thing. I was threatened to not write this and my toe broken and then tissue gouged out of my foot to literally try to make my toe severed off slowly.

I am really under extreme brain-altering attack every time I write and in addition to hacking and endless backspacing and pounding down I can never get anything out before hackers rewrite what I have written anyway. But you readers keep on allowing them to get away with all of this endlessly--year after year--until society itself is in such a state of complete shock from all your rotten do-nothing parasitic exploitation of every single thing possible--this technology these pig apes are using upon me exaggerate a psychopathic megalomaniac behavioral propensity that perhaps already exists in these whores out of whorewood who are then handed every kind of orgiastic luxury so they can run for politics and destroy the United States and all while they are on vacation in Europigape land buying up properties and shopping for luxury items with the Europigapes who are fascist as Hell supporting them fully and plying them with more goodies for their snoring pig addictions. That is the reality behind all the endless deterioration of the United States-and as I wrote, Aprah (and you know, that bloated matriarchal comforting black woman whose tv shows I could never get through a single episode it was so banal and I could see obviously her role and part that she plays--consoling all them white folks with all their problems with her fake sort of "urban" speech patterns it was revolting and in person she's a disgusting rotten parasite with expectations of RUNNING FOR US PRESIDENT and now JZ obvious wants to obtain a power position of political importance AND HOW MANY OF THESE INCOMPETENT IGNORAMUS WHORES ARE AMERICANS GOING TO VOTE FOR LIKE RAY-GUN THEY WILL DECIMATE THE ECONOMY TO FEED THE GREED OF THEIR power brokers and....I stop here as it's tiresome endlessly writing about this for years and years to only have more and more of these zombie idiots coming after me to obtain ideas--now another politician and I sit here fighting to survive endless poisoning with no fresh air no exercise and they keep on spraying fungus and toxins in my room and I must sleep with no fresh air, no exercise to cleanse my poisoned body and they just keep on attacking me slowly to death so fascist nazis who control whorewood hand them more promotions because they want to hear me crying for help for the rest of my life, which is why all my descriptions of rape, abuse and poisoning remain relatively unhacked while all my depictions of the heinously stupid behavior of these pigs and apes and hyenas is blocked, hacked and they remain with no incrimination no stop by politicians who keep these pigs as their political companions to the K-rap they put out about caring about the American public while they are handing out these death and torture technologies to more and more of these stalking death squads and now more blacks are being inducted into these organizations as the desperation that the failed economic policies, plus the endless display of conspicuous wealth that these fake black Nazi operators display plus their endless angry songs and rap K-rap about how they are fighting racism and soon they will become the next Nazi black poster child running for president alongside their fascist white Nazi counterparts who claim they are "liberal" while the white supremacists "hate" them all but still, the billions of dollars for that rotten industry appears to be provided exactly by these ultra-nazi "right wing" pornographers who love hearing about me being raped and tortured just like a reality porn hate tv show put on the "dark web" for their even darker aspirations at handing America over to Nazi Europigapes with these rotten whores spouting all lies and deceptions and exactly bringing such a scenario into rotten fruition (rotten fruit that they are--making my body rotten as I fight endlessly and still I remain here a prisoner of their hate with no relief and no entity defending me with all this screaming about protecting the First Amendment, the blacks on the YouTube pro-black activist entertrainment channels are descrying how the First Amendment is being blocked by Nazis but they participate in blocking my content WHILE THEY ARE STEALING FRAGMENTS AND PARTS OF IT so they can continue to crank out their do-nothing diatribes about how nasty and bad racism is.


But, in the interim, the group of pig ape terrorists have cut into the webbing between these toes and have cut it not only to the bone but have gouged out tissue so the bone is cut and there is a huge gap--cutting off blood supply and they have done this for years, daily (before they rebroke my toe as well). So drugged for so long I have not been able to ascertain the extent of their violence as they have been raping me and all I could observe immediately was fungus poured into my hair, ears (into the ear canals) and my vagina and my room stinking of fungus each and every single day on all objects. I have been forced to close all doors so I can try to stop their endless death attacks albeit slow murder which I have been fighting and fighting while so ill from their poisoning I can't move, as they continue to poison and drug me so it's MURDER. These apes then, two nights ago, rotten Aprah and this rotten JZ creep, who is a thug with his creepy gyrating wife, they are obnoxious and absolute black nazis--obviously like Aprah with plans to run for US PRESIDENT like all the preceding ones who are currently supporting them. They attacked me for my THOUGHTS just like the white bigot who partners with them in this by now huge operation of scores of actors, performers and politicians of some of the highest public standing in the world--attacking me to obtain ideas but moreso because of the contract out on me to torture me to death and abuse ideas out of me and then especially with these pigs it's attack for my thoughts--from the people who scream and shout and sing and make their crappy movies (based on ideas they stole from me) about how a technocratic society is going to close off freedom of speech and human rights. So engrossed in attacking me with all blocks to freedom of speech and human rights they behave like entitled enfant terrible and all backed by fascist Nazis coming out of Germany and in that general region (France as well).

Today I literally passed out from poisoning and I slept for the first time with fresh air and the sound of the few remaining birds that have not been shot and killed on the hillside outside my window. They hide behind the rocks behind the crest of the hillside while when I first moved in the entire hillside was covered in birds and flowers. It's all completely bare and the last lizard which I had formed a bond with, I would call to it, it came out from it's crevice in the rocks, and stared at me and etc. It was out on the rocks every day and this sick psycho had it blown up, the entire crevice of the rocks--when I screamed after saying NO to it's demand that I provide it with a baby so it and it's family can obtain more than all they have been handed by this US and now foreign fascist Nazi conglomerate which controls all these stupid and meaningless pig ape whores.

But they cut into that formerly gouged out part of my foot, they cut into my gum tissue and I was teleported to extremely violent murder scenes in teleportation. 

They are disgusting and foul. Please get this group of shit off me--the names, I could go on a huge list and I would not be able to "access" all their names because this is over 10 years of pig after pig teleporting me alongside rotten pieces of crap out of Europigapeland sponsoring this kind of technology and training the pig apes out of America who posture as "liberals" defending every humanistic cause but really are the most fastidious and cloying conservative fascists possible--gloating over this technology and aiming their hate at me and endlessly being awarded and handed every top prize and coveted position for employing these fascist Nazi protocols upon me.

So I urge you people reading this who actually care about "Democracy" that if you don't want meaningless stupid and psychopathic whores to continue to sell your country to the nearest fascist leadership in a consortium of greed, stupidity and death-mongering nature-killing pig apes, then you should actually pay attention to what I am writing and also get them off me as the longer they pass me around the more idiots are put into highest positions where they suck out all they can steal. The enormous "power" they inhale while torturing me has enabled them to become absolutely stupid psychopaths engendering murderous and death-to-nature plans and operations. 

To No one, as there is no one here (except me). Update on the attack on my life, this time financial. It was forced on January 14, so last week. As I suspected and knew, it was done recently and my mail was rejected at the mail service I have used for months---returned my money suspended. They are demanding either a redetermination--I am chronically disabled, this group crushed my lumbar and cervical vertebrae the medical records state chronic and permanent disability which means there is nothing that will make me "Normal" or capable of doing much, but of course they will try. I am s tuck most of the day in pain and unable to even do anything but they want to squeeze everything out of me, the tiny subpoverty included from SSI Disability. I could not obtain Social Security Disability, which would not force me to live on subpovety "Welfare" subsistence, but instead some livable expense and able to live abroad in order to survive but on SSI you are forced to have repeat reviews--but I am disabled they still are forcing the qualification for welfare upon me. They are not supposed to. They also either did not k now or lied but Social Security administration has changed various rules for food budget and you don't have to report on whether you have assistance for food or help, but this woman asked me if I did. It is listed on the website as a recent LAW that changed the policy, right below the main top portion of the main Social Security Administration page ( but she did not know this. I did not need to remind her for fear of the usual recrimination for knowing more than the person put into some position to deprive me of something like basic service and survival. That is how they have forced me to live. I now have to wait to phone this department in Hollywood to speak to a man to make some phone interview where all kinds of questions will be asked and I could lose everything. Even with medical records, they will force me to have to fly to America where I have literally nowhere to go, no money to survive on, and a physical condition that will make me extremely sick and in threat of extreme physical decline or illness from stress to my spine.

3 hours later of bureaucratic targeted stalking bs (repetition of the same events for most calls proves that this is not just the normal bur...