Not wanting to attract the ire of my tormenting terrorists with their terrorist minions surrounding me at all times and places, I began to write posts on Facebook after more than 15 minutes of this technology blasting my brain into such a foggy state that I did what I had not intended to do. I began to post items but the "back of my mind" told me to not write anything controversial. However, the effect of this technology upon my cognitive state renders my ability to thwart their manipulations into a jelly-sort of flaccidity. I began to try to avert these information-sucking tormented attacks (along with endless hacking , DOS attacks, the keyboard non-functioning as I had to endlessly correct inserts and deletions. I also continuously experience the keyboard juxtaposing keys as I type them. I had to fight just to type the word juxtapose as the terrorists want me to be completely "dumbed down" in experience, just like most of their informed minions who are fed heaps of information but can't have the tools to process the information as to bypass the programming and brainwashing.
I began to post photos of food, as I was yesterday on the 11th day of fasting. Most of the food I would dearly love to eat, which my body needs for healing, I have been blocked from financially being able to pay for due to the endless blocks on all economic activity this group has forced upon me. Indeed, the stimulus checks never reached me for the CARES Act. The Second Stimulus has also not reached me, although a certain amount of money was "invisibly" deposited into my account with absolutely ZERO record of it having been deposited by any agency of the government or by myself. It just appeared on my account like magic. That means that money can also be mysteriously stolen from my account, as it has been stolen from my personal belongings in my room, with full complicity of the forces that are supposed to protect my Democratic Rights under the US Constitution.
I thought of a fun sort of activity, to travel through the internet to the cities or places I have been and search for which foods of that area most appeal to me in this food-deprived state. I got pages of photos of foods from Illinois, San Francisco, and then a few of Thailand which did not appear spectacular (the taste of the food is far more incredible--the sauces and spices--than the photos can ever convey) but...I got photos of German food out of Stuttgart. As I searched for pages on YouTube there appeared, from the Stuttgart region, a live streaming vlog news channel of a white German male discussing the Washington, D.C. riots/rally just before the Electoral Count (today, the Joint Session just convened to discuss and vote on the objections to one State).
I then was immersed into the discussion and also I had to fully absorb all my attention to translating from (Schwabish-German) into English. It was a very good thing I could stop the video and replay some of the clips as these men talked very quickly. I then began to pour out my ideas in yet another post that I had determined to myself not to write, as it is extremely DANGEROUS for me to write anything any longer. It is LIFE-THREATENING in fact. Yet, the group utilizes some form of brain-mapping technology that absolutely obliterates all my reserve and I begin to pour out ideas as if I am ON TRUTH SERUM but it's due to technology either inserted through microchips working in tandem with these technologies or it's various parts of my brain, like switches for changing trains on tracks--forcing parts of my brain to close down and others to have absolutely no barrier to self-instruction for self-preservation.
I began to elaborate on the political theorizing and my role in this technoterror situation of being suppressed but what I write is then stolen by all the feminists, anti-racist, pro-Democracy, Progressive, Liberal, Black, White, Jewish, fair and equal charity operators in the media (and beyond).
Consequently, this morning I awoke to see that another creature that I had admired that had made a home on my patio, amongst the vines where most of the flowers are picked off nightly by this terror group so what should be a complete curtain of flowers is instead dead vines hanging down, objects I pasted to cover areas are ripped off and stained with black and brown grime and grease--dirt and filth is sprinkled on the patio all over and especially into the corners--my broom was broken recently and I have been too ill from detox to get out of this room to buy another one--plus I have to see if this landlord is not going to evict me as I requested a lease renewal due to absolute poverty and having no other recourse to living any other place--from the blocks to all financial earnings this group/you reading this/have forced upon me. The animal that I had admired had been blasted away. It's habitat was shredded and hanging down and broken and it was gone.
That was one of the usual acts of hate that this group and your wonderful leaders and performers have ordered as "punishment" for having written any political commentary that has any slight disagreement with their fascist genocidal murderous policies that you all cheered on because you could get a good deal and a nice promotion and huge amounts of money, promises of endless monopolizing your media platform and people to rape, torture and steal from if you choose if they are targets that have been microchipped and labeled as enemies by your most fascist leadership which you all bow down to and serve and obey. Thus at the same time, I was attacked through this animal (as another animal was killed recently that I had made a contact with, it was a most incredible and rare species that this hate people had killed because I wrote in screaming hate terms I do not want them and leave me alone--after years of screaming this when teleported and in writings all I have done is told them they are despicable and yet they never stop attacking me to obtain this huge contract out on me).
However, having made their hate attack by hurting me by killing or destroying yet another piece of beautiful nature that has been a part of this beautiful setting near me, which has been blown up in the past, all flowers, birds, animals have been killed away and there is nothing but sheer silence outside this window with weeds and pieces of litter and they also pour acid down the hillside so everything is being slowly killed off. I have had to live with this same attack sequence going on for years in beautiful, lush Thailand by the death-mongering bigots you all have put into power and are your "friends".
However, they "forced" a reaction out of me, and as has been only going on for over a decade, once they obtain an idea from me that WILL BE STOLEN BY THEM while they profit off the ideas (the black, white and brown commentators and entertainers and Youtube presenters and et al) I remain living off less than $10,000 per year, far less than sub-poverty level. They have blocked literally all my earnings so I must remain at a hostage situation with death threats endlessly piled upon me by your most luscious plastic-surgery charity operators in H-wood and beyond. They "force" me to write using this brain-altering technology, then torture me and kill and destroy (and they do it anyway because I used to compete and beat these bigots so I now have to spend my life fighting to get hard poison out of my body--ten years and not a single bit of help or support from the billionaires who are attacking me and stealing ideas which they flaunt as their own concepts, these ideas are then shuffled around and become famous and I remain sitting here under death torture conditions--slow death). I have not been able to afford a doctor and I have no insurance. They make sure I can't afford to pay for a dentist. I also have a bit of money in reserve but I must keep it in my bank account because they have also blocked my ability to have the legal means to defend myself because they have blocked CRITICAL legal status for me and I remain in every precarious, life-threatening situation with absolutely no health care and I also CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY FOOD THAT WILL HELP ME HEAL i MUST BUY FOOD ON SALE WHICH HAS BEEN POISONED, IS SLIGHTLY FUNGUSY AND i ALSO CAN'T AFFORD TO PROTECT MYSELF IN ANY WAY. They then attack me with physical violence after they teleport me, I begin to scream at them after I see them winning awards for the ideas they stole from me, they slap, punch, and have me raped if I ask for Justice for them to not be awarded with every top position in society any longer.
And thus, what I wrote below on the subject of this Nazi organization posing as "patriots" --and charity leaders and Progressives and Democrats and Feminists and Black leaders of resistance and Jewish defenders against the Holocaust--HAVE ALL PARTICIPATED IN THIS ATTACK UPON ME AND STOLEN IDEAS AND LEFT ME TO FIGHT FOR MY LIFE WITH ALL FINANCES BLOCKED while being forced to live in subpoverty status as I am attacked to death every day slowly--they all go off after attacking me and continue to pump out their K-rap about how they are so concerned about fighting against racism and sexism and for Freedom (to kill, rape and steal) and thus, while I wrote my post yesterday I was in the state of anxiety even in the more subconscious state of mind--understanding that anything I write now, every single thing is a "justification" for the fascist haters to attack me with endlessly more violence after more than a decade of repeat murder attempts and rape and torture from both the teleporters and the terrorists being paid free rent and huge promotions, new buildings new everything for them to break into my room with ever-increasingly sophisticated technology as I have been fighting for over TWO YEARS to block them entering tiny studios where I have been forced to live--in desperation, being poisoned while fighting to heal from poisoning--
I did not include in the posts I wrote on Facebook my REAL analysis and I have now spent a long time writing this introduction and fighting against the hackers blocking the keys, so as usual I spend most of the time backspacing and retying letters that hackers blocked or deleted while I was writing.
The above first line of this post--the intro--says a bit if you understand all the ramification of what The Golden Dawn means. The Golden Dawn is a more ancient Order that is associated with one of the Branches of the organization conspiracy theorists love to point to: The Illuminati. The Greek Golden Dawn Neo-Nazi group had been prominent for a few years, and that demonstrates the willingness for a more suppressed European group to identify with more Northern European fascist policies--while the former Nazi countries remain "shocked" at fascist Nazism that is arising all around the world. Of course all the surrounding countries to Germany that had been invaded during WWII are now openly Nazi. Many Neo-Nazi groups have reached strong levels of government positions in their Parliaments or Legislatures. But not so in Germany. No, of course, the epicenter of the new movement, the New Golden Dawn, remains openly anti-fascist in public for media cameras. Behind the scenes however, behind the sarcasm of this video which--of course---is hard to detect if you are not used to Stuttgart sarcasm which I experienced not directly aimed at me but from just having lived there. It is a form of humor used to disguise open insinuations, a more politically correct form of antagonistic complaint if you will. This type of sarcasm was used in the video by the deep-throated German host of the video. It sounded absolutely in favor of the Neo-Nazi movement rallying with violence in Washington, D.C. yesterday. The white male later claimed that when he travels abroad, the foreigners call him a fascist and a Nazi because of the way he discusses politics. I know from first-hand experience that the Shwabisch Germans love to use this double-talk (double-entendre) to express both seeming dislike of a situation which can also be construed as support for it. The tone-of-voice appears to favor what it claims to oppose. Thus, the statements can be flipped or taken on either side, if one is discerning and understands this kind of codified type of double-talk.
Having written that, with the keyboard now very hard to write on, I submit this post I wrote which, I have not re-edited as there is always some form of redacting by hackers to make mockery of what I had written and also to discredit me.
For the sake of the animals that have been killed as "punishment" for me fighting for my human rights, saying no to these terrorists who are raping, torturing, dismembering and destroying my finances, my home my body my property and stealing all they can--
If you just substitute many of the Ho-wood celebrities currently claiming disbelief at the Nazi marches upon Washington for the sake of "undermining" Democracy: they are akin to this German anti-Nazi host who makes statements seemingly absolutely in favor of these activities--(which I believe at heart and in reality he and they really are and I know for sure and certain actually) but the analyze, break down and profess absolute chagrin at what is happening.
Let there Golden Shower Dawn of the Dead be turned off with all their glib references to concentration camps and death trains and death these expletives use at me when they teleport me and I fight to get them off me, after they have won award after award for movies which themes they stole--upon contract--from my writings. What I wrote yesterday, which I am not going to re-read so I have no idea how badly hackers have rewritten and destroyed it--WILL BE USED by some creep posing as an "alternative" to Nazism--whether Jewish, Black, White, Progressive, Conservative--while I remain here with in this situation they are so HAPPY to keep me in, because they are absolute pundits of fascism and they absolutely support it with stealth, lies, manipulation and blanket approval while "fighting " against it by gyrating, singing, making media presentations with yelling and anger and hate into the screen--they present activists who are fighting but somehow, no one has ever fought for my rights ever in any place or city despite all these Democratic groups.
I am not so defeated as to assume that nothing ever changes, and that no one ever will. I left the US many years ago understanding implicitly after being nearly poisoned to death in the US with people attacking me continuously-as they still do and now with teleportation I am returned back to the United States to be terrorized by Americans who are filthy rich who are supporting this system instead of the creeps surrounding me in cheaper apartment buildings run by mainstream or "alternative" and the entire lopsided spectrum of "right and left" citizens handing my apartment keys for people to go in and poison and rape me--as they have been doing for decades while I have had no information, no warning, no help whatsoever in realistic terms to survive this or even be informed about the entire gamut of this organization all the information is repeatedly suppressed by this most insidious organization=--that perhaps originates from Germany.
Here is the "anti-Nazi" rhetoric being cranked out by a Shwabisch commentator who "looks" and sounds like the typical "gang stalker" terrorist to me. I feel almost 100% certain that if he were presented with the opportunity to either attack me directly or go along, he would not hesitate to do either and moreso if he were to obtain more funding for his media fodder K-rap about how he cares about Democracy. I have to wonder about his half-German/American friend who is part of this interview, as he spouts a good and compassionate view of the situation and yet, I really doubt he would do more, if he were given a chance to publish more books, to attack me alongside his American TRAITORS in H-wood, who are all now "shocked" at the protests and at Trump--they are "shocked" but they have all either participated in my torture attack, which helped to propel him and their fascist "liberal" friends and thus them, into more positions of power and money.
THE CHANNEL I HAD SUBSCRIBED TO, THE VIDEO I HAD INTENDED TO USE FROM Ignaz Bearth Schweiz (listed as having 35,000 subscribers) has been completely blocked. Every single video is now gone from the site. That means that this is a specific block to me accessing this portal by this entire organization. Probably from the German man himself who personally blocked my access. I have no doubt. I could not copy the video as it was a "live" broadcast while I was watching it. )
This is what I had written nevertheless and it applies not only to the false "opposition" in the media and their complicity in participating in this most fascist operation against me, but also in terms of Germany being so "anti-fascist" which is almost, as the Germans love to say--"IT'S A JOKE". (you jokers).
Always Nazis disguised now with pleasant "sarcasm" which can be used for or against. The American version is happy vaseline-coated pleasantries and angry diatribes met with funding and parties with diamond-studded fascists at huge elaborate parties in fascist-controlled Nazi France for Fashion Week (which these "liberals" who have teleported and tortured me to obtain ideas to crank out as their liberal facade(s) for years can't wait to attend while fascist Nazis out of Germany and Austria absolutely applaud their behavior which they have been programmed to repeat like monkeys being trained in mind control torture which enhanced by millions of dollars they morph into huge sweltering hybrid mutated animals as they perform absolutely heinous hate crimes and then shrink to smile for cameras with absolutely demure passive posturing).
It is unbelievable for me to see that every single video has been blocked and the entire page is completely blank for this man. I can attest that on his page the title of his page states, "Love for the Homeland is not a crime".
What I Posted Dec. 6, 2021 on Facebook, under mind control technological influence and hacking disruption and later redacting.