Written on Facebook today (by me of course). Copied here. I am posting on both hoping that if anyone is reading my posts that they can influence the torture situation because the attack on my heart is deadly and it's also affecting my ability to breathe. It's also inducing a slight "panic" attack type condition and it's absolutely electronically-induced.
*btw, the longer you allow this situation to continue, the greater the chances of these types of weapons being used against you too. Even if you think and assume you are too important for this to happen to you, it can happen to anyone of any race, of any socioeconomic status and even from your partners in your organization which sponsors this endless terror global operation which most of you reading this are participants and beneficiaries of.
Hacking is very bad, it's very hard to type and I can't think clearly any longer.
All mistakes in this post are entirely due to hackers as I have meticulously observed every sentence and word I have written.
Terrorists are attacking my heart and nervous system with their terror electronic weaponry. The attacks are a deadly albeit "ambient" type of attack that is continuous (24/7). I began to notice the effects yesterday but the cumulative effects are now deadly. It is akin to my chest and heart being compressed and an inability to breathe deeply. They are trying to simulate a "nervous" attack and not only are they murdering me by weakening my heart muscle, but there are extremely ugly hate messages bombarding my "inner" ear, combined with the remote-effect of a "nervous" hate induced state, the people exploiting me, the new one who just jumped into attacking me BECAUSE i DOWNLOADED A 30-YEAR OLD MOVIE IN WHICH HE AND HIS FRIENDS NOW POLLUTING MY INTERNET WITH THEIR PHOTOS--THEY PLAYED ROLES IN. Just because I wanted to watch an old movie due to THE PLOT and not because I want to see them at all (not at all). It's a "classic" sci-fi movie, I wanted to watch a bit of movie fodder which is one of those end-of-the-world plots.
Within two days of me downloading this film and the attack by this Europ-a actor, he obtained a GLOBAL media onslaught of his fake opposition to Nazism. Because I am drugged, under this non-stop nervous and subliminal and endless attack state to endlessly induce hysteria if possible (for which they always seem to obtain MORE CONTRACTS AND AWARDS AND LEAD ROLES IF i REACT AND REACT--THAT PROVES HOW "SUCCESSFUL" THEY ARE at using this torture teleportation rape, torture and murder system which this entire organization will--WILL continue to sponsor so it becomes an ALTERNATIVE TO VOTING AND INSTALLING ANY GOVERMENT but still retaining the superficial appearance of having a "Democracy".
that is the system that has already been installed by this group.
Because I reacted in rage to his exploitation and the sick and dirty foul sleazy but predictable response--as he only follows the orders that this insidiously stupid, sleazy, often well-educated but inherently incompetently stupid disgusting group puts out-- I went shopping today and was assaulted in the sick stupid "skits" by waves of Europ-a white males and their glowing, smiling and hate-filled Thai consorts used along with surveillance and stalking procedures that reveal the ugliness and depth of violence but on a small scale, that is a corollary to to the huge theater attack on the Capital building on January 6, 2021.
They really want me to react by calling them names and going into hysterics, as I have done for years due to the drugging, extreme torture (disfigurement and slow dismemberment including actual dismemberment and breaking of bones every single day without end for years--plus damage to my property every single day and endless assault and etc...) all the culprits are "enjoying" now awards from the highest categories, new Europ-a mansions and jets, yachts and lead roles, huge production companies handed to them scripts put in their name directing and all they ever dreamed of put in their names and handed to them for participating in this hate crime.
The politicians who have participated have almost lost their lives in the huge orchestration of this larger, more violent aspect of the same organization and the same protocols were used as the "gang stalking" terrorism that no one of them ever stopped while they actually even teleported or participated (meaning the "liberals").
I am of course under extreme attack in typing and thinking and in addition to the heart compressions and nervous system hyper-accentuation to induce a panic state with hate messages endlessly input. Plus teleportation to hate and waking up to this heinously nasty man out of Austria who sickens me--sickens and disgusts me because like all of the Americans, after years of experiencing the most disgusting attacks that are reminiscent of the ugliness people can finally visibly see on the faces of the Capital attackers, these terrorists of the A-list celebrity group remain absolutely shrouded in a cloak of endless exoneration because they are celluloid celebrities who politicians can rely on to endorse them for their political careers, and help also bring them into the folds of the mansions in europe and the wealth and attainment that this Nazi-controlled United States conglomerate corporation has become absolutely infiltrated by.
I want to add that I heard about one of the Capital Hill (black) Congresswomen whose office had been stripped of the alarm buttons (or are they called "panic" buttons?). The terrorists removed her alarm system so she could not alert security that her office and she was under deadly assault. She claimed, for the news interviews, that her office panic buttons had operated well in the past. This is the exact type of sabotage that terrorists use on my motorbike, on my phone systems, when I make phone calls all calls are diverted to terrorist agents to give out wrong information and attack me verbally on the phone. Not obtaining critical information can be deadly in various circumstances. The list is long and now more information is coming out about the collaborative efforts of various Congressional reps who were in collusion with the terrorist attacks. These are the same people involved in the terrorist attacks upon me, although they may not be directly involved in my particular attack planning and orchestration, the global group contains these very same members who also are part of the same group who are attacking me.
It is now very nearly impossible to type any longer. The keyboard is now completely stiff to the point that I must exert my biceps in order to pound down any letter so it can print. I won't recheck what hackers are going to delete and rewrite. So far I have written and backspaced and corrected all so there are almost zero mistakes or incongruities.
If anyone is out there who cares who is not blind to how deadly not doing anything to stop these celebrities or this organization is if you continue to allow them to proceed in this terror and teleportation MK ULTRA stalking terror operation which is the very same operation involved in stalking and violating the Capital building--the same energy is involved, the same resources, the same modus operandi, the very same sick grins and glee on the faces of the possessed terrorists trying to assassinate and destroy and murder politicians so they can have their fascist Nazi system with free open allowance to use technocratic terror operations to openly stalk and terrorize, rape and murder anyone they don't like. That is their ultimate goal and you people reading this who think you are against something like this but are just waiting to see what will happen or don't think it can ever happen to you--so far, some of those who thought it would only happen to me are now openly screaming about how they were almost murdered just a few weeks ago by the same organization they thought was their friendly support system.
Please stop this nasty new actor, he is an abomination. I have lots of names and insults I could write but they and he are waiting for this response as proof of how incredibly sinister and corrupt and violent they are so the Nazis they really are can become more empowered to put out their fake anti-racist/pro "Democracy" media K-rap as often as possible. I want to say that when he put out his horrid fake video a few days ago, MSNBC, which had one of their lead media anchors who attacked me, they absolutely promoted this, as well as politicians and news outlets and not a single person doubted the veracity or the intent behind what was being shown. People sink into a fake reverie of how the actor claimed he was a "victim" (to paraphrase) of an abusive Nazi father alcoholic, and the sappy music began to play and then he continued to deride his good BUSINESS PARTNER AND FRIEND Trump who actually handed this teleportation terror operation to him to continue with the rest of the hate crowd that has accumulated to attack me until there are too many to count under the brain-altering attack that always accompanies my attempts to write while the keyboard, as it is now, is completely blocked and I must backspace to retype letters that won't appear unless I pound down literally with all my hand and arm strength. At this point I'v ebeen struggling to fight to type like this for a long enough time it's now painful to keep exerting my bicep like this and my hand and arm are fighting so hard to write. My brain is now under assault and I can't "remember" what I want to say any longer. It will all come back as soon as I get up and walk away from this spot where my brain is under some extreme brain-altering technological attack (either from the laptop where something has been inserted or from the rooms next to mine aiming these weapons at me or from where ever. )
With no evidence all I can do is write about the suspected attacks and can't begin to find information online as all searches are blocked and false information is always put on my laptop. This is also the 'future" of people who this group doesn't like but want to exploit or use: tons of false information and no real pertinent information will be obtained by those this group wants to stifle. Of course, all of you reading this assume that will never be you or your families or children.
I can't write any longer. I just ask that people PLEASE GET THIS HATE-PERSON OFF ME, HE'S so nasty and vile towards me and is such a user and is deplorable and is just another Nazi terrorist using this technology to continue to INFILTRATE THE UNITED STATES. That he was a Governor is a testament to how he uses women and that his former WIFE WAS A KENNEDY AND i DOUBT he could have functioned politically or obtained that level without her. Of course, once his political career was over so was his marriage which is only a testament to what a user and exploiter he is and liar. Please do not let him exploit me to obtain more power.
I also want to add finally that these actors who have and are currently attacking me behave with the most smug assurance that they will NEVER have any repercussions of law or block to their endless attacks upon me, or anyone they damn well want to attack in the future as these weapons continue to be produced and meted out to organizations that encompass the entire globe, seamlessly. They are so certain that all presidents, who hitherto have absolutely participated in these crimes for their celebrity endorsers, who promote their images and their angle into politics to gain "the black vote" or "the Nazi vote" which by now are merging into one huge group (now called Trumpism but really when it comes to obtaining money and power by participating in this hate organization, these seemingly disparate polar opposites somehow manage to operate like best buddies in these operations and in the silencing of the information because they obtain so many huge deals and contracts out of participating but in still appearing to represent opposite views and political spectrums.)
I refer to those who aspire to the media celebrity positions and also as well in politics, as these also merge and have combined in a most sinuous and lethal way (referring to the Capital attacks once again).
I am now pounding down, backspacing and fighting to move my hands and can't continue with what I had wanted to write.
20 Minutes later:
here's one thing I "remembered" after getting onto another page and not fighting to type on this page: The video that the terrorist currently attacking me (alongside the spate of terrorists who are his American Nazi friends who put out all the anti-Nazi movies and tv talk shows): that video relied on such a standard H-wood movie plot device: the UNDERDOG. The tragic victim of cruel parents/society/corrupt authority figures who are now "fighting" and "speaking out" about their victimization and are all "fighting" by making MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN MOVIES THEY CRANK OUT ABOUT HOW THEY ARE "FIGHTING" THESE EVIL POWER FIGURES WHO THEY WERE THE UNDER DOG VICTIMIZED BY. Always the same plot device used in so many of these same block buster Nazi promotional films (subliminal, psychological reverse psychology always is used). And this most Nazi attacker has relied once more not only upon a Vaseline butt-f*kk music score behind the posturing greasy lies, but the same old formula device always the same for these violent fascists who crank out these movies (and talk shows and news anchor commentaries and YouTube videos and channels--who operate under this particular system). "They" want complete control and they continue to narrow down all opposition while people remain allowing it to happen by doing nothing or saying nothing and receiving all these benefits and promotions. As I wrote above: some of them are now engulfed in chagrin that they were almost murdered and assassinated by the very same system in it's more plebian and unadorned waves of violent gang stalkers converging upon The Capital last week. There has to be more than complacency now when it comes to this organization and your allegiance to being silent and allowing it to continue to flourish.
there's more I want to write about how the minority minions behave while they are attacking me, gloating and laughing as they do, with their white "masters" putting their arms around them hugging them because they are "helping" the white Nazi bigots to have their paid-for minions attack me for their inclusion into the power structure (pyramid hierarchy where they are so happy to be a member of). The same looks of delight are on the faces of some of the most rabid black anti-racist vehemently shouting actors and performers who attack me and are gloating in photos while they are in Europ-a-land alongside white Nazis who hand them and their aspiring children plastic surgery vacations and cat walks and movie roles and endless shopping and party invitations (not understanding that they are really being invited into the Nazi Party) but they party nevertheless. They then return to California where they "fight" for millions of dollars to promote "black" interests and continue to viciously attack me because blacks have to hate Jews in order to be invited into the "elite" nazi party circles (so they think, so they assume that's were they are being invited into). Otherwise, I see the exact delight smug behavior in Thailand from the women (especially as they are the lead portal of investment for these bigot Nazi white males who have completely poured and scoured over Thailand and the very best, most beautiful and all places are being completely taken over as has the government and all politics in the country--just as I see happening in America and in H-wood).
Oh, it's very much the same. Why must I write this for YEARS and still it appears to people read my posts to steal information and ideas but remain allowing this system to continue unabated? Can't you understand that death and genocide even of you and your entire group you belong to are at risk? Even if you are white and a Nazi it can also happen to you. The people who were threatened with death went along with the white fascist ideology up to the point that they didn't want to betray certain oaths that they took. They were then turned upon viciously for simply disobeying orders without question. That is what this group is aspiring to, in reality but you keep assuming I am ranting and drugged up (which I have been for so long).