MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Monday, June 14, 2021
nEW yORK dOLLS Trash don't let those rotten old men wankers tell you what to say. TRASH just throw their hate and ugliness away. TRASh. DON'T LET THEM control your mind or what you say. Trash throw them away and their wives and keep the world in a state of free play that is gay, merry, clean and bright. TrAsh I mean spiritual bliss and not their rotten trashy piss on the planet. tRASH, THROW that hate organization away. trASH, LET THIS cleansing occur today and forever throw the TRASh mind controlling dirty foul dregs away.
A reverse regurgitation.
Lydia Lunch & Rowland S. Howard ~ Black Juju
A REVERSE REGURGITATION***ALL OF MY LURID POSTS TODAY--THE SEXUALLY BASED ONES BEGINNING WITH LYDIA LUNCH'S *FUCK* VIDEO ARE NOT NOT NOT ANY ASPECT OF MY SEXUALITY BUT AN EXPOSE OF THE BASE AND SICK SEXUALITY OF THE TELEPORTING CULTURAL HEROES THAT YOU ALL LOVE AND DEFEND AND PROTECT while they try to force their filth and hate upon me as if that is me and not them. I am merely putting out videos that honest women have put out when being "sexy" according to the dictates of rapist bigots was NOT the enforced-through-violence absolute code, codified by a slew of sleazy pop stars and celebrity symbols who represent nothing but what I posted since the video *FUCK* BY LYDIA LUNCH TODAY. I am merely making a statement about THEM and not ME. That is the general rule of thumb for all my videos that appear lurid or sarcastic, which I am not inherently like but releasing the sleazy greasy filth that is continuously dumped on me by people of that same substance who appear clean and jovial and shiny and plastic-coated romantic for the media and the press, adored and protected and the need for them to turn that fake smile into a hideous grimace of rape and hate upon me is something, apparently, society needs in order to continue to put fake fantasies upon pedestals.
Kill Your Sons - Lydia Lunch
Lydia Lunch Retrovirus - Burning Skulls
The Accüsed - Have You Never Been Mellow
The Accused- Psychomania
Sunday, June 13, 2021
The divide between Hollywood and the US Government is very thin indeed.
"Joe Biden explains how he'll handle Putin meeting." CNN. June 13, 2021.
President Biden: "Look, I know this is going to sound somewhat prosaic, but I think we're in a contest. Not with China, per se, but a contest with autocrats. Autocratic governments around the world. As whether or not Democracies can compete with them in the rapidly changing 21st Century. And I think how we act, and whether we pull together to act as a Democracy is going to determine whether our grandchildren are going to look back 15 years from now and say, 'Did they step-up?. Are Democracies as relevant and powerful as they had been?."
Woman tethered to the status demanded by the drooling crowd who cheer the abuser/rapist/bondage/humiliation-master (cum) romantic sex symbol male performer(s) who stage the death of love while selling it off as a venue-pleasing entertainment spectacle while the vultures hover over the murky air above the theaters and the crowds alike.
Andrea Dworkin | Intercourse. Feminist Heretics. September 6, 2020.
Andrea Dworkin's Testimony Before the Attorney General on Pornography (2/4). Feministubez.
With this technology and these death squad groups and terrorist I have been teleported, raped, raped while drugged in my room while sleeping in a comatose, drugged up state. My body has been mutilated and parts of my body broken and cut off during the last decade. The people involved have stolen ideas from me and then tortured me after they raped and tried to murder me from poisoning and orchestrated accidents. At this time there is a crowd of Hollywood millionaire/billionaire rapist racists including mafia who daily assault me and have not stopped getting "High" off the thrill and the money offered for this ever-increasing enterprise.
Saturday, June 12, 2021
"Health Care Journal publishes RESEARCH calling WHITENESS, 'A PARASITIC CONDITION' without PERMANENT CURE.'" White paracitist supremacy has now been scientifically-established in one science journal. Everything I have expressed about the inferior qualities of the bigot, Nazis and their minority wanna be white supremacist minions has been studied and an actual scientific study has endorsed the view that the claim of white supremacy is an obverse perversity of an assumed entitlement, based on pure violence and not substance. This fully encapsulates the mentality of all the people teleporting me (black, white, Jewish and etc meaning the ones assuming the identities they are taught is their "legacy" and those who "wanna be" part of that power cartel of crime and posturing bluffing "fake it till you make it" paradigm).
My endless plaintive discourse in all my posts and blog entries revolves around the block to actual competition that has been foisted upon me by the "powers-that-be" who wanna be automatically installed into highest positions of power, mostly based on the premise that due to their race or appearance they are the ONLY rightful heirs to nepotistic rule and highest ranking in all fields of endeavor. The mind control technologies that are forced upon me by all involved (which is mostly all reading my posts and all surrounding me and all governments around the planet and all people I have encountered my entire life, or those who sit back and do nothing or very little but still allow the system to increase. At this point in history some Americans are a bit shocked that the malevolent system they did nothing about is now a threat to their cherished "Democracy" which they did nothing to defend when they had the chance; even as they were flown in Armies or other defense government forces they did not do their duty to protect Democracy when the threat was domestic and they were assured that their security was never at risk if they just went along with the "program").
But aside to that aside:
I have not read the study but one simple paragraph amply describes the very essence of all that I have been writing of this group for over a decade in these posts and blogs and entreaties for anyone to defend me (to almost no avail in most instances).
To dispel of this lie and to allow people to have the freedom not only to discover their true and real identities outside of the limitations of enforced societal cliches, stereotypes and enforced rules of society--for women to have the chance to compete but not just blonde women or Nazi women but women like me who have been POISONED so I can't compete. Others have been made pregnant (thus the abortion fight is so important to the Nazis in government who want minority women to not have a chance to actually do more than breed and remain domesticated servants with no chance to have a fight in the political and other arenas without having to perform great feats of compromise in order to achieve any higher ranking).
The other fight in this drama of equality, for which America is "meant" to stand but has fallen so ungracefully for so long in that respect (or has never fully stood upright in it's history but the struggle continues as some limping begin to stand up for their rights while the brainwashing apparatus of racism continues to plunge people into fantasy dramas that have subliminal mind control programming to quell their instincts and keep the former inequalities seeming to be shifting towards equality but in actuality is re-enforcing the old but by increments changing the superficial appearance of the color schemata.)
All the people teleporting me have this same principle in mind, and I quote from the scientific article:
Written by Donald Moss, an author and activist, the article entitled “On Having Whiteness,” explains that whiteness establishes an “entitled dominion” that enables the “host” of “parasitic whiteness” to have “power without limit, force without restriction, violence without mercy,” adding that it has a drive to “hate, and terrorize.”
One can only wonder if the scientist writing this article is of some other race affiliation other than White?
The rape, induced by drugging, mind control technology, and the isolation that society has allowed to penetrate my every living condition and social interaction with (as everybody obeys this system and no one goes outside it's prescribed protocols and no one stands up for me publicly or not very much and the system remains growing like a virus into every crook and cranny of every system and society around the planet). Otherwise known as the 4th Reich.
I am now confronted with this very hate system once more by someone utilizing technology that so blasts my body with an induced version of "love" (to use a very polite euphemism) whereby I am almost viciously raped with physical violence by someone I don't know or love or even like personally, where I react with utter loving reaction and repeat pornographic phrases that are being implanted into my brain (the violence and being literally pinned down physically while sleeping and teleported, drugged and under torture conditions that have not stopped for a single day for more than a decade and much longer actually) with GOVERNMENT agents and officials fully participating in this. I have to see first-hand every single day the utter hate of this white supremacist group, try to heal the countless cars, blemishes, cuts to the bone, the poison in my body, the stinking filth that has endlessly been sprayed into my living place turning it into squalor and utter toxic filth sprayed and smeared into every bit of everything I must breathe in and live around. Then I am endlessly being physically tortured by people who are STEALING MY IDEAS and blocking and preventing me from having my own career or any chance to compete.
I have been writing for years that these are parasites and now it has been "scientifically" proven to some extent. I find it amusing of course I have not read the article mostly because I already know that there is a pattern that is unchanged from one of these haters to the next. When I am confronted with one I simply continue the dialogue I had with the last one because they are a continuous and seamless entity of blank personalities with inferior mental and emotional qualities who can perform, like idiot savants, a few tricks and circus performances but on a personal level they are not "all that" to use a bit of slang--or should I just write they are not superior but in fact are parasites on others not only in the bedroom or in personal relationships but on the planet itself causing utter distress to every ecosystem and planetary political machine except for their own, safe enclaves in their scrubbed-clean filthy domestile sties. Scrubbed clean but filthy, they feed off every misery and despair situation they can enforce through all the desperate for relief minion they can induct into their ever-growing army of robot zombies who are programmed to kill and destroy (even to destroy their own for the sake of the parasites who feed off them and tell them how to live their lives according to the principles that they oppress and destroy any competition such as me or anybody else and no one challenges their false claims of superiority simply because they have programmed through violence everyone to submit and never question. Oh how the mind control technology is going to be used to force people into "loving" worthless parasites who never deserved the status in the first place let alone the utter love that these drugs and technologies "extract" out of human beings for the loveless and inferior (or not the superior by automatic decree).
Friday, June 11, 2021
The dominance of the Zero Sum Game. "'Zero sum' is the language of power. How does one overturn the ideology of power? How does one transcend that with a non-zero sum?...Some people live their entire personal lives with personal relationships centered around the zero sum philosophy." (see video below on the zero-sum game worldview).
"Mo' Money" for the Indo-Pacific Initiative" and more money perhaps for the global surveillance and terrorist system that is still covertly funded for such operations as I have been writing of in desperation for someone to stop this for over a decade. The personal philosophy of the terrorists attacking me is very much a zero-sum game, which is also akin to their own personal relationships and how they treat others outside of their terrorist activities.
"This is no exercise — US wants to encircle China with actual troops." RT America. June 11, 2021.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
The expropriating Europigapes and the American wanna be Europigape imitator minions and their infiltration of American culture/politics and the land. The 2nd genocide approaches the United States and now the "native savages" are the Red/white and blue white trash MAGA maggots and the counterpart "woke" fake liberals and their minority minions
For over a decade Europigapes fully supported by these now clear-in-focus groups of American insurrectionists, anti-Democratic haters and "Patriots" with their increasing strains of minorities voting them in power and being put into higher positions--and the much more Left-handed path of the fake "liberals" with their same interior structure but so adorned with the outer platitudes of "wokeness" have attacked me.
The Europeans (sorry to use the correct term for such subhuman scum and inferior crap) but, the two who took turns tortured me to obtain ideas so their stale, stalwart and mediocre art and entertainment output could have some kind of salespitch for the American audience and also to emulate the American style that has swept the planet. Not just emulation but appropriation of the culture is their true and ultimate goal. I see this in the German fascist Nazi who is being so embraced by the half-English whore skank he adores, his fellow bigot Nazi who hasn't stopped stealing my concepts for at least a decade so her mediocre, nasty meaningless posturing greasy whore persona with all her plastic surgery and facial modification can "sell" fascism and nazism with the "woke" label affixed to the endless promotions by the English-monarchist overtake of US Entertaiment entrainment as they seep in to destroy and take over. This German man is now using "crossover" to do the very same thing by exploiting me because I downloaded a movie he starred in (I was TRYING to get a version of a movie about Paganini with a DEAD actor--Klaus Kinsi--another sleazy German prick who made it big in the movies but otherwise, I could not get a decent version so I downloaded this movie ONLY because I was and am so ill to read, so I watched this movie to see a depiction of Paganini and not this prick violist and now for three weeks he's raped me non-stop and inserted a malicious fungus into my vagina my feet were cut into last night through layers of protection I have struggled to use to defend myself as he's telling me I must go to Germany and have a baby with him while this group of wanna be fascist Nazi Americans who have fully adapted all and every Europigape thought and action, all have castles and mansions in Europigapland as their rewards for assisting in Europigape infiltration and usurpation.
And I write this today as I have been doing for years--the feeling of old age injected into me by these rotten old men (this German man is 15 years younger than me but he's so fully integrated into rotten old man culture, as well as the cock rock rapist whores he plays his violin with out of Whorewood--the heavy metal cock rock womanizers and racists and rapist Nazi fascist with all their "freedom" cock rock bs).
And so, as I have not stopped writing about this organization, now it's in scathing hate tones as I have been injected by a hater who has sucked out my passion and love while injecting hate and his greed--that nasty Germanic money-obsessed power-mongering abuse but I can't express how he puffs up when he lets me know that I have no defense--and because MY COUNTRY HAS ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN-my country has been fostering Nazi culture all my life and during the Holocaust no doubt completely allowed so many war crimes to be committed against everyone in Europe who resisted that scourge of filth that was also allowed to sweep over Europe by the "powers that be" who now have fully turned into converted "Democratic" fascist Nazi cartel agencies with mafia backup.
A point I "forgot" to write in my last post because I am under so much attack, my emotions are at high peak due to being sucked out of my protective shell by this predator sexual rapist abuser fascist creep who always has his loving mommy to return to in State-funded security out of Nazi Germany that has made so many appearances of being "democratic" for posturing political purposes. He's tried to "push the envelope" in his pornographic fantasy world of hate (that is actually another robot-zombie program that I have seen countlessly in other German mama's boys who abuse "minority" women to get their pornographic high, are loving and kind to the Nazi women they marry but have this pressing need to press down on women to vent their misery in their power-domination society out in these brothels that are frequently scattered in downtown areas of German cities so the men can take their corporate power lunch breaks after power struggles with other fascist parasites as they vent their hate on the brown-skinned women in the whorehouses who have no protection because the pimps are very eager to get all that money. I have also seen this personally in Germany very often (not from MY personal experience but from observation--from going out at night and from hearing women talk--this also trickles down to white-skinned women such as Russians who are part of prostitution trafficking who claim that German men are notorious pricks and abusers).
I have gone to German homes and seen them in action in their domestic sphere (nothing I ever want to re-experience or be around again) and I can assure that this system is very embedded into their psyche.
Knowing thus about this man and his programming (but the stupid wanna be fascist Nazi Americans who know very little about all of this because when they go to Germany they are treated to the most smiling psychopath loving kindness by the German Nazis intent on further world domination--but now using smiles and business wiles) but...I try to fight this. I write this today to let people have some awareness that they should BEWARE OF THESE PEOPLE INSTEAD OF EMBRACING THEM OR THE CULTURE OF NAZISM THAT HAS PERVADED HOLLYWOOD and all the rest of American society.
Emergency: my money has been cut off and I am facing death: A direct life-threatening situation from this terrorist group is in the real now financial. My money has been suspended. I have checked my mail and have been told either complete lies, or someone has alerted the agency which cut my money off. So tired from cleaning the stinking filth in my body the past week, and collapsing in utter sickness while being tortured non-stop, and then cleaning today muck and just checking and the funding has been "suspended" in red in my account. It is Saturday and the government office is closed until Monday, which means I have to wait over 48 hours to discover what I must do. They might demand that I go into a field office, which means I will have to
fly international to get an appointment because someone alerted them that I am not in the city--a probable reason there have been no problem...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...