"Mikhail Baryshnikov in White Nights--'Capricious Horses'". joeblack. June 28, 2015.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Friday, November 4, 2022
White Supremacists and their White Nights handed all hegemony Heights for superficial Lights but truly itching for Black Fights. Blackest intentions. Blackest souls piercing the Heart of Darkness in lies and deceptions about their black-spirited ways and means. Musings on various themes, controversial, tedious, tenuous tensions of torturers in teleportation. As opposed to their public media presentations, a stage fit for a horse unfit for a Kingdom. White Supremacists Transported to the top of the pinnacle of the circus tent: Bigots. Haters. Fascists. "Elitists".
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Is Murder of the teleportation victim part of the protocol system?//Teleportation of human beings a classified and "top secret" operation. Unlike the protocols for a rigid experiment in technology that should have been issued and followed, I am subject to the idiosyncratic whims of sadists and rapists and racists who need to inflict their hate, monitored by an agency that appears to be socially-engineering these traits into the highest levels so it can trickle on down via the platforms of media consumption and programming.//Legal Statement "for the record" as there is no law or jurisprudence in this situation of me as target for government/celebrity and all facets of "society". No law, no protection and this ongoing MURDER situation (poisoning as just another facet of the overall assassination upon me).
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Winning the Award for the Most Talented Artist Teleporter for 2022 (and all preceding years combined). Perhaps he will be known as the most talented teleporter of all time in history--as surely once the technology filters downward into mainstream society mere scumbags will have access instead of celebrities---and the poor people victimized by this tech will have to deal with grasping people searching for meaning in having a victim to torture and attack and then voila! press a button and they are returned to another part of the world---what a trip. I can imagine ne-er-do-wells having access to teleporting and demanding obedience just because they are terrorists.
"Mikhail Baryshnikov Spectacular Turning Point Solos". Kent G. Becker.
I can imagine ne-er-do-wells having access to teleporting and demanding obedience just because they are terrorists. In addition to me having this expert in physique in my aural vicinity at odd moments of my life, transmitting a physical sense of power that I have never felt and is drawing me close to my center in a way that is akin to a rebirth of my physical state and being. The others who come after me will not be so lucky, at least in that sense. What an amazing artist this is. I have always respected his ballet and above all the other male dancers he has always stood out as being exceptional to me--although there must be others. So I am lucky in this sense. After all the years of having my body stuck with poisons and poisonous people attacking me, at least there is a glimmer of some redemption for all I have fought for as I am receiving probably the most stellar physical advice on body alignment from a most powerful personality in this regard--something that is like a rare gift in life that few experience. All this other hell from the teleportation terrorists is somewhat lessened in this regard, although it's all intolerable:
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
The "Where's Nancy?" national trauma/exercise in power. It was, or was it, or wasn't it, potentially an MK ULTRA "Manchurian Candidate" type of attack. Mind control, labeled as "mental illness" by his "handler" partner in San Francisco. The signs of an operation are visible to me, but of course it remains a silent vacuum in this respect by all main media focus on the problem.
I realize how discrediting my writing is--I am drugged every night while sleeping or my food or water is being perpetually drugged/poisoned by this terrorist network. Additionally, no one will support me so I am attacked, drugged, poisoned, maimed, raped, beaten and abused without end day after day and night after night and everywhere I go and with every person I encounter--almost. I can't function in any business capacity because all my telecommunications are diverted to terrorists who attack me and lie and while all that is happening my brain is being blocked from major cognitive awareness and functioning but I appear "normal" and respond to the subliminal prompts--so I am endlessly under attack. My writing appears ranting and today I wrote a "conspiracy theory" in a most ranting tone. I am under attack by the next pair of "celebrities" after over a decade of one after the next, night after night.
Thus, when I write there are certain times during the day when my ranting is at a truly drugged and hysterical mode. I was attacked as I have been since the latest pair and duo of men who have both sexually assaulted me in various ways in this insidious teleportation, are not stopping from verbal abuse which I respond to without being able to stop, as they mostly viciously go on trying to break me down indelibly, every day. The creeps who participated in this and have not stopped globbing on to parasitically feeding off everything possible out of this contract on me, from stealing ideas to feeding off the hormones of torture to obtaining lead roles (they all do the same things, they all feed and parasitically exploit in the same way and all get the same benefits and all go on for YEARS without end)--
I am attacked every single night in teleportation by one nasty teleporting raping abuser after the next; it's been going on for over a decade EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and people like Nancy have fully endorsed this terror contract upon me. I know a lot about how "handlers" and MK ULTRA operate, because of people like Nancy know and participated and thusly, when I see what happened to Nancy I think about how Nancy assumed she would be safe from the onslaught of what she wants to do to people like me. I have been ranting about this subject for YEARS and while I began trying to write in a calm and intellectual tone, as the years have gone by and I have had one politician after the next attack me alongside the celebrities who are absolutely foul and fascistic and anti-American at the core of what the Constitution and adhering to law and social ethics truly entails--
But when I see the information on the news about how this man behaved and the reaction from the "Maga" crowd, as reported by MSNBC, people like yet another media terrorist who also attacked me in teleportation, Rachel--and she and the other anchors for this station all expressed dismay that major Republican candidates and figures are mocking and essentially abandoning the perpetrator whom was mostly "following" instructions to go out and commit political violence--as a "lone wolf" and now no one knows him and they all say he's just crazy anyway. Echoes of what "they" have been saying emphatically about me, including all the b-words and all the slurs and racial epithets and all the hate and all the violence which is only a promotional tool and nothing considered criminal or illegal by people like Nancy.
Still, this violent perpetrator had "emotional" problems according to those close to him, namely his "lover"--("Mentally ill" is the term used). This is the defining term used against those who are coerced using mind control and then dismissed as being "mentally ill" by those who actually are engaging in the terror operations. They of course appear sane, calm and normalized and just concerned about a nutcase who goes wacko and must be "mentally ill". That is the predominant modus operandi of this hate organization and the game they play so universally to reverse their insanity upon the person who has been driven crazy (by them).
I think there is the possibility that major mind control technology has been used upon the population and that people are, en masse, programmed into this organization. Not that they are not willing to use political violence but there are many factors in this social engineering fascist 4th Reich dictatorship unfolding right now--globally as well as Brazil is due for a January 6th just about now--(I heard from Rachel that there are signs of a violent refusal to concede the election by Bolsinaro and Americans who supported the Insurrection on January 6, who held prominent positions and still do and are highly positioned to control the masses (i.e. Brietbart) are speaking into their microphones about how Bolsinaro should never concede, and according to Rachel's MSNBC prognosis, the belief being touted is that elections in general are on the chopping block by the Republicans. I would state this otherwise: this is the global fascist organization I have been writing of for YEARS and simply tortured nearly to death for having done so--and still no one will take my ranting posts seriously although they have all expressed and prognisticated the actual reality and truth that is now happening about how mind control, MK ULTRA and this death squad terrorist organization is going to bring great destruction and will try to actually go out and kill people if they don't like them. I have ranted in my incoherent and hacked/drugged/poisoned and tortured/raped and abused position that no one will stop but people are still aware of what I am experiencing and yet--they appear for the cameras to put all these variables of political violence into the same old routine of analysis--omitting completely the distinct possibility of this being a Manchurian Candidate and that MK ULTRA-style mind control could very easily have been conducted upon this person who acted as the arm and hammer for those who want such political violence done by their proxy minions; then discarded as being "mentally ill" and case closed on analyzing the why's and how's of this situation--for the most part. Relegating someone to being "mentally ill" is a cozy little box, like all their limiting boxes with only them making the delineations between what is good and bad (they of course are supposed to be the most "superior" of all and all the technology is going to ensure that no one can ever compete against them unless they are either a part of their major global cult of the 4th Reich or minions they can use to mind control others into believing that they truly encompass a truly benevolent leadership monopoly.
How the attacker of Nancy's partner could have been programmed is very much like all the years of me detailing how I am under non-stop attack. I cannot get to the parts of my account that really make sense in how mind control operates, and I have been under too much attack, too much hacking to be able to write very clearly on this subject. Also a host of the creeps who have raped, beaten and possibly poisoned me to death (while I remain alive, I am so internally poisoned that if I do succumb it will appear like a gradual decline in my health to my death which they will attribute to my "mental illness" which they just foisted upon me as a label while poisoning and drugging me to death, and like all their unfortunate victims of mind control, the use and blame afterwards for all the problems they created in the first place. This trend I see in the reaction that I have heard of from the smug joking "MAGA" crowd who post "jokes" about this situation and/or discard the attacker as being a lone nutcase wolf.
Otherwise, people do not understand nor do they care how badly the mind control drugs can completely alter a personality and make someone actually commit heinous deeds that they actually would never otherwise commit. I would like to write stories on this subject but the haters attacking me have stolen so many ideas and short stories in all these years of people continuously allowing them to go on that I have had to stop because they torture me for writing anything that threatens their claims that only they are capable of anything beyond mere mind-numbing conformity--they steal the ideas, destroy evidence I have written the item in the first place, then they paste or force what they have stolen on my every media search or on side tabs or etc--they then induce me to react using subliminals and the drugging, the react with violence towards me for not allowing them to do this without my resistance; then they get promoted for "successfully" using the mind control protocols.
I have so many years of such unscrupulous expletives in highest positions doing this that when I see the usual format being repeated I see the signs very clearly that this Nancy attack was very possibly part of the same universal modus operandi that is replicated endlessly because these terrorists all obey and follow essentially the same plot, in the same way, and now it's every day and growing more and more and more and more like another virus sweeping American life.
Still, I have to face this tonight and while I am in the shower and every day this next pair of abusers is going at me, and they are just another hateful pair. One of them is giving me essential body tips for healing--he's a ballet professional and is giving me lengthening and other types of tips--which is extremely helpful. In return, I am told that I am getting this "for free" while he's abusing me every other opportunity possible for his promotion to get millions of dollars, perhaps, in deals out of this violence towards me. His partner, the much younger Londoner I have written of now asking yet again for another rapist hater bigot to be pried off me, is going at me and in the background is the disgusting daughter of the celebrity who began torturing raping beating and both she and he (the daughter and father) stealing ideas from me and using them as their own creative output--while poisoning and abusing me non-stop and punching spitting and raping and etc. It culminated in near murder. They also stole my cat and like the MAGA crowd made much mockery about having thrown her in the water and taking a photo of her drowning. I still have not had my cat returned as they keep using her as blackmail to force me to have a "baby" with one of these most hateful and undesirable abuser rapists bigots and Nazi 4th Reich instigator perpetrators.
So the MAGA crowd in the US is now being identified as being Nazi and fascist--labels I used back in 2015 and even earlier to the black celebrities who later on made their splash into the mix of fascism by slapping someone on stage at the Oscars--with the same father whose daughter is still, now, sitting obscenely with these men--the Russian and the English--abusing, insulting me because I wrote of the reality and truth of how lagerfeld actually was promoting their fascism and hers in particular--and how featuring his work for this upcoming met gala is simply glorifying this fascist Nazi trend. Never ending violence on a psychological level now from the London creepy DJ who is trying his best to impress the bigot fascist creep daughter who he probably is enamored with because he's obsessed with blonde models and wants so desperately to be welcomed into that crowd--and by attacking me he being welcomed probably with huge deals for his music ventures. That is all it takes.
Back to Nancy--who utterly attacked me just within the past two years and I told her in person while she was attacking me that she was not doing her duty to the country by participating in this crime against me. She stared and thought for less than 5 seconds and then continued her assault upon me. As I have written, these women of this group all think it's wonderful that I am being beaten, raped and blocked from being competitors against their "feminist" push for hegemony over the "feminist" corporate glass ceiling ladder that they want to dominate. The minions who perform for them expressly as admiring subordinates also get a shot, but always they must push to endorse white supremacist bigots like Nancy who threatened to have me killed when I was fighting against rapist white supremacist men from abusing and torturing me after years of being nearly murdered by one after the next and fighting incessantly and never-endingly non-stop as I am still doing to this very moment to get anyone to intervene and stop this.
Yet I am in the same boat as Nancy now is--or she is in the same boat but she got a huge life saver and I still get rocks thrown on top of me as I am flailing for help to the silent but mocking and applauding public, while Nancy is being showered with compassion and concern. The media is claiming this is political violence by this nutcase insane mentally ill lone wolf who is also being labeled as such by the MAGA crowd which probably is thrilled but don't want to claim any responsibility.
It truly, as I wrote a few days ago, is very tell-tale about how this operation is still being protected even when it threatens the very lives of those who have wanted it to be put in place so people like me have no chance.
I also thought today of how Nancy's husband is in the San Francisco General Hospital being taken care of. I went to that hospital decades ago with a broken metal rod in my back--(from scoliosis surgery, the terrorist organization forcing an "accident" which I have written of before but right now hacking on the keyboard and my brain is making writing or thinking or typing any longer at the near impossible stage).
I was denied health care to a degree that I should have been able to procure a huge legal sum for a law suit but instead, I had to go to Germany with $100 in my pocket in a desperate attempt to get health care--because I was not only lied to at the SF General Hospital by the terrorist organization--but groped while on the x-ray examination table by an attendant--told that this metal rod used to stabilize the scoliosis surgery which was put there because of the poisoning which made my spine crooked in the first place--but the the hook in the rod was pointing up and actually slowly coming out of my spine-x-rays showed clearly that the hook was coming out and I was lied to directly by a Jewish doctor who came in to perform his Jewish Nazi role--(like Bloomberg, like Raskin, like so many, like my family) by having me slowly murdered with their full approval so they can get promoted. The usual story.
But I am digressing--Nancy's husband was sent there to that hospital. I wonder why he was not sent to a more regal and expensive place but to the public hospital in the first place? Police decision, but unlike what the terrorists at the hospital did to me, they have not done to Nancy's husband (obviously the limelight is now on that institution to do it's work correctly--). While I was in the waiting room at the emergency center for the SF General Hospital--there was construction work, I waited for 5 hours while I was surrounded by the terrorist stalkers who began telling me their problems and talking endlessly to me. It's a very wild story actually and not as droll as I am making it out as some very interesting things also developed in that place and changed my life--for the better in some respects because I also was followed by people who directed me to a group of people who offered me a kind of sanctuary--because they knew about my situation from the grapevine of this vile organization. I refer to people associated with the punk group The Dead Kennedys. So it was wild, and it presaged my years of living in Stuttgart, Germany where I got my health care. But not enough because the poisoning never was stopped and I am still being poisoned--and thus, I had to leave the US again to save my life from poisoning and it's deadly effects on my health.
But again digressing. I see many signs of an MK ULTRA-style Manchurian Candidate in the chaos of the Nancy attack. That no one is even considering this as a mind control operation proves once more that this "secret" that so many of highest level are participating in is of far more importance than even Nancy and they so dearly want to continue to use people in these sinister ways to have their rape and violence needs met (and assassination and etc).
Monday, October 31, 2022
Plan F-Over in collaboration with fascist Nazi Internationale merger considered by the expletive executive neo-nazi MAGA pit celebrity a-hole lister gang of thuggery and buggery (not implying the homo-erotic version of the word but simply the orifice for which that act refers to).
All I can say for reference is to look up the Plan on IMDB movie news for today--it was first posted in ScreenDaily magazine and copied to the IMDB list of "Movie News". The celebrities who fed off both torturing me for their hormonal and power highs, were then "rewarded" with awards, prizes, applause, cheers, sex toy slaves (willingly so and consensual) millions of dollars who also tortured me to derive and extract "liberal" ideas about how antithetical they all are to the concept of actual Democratic Freedom and the limitations of injustice as delineated by the US Constitution--so they could flaunt themselves as holding these ideals blue and true but instead used them as props in order to be handed political roles and lead roles in movies--intertwined fantasy that the beguiled public is also feeding vicariously off as they also feel or sense the inherent violence that put these expletives into power in the first place. They continue the Plan but it's not an "alternative" plan to Plan A, but the ultimate plan for which they have been conscripted and undoubtedly mind controlled/programmed to further carry like a carrier to a virus.
Hackers are at it again, deleting commas, grammar and doing whatever damage they can to my already discredited writing--but please take this into account when what I write is obscured by mistakes, typos and confusion which hacker terrorists always inflict upon my every post (and they do it using tech while I am talking using brain and throat microchip implants and remote tech)--more subjects I won't get into, but every day the encroachment of this organization makes it's sinister egress into what I used to think of as my country--so many people I once had some kind of alliance with are now dead, one of which I believe murdered by this pit gang of thuggery and buggery or their allies in the fascsist 4th Reich domain. They will not stop and they continue in their aim of complete takeover. The celebrities are just too greedy and want this wholeheartedly because they too are absolute fascist Nazis.
When I have written only for at least 6 years or longer of the Nazi/Europ-a infiltration of H-wood with these actors who play anti-Nazi roles but are truly welcoming in every kind of fascist international take-over of mind programming studios and positions of power--with full welcome, awards, top roles, endless plastic surgery modifications to appear happy and smooth and not hateful and mean and shriveled in form as they are before the plastic coatings--then touted as being "the best" endlessly showered with millions of dollars and boons to their endless cheers and accolades in rigged elections and rigged status---
A French company wants to buy into H-wood, and already has formed a cartel of EU locations---which from my years of experience of being teleported and tortured and threatened and my ideas stolen by them et al-- has shown me to be the liberal packaging superficial facade--disguising the fascist, MAGA-promoting Nazified but silenced putsch in corporate terms. This takeover, which the US has fully incorporated into their corporate fascist leagues of underhanded Computer-Generated-Image-based iconography of "starz", who are relentlessly pushed into the public domain because of the Mafia monopoly that exists globally, which also partners internationally with all their business clout (violence, intimidation, and then unending routine acceptance by ego-driven status seekers also put into the management layers of the pyramid--all this "power" derived from their heavy-handed Neanderthal clubs which their fatty fists cling to (clubs meaning the kind that the Flintstones used, but otherwise known as the Good Ole Boys clubs aka secret societies).
Now I sound truly conspiracy-theory wacked out. However, unfortunately this is a fact that is never exposed but everyone in "power" conforms to it.
Every day I see how these expletives who have tortured me who are now out partying with their daughter or grand-daughter aged new candy arm clingers and players are out having a ball--being told endlessly how wonderful they are and that augmented with millions of dollars in beauty treatments to modify the hate they spewed into me, cleansed of their angst they are coated and blessed with endless prizes and are happy as twits freed from the confines of transparency and THE LAW.
All ordained as wonderously justified by The Government, et al which has funded these activities so the players in Congress can also get out of jail free cards and media promotions whether they be "radical liberals" in their guises or fighting to be exonerated for helping to try to quash Democratic voting in various counties in their nearby districts (but not exactly their districts which they represent). The push for hegemony is now so enlarged that districts and even country boundaries have almost no meaning unless there is a clearly demarcated boundary such as what the law prescribes and must be adhered to in order to continue the ruse that the New Order of the 4th Reich is not already fully established but not in name or prescribed in Law--not yet.
Such a ranting conspiracy theory post I put out today--very much echoing something that would more suit the Parler or now Twitter world, except I have almost never used Twitter--adverse to it instinctively from the first time I heard of it and got onto it's site I felt that it was something to avoid--now confirmed by years of it being a hosting nest of fascist involvement. Parler, I have tried to take a peek at but I have never found it; I think it was blocked from my web searches as all is that could possibly inform me of what my enemies trying to destroy me but first steal, suck out and dump as much upon me as possible and from me before I am dead from the poisons and hate they perpetually dump upon me. Feeding off it, all the while, they continue to sell out America to the fascist Europigape zone of the 4th Reich and no one continues to do nothing about it--
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...