Wednesday, December 14, 2022

More of the righteous underdog script of the poor and aspiring, alone, fighting and then successfully pursuing "The American Dream" drama; rising like that Illuminati/Illuminous "star" to the pinnacle of the top of entertainment success--apparently only through hard work and "luck". The endless speech given by those who use the gang stalking/death squad terrorist unit for monopolizing and discrimination in their speeches about how powerful they truly are and have gotten their success solely through their own effort. They claim, through perseverance and the reality still that none of them will admit to is that it's really the 4th Reich promotional conduit of discriminatory hate and violence that has put them where they are; in mansions and in teleportation seating rows attacking me for more promotions. Yet another celebrity who has watched me getting raped, beaten and poisoned and abused to death with his video of how "hard" he has worked all his life. Maybe his "hard work" got him into his profession but like most of the terrorists who attack me, once on "top" they need to remain there surfing on an artificial wave, generated by the push of fascist, racist Nazism of the 4th Reich with their technology apparatus. They viciously all pursue this covert "path to success" and it's like a Golden Dawn cornucopia of endless free promotions, endless years of Academy Awards and new businesses and free blow jobs through torture and violence for one and all who participate. The list of participants grows and grows. The numbers of homeless and outcast increases yearly, at least in the American Dream country of the ole USA. Monopolies have been the vogue for decades and it's getting more consolidated through this system. These types of "poor white male/poor black female rising to the top through hard work and perseverance and then obtaining high clout but also partaking in terror and torture upon me remains a popular pursuit in the Whorewood pantheon of false demagoguery.

 "HOMELESS TO A SUPERSTAR--The Speech That Broke The Internet/Peter Dinklage". August 11, 2019.

This nasty man, McC---xx--teleported me years ago, only once. He intimated that I was just a prostitute and that the whores like filthalina and pig pitt were his "friends" who were being paid to rape and abuse me---for their promotion, and then for his. He then joined with Stephen King as lead role, playing an evil man for one of King's tv movies based on his book, and that was after King also teleported and raped me in a most nasty and ugly way. As I have written for so long, it's been a non-stop successful of sick and ugly celebrities who dump and pour their hate upon me for their promotions, then turn around and claim they are "fighting Trump" and etc and they have worked so "hard" for their success and "you can too" blather that they continuously pump out to continue the barrage of the American Dream that they all truly are destroying, part and parcel, with this monopolistic tyrannical technology which they have handed to Elon Musk to further in their "freedom" cartel of fascist 4th Reich white supremacy, pushed further upwards by a host of black and brown-skinned minions who also further the lies and deceptions. 

When people like McC (below) urge you not to ask "permission" that means "grab them by the Pu***sy" and just do what you want. As Alestair Crowley urged his followers, "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law", and that is the edict these fascist Nazi "liberal" "success" propagandists always truly adhere to as their one and only abiding law. When it comes to white males and women, that rule of law becomes even more pronounced and expected even when they make public appearances to the contrary (many of them, not "all") and I must witness this continuously in this horrific teleportation hell that has been forced upon me for so many years now non-stop without end. None of these people will do anything to stop the discrimination and rape and torture of me and the block to my career aspirations and the poisoning and deformation that has been ongoing so I am literally physically unable to even move let alone aspire for any commercial success. That is the point, they all cling to this struggle for their false distortion of American freedom and they keep working for absolute hegemony and monopoly so no one truly can challenge their "thrones" in this game of death they all happily play (and not just mentally masturbate over but rape and torture for their erotic "highs"):

Don't be fooled by this fake "success" con artist: he fully embodies white male privilege, racism despite his appearances and also condones rape culture. It's very disguised and he's making very many public appearances to the contrary. He belongs to a particular faction of the media establishment pumping false righteousness but fully supporting a most fascist and racist-based underpinning for society. This is not an opinion....

Need I add that I got this video not randomly placed on my YouTube channel and that since I began watching the long series, "Game of Thrones" only after watching one of the Oathkeepers testifying before the Select Committee on the January 6, 2020 Insurrection attempt did I venture into this very long tv series. I would like to write a huge series of posts concerning this tv series but just the endless arduous task of writing under these conditions of hacking and brain-altering disruption of my ability to think, remember names and ideas and endless deletions and rewrites after I post by hackers makes writing nearly impossible even for a brief few paragraphs I attempt to post in this blog or on Facebook.


Yes, this actor (and the one beneath him) are part of this white male poor but determined sales pitch about how American is still the land of opportunity. That they fight for righteous freedom is apparent in their wonderfully Vaseline-coated speeches about how they can spur and prick your determination if you just follow their extremely "optimistic" approach to obtaining your goals and desires.


what both of these men pricking your desires (please note that I am loosely using a pun)--are actually doing is projecting the same fodder that someone like poor, black Oprah who rose to billionaire status has also done. All, whether poor black female or not-so-poor white male but rising to the "top" through his sheer positive attitude very much belies the actual viciousness of that struggle that they all participate in, especially when there is no tangible evidence, as attacking me appears to be a State-sponsored terror event that is so fully protected that attempted murder and death threats are encouraged by the likes of also blathering Pelosi who otherwise slurs her "positive" and "freedom" speeches whenever possible as she "fights' for legislation that has been so whittled down that it's almost a non-agenda for any positive enhancement for the poor and oppressed of America--. 


They have seen and partaken in the group of celebrities who have poisoned me nearly to death and abused and beaten and attacked me without end. He and his English crew in that tv show have put their videos on my youtube channel and put on nasty frowning faces and Mr. Dinklage has treated me with ominous threat and negative frowning when I relate how the terrorist group The Oathkeepers obtained their stance from that tv show. It was an observation that is undeniable, but accordingly, the reality of the violence and hate that these celebrities participate in or help to project, whether the audience is coerced and brainwashed or they misuse the antics of violence that are pumped out in the name of entertainment and/or art in the media is a matter of opinion--but fully participating in this group which has stolen my concepts, blocked my every attempt at earning a sustainable income, blocked my chances of even being physically mobile and I have been writing of this for all the time and long before this actor got involved in the last year (with his Europ-a crew of actors also vying for the endless contracts afforded to people spewing hate and threatening and using violence upon me). All claim they came from poor and struggling backgrounds and rose up mysteriously through their own efforts into highest ranks of entertainment media (and politics, in many cases). All partake of the contract using the exact same systematic formula of torture that the street terrorists use, and the same system is adopted from the homeless who follow orders to the US Presidents and their close political faction who also participate and all follow the exact same systematic formula for promotion that this insidious hate group enforces in order for more to be promoted for their hate and violence cloaked by the secrecy and protection of this Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich organization which is now using teleportation and microchip implants to more fully implement archaic torture methodologies but in a new, "touchless" technological tyranny.


In short, they are enforcing white male supremacy, even Oprah is--in the protected terror operation that has been so vehemently inflicted upon me and it's still an ongoing endless breakdown of all the work I have done for my chances of success, a career. They want me a broken rape and enslaved fellatio and crushed beaten down, mutilated, deformed and broken woman because I used to compete and won competitions. They cannot tolerate that. They continue to pump out the deceptions that success is possible while simultaneously working to establish a terror and death squad system to inflict death and rape and poisoning and mutilation upon those (like a "minority woman" as I am) who does not willingly grovel in delight for them (like Oprah).

"Oscars 2022--The Musical (Will Smith Goes Metal)". Andre Antunes. April 1, 2022.

Last but not least----

"Pig Calling Contest goes Metal!" Andre Antunes. April 3, 2021.

"Piggies--The Beatles/Lyrics..." el perro beatle. September 14, 2018.

Have you really, really seen the piggies, and not just believed their media con artistry performances?

Monday, December 12, 2022

The problem is you not reporting on gang stalking, Ari Melber and the rest of your Democratic Party arm of Media entitlement at MSNBC and the rest of the news reporting agencies worldwide who NEVER go out of bounds in reporting the actual reasons for these domestic terrorism coup and assassination plots. The reason why and the problem is due to your lack of competency and concern, not my lack of being able to provide evidence, which I cannot do alone considering the technological hacking wizardry of this terror hate group sponsored fully by the US media collusion with the US Government and it's deception entertainment Whorewood machination machinery. A victim (me) of State-terrorism explains, in part (not the one-and-only reason as there are many "reasons") Why America won't stop the domestic terrorism of the leader of the Jan. 6, 2020 Insurrection attempt, and coup attempt, and why the people put into power before, during and after this event in media and politics so endlessly re-inforce terrorist activity.//Terrorist Report(s): the war on my hair--to destroy it, as has been done for decades by this terror group unbeknownst to me and/or how but I know why, of course.

"The Beat With Ari Melber 12/12/22/MSNBC/Trump News December 12, 2022". MSNBC. Dec12, 2022.

...and other attacks I may or may not mention--as they are never-ending and of course, no one stops them or does anything to preserve my human or US Constitutional rights, as politicians at top Legislative and Executive Branches join in on the "witch hunt" rape MK ULTRA torture sessions to also obtain their Nazi seal of approval for more media close-ups and awards and ceremonies and deals and wheels and cheese and they never have to say please to me for all the endless things they steal from my writing and from me in order to bolster their careers and lives. They cling on endlessly and it goes on and on. The destruction of my body and life continues unabated.

I thought that wrapping something like a turban, covering a plastic shower cap underneath, with two more layers of tightly-wound satin-like material, bound in knots with rubber bands in criss-cross formation--making insertion of mechanical arms nearly impossible after months of trial-and-error--with hair falling out non-stop. I also realized that the mechanical arms were spraying fungus into my hair, which stunk and was so damaged it had the consistency of straw, literally--for years---and this was being done from behind while I was plastered on a couch or sitting in front of the table watching endless movies and tv shows because I am too drugged to both move or read and focus and concentrate--the drugging is never stopped. My water supply I can't protect, I can't protect against all the invasive measures being used to attack me it is impossible because the terrorists continue to enter into my room every time I leave and destroy all the blocks and barriers I tentative guestimate on how to protect my body and property. 


I thought, last year, that I also would have to cover my head after I bought this elongated office chair, with a long back that extends about one foot above my head, and there is ample room on the sides so that any mechanical arm would have to go to a bit of extension to spray and damage my hair. I put a plastic table cloth around my head, it was during the hottest time of the year. My hair appeared fine, and then I removed the plastic and my hair was not damaged--for a few days. Under extreme drugging and the non-stop terror and deadly violence and abuse I have been subjected to by the pitt-gang of absolute Nazi/mafia death squad indoctrination and elitist aristocracy Nazi identity---I was so saturated with bloating and poisoning drugs that I 'forgot" that by removing this very stifling and heavy and hot and suppressive plastic cover so it would extend at least a foot beyond my head on either side, blocking air flow and leaving me in a kind of hot and heavy plastic cocoon--but my hair once more began to be almost plastically attached to my head, very easily tore off and was thin. The areas that they chemically destroyed so there has been a huge balding patch on the top and sides of my head all the way to the bottom of my skull and practically covering the entire skull--removed to grow back. But, because I am fighting as hard as I possibly can now to physically break the poison out, as more of it gets out, more of my perception is alert as opposed to heavily induced into a wakeful state of comatose sluggishness, both physically and mentally.


In just three days of once more wearing, or more like placing a heavy plastic table covering over my head, and stuffing it under the neck collar stabilizer I got--so it's secure--my hair is now strong, soft and not falling out like autumn leaves when I brush my hair. It's still tangled and damaged, but not falling out copiously any longer. The hair in the balding spots appears to be a bit longer than it has remained (just a stubble of hair with a gooey rubbery scalp completely damaged from the deteriorating acidic chemicals endlessly sprayed on my scalp and hair--from above, etc.


The endless arduous lengths I have to go to for protection are akin to an off-grid, 19th century existence but then again, people like that didn't have to put all food in plastic bags and tie layers of rubber bands around a knot, then a tie-around string, then another layer of rubber bands to stop or attempt to stop the mechanical arms from opening the food and poisoning and sullying it. Every single thing I have to eat that I possibly must cover like this I have to do. There are items I can't do this to which I need for part of my healing and for my food intake--which must have open air or they rot. 

It requires HOURS to unpack and seal parts of my body--and I still am vulnerable to these endless poisoning attacks by the insertion of the mechanical arms into my body orifices while I can't protect my body in sleep mode and unconscious due to the microchip implants causing a comatose, inert and sensationless state of numbness on a physical level. 


I include this clip by Ari Melber on the instantly blocked insurrections that just happened in Peru and in Germany. Melber injects a rhetorical type of question posed to the audience, which is, if countries like Germany and Peru, both with extreme fascist overtake governments in their past histories, can arrest the perpetrators of attempted coups even when it involves the president of that country (as in Peru)--why has it taken over TWO YEARS for the US to even begin to seriously assess the potential possibility of crimes against the leaders of a deadly attempt at insurrection at my country's capital over TWO YEARS AGO and the criminal charges are still pending and the culprit labeled as the main instigator is now running for power as top executive leader once more and still nothing has been done. As this parenthetical question was posed, I knew the answer and of course I have been writing of this for years: The United States has so almost openly embraced fascist Nazi and Mafia cartels of power overtake and the "good people" of my country have adopted death squad (aka "gang stalking") groups to undermine actual real Democracy for decades--since at least the end of WWII and probably far earlier than that in it's history.

That no one, even Melber, will openly reveal this underground, nationwide and international conspiracy of undermining human rights, and ostensibly for the purpose of eliminating minorities who strive for positions of power and instead installing the minions who serve the Nazi and Mafia power grab for the entire planet--in the wake of the Nazi 3rd Reich attempt that was never quelled by the United States and fully supported as lead Nazis were shepherded to places by the US government to places like NASA in order to help establish the United States as a lead war-mongering nation with German missile and rocket science backing it's new-found technological advantage over the rest of the planet. At least initially that was the result of the international cooperation between the US and Nazi scientists and the Project Paperclip of collusion that helped establish this fascist Nazi rape and theft and robbery and murder operation that I am forced into as lead US politicians come to teleport and threaten to have me killed for not complying with sexual abandon and under threat of murder "love" towards people who are poisoning and abusing me to death in successive rape merry-go-round joy division partnerships between fascist Nazi celebrities and expletives who come to infiltrate and get red carpet treatment by my fascist, Nazi-based Mafia country--the United States.


Why is there no immediate arrest of the lead perpetrators of the January 6th Insurrection attempt? The question really leads me to this armchair response: the "good people" that criminal fascist Nazi/mafia advocate and political leader Nancy Pelosi always refer to, whom she claims she serves, are the Nazis who want to eliminate people like me from competition and have me beaten and raped for decades while I struggle to remove poison as they continue to poison me through their technology--as Pelosi threatens to mutilate and have me killed for not complying with being killed by her "friends" in whorewood, USA with their endless fascist Europigape partners who truly control them all (the Americans).


They don't want, they rebuke real and actual competition. They abhor actual equality and freedom and Democratic rule. They need to quash people who will not conform to their mental boxes and this mind control terror operation inflicted upon me has scratched that itch bothering these infested Nazi/fascist/mafia yearning for collusion in a monopolistic empire, yearning to be free of people like me having more capability, happiness or beauty or success--the mind control operation that Trump participated in as his popularity rose from sinking into lead position during the 2015 primary season--this technology that has handed Elon Musk more power than even many a political leader for his involvement therein--has been granted by the Nazi/mafia networks of America which so happily partner with Europigape fascist Nazis as if they can't stand the American system any longer, and they can't. What won't "go down" in Germany, even in terms of blocking hate speech, is fully welcomed now with rising alacrity the more time is spent not prosecuting or revealing the fascist tendencies of people like Musk that I wrote of for years--tortured endlessly for by the likes of Michael Bloomberg and his most disgusting daughter--both like gnawing animals heaving hate at me for trying to inform them of the absolute danger of allowing Musk to continue being portrayed by the media as a cool and hipster soft-spoken technological hip guy---turned viciously upon by them as they spat at me and threatened to kill me and shouted "loser" at me endlessly in grating shouting shrillness (the daughter). 

I have not looked at Bloomberg for almost a year and I would be willing to bet now that the fake has put tons of articles and commentaries and op-eds about the prescient dangers of allowing Musk to continue his "freedom to express fascist ideology" on his new Twitter purchase for his continued empire that people like good little Jewish Nazi Bloomberg most fully supported because it helped to continue his minority minion Jewish Nazi position in the hierarchy of this organization while fully threatening me with death--just as Pelosi had done just a few weeks before Bloomberg took the reigns for a short while to continue the foul and filthy Nazi rape and torture protocols aimed endlessly at me.


"Why", Ari Melber, who may or may not be keenly aware of my situation, does America wait for over 2 years to begin to implicate Trump in the attempted Insurrection at the capital in order to thwart the passing of electoral power from himself to another? Obfuscating Democratic policy and American validation of a free and fair society--(if only for those in the power positions not of course for minorities and the poor who have not played the fascist minority minion game well enough or were not able to get easily involved in the promotional "sell-out" hierarchical schemata of this hate organization, the global system of the 4th Reich).


"Why" Melber asks. I posit that it's because the very nasty "people" who have usurped power in the US and in global affairs have done so out of a massacre/murder operation with these technologies of poisoning, suiciding, rape (and they so yearn to eliminate abortion so the rape victims can be silenced and forced into abject poverty or killed off as medical care is denied them while the funding is always being threatened for the poorest and their inescapable poverty holes are being dug by the legislation that the same criminal politicians partnering with the bs con artists of whorewood endlessly putting out heroic rescue movies about what a great society the US is--as a concealment of the death trap culture awaiting with the ever-encroachment of the death squad entertainment/political factions that the "good" people keep putting into power). The death squads have been eliminating those who would protest and who did protest through MURDER covertly established by these organizers of the 4th Reich--so many I have been writing of for years.


Ari Melber truly already knows the answers to these rhetorical questions he poses, perhaps hoping this will bring a change of the greed and selfishness paradigm that has kept this death squad Nazi/mafia organization out of the boundaries of transparency for so long that incriminating and prosecuting leaders of Nazi-based and Mafia-endorsed criminal conspiracies to topple the government remain cheered on in rallies by the "good" people of America.


I remain as always stuck waiting for something to change--I thought that after Trump was not re-elected that perhaps the endless deadly violence and rape and abuse would be abated or even, potentially stopped. Instead it increased as the Democrats have to prove that they truly are not really out for equality and freedom for minorities but instead are absolutely determined to play their roles in playing the fake opposition to the fascist powers they truly love and admire--ostensibly those out of Europigapeland as the creeps always, the American creeps attacking me I mean--ALWAYS defer with absolute groveling obsequiousness to the fascist Nazi Europigapes who come to ensure that their 4th Reich is continuing it's rot and spread throughout the United States under their tutelage.


If truly independent media were "allowed" then the fake "Progressives" on YouTube would also report on this travesty that they, too, attempt to capitalize on by inserting their blathering righteous victimization K-rap on my channel just like the rest of the fascist and Nazi 4th Reich endless rotation of celebrities and a few, select (committee) politicians, also fully partaking in the media photo-ops that include political career enhancement (plus perhaps nice little houses in Europigapeland as their rewards for playing the duplicity lying game pretending to be against fascist Nazi and Mafia overtake of the United States, their roles assigned to them.

The problem, Ari Melber, is that I believe you know fully what is happening to me and how much this system of death squad and government/media collusion has so fully helped to foster the domestic terrorism that finally has come out into the open. When it comes to people like you risking losing your position as "minority" newscaster quoting fellow fake righteous minority rappers who fully partake in fascist Nazi and Mafia anti-Semitism, being of the clan yourself of that oppressed endlessly slaughtered group by Europigapes in particular---

They can't risk their own a$$es losing their positions in media and in politics--they openly "fight" against the overtake of the government that the MAGA represents but will not ever step out of the boundaries prescribed by that very same global entity which has created these fascist Nazi and mafia cartels to the point that all people in power are terrified of not following orders, remaining silent, and allowing the system to continue. Of course, with all the wealth and privilege perks they all obtain, plus the endless monopoly in key positions, they will enduringly remain affixed to asphyxiating people like me in mires of filth and rape and brutality by their fellow administrators of the false deceptive Democracy which they all loudly vocalize as their prime objective in their careers and lives for the sanctity of their sanctimonious portrayals for public approval. 

I still can't get any of the "Good people" of America, so many also openly touting their allegiance to "Democracy" and "fighting" the fascist Nazi elements which they took overtly or covertly also adhere to in ways that perhaps have been mind program engineered--

so I still can't get a single person in America or around the world to either admit to the crimes being endlessly aimed at me, even if they are sympathetic they won't risk their stations in life to reveal the criminal apparatus which metes out death to those who oppose or loss of career/income and THEN slow death (so many deadly diseases can now be dispersed in so many covert ways--not just poisoning of course).

But mostly, they love having a good old-fashioned "witch hunt" and perhaps that is a human motivation that the fascist 4th Reich has so researched and fully implemented into the public. Centuries of persecution and lack of defense for victims even in the most staunch of "righteous" societies has proven that people really openly or secretly relish someone getting beaten, raped, poisoned, tortured for the "crimes" of not doing what they are told. Those who follow orders are viciously at the forefront of such witch hunts because they hate with deadly violence those who got out of the oppression they then continue upon others. 

The Greek philosophers had a lot to theorize about regarding freedom and how people for the most part would rather stare at reflections of shadows upon a cave wall rather than see the daylight if they just stopped hiding in their caves (a metaphor or analogy, of course).

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Titles of nobility, the attempted coup in Germany with plot to murder the Chancellor (making the plot deadly serious in implication) and the infiltration of possible cohorts of the lead terrorist with a "nobility" title into my life, into my country, with Jewish (Nazis) fully assisting.


NY Times: "Prince Heinrich, the plot and the coup..." XIII,

I am extremely exhausted today, and tired of being tortured for my posts without any defense or support from my own, seemingly fascist and Nazi-based country of the United States.

Every single day there is at least one item in the news that relates somehow to this endless decades of terrorism aimed at me. Today I opened the one free article I can obtain from the NY Times online site and read the small article on the attempted coup in Germany's rising fascist subculture (not exactly so subculture if you live in Germany and speak German and are subjected to these factions, as I have been as the endless target of fascists and Nazis around the planet including all their minority minions, I have extensive near-expertise in how many people and factions there actually are, as opposed to how the media portrays this only as a small little sliver of reactionary "right wing" radicalism).


My post is regarding the sentence, or small paragraph detailing where this "prince" had his former, incorporated lifestyle in the high-end Real Estate Market of Frankfurt. I know another such type with a noble title also in the real estate market of Frankfurt and his name is Jobst von Buelow. I was almost killed in a mind control operation and he may have been either at the forefront of this operation or involved deeply in a very intimate way. The other person highly involved is from Sweden, a very "liberal" cock rock type of musician who was granted red carpet welcome into Los Angeles H-wood establishment--of course, eating his organic food and wearing leather jackets and assuming the "liberal" "Democratic" ruse that so many of the disguised fascist/mafia Nazis always portray in their attempts to infiltrate and create a one-sided but superficial complimentary bipartisan political spectrum--so-called.


The German title of "von" is supposed to imply the former nobility titles of the past--the article on the attempted coup very briefly goes into the pre WWI history of how Germany was a country of various "states" with nobles and Kings. This is why I had posted my earlier post on the Wagner series that Richard Burton starred in. The theme of the Wagner influence on the Hitler faction of Germany stems from a kind of initial negation of the influence of stuffy nobility that kept the "people" in an aristocratic stranglehold of inertia, kept Germany in a state of divisiveness and inequality and the "people" had a diminutive "voice" in their political affairs. As opposed to the Prince of Bavaria who rescued the ostracized and evicted Wagner--living then in Switzerland in exile due to his former military attempt to violently overthrow the monarchy in his State (not Bavaria--but too tired of hacking and slow computer hacking and the absolute slowed-down effect of the attacks on my keyboard and brain so I can't think or type without great difficulty--usually not able to "remember" most of what I want to say, names, dates, etc until I get away from the laptop system and the effect is not endlessly pummeling my brain functioning).

The German nationalism for a united Germany, based on archaic themes of German mythology--or spiritual paganism, or a mixed bag of such concepts--was the main theme of some of Wagner's operas, which the Prince of Bavaria (again, too difficult to endlessly wait and look it up, the hacking is so intense and I am tired from exhaustion from the endless detoxification this Nazi network has forced upon me to stop me and quell my every attempt at gaining any sense of stability or success in commercial terms in my life, or even of just moving my body or earning a single penny in any endeavor).

But to continue---this attempted coup in Germany, I used up the one free article for this month from the NY Times and saw that this erstwhile Prince character, claiming nobility and an empire from days of yore, had formerly been assimilated into mainstream commercial life in the same area that Jobst von Buelow also has his real estate offices. 

When I lived in Stuttgart, I lived with a very prominent family of industrial fame--high on a hilltop, with beautiful wooded forest walks just outside the door--a vista over Stuttgart-etc. The woman who took me in as her renter in a very usual and typical terrorist stalking room-sharing arrangement--where my food was poisoned an drugged, I was probably assaulted while sleeping (undoubtedly) and etc----my room made dirty (but in Germany, they didn't do this very much as even making my room dirty in their own home was unacceptable for the endless cleanliness-obsessed Schwaben).

But she was a real estate broker. Real estate brokerage is not exactly a plebian business in Germany, it would appear. People of high repute are involved in this industry--at least in the very near cities of Stuttgart and Frankfurt (Frankfurt is a 2-hour drive from Stuttgart).

Besides that bit of nostalgia, I just throw in the concept that operating in real estate is part of the aristocrat league in that Southern region of Germany (I think Frankfurt is considered more central Germany and not Southern). 

It is very likely that Jobst von Buelow knows this former real estate-turned fascist-Nazi-criminal attempted coup leader of this German sect which the NY Times associates with "Far Right" extremism--Nazis, in other words.


Jobst and I worked together at the boating area of Lincoln Farm Camp, when we both were counsellors there. The camp was owned by a Jewish couple who had first created this camp back in the 70's as a kind of artistic, explorative hippie-appearing camp for children. Lenny Kravitz was a young camper there--so he is familiar with the former vibe.

I got there a decade later when Reagan's influence changed the dynamic--of the country and of the rising right-wing influence in America. The Jewish couple who had opened this formerly "hippie" style camp experience had by then welcomed in counselors from countries such as Germany (Jobst) and Sweden (Anders, who used the drugging and mind control tech to force himself on me, as I "thought" I was attracted but distinctly got bad chills up my spine while I first saw him, didn't like him, saw a black energy around him, and eventually he almost got me killed in a contrived mind control-operated "accident" at a beach area in New Jersey, on our counsellor "break" we took--a group). 

Jobst sent me a letter with characteristic German sarcasm using only a few sentences that I can now translate more clearly as being that of a scoffing but delighted purveyor of Schadenfreude. It is very possible and likely that Jobst was involved in not only the endless assault upon me, mostly by the Europ-a's of the camp, but also of course the Jews (Jewish Nazis) and the camp owners, who went along with the entire scheme (so typical, so endlessly typical and NY Jews so fully indoctrinated into this system). Oh yes, the camp was in the Catskills of New York State--but the owners of course from New  York City (or boroughs--whatever).

Jobst and I had to take care of the kayak section--and Jobst tried to force a kind of subservience upon me, and it was seconded by all the administration and the Europ-a's who were stationed in this area. The children came to disrupt and create endless havoc under instruction. They refused to comply with my every instruction until finally I just got them to follow me by having hourly water fights and they all just followed me in water wars with paddles and playing--it made me so strong that I could withstand the "accident" that has left my cervical vertebrae fractured--with the endless hardening and stiffening poison that was subsequently put in my food, it created a "hump" in my neck and poisons that are latched into every crevice of the vertebrae--all along my spine now, into my hips--but that "hump" is evidence of that accident. If I hadn't been so strong from hours per day of chasing children in water fights it would have broken my neck. The "accident" occurred by me having the irresistible "urge" to jump into a wave in a very shallow area of the beach. I had been freshly drugged by Anders, the rapist who drugged and exploited me just that morning. I must explain to readers that when you are poisoned and drugged every day, or almost every day, for decades with poison that keeps the drug mix hard into your body's recesses, intestines, in your nervous system and really my entire body has been bloated (and still is) with this stinking mess for so many decades--you truly have very little ability to think clearly in dire situations. I jumped into the wave and there was a sandbar and it nearly killed me upon impact. Anders the rapist pig ape came smirking and laughing seeing me in a state of emergency and he's sent me emails mocking me and implying I was so "stupid" for all these years afterwards--even though I had to leave the camp, was in the hospital, wore a neck brace for months and my neck has remained fractured and poisons are hard into the injury to this moment. I was at this camp back in 1982.


So, I read this article today, this very brief article and immediately jumped to the conclusion that Jobst, the creep who sent me this letter while I was in traction in the hospital writing just a few brief sentences about how he was "shocked" that this accident would happen to me--and my understanding of how people like Jobst are actually delighted--they cling to Schadenfreude--and I know him from my months of working with him daily and his sarcasm and his attacks upon me (I got a German girl to help me insult and attack him back--and thusly, in Nazi fashion, he was determined to destroy me or have me killed and he almost succeeded).


I know that in towns and cities in Germany that are not the huge bustle of Berlin or Munich, but even in those places, people in these industries truly know one another. And Jobst perhaps was or is involved in this Nazi effort along with this self-proclaimed "Prince Heinrich XIII". It's just that they hide behind the seeming "democratic" label of various Party affiliation in mainstream politics and keep their Nazi aspirations hidden. 

Jobst von Buelow came from a family that had been of aristocratic title--which under the emergence of the Wagner/Hitlerian faction wanted a unified Germany with a type of German allegiance and coagulated power base--with a type of nobility--aristocracy but also a voice for "the people" to be granted all the money and property stolen from their eventual millions upon millions of murder victims and holocaust and genocidal theft exploits. 


This is an edit--I am very sick from detox and fighting to get this poison out -plus years of torture by the usual H-wood hateful Nazis and their minority minions--but I "forgot" to add in my explanation of this "accident" at Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey---that it was this Swedish Nazi exploiter who urged me to jump into the water---I was drugged (by him)--I felt this dread fear and refused to jump and dive into the waves. They (the people also involved in this attack upon me) were standing in the water beyond where the wave was just foaming up--I had no ability to discern or judge water depth--I also was not a practiced beach-goer having lived and grown up in the Midwest. But I rushed headlong and nearly died when my head hit this sandbar. I could not "resist" the urging and prodding of these people, who were well beyond the wave area but it was an act of forcing me using the mind control. As difficult as it is for me to relate on this very hacked and impossible to write and think post--as it always is-my brain very much under influence but it was much worse back when this nearly fatal accident occurred---so much drugs in my system--it's still a "joke" to Anders and he's still welcomed into Los Angeles Hollywood movie production as he was after, immediately, his participation in attacking me. The promotion is non-stop for them. His horrid band became slightly famous as well, and I met them when I moved to San Francisco (but that was almost a decade later). Anders tried once more to force his bs exploitation on me but I rejected his advances as his girlfriend stood back also trying to cash in on the exploit (as all the women do of these men who drug and rape and torture and participate in actions that nearly kill me).


The beach terrorist action: Pt. Pleasant, NJ, summer, 1982. Anders and other counsellors, mostly American (Nazi colluders) were motioning to me, sitting at the beach, to jump into the waves. They had picked this spot on the beach and immediately ran into the water while I was adjusting my blanket on the sand. I had no time to see them dip or rise up running past a huge sandbar--as there was. I could not understand that the wave swell at that point was due to the sandbar which was a hump, perhaps created by the terrorist operation in that spot--not sure if that can be done where the sand would remain relatively in a formation with water coursing all around--but it was in a depth capable of sustaining snorkeling terrorists or people using oxygen tanks to build up this one, solitary huge sandbar not too far from the shore, but far away enough so that the water could course over the bar and appear like it was a wave. Under mind control and the insidious, most horrific drugging that is not "fun" fare but blanks out your mind and brain in cognitive functioning so that if a danger arises you are mostly in a comatose state of acceptance of what anyone tells you (to do). The hypnotic "suggestions" are always done in a way that appears like something you "want" to do. I can swear that while I sat on the beach I had a foreboding dread and felt that I must not swim or get close to them. It was a feeling, because I feel very sure that my subconscious was alert to the mind control influence although it could not consciously accept or process the information. I had absolutely no conception of mind control technology then and only began to grasp it a decade ago. Upon the endless arm-waving and yelling of the crew around Anders, who had freshly raped me that morning almost for a camera audience it was theatrical while I really had very little control over my actions (but as always, appeared externally like I was acting upon my own free will). They kept yelling with arms outstretched that I should JUMP into the wave! "Jump into the wave" they all shouted. "Come on, JUMP" as they held their arms in a diving position and kept yelling at me--just at the area where the wave appeared with the huge lump of a sandbar dangerously underneath this one spot. The rest of the beach up until that sandbar was completely level and on a solid plane. 


Skip to 1987--freshly arrived in San Francisco after having graduated from the University of Minnesota. I somehow located Anders just out of curiosity. Never understanding the maliciousness of this Europigape scum rapist creep mind control infiltrator into the United States; welcomed wholly by the Nazi and mafia leagues which control both East, West Coast and all in between (in localized branches under various guises and names)

Two months later I once, again, was forced into a deadly accident very similar in scope to the "accident" in New Jersey with Anders always in the background or foreground of all these operations. The microchip implant in my brain can "force" my body to move suddenly at various moments. My legs "popped up" horizontally" while I was sprinting on a city street to work because my two buses were late and I missed my transfers to get to my temp secretary jobs. I was running, not very quickly, and a woman I don't know came up to me and said, "let's race" and in the mind control mode I began to laugh and run in a sprint mode very, very quickly (I had spent years jogging every morning about a 10K distance in subfreezing, Minnesota weather). My legs suddenly popped up at an exact 90-degree angle while I was running up one of the slopes of the sidewalk--the handicap slope entrance onto the curb from the street. My legs could never extend to a perfect 90-degree angle due to the hard poisons latched onto my spine all my life (almost)j--it was a forced movement by this microchip. I then continued on to work, a little wore having fallen on my back--and went to a party that night and was dancing, just a bit stiff but one bruise but no problem. The very next morning I woke with disability--the terrorists fractured my vertebrae while I was sleeping. I have had years of being raped, beaten, things inserted under my cuticles, my hips and spine put out of alignment nightly while in this very living spot that has been forced upon me. My consciousness is shifted in teleportation and I feel nothing and upon waking I am also drugged so can't tell immediately that I have been severely injured while in a comatose sleeping MK ULTRA "alter" state. Of course, with the serious injuries like fractured vertebrae, which this group has forced upon my spine in multiple locations while sleeping, I feel it but these injuries are permanent disabilities--deadly, serious and all forced while I have been in a sleeping state. 

Anders Rundblad has been either right there after having raped me (in New Jersey with his German Nazi counterparts behind him with the Jews welcoming them all in because they "have to" participate in the global Nazi system if they want to retain the businesses they worked for, which were so original and creative which were threatened with closure if not complying with Nazification---just ask Michael Bloomberg the billionaire who is one of the most vicious Nazi puppets and of course, NY style like Beyonce and JayZ and the rest it's sickening....)

The 2nd time was two months after I "rejected" being raped by Anders and his blonde Nazi American friends of his crappy band Wire Train---after that pig ape probably and undoubtedly helped or assisted in attacking me the piece of expletive then moved to Whorewood and has been involved in movie production ever since (because his "new Wave" pop band couldn't make it and that band made it only because of the Nazi network awarding this filthy Swedish pig ape) and now---Sweden has voted in a Nazi "far Right" government--no surprise to me, but the "liberal" facade that the Swedes have let on, including Nazi-promoted greta the activist all recede into their Nazi enclaves once their promotions are spent their course. The "liberals" all love these types and the Nazi "liberals" wear their neck scarves (this horrid ugly fashion they wear with these floppy scarves around their necks, with ugly tassels hanging off and it's like a token symbol of "liberal activist" that looks like a dog collar from frumpy types peddling their pet Nazi liberals).

My diatribe is not exactly finished on this score, but it's just another filthy nasty Europigepe ensconced in Whorewood along with the "a-list" of expletives who are fully indoctrinated into the Nazi iconographic "aristocracy" mold--harkening back to Wagner's ideal of the German State, adopted by Hitler, and then welcomed into America by the Nazified American fascist groups with their mafia backing and US Government funding for all these mind control weapons and drugs and poisons they feel absolutely enthralled at how much they have usurped and overtaken. 

It's amazing to me that the German State stopped this group in Germany and that this group was not savvy enough to have recognized that the surveillance state would not allow such a takeover. 

Alas for the United States that far too many in higher positions of power have been inducted into this universal Nazi system of the 4th Reich and it's nearly impossible even now to rid the system of their fascist attempts at overtake of the government. Hollywood, of course, remains protected like it's a well-kept secret guarded like a virgin whore.


Photo of Cosima Wagner (nee Listz--daughter of Hungarian composer Listz) and Richard Wagner.

Cosima Wagner with Adolf Hitler 

"A Brief History of German Nationalism (2004)". General Tekno. June 28, 2009.

This video describes (briefly) the English collusion with Nazism (through, of all fake "liberals" out of England who essentially helped grease the way for Hitler's rise-----=-Chamberlain, albeit through his family descendants. It shows to me how much the English at upper levels then as now fully supported Nazism and a pan-Europ-a-land fascist rise of Imperialistic fascism and genocidal policy --plus the American inclusion which is another topic for another video):

**the hacking is very bad and it's impossible for me to elaborate further on this topic, I barely wrote anything revelatory above just barely could pound out words and not able to function fully wtih mind control blasting my brain as I fight to type due to hacking intervention--etc etc...but essentially, the attempted coup leaders in article above, the current spate of Neo-Nazi takeover attempt, bases their claims of victimization and thus rationale for this murderous coup preparation various conspiracy theories--that Germany is a fabricated, post WWII franchise servant of international business. It is a collection of corporate States and Germany has been taken over by the likes of the Rothschild Family (which I am certain has made it's most fervent attempts to conform to every Nazi dictate possible in order to not be so easily condemned by the Europ-a fascist Nazi cartels always underwritten by Mafia and organized criminal factions and genocidal international regime fundamentalism). The Heinrich XIII attempted "aristocrat" royal claim is akin to the Wagnerian belief as artistically rendered in operas such as Parsifal. Racial purity only possible by the elimination of foreign elements corrupting the lineage of pure Teutonic ancestry (formerly Jews and other non-"aryians", now international corporate entities using Germany as a base for business consolidation (again, Jews probably blamed for every problem and every coalition that doesn't conform to the unified Nazi theories of racial and German unification of Nazi-only ideology).

Adapted by Hitler of course in his many dictates which the Germans are, obviously, still clinging to and trying to establish back into mainstream power through such endeavors as an attempted coup of the existing power system (murder of the leadership, bloody revolution) and the re-establishment of a royalty-based albeit unified National Socialist Germany.

This movement did not spring from the United States QAnon, but rather long ago over 150 years ago in the German surge of nationalism that Wagner built a politicized artistic movement out of (Hitler swept it into main power and ideological propagandized status). The mentality remains but now it's being touted in different terms--the target now is corporatism and something like a "Deep State" but it's the same principle of outsiders weakening German "blood" and Teutonic strength and purity or racial lines which stem from aristocratic and royal bloodlines, untainted by modernism. The re-establishment of Wagner's ideal of a unified German State with a nobility and aristocracy (and National Socialism) is being concealed in this effort by the current coup leadership and I can guarantee readers that the "handful" of these people who are being labeled in the article are only a tiny fraction of a small percent of those who really are part of the nationwide and international effort in this regard.  They have learned very clearly how to remain underground. Perhaps the attempted coup was a kind of "wake up call" for others to follow openly in defiance of laws forbidding open declarations of Nazi and Right Wing alliances (in Germany).

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The "Great Work" of building the 4th Reich, Occult and Nazi/Mafia global cyber-net of lies and death continues as usual this year with the years-ending of awarding expletives into high positions and degrees of honor as supposedly "representing" the best and ultimate of artistic (?) achievement: Whorewood, Inc (et al--GmbH, Ltd, etc) has replaced, or is in the process of replacing traditional religion as it's own religion of celebrity iconography. A pantheon of liars, fakes, rapists, haters, bigots and terrorists, inc. Lizzo replicates Kabalistic imagery with herself as representing "God" in the final sphere on her green hair zone/dome. The years I have been writing of Whorewood programming of these really not exemplary celebrities into a kind of "God-like" status, with the technology of death at their fingertips thanks to the US Government, also erroneously projecting itself as a maverick global bringer of peace, stability, Democracy and Freedom to the rest of the planet.

 Look at the green portion of her costume--inner dress--and compare to the Kabalistic Tree of Life replication in the patterns of the circles connecting--. Wonder what Lizzo is trying to impart with this not so covert "message" for X-mas cheer and fanfare. Her hair, light green, same color as the background for this universal Tree of Life diagram--with her head representing the "God" principle of highest order in the universe! (see diagram to the right in full size or magnified, as each sphere is labeled for what it's supposed to represent.

I have been writing of this for many years: these celebrities torturing me and the expletives putting out this contract are all in a process of slowly eradicating former religious identification with a higher power, and instilling instead the "Secular Humanism" of your own "Godhead" within yourself, if you just buy the right cosmetics, have the right consumer produced "look", and even if you are obese as Lizzo is, you still have a seat at the table of the plenty starving the majority of the planet for it's resources, for their own sleazy, selfish parameters of self-righteous indignation that anyone (like me) can rise up using their own inner qualities and outperform their ilk--(the Nazi/Mafia global structure of brainwashed conformity to basic white male supremacy, even when it appears in the form of a darker-skinned "minority"--Lizzo obviously is making her claim as one of those in this not-so-covert "message" of conformity to the occult-based 3rd Reich which is now more akin to the 4th Reich in it's global structure of incorporating black people and minorities and developing countries into the universal structure).


I have been writing that the Nazi posturing of the celebrities is an attempt at a "God" pose--not just Nazi but the "inner God" conceivably brought out by the "superior" quality of their edited, scripted posturing in movies which makes them prime time God-like imagery that people bow to like groveling neophytes in a new religion based on personal selfish grandizing. Each sleazy, selfish self-idolizing "star" has a slew of "fans" waiting to bow down to the greed and orgiastic sleaze that is perpetually portrayed in glorified Christian terms of caring about the poor and oppressed. These concepts are all stolen and then performed with relish of those awaiting their orgy rape and theivery parties in the after hours after their awards and red carpet treatment for the "Great Work" which our drama-ridden country has produced for so many decades now.


The usual line-up of women who all claim they are "fighting" for women's rights who viciously attacked me in teleportation, right next to the rapist white supremacist Nazi men who beat, tortured and poisoned me for their mutual promotions--all heralded in the never-ending media cycles of being pictured wearing elaborate gowns, awarded top position in German film festivals while also being put as the "face" of Channel (the lesbian who verbally threatened me with great physical violence, almost a death threat, while the expletives sitting amongst them who had either been involved with people raping me incessantly while poisoning me to death slowly, or those who raped and beat and threatened to have me killed repeatedly--all sitting within arm's distance of the lesbian "woman's rights' skank threatening me violently if I ever went to Los Angeles--for the "crime" of writing about what a fake she is in her skits and how she is advocating for the "supremacy" of Europigape fascist Nazism in her SNL skit---only that, nothing more, then being threatened violently by her in a teleportation skit that night. Now she's leading the German film festival with the 4th Reich German Nazis admiring this filthy skank for her fascism and racism but disguised as a "sensitive" lesbian). But there's the geriatric skank out of London also endlessly put on display for very violently attacking me after I called her a "piece of shit" when she demanded I call her by some English Crown title--obtained after more than 7 years of her and her boyfriend raping me and abusing me and collecting off the endless surplus of awards that all participants involved in advising and participating in this non-stop torture of me. Her Latvian friend the dancer is now the rapist abusing and "punishing" me for writing my posts, for trying to stop another rapist from exploiting me--

and then there's the black woman who used to be homeless, who was implicated in some kind of pedophilia exploit but then obviously paid off the more impoverished plaintiff--now honored--(with her dyed blonde hair, just like anti-Semite nazi black duo the rapper and the pop star with the blonde dyed hair--which pair is that you wonder? I'm not naming names just implying who the people are at this point).


The point of this post is the endless display of these criminals and kind of ignorant hate parasitic leeches as being more noble than the fake prizes handed out to those who may or may not deserve these titles---nothing noble about any of them. Repeat displays of them being "the best" year-after-year and starring in lead roles, year after year. All are working for "The Great Work" of spreading Nazi/Mafia culture (I can't get into how much the mafia and it's movies endlessly glorifying criminal underground as being somehow entertaining and comedic and fun and glorifying has helped to create what the Republicans scare-tactic scream during elections that this is what the "Democrats" are helping to create. This glorification is part of the "great work" of tearing down the structure of society in order to both destroy religion based on the awe of a universal power and force of love and death, and replacing it with every aspiring criminal sleazy and selfish thug can get out of poverty and powerlessness if they honor the "do as thou wilt" philosophy, gyrate and have every kind of criminal propensity and then laugh about it afterwards as they often play in these movies--then this is worshipped more fervently than either respectable politician or revered religious icon.


That is what struck me today as I perused the celebrity news today--the fiasco of the Trump empire is now reaching a huge melting pot of collaborative blaming and shaming with all of the conspiring partners who were not in the direct spotlight being sheltered as the system that nearly destroyed Democracy remains in place. Like the deterioration of a peaceful society in endlessly honoring criminals and mafia and organized crime, the pseudo-religious worship of sexualized, self-proclaimed "Gods" (nearly screaming out their secular humanism in their every "me me me" song and movie)--and the Whorewood establishment also cranked out a group of fascist aspiring tyrants of a most hateful and murderous bigoted (multi-cultural) basis into lead position in politics--yes, Trump was handed the technology that they all use against me in order to obtain their lead roles and promotions--or at least, attacking me appears to be a regular promotional stepping-stone and so many have been standing next to the grim reaper (in shadow) reaping off the endless prizes for their mock God-like performances, honoring the deity of falsehoods and distortions and lies--otherwise known as The Lord of the Flies.

Freedom is freedom. Orwell is Orwell. Let's Go Crazy.

 "Prince Rogers Nelson--Free (1999)". Shawn Trimble. April 22, 2016.


I won't be so lonely but that my holidays have been disrupted by a hate organization sponsored by the US Government is deplorable.

"Prince--Another Lonely Christmas, Live December 26, 1984 in St. Paul, MN, USA". 



Performed at First Avenue--as the title says--downtown, Minneapolis. I lived in Dinkytown at Comstock Hall (dormitory for females) and was ALWAYS so drugged by people literally waiting for me in the cafeteria line to use the reserved drugged pieces of food to shove onto my dorm plate so I remained unable to get up after twilight--a condition I remain in to this day from the drugging and poisoning. I heard people say that I should head on over to First Avenue and get an interview to be in this movie they were making. I literally could not. It was below freezing (well below), I would have had to walk to the bus, wait and then transfer and then walk to the club--alone-drugged up and not realizing what Prince was. I was always too drugged to get out of bed and only got out a few times when I summoned up the strength---(also I think the terror group didn't poison me as much so I could access my "real" energy only to go out so more predators could attack, or drug and then date rape me--so I missed out on Prince and I missed out on club culture until I finally could not pass up the fame of Prince in Minneapolis as it was inescapable after a few years of rising international fame and the club blossoming into international bands appearing and every night a completely different theme--until First Avenue became my weekend Mecca up to the time I left and NEVER experienced a club or place like First Avenue ever again--as nothing compares to what it used to be. The other clubs were sanctuaries of bigots and fascists disguised as white (and minority) liberals who were just adjuncts to the fascist Nazi terror organization--and they appear just the same in teleportation (as preposterously fake and viciously fascist and pro Nazi/mafia). As for the actual filming of Purple Rain--It was I think in 1982, the year I had arrived in Minnesota out of Wisconsin and knew almost no one. I had no car, and at that point I did not like discos so assumed that this club I had heard tell of was just another kind of pre-thumpy techno sex-predator experience. After leaving Minneapolis I soon discovered that many clubs still fit into my initial assessment of club culture and had to learn "the hard way" that what this Prince-ruled land of First Avenue was a truly original and revolutionary concept of freedom (not "sexual" I refer to, althought that played a bit of significance but not in terms of the sex object variety--but freedom for image, freedom for musical genres as every day there was a different theme--a different vibe, different clientele, all free in this club--totally multiracial and diverse--considering which day of the week you wanted to experience a montage of cultural interchange--:

"Prince: Let's go crazy--Live First Avenue (1983)". Stuart Studios. June 8, 2020.


The teleporting terrorist's traditional X-mas celebration: every year now, for years, the celebrity and political terrorists teleport me in even larger groups than during the course (a 365-day course meal for them to devour parasitically) of attacking me. It's not a religious ceremony (although they could be construed as celebrating an endless Black Mass upon me)--but it's AWARDS SEASON for the hate terrorist celebrities--which coincides with the politico agenda of spreading false cheer throughout the year---(working hand-in-hand in propagandized mass social engineering perception). Year after year the torture intensifies during this otherwise warm and expensive and impossible for the homeless ceremony of consumerism and awards and prizes (and non-stop hell heaped upon me for no reason except that everyone sees a free opportunity to get promoted and dump their filth and hate upon me--which they love beyond words). So this Holiday season I send out this circulating/hacked message to all from near and far:

 It's the Karen Christmas celebrity and creep show politician skank award I hand out to all you celebrities this year--(as both factions appear to be interchangeable for politics and for performances for media consumption).


"A Christmas Karen--Official Trailer". FilmRise Releasing. October 15, 2022.

"You're a Mean One, Mr Grinch". StPeteArtisan. December 21, 2011.

To all the "gang stalking" death squad terrorists out there attacking, teleporting, etc me. This trailer is dedicated to all ya'll---maybe some ghosts will come and haunt you all and turn you from Grinches and Scrooge-Karens into loving and generous (doubtful, but hopefully you will be haunted FOREVER BY THE ghosts of all your victims---and I'll be there in spirit--) while you're all toasting to your next year of endless promotions for hate, torture and acting like the epitome of Karenhood robbing the poor and helpless and innocent (as I am). Greed shall rule over your bestowal of gifts for palm-greasing this year as it always has for all these years of your Karen Universe grifting---great acting pretending to "care" about every humanitarian issue on the planet, oh ye Karens of the crime syndicate celebrity/politico cesspool (attacking me, and all your minion elves too).

Friday, December 9, 2022

Please somebody or some-thing--make this terror group return my cat La Moux, who they stole years ago. If she is still alive, and I was teleported to her a few months ago (but she looks old and weary and sad)--I need her back. She is my daughter and family. This group has obtained ideas they tortured out of me to present as their own. No payment and only slow murder via poisoning and torture without end from them. My cat is waiting for me to return. Her photo, one of the few I have left (my photos are routinely deleted from all my storage, including from this Facebook page where I have tried to keep a permanent record--as terrorists have routinely gone into my room and stolen and broken CD discs, memory, laptops--I can't even record, write or store any information/photos, etc...). La Moux is the cat featured on my Facebook page--an American Shorthair breed. Her microchip information should be at the Chalong Animal Clinic, just next to the Chalong Tesco/Lotus minimall--not far from the Chalong Temple. Please force them to return her. I have committed no crime and they have been raping/beating/poisoning and abusing me to death while stealing ideas from me for years and then raping poison into my body as they lie and lie endlessly about how the problem is me--they never poisoned me or ordered their filthy nasty minions to insert it into my body and food and water and hair and into my ears and on my skin/furniture/clothing perpetually as I wrote daily about being paralyzed and too ill to move or think or get anything done while they laughed and made merry about how bad I look from their violence--State-sponsored torture and attempted murder. As politicians came and went laughing and participating fully in the hate--Please force them to return my Cat La Moux immediately to me--alive, healthy and unharmed and then force them to hand me money for this crime they have forced upon me so I can live in peace and security (all my life, a long and happy life).


To ALL the gang stalking terrorists---because I am banned from your proxy haute cesspool disguised by gold-plated toilet culture doesn't mean I am obsessed with your culture in order to obtain your approval if I just bend with the remover to remove (love, integrity, honor, actual genuine talent, real love, real concern, etc etc all the beautiful qualities that have created societies like the US hoping to achieve a grace for the human race)--or find it, your cesspool lie culture claiming superiority based on monopolizing and criminal exploits disguised as charitable trust--, great or anything to observe with anything but disdain and disgust. It is shit, and the shit you give and all the beauty and quality you suck out and steal makes you shit parasites sucking the life out of the planet. When I have to see these filthy and sick and stupid gang stalkers on the streets, I only see the stupidity disguised by acting coaching of the expletives put into executive celebrity/political power:

 "Crass--Banned from the Roxy (Lyrics)". Crisp. March 9, 2017.

"Crass--Systematic Death (Lyrics)". Robert Allen. May 11, 2015.

I hope to one day have a power group of genuinely concerned and loving human beings who will actually work and strive for a benevolent planet of people being able to achieve their highest potential for an honorable and decent society of freedom and equality--ONLY as far as doing no harm to others or the planet. The rest should have been exacted with the criminal prosecution that has been almost not forthcoming for so many millennia and thusly this system has been touted as "reality" and brushed off as "That's the way it is" for far too long. Only a few leaders of these criminal lying factions are currently being legally and publicly captured and that is only when far too many of their criminal complicit partners had to face their own demise if this tyrannical criminal enterprise took over the monopolies they thought was a power-sharing arrangement. The rest remain as criminally filthy and vile as they always were, and the system remains. Banned from your Proxy gold-plated toilet society means that I am not in a perfumed sh**thouse pretending that the other fakes are wonderful.

I have come to the conclusion that unless you are a dead celebrity, if you put you media/video/hacked for triggering and inclusivity into this most lucrative contract out on me--you, yes, important and famous celebrity You are a piece of S*** on my social media as so many have done, you are a piece of **it and a pigape. Even the dead celebrities have rotten children or partners who also plaster the celebrity's videos on my social media if I write anything thing commending the celebrity, hoping that because the celebrity is dead I am now safe: but NO!! because they profit off the estate and royalties of the celebrity (there were many from the Prince faction, and those videos stopped once I wrote how badly First Avenue was turned into the most blase of mediocrity music and how the club degenerated after Prince was assassinated--the endless videos of Prince abruptly stopped--thank Gawd). I had to realize that even if a celebrity is dead they greasy greedy children or partners can still profit off putting their crap on my social stuff--mostly Youtube. So celebrity scumbags out there, unless you are dead, I truly wish you to go to Hell. Every one of them is a sick sleazy and ugly disgusting paragon of filth and shit and shame to the United States.

 But on that note--I left this apartment today after more weeks of fighting for my health, to restore my life and eliminating poison which is a most lugubrious and painful, slow arduous process that never ends because the pigape pieces of shit continue to poison my body and home and life so I can never heal; that has been their goal. Returning from a day of being attacked, blocked, harassed,  my brain endlessly under assault while surrounded and under attack on all sides, continuously--returning to my already stinking and befouled living space which, upon returning, was sprayed with foul chemicals and gooe substances so it's more stinking and filthy, broken down and another fan was broken today so I have to throw it out. It worked perfectly this morning before I left. It's been broken. The floor which I plastered with layers of materials to thwart the panels being opened from the apartment below has been more ripped apart. This is the 6th layer that I have made pretty and neat and nice which is being slowly ripped to shreds by the mechanical arms which never stop violating my body and home while I am sleeping and then the terrorist pig apes physically enter to wreak as much violence and destruction upon my body and life as they are allotted by their master pig apes who control them. I put all these layers covering my floor boards (as I have to guess how the terrorists are breaking in, and no matter what I do, they break into my home and rip out and destroy all the blocks and security measures I install taking hours of time with my broken body--because they also fractured vertebrae and put my spine and hips out of alignment and then poisoned me with hardening, muscle-stiffening poison along with seriously comatose-inducing drugs--and every rip, tear and vulnerability in the body's frame is then penetrated by the poisons that are continuously put in my food, water and inserted into my body. MY fan was broken as torture for not wanting to be forced into a degrading, humiliation abuse and rape and discard and abuse and torture and destroy and break and rob rape protocol that the next celebrity is following--in the Europigape style--which is to force fellatio on me while slapping my face as my brain is induced, in a drug-technology interface--into some absurd hazy drugged up, while teleported state of false ecstasy---upon regaining a semblance of actual real-life consciousness I recoil in disgust at both the action and the amount that I am under torture and relinquishment of violence if I allow abuse, humiliation and rape to continue but unlike the years I had unwittingly succumbed to it--so drugged I can't begin to describe what it really is---(not under the many attacks I must fight while fighting to type and think). But I recoil and I fight back and endlessly say no when I am awake and not under this technological daze of fake ex while in reality it disgusts me. Also variables to this formula for reaction are that I am in a continuous state of torture, deprivation of pleasure, fun, happiness, all human contact and have been so for years upon years upon years--while also forced into partial paralysis (and they KEEP ON poisoning me). The protocol was established by this German pig ape whore filth creep out of Germany, (or others before him, all under this technology never with my consent, I have always been so drugged on "date rape" drugs by these loveless rapist pig ape whores I can't describe it. I recoil I fight back, they continue the destruction of my home and break and destroy things. It is disgusting, and the pigs are smirking and gloating. The shit Nazis who attack me in stores with my brain in a blitz of brain-altering tech blocking actual real cognitive awareness as I am forced into a state of dumb near comatose happy silliness while they surround and abuse and block and push/and/or I f all into a state of enraged fury, and I am compelled to act out in nearly violent ways which is a way of getting me arrested or kicked out of places or worse--the shit that never ended is now continuing in the same manner as it always was before Covid. What is astounding is that I hoped that my endless fight to not help Trump obtain more power would have, surely would have made people a bit wary of this technology and this system, but the stupidity remains of the creeple of this system and the next wave of shit pig apes resumes the torture of me replacing what had been Trump's murder attempts and the endless deformation and mutilation of my body and the utter violence they perpetrated against me--it was before Trump entered into this group and it remains after he is not exactly at the forefront. The shit celebrities who sat alongside Trump while they all were torturing and poisoning me to death--Aperah--the ape interview talk host black nazi stupid filth who is such a fake and is still somehow, unbelievably, holding sway over the Democrat Party (under Pelosi the pig ape, nothing of the worst degenerate fake "liberal" bs artistry is shocking to me any longer but how the problem of this lopsided fake liberal power throng obtained this much leverage in the media and in politics is an astounding testament to how deeply people actually don't want Democracy at all, whatsoever--and they still don't want Democracy they want an oligarchy--for themselves of course. 


But the rape and abuse from the next expletive in line has produced only a repetition of the slow murder contract out on me. He tortured me so badly I succumbed to his endless sexual demands and his rape while I was sleeping, exercising and sick and dazed, using and exploiting the brain-altering tech which blasts the various parts of the brain these parasites want to extract energy out of parasitically by forcing reactions, emotions and sensations--through the brain-mapping capabilities of this technology. Under duress and deadly stress, they torture and then rape, using humiliation, abuse and sexual pornographic violence along with death threats, poisoning and non-stop torture and abuse and destruction.


today while shopping it was smug and smirking, gloating bigot white supremacist pig apes (I assume mostly out of Europ-a-land or their endless colonized colonies, if they are white)-

they are all so confidently assured that there will NEVER be any repercussions for all the crimes they collectively commit. All police, governments and society fully endorse these types of horror and murder operations. 

I am exhausted and the hacking is non-stop and my brain is under attack.

I can't write more--just writing this now--wishing someone would stop this--as usual no one ever does. No thanks to me for fighting the promotion of Trump into higher jockying position over American politics--as he has had me tortured non-stop for over 7 years and the group of Whorewood celebrities taking turns and adding ever more and more celebrity Nazis into the fold--all of course publicly state that they are fighting Nazis and fascism and sexism and rape culture simultaneously for their public persona bs propaganda operations for media exposure. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

After this most grueling 2 years of waiting for Godot and the Midterm elections and wondering if Democracy, the US Constitution, Gawd and Social Security are going to go Gone With The Wind, and will Nazis begin the next American Holocaust with or without me---for today, I feel like about 100 pounds of pressure has been released because the mix has shifted a bit for Democrat legislation to pass without the usual block(heads) blocking the Bills in the Senate (on the Dem side).

 "The Masque of the Red Death/Animation". Bianca Saybe. December 15, 2014.

Otherwise, I must go to bed and the hate torture begins anew--teleported to creeps doing sick and stupid or sinister psychopath violent nasty things--waking up to people teleporting me to either rape or abuse--my entire day dealing with the poison in my body I never put there and fighting to heal the years of deformation that the celebrities dished out as I fought for my Constitutional Rights that no politician will honor because this is an undocumented crime and thusly they have no one willing to provide evidence and so their fangs come out and their horns are revealed---

for one day I feel I can laugh---the ever-increasing aging from slow death begins in just a few hours when I fall asleep though due to the government never actually having done any damn thing about Democracy or Freedom my entire life but actually adopting fascist Nazism long before #45 ever thought of coming into power.


The peeps who dished out their misery, violence hate and rape fantasies pornographic sleazy murder fantasies Nazi master race fantasies exploitation and sadism fantasies who fed off torture have all gone off laughing and giggling after their torment of me. I have one single day of feeling like a billion pounds of stress has been released just because the Senate mix has one more Democrat added. Otherwise, the threat of absolute catastrophe and the impending collapse of the US remains and the celebrities who have helped to bring all of this into fruition for their endless harvest of the death empire they are slowly but surely building has fed their keen sharp feeding tubes of sucking out but forcing others to suck them and they are always laughing after the torture they inflict in teleportation upon me. My body completely broken down by now and poisoned nearly to death---disfigured, partially dismembered, my toes broken my vertebrae fractured my hair made chemically damaged every night for years---my body suffused with hard poisons and mind control drugs and they kept stuffing it into my food and into my body--all laughing and partying the meanwhile. They put Trump into power and he almost destroyed the United States entire electoral system. Off they fly to Europ-a-land for the extravagent modeling shows where they are treated to the best by the fascists who want to use them as the corporeal conduits of infiltration into gaining power OVER the US in their fascist Nazi global cartel 4th Reich system. Laughing all the while about how "stupid" Americans are in large part (that is what I have heard endlessly in my travels and years of living in Europe--).

I cannot laugh after this initial "win" for Democrats as all the news anchors sigh a verbal slogan of "relief" that the deniers and the fascist Autocrats have not been elected into power. But the threat remains and all the worst of the criminals who are safe behind secret disguises (which excludes Trump, who was and is only a pawn and probably a mind controlled puppet of the 4th Reich).--they are all laughing and out laughing every day, they laugh even harder when they watch the endless videos of the violently abusive sinister celebrities and politicians gathering in circles around me every day and night to beat, rape and torture me without end, and it never ends. They keep torturing my body with electronic weapons (i.e. tears artificially forced out of my eyes, all day, moist and if I laugh at anything tears pour down my face--every single thing I do is under surveillance--tears pouring out of my eyes is a very horrid torture by now as it went on for hours and every day for hours a few years ago--now it's all day but in random intervals--that is just one of a multitude.)
The f-ing pigs have created endless misery, sickness and poverty for me. They are out laughing and partying I am here fighting endlessly to heal. The government still leaves me to fight for my life and the politicians appear only to get involved to gain some covert promotion or approval from this insidious organization which fully appears more in control over who and what gets passed or elected than all the politicians placed in high position. Trump also was merely "following orders".

Still, the most sinister people responsible for creating the world's problems are all out laughing and partying at this time. I can only laugh for a day and the usual hate and misery inflicted upon me begins anew by the people who dump their filthy nasty s*** upon me in every possible vulnerable state I am in, and they go off partying and laughing afterwards elevated, pumped up on hormones and power, paid and promoted in millions of dollars with no end to the funding for this operation by the people laughing as the planet is crumbling for so many others who really are being killed off as the final plan for the ultimate take-over.

I still have to deal with the next round of corrupt politicians who will get involved to further support the fascist Nazis and mafia criminals attacking me for the next round of election promotions and lead roles in movies and for media coverage and exposure....

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).