Monday, December 12, 2022

The problem is you not reporting on gang stalking, Ari Melber and the rest of your Democratic Party arm of Media entitlement at MSNBC and the rest of the news reporting agencies worldwide who NEVER go out of bounds in reporting the actual reasons for these domestic terrorism coup and assassination plots. The reason why and the problem is due to your lack of competency and concern, not my lack of being able to provide evidence, which I cannot do alone considering the technological hacking wizardry of this terror hate group sponsored fully by the US media collusion with the US Government and it's deception entertainment Whorewood machination machinery. A victim (me) of State-terrorism explains, in part (not the one-and-only reason as there are many "reasons") Why America won't stop the domestic terrorism of the leader of the Jan. 6, 2020 Insurrection attempt, and coup attempt, and why the people put into power before, during and after this event in media and politics so endlessly re-inforce terrorist activity.//Terrorist Report(s): the war on my hair--to destroy it, as has been done for decades by this terror group unbeknownst to me and/or how but I know why, of course.

"The Beat With Ari Melber 12/12/22/MSNBC/Trump News December 12, 2022". MSNBC. Dec12, 2022.

...and other attacks I may or may not mention--as they are never-ending and of course, no one stops them or does anything to preserve my human or US Constitutional rights, as politicians at top Legislative and Executive Branches join in on the "witch hunt" rape MK ULTRA torture sessions to also obtain their Nazi seal of approval for more media close-ups and awards and ceremonies and deals and wheels and cheese and they never have to say please to me for all the endless things they steal from my writing and from me in order to bolster their careers and lives. They cling on endlessly and it goes on and on. The destruction of my body and life continues unabated.

I thought that wrapping something like a turban, covering a plastic shower cap underneath, with two more layers of tightly-wound satin-like material, bound in knots with rubber bands in criss-cross formation--making insertion of mechanical arms nearly impossible after months of trial-and-error--with hair falling out non-stop. I also realized that the mechanical arms were spraying fungus into my hair, which stunk and was so damaged it had the consistency of straw, literally--for years---and this was being done from behind while I was plastered on a couch or sitting in front of the table watching endless movies and tv shows because I am too drugged to both move or read and focus and concentrate--the drugging is never stopped. My water supply I can't protect, I can't protect against all the invasive measures being used to attack me it is impossible because the terrorists continue to enter into my room every time I leave and destroy all the blocks and barriers I tentative guestimate on how to protect my body and property. 


I thought, last year, that I also would have to cover my head after I bought this elongated office chair, with a long back that extends about one foot above my head, and there is ample room on the sides so that any mechanical arm would have to go to a bit of extension to spray and damage my hair. I put a plastic table cloth around my head, it was during the hottest time of the year. My hair appeared fine, and then I removed the plastic and my hair was not damaged--for a few days. Under extreme drugging and the non-stop terror and deadly violence and abuse I have been subjected to by the pitt-gang of absolute Nazi/mafia death squad indoctrination and elitist aristocracy Nazi identity---I was so saturated with bloating and poisoning drugs that I 'forgot" that by removing this very stifling and heavy and hot and suppressive plastic cover so it would extend at least a foot beyond my head on either side, blocking air flow and leaving me in a kind of hot and heavy plastic cocoon--but my hair once more began to be almost plastically attached to my head, very easily tore off and was thin. The areas that they chemically destroyed so there has been a huge balding patch on the top and sides of my head all the way to the bottom of my skull and practically covering the entire skull--removed to grow back. But, because I am fighting as hard as I possibly can now to physically break the poison out, as more of it gets out, more of my perception is alert as opposed to heavily induced into a wakeful state of comatose sluggishness, both physically and mentally.


In just three days of once more wearing, or more like placing a heavy plastic table covering over my head, and stuffing it under the neck collar stabilizer I got--so it's secure--my hair is now strong, soft and not falling out like autumn leaves when I brush my hair. It's still tangled and damaged, but not falling out copiously any longer. The hair in the balding spots appears to be a bit longer than it has remained (just a stubble of hair with a gooey rubbery scalp completely damaged from the deteriorating acidic chemicals endlessly sprayed on my scalp and hair--from above, etc.


The endless arduous lengths I have to go to for protection are akin to an off-grid, 19th century existence but then again, people like that didn't have to put all food in plastic bags and tie layers of rubber bands around a knot, then a tie-around string, then another layer of rubber bands to stop or attempt to stop the mechanical arms from opening the food and poisoning and sullying it. Every single thing I have to eat that I possibly must cover like this I have to do. There are items I can't do this to which I need for part of my healing and for my food intake--which must have open air or they rot. 

It requires HOURS to unpack and seal parts of my body--and I still am vulnerable to these endless poisoning attacks by the insertion of the mechanical arms into my body orifices while I can't protect my body in sleep mode and unconscious due to the microchip implants causing a comatose, inert and sensationless state of numbness on a physical level. 


I include this clip by Ari Melber on the instantly blocked insurrections that just happened in Peru and in Germany. Melber injects a rhetorical type of question posed to the audience, which is, if countries like Germany and Peru, both with extreme fascist overtake governments in their past histories, can arrest the perpetrators of attempted coups even when it involves the president of that country (as in Peru)--why has it taken over TWO YEARS for the US to even begin to seriously assess the potential possibility of crimes against the leaders of a deadly attempt at insurrection at my country's capital over TWO YEARS AGO and the criminal charges are still pending and the culprit labeled as the main instigator is now running for power as top executive leader once more and still nothing has been done. As this parenthetical question was posed, I knew the answer and of course I have been writing of this for years: The United States has so almost openly embraced fascist Nazi and Mafia cartels of power overtake and the "good people" of my country have adopted death squad (aka "gang stalking") groups to undermine actual real Democracy for decades--since at least the end of WWII and probably far earlier than that in it's history.

That no one, even Melber, will openly reveal this underground, nationwide and international conspiracy of undermining human rights, and ostensibly for the purpose of eliminating minorities who strive for positions of power and instead installing the minions who serve the Nazi and Mafia power grab for the entire planet--in the wake of the Nazi 3rd Reich attempt that was never quelled by the United States and fully supported as lead Nazis were shepherded to places by the US government to places like NASA in order to help establish the United States as a lead war-mongering nation with German missile and rocket science backing it's new-found technological advantage over the rest of the planet. At least initially that was the result of the international cooperation between the US and Nazi scientists and the Project Paperclip of collusion that helped establish this fascist Nazi rape and theft and robbery and murder operation that I am forced into as lead US politicians come to teleport and threaten to have me killed for not complying with sexual abandon and under threat of murder "love" towards people who are poisoning and abusing me to death in successive rape merry-go-round joy division partnerships between fascist Nazi celebrities and expletives who come to infiltrate and get red carpet treatment by my fascist, Nazi-based Mafia country--the United States.


Why is there no immediate arrest of the lead perpetrators of the January 6th Insurrection attempt? The question really leads me to this armchair response: the "good people" that criminal fascist Nazi/mafia advocate and political leader Nancy Pelosi always refer to, whom she claims she serves, are the Nazis who want to eliminate people like me from competition and have me beaten and raped for decades while I struggle to remove poison as they continue to poison me through their technology--as Pelosi threatens to mutilate and have me killed for not complying with being killed by her "friends" in whorewood, USA with their endless fascist Europigape partners who truly control them all (the Americans).


They don't want, they rebuke real and actual competition. They abhor actual equality and freedom and Democratic rule. They need to quash people who will not conform to their mental boxes and this mind control terror operation inflicted upon me has scratched that itch bothering these infested Nazi/fascist/mafia yearning for collusion in a monopolistic empire, yearning to be free of people like me having more capability, happiness or beauty or success--the mind control operation that Trump participated in as his popularity rose from sinking into lead position during the 2015 primary season--this technology that has handed Elon Musk more power than even many a political leader for his involvement therein--has been granted by the Nazi/mafia networks of America which so happily partner with Europigape fascist Nazis as if they can't stand the American system any longer, and they can't. What won't "go down" in Germany, even in terms of blocking hate speech, is fully welcomed now with rising alacrity the more time is spent not prosecuting or revealing the fascist tendencies of people like Musk that I wrote of for years--tortured endlessly for by the likes of Michael Bloomberg and his most disgusting daughter--both like gnawing animals heaving hate at me for trying to inform them of the absolute danger of allowing Musk to continue being portrayed by the media as a cool and hipster soft-spoken technological hip guy---turned viciously upon by them as they spat at me and threatened to kill me and shouted "loser" at me endlessly in grating shouting shrillness (the daughter). 

I have not looked at Bloomberg for almost a year and I would be willing to bet now that the fake has put tons of articles and commentaries and op-eds about the prescient dangers of allowing Musk to continue his "freedom to express fascist ideology" on his new Twitter purchase for his continued empire that people like good little Jewish Nazi Bloomberg most fully supported because it helped to continue his minority minion Jewish Nazi position in the hierarchy of this organization while fully threatening me with death--just as Pelosi had done just a few weeks before Bloomberg took the reigns for a short while to continue the foul and filthy Nazi rape and torture protocols aimed endlessly at me.


"Why", Ari Melber, who may or may not be keenly aware of my situation, does America wait for over 2 years to begin to implicate Trump in the attempted Insurrection at the capital in order to thwart the passing of electoral power from himself to another? Obfuscating Democratic policy and American validation of a free and fair society--(if only for those in the power positions not of course for minorities and the poor who have not played the fascist minority minion game well enough or were not able to get easily involved in the promotional "sell-out" hierarchical schemata of this hate organization, the global system of the 4th Reich).


"Why" Melber asks. I posit that it's because the very nasty "people" who have usurped power in the US and in global affairs have done so out of a massacre/murder operation with these technologies of poisoning, suiciding, rape (and they so yearn to eliminate abortion so the rape victims can be silenced and forced into abject poverty or killed off as medical care is denied them while the funding is always being threatened for the poorest and their inescapable poverty holes are being dug by the legislation that the same criminal politicians partnering with the bs con artists of whorewood endlessly putting out heroic rescue movies about what a great society the US is--as a concealment of the death trap culture awaiting with the ever-encroachment of the death squad entertainment/political factions that the "good" people keep putting into power). The death squads have been eliminating those who would protest and who did protest through MURDER covertly established by these organizers of the 4th Reich--so many I have been writing of for years.


Ari Melber truly already knows the answers to these rhetorical questions he poses, perhaps hoping this will bring a change of the greed and selfishness paradigm that has kept this death squad Nazi/mafia organization out of the boundaries of transparency for so long that incriminating and prosecuting leaders of Nazi-based and Mafia-endorsed criminal conspiracies to topple the government remain cheered on in rallies by the "good" people of America.


I remain as always stuck waiting for something to change--I thought that after Trump was not re-elected that perhaps the endless deadly violence and rape and abuse would be abated or even, potentially stopped. Instead it increased as the Democrats have to prove that they truly are not really out for equality and freedom for minorities but instead are absolutely determined to play their roles in playing the fake opposition to the fascist powers they truly love and admire--ostensibly those out of Europigapeland as the creeps always, the American creeps attacking me I mean--ALWAYS defer with absolute groveling obsequiousness to the fascist Nazi Europigapes who come to ensure that their 4th Reich is continuing it's rot and spread throughout the United States under their tutelage.


If truly independent media were "allowed" then the fake "Progressives" on YouTube would also report on this travesty that they, too, attempt to capitalize on by inserting their blathering righteous victimization K-rap on my channel just like the rest of the fascist and Nazi 4th Reich endless rotation of celebrities and a few, select (committee) politicians, also fully partaking in the media photo-ops that include political career enhancement (plus perhaps nice little houses in Europigapeland as their rewards for playing the duplicity lying game pretending to be against fascist Nazi and Mafia overtake of the United States, their roles assigned to them.

The problem, Ari Melber, is that I believe you know fully what is happening to me and how much this system of death squad and government/media collusion has so fully helped to foster the domestic terrorism that finally has come out into the open. When it comes to people like you risking losing your position as "minority" newscaster quoting fellow fake righteous minority rappers who fully partake in fascist Nazi and Mafia anti-Semitism, being of the clan yourself of that oppressed endlessly slaughtered group by Europigapes in particular---

They can't risk their own a$$es losing their positions in media and in politics--they openly "fight" against the overtake of the government that the MAGA represents but will not ever step out of the boundaries prescribed by that very same global entity which has created these fascist Nazi and mafia cartels to the point that all people in power are terrified of not following orders, remaining silent, and allowing the system to continue. Of course, with all the wealth and privilege perks they all obtain, plus the endless monopoly in key positions, they will enduringly remain affixed to asphyxiating people like me in mires of filth and rape and brutality by their fellow administrators of the false deceptive Democracy which they all loudly vocalize as their prime objective in their careers and lives for the sanctity of their sanctimonious portrayals for public approval. 

I still can't get any of the "Good people" of America, so many also openly touting their allegiance to "Democracy" and "fighting" the fascist Nazi elements which they took overtly or covertly also adhere to in ways that perhaps have been mind program engineered--

so I still can't get a single person in America or around the world to either admit to the crimes being endlessly aimed at me, even if they are sympathetic they won't risk their stations in life to reveal the criminal apparatus which metes out death to those who oppose or loss of career/income and THEN slow death (so many deadly diseases can now be dispersed in so many covert ways--not just poisoning of course).

But mostly, they love having a good old-fashioned "witch hunt" and perhaps that is a human motivation that the fascist 4th Reich has so researched and fully implemented into the public. Centuries of persecution and lack of defense for victims even in the most staunch of "righteous" societies has proven that people really openly or secretly relish someone getting beaten, raped, poisoned, tortured for the "crimes" of not doing what they are told. Those who follow orders are viciously at the forefront of such witch hunts because they hate with deadly violence those who got out of the oppression they then continue upon others. 

The Greek philosophers had a lot to theorize about regarding freedom and how people for the most part would rather stare at reflections of shadows upon a cave wall rather than see the daylight if they just stopped hiding in their caves (a metaphor or analogy, of course).

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...