Monday, December 19, 2022

PLEASE GET BRAD PITT AND HIS WHORE FILTHALINA AND THE SHIT SPAWN DAUGHTER OF DEPP OFF ME. Please will someone please fucking provide me with any justice or relief from this group of parasitic shit and filth and stupidity, wrapped in plastic surgery and billions of dollars for their fascist Nazi promotional appearances using MY IDEAS for their shitty stupid asinine movies about how compassionate they all are? They are murdering me, they have been poisoning me to death for over 8 years it never ends.

**This post was very badly hacked/rewritten/partially deleted by terrorist hackers who altered my writing to a degree that makes it a rambling incoherency. I try to edit and when I rewrite they just delete it after I post. It's so misconstrued that it's almost completely altered in parts by their hacking rewrites and deletions. They deleted endings of sentences so what appears if half of an idea that ends abruptly, but is then pasted onto another sentence. This is the kind of crap that also accompanies my attempts to reach out for any humanity any justice and if there is any compassion it would be unbelievable at this point. THis is slavery forced upon me with destruction of my body and life and property and finances that is never-ending. As opposed to these blank and dumb whore actors, I spent SIX YEARS in grad school (online) and they mostly have no college degrees). They are stupid and dumb academically and study tax evasion, apparently. They have been torturing me to obtain the ideas I studied for and also my creativity which is different because I grew up in a way outside their fascist conformist system. (brought up in a University/Hippie/anti-war environment). They are trying to murder me while extracting ideas from me every day, while having me beaten, raped, dismembered disfigured and it's like I am public enemy number 1 for fighting in my defense, for my independence and for my life. I called Oprah an "aunt jemima" and it's the entire black celebrity caucus violently threatening me for having called that sell out whore Oprah, a Black Nazi much worse than Kanye and more slithery and deceptive. I have responded to pigs and whores who have been stealing my concepts as their own (as Oprah had done, years before I called her that name) and then having me tortured so they can be included in the Nazi enclave of shit with shit pitt and pigalina the whore ugly skank and stupid pair of parasitic filth. I have men raping me now waiting in line, two presidents in a row viciously condoning these operations, both Biden and Trump are fascist but Biden is of the "liberal" fascist variety with his mafia wife. It is never-ending begging on my part for justice. But this post below is just obstructed into a blathering insanity ONLY DUE TO THE HACKING INTERFERENCE and not ot my state of mind. i was teleported to someone trying to rape me last night. I was teleported to people abusing and insulting me. I am teleported upon waking to the group of shit pitt and co asking me every personal question and information-extraction after the abuse of the teleportation. This goes on every single night and has been ongoing since 2012--from one piece of pig shit to the next, on and on. White wealthy dumb and sleazy men, also extracting ideas out of me and using them to sell themselves as being original while raping and poisoning me to death, endlessly. I have been brutalized by Baryishnikov for the last three months. He is operating with the filth spawn daughter of J. Depp--and whenever I fight to get this fellatio-raping man slapping my face and sticking his disgusting ape pig penis in my mouth, after having sewage water inserted into my vagina for weeks while I screamed at him to get off me--I finally could not take feeling my body dying from poisoning any longer. He teleports filthy Depp's daughter to insult and yell hate at me after I "lovingly" under torture give this rotten ugly pig ape Europigape fascist man his blow jobs because they are mutually murdering me. He has me abused immediately afterwards adn then the stinking filth and poisoning and abuse continues without end. 
Finally I am screaming in hate and trying to kill him and hoping he dies. I scream at them constantly that I hope they die horrible deaths as I also pray for this nightly. I have been writing these posts for years and years about how sick and stupid and dangerous they are to society and I did this regarding Trump, Musk and the rest. You fucking idiots out there continue to allow this situation to fester and this tech to continue. These filthy pig apes are now extremely violent fascist Nazi ideology and all of them are fully cherished and supported by EVERY MENBER OF THE US GOVERNMENT--with their consent or through their silence.  


I was teleported to that stupid and ugly filth bucket pig pitt yesterday and I got another death threat--its' only constant now from this group. They lie and deny all their violence against me. It is always supported and funded by politician who are increasing in number. The Republicans, well, you can expect this kind of support for fascist Nazism as that is what their party aligns with, now openly. But filth pigalina and pig pitt are putting out the bs mythology that they are "liberal" and compassionate, along with the rotten spawn of Depp.

This is now over TEN YEARS of this same group of shit and filth adn stupidity having objects inserted into my body, poisoning me, putting fungus sewage water into my bladder via my vagina nigtht after night for years--my home stinking with fungus--my hair so damaged and falling out from chemicals poured into my scalp and hair--my body endlessly shitting out piles of stinking black poison because they keep ordering me to be paralyzed so I can't ever get out of this room to actually meet people, have a social life, get any relief from physical torture that is non-stop aimed into my body and brain by these electrical remote torture technologies (thanks to the shit like Elon Musk, who is now openly regarded as a fledgling fascist, while I wrote about what a fake he was for years, I was only tortured for writing the revelation that no one wanted to recognize--because they want to believe the posturing liberal Whorewood fantasy that these plastic-coated, Nazi-appearing people putting out all the scripted lines about how they care (which Democrats also mimic in their posturing lectures and political aspirations) and people just completely are sold into the deception.  Until it's too late--the wealth and power the fascist pig apes have amassed, and all sitting in these groups watching me get raped and beaten and abused day after day and night after night--

as they acclimate to having this "power" over someone--they then need to get more high off the hormone power trip by increasing the violence. Full-fledged fascism emerges in them. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED ALSO TO DONALD TRUMP in his 4-year terror inclusion in this very group of shit and lies and hate and violence and murder operations---it is what got that thing into power in the first place--it was filthy disgusting stupid pig pitt who put trump into the orbit of this group of filth and shit. It was Elon Musk who ensured that Amber Heard would not win in the defamation case. It is Depp and his filthy disgusting stupid plastic surgery Nazi-posturing skank daughter (who has rotten and stinking things inserted into my mouth and these pigs have been inserting stinking fluids into my vagina deeply into my bladder every night while I can't sleep for YEARS).


I could go into a ranting diatribe endlessly because it's now over a decade of this never-ending group of criminal fuck scum endlessly torturing and poisoning me to death and using my ideas as their own--in also an expanding group of that shit who never ends. Then there's blonde Nazi Eminem who also has been stealing concepts I write of, or even talk about in these endless information/torture/idea-extraction sessions, in particular with the sick and sinister duo of deniro and pesce, who endlessly called me names, most foul, had me tortured an dmy body sliced and partially dismembered while sleeping--stole idea after idea, put them into movies like the Joker--tortured me and paid NOTHING. They stole my money, they stole my cat, they destroyed my home, they called me every kind of hateful name insulted my body while they were poisoning me with bloating and hardening poison--

and Eminam was there to steal and suck out ideas--another blonde Nazi bigot filth blathering hate celebrity with his slew of black minority minions gravitating around the acceptance of white bigot culture who adopt black music and then put blonde bigots into the roles assuming the angry disenfranchised but now wealthy bs con artist.

the list is never-ending. It's never ending. 

I pray for their deaths every single day. They are abomination and stupidity and filth and hate and are constantly fully embraced with devotion. You should see ugly and sinister blathering Jamie Raskin with the dyed blonde bigot prositute-appearing hormone-addicted-to-torture daughter of Depp, yelling and pointing in hate at me to "obey" that stupid ugly rotten skank whore piece of shit, slathered with millions upon millions of dollars in beauty enhancements and an entire country (France) of pig ape Nazi shit going through the greedy and sleazy daughter of the sell-out battering rapist scumbag father Johnny Depp to infiltrate the United States via Whorewood. so far, because of Raskin's utter brainwashed-into-Nazi ideology (i.e., his son was probably suicided, he's not traumatized and trauma-based mind control got blathering about Democracy Raskin into absolutely bowing like the slave that he is, mentally, into trying to force a technologically-enforced, death squad (which is probably what poisoned and put the suiciding into his son) system--fully ensconsed in serving and servicing this group and violently attacking me for defending both myself, the United States as I am truly fighting for the US and not for selfish self-grasping sleazy filthy whores who steal and rob everything possible using the tools and weapons the defense agencies have created for military purposes--mind control, etc, now used to sleazy filth crap in Whorewood can help fascist Nazi Europigapes to infiltrate the US via the Entertainment portal of power--with US politicians only blinded by the glitter of all the wealth these pigs stole and use in their endless fashion shows


But I am at the point of considering praying daily for the death of Pitt. That fucking pig lies and lies continuously both about his poisoning and how many of my ideas he has personally stolen. As for filthalina, his ugly sinister stupid greasy whore wife, another product of white American trailer trash KKK intertwined with infiltrating Europigape fascist skank nazism--like that stupid ugly spawn of Depp

and they steal and steal and have stolen and stolen not just my ideas, but my life for a DECADE of non-stop poisoning and torture on a non-stop basis.


Please kill them, polease get them the fuck off me finally


I sit here after a decade of poisoning these pig ape whores have force dupon me so I remain paralyzed, sitting ina roome being tortured by them so they can feed off hormonal highs off torture, then they steal ideas, I remain fighting to get any politicians to care whatsoever--the racism is unbelievable, the collusion between fascist Nazis and the entire spectrum of elected Government politicians is absolute and enforced absolutely for the entire 500+ body politic called our US government in elected position.

-------------I will have no holiday, as usual as I have  had nothing for a decade. These pigs who earn millions MILLIONS of dollars for the movie iedeas they steal from me--now filthalina is considered one of the wealthiest female whores in Whorewood--years of her obtaining contract after contract in starring roles playing ideas she has stolen from me--giving not just nothing but destroying my body calling herself more beautiful than me after having my body inserted with objects,poison, fungus, insertions of silicone under my skin, my hair destroyed, my face broken down from years of tears being forced out of my eyes, years of hate and abuse years of everything I love being killed or taken away as I figth and they continue and continue and contine and they get paid and paid and paid and supported by this filthy shit government. 


**This post was absolutely hacked and rewritten in parts. I tried to edit but once I got into the edit part I could not find the errors and I have to just add them now. I wrote that Jamie Raskin is NOW brainwashed by trauma-based mind control, not as the hackers had rewritten, "not brainwashed" or whatever--I am reciting this paragraph from memory. The keyboard barely functions. I press keys and other letters appear. I press keys and nothing comes out. There is nothing wrong with the keyboard, it operates perfectly i.e. when I am in the bios mode on my computer. What I had written was also partially deleted so the ideas were blocked out. They have been, as I have been writing for years to no response, silence and they continue--they have inserted objects under my skin to appear as cysts--they have been pouring poison somehow into my body so I am constantly stuffed with bloating and hardening poisons in my intestines. Literally, my intestines have been extended and bloated with poisons that glue and stick to flesh, bone, enamel, everything, this poison they have been putting into my body has literally made my spine crooked--this began from childhood. The pig ape pitt and filthalina deny and lie about every single crime they commit, giggle about it, are smug as hell because it is all funded and fully supported with counter violence against me by highest-ranking politicians when I try to make any claim for justice, fight against attempted murder and fight for my human rights.
I told pig pitt yesterday that he should not be awarded any longer endlessly as he has been, that his attempted murder, his theft of my ideas (which he of course lies about and denies--probably the ideas that they stole from my Facebook writings, because I could not save anything on my computer, they have stolen photos I have tried to save, the terrorist gang stalkers have been going into my room and destroying DC discs for recoverty, I can't have any kind of digital save library I can't function whatsoever in society under these conditions--)
but, they probably deleted the ideas I wrote of and claim they never stole these ideas. I know what I wrote and they quote from me verbatim in their movies. At the time that filthy pig pitt was doing this with my ideas, he had part of my uterus severed out while I told him not to rape me, and fought him off. In retaliation he had part of my uterus severed out. Filthalina had me raped by Depp after I didn't say that she was more beautiful than me. She has been on a campaign to have my toes broken, my hair removed permanently, my skin doused with such damaging chemicals that it appears like broken reptile parched paper--literally in dried and dead scales on my arms--poisoned into paralysis with hardening stiffening poison, my body brutalized while I am unconscious every day--I was RAPED here and everywhere as they wateched as the rapists would insert semen and fungus into my vagina, put my hips and spine out of alignment, and I could not walk much less move as they abused and teleported me and drugged and tortured me. They continue to make movies out of the ideas I wrote of--filthy whorealina is doing it yet again this year. When I asked this group of shit to just each contribute $100 per month so I can afford to pay for a small house rental here in Phuket for just a swimming pool private access--the cost is around $1000 per month--filthy pigalina gave them all the "NO' nod and they all remained silent. I have been mutilated and poisoned--all of this for what fucking reason goddamn why am I just being endlessly torrtured by this group of shit? With zero support from any government official while they are ALL blathering endlessly about human rights?
It has gone on for a DECADE of me fighting for my life to get them off me. They have increased their violence towards me into a non-stop splat of hate and violence with non-stop death threats by ugly sinister and stupid pig pitt-who is endlessly touted as being intelligent and a great guy---he's a plastic surgery-coasted monster dumb prick of fascist orientation, obsessed with becoming another europigape aristocrat with nazi aspirations for world and global domination. They are all like this. You all keep putting them and keeping them in power. The US Government is now facing it's demise because of them and your silence to their system.

PLEASE YOU GODDAMN NEVER-ENDING DO-NOTHING readers out there--if you have any respect for the United States, a system where people can live in peace in their own home, and you don't want fascist Nazi dictatorships partially enforced by endless Mafia/Nazi networks of organized crime, death squads who WILL attack anyone for no reason if they are ordered to do so--and will kill upon command happily--
please, it is the holiday season. This group of whorewood shit has stolen my life for over a decade. Imprisoned in internal poisoning I could not get out for all my life--but increased to the point that I have been just slouched over in chairs drooling nearly in comatose drugged states while filthalina has had me tortured to extract information so this dumb and stupid ignoramus can obtain original ideas while absolutely blocking not just my attempts to have any single thing but destroying all I create, love and she has been feeding off this with her dumb and rotten plastic surgery scumbag fellow idiot pig pitt for years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years it's now a DECADE can't you fucking get them off me for the HOLIDAYS so I can at least have SOMETHING at least something that is joyous this year instead of endless torture and murder from a bunch of sleaze and filth I have been screaming in rage that I can't stand since day number fucking one for all of them--years of screaming I can't stand you to these pig whore apes for a DECADE since the very first day adn they never stop. No one ever stops them. GET THEM THE FUCK OFF ME ALREADY GODDAMN THIS SHIT COUNTRY USA. It's so lost in fascism and corruption it's completely a destroyed country. Try not to let stupid plastic-coated shit like this from whorewood deceive you with the Nazi brainwashing that is ever-present in all media and entertainment output--trauma-based mind control entertainment continues in both news and movie bs fodder. You are all so mesmerized by a plastic-surgery modified blonde Nazi image without any sense to discern what kind of stupidity and ugliness they truly are, apparently. That is what I was trying to say about traumatized Jamie Raskin--by the way, and this is a persistent theme in how people are so brainwashed by this mind control operation and these pig ape whores who are stupid and rotten as hell. I tried to warn you fuckers about Elon Musk but you all helped put him into that position. YOu all want despots and freedom of expression dictatorship censorship disguised in the American blathering bs "freedom" fascism to fully take all over.
Goddamn can't you fuckers every leave me alone and get them the fuck off me? I just want my cat La Moux returned alive, this fucking shit to be stopped and this crime to be stopped against me and $$$ in restitution forced out of this greasy and greedy group paid to me so I can change my appearance and remove these embedded tracking microchip implants in my body--have my own home and live in fucking peace finally.
Can't you fuckers EVER EVER EVER EVER actually care about justice when it's so egregiously under threat by this group of stupidity and greasy sleazy rape culture and entitlement murder and fascist Nazi bs entertainment media mind fuck crap?
Can't you ever do anything you fucking pigs reading this to protect me as a human being, a US citizen by shithole creeps who have Europigape and probably Russian fascist anti-American infiltrators backing them to bring as much hate and fascism into America via these crappy movies and media and political performances--can't you ever fucking do any single thing about these creeps endlessly attacking me and stop this crime?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...