Friday, December 16, 2022

Forbes bought out The Lusty Lady. Forbes toppled a feminist icon of free sexual empowerment for women.//The Lusty Lady Theater, San Francisco...sexuality as it should be. Sexuality that is a threat to the Nazi 4th Reich. The chauvi's are making sure with mind control technologies, sexualization of "power" women in mainstream culture--that only the Nazi women are not abused sexually and all the bigot men and women of the Nazi/Mafia rape culture are thrilled with this new version of "feminism" and "sexual freedom" (to rape and torture and murder people "like" me--). They can't stand to see me even have a sexual experience that is not fraught with abuse and hate and subordination and torture. The promotions of the rapists and their female fellow pig apes is unbelievable--but there it is. The Lusty Lady was taken over by the most prestigious money empire magazine possible and women's empowerment has been left to the Nazi rape enabler culture of Whorewood, establishment to turn into sexualized minion rape enabling hate and apathy when they see it happening to other women (including Amber Heard, who is now an outcast even though she also participated in rape culture against me--but when she fights against violence against women she is NOT supported by the $me too movement because the male who is labeled as a violent abuser is such a good ole Nazi white supremacist Nazi bigot sleaze and that ilk "must" be protected at all costs. The women who protect him then are put into Forbes' "Most powerful women" list year-after-year (some of them).

 How working in a strip club taught "Neon Girls" author lessons about unions and solidarity "If your work can be framed as this cool thing, that's seen as compensation enough," Jennifer Worley tells Salon

but back in the day, before Forbes bought it out---this was the motto or designated motif of that extremely unique establishment---a feminist strip club for women, in essence. Owned and run by women, with weekly meetings and absolute control by women over the men---(if they tried that sexist oppression they got booted out or were held in check, fully supported by rough male bouncers who fully supported the women in their right to sexual FREEDOM from oppression and traditional shame rape and abuse culture that the mind control operation upon me is striving to re-establish like a severe backlash.

Take heed women who fear you may be next in the rape and bigot hater club of white male supremacist culture with their bigot Nazi and Nazi/mafia-enabling minions all working to get promoted in the hierarchy of hate you all subscribe to. Some of you will become victims of this technological rape and tyrannical murder technology and this death squad system (aka "gang stalking").
Why the Lusty Lady was usurped by Forbes, the classic white male privilege and rape culture enabling women club---

"There was a reputation in San Francisco that it had a more feminist perspective. Our managers were women, mostly former dancers. Some of the rules at the place were that the men were not allowed to direct us or tell us what to do. They weren't allowed to make disparaging comments about us. We had a sexual harassment policy. This was the mid-'90s. I worked in publishing before that, and the policy was, "Sexual harassment is anything that makes a woman feel uncomfortable."--


"San Francisco’s Lusty Lady, which first opened in 1976 became known as the “World’s Only Unionized Worker Owned Peep Show Co-Op.”[1] Working at the Lusty, “I felt like I had died and gone to hooker heaven,” explained one former dancer.[2] Between its initial unionization drive in 1996 and its closure in 2013, the club’s dancers worked to “make the Lusty Lady Theater the most triumphant peep show on Earth,” and successfully established a groundbreaking model of cooperative ownership and institutional protections within the notoriously unregulated sex industry.[3]"

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