Tuesday, December 20, 2022

I'm finished with your crappy movies, cock rock music, hard core cock rock theatrical spewing, your bitchy Nazi elitist celebrity violent and rape and torture/murder behavior and the crap you continuously crank out about how benevolent you are with the equivalent of watery urine smiles. Sick from your brainwashing programming while my posts, post rape and torture, for over a decade--written daily almost-- about feminism in reaction to the empty, blank and stupid ape whores who are assaulting, raping and torturing me of all genders--are stolen by the Nazi female skanks who cheer and fully support their rapist pig ape males--the children of which are told they are entitled to reap the semen seed of the rape and torture indoctrination celebrity status culture as their sole entitlement for having been born into the neuvo celebrity faux aristocracy fascist league of scum out of Whorewood. Trained fully in posturing in fascist fashion as being "powerful" sexual objects with the alignment of the fascist line---supported by fascist social engineering experts who are touted as being the "leaders" of fashion and the entertainment industry--fully indoctrinated, perhaps trauma-based mind control victims mostly all themselves--trickling down the trauma and glorification of sleazy whore submission for extreme wealth and security in exchange for what had been a movement that provided domestic violence shelters, independence for women in the market, political power, abortion and leadership roles (albeit now taken over by either fascist Nazi women or their wanna-be minions of the minority shades).

 "Right-Wing Women by Dworkin/Ch. 1 The Promise of the Ultra Right/ a reading". GNC Centric. June 10, 2022.


My programming has induced me to reflect upon this lesbian women reading only chapter one of Andrea Dworkin's book--Oh my GAWD==-she's not thin and thus not worthwhile as a woman. She's wearing clothing that isn't contrived to appear like French fashion and fascist fuck-me clothing out of Europigapeland---she's reading a book that just isn't cool and she's obviously and must be a complete "loser" as you filthy dirty stupid women of the pig ape organiZation appear to endlessly sell as a fear product into the market as you rush to help them rape me for your sleazy ho promotions. glamorized without end and protected by the entire US Government and it's female reps in Congress and in the Executive.

I find her so refreshing and you so loathsome and hideously sleazy and ugly and stupid and rotten and foul---

As for this reader, below--I see from her youtube channel that she's lesbian. I didn't automatically identify her clothing choice with gender identification. I also can't discount lesbians from your sleaze rape and hate culture, in particular those who are "liberal" and chant slogans at marches and protests and claim they are the reps of the Goddess and The Moon and all that K-rap. Absolute racists and sexists trained to the core and they can't get out of the programming regardless of clothing and genital choice.


If any of you venture into this video reading of Dworkin's book, you will get to the part where Marilyn Monroe's sexuality is deconstructed and her victimization into supplying an never-ending sexualized fantasy that mortality could not sustain--resulting in suicide--is analyzed. I must point out that currently pig pitt is going through yet another round of Academy Awards since his terror campaign aimed at me and the result of his years of being nominated or awarded ever since he began this deadly assault upon me. His movie about Monroe coincides with some posts I wrote a few years ago, maybe 6 years ago or so--regarding the Monroe exploitation analyzed in a feminist context. It is just another example of an idea that I wrote of that somehow fit into the pitt-filthalina ever-enlarging list of movies being awarded with ideas, concepts and VERBATIM theft of my writing which they have also been endlessly paid in how many $$$'s of $$$? In return, as has been happening for all these years, according to the protocol, Pig pitt must then continue to suppress me, my ability to even write (and trust me, this post has taken me hours due to the keyboard not working, the laptop freezing, my brain being put into hysterical ranting mode so I am thoroughly discredited but if you bear with me a bit and cull the rants from the concepts--as these pigs always do to obtain their ideas--subliminals are also constantly being pummeled into my brain so I repeat their hate sneers and my emotions are artificially induced into an absolutely uncontrollable rage--from the brain-mapping mind control tech). But in return, as pig pitt and they all must do, the pigs must then torture me to obtain awards for the ideas they have stolen. year after year pig pitt has been threatening to kill me just prior to awards season, and he brings in Europigapes to do the same and they all coelesce into a cesspool of pieces of shit gathering to do the same hate spat at me--the blonde women out of Europigapeland in particular and all their filthy nasty American spawn of the pig pit and his friends and co. The year pig pitt won his supporting actor award, he had me nearly killed when Trump's Europigape wife had me hit by a car. They tried to knock my teeth out, and they cut into my gum tissue so it's permanently gone. This was in response to my writing on my blocked and private facebook page, where the shit was stealing my ideas from in the first place--with a request for JUSTICE and that he stop being awarded with Oscars for his violence against me. I was threatened with murder by Trump's skank wife and pig pitt then teleported and tortured me for a year, broke my laptop, tried to have my teeth knocked out, my gum tissue severed to the jaw line and it's still like that, as they cut into my toes and under cuticles had me raped nightly fungus inserted into my vagina. The shit pig pitt won the oscar. He is now threatening to kill me just a few weeks prior to the next academy awards season. The pig as usual stole the idea from me in the first place, destroyed my body, life home and fincances and any and all chances for me having any single thing. He's not gloating in his next death threat and abuse structure which will provide him potentially with another award as usual for about the 8th year in a row--all the years he has been terrorizing me with shitalina and not prior to that. And this year is no exception to the endless yearly formula for pig pitt and shitalina. Every year they steal an idea from me and turn it into their movie concept-and torture me to obtain funding for the movie and torture me to win awards for it--I mean "win". Rigged awards as corrupt as what Trump claims the elections in US politics are--could Trump know something that "we" don't about how elections and awards are bought out, people are sold and converted while appearing as actors for a political side?

But I had to add that in, as probably shitalina is going to steal the idea, I want people to perhaps understand how much of what I study and write is stolen by them. When it comes out, it may take a while unless someone finally stops these pigs from being paid in millions to inflict this upon me--then you will know I am not hysterically "lying" as they accuse me of. This reading so applies to the ballet world equivalent of Harvey Weinstein--but it's Mikhail Baryishnikov--but because he's a bigot Nazi with blue eyes, he's just considered a good ole boy with a blonde wife (who undoubtedly with his bigot blonde daughters are awaiting endless promotions as they see the shit from whorewood also endlessly obtaining for their endless rape and torture). Never are these filthy whore scumbag pieces of shit ever considered to be put into white trash, white n-word or harvey Weinstein categorical filth labels--no, they have blue eyes, are not Jewish or Black, and thus they are so fully protected. If you want to use the word Niggardly it would certainly apply to all of them. But this reading by Dworkin so fully amplifies the current hate and attack upon me which this "old world" Europigape fascist and Totalitarian fake "liberal" has been dumping on me, with the rotten Whoreweood usual group of rapists and their filthy spawn and etc--with brutality rape and hate--and the reasons? Oh, how this filthy and ugly man requires America to be absolutely indoctrinated into Europigape old school systematic racist and genocidal practice--like all of the above and all the shit people I have been writing of for these years of writing these posts concerning this hell they are forcing upon me.

Dworkin so well establishes a rational microanalysis of the really rotting underbelly of what people are being tortured for even mentioning--and abuse of women is one of the prime forces of fascism. I suggest you people who want a different perspective from the "strong" women of Forbes Magazine's "Top 100 Women" and "celebrating women" could get a far different vision of what "strength" truly is. You will find that the women paid in millions and billions on these male-dominated franchise lists have been groomed through domestic violence and rape themselves and are fully into the "Right-Wing" women submission and reverse discrimination categories which Dworkin so aptly details here. I am unable to write with any applomb. I am being blasted with brain-altering tech and suppressed by blocks to writing and thinking and exaggeration of angry and hate states-of-mind; only compounded by an utter universal collaboration of state-sponsored rape and torture of me. If you listen to this first chapter by Dworkin (and understand that undoubtedly Dworkin was probably also assassinated by bloating poisoning and other covert murder methodologies, and her death was undiagnosed and she said that she had no understanding of her ailments or what was leading to her huge excessive bloating resulting in her death--untimely and the world has lost a beautiful and loving and wonderful spirit and soul as a result. People only see the huge hanging flabs of bloating poison which she could not begin to get out--which I have been struggling to get out of my body for almost `12 years while these filthy skanks, rotten Nazi shit creeps make jokes about how bloated and huge and ugly and deformed my body is, which they are cheerily laughing about as they know 100% that the poison is being inserted into my vagina along with sewage water and fungus ane men adn women are breaking into my room (they used to) and putting my spine and hips out of alignment, my body ravaged nightly--etc etc. 
This chapter will give you an open view into the wound that drives them all--the need to conform to the dictates of conformity to male sexualization of women---but they are then put into "power" leader positions and when they steal ideas from me they actually have something to say or write about their fake posturing sleazy Nazi postures of elitism.

It is hard for me to get out of the rape culture indoctrination programming. Your movies and your drugs intended to program me into that submissive state have drugged me into a near coma state of mental inertia; I can attest that your programming is absolutely of a dulling of the mind into near and total blankness (where the real subliminal programming can do it's very deep embedded work).

"Right-Wing Women Have Accepted Their Own Subordination". Big Think. June 21, 2011.

"You don't vote for people who don't vote for you"--who am I going to vote for, then?
"Shaved women collaborators"--(Crass, Shaved Women)
It is truly time for me to devour, figuratively, feminist literature and read each book by someone like Andrea Dworkin and Gloria Steinem like it's a Bible--becuz you spasmatic scumbag rapists who are either the males pricking me with your greasebag members, or the members of your family who look on greasy smiles abundant in all the gifts and awards you shit government and it's entertainment arm of lies will hand to you for free for shoving women into phallocentric boxes--with me it's an "anti-Semitic" trope, even though I have never been associated with that religion except to attend a few services and try to understand what the diaspora and religion is a bit about--disappointed. Never part of the Jewish Community--attacked endlessly by "Jews" who rally around the Nazi protocols who attack me--(like at 90% rate I have ever experienced, or a higher percentage). Because I don't fit conveniently into your hate categories and you must put me down, like murder, to stop me from having success, being beautiful, healthy and happy--you must see "Jews" twisted into deformity it's been going on for thousands of years. I fight back and get the government and it's female representatives fully cheering on rape culture out of racist collusion or their own misogynist programming and mind control submission.
You pricks and ho's are an abomination. It's time for me to stop looking at the bullshit "art" you pig whores put out and read and watch videos on feminism--which truly will do more to interest me than your shit fake movie crap about how compassionately intelligent you are (not).
And it would probably be the "old school" feminists who roused women to actually take action and create political change--something that is only happening on street level in response to the vicious fascism you whores of the female gender are enabling with your filthy greasy prick fathers/husbands and male partners in your criminal exploits labeled as "art" or "entertainment".


"Crass, Shaved Women". Pauly Gall. June 19, 2010.

What was yesterday's French collaborators with Nazi soldiers, are now the top "models" and "celebrities" of nasty dirty foul Whorewood. Even the lesbian feminists--ach ya! Fully trained and sexualized scumbag whores fully willing to do the bidding of their masters. They want power but of course racism and rape culture are part of their arsenal. Meanwhile, abortion may be completely destroyed due to this group of filth I have been writing of for years helping to put Trump into power--they did it, for the most part. You never even point to H-wood as being very much responsible for the MAGA movement or the fascism of Trump--do you MSNBC and all you media commentators--don't, can't and won't even touch on that topic it's so protected it's almost sacrosanct for the industry. I never hear of any negativity cast upon Whorewood and it's fascist Right-Wing political leader factory output (Reagan-Trump) for example. Whatever gloss you put over the face of Reagan, he did a lot to bring in the corporate fascism which has lead to the current Dark Money control over the US entire economic and political system, including in rotten sleazy dirty Whorewood, USA (controlled really, behind the scenes, by fascist Europigapes and other fascist countries of the global 4th Reich). Call it conspiracy theory or not, it's been what I have seen as the dark matter genuflecting the machinations of the Americans who are put into power ,and the protocols and absolutely repetitive formulas they are handed, which are handed down from Nazi programming and mind control and human experimentation systematic torture. MK ULTRA is just one name for that system. //I know that filthy shitalina, the filth whore wife of pig pitt the rapist smug sleazy stupid shit actor pig pitt---you all love that blonde Nazi psychopath so much the rapist violent symbol of your 4th Reich psychopathy and US entitlement and participation with filthalina the skank dirty ugly whore into the 4th Reich posturing Nazi fascist aristocratic murder regime you all can't wait to see be installed while you silently let it all happen--but that filthy sick ape whore is scouring my post to see what ideas she can steal without actually having had to research or think--she's been stealing my writing ideas and synopses for years, years it's been a decade. She will continue to be adored by the rape enabling politicians who come to insult, threaten and continue the barrage of rapist pig whore men who are in line now, filth pig after ape all sick and disgusting and stupid and sleazy and they are only awarded and praised and promoted for this ineptitude of human behavior. It's supposed to imply they hate for me. I meanwhile will be forced to live in stinking filth that they are ordering their filthy stupid minions with dark skin to perpetually day and night spray and dump into my living space, which is a hell they force upon me as they block all financial opportunity and even physical movement, refuse any kind of help in me obtaining even basic medical care and watch as I am suffocating internally from the poison they order inserted into my vagina/bladder or into my food or water or injected into me or all of the above. Whatever it is, 12 years now of fighting to get this poison out every single day and ALWAYS being stuffed with a hug pot abdomen sagging down and shitting piles of stinking gooey and hard pieces of poison out literally and usually it's just constipated into my body as I suffer and starve to get it out--this is never ending murder atttempts plus being hit by cars and maimed and mutilated m ybody inflicted made blemished from head-to-toe and bones fractured toes broken skin mutilated by chemicals and stinking liquids inseted into my body and all around my home--every single day. And why? None of you care, you just jump into attacking me so now it's a mutually enforced group circus of pig apes encircling me endlessly as I scream for help only more smug and sleazy ugly politicians and media shithead come to inflict more violence upon e. It's not going to end. I am going to end looking and combing through YouTube videos to try to find any of the shit that perpetually puts their crap on my pages to find a single individual human being who is not following the exact patterns as the next--all stupid and sick. But disgusting sleazy and stupid sick shitalina the wife of pig pitt eh rapist Nazi filth machine is going to be paid for what she steals from my writings in this non-stop decades of murder attempts, rape and they have stolen even my beloved cat they have destroyed and stolen as much as possible but they just continue and go on and on. She's going to steal more from this post, probably as that is all that stupid whore skank has been doing since she and pig pitt began this endless crime against me a decade ago. When the US government topples you will all be responsible for being entertained by movies that filthalina stole from my writing about Andrea Dworkin's writings on Sleeping Beauty, when I wrote an analysis of the character of the "evil queen"--which shitalina took as her concept and was poisoning me to death and having me mutilated, raped and poisoned while making everyone hiss in hate around me, as my body was dying from internal suffocation, about how much more "beauitful" that piece of sick shit is--in their filthy pig ape programmed opinions which are not their opinions because they can only follow orders and think according to what they are told to believe. So it's not going to end. I regret writing this post for that reason, that any idea that stupid skank piece of ugly white trash shit is going to steal might help her in her political aspirations for claiming she is a "feminist" empowering women.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...