Thursday, December 1, 2022

The fascist Nazi Dark Money takeover of the United States + The MURDER operation that has been forced upon me and many others in this globalized 4th Reich "systematic" death squad social engineering project: The Nazi (posturing "liberal" "Democratic" "feminist", "concerned about all humanity") "A-list" H-wood celebrity violence increased upon me today--those expletives out of the H-wood teleportation and home proxy-minion death squad terrorism, increased likely due to my anti-Nazi post written yesterday. Yelling with every insult possible, even when I respond in a joking way, they increase the violent abuse (verbal) until I react trying to physically kill them. Undoubtedly my brain and body are under technological manipulation to increase rage (brain-mapping tech interface). Unable to control my rage I go through a litany of the crimes they have inflicted upon my body and life as they feed off the energy. Some of them have been feeding off watching me scream in rage after torture, which they also feed off energetically (and most importantly, for their million dollar promotions by the Nazi-controlled media and political machine, interlocked as they are in one main-frame operation controlled by some algorithmic dictate protocol system---which is what the street and lower level terrorist attackers and minions all do likewise with the same stupidity and violent and vile sickness.) Somehow, they all claim they are superior in every way after stealing my life and destroying my body and home and finances, essentially. Silence reigns from the authorities who are all loudly, as possible, proclaiming they are "fighting for Democracy". The list of politicians conjoined with this group of celebrity vileness increases year-after-year. Trump is just another one but all of them are under the same umbrella system with Trump hanging over every attack upon me.

 Again, requesting that someone intervene and get them off me. If I write the names of the people involved just this morning (I was awake, the technology is so disgusting you are teleported and your body is literally split into two entities. One is more ethereal than the other, transparent almost but in the other state where the criminals are teleporting you, you are in appearance a solid body. I am not able to turn away, although I try, the attack on my nervous system and brain at these endless daily violent insult, rape, beatings threats and extraction of ideas and information (which went on daily for over 8 years, literally by the pitt gang with their corresponding wives all clamoring to appear like they are not elevator music-enthralled mindless gold digging expletives instead, what I studied for, what my family of an Ivy League and money background had me trained into with classical music and literature and etc---tortured to extract ideas from people who grew up in mainstream mediocrity but exalted because of their pornographic interpretations of Nazi posturing.


Their children are more fastidiously trained to believe that they are an elite aristocracy and more entitled to extracting, stealing and robbing and raping and dismembering and disfiguring and watching laughing with glee when more men/celebrities come to rape and abuse me and insult me afterwards--immediately after they garner a "passionate" response out of me while all the drugs and mind control technology are blasting my brain into some artificially-induced "love" explosion of sensation which I cannot block out. The drugging makes this impossible. They also lace the mind control drugs with a deadly chemical that bloats and hardens into my body--this poison comes out sometimes and sticks to my body while I'm trying to get it out--it sticks to skin and it sticks to the porcelin of the toilet bowl--that is how adhesive it is, how deadly, and it sticks to the inner walls of intestines. This is what the filth from Whorewood have been pouring into my body via their death squad minions while abusing and torturing me endlessly without end. It went on this morning as well until I tried to kill the creep yelling insults at me. THis is the London DJ who partners with the never-ending inclusion of the filth spawn of Depp, that filthy greasy skank who has been feeding off this contract for years. It is such an adhesive parasite upon me and has sucked out drained everything possible out of me and yet is going for the kill. Every morning there is a group of these celebrities sitting in rows in chairs watching as I am blasted with the tech (plus all the drugs I can't get out of my body, the hardening poisons are hard as rock inside my body, like cement. I fight and struggle to get it out. If I manage to get a tiny piece to crack out after much exertion (thanks to Baryishnikov, I have learned the great art of how to place the body more correctly in order to get the maximum stretch and efficiency of the body contours--at least more than the mess I was struggling with before his help) but he remains one of the group, groping for his promotions, nevertheless.

but murder, this is MURDER. Most of  you reading this think it's wonderful in all your racism and hate, whether you openly espouse it or privately agree and do nothing to stop it.


But I wrote about the precious-to-Nazis Ronald Reagan yesterday. This precursor to the now open Nazi movement in the US was something I recognized almost immediately back in the early 80's when Reagan was elected. First of all, my wealthy high school changed immediately once Jimmy Carter left the Prez position and Reagan took over. There was a drastic alteration in how people dressed and that was an immediate change from one class to the next--the post Vietnam-era protesting style with army jackets and peace slogans was like a line drawn across cultural boundaries, replaced by Izod sweaters and displays of wealth--immediately this change took effect from one school year end to the next.

Because my high school was such an elevated form of instruction (although remaining a public high school)--my class in economics--at an "A-level" which at the high school meant college level instruction for the high school students (much accelerated; i.e. I was studying quantum mechanics of physics in my senior year in an A-level science class; it was the most comprehensive education I have had even up to Grad school).

We studied the Reagan economics onslaught into American society. I understood immediately that this was going to be a greed society and that the corruption was not far removed once the money trail was being disappeared by the clever machinations of the new administration sucking in as much money as possible from the national treasury. However, it took me a while longer to understand the racist implications of the Reagan dynasty which Trump also represents. Most of the Republicans in the media who rail against Trump hold to the iconography of Reagan as if he were a dear, authentic memory of times when politics were Vaseline-coated wonderful and soft and beautiful.


But not to go further into the Reagan hole---the legacy of Reagan and the people of that impressionable generation such as Elmer Stuart Rhodes who used to run The Oathkeepers---influenced their lack of accountability that is now being put in check, almost far too late.


This lack of accountability also reigns with the Whorewood celebrity group and is openly touted by the politicians--albeit in private--who come to ravage the contract for all they can also likewise suck out of it; people like Pelosi who probably cheered fellow actor and California fascist Right-Wing Nazi Reagon with her allowance to posture in political bs learned from acting coaches in Whorewood (please look up Pelosi on IMDB and you will see she is just another member of the acting brood). Absolute unaccountability for every crime, like the banking scandals of the Reagan and Bush administrations, and all the subsequent corruption of the politicians until the entire system has gone almost completely awry and awash in greed politics, aka "Dark Money" funding of so many covert and illicit operatives of fascist Nazism being put into the most offensively positioned "liberal" roles in politics and media.


But I am accosted and there is no accountability either for the filth that daily assaults and tortures but mostly steals everything from me and claims it all as their own, then destroys my body until I am dying from poisoning and torture; my body completely covered with broken bones, broken fractured vertebrae, slashes and insertions into my skin, my hair mostly gone and won't grow back, greying because I am dying from this.

PLEASE INTERVENE AND STOP THIS GROUP FROM FURTHERING THE NAZI CAUSE. PLEASE STOP DOING NOTHING ABOUT THIS VIOLENCE BEING INFLICTED UPON ME BECAUSE SO FAR, IT HAS PUT TRUMP AND ELON MUSK INTO POWER plus this group of fascist nazi actors posing as heroes of "Freedom". They are torturing me for having posted something about anti-Reagan/Anti-fascist punk music in conjunction with the Oathkeepers and the legacy which put people like that into power. Undoubtedly, most of them for public appearances will descry these anti-Government and fascist groups. These celebrities are the lying version of The Oathkeepers put into media positions. They are very well trained at lying and deceiving. 


So, they ordered the water spigot underneath the toilet, which connects the nozzle spray and toilet tank in a duel spigot formation--began spewing out water like it was jetting out. This was done after my shower, when I had mopped the floor (because there is no window in this bathroom in this emptied-out Condominium in Thailand). No open windows, water just stagnating and no fresh air, the terrorists routinely, every single day, multiple times a day, insert fungus into the moist atmosphere and on the floor (plus tufts of hair, debris, etc on the floor). Last night, after my shower, after mopping the wet floor (but not soaking wet) and seeing that everything was okay, I went about doing the rest of the nighttime things, and one hour later the floor was flooded and the spigot was spewing out water sprays. I used to keep the bathroom door closed because while I live in this stinking, filthy, grease-splattered surveillance condo unit--where I can't use any of the closet space all the items are routinely sprayed with stinking foul substances routinely--all systematically obviously this is a system that is used upon many others around the planet. But they also open up these tiles in the walls while I sit on this chair in front of this laptop--too ill to move, and fighting to heal always in pain--I sit most of the day in a physical agony drugged up inertia--they use the mechanical arms, inserted through the opened tiles in the bathroom walls--just right near the bottom of the wall, next to the toilet so no matter what caulking or silicone or paper and glue or whatever, it's ripped off and the water from this tank area keeps everything unglued and off (they continuously put solvents on the substances I glue or plaster on, including grout and etc--to make it appear as if the water moisture area is making every single substance fall off--they use every kind of cloaking to disguise their terrorist home break-in operations).


They insert these mechanical arms through the walls, and then while I am staring into the screen, take a mechanical arm which somehow, silently and very craftily, spins hair and strings around the wheels of this chair I sit on. I used to close the bathroom door to stop this, but once I did that, they began spurting water out of the spigot so the floor was once more flooded. When I keep the door open and check on the floor every half hour, nothing happens! No water drips. They have manipulated every single item in this room to attack and cause stress and forcing me to bend with my very hardened and sick body from their poisoning which they have kept as a torture and MURDER device poured and injected into my food and body (through my bladder, inserting this into my body through that orifice). That is how disgusting they are. They can do this to you too, although you assume you are invulnerable.


One hour later---the term"deregulation" came back to me as the Reagan-era precursor to the Dark Money fascist Nazi takeover of the United States. I was writing about the economic corruption that the Reaganomics faction brought to the world. It brought much woe to the world for many and extreme wealth for a small minority. This trend, absolutely revered by many, including "liberal Democrats" and their ilk. It's reign over economics persists today and is so entrenched to the point that Dark Money has become a staple of power cartels operating illicitly for years and now it's been decades in this slow deterioration of transparency. Thus the situation forced upon me and the ascent of both Trump and Musk both operating with this celebrity posturing group of feminists, freedom and Democracy pundits who privately are nearly swaggering Nazis with torture, rape and murder at their disposal for free and entitlements and castles and promises of aristocracy red carpet treatment in Europe it's all they can do from wetting their pants panting for more and more awards and gains as they continuously torture me non-stop daily for years. years and years. years and years now over a decade and it's still ongoing. I also could not remember the name "S&L banking scandals" which were a residue of the Reagan Era unaccountability Nazi ascent, with the Clintons also pursuing their own version of the same also put into power (with England backing the Oxford student Bill Clinton).

 While in front of this laptop my memory is being afflicted by the terrorist operation and their hate technologies so blanks and spaces are forced upon my memory. Literally a tabula rasa is incurred and I blank out on topics and can't remember names, dates, can't really count above basic prime numbers, etc.


For the last hour, besides excreting more poison that was latched into my back along my spine that cracked out this morning, just before the teleportation hate violence from the DJ from London who claims he is young and from a thump thump musical generation of electronic gadget tweakers inserting music other real and actual musicians have actually played on instruments into an electronic foray of various squeeks and thumps--thusly he's of this young sales generation and instantly more "hip" than me--and yelling at me with the French-back spawn of Depp, also of his generation, and Baryshnikov, also with them all, yelling and screaming at me after I write posts which, even though they are ranting, nearly hysterical and I can't type without endless blocks to the keyboard, my brain is suffused with subliminals so I can't concentrate and then they rewrite after I post--nevertheless their aim is to stop me from writing to silence me and my thoughts. Also they torture me endlessly to extract ideas from my writings and also in these violent and deadly hateful teleportation sessions. I have stopped writing my creative ideas, which I could never get out in the first place before I understood that my ideas were being stolen because this racist bigot operating system (the 4th Reich) can't tolerate to see me profit off original ideas and have more than a single white supremacist bigot--including being beautiful and happy).

In the last hour, I have tried to clean the stinking and foul patio which formerly had white tiles which have all been sprayed daily with brown, permanently staining and stinking grease--it's along the walls, also in this room the floors and walls and furniture is sprayed with this daily and nightly. I went into the bathroom which had been flooded last night--I left the bathroom door open and I had gotten the puddles of water up--and 10 hours later, after cleaning the back patio the bathroom is now flooded with puddles and hairs on the floor and a rancid stinking fungus odor. Cleaning non-stop and I can't begin to actually clean the stink that they have put on other objects and the floor of this room. The filth they put on my floor and my body and everything else is so proliferous that I must fight to get the most horrible and my body can't take bending due to the stinking poison they put and continue to put in my body *(for the last decade, they have been abusing and poisoning me to death, daily they inserted poisons and cut into my body with these mechanical arms and/or people entering into my room to rape and insert fungus into my bladder and put my spine and hips out of alignment while poisoning me with hardening and bloating stiffening chemicals mixed with mind control drugs so awful I have sat in a daze for over a decade, unable to move for at least 8 hours a day just sitting in pain unable to move. My body now ravaged and aged and broken down--

endlessly for over a decade writing these posts. They, the celebrities and politicians all conjoining in one hate group incessantly daily and nightly torturing me using the government-sponsored technologies and death squads-- want me to stop writing now so they can get more deals out of silencing me. They've been sucking ideas, my sexuality, my life force, my property my artistic concepts and everything they can get out of torture, which they then suck life force out of and feed off it as a hormone and power high--and if you doubt that, just look at photos of people standing over torture victims as the perpetrators glow with joy and are smiling disgusting huge grins--this is what they are doing, and feeding off it energetically as well. They are addicted to this power and hormonal high and they never stop. Plus politicians like the ever-increasing list I have been naming (increasing almost exponentially since Biden took office, mostly of the Democrat branch). 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...