Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Conformity under mind control, more to come to a theater near you soon. Inevitably sold as a consumer product advertised as personal "individuality" by Nazi elitist/mafia puppets for the ever-devouring conquering worm of H-wood and their political fascist Nazi 4th Reich Mafia enterprise..//Psychic TV: Before "woke" was a cultural war term---even before the Millennium. Before the Euro was a currency, and the various States were more self-contained with their own personal identities:

 "Genesis P-Orridge: Write Your Own Code (Trailer)". TRAPART FILM. December 29, 2021.

Genesis P-Orridge was this personality I read about and was written of when I was involved, very tangentially, for a very short, but impactful small amount of time, in one of the SF fanzine worlds---
Watching as all my old (be free to think independently and find your true inner self-styled heroes are dying off, and the thump thump synchronization/teleportation/brain-mapping/mind control world is closing in.
I would like to watch this movie or documentary, will it be offered "for free" as a torrent I can download? Forget about finding this on a free streaming movie site. Maybe I will have to resort to actually READING what this artist wrote. The mind control drugs constantly forced into my bloodstream and digestive system in any orifice or food source possible, have kept me so nullified in a cognitive sense that reading is something I yearn to do and am too ill and drugged up to activate. I must struggle to overcome this as I know my brain has been sluggish for want of material that stimulates my imagination or awareness (from so much commercialized celluloid content I sit in a drugged and sickened daze watching because I'm too ill, in pain and semi-paralyzed to do anything else, courtesy of the mind control and hardening/bloating chemicals and drugs perpetually inflicted upon my beleaguered body by hateful people striving to dumb and numb me and exploit and steal and rob every idea and everything possible. A literal non-stop feeding frenzy and the waiting line is almost eternal). Waiting for my government to actually not be involved and supportive of this travesty of independent thinking and lifestyle.....and my society as well, which follows orders thumpidy thumping into an entertainment celluloid daze.

I happened upon the interview below on an interview YouTube page I just discovered. The name of P-Orridge was familiar and the first name that came to mind was, "perhaps he was the lead singer for Psychic Tv"--and after having written the few paragraphs above (endlessly backspacing, with hackers blocking keyboard functions--which means parts of this post will be partially deleted or rewritten in the endless discrediting exercise by the terror organization using mind control to thwart my everything that sustains me in life)---but I saw that band in a tiny little club in Tempe, Arizona way back in the old day---there were tv's on the floor with static and wavy screens and candles and Genesis was singing in a theatrical manner that has stuck with my memory banks despite years of mind control dazing and coating of my brain functioning. It was a mesmerizing type of atmosphere. I read a few bits in other zines and underground press books that people had on their shelves in the Haight Ashbury zone---(always too drugged, back then, and now, to truly read with the intensity that I wish now I could have, in order to more digest the material instead of it being glazed out like a doughnut sticking to my brain by the mind control cops).

There was quite a bit written of him, now obscured as these fanzines and underground press books are probably long dusty on shelves or just obliterated and "burned" in more metaphorical terms (instead of actual book burning or banning ceremonies).

"...We learn that the people who control us, the "establishment" are very much against freedom of tends to end up that way, one way or another....and that conformity is always the subtext of culture in different societies". --Genesis P-Orridge (below in video interview)

"Interview: Life advice from Genesis P-Orridge". Andre Bauer. September 22, 2014.


Every seeming "independent" woman in the media and in politics, as I have experienced it for years in this teleportation terror situation, is backed and controlled by a male-dominated, white-supremacy group which I simply label as "The 4th Reich". When I am tortured and "traumatized" by nightly abuse, under mind control and teleported to people I would otherwise never have anything to do with, and don't want to be around for a nano-second of my time, forced to be around them as they abuse and torture me endlessly claiming it makes them "superior" and in force because my government is funding this, I am in a weaker position. I discover that every person who puts out who "independent" they are is actually absolutely controlled and all have been thoroughly vetted for mind control programming green light holographic display for the population to stare at, supposedly in a mesmerized awe of mind-struck mind control approval. They are listed as being totally "independent" by officious magazines which are corporate entity conglomerates such as Forbes Women. Some of these at the "top" who are touted as being "independent" have participated, some very openly, some in collateral forms (the membership is a bit exclusive and members-only in the ever-expanding rows of chairs of the people who take turns messing with my thought process while I am sleeping, drugged and under duress in order to prove what great mind control programmers they are. Immediately put into higher creative control and management and executive position to further the 4th Reich expansion. The remuneration awards are so ridiculously endless.
What is being sold is this mythology about American independence. It's being emulated in other countries such as England with it's latest American-style emulation of this pop dancey style "freedom from oppression" style of media onslaught into programming of conformity through "individuality". Of course, one of the (blonde, blue-eyed) women who has used genocidal Nazi slogans at me (last year) is in the starring role. Playing a villain, at least it's very much "her" as opposed to her playing someone "fighting for independence" for women, as she claims she does in her personal life as a "feminist". Happy to watch me get raped, beaten, poisoned, mutilated and feeling entitled for it. That sums up the women of this organization of all the political party sides and celebrity modeling mash-up for all these years. Some of the most vicious are of the "Left" and "Pro-Democracy" angle.
I have thoughts about "Democracy" which I will not add to this post. It's a political discussion I heard on a podcast which is nothing new but it's part of the explicable reason why so many of the "liberals" who tout "Democracy" are so fervently and violently supporting every bigot Nazi fascist attacking me but spouting "Democracy" at every given moment for the cameras of America and the world's general programming into this false narrative. So many of the most ostentatious of the bunch are "jews" who are in political or other types of positions (vying for political power).

Turning aside, now, from the sociological theorizing to the petty tyranny I face every single day from your well-known repetition celebrities who have tortured me in order to obtain ideas in order to propel the "victim" narrative of themselves as independent heroes fighting fascism/sexism/racism and all things inbetween these very foggy differentials in misuse of power. Endlessly for the last decade those who have stolen my ideas have sat in their chairs, in their rows of chairs, observing as one of them after the next (in a sequential nightly--for me, daytime for them around the other half of the world away from me in Thailand)--but they ask me every kind of question, focusing on "why don't you like me/this torture/rape/abuse, endless poisoning/drugging/theft of ideas"? They ask and ask, in a "truth serum" effect that I am both drugged and hypnotized into, while in a sleep state--I answer honestly which of course is not flattering to them or their ego-gratification. Their point is of course to have me "love" their every movie, song and act of hate and slow murder upon me as if they can do no wrong. That is the mind control programming which they want the general fanbase and political base to also be programmed into. They are all in-training for this act of mental sabotage upon the planet, on whole.

They then endlessly insult me for all the problems and deformities and my counter-behavioral and adaptations I make to being poisoned daily with hardening/bloating chemicals which latch on like adhesives on a micro level to body tissue, it sticks to the ceramic of the toilet bowl sometimes---it has made my body crooked and they never stop trying to pour this into my body through food or insertions into my body while I am inert, teleported and my consciousness is made completely void due to the microchip implants and the teleportation of my consciousness to other locations (while they rape and torture and abuse me in both states of the splitting of the body).

They insult me for not being as coached and wealthy as they in their endless pursuit of appearing as Nazi-posturing Europigape elites of aristocratic breeding and appearance; meaning as Nazis on a power trip waiting for the next Holocaust and actively pursuing it in their associations with the types who sponsor their fascist training, such as those out of Cannes and other extremely wealthy "liberal" Nazi enclaves of mind programming into this pursuit of "elegance". Only THEY, of course, are "classy" and their every action of rape, sodomy, fellatio imposed upon the powerless victim is considered the privilege of "class" and "power". Bestowed with all poisons, drugs and brain-blanketing technology by ole Uncle Sam, where the politicians are as eager to wine and dine in Cannes alongside the mafia/Nazi celebrities--the entire operation is assured success. The terrorist "power" people then endlessly insult me for how I appear: my clothing has been sprayed (by their proxy terrorist minions, mostly of black and brown skin seeking recognition to get out of the ghettos and prostituted menial labor slavery). It's stinking, I fight continuously to clean what is endlessly rancid substances being sprayed on my clothing. My body has been ransacked for decades with poison and mutilations. This group out of Whorewood alone has inflicted more damage to my body which would have murdered anyone not completely resistant to the poisoning as I am, as I have been poisoned since near infancy by this organization. But, I have to scream in my teleported, under hypnosis and "truth" effect where my brain is a sieve and all thoughts, ideas just pour out and many which are not mine also pour out--so they can justify more violence and attacks upon me. My body is stuffed with hard poisons and I am crooked, they have made my hair fall out so there is a huge bald patch on top of my head. They insert metal objects under my cuticles so the fingers are swollen and black and blue--the nails appear like oyster shells with ridges and callouses on the nail. Etc, the list is so long I can't begin to make all mention of the deformities--my skin slathered with extremely damaging chemicals nightly for years. I must conceal and bury and fight to not have my accessories I use when I go out shopping not sprayed with such stinking filth sprays that the stink has a 4-feet circumference around my body. This includes my shoes, which I must also hide, wrap out in layers and try to protect (they rip off the soles, they scratch all leather and the surfaces). My clothing is routinely damaged as the proxy terrorists use sand paper to wear the fabric surface into a bumpy and ugly surface, where rips and threads hanging off are the norm. I could go on and on, but the accusations of me being without any "class" go hand-in-hand with their accusations that I eat "like a pig", which has become a torch these pig apes pass around to insult me with as they use the surveillance in my torture chamber rental unit to scream in the voice-to-skull that I eat like a pig, a pig a pig they all cry. The poisons they have not stopped inserting into my body and food literally stuffs up my intestines, causing a huge deformation of bulging intestines which appears like a sagging hanging pot belly. I am literally starving underneath the huge bulges as my intestines cannot process food. I also have to eat so the adhesive chemicals latch onto the food, and also so I have food to keep alive with. I also need a lot of strength to deal with both the endless abuse and stress these greedy and sleazy filth parasites inflict upon me on a non-stop daily basis --for a decade--including shifting my nervous system, inserting endless "loser bitch shut up" repeats into my "inner ear" through the subliminal vocal technologies they all use; plus the endless teleportation skits while I am in deep sleep mode to affect homelessness, rape and torture abuse and violence upon me--EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Stumbling, bloated, huge, my clothing shambled my body stinking my clothing stinking due to what these pigs are doing to me--they accuse me of not having the "class" that their Nazi handlers are endlessly training them to emulate. Once they fake it, they can then "make it".
I use this example as how they operate to inflict the deepest psychological self-hate and fear upon the target. It is the old advertising sales trick of fear-based self-hate in order to transform someone into a consumer who "must" buy more and more in order to not be anything other than a uniform type of consumer but obsessed with "individuality"--as long as they only conform to what the celebrities are selling as acceptable imagery. Even if it's "trans" and so outrageously "independent" it's still forced as having to conform, even when in absolute drag.
After about a decade of this and looking at most of their back story histories, I can only call them trashy white trash --and the torture continues on and on. What may have been considered somewhere as elegant behavior, where decency is combined with an air of enlightened grace, is now shoveled out by the Nazi 4th Reich with it's mafia organized crime syndicate base---into what I have written of before: A Tale of Two Cities style rape and nobility enforcement of power and money and desperation. I consider the rise of the MAGA movement into an armed Insurrection to be an adjacent component of the H-wood group assaulting me--obviously most of them worked alongside Trump who became unrecognizable to some people who were working with him prior to his ascent into the "most powerful" man on the planet, according to some (meaning the POTUS position). I have watched these foul and dirty trashy people go from being just nasty and stupid to being deadly sick and sleazy and violent the longer they are equipped with these technologies of playing sadist torturing mind control programmer into fascist Nazi really blank and dumbed down posturing "liberal" for public appearance-sake. They ALL act alike after a while, which shows to me how much it is THEY who are being programmed and not me. This has a definite trickle-down effect upon the public. An extremely deadly effect.


**When I saw and heard Psychic TV in that tiny little room with a makeshift stage, in Tempe, Arizona (where the University of Arizona is situated, or parts of it, student housing, etc) the music was of top industrial--better than Ministry (after they started-up as a pop music band--Ministry actually attacked me in gang stalking, contrary to the image they posed as being anti-authoritarian in their musical lyrics--it was the "underground trend" at the time, they cashed in but were just more liberal Nazis attacking me--and I mean they used Nazi imagery and always walked/kicked me as I sat on a stairway far away from the stage and the entrance to the stage at the back of the room--they came at me from behind nearly hitting me as I sat because there was nowhere else to stand or sit the place was packed. This was in Champaign, Illinois at a club. At a break in the music, the lead singer of Ministry shouted something about "no Nazis" into the mic as skinheads at the front of the crowd gave the HH sign at the singer--the singer stared through the crowd directly at me, in the back of the room. It was not friendly, it was gang stalking and it was violent in meaning and intent).

But Psychic TV, with Genesis P-Orridge leading, was in this much smaller venue, almost not a stage but a little room--and he was singing on the ground level about 6 feet away from me--and I felt a symmetry with him, as I danced to this most rhythmic and hard core energy industrial music---it was much better musically than Ministry, but unlike fake and sell-out Ministry (formerly a pop music band like Wham! a boy band of bigot porno studs turned black gear industrial pseudo-politically "woke" bs k-rap).
I could feel that the singer, Genesis, felt me in a way as someone favorable in the audience that he connected to and I felt that wonderful feeling of being immersed in the music, the beat (and of course, I see now from this interview that he grew up playing drums--and I also have played and studied drums but of course too drugged to pursue it further).

Psychic TV, a much, much better band musically and authentically than Ministry, had no recognizable lyrics and I had no internet to search for the lyrics and no money (always kept at near homeless poverty all my life by this insidious terror organization, another justification for the pig ape billionaire celebrities torturing me to obtain original ideas--but calling me a "loser" for their enforcement of impoverishment and near-death poisoning and lack of money for either health care of decent food--and food they keep poisoning, my water as well is tainted and injected with nasty substances---(my drinking water).
Well, the keyboard is almost impossible to operate due to hacking malware interference. I am endlessly calling them names like pig ape, because my nervous system and my brain is being altered. If I had some support I may not be in this state and would more calmly describe the sick and disgusting things these expletives do and are paid in millions for performing as proof of their "elitist" "entitlement" to being pig apes and proud of it and told that they are supreme and classy and superior for this, and almost for nothing else but pretending they are "liberal" and compassionate while behaving and posturing like fascist Nazis--a contradictory duality to cause confusion and mind control imitation in the population who watch the bs that is constantly being cranked out about these personalities who are actually nothing but molded blanks who behave in almost exactly the same way--always following orders, tabula rasa.....

"Tony Oursler--Synesthesia: Genesis P-Orridge". Priest ov filth. July 15, 2018.

"Psychic TV--on 'Earsay' tv show 1984". Roddy Melville. February 19, 2013.


Not to completely diss Ministry--and it's time to dust off this song and perhaps some of their earlier albums (I mean way back) back in the day when I listened to them in the mid-late-80's--and they were nominally great and even great with one or two albums (but they persist and the deterioration is sad to see and they are still wearing the same outfits almost as they did 40 years ago!)---saw them the 1st time at First Avenue, Minneapolis (2nd time, assuming they were cool, in that tiny club in Champaign, right next to the University of Illinois Campus--a block away--both times at the intersection of consumer club and university fanbase culture)

the lyrics were about The Cold War with Russia (of course)--and Reagan-Ray-gun. Now our war with Russia is cause for concern, but back in the day just prior to the unleashing of the East German Nazis into the West and all that the Soviet bloc of mind control, gang stalking aka Stasi and KGB could unleash and train easily into the West--now rife with these forces. The war and looming threat of annihilation resumes so dust off this song and this album and remember the days when nuclear proliferation was not seemingly "over" but a realistic threat shadowing our existence.

a good song. But now they're just a kind of metal thump thump band---reduced and minimal even though technically perhaps called Heavy or Industrial (?) not so much---

"In the East where the Bear is Dancing
In the West where the Eagle flies
In the middle we stand our ground....WE BELIEVE..."

WE BELIEVE--Ministry--lyrics

Verse 1]
Standing round the table
Spinning fables
And signing autographs
Can't you hear them laugh
Ha ha ha ha ha
In their secrecies
They plan their strategies
It's called hypocrisy
And we believe

[Verse 2]
They tell me everything
That I need to know
Or I care to know
Well I can visualize
The look in your eyes
The horror
As the plane goes down
And the siren sounds
We can't believe

We can't believe

In the east where the bear is dancing
In the west where the eagle flies

In the middle we stand our ground
The forces pull us down down down

Tensions on both sides
We're paralyzed and victimized
We're terrified and petrified
Demoralized and mortified
Of genocide and suicide
And patricide and cyanide
We're pacified by every side
Force-fed pride and then we die for them
We die for them

In the east where the bear is dancing
In the west where the eagle flies
In the middle we stand our ground
The forces pull us down down down

We believe


**at this point in time and history, I can only say I "like" artists, celebrities, politicians or ANYONE if they are dead. Otherwise they come and terrorize me alongside the other terrorists whose movies and personalities I never said I liked ever.....
the more I compliment anyone online, the more fanatically they come to abuse and insult and threaten and rape and poison and drug and try to murder me for the benefit of their Nazi/mafia "brothers" in this terror operation. I wrote something negative about Ministry in it's current iteration, but part of the reason I wrote this is to try to not have them come and join the gang of expletives and attack me. But partially, they have become more heavy metal than industrial at this point. The lyrics are still engaged in social commentary and deconstruction, which is good but just don't come and attack me dudes---just because I wrote and compared you with Psychic TV, another industrial band--(who didn't rise to your level of popularity and perhaps because they are not so fully engaged in this Mafia/Nazi 4th Reich pyramid organization as you are--being promoted as being "rebellious" or anti-tyrannical anti-fascist--perhaps? I felt threatened at your performance in Champaign, whereas when I watched Psychic TV in that tiny room/performance space in Tempe, I felt warm and fuzzy feelings from the band and their performance was soothing, despite the heavy beats. The music was more intricate and I deem it a "better" quality of music and artistry and vocals (but could not hear them all, despite that it was a true artist piece and Ministry is a performance showcase type of band, fully intertwined with Big Bro machinery and machinations of deception.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...