Friday, December 9, 2022

To ALL the gang stalking terrorists---because I am banned from your proxy haute cesspool disguised by gold-plated toilet culture doesn't mean I am obsessed with your culture in order to obtain your approval if I just bend with the remover to remove (love, integrity, honor, actual genuine talent, real love, real concern, etc etc all the beautiful qualities that have created societies like the US hoping to achieve a grace for the human race)--or find it, your cesspool lie culture claiming superiority based on monopolizing and criminal exploits disguised as charitable trust--, great or anything to observe with anything but disdain and disgust. It is shit, and the shit you give and all the beauty and quality you suck out and steal makes you shit parasites sucking the life out of the planet. When I have to see these filthy and sick and stupid gang stalkers on the streets, I only see the stupidity disguised by acting coaching of the expletives put into executive celebrity/political power:

 "Crass--Banned from the Roxy (Lyrics)". Crisp. March 9, 2017.

"Crass--Systematic Death (Lyrics)". Robert Allen. May 11, 2015.

I hope to one day have a power group of genuinely concerned and loving human beings who will actually work and strive for a benevolent planet of people being able to achieve their highest potential for an honorable and decent society of freedom and equality--ONLY as far as doing no harm to others or the planet. The rest should have been exacted with the criminal prosecution that has been almost not forthcoming for so many millennia and thusly this system has been touted as "reality" and brushed off as "That's the way it is" for far too long. Only a few leaders of these criminal lying factions are currently being legally and publicly captured and that is only when far too many of their criminal complicit partners had to face their own demise if this tyrannical criminal enterprise took over the monopolies they thought was a power-sharing arrangement. The rest remain as criminally filthy and vile as they always were, and the system remains. Banned from your Proxy gold-plated toilet society means that I am not in a perfumed sh**thouse pretending that the other fakes are wonderful.

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