Sunday, December 18, 2022

Terrorist Report: December 19, 2022. Tears artificially forced out of my eyes almost continuously--(an implant in my throat connecting to the implanted brain microchip plus remote tech to blame). This has been ongoing for months but I am writing about it today. The endless rape and violence in teleportation has taken up much of my time, plus poison inserted into my body via food and into my bladder and begging for my life online (for years) has also wasted much of my life and time in writing these desperate posts. But this torture, and it is, which has damaged the skin around my eyes, my eyesight, the skin on my cheeks, continues. They increase it every time I eat so I am tearing up constantly and must dab my eyes constantly while eating. Otherwise, the celebrities continue in their effort to enslave and rape and abuse and crush and oppress and suck out ideas and sexuality with absolute determination that they are entitled to having and draining and stealing and destroying everything about me for their pretended facade at "caring" about the planet, society and human beings. Only and every moment obsessed with creating an oligarchy of absolute wealth entitlement to use tech and gang stalking/death squad proxies to inflict murder upon their intended hate targeted people or groups. The oppressed flock to participate in order to obtain a bit of favoritism in this quest because THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OF FREEDOM AND EQUALITY AND DEMOCRACY is funding these operations at highest levels on both sides of the "bipartisan" equation equaling 1.

 **hacking is as usual very bad. In just attempting to click on the "size" of type function, I had to wait while it froze, didn't come up, came up partially, I clicked and waited until finally, after circa 1 minute I could click on the "large" tab to get the print into a readable size. Whatever other interference occurs, which I will not monitor or correct because it's so endlessly time-consuming--you must bear out (if anybody is reading this).


Otherwise, I am not receiving any mail from my mail service in Miami. They are charging me double and doing nothing---they refuse to scan mail and I only learn of the mail after request for information. They respond that I had received two letters and then won't copy or scan. I have had to keep my profile low and moving and moving and having to deal with various agencies is beyond my strength at this time--all my phone calls are diverted to extremely hostile and lying agents on the phone. This is part of the terror operation that all the celebrities who have obtained their political and public speaking slots out of the writings of MINE they stole and usurped and used as their platforms--are fully endorsing. They call me "loser" because I can't get a single thing done, and they scream this into my face while they are having me also poisoned to death. All with new sets of plastic surgery coating to adorn their posturing facade and alongside the death-spouting politicians and their wives and children, they all join together in this ever-increasing chorus of people sitting in rows in chairs staring as the next pig ape slapls my face and sticks his nasty phallus into my mo0uth after years of non-stop daily poisoning and torture I can't fight this alone any longer--so it's an endless murder operation fully endorsed by tis most offensive government system. 

I wait for Hakeem Jeffries to take the throne of the Dem Minority Speaker position, in deluded hopes that the black male with the blue eyes will not be like the blacks surrounding the openly Nazi blathering celebrities in their racist spittle spat into my face about death camps, having me taken by train to a gas chamber, with Jewish Nazis attacking me with vicious desperation accompanying the bigotry of the celebrities who all have a slew of minorities accompanying them, pushing them up almost like worship idols--(and getting paid in millions for it--or billions in the case of endlessly coddling white culture Oprah with their problems and viciously and violently attacking me with her Nazi brethren, all smug and complacent in their government-funded terror 4th Reich operation of teleportation, rape and tyrannical murder capabilities--).

Will Hakeem be one of these, very much like so many of the "minorities" who also have partaken in this most lucrative "Prove you are a Nazi adherent" contract out on me--why me, it has to be endlessly I don't know...? (wtf).


I heard that when the Nazis overtook Ukraine, they had a welcome from the Ukrainians because they had been formerly starved to death (something like 4 million starved under Stalin when he stole all their food supplies and had all shipped to the main-motherland of "love and social equality" Russia). The brutality of the Soviet Stalinist regime was so deadly that the Ukrainians assumed that it could not get any worse under the German occupation under Hitler. They welcomed in the Nazis tentatively or wholeheartedly and got to participate in genocidal anti-Semitism but post WWII, the claim is that it was a horrible invasion and the "poor" Ukrainians had "No choice" between the Soviets and Stalin and Hitler and the Nazi occupation. I keep comparing this model of a former brutal regime (what I am now under, with Pelosi at the helm of the J6 Committee instigators of hate aimed at me for their media and political machinations while endlessly spouting in a most sleazy and disgusting bombastic way about how they are "fighting for Democracy"). And then, if Hakeem Jeffries is to become in that former seat, how much direction will he take from his predecessor in assisting in this most anti-Democratic fiasco of teleportation and gang stalking murder operations (with of course the great assistance of the Mafia and criminal organizations)? How much will he comply to racist dictates and how much better or worse will he be than what is now forced upon me--with so many people aware of what is transpiring, all putting out videos daily (in the case of media commentators, and just another MSNBC media anchor, a very popular one, was treated to dinner at the White House alongside many others who have also fully supported this Nazification of the United States sitting right next to this MSNBC anchor and his wife--with Biden).

Will he introduce any relief to me in this endless injustice? I wait for next month to see--it would appear that the endless cycles of elections ever since I began to understand the enormity of this operation (global, millions of people participating, not a single peson coming to defend me globally literally not one single person will openly defend me in any way, except for a few who timidly come out for a brief few moments and I never see them again). Entire governmental administrations come and go and the system only increases and the numbers of terrorists sitting on these chairs watching as I scream in rage and try to smash the faces of the scumbags who have raped and tortured me endlessly for years only increases. They stare in glaring rage while I am screaming. Because I am a positive person I make the jump-to-conclusion that they are angered by the injustice being done to me. Realistically they are enraged because they assume that I, as an endless "cash cow" cornucopia contract for them to suck every single thing out of and drain and abuse, break, poison, mutilate, rape and have surrounded on a continuous basis by sick and disgusting creeps performing acts of unjustifiable hate and rage upon me in this global 4th Reich push for absolute control over the planet. 

Will Jeffries actually be anything like a change from brutal Stalin to the Nazis, or will he be status quo do-nothing as Obama was with Biden sitting behind him and Pelosi on the other side for his speeches filled with wild promises about the future of America because he's a black male put into that position with the fascist Nazis sitting behind him actually calling the shots, pulling the strings...etc etc.


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