Sunday, December 11, 2022

Titles of nobility, the attempted coup in Germany with plot to murder the Chancellor (making the plot deadly serious in implication) and the infiltration of possible cohorts of the lead terrorist with a "nobility" title into my life, into my country, with Jewish (Nazis) fully assisting.


NY Times: "Prince Heinrich, the plot and the coup..." XIII,

I am extremely exhausted today, and tired of being tortured for my posts without any defense or support from my own, seemingly fascist and Nazi-based country of the United States.

Every single day there is at least one item in the news that relates somehow to this endless decades of terrorism aimed at me. Today I opened the one free article I can obtain from the NY Times online site and read the small article on the attempted coup in Germany's rising fascist subculture (not exactly so subculture if you live in Germany and speak German and are subjected to these factions, as I have been as the endless target of fascists and Nazis around the planet including all their minority minions, I have extensive near-expertise in how many people and factions there actually are, as opposed to how the media portrays this only as a small little sliver of reactionary "right wing" radicalism).


My post is regarding the sentence, or small paragraph detailing where this "prince" had his former, incorporated lifestyle in the high-end Real Estate Market of Frankfurt. I know another such type with a noble title also in the real estate market of Frankfurt and his name is Jobst von Buelow. I was almost killed in a mind control operation and he may have been either at the forefront of this operation or involved deeply in a very intimate way. The other person highly involved is from Sweden, a very "liberal" cock rock type of musician who was granted red carpet welcome into Los Angeles H-wood establishment--of course, eating his organic food and wearing leather jackets and assuming the "liberal" "Democratic" ruse that so many of the disguised fascist/mafia Nazis always portray in their attempts to infiltrate and create a one-sided but superficial complimentary bipartisan political spectrum--so-called.


The German title of "von" is supposed to imply the former nobility titles of the past--the article on the attempted coup very briefly goes into the pre WWI history of how Germany was a country of various "states" with nobles and Kings. This is why I had posted my earlier post on the Wagner series that Richard Burton starred in. The theme of the Wagner influence on the Hitler faction of Germany stems from a kind of initial negation of the influence of stuffy nobility that kept the "people" in an aristocratic stranglehold of inertia, kept Germany in a state of divisiveness and inequality and the "people" had a diminutive "voice" in their political affairs. As opposed to the Prince of Bavaria who rescued the ostracized and evicted Wagner--living then in Switzerland in exile due to his former military attempt to violently overthrow the monarchy in his State (not Bavaria--but too tired of hacking and slow computer hacking and the absolute slowed-down effect of the attacks on my keyboard and brain so I can't think or type without great difficulty--usually not able to "remember" most of what I want to say, names, dates, etc until I get away from the laptop system and the effect is not endlessly pummeling my brain functioning).

The German nationalism for a united Germany, based on archaic themes of German mythology--or spiritual paganism, or a mixed bag of such concepts--was the main theme of some of Wagner's operas, which the Prince of Bavaria (again, too difficult to endlessly wait and look it up, the hacking is so intense and I am tired from exhaustion from the endless detoxification this Nazi network has forced upon me to stop me and quell my every attempt at gaining any sense of stability or success in commercial terms in my life, or even of just moving my body or earning a single penny in any endeavor).

But to continue---this attempted coup in Germany, I used up the one free article for this month from the NY Times and saw that this erstwhile Prince character, claiming nobility and an empire from days of yore, had formerly been assimilated into mainstream commercial life in the same area that Jobst von Buelow also has his real estate offices. 

When I lived in Stuttgart, I lived with a very prominent family of industrial fame--high on a hilltop, with beautiful wooded forest walks just outside the door--a vista over Stuttgart-etc. The woman who took me in as her renter in a very usual and typical terrorist stalking room-sharing arrangement--where my food was poisoned an drugged, I was probably assaulted while sleeping (undoubtedly) and etc----my room made dirty (but in Germany, they didn't do this very much as even making my room dirty in their own home was unacceptable for the endless cleanliness-obsessed Schwaben).

But she was a real estate broker. Real estate brokerage is not exactly a plebian business in Germany, it would appear. People of high repute are involved in this industry--at least in the very near cities of Stuttgart and Frankfurt (Frankfurt is a 2-hour drive from Stuttgart).

Besides that bit of nostalgia, I just throw in the concept that operating in real estate is part of the aristocrat league in that Southern region of Germany (I think Frankfurt is considered more central Germany and not Southern). 

It is very likely that Jobst von Buelow knows this former real estate-turned fascist-Nazi-criminal attempted coup leader of this German sect which the NY Times associates with "Far Right" extremism--Nazis, in other words.


Jobst and I worked together at the boating area of Lincoln Farm Camp, when we both were counsellors there. The camp was owned by a Jewish couple who had first created this camp back in the 70's as a kind of artistic, explorative hippie-appearing camp for children. Lenny Kravitz was a young camper there--so he is familiar with the former vibe.

I got there a decade later when Reagan's influence changed the dynamic--of the country and of the rising right-wing influence in America. The Jewish couple who had opened this formerly "hippie" style camp experience had by then welcomed in counselors from countries such as Germany (Jobst) and Sweden (Anders, who used the drugging and mind control tech to force himself on me, as I "thought" I was attracted but distinctly got bad chills up my spine while I first saw him, didn't like him, saw a black energy around him, and eventually he almost got me killed in a contrived mind control-operated "accident" at a beach area in New Jersey, on our counsellor "break" we took--a group). 

Jobst sent me a letter with characteristic German sarcasm using only a few sentences that I can now translate more clearly as being that of a scoffing but delighted purveyor of Schadenfreude. It is very possible and likely that Jobst was involved in not only the endless assault upon me, mostly by the Europ-a's of the camp, but also of course the Jews (Jewish Nazis) and the camp owners, who went along with the entire scheme (so typical, so endlessly typical and NY Jews so fully indoctrinated into this system). Oh yes, the camp was in the Catskills of New York State--but the owners of course from New  York City (or boroughs--whatever).

Jobst and I had to take care of the kayak section--and Jobst tried to force a kind of subservience upon me, and it was seconded by all the administration and the Europ-a's who were stationed in this area. The children came to disrupt and create endless havoc under instruction. They refused to comply with my every instruction until finally I just got them to follow me by having hourly water fights and they all just followed me in water wars with paddles and playing--it made me so strong that I could withstand the "accident" that has left my cervical vertebrae fractured--with the endless hardening and stiffening poison that was subsequently put in my food, it created a "hump" in my neck and poisons that are latched into every crevice of the vertebrae--all along my spine now, into my hips--but that "hump" is evidence of that accident. If I hadn't been so strong from hours per day of chasing children in water fights it would have broken my neck. The "accident" occurred by me having the irresistible "urge" to jump into a wave in a very shallow area of the beach. I had been freshly drugged by Anders, the rapist who drugged and exploited me just that morning. I must explain to readers that when you are poisoned and drugged every day, or almost every day, for decades with poison that keeps the drug mix hard into your body's recesses, intestines, in your nervous system and really my entire body has been bloated (and still is) with this stinking mess for so many decades--you truly have very little ability to think clearly in dire situations. I jumped into the wave and there was a sandbar and it nearly killed me upon impact. Anders the rapist pig ape came smirking and laughing seeing me in a state of emergency and he's sent me emails mocking me and implying I was so "stupid" for all these years afterwards--even though I had to leave the camp, was in the hospital, wore a neck brace for months and my neck has remained fractured and poisons are hard into the injury to this moment. I was at this camp back in 1982.


So, I read this article today, this very brief article and immediately jumped to the conclusion that Jobst, the creep who sent me this letter while I was in traction in the hospital writing just a few brief sentences about how he was "shocked" that this accident would happen to me--and my understanding of how people like Jobst are actually delighted--they cling to Schadenfreude--and I know him from my months of working with him daily and his sarcasm and his attacks upon me (I got a German girl to help me insult and attack him back--and thusly, in Nazi fashion, he was determined to destroy me or have me killed and he almost succeeded).


I know that in towns and cities in Germany that are not the huge bustle of Berlin or Munich, but even in those places, people in these industries truly know one another. And Jobst perhaps was or is involved in this Nazi effort along with this self-proclaimed "Prince Heinrich XIII". It's just that they hide behind the seeming "democratic" label of various Party affiliation in mainstream politics and keep their Nazi aspirations hidden. 

Jobst von Buelow came from a family that had been of aristocratic title--which under the emergence of the Wagner/Hitlerian faction wanted a unified Germany with a type of German allegiance and coagulated power base--with a type of nobility--aristocracy but also a voice for "the people" to be granted all the money and property stolen from their eventual millions upon millions of murder victims and holocaust and genocidal theft exploits. 


This is an edit--I am very sick from detox and fighting to get this poison out -plus years of torture by the usual H-wood hateful Nazis and their minority minions--but I "forgot" to add in my explanation of this "accident" at Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey---that it was this Swedish Nazi exploiter who urged me to jump into the water---I was drugged (by him)--I felt this dread fear and refused to jump and dive into the waves. They (the people also involved in this attack upon me) were standing in the water beyond where the wave was just foaming up--I had no ability to discern or judge water depth--I also was not a practiced beach-goer having lived and grown up in the Midwest. But I rushed headlong and nearly died when my head hit this sandbar. I could not "resist" the urging and prodding of these people, who were well beyond the wave area but it was an act of forcing me using the mind control. As difficult as it is for me to relate on this very hacked and impossible to write and think post--as it always is-my brain very much under influence but it was much worse back when this nearly fatal accident occurred---so much drugs in my system--it's still a "joke" to Anders and he's still welcomed into Los Angeles Hollywood movie production as he was after, immediately, his participation in attacking me. The promotion is non-stop for them. His horrid band became slightly famous as well, and I met them when I moved to San Francisco (but that was almost a decade later). Anders tried once more to force his bs exploitation on me but I rejected his advances as his girlfriend stood back also trying to cash in on the exploit (as all the women do of these men who drug and rape and torture and participate in actions that nearly kill me).


The beach terrorist action: Pt. Pleasant, NJ, summer, 1982. Anders and other counsellors, mostly American (Nazi colluders) were motioning to me, sitting at the beach, to jump into the waves. They had picked this spot on the beach and immediately ran into the water while I was adjusting my blanket on the sand. I had no time to see them dip or rise up running past a huge sandbar--as there was. I could not understand that the wave swell at that point was due to the sandbar which was a hump, perhaps created by the terrorist operation in that spot--not sure if that can be done where the sand would remain relatively in a formation with water coursing all around--but it was in a depth capable of sustaining snorkeling terrorists or people using oxygen tanks to build up this one, solitary huge sandbar not too far from the shore, but far away enough so that the water could course over the bar and appear like it was a wave. Under mind control and the insidious, most horrific drugging that is not "fun" fare but blanks out your mind and brain in cognitive functioning so that if a danger arises you are mostly in a comatose state of acceptance of what anyone tells you (to do). The hypnotic "suggestions" are always done in a way that appears like something you "want" to do. I can swear that while I sat on the beach I had a foreboding dread and felt that I must not swim or get close to them. It was a feeling, because I feel very sure that my subconscious was alert to the mind control influence although it could not consciously accept or process the information. I had absolutely no conception of mind control technology then and only began to grasp it a decade ago. Upon the endless arm-waving and yelling of the crew around Anders, who had freshly raped me that morning almost for a camera audience it was theatrical while I really had very little control over my actions (but as always, appeared externally like I was acting upon my own free will). They kept yelling with arms outstretched that I should JUMP into the wave! "Jump into the wave" they all shouted. "Come on, JUMP" as they held their arms in a diving position and kept yelling at me--just at the area where the wave appeared with the huge lump of a sandbar dangerously underneath this one spot. The rest of the beach up until that sandbar was completely level and on a solid plane. 


Skip to 1987--freshly arrived in San Francisco after having graduated from the University of Minnesota. I somehow located Anders just out of curiosity. Never understanding the maliciousness of this Europigape scum rapist creep mind control infiltrator into the United States; welcomed wholly by the Nazi and mafia leagues which control both East, West Coast and all in between (in localized branches under various guises and names)

Two months later I once, again, was forced into a deadly accident very similar in scope to the "accident" in New Jersey with Anders always in the background or foreground of all these operations. The microchip implant in my brain can "force" my body to move suddenly at various moments. My legs "popped up" horizontally" while I was sprinting on a city street to work because my two buses were late and I missed my transfers to get to my temp secretary jobs. I was running, not very quickly, and a woman I don't know came up to me and said, "let's race" and in the mind control mode I began to laugh and run in a sprint mode very, very quickly (I had spent years jogging every morning about a 10K distance in subfreezing, Minnesota weather). My legs suddenly popped up at an exact 90-degree angle while I was running up one of the slopes of the sidewalk--the handicap slope entrance onto the curb from the street. My legs could never extend to a perfect 90-degree angle due to the hard poisons latched onto my spine all my life (almost)j--it was a forced movement by this microchip. I then continued on to work, a little wore having fallen on my back--and went to a party that night and was dancing, just a bit stiff but one bruise but no problem. The very next morning I woke with disability--the terrorists fractured my vertebrae while I was sleeping. I have had years of being raped, beaten, things inserted under my cuticles, my hips and spine put out of alignment nightly while in this very living spot that has been forced upon me. My consciousness is shifted in teleportation and I feel nothing and upon waking I am also drugged so can't tell immediately that I have been severely injured while in a comatose sleeping MK ULTRA "alter" state. Of course, with the serious injuries like fractured vertebrae, which this group has forced upon my spine in multiple locations while sleeping, I feel it but these injuries are permanent disabilities--deadly, serious and all forced while I have been in a sleeping state. 

Anders Rundblad has been either right there after having raped me (in New Jersey with his German Nazi counterparts behind him with the Jews welcoming them all in because they "have to" participate in the global Nazi system if they want to retain the businesses they worked for, which were so original and creative which were threatened with closure if not complying with Nazification---just ask Michael Bloomberg the billionaire who is one of the most vicious Nazi puppets and of course, NY style like Beyonce and JayZ and the rest it's sickening....)

The 2nd time was two months after I "rejected" being raped by Anders and his blonde Nazi American friends of his crappy band Wire Train---after that pig ape probably and undoubtedly helped or assisted in attacking me the piece of expletive then moved to Whorewood and has been involved in movie production ever since (because his "new Wave" pop band couldn't make it and that band made it only because of the Nazi network awarding this filthy Swedish pig ape) and now---Sweden has voted in a Nazi "far Right" government--no surprise to me, but the "liberal" facade that the Swedes have let on, including Nazi-promoted greta the activist all recede into their Nazi enclaves once their promotions are spent their course. The "liberals" all love these types and the Nazi "liberals" wear their neck scarves (this horrid ugly fashion they wear with these floppy scarves around their necks, with ugly tassels hanging off and it's like a token symbol of "liberal activist" that looks like a dog collar from frumpy types peddling their pet Nazi liberals).

My diatribe is not exactly finished on this score, but it's just another filthy nasty Europigepe ensconced in Whorewood along with the "a-list" of expletives who are fully indoctrinated into the Nazi iconographic "aristocracy" mold--harkening back to Wagner's ideal of the German State, adopted by Hitler, and then welcomed into America by the Nazified American fascist groups with their mafia backing and US Government funding for all these mind control weapons and drugs and poisons they feel absolutely enthralled at how much they have usurped and overtaken. 

It's amazing to me that the German State stopped this group in Germany and that this group was not savvy enough to have recognized that the surveillance state would not allow such a takeover. 

Alas for the United States that far too many in higher positions of power have been inducted into this universal Nazi system of the 4th Reich and it's nearly impossible even now to rid the system of their fascist attempts at overtake of the government. Hollywood, of course, remains protected like it's a well-kept secret guarded like a virgin whore.


Photo of Cosima Wagner (nee Listz--daughter of Hungarian composer Listz) and Richard Wagner.

Cosima Wagner with Adolf Hitler 

"A Brief History of German Nationalism (2004)". General Tekno. June 28, 2009.

This video describes (briefly) the English collusion with Nazism (through, of all fake "liberals" out of England who essentially helped grease the way for Hitler's rise-----=-Chamberlain, albeit through his family descendants. It shows to me how much the English at upper levels then as now fully supported Nazism and a pan-Europ-a-land fascist rise of Imperialistic fascism and genocidal policy --plus the American inclusion which is another topic for another video):

**the hacking is very bad and it's impossible for me to elaborate further on this topic, I barely wrote anything revelatory above just barely could pound out words and not able to function fully wtih mind control blasting my brain as I fight to type due to hacking intervention--etc etc...but essentially, the attempted coup leaders in article above, the current spate of Neo-Nazi takeover attempt, bases their claims of victimization and thus rationale for this murderous coup preparation various conspiracy theories--that Germany is a fabricated, post WWII franchise servant of international business. It is a collection of corporate States and Germany has been taken over by the likes of the Rothschild Family (which I am certain has made it's most fervent attempts to conform to every Nazi dictate possible in order to not be so easily condemned by the Europ-a fascist Nazi cartels always underwritten by Mafia and organized criminal factions and genocidal international regime fundamentalism). The Heinrich XIII attempted "aristocrat" royal claim is akin to the Wagnerian belief as artistically rendered in operas such as Parsifal. Racial purity only possible by the elimination of foreign elements corrupting the lineage of pure Teutonic ancestry (formerly Jews and other non-"aryians", now international corporate entities using Germany as a base for business consolidation (again, Jews probably blamed for every problem and every coalition that doesn't conform to the unified Nazi theories of racial and German unification of Nazi-only ideology).

Adapted by Hitler of course in his many dictates which the Germans are, obviously, still clinging to and trying to establish back into mainstream power through such endeavors as an attempted coup of the existing power system (murder of the leadership, bloody revolution) and the re-establishment of a royalty-based albeit unified National Socialist Germany.

This movement did not spring from the United States QAnon, but rather long ago over 150 years ago in the German surge of nationalism that Wagner built a politicized artistic movement out of (Hitler swept it into main power and ideological propagandized status). The mentality remains but now it's being touted in different terms--the target now is corporatism and something like a "Deep State" but it's the same principle of outsiders weakening German "blood" and Teutonic strength and purity or racial lines which stem from aristocratic and royal bloodlines, untainted by modernism. The re-establishment of Wagner's ideal of a unified German State with a nobility and aristocracy (and National Socialism) is being concealed in this effort by the current coup leadership and I can guarantee readers that the "handful" of these people who are being labeled in the article are only a tiny fraction of a small percent of those who really are part of the nationwide and international effort in this regard.  They have learned very clearly how to remain underground. Perhaps the attempted coup was a kind of "wake up call" for others to follow openly in defiance of laws forbidding open declarations of Nazi and Right Wing alliances (in Germany).

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...