Saturday, December 24, 2022

This post is intended to be IRONY, just in case people will think I actually seriously believe that some people can be demonic in spiritual possession. No...and also, laughing at the concept of global warming, such a ridiculous hoax and lie. No....It's not global warming making the Texas Border COLDER than the weather in New Hampshire on this x-mas Eve---blizzards beyond comprehension--but it's GOD'S WRATH for the evil that the hypocrites have enforced as doctrine all these years---the homeless, those lacking health care, decency, and justice.

 "Sleigh Bells--Demons (Official Video)". Pitchfork. May 22, 2012.

 The Millions in prisons on trumped-up drug charges while billionaires can rape and torture and murder and get PROMOTED FOR IT. The Devils reign in America. The putrescence of Pelosi is leaving, perhaps a lessor demon rule will replace the over-arching arch-evil stench coming from those who were supposed to lead a "righteous" country. So FREEZE in the Hell that you demonically-possessed useful idiots in Congress have pushed and not pushed hard enough for all these years. Waiting for the earthquakes or nuclear bombs or tsunamis to hit sinful citadels like Whorewood, USA pushing a most foul and demonically-possessed agenda.

Christmas is a celebration of the Winter Solstice anyway. The Sun's descent on the horizon into a 3-day "death" in a retrograde position, then rising on the "cross" of the Southern Cross constellation. Nature also is giving you a huge middle finger for all your rape of Nature and your rape culture, phallic identification with screwing everything over and claiming supremacy over all and Nature included--erroneously I must admit. Hubris, personified, sends you a message also of a huge middle finger and this video truly encapsulates your holiday spirit this year (to you people part of this Hell and Demonic rape and technological tyranny fascist 4th Reich protocol system endlessly forced upon me).



Ho Ho Ho's. Not Holy Night, but Ho's Night. To the Ho Ho Ho's Cheerleader Squad: to the Whorewood and Congressional rape enablers, the supporters of "liberal" fascism some of the loudest for purposes of appearing to fully go along with the plan while selling hype to the mind-programmed public to obey and conform and "believe" in their BS and never question, and if this group gets it's way, eventually any opposition or verbal or vocal dissent will be routed out potentially with murder (covert, in many cases but overt if the system gains the ground that these politicians and celebrities have been striving for under Trump, then they must receded, attack me with deadly violence and torture me for not complying with their intended fascist overtake, and they are now hissing in unison in a fake display of being "pro-Democracy" and laughing at Trump's "failure" which they also strove to turn into their collective fascist "win" but they all failed. They have only omitted one member from their onslaught of fascist overtake, which is Trump. Otherwise it's bs as usual and the fascist overtake system cranking out bs movies and songs and media entertainment news stories about what a great country and people they all are, fighting for Truth and Freedom, against racism and white male privilege.

Me fighting against the fascism and Nazi overtake with Mafia that they all truly embrace and are actually striving to impose upon the world in a package-wrapped holiday treat concealing genocide and murder and hate and death; I have been fighting it for over a decade and I am ever-still and being tortured non-stop as usual by all on all sides---with the exception of Trump now not being one of those attacking me in the teleportation because he's too high-profile and got caught attempting to put the celebrity fascists feigning liberal feminism and antifa as their fake fronts; otherwise it's as vicious and deadly as before Trump, now a Democrat Party fascist revival Party to install a 4th Reich racist and fascist system under the name of "Democracy".


Twerk music for that holiday groove--yes, it's a twitching underbeat you can shake that money-maker to--shake it, ho's of Whorewood for your cameras and for your promotions.

"Trap City--Sleigh Bells". Trap Music. December 21, 2018.


"maybe god will forgive you if we both beg". Snybun (topic). December 23, 2021.

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