Monday, December 5, 2022

Teleportation terrorism and it's trickle-down devastation of human rights in support of a white supremacist death squad and murderous "elite" culture: The adulation of white male supremacist rapists and their female enablers (especially of the blonde Nazi variety). The decline of Feminism, nearly no support for women's rights, the fight non-existent against rape and violence against women and Amber Heard's appeal and the soaring pedestals of the rapists and their parasitic followers: I "Heard" the news---an appeal and the pigs squeal--it's a big deal---the wheels turn, the grease scum keeps pouring on the rape culture machinery. Labels of "woke" yucky culture spring and rebels against rebellion against white male (and his rapist enabler white supremacist female partner) complain in the media. As usual, I can only find racist and bigoted sexist posts and articles and find it impossible nearly to find attention-style media coverage defending women claiming domestic violence and rape and torture. I am as usual completely silenced. The violent rapists and their spawn and friends are all featured in interviews proclaiming the innocence of the rapists and their Nazi co-conspirators and get headlines. The normative values are being firmly entrenched in this manner to sweep up the remnants of the erstwhile "feminist" revolution that appears nearly gone in our modern sexualized porn titillation entertainment media coverage.

 But the real tragedy is beyond all of the subjects I so briefly mentioned in the intro to this post (above). I am at such impediments to express myself due to hacking and mind control interference to my brain while I type--trying to get into any lengthy and articulate writing is impossible, literally due to external hate mind control and hacking/brain-altering remote tech endlessly blasting into my body and brain while I fight to circumvent the hacking interruptions that are continuous.


I see that Amber Heard has filed an appeal to the "win" for the rapist, abuser, sinister male who beat and raped me for at least two years in teleportation with so many people participating and his putrid rotten daughter being propelled into main stardom in those two years by Depp--and the subsequent years of her and Depp and their friends taking turns exploiting and raping, poisoning and beating and abusing me on 24/7 schedules without end for over a DECADE literally without a single day of respite to me--but, they are being interviewed in the media--the rat spawn of Depp who is now at the forefront of this rape and abuse/torture/poisoning/abuse and insults immediately after rape, where I respond "lovingly" after death threats, poison inserted into my vagina so I really thought I was dying from internal organ poisoning and rotting--(the stench is completely gone now after I react with passion to the abuser I had tried fighting off for 2 months without a moment of peace--a constant torture scenario that began at least 2 years before Depp began to follow the exact same protocols).

But the people who supported Depp while he was raping me are now being interviewed by the media in defense of Depp. All of the women (mostly English and/or French--part of the model/celebrity movie star syndicate--in my opinion and from my years of experience living in Europe, I conclude--and I believe very accurately--they their main interest is in creating as much chaos injected into American culture as they rush in to control claiming superiority--because their cultures appear sane and secure and fashionable in comparison with crumbling USA which also is lacking in fashion at this point--also a takeover of the fashion industry by Europ-a's have created this huge fashion gap and thusly Europ-a appears like a fashion citadel on a hill in comparison with the more frumpy US fashion lack of--)

But digressing although this is a huge component of this psy-ops of violence which the teleportation has been grossly expanding into a total negation of feminism, or the movement which created domestic violence laws, domestic violence shelters for battered women, lawyers defending victims of rape, incest and DV--now also crumbling with Europ-a women defending the rapist men and they KNOW that the men are violent. It's just that in the bigoted universe they are trying to create, it's women "like me" who are "supposed" to be abused and raped and beaten because the women who support them understand absolutely how violent their men are--loving them and needing to be a part of the power structure their violent rapist pornographic men create for their elitist power structure, the women applaud the rape, torture and violence against the "bad" women (like me, apparently and once I have been labeled as such, the pyramid structure of followers immediately repeat the dictates they have been given without question and violently and viciously attack me--including Depp and his faction who were just following orders).


The people who teleport me, who I never wanted anything to do with nor would I ever want any kind of casual contact with them, much less intimate assault and my life like an open book for them to punish and torture me for THINKING things they don't approve of--while they continue to steal ideas I think of or write--although I really don't write very many creative ideas any longer due to this endless theft--for over a decade--

but, they keep putting the putrid ugly sick daughter of Depp up as the "Handler" who, along with her French mother, a skank model filth rapist enabler along with all the other fascist Europigape women who applaud and dance around (I also refer to the colonies like Australia and Canada that are part of the Commonwealth and etc as inclusive in Europigape culture and terrorism).

They dance around and applaud the men, although previously when this teleportation was not being ubiquitously handed out to ever-increasingly violent rapist pig ape racist 4th Reich men and their minions--the Nazi women had to bear the brunt of domestic violence and rape and abuse. But now, the shit pig men who you all cheer on as white supremacist heroic cultural icons have women like me to implant with microchips, teleport, rape and inflict their favorite Hustler-style rape and punishment scenarios replete with racial epithets and death threats and bodily mutilations.

Thus, when Congress people like Jamie Raskin approach, who is a brainwashed Jewish Nazi, almost as vile and violent but not nearly quite as much as Michael Bloomberg, who surely was handed billions of dollars for his deception of appearing as a New York "Jew" put into power. This deception of putting minorities into political and mainstream power has been operational for very long. They then appear as images of "progress" towards a more universal and "fair" Democracy. In truth, they bow to every command of the Nazi racist mafia 4th Reich protocol system of genocidal, pre-Holocaust entrenchment possible.


People just like Jamie Raskin, exactly Jamie Raskin, came to point his finger at me in the teleportation telling me to "obey" the putrid ugly rat spawn of depp, his daugher I mean--she's been so used to energetically and sexually feeding off the enormous power high of violence, just like her nasty violent woman-hating father has done with me and Amber Heard (but with me exponentially more violently than with Amber Heard--so much more violent than with Amber Heard--)

and it's not just the white rapist MEN who are being sheltered and protected, but their female rape enablers like the sexualized parasitic leech daughter who is being interviewed as if this stupid rotten skank putrid parasite has any idea to offer the public. What the public sees is a highly sexualized energy vampire who has been feeding off the endless supply of millions of dollars pumped into this fascist promotional pyramid scheme--she's possibly one of the worst rapist enablers after the former wife of Pitt--filthalina the most rotten parasite but I think the skank daughter of Depp is even worse, almost. Growing up with endless applause, an introduction to being top model by Lagerfeld for her violence against me as the Nazi German fashion s***-head creep endorsed this formerly mostly unknown wanna be famous child of a model and an actor--then propelled and then exalted and then stealing ideas I had written of or things I have done, which this group including her have all but destroyed, stolen and made sure I can't even BEGIN to try to capitalize on my own ideas or talents-(the organization tried to kill me while I was in graduate school with near-death car accidents, poisoning and etc).

But this system, the minions who are so brainwashed like Jewish nazi Jamie Raskin, and Michael Bloomberg--so feverously support the blonde fascist Nazi skank dirty ugly piece of shit that Depp spawned as if she is their heroic leader---she's a stupid as hell putrid dirty lying fake plastic surgery modified nazi puppet put into power, but they don't even care. They are so brainwashed by this imagery and this skank creep has been feeding off the applause, the power the huge power high they have all obtained by the politicians giving them carte blanche to go on and on.

Thus, the women who feed off supporting the violence against women, especially in a racist context as this is with me, but then again, Amber Heard used to be one of the blonde Nazis watching on smiling and laughing alongside Depp as he raped and beat me for over 2 years without end. By the way, I kept telling him that I was sick from poisoning and he was killing me by the non-stop abuse and pumping of poison as deeply as possible into my body. He then nearly had my cat killed in response, had her kidnapped (and she is still gone, waiting for me to return to her) and beat, punched, slapped and passed me off to others to rape and beat. And then Pitt took his turn for over EIGHT YEARS. but all that time the violent and sick daughter of Depp has not stopped. 


now she is partnering with Baryishnikov to use torture, poison inserted into my vagina--which this group (Deniro, Pesce, Pitt, filthalina, et al) have been doing for years non-stop anyway including more and more non-stop poisoning so bloating poison which hardens the muscles and puts horrific mind control drugs into the mix have been non-stop put in my food and body so I have just remained stagnant, being killed slowly--while the group of blonde women associated with this cheer and laugh and dance and have their men continue to abuse, rape and beat and torture me (in teleportation). The blacks who come support the blondes and nazis and oh yes, they are defending Oprah who fully endorsed it all for years until I called her an Aunt Jemima and after that people like Billy Porter--who has been exalted like all of the blonde Nazis as well--for his violence against me, claiming that I am thus a racist against blacks and thus I deserve this kind of non-stop violence by white supremacists making holocaust statements to me in front of their promotional cameras--in teleportation).


So much for feminism and for women being strong and caring about violence against women. It is beyond a racial divide by the way, it's all about who belongs to this following orders system and who is "bad" like me for fighting for my human rights after I have been mind controlled, raped and tortured for decades and am trying to stop this endless cycle of violence against me.

But now Depp's spawn and Baryishnikov=both fully members of the sleazy and decrepit French faction of this global Nazi/mafia 4th Reich cartel, are digging into destroying me. Baryishnikov is resolved that he's the one who will obtain this contract of forcing a baby out of me. He has me on my knees--after a few months of poison which made me feel like my body was dying, inserted into my vagina. I was attacked by huge violent groups of people attacking me with elbows in the crowded places like my bank--all Russians part of the post-Stalin nazi brigade out of Russia for their global power structure. Etc etc the attacks which have not stopped against me in near death attacks increased, and finally my body could take no more. The filthy ugly daughter of Depp was there as Baryishnikov forced me on my knees doing that porno fantasy hate act which the skank daughter of Depp applauds and giggles at, especially when Baryishnikov, who really wants her but she's too young and protected for his exploitative bs sexual games, is just loving him for beating me and abusing and slapping and sticking his member in my mouth and slapping me simultaneously and then immediately afterwards, in front of the skank filth of Depp, insults and berates me as she giggles and then he gets his promotion. He's never ending attacking me and then "helping" me while I'm fighting to not be permanently paralyzed--by finally after years of doing master cleanses every month for over 2-3 years I can finally begin to do a few exercises. Poison swelled up so badly internally I could not even walk, the poison just swelled up behind my knee caps, then poured out. Obviously I was being poisoned non-stop by his colleagues who all claim I am lying as he calls me "bitch" for having stated the obvious, that I was being poisoned by them for over a decade--death poisoning, by the way, plus pumping it into my body, and having my hair chemically removed permanently for fighting to get the over 6-feet terrorists to stop raping me while in teleportation sleeping and absolutely vulnerable mode so I could not even brace my body against impact of the rape by these huge pig apes.

But all in defense of them, and people from the US Government like Jamie Raskin trying to impress the 4th Reich Nazi-controlled media establishment so his blathering "fighting for Democracy" ranting for cameras in the Select Committee can land him a boost to his political and media career aspirations. Pointing his sordid finger at me to "obey" the stupid and rotten ugly piece of shit skank of Depp who has not stopped giggling as this energy sexualized vampire parasite has been so endlessly fed in energy and power highs off nearly a decade of being promoted simply for supporting her rapist Nazi father and his increasing violence towards women--so with all the millions and millions of dollars poured into this filthy Nazi skank with all the plastic surgery modification--she's just floating on a power high. It's the same kind of smiling glow that you can see in the photos of the Nazi concentration camps out of Auschwitz on their picnic where they are literally glowing with sinister delight and look more happy than you will EVER see a group of Germans in modern times without victims to feed off as they had during the Holocaust.


These brainwashed people appear to LOVE and NEED the violence-pumped up parasites who posture as intelligent heroes of culture but I swear that people really resonate with the ultra-violence of the psychopaths they put into lead "beauty" roles--and torture enhances the glow of the people who inflict it they appear more glowing and sexualized and tons of hormones are released which make them appear like they are constantly on the verge of an orgasm. Indeed, they literally are because of the highs of violence and torture which are being endlessly applauded also by the most sinister of the politicians I have met, Graham the creep--moreso than Trump, but not Trump's two Europigape fascist wives who so fully endorsed this violence against me they were right there cheering it all on like the rest of the endlessly media-promoted skanks of the 4th Reich.

People appear to want and need these types of images in order to appeal to their sense of America being a world-class predator country. This is why the politicians who vote for endless trillion dollar defense spending and then try to stop Social Security payments for the "losers" of society are partnering with rapists and their filthy Nazi minions and blonde "fashion" iconographic pornographic rape and torture anti-feminists put into "feminist" position roles. Their dumbed down opinions are being publicized endlessly in response to the Amber Heard case. One of them is a "black" women who has been endlessly endowed with BILLIONS of dollars and is in defense of every fascist abuser male who has hit the headlines in the last few years--who also have participated in this hate crime against me in teleportation. Along with Trump who obviously is in legal hot water in all directions. Still, NO ONE considers what is happening to me to be a dangerous threat to Democracy or human rights. Certainly not the Jewish Nazis like Jamie Raskin and Michael Bloomberg, who love and support the blonde Nazi filth who harbor some of the most vile anti-Semitic hate they have been ingrained in by their Europigape fascist fashion parents out of Europigapeland. Admired and endlessly interviewed about how Amber Heard is a "fake" and the hate towards Heard is astounding and the support for her is absolutely null and void in sleazy Nazi Whorewood--when it comes to me, I am attacked and told that I did something to deserve this endless violence (like fight back and defend myself against crime and poisoning, drugging and rape). The perpetrators are being relentlessly being promoted as if they are pristine and wonderful. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...