Saturday, December 10, 2022

The "Great Work" of building the 4th Reich, Occult and Nazi/Mafia global cyber-net of lies and death continues as usual this year with the years-ending of awarding expletives into high positions and degrees of honor as supposedly "representing" the best and ultimate of artistic (?) achievement: Whorewood, Inc (et al--GmbH, Ltd, etc) has replaced, or is in the process of replacing traditional religion as it's own religion of celebrity iconography. A pantheon of liars, fakes, rapists, haters, bigots and terrorists, inc. Lizzo replicates Kabalistic imagery with herself as representing "God" in the final sphere on her green hair zone/dome. The years I have been writing of Whorewood programming of these really not exemplary celebrities into a kind of "God-like" status, with the technology of death at their fingertips thanks to the US Government, also erroneously projecting itself as a maverick global bringer of peace, stability, Democracy and Freedom to the rest of the planet.

 Look at the green portion of her costume--inner dress--and compare to the Kabalistic Tree of Life replication in the patterns of the circles connecting--. Wonder what Lizzo is trying to impart with this not so covert "message" for X-mas cheer and fanfare. Her hair, light green, same color as the background for this universal Tree of Life diagram--with her head representing the "God" principle of highest order in the universe! (see diagram to the right in full size or magnified, as each sphere is labeled for what it's supposed to represent.

I have been writing of this for many years: these celebrities torturing me and the expletives putting out this contract are all in a process of slowly eradicating former religious identification with a higher power, and instilling instead the "Secular Humanism" of your own "Godhead" within yourself, if you just buy the right cosmetics, have the right consumer produced "look", and even if you are obese as Lizzo is, you still have a seat at the table of the plenty starving the majority of the planet for it's resources, for their own sleazy, selfish parameters of self-righteous indignation that anyone (like me) can rise up using their own inner qualities and outperform their ilk--(the Nazi/Mafia global structure of brainwashed conformity to basic white male supremacy, even when it appears in the form of a darker-skinned "minority"--Lizzo obviously is making her claim as one of those in this not-so-covert "message" of conformity to the occult-based 3rd Reich which is now more akin to the 4th Reich in it's global structure of incorporating black people and minorities and developing countries into the universal structure).


I have been writing that the Nazi posturing of the celebrities is an attempt at a "God" pose--not just Nazi but the "inner God" conceivably brought out by the "superior" quality of their edited, scripted posturing in movies which makes them prime time God-like imagery that people bow to like groveling neophytes in a new religion based on personal selfish grandizing. Each sleazy, selfish self-idolizing "star" has a slew of "fans" waiting to bow down to the greed and orgiastic sleaze that is perpetually portrayed in glorified Christian terms of caring about the poor and oppressed. These concepts are all stolen and then performed with relish of those awaiting their orgy rape and theivery parties in the after hours after their awards and red carpet treatment for the "Great Work" which our drama-ridden country has produced for so many decades now.


The usual line-up of women who all claim they are "fighting" for women's rights who viciously attacked me in teleportation, right next to the rapist white supremacist Nazi men who beat, tortured and poisoned me for their mutual promotions--all heralded in the never-ending media cycles of being pictured wearing elaborate gowns, awarded top position in German film festivals while also being put as the "face" of Channel (the lesbian who verbally threatened me with great physical violence, almost a death threat, while the expletives sitting amongst them who had either been involved with people raping me incessantly while poisoning me to death slowly, or those who raped and beat and threatened to have me killed repeatedly--all sitting within arm's distance of the lesbian "woman's rights' skank threatening me violently if I ever went to Los Angeles--for the "crime" of writing about what a fake she is in her skits and how she is advocating for the "supremacy" of Europigape fascist Nazism in her SNL skit---only that, nothing more, then being threatened violently by her in a teleportation skit that night. Now she's leading the German film festival with the 4th Reich German Nazis admiring this filthy skank for her fascism and racism but disguised as a "sensitive" lesbian). But there's the geriatric skank out of London also endlessly put on display for very violently attacking me after I called her a "piece of shit" when she demanded I call her by some English Crown title--obtained after more than 7 years of her and her boyfriend raping me and abusing me and collecting off the endless surplus of awards that all participants involved in advising and participating in this non-stop torture of me. Her Latvian friend the dancer is now the rapist abusing and "punishing" me for writing my posts, for trying to stop another rapist from exploiting me--

and then there's the black woman who used to be homeless, who was implicated in some kind of pedophilia exploit but then obviously paid off the more impoverished plaintiff--now honored--(with her dyed blonde hair, just like anti-Semite nazi black duo the rapper and the pop star with the blonde dyed hair--which pair is that you wonder? I'm not naming names just implying who the people are at this point).


The point of this post is the endless display of these criminals and kind of ignorant hate parasitic leeches as being more noble than the fake prizes handed out to those who may or may not deserve these titles---nothing noble about any of them. Repeat displays of them being "the best" year-after-year and starring in lead roles, year after year. All are working for "The Great Work" of spreading Nazi/Mafia culture (I can't get into how much the mafia and it's movies endlessly glorifying criminal underground as being somehow entertaining and comedic and fun and glorifying has helped to create what the Republicans scare-tactic scream during elections that this is what the "Democrats" are helping to create. This glorification is part of the "great work" of tearing down the structure of society in order to both destroy religion based on the awe of a universal power and force of love and death, and replacing it with every aspiring criminal sleazy and selfish thug can get out of poverty and powerlessness if they honor the "do as thou wilt" philosophy, gyrate and have every kind of criminal propensity and then laugh about it afterwards as they often play in these movies--then this is worshipped more fervently than either respectable politician or revered religious icon.


That is what struck me today as I perused the celebrity news today--the fiasco of the Trump empire is now reaching a huge melting pot of collaborative blaming and shaming with all of the conspiring partners who were not in the direct spotlight being sheltered as the system that nearly destroyed Democracy remains in place. Like the deterioration of a peaceful society in endlessly honoring criminals and mafia and organized crime, the pseudo-religious worship of sexualized, self-proclaimed "Gods" (nearly screaming out their secular humanism in their every "me me me" song and movie)--and the Whorewood establishment also cranked out a group of fascist aspiring tyrants of a most hateful and murderous bigoted (multi-cultural) basis into lead position in politics--yes, Trump was handed the technology that they all use against me in order to obtain their lead roles and promotions--or at least, attacking me appears to be a regular promotional stepping-stone and so many have been standing next to the grim reaper (in shadow) reaping off the endless prizes for their mock God-like performances, honoring the deity of falsehoods and distortions and lies--otherwise known as The Lord of the Flies.

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