Please let there be for once a real and legitimate political leader--who will also create a real media platform instead of fascist puppets posing as alternative pundits paid in billions to create a death system of fascist Totalitarian plague over the world.
...and even right now, as I fight to copy and paste what I had written, as I had only intended to write one short sentence, which turned into a lengthy hate diatribe (or lengthy in terms of Twitter size) and as usual, the hacking precludes any real writing for any length of time, *(I am now on the fourth re-editing phase of what had been correctly writing as I typed it out. There are so many deletions, rewrites and partially-deleted sentences strung together below, plus I got so involved in backspacing and retyping words that I "forgot" my ideas as I was fighting to pound them out correctly. Once I corrected and then published the post, the hackers just rewrote everything to turn it into a rambling mess---which I am not going to correct any longer. I had to rewrite for the third time just for clarity, because some of my claims are "fantasical" and could be used as claims of "delusion" against me. Hackers deleted and rewrote such claims (such as the Kamala claims below) which turned the sentences really into very damaging discrediting sentences. I tried to rewrite and now I'm going to stop, this is the 4th time I am fighting to correct grievous errors hackers have inserted into this text. The creeps out of H-wood are ascertaining what I have written they can use and steal, even if a few words, because of this disgusting contract out on me where white males and their hateful rapist female partners, mostly out of Europigapeland, want to see me destroyed, have an absolute fascist Nazi agenda of racism, along with other nationalities but they just can't stand to see me have any chance whatsoever; Americans are very glad to assist and partner with them, the "left" are very vehement about supporting this fascist nazi cartel and all the racist and rapist and sexist implications. I write about this today, so much is rewritten and hacked by hackers but I am exhausted from correcting a few paragraphs over and over for the last hour. I do hope what I write helps to stop this group and these people in the coming years and in this current fiasco THEY HELPED TO CREATE (not including Biden or Kamala into this process). I do hope finally there will have been enough chagrin and despair created by this group of incompetents to finally persuade the American or global public that this corruption and greed cartel controlling politico-media operations must be changed to a legitimately concerned and relatively at least incorrupt system where taking care of people like me is as important as the wealthy donors, at least to the degree that sheer terrorism and murder operations is not paid for by the US Government for State-sponsored terrorism. And if not by the US President or government including Senators and other politicians--and not excluding the H-list whores--that there is real concern about these operations of "stalking" and terrorism and MK ULTRA and microchipping. What I was blocked from writing below is that when Obama and Hillary allowed this torture, MK ULTRA, teleportation contract to continue unabated upon me, as the terrorism was extreme, deadly and has not changed in all these years of all the former and current administration(s)---meaning the leaders all endorsed these contracts--and because they helped and assisted and "looked the other way" but profitted and got promotions for it, along with their media representatives--that is how they greatly helped T-rump into power, because of his attack and rape of me, he was promoted into leadership position, as these jokers all are. this is written very baddly, I am literally pounding down with biceps and fighting to get every single word out as my brain is blockekd from fucntioning as well. They helped me to be tortured for their promotion, and they helped their "friend" T-rump get into power. The only reason they are promoting their Party lines is because of the continuation of the lucrative deals and power brokering which they expect to obtain from lifelong clasping onto the Parties that desperately need profound change in order to effectively lead a country so it doesn't descend into more death and chaos--the pandemic is the one and only reason why Biden is in this leadership position. Otherwise none of these creeple now fighting in the streets would care about anything other than obtaining more power if a Republican cartel ruled once more. That is a sheer opinion on my part. The rest of what I write is due to experience and observation of FACT but written so badly (or I mean published into such a dilapidated state by hacker rewrites and deletions).
even with the brain-altering tech making my brain unable to focus, remember words or what I wanted to write. These pig apes attacking me then torture me for writing about them in hate terms, which they are forcing using this tech. Yes, this is no excuse, yes, their technology CAN affect your brain so you become a ranting hate machine instead of an articulate and well-meaning observer. I had to copy and highlight the passage I had written (pasted below) and as always, literally always happens when I try to copy any URL, or paragraph, or word, I highlighted, as I let go of the cursor after successfully highlight, the entire thing was blocked so I had to do the same manual operation three more times before I could get the entire four or five paragraphs to actually copy. I have put the font size at "medium" and as soon as I began to type, I have to once more, or thrice more change font size as all attempts to do any kind of operation are blocked so I must backspace, retype, redo, repaste, change font size, all of these little operations at least three times in a row, for every single action I take on this laptop. I am now fighting to pound down on keys.
I wonder if ANYONE will ever stop this attack upon me. I watch this election and see the utter criminals who have participated in this attack situation upon me, who helped pave the way for T-rump, who they now castigate in their campaign lectures and tv and media presentations. The Hegelian Dialectic prevails--they create the chaos, pretend they are opposed to it, and then offer the solution to the problem they helped create: THEM IN POWER ONCE MORE. Oh, how wonderful it is to see how Americans always bite the bait and play into the game of these BS propaganda puppets. At least Obama is articulate and makes good political jokes. However, as a victim of years of his complicity in this "mind control" experiment forced upon me by almost every member of society in America ALL MY LIFE, I can only state that....watching them come to "the rescue" is revolting and watching Biden promise more than hyped up words of promise is a bit encouraging. He appeals to the more "common" workers but without all the pomp and circumstance of puffed-up Progressive Rhetoric. Many a media Progressive personality has also attacked me in teleportation. I wonder what the future brings to the table of the Master's plantation where these "elitist" "left" and "right" performers in both political and media sphere are concerned adn this situation forced upon me by THEM ALL, ON ALL SIDES. Except Biden has not attacked me per se or in any way that I know of. Kamala had videos put on my internet, I think (that means personalized photos inserted into videos presented as news clips or endorsements--not publicity photos, making weird faces that would never be "allowed" as media content, even in jest. ) she added one photo one time, or someone had it put there, but otherwise, she has not participated in this situation or...not much. I have to fight to pound this out, as the hacking is extremely obtrusive right now (throughout this post, and in all posts I write and have written for YEARS AND YEARS--all under the "liberal" administrations" but my intention is not to lambast Obama but I just got angry watching him lecture after years of begging for help I am still writing about rape and violation and torture which is NEVER STOPPED). When watching Biden speak, I have a vague glimmer of "hope" and it's not false, as many people have cited that they feel a legitimacy about Biden and I concur after listening to him speak=--to his base in Pennsylvania, his home state--not stuttering once, which to me means in some sense he is a very highly sensitive person and actually has a heart to back up his statements. Not due to stuttering but I feel that his verbal affectations are a sign that his heart is tied up in his words, at least to some extent (and I am writing this alongside the former sentence of a "glimmer of hope" in this, not sure if it is real but one can only hope). and I find that this glimmer of "hope" has the faint illusive shadow of reflection that perhaps I can actually enjoy living in a real place and have a career and have my cat La Moux returned to me alive and healthy (Trump has stolen her and threatens to kill her any time I write or express anything adverse to being raped nightly and dismembered slowly and tortured without end) and not be terrorized by the bigot K-rap both black and white and Jewish and Asian and etc etc who attack me with full permission and FUNDING and SUPPORT BY MY GOVERNMENT ALL MY LIFE.
Otherwise, I "discovered" by accident another spot where mechanical arms have entered my room to possibly open the front door and filthy rotten pig apes have gone in to rape me, insert objects under fingernails which are nearly dead, the nerve endings have been sliced into every single night for over 8 years by now. My body has had signs of rape for years and I have been fighting to stop this disgusting GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED RAPE CONTRACT where filthy greasy pigs who are handed free lodging in return to help shit like this K-rape group of crap out of Whorwood to continue to terrosize me using these groups and this technology and these assassination squads "gang stalkers" to help promote pig apes into more power because America is really controlled by fascist Nazis posing as concerned elitist power brokers (controlled by foreign entities, including and especially TRUMP).
This is all a complete mess, the rage and anger I have from over a decade of this going on every single day. I "forgot" to write that there is one spot on my "kitchen" area wall, which is just the wall facing the next apartment to my left, just at the corner of the wall facing the hallway and the non-existing partition between my room and the terrorist room next to mine on that side (on both sides, and on top an dbottom floors as well). They have been opening the tiles of the "kitchen" wall area to insert arms or actually put a small child into this room. And they continued to do so after I had blocked and stuffed everything in all the panels and cabinets--this one area I had pasted off with layers of construction paper and other objects glued to the corners. I had taped a piece of decorative but pvc-sort of cardboard paper like a wedge between the walls, and balanced a small round object, with a tiny bead on top of that. The terrorists had broken the two bunches of tape and removed the tiny bead balanced on top. I have spent more than half a year or longer, more like 10 months fighting to block the cabinets and panels and laying in pain as they continued to break into my room to put my hips and spine out of alignment and then poisoning me with hardening, bloating paralyzing chemicals as I have fought incessantly to stop this intrusion and rape and disfiguration. As I sat in this chair, leaning back and putting my legs on the table to watch videos a few days ago, I put my hair down (I keep it up due to the heat, but also because my hair is so damaged, greasy and nasty every day from these terrorists destroying what is left of my body, which is now completely coated with chemicals, scars, blemishes and my hair has been damaaged every single day for 20 years or longer by this group--to the point that now it's like a balding, greasy mass of nasty stringiness--it's disgusting to see it completely hanging in blotches, and etc etc. I put it down but behind my head as it hung over the chair. I sat up and a piece of tape had been put in it by terrorists with their mechanical arms. I spent more time trying to stuff more padding and balancing more items on the cupboard doors on the lower areas of this "kitchen" area, which is so small I can't push a chair out without blocking access to the sink. I then yesterday realized that they were probably inserting the mechanical arms through this corner area of the wall just at the level of the light switch area. I repasted and taped up the area, rebalanced the ball which had been pushed down and the tiny bead had been sent flying, even after I had re-arranged it. I am so drugged up continuously it is impossible to get anything done to protect myself and then function further. I taped it all up, rebalanced all the round objects on top, and last night I slept with the teleportation (threatening death to me, because of the anti-fascist T-rump music videos I posted, resulting in death threats from this entire group of fakes they all fully support fascism and Trump, especially those who scream the loudest against him in their public and highly televised speeches--meaning the most famous of the celebrities not the people actually being interviewed who are really fighting in the streets and in public (or even in Congress) who are not the celebrity brands put out as merchandizing propaganda.
I thus blocked off this, or at least made it so any intrusion through this area, as I have done nothing but tape this area up at least 7 times in the last year, in addition to countless, meaning over 100 other entry points just in a tiny studio--more like 300 entry points or more tha I must monitor. I was not raped last night. My body is different. I am now in a more enraged state perhaps because I was NOT drugged up into a comatose silly delirium.
Now this is what I wrote and the above was all done out of sheer anger from just the hacking and the fight to pound out my ideas as pigs are stealing them as I write them--My bicepts are so overworked they are sore from simply pounding down words and fighting to pound as hard as my hand possibly can to get any letters out. If I type more lightly the hacking creates so many letters that don't print out at all. This is a nearly brand new keyboard I am using. All is destroyed by these goverfnment-funded and sponsored terrorists who enter my room every tim eI sleep, or go out to get endlessly attacked and nearly killed while shopping. Every time I drive is an endless near death experience of being nearly hit from all side angles possible. It has not changed or stopped from the Obama era to this day under T-rump. And before, of course, under all the other precidents administrations of fascist emergence into American mainstream life. Americans have so heartily gravitated towards these torture and murder operations that I know the "left" and "right" to be almost a mere fashion statement instead of having any real political content.
And now, from having struggle with all my arm and hand physical strength to pound all of this out, as my motor skills are blocked by this tech so my hand also pauses in mid-air because I literally am paralyzed in mid-typing by this tech (this happens to me in public always, and while I write I literally can't move my hand--and they can also make me faint or pass out in one instant as well). In addition, as always when I fight to pound out and type, they also attack my brain so it's like I am floating, spinning and sick;, I feel the usual sickness and dizziness, slight nausea and faintness from the brain attack these paid-for terrorists have inflicted upon me as I have sat here fighting to get anything articulate out. This has been a ranting hate post but there is some content below worth reading, in my opinion. These terrorist attackers could not drown it all out. I got into rambling about these attacks just now because the intrusion is so profoundly blocking of writing and thinking and with all the other INJUSTICES i face on a perpetual nearly non-stop 24 hour, decades of violence and torture aimed at me only because Americans can't stand to see real equality they want power lobbies they want exclusivity they want fake icons to believe in they want cruelty, rape and torture to exist in the undercurrents of the silent operations they are so fully embraced in every community around the country and around the globe. All those who would have fought against this system have already been eliminated/killed/silenced. I remain sitting here writing about this to blank walls doing nothing but enjoying watching me fight alone and trying to just write out my thoughts without more injustice endlessly aimed at me with your consent. Now the US and the world is embroiled in a sickness that has been the real undercurent of the sickness of society that has blossomed into a pandemic, a spiritual and philosophical global world view of GREED with educated stupidity underlying all the superficial posturing.