The re-reading my posts yesterday and seeing how badly hackers had inserted letters into words to make them foul and disgusting. Waking up to decorations I put on the walls slashed and ripped off and hanging off, shredded. I described briefly above that I had taken off the clothing which I have sewn to cover my hands. In order for the terrorists to reach my hands to slice under my fingernails and re-open the huge internal wounds that are huge welts of bloody red skin and partially dead fingernails--I must take off my clothing--so this group, which has groups of people brainstorming on how to attack me on a daily basis (they must hold meetings every day for what attacks, at what frequency and how to destroy all my defenses with their teams surrounding me, surveillance equipment and drugging which keeps me too ill to move--every single day). I then was hynpotized to take my clothing and tape covering my body off while I was then literally attacked by microchips or remote tech to pass-out and faint so after taking my clothing off and taking the layers of packaging tape I cover my body with to try to avert the cutting and smearing of damaging chemicals on my skin and hair--they just cut into my gums , my hands are cut into so there are huge red bloody welts under the skin, cut to the bone every single day. I have not inspected anything else but my body smells like faintly nasty odors while I put perfume on last night my body was clean and now it's been smeared with some nasty greasy substance. My hair is nasty and it's always partially balding (this began four years ago, making my hair fall out--that was after fighting to stop them from making my hair fall out after I dyed it a beautiful color created years ago, which I wrote of yesterday in this horrifically stress and drugging state of imposed attack upon my nervous system along with hacking while my brain is basically blocked from functioning while my motor skills are blocked and the keyboard is so badly hacked and has so much malware that it won't operate and then after I finally get something out, hackers then rewrite what I have published.
All to claim that they are "superior" to me. I remain here in utter poverty due to their block of every financial avenue I have pursued for years while they rake in millions for having stolen ideas from me, in a rotating circle of H-wood creep parasites who never tire of slapping, hitting, punching, raping and assaulting me if possible daily and they never stop for years.
I just saw another black sexual assaulter (who has teleported me to insulting sexual assault--however, I only consider him to have insulted himself, but of course, according to this group, the means suits the ends and when these pig apes teleport and assault me and they are exonerate and exempt from all litigation or conviction, they are told that it's me who is the shamed and humiliated one, not they. This black terrorist advocate of black supremacy, who has an Ivy-League education and "represents" blacks in the higher echelons of white supremacist elitist ivy-coated ranks of white supremacy: welcomed and endlessly touted as a high-ranking "intellectual" and then as a "black" but---operating for the white bigots who promote him to do their bidding and their agenda. They (he was interviewed by a YouTuber who is extremely articulate, I consider him to be a genius of sordid sorts although his demeanor is actually of good intention he is just another black nazi of this black caucus who also operates alongside the "Illuminati" "Lion King" wanna-be US President pop stars and rappers and actors who attack me, collaterally or directly through these terrorist networks and through the indirect/direct teleportation crime that they are absolutely absolved of all legal action and are endlessly promoted by the foreign Nazi-controlled media (from what I have seen of this scene all these years, they are absolutely under the thumb of Europigape Nazis who expect to be handed everything for free to infiltrate the US Media. These rotten actors and rappers are only too delighted to be handed shopping sprees, not insulted by racist whites in Italy and in France as they gorged on Louis Vuitton and are welcomed into the gold-plated halls of the fashion industry. I have also been attacked by fashion models who are black and out of Europe, who are adamant about attacking me--actually they attacked me (I mean she attacked me) for the white bigots, the minority always at the forefront of the attacks while the white Nazis who instruct them on how to act, and what to do, stand back smirking and smug as these performers enact the hate skits while they feign that they deplore racism. Oh, it never ends.
Yesterday, after fighting to type, as right now ,the same exertion upon my brain, nervous system and body is making thinking extremely difficult. Typing is like having to individually pound down on each keystroke to get the keys to operate as if I do not press down with my entire hand literally pounding down the keys won't display anything.
The blacks in this interview--the elitist black "intellectual" who alters his voice for blacks of the "street" level Nazi organization who pose as "fighting" against racism because they are allotted these spaces and not hampered, poisoned or drugged into incoherency by these terrorist operators as I am daily. The title of this video that was hacked into my YouTube feed main page was about Obama and the Third Term of his administration. On clicking on the video--and only because of the man who runs this page not for the man who had teleported and masturbated in front of me with a huge crocodile predatorial smile of glee that I am being raped while he's descrying black women being raped by whites in slave times AND yet, so happy it's happening to me and he will participate in it as his ratings within the organization continue to rise while the white "intellectuals" continue to give him unadulturated welcome into their lecture halls. Not that he hasn't done the work to have achieved high ranks within the intellectual community, but his insulting bearing and demeanor and the change of his tone of voice from the white lectures and the black groups, where he bends down as if to talk on a low level while addressing a black (poor) crowd so differs from the erect and "erudite" posturing and tone-of-voice he uses to impress his white colleagues in the Ivy-league lectures. Look it up on You Tube it's there for the world to see.
Instead of a discussion on Obama, because I clicked this page off abruptly after more than 20 minutes of these men mentioning books but not getting into the subject or content of the books, and then discussing the rappers of pop culture who are "fighting" racism and operating for "the black man" and one of these was the very black rap K-rap huge celebrity who is so famous for his angry songs and lyrics explaining slavery and racism--who has operated with his wife to attack me, as they posture in Lion King self-grandizing (the bigger the lie, the more the Nazi groups will follow it) and that is apparent at this very moment in history so I mean only that any huge lie to create a myth is being welcomed because reality is not a salesworthy pitch and people buy into delusions if only they can associate themselves with a grandiosity. They mentioned as if these pop culture icons are of highest intellectual capacity in their lyrics, which many a person of lower status can also crank out (and I do not insult them or the points they make, only in the hypocrisy that I have endlessly encountered from the various levels within this vertical and horizontal structure of this Nazi/Illuminati/Freemason and their various sub-entity factions of varied different names, groups, identifications but globalization has also reached international status within the operations of these groups to form a one-world system of inter-related technocracy which is now openly becoming a vicious tyrannical autocracy. One of the only countries that appears to be not as fascist as America is Germany (the onus and origin of these nefarious divide-and-conquer operations, for a large part but of course I am not an insider I only have been teleported TO insiders of this operation for years now. I have had to see some of their foreign controllers and I know that the leaders of American media who teleport me answer to Europigape controllers who "handle" these actors and politicians.
So, I have to get off YouTube because once I turn on this Wifi my brain is under attack and I literally lose my grounding (while I fight to backspace and correct hacker inserts and typos which appear continuously because the keys are being juxtaposed while I type).
I am influenced to respond to these videos. The "mind control" is so persuasive that I do not understand that it is happening while it is happening (a hallmark of the mind control technology that it is so subtle and pervasive and impossible to detect and even when I do vaguely understand I cannot control it--up to this point because I am so endlessly sick from drugging due to hard poisons that are continuously pumped by this terrorist group into my food because of mechanical arms I cannot stop entering my room and slashing my body and poisoning/drugging my food and destroying my property.
With full gleeful consent and participation by some of the leading "black" Nazi Illuminati/Freemason/terrorists operating as your saviors in the media and in politics.--
This due of terrorist fakes "representing" the "black community" albeit with expertise and professionalism--as I highly respect the man who operates this YouTube channel and I think of him as a genius who operates very well within his expert analysis and production. However, he still "represents" partially this Nazi terror group if only to be "allowed" to have a daily presentation and he is famous for it, and well-deserved too. However, He also is "borrowing" concepts but only at a fragmental stage of theft of my ideas, as he participates in this terror operation out on me so he and his cronies can like all the rest get notice and promotion by leaders of the white bigot consortium that rules and controls THEM. The interchange that these black men had was of endless cooing "My brother this-and-that, and my brothers and my brothers--sometimes they used "sisters" but I can't remember or recall them ever using any woman as any standard to which they held up reverence for the "black struggle". They then went on to commiserate about how they using the term "we" have obtained a wave of power through the George Floyd movement.
I want to state that for years these K-rap rappers they adulate have participated in TORTURE, RAPE AND DISMEMBERMENT of me because I held onto the activism and idealization I obtained from my years of living in MINNEAPOLIS and being part of academic feminist lectures, movements and I imbibed the atmosphere of undiluted concern that these protests have emerged from, as the impetus. The crafted, corrupted and rapist/racist enablers of Whorewood and this intellectual who teleported and jacked-off in front of me with a most hideous and ugly grey-smile of hate and delight that it is ME being raped and not his "sisters" whom he rarely mentions as in the white male supremacist tradition it's really only the males that he refers to when he talks of a power structure and it's leaders.
The purity of fighting against corruption, that is also part of the Minneapolis movement that neither of these men could actually discuss nor understand. The intellectual much moreso than the Youtube lecturer (who I guess has made many mainstream media productions as well--I only heard about him because he lately has begun to hack his videos onto my YouTube pages when I search for the never-ending debacle of this election cycle where tragedies and explosions and death have become a daily terror report on the media--and the looming coup and Martial Law--so I remain busy ensconsed and tied to YouTube to get media information and these terrorists using this mind control technology have infiltrated my every search without impunity and it's a plague of them in scores and droves of their videos for every time I open YouTube, which is every day to catch the news from afar overseas where I now am (no tv as I understand that much mind control programming is used through the boob tube so I have taken all tv's out of my living quarters which are nasty enough from the bombardment of electronic mind control and torture with the terrorists surrounding and attacking me.
I am now exhausted from pounding down on the keyboard, my arms hurt (my biceps) and I have been badly drugged by this team of terrorists which slash into my body, use mind control to get me to take all my clothing and all the packaging tape I cover my body with to stop my skin and body from being damaged to the point of utter permanent scarring on every point of my body and hair and etc--they just forced me to take it all off, using mind control, slashed into my gums and hands and feet and smeared nasty oils and chemicals into my skin and hair and then teleported me to another hate stupid skit as I fight to get them to return my cat(s) and get off me and for some real authority to remove these parasites and for a semblance of justice to take place where I live in peace without terror or torture squads, I am not forced into having a baby with a rapist Nazi and I can live in my own house that these billionaire parasites will have to pay for while they are blocked from using this technology on me or anyone else.
Back to the hypocritical black Nazi caucus that I am describing or trying to pound out with my entire arm by now pounding down:
the energy that was the impetus to the George Floyd movement that these fakes and Black Nazi proponents who NEVER got anything done for ANY ACTION WHATSOEVER except to endlessly blather on and on about the problems with no solutions--or if offering solutions, never actually going out to implement them and to actually risk anything to achieve any change--as the people fighting and being shot at and killed in the streets--which these black Nazis are now taking credit for as "their" brothers and sisters fighting alongside them in the "struggle" and blah blah they go on and on taking credit for behavior that they sexually abused, verbally attacked ME for clinging to in a tempest of torture and violence person after person who raped and attacked me out of the most bigoted white supremacist H-wood "A-list" elitist Nazi cartel ordered them to participate in which they did not need much ordering to comply with--at all. Instead, they viciously attacked me and then, stole ideas and claimed them as their own too.
Again fighting very hard to pound down to get ideas out while my brain is blocked and I am SICK from drugging and poisoning while my brain is currently under a very severe technological attack so it's like I'm dizzy and nearly fainting as I fightj to think while fighting to pound words out on a keyboard where the slightest touch should have words flowing without any block to functioning. I have not been able to do this for YEARS UPON END due to this group which CONTINUES TO STEAL IDEA AFTER IDEA FROM ME BUT CLAIMING IT ALL AS THEIR OWN.
They raped, slapped, punched, assisted in rape and torture of me, these black "brothers" with their adjacent "sisters" as I fought to defend the real human rights that aren't associated with the singular "black" movement but for PEOPLE. That this most racist crime against me is not to be shunned as something that blacks hold no stake in nor care about but even PARTICIPATE IN is a sick crime against the REAL struggle for justice due to racism.
That is a bit of what Minneapolis is about, but you ignorant celebrities and politicians are incognizant of how and what this type of mentality is because you are so concerned with posturing in your Lion King pig sniffing the air nazi postures in your luxury glamor photo-ops for your endless multi-million dollar Nazi-backed investments and studios and productions.
I am now very sick from this attack on my nervous system and body. I got up from this laptop nearly falling down from dizziness, and then now, as I sit here, my head feels like it's slightly imploding as my head feels both light and like it's falling off in heaviness--I am so completely sick from poisoning and my body is too polluted by hardening poisons to move any longer while the soft, liquid poisons remain a huge bloated bubble like a hanging disgusting pot of cottage cheese cellulite (in apperaance, it's poisons hanging off my body the poisons latch onto bone and the poisons that are trapped appear to push up the adipose tissue so it appears like congealed cottage cheese cellulite--in addition to not being able to exercise because I NEED A SWIMMING POOL but these billionaires who have profited off attacking me FOR YEARS cannot help me with a $1000/month rental supplement after YEARS of obtaining ideas which have both promoted them as advocates for alternative causes but also has generated perhaps millions in revenue, in addition to promotions from within this organization of hate and racism that they are enjoying posturing and being promoted as (African) Kings and Queens if they associate themselves with the Nazi and also English Imperialistic insignia of the Lion. They could so easily as the huge group of millionaires/billionaires or very wealthy just contribute a small amount so I can live with a private swimming pool so this congealed crap under my skin that they have also poisoned me with (so obviously they will NEVER offer me a single penny or bit of any kind of help, only torture to death while extracting all possible from me while claiming that the people who have exploded for lack of representation in the media and in politics are really all that they represent and are icons offering political solutions for (if only they will just vote for these Lion King formerly working class Nazis who have never instigated anything but complicity and co-opting of alternative movements in the whoredom which has paid them in billions for their posturing "help" for their masters on the plantation.
I have discovered what and who is eating up my plants and despite my patio being destroyed, flowers ripped off vines just as they are about to blossom, laying on the floor picked off--there are insects on my plants who have eaten all the leaves, I just saw them now because they ate literally all leaves completely off the plant and are sitting there on the bare stalks. That does not exempt the possibility that the terrorists put these insects on my patio which is on the 3rd floor of a condo with a huge parking garage at ground level. Would these insects who, for over 2 years have never been on my patio before, suddenly crawl up three flights of cement to eat my plants?
I am now so ill from the remote mind control attacks that I cannot write any longer or hold my head up as it's like I'm about to faint from these attacks by these terrorists aiming sophisticated technology as representatives for the bigot nazis and there are plenty of those surrounding me who are not famous plastic surgery icons they are obviously not wealthy enough to live in expensive places here in Thailand and so their rancid ugliness is very openly apparent. Some of them all these years are not as fugly as some others, but they are younger who are being handed free rent on their endlessly undeserved vacays for which they continue the policies of genocide and the Holocaust for which their parents and grandparents in their advancing retirement old age instructed them how to lie and feign that they are against for politically correct posturing (very well done in Germany I must say from my years of experiencing of witnessing all of it from the rancid old Nazis at the dinner tables glaring with expectation at the lying fake younger generations to continue the facade of caring--as Germany is so caring about fascism now so against T-rump and so fundamentally against Nazism as while it exists in Germany it must be some "mistake" and is only a small representation of the general population--according to the endlessly repeated scripts that I have been told by warm-smiling hissing snakes called Germans when I lived in Germany. These are funding the people attacking me right now, who are trained in the exquisite art of fundamental deception and it's being sold off to the masses through these generated talk shows, extending to "grass roots' in YouTube presentations (which is blocked from me--I tried to open my own channel and my posts were blocked and censored).
I am too exhausted and sick from "mind control" draining my brain and my body is reacting to attacks: my eyes are tearing up from remote attack affecting my eyeballs (they also attack my vision) and my arms hurt from pounding down while I am so dizzy I can barely sit up any longer.
I got a youtube video put out by a famous whistleblower hacker-with recommendations on software to install that protects against government surveillance. How can I download it with the Government blocking and censoring all my downloads and internet dealings? While terrorists enter my room to get into my computer once I leave, as I cannot carry five heavy bags around with me all the time because I carry so much that I want to have no tampered with when I leave, while these terrorists just rampage my room to wreak filth, spray destroy and steal and then hack into my laptop so I cannot block out these attacks I really need a support system but of course the creeple hacking into this blog are more terrorists of varying orders and levels of the larger structure and of course, you can never affect any real change you only latch onto the people who are risking death in the streets as part of your "struggle" for which you tortured me for exhibiting because I am fighting your system apparently to the death unless and until someone actually intervenes in this, which appears will not happen. But they are all now being championed for representing the actions of people who were so desperate for change because you fakes are PART OF THE PROBLEM and can never affect the change unless it means you will suck out some political power while remaining safely in your high-fashion "Lion" attire in your luxury mansions and houses without having to actually do more than blather out more affirmation for the people you claim are your allies but you have been torturing me to death for having and holding these same ideals of resistance that you currently are torturing me slowly to death to change in torture-based "behavior modification" technology that you ALL latch onto and will use to quell further dissent but as long as you can get political power and shout that you are fighting for change as part of the George Floyd movement which you have never worked to achieve but perhaps wish you had. Still, you attack me regardless of the overt Nazi movement that you have helped to foster into a huge political "base" now marching in the streets with assault rifles while you continue in the safety of the safety net you are allotted by your Nazi handlers to crank out your blathering intellectualism and pulp culture K-rap rap songs and talk shows about how much you are fighting for change.
It is now absolutely painful to use my arm because the keyboard is so stiff and impossible to pound down on any longer. My muscles on my bicep are literally bulging out from exertion at this moment and it's like I have an ache from pounding down to write this.
Am I actually doing anything but entertaining sadistic scumbags when I write these posts who later steal the concepts to use as part of their huge luxury lifestyles of the infamous do-nothing celebrity politico blathering spinning heads circuit controlling the world? Maybe these movements you claim you are part of can effect change, but you will be working under orders to wreak the damage of internal collapse so these groups are infiltrated and eventually made so obsolete that the former blathering conspiracy theory K-rap you have put out for years remains as the most tangible evidence of any fake "resistance" which essentially makes any real change obsolete.