Monday, January 18, 2021

I see that hackers deleted grammar and inserted words in the title of my latest post (yesterday about Uganda). I did not correct as it's extremely exhausting to continuously rewrite that which I struggle to write obstructed by hackers and brain-altering tech. THIS post is going to be a rambling rant about the stupidity I encounter at stores in major shopping malls from the terrorist skanks and their white supremacist Nazi overlords who control 20+ stalkers dressed in the store uniforms who are attacking me. All real personnel are sent to the back rooms, and they later reemerge after I leave and I can see them if I suddenly return--all the former attackers are gone and replaced by friendly, cool and nice actual real staff. Below is a rant about the stupid antics which the white trash hyena-hormone-growth "actor" out of Austria but has been handed an empire in Whorewood to inflict his anti-Nazi lies while he's fully supported by the fascist trash white Nazi contingent here in Phuket--(fuck-it white Nazi Paradise).

 I had to add the expletive word because of the phonological similarity to Phuket and f**-it. It's such a prostitute-laden zone of exploitation and sleazy pulchritudinous filth when the white sleaze apes come to get their sex vacations (aided much by the Vietnam war American soldiers who came for sex relaxation vacations in Thailand while they were fighting for ole Uncle Sam back in Vietnam--so the blame is not omitted from the Americans who are now the "Patriots" fighting for their sleazy rights of white trash empowerment entitlement that these actor hyenas with all their hormone growth posturing have made so much money off of--only to replicate like the robots that they are the same prostitution formula that has encouraged these "A-list" celebrities to enact the same hate skits that the sleazy and "brown" Thai terrorists in these stores enact--but on a "public" level while the white pig apes from Europigapeland watch on hugging their little Thai sucking/cooking/cleaning/spouse slaves who provide them with legal means of investment into Thailand. They even spawn children with them, who then become the soldiers who create fascist coup political spectrums of corruption and suppression and absolute Totalitarian autocratic rule, which is now the law of the land, sponsored by the white trash who proliferates here.


At a store in the very "World Class" shopping mall complex (spanning three huge city blocks in the main area of "Phuket Town") and if you try to picture luxury lifestyle in this depiction, you can forget all about that in Phuket Town. The aim is to create a high-end city (white with their Thai pawn controlled) mega luxury endless construction zone--thus the hilltop of empty condos where I now reside are awaiting demolition to create high-end luxury investment something or other--which these rotten celebrities have purchased with full welcome from the fascist Nazi contingent and the governance here in Phuket and in Thailand in general (from the general who is in control over the Martial Law political system, so only white supremacists can control the "good" prostituted slaves who serve and obey and act out the hate skits so the Thai culture is absolutely enculturated into fascism and Nazi mentality and completely immersed therein).


At one of the less-frequented areas of the most solitary blocks of this huge mega-shopping mall complex--I think it is facing the Easternmost side of the three blocks--is a home-improvement type of (huge) store called Baan and Beyond. All kinds of fixtures and appliances and building materials and  home nic-nacs and etc are stored within the enormous building. It's a very wonderful store I do have to say I am never disappointed in what I purchase at that place. During the low season, or if I go to that place without great preparation at night, friendly, helpful and competent people help, are there to give information and stand by to assist. There are never problems. Not so during the  High Season (which is right now) and after the hormone hyena huge disgusting sleaze Nazi bigot out of Whorewood who I have been writing of for the last week-who had sleazy and disgusting nasty teleportation skits--as the sleaze that he is and on every single level possible, demonstrating only stupidity as a basis of his mentality--of course, fascism and hate underlie all that he does with huge jokes and stupid come-backs that he is "famous" for. I can also assure people that my years of having lived in Stuttgart--which is one of the more "Progressive" cities in Germany, and was one of the more American-influenced cities in Germany (and in Europe) due to the FOUR military barracks situated around that city. Over 50 years of Americans pouring into the Stuttgart region produced an effect of a type of assimilation into American mentality (but of course with a huge dose of cynicism and hate directed at Americans, which eeked out once the soldiers began to leave and Nazism of course began to surge back into daily life of the city, as I witnessed and experienced after returning to Stuttgart to live for one year, back in 2010-2011. I know that a huge arrogant puffed up meaningless bigot Nazi like this actor would be joked about, perhaps behind his back, by the people of Stuttgart who are much less imposing in their posturing about their real political motivations behind the posturing the Germans really do all the time, like it's an ingrained lying program they have all been programmed by. The braggadocio type of arrogant, extremely typical "Germanic" type of Nazi (thug) personality would not be as openly welcomed as it has been in America, where obviously the American population will buy into any lie as long as it's of a Nazi nature which enables them to believe and follow orders to achieve a Nazi State of entitlement and white privilege. thus, he's gained a huge following and a fortune for his exploits and exploitation of America.

And thus, here in Nazi-controlled Phuket (and Thailand and SE Asia and of course Uganda and Africa and elsewhere around the world): as I drove to park in the empty spaces of this mostly empty building, no one was on the ground level as I entered from the main entrance where I had parked my motorbike. But one white pig ape Europigape male was briskly walking almost out of nowhere to block my path at the exact moment I walked through the doors, which had a rope cordoning off the one area to get onto the escalators to go to the upper floor. This rotten younger white male glared into my face as he brushed and pushed right in front of me as I began to put the shopping cart with all my  many bags on the rolling escalator. This is one of the most often used attack strategies, is to push in front of me in lines, in elevators, at cash registers they rush to run to jump in front of me as I am walking to any exit, entrance, elevator, cash register, etc etc. They all have precise vector analysis software to guide them and instruct them through their ear-buds or through even the Voice-to-Skull technology on exactly how quickly to go, they back up into me as I walk past and glare in hate after they are instructed to push into me as if I have walked into them.

But, that began the endless assault in this usually very friendly and nice store where I often go because I must continuously buy cloth tape and other items to fight to block out the mechanical arms and all the destruction these terrorists make in the tiny studio where I must never-end fight to defend my body and life from their endless intrusion. Every time I leave this room the terrorist rush in to spray deadly toxins, stinking substances on clothing and into all cabinets and on all clothing and blankets, pillows and etc. They then rip and tear and spray grease and grime on the deocrations I make and the objects i use to try to block all their entry points inside this room with their mechanical arms through all the panels along all the walls and from the patio. It is a never-ending drain on my resources, time and energy. It is literally all I spend my life doing, every single day because they never stop destroying what I build and put up as defenses. I thus go to this store at least, a minimum, twice a month to spend a large amount of sub-poverty income on expensive items just to rebuild what I have already spent money on for years to fight the same things over and over it never stops or is stopped by anyone. Certainly not the politicians who profit off this who are not now leaving as they are just in partnership with others of the same ilk, who profited and still profit off this contract out on me because they all have to re-run for office and continue to crank out that "Black" liberal stance and get re-elected to rescue Americans from the death machine that they fed into like all the prostituted Thai slaves who surround me continuously to attack me for Big Daddy nazi who pays them lodging so they can clean and suck and fuck and clean for Big Nazi Daddy they all adore. It is exactly the very same system in Whorewood and from this hyena pig ape who just ordered swarms of disgusting stupid white pig ape males with their consort Thai slaves to do these disgusting things in the stores while the managers sat back counting the extra money they were handed for doing this and sending their real employees to the back rooms to wait until they all got their payments for these pseudo-atrocities (they are all precursors of genocide and are a result of genocide, mass murder, coup d'etats and all the vices that these hyena pig apes create in the misery that they inflict globally so they can endlessly control these banana republics, which America has obviously become even the nazi-controlled news anchors are describing what has just occurred as being something that the US has sponsored in countries like Thailand--under the black Nazi Obama administration which has so fully endorsed and supported this terrorist contract out on me, while they also endorsed terror and torture CIA camps in places like Thailand and in other countries, as they also bombed and terrorized countries in the Middle East--and now they are coming to "rescue" America from the white supremacist fascists who they adored and obtained their endless and current contracts because they too serve the beast Nazi cartels that control them. Yes, good ole Michelle and Obama--so sickening to see them posture right now as if they are saving America from Trump and they will come to further their political Machiavelli aspirations if you will just vote for their new plastic surgery-coated huge smiles as they posture with the new administration--their old partners in these political events). And America, desperate for "change" buys into it as they continue to watch the Nazi hyena actors who are just programmed to be slave whore pig apes emulating fascism and hate which Americans, even the political commentators, will refer to in their commentaries. 

I urge Americans to stop being so brainwashed by these celebrities for a change instead of adulating fake lying posturing greedy exploiters of fake sentimentality.


In the store: pushing my cart through an aisle as three Thai women dressed in store uniforms blocked the pathway while two other women were (faking) looking at items on the shelves--of course, one was wearing a store uniform. In the distance, another 20 Thai skanks were milling about in store uniforms, making a total of 30 people dressed in store uniforms of that store in one area. As the three women/terrorist agents pushed on in front of me coming at one direction, the two facing the other side backed up into my cart just as I was struggling to get past the three walking in a spread-out formation to block the pathway. I was right in the middle as one of the women on the other side backed up into my cart, banging her sleazy dirty body into my cart. She glared in hate into my face within one second of this happening, of course because it was an orchestrated event. My body was then sieged with brain and nervous-system attack which accentuated a reaction of rage out of me. This was two days ago while my heart and nervous system had been under non-stop attack already for 24 hours. I was exhausted from lack of oxygen and also from the endless healing I must face while these disgusting parasites attack me (years and years without end day and night without help day after day writing about it year after year the Obamas seeing what else they can profit off this day after day writing asking my government and country for help only to get Trump and more torture for another 4 years). Exhausted and yet, must keep going ALONE and asking people to do something more than stand back and stand by and watch fascism come to destroy America as I write and write about who, what and how I am ignored but my ideas continue to be stolen non-stop by the apes participating in this from Whorewood.

that was just one attack, but it got under my skin because it was such a surprise attack. I was in a very good mood and my body and brain was shot with this pulsated energy which shifted my brainwave activity or various other centers of my body into a shock and hate mode--as this woman made a most rude and ugly look directly into my face because she was blocking my path while the other skanks blocked all other possible inches of space on my other side. I had to see what was pushing into me and my cart adn thus she glared with absolute hate into my face. It was a disgusting display and this is what these pieces of shit do all the time in stores. While I was trying to buy some tile pieces that were on sale, in a huge "island" in the middle of an aisle, as another 15 Thai terror agents surrounded the white ugly red-faced old male with his granddaughter-aged girlfriend/wife/investment whore sucking/cleaning/servant slave exploitable, disposable whore skank they stood with hands on hips in Nazi posturing while I tried to get someone to help me with measurement. All the terror agents completely ignored me, and as I tried to get someone to assist me, as there were ten of them surrounding this white pig ape scumbag, they completely ignored me. Upon this action, the white pig male and his Thai whore slave hugged one another in a gesture of absolute warmth and love--this is another terrorist stalking maneuver that white pig apes use when they have their minions attack me. They embrace one another in a kind of mutual partnership of terrorist action that has been performed perfectly by the dirty foul minorities or their poorer white trashy crap who act upon cue much more perfectly than the actors who are a part of this--who are simply minions performing the hate actions they are being trained to do and behave and then turn into by the fascist Nazi shit that has completely infiltrated Whorewood so America is now completely a Banana Republic--but still, the actors are exempt from all scrutiny in this regard, even in this current catastrophe that Trump who is friends with them all, one of his bases is Hollywood but yet, there has not even been the slightest denunciation of H-wood which continues to crank out absolute propagandized lies about how much they "hate" Trump. They are all being handed this technology from Obama down to Trump and now I have to wait and see how much collusion this next administration will have with this Nazi organization. I have sort of lost hope because it appears like of course this system is fully entrenched into the very fibers of the fabric of American society. But, to continue the lie that America is a country of "exceptionalism" the actors are one of the last refuges of the lies that it really is a fascist colony of Europigapes who have trained and promoted fascist ideology through this filthy filter of whores in the H-wood brainwashing arena.

Thus, I was ignored, and finally I just dug into the vacated cash register/help area where there should have been someone attending to help me--but there were terror agents surrounding the ugly white pig ape and his stupid dirty Thai whore while I just began to pull things out and find eventually a measuring tape instead of standing there in the middle of this area while dirty pig apes stood smug and gloating and hugging one another because fascist Nazis controlled their dirty and ugly minions to that extent (and far beyond that extent). Once I began to finally get what I need, suddenly I was being stared at in hate (the demonic-possessed black-eyed stare) that even blonde-haired and blue-eyed pig apes make when they are stalking. At the cash registers as I put the on-sale tiles on the counter, while the ugly white red-faced pig ape and his stupid Thai whore partner had pushed in front of me to rush to the open cash register, and I got in line at the other open register (there were only two because the store is essentially empty until I get there and masses of people surround and attack me and then the stores are all empty once again after I leave and all the people dressed in store uniforms are gone and nice, friendly real employees are at the registers once more--always happens, every time). The tiles had large prices taped onto them: as I put them on the counter, the terrorist agent pointed to the prices with her middle finger and began yelling (as I always have music headphones one in these shopping attack situations) and of course they could see that. There is nothing to discuss with these stupid skanks I never have anything to say and they, in the last few days, have begun shouting at me while I am trying to just negotiate putting items on the counter, making sure no one is behind me to rip threads out of my bags or flick things and stains or rip my clothing while I am facing the counter--as also always happens while everyone stands around staring at what is happening to me. She began shouting the prices at me while the prices were on huge stickers. My brain was absolutely pulsed so I laughed like it was funny, I could not understand what was happening on this hate and terrorist level--as ALWAYS happens they affect my brain so badly I can't count simple numbers. They over-charged me double the price for one item that had been marked on sale and then, when I checked the final price, they had put another sign on the sale price box which I pulled this out of, claiming that I had the wrong price (the price was not on this box as I pulled it out.). They then told me that I could not return the item. I had to go to the customer service area, where the "real" employees were alongside the agents sent to monitor every area of my shopping so if I went to customer service, I would be lied to there as well. They then directed me back to the register, and I told them that I was refused service. Then came with me and left me there to wait while two other women wearing store  uniforms ignored me and then began packing items that they had brought from some other area of the store, ignoring me as I asked four time during a ten minute wait what was happening. During that time I was busy myself so I wasn't sitting there just waiting, I did things and packaged up the tiles in boxes I had brought but I am simply referring to the action they took at this time. Finally one of the women who had been doing unnecessary packing actions slowly refunded me my money, and then made the stalking "trigger" comment and question that has been a  ubiquitous triggering verbal act that accompanies all the stalking. Once more I remain mute as my brain was shut down verbally but I could still operate mechanically and physically.

At another cash register, the huge plastic bag of tape that I had bought to tape up more of what the terrorists have shredded and ripped up from all the many times I have taped and fought to defend my little tiny microstudio space from their dismemberment and rape and destruction of what tiny property I have left--which is continuously sprayed and shredded, shrunk and destroyed by this group anyway. I mean every single item I own is always attacked and made shabby and broken down or destroyed. The bag had the grip handles and I had tied the bag securely --there were 14 rolls of heavy cloth packaging tape so the bag was huge and full of these rolls of tape. While I was paying for items at another very nice store, the terrorists had someone reach down where this bag was stored on the bottom shelf of this cart, and they untied the bag and placed is so as I began to walk the tape began to pour out everywhere. This happened in an area that was in an overpass walkway and the tapes began to roll out as I ascended up a more steep cement walkway. 

There were many more, but since the hyena-hormone growth disgusting ape pig from H-wood by way of Nazi Europigapeland Austria has begun to attack me with the same stupid arrogant Germanic thug dumb ape mentality that I have seen so many times--his answers are so expected his behavior is so characteristically uniform and programmed--(it's so boring) and....that is what this creep has brought into this terror situation alongside the Aprah blacks and the anti-Nazi whites who play these roles for the cameras and are fully in concert to be programmed by the already programmed hormone growth thug who defines himself in Nazi style as a "lion" but I see only a hormone-growth hyena and he's and they are disgusting examples of the by now very easily identifiable group of terrorists that they are absolutely all a part of: the terrorists at the US Capital on January 6, 2021. Their modus operandi and expectation of privilege due to only being violent stupid programmed to repeat lies dumbed down parasites that they are. For me, in this situation, the terrorists at the Capital building have provided me with a very clear and useful example of what these actors truly and really are behind all the posturing. If only people reading this were people who actually cared about not wanting a situation like this to envelope American politics--or if you do, you certainly can't care to risk your privilege to stop this situation which the Obamas also have brought into being by their inclusion into the black minority minion privileged parasitic enabler population. AT least stop supporting their endless exploitation of the debacle of the fascist system that they are fully incorporated into and have been financed by and are now "fighting" with all their huge book tours and hopes for more political presidential nominations and elections coming up in a few years. 

At least stop putting them on clay pedestals stop putting them up as cultural heroes that helped to create this current situation of fascism and Nazism. That goes for the H-wood actors--stop putting them up as cultural icons stop referring to their movies in a political context as if they are role models. Stop putting them out as heroes because of the scripts that they never wrote nor believed in but are being paid in millions to perform while they sieg heil to the Nazis who have completely taken over like the colonist slave-mongering owners who they all love and do everything to emulate--like Uganda like Thailand like H-wood and like America.

I am now pounding down on mostly inoperable keys. My thoughts are meandering and I am in a hate zone mode--as I knew I would be because my brain is always under assault while I fight to type on an endlessly blocked keyboard while hackers then rewrite what I fight to type and think out.

This post, however, (as I fight to backspace now constantly and my bicep is completely strained from fighting to pound down as keys won't operate) and---this is my only exercise, they have paralyzed me with poison and deformed my entire body nightly for years and a decade and longer with these mechanical arms and from nightly rape and break-ins--which all political administrations have endorsed for at least the last ten years--meaning actively participating in exploiting this contract--president after president. I am rambling but they have kept me poisoned and sitting in a room being tortured and then surrounded every time I go shopping by sick psycho scumbags who operate for the shit that teleports me to torture and rape me while I am in sleeping mode and thus, this is all I can do to release stress and to try to convey how absolutely fake and sleazy and sick these actors and politicians really are. You readers remain supporting them and leaving me to write about it. I do so hope that the terrorist attack on the Capital, which I am redefining in terms of the actual methodology behind it, as it was a "stalking" exercise in power that the real Nazis of Europigapeland are gloating in, but publicly denouncing as they are "supposed" to continue to farcical lie that they are not Nazi any longer. That is the prevailing "Big Lie" that has resonated only in the little "Big Lie" that the media is blaming the last two month election coup effort as being.

My arm is now very tired from pounding down and backspacing to rewrite what hackers delete while I am typing.

I doubt what I have written will influence anyone reading my post right now to "change" and to stop endorsing these people and their policies but I have truly tried and also I need to get this shit out because they pour this shit into my system while they block my brain from normal defensive measures to not get so influenced,. The brain-mapping capabilities and the blocks to brain functioning are very deadly and are capable of utterly destroying people who have no knowledge of these systems, which politicians still keep silenced and with no public awareness although most of the public appears to be participating in these crimes--how many of THEM are being programmed by these subliminal brain-altering technologies and how many of you reading this are currently under this control apparatus and you do not care or understand it?


I just moved my arms after publishing this ranting hate post today. Both of my upper arms are completely sore to the point of being unable to move without effort because I have strained my muscles for one hour to pound this out and continuously backspace due to hackers blocking the space bar and inserting letters while I type--with the keys so hard to press down on I must pound down completley with my entire arm and hand.

The scum terrorists out of Whorewood always revel at my rantings, laugh about it, and obtain ideas out of all I write as the contract entails that they steal ideas from me. One of the Europigapes who has infiltrated H-wood (the English scumbag who is associated with English Monarchy) was so distraught that I wanted to compete in an area he has been informed he is entitled to rule and dominate--the arts, and he was and is so boring, mediocre but trained by the very best that Europe has to offer in painting "fine art"--has been handed everything by his dolting parents and by birth has been associated with English royalty--with his anti-American hate book and movie that were produced two weeks after he first began to attack me using this teleportation rape and hate technology and the gang stalking apparatus--he has had to make sure that I see that these scumbag creeps of Whorewood are not only being elevated and awarded for stealing ideas but they torture and attack me afterwards--as they get paid and I am blocked from literally all financial earnings unless it is the most low underpaid menial labor, where I am then again attacked on all levels, unpaid if possible. That is what they are all endorsing, from the Obamas to Trump while they are also mutilating my body and forcing me to eat poisoned food, breathe in poisoned air all night in a hermetically-sealed enclosed room that has been doused with fungus and mold and chemical toxins every day for years--all clothing as well. (fighting to pound down and backspace now almost every word). Shunned by society and left to sit alone in rooms for a decade while I am tortured non-stop and deprived of health care. The list of deadly damages inflicted upon me just under the T-rump administration coming from the Nazi women who surround him (his wives and children)--they recently have begun to slice my toes, in the joints and inbetween the toes--all skin to the bone, cutting through tendons and capillaries and they have done this every single day until I am literally losing my toes which are being severed off slowly, night after night while I am unconscious as the pig ape hyenas of Whorewood teleport me to hate, insults, yelling, rape and violence every single night as well.

Not a single one o f you can ever intervene and now you are all "shocked" at the terrorist action involved in the US Capital and the threat to your country. AS the pandemic "rages" and I believe this was a laboratory genocidal exercise in depopulation and political instability as the wealthiest like Tesla's owner who has participated in this contract for YEARS and has only become the most prominent and unrecognized terrorist of the planet and is still being lauded as being some incredibly swank hipster alternative wondrous guy by the media and it's Nazi adherents.

And so, I am now going to fight to get oxygen flow back to my biceps as this is extremely stressful on my arms to pound down like this. It's unbelievalbe. Now Trump is leaving and I have to wait and see how bad and awful the next adminstration is--friends with the Obamas who really handed this terror operation over to him and the result has been they come out as "heroes' rescuing--Whorewood formulaic plot style--America oh how they are rescuing America from the evils of white supremacy--their controllers actually who they defer to and have been awarded this symbolic position which they so cleverly have performed their roles for--to T-rump who is the hero of the white bigots who think he is rescuing them from black supremacists like the Obamas.

Oh what a sick joke it all is. I write of all this and I wait for all of you to continue to do nothing about it but leave me writing about it-which you think is fun and a joke and you laugh about it. Keep laughing dumbed down hyena pig ape idiots who conform to this sick Nazi system as they are colonizing america and you still welcome them all in and want them to make more robot Nazi movies for you with all the familiar hero rescue plots saving the victims which you mostly all claim you are of one or the other of the one-sided pluralization of the country which is controlled by vicious foreign fascist entities which you think are "classy" and have so much "style".

The US Capital siege by terrorist groups on January 6, 2021. One perspective of many thoughts regarding this terrorist operation which is almost exactly like my situation of terrorist attack which is just like what has happened in the latest Ugandan election cycle. The global system is fully intact just tailored to each particular regional system which can be exploited in nearly the same fashion and system.

"Uganda vote: Did troops aim to intimidate opponent?" (YouTube title).

"BUJU BANTON & BOBI WINE Ballot or Bullet Ugandan Music 2020." (YouTube title).  In this song, the reggae rap remarks upon former Ghana President Kwame Nkrumah. Details have emerged that point accusations of CIA complicity and support (just like in Nicaragua death squads trained by the CIA) to oust Nkrumah and install a puppet dictatorship controlled by US interests. The system has been in place for decades (and centuries). It's all so very disguised now by posturing icons and pretense and lies of "liberal" charitable concern by celebrities and politicians alike. In the article (below) the CIA openly denounces any involvement in the coup, but then equivocates when the action ensues and clandestinely supports the action fully. How much actual support in terms of resources the CIA provided for this coup of the Ghana Nkrumah who was an advocate of self determination for Ghana's people and against post-colonialization. The same posturing continues in a most perverted concealed manner which I have been exposed to for years from the H-wood "celebrity A-list" squadron of enablers for fascist Nazi dictatorship. They all act like miniature dictators whenever they have the opportunity to do so, which is when they teleport me. These are their instructions this is the future they want to bring to the United States.


Bobi Wine: FREEDOM (YouTube title)

...and I can dig the sentiment and the fight.

Just LOOK into the video and you can see footage of Uganda legislators hiding under their desk at their own Congressional building. Raw footage of rampaging rioters inside the Uganda Capital. It would look like the US version if footage were released of how US legislators and Senators and House members were shown hiding in their offices (I suspect there is footage but it's not being released). The video (below) also makes mention of "The Bush wars" and everyone knows who and what that is about. The lyrics also include a statement that the country is going "backwards" and that "Democracy is more like a  hypocrisy". Does that sound familiar and look familiar, if you watch the video, to exactly what is and has been happening in the US? The only thing missing are the white supremacists who really are at the back of all these nefarious activities and plots and ploys to divide and conquer. I can assure you that these players are in the background living in mansions in Uganda with their cleaning and smiling slaves happy to be serving them as they influence the political machinery of endless despotism. As I wrote above, even the color schemes representing the divisions are exactly the same signet representations that control the divide in Thailand, which is really ruled by fascist European Nazis who are as violent and virulently fascist Nazi as their grandparents were when they were allowed to rampage all of Europe and Russia (and the planet along with their Asian allies). What America is experiencing now is along the very same lines as all I have just mentioned and have been writing of FOR YEARS.

*Please note that hackers have been blocking keyboard function and it is probable that typos and deletions and rewrites will plague this post after I publish (they also do their nasty inserts and deletions while I am still typing, as I fight to pound down and backspace to correct what they are inserting while I am in the middle of typing). Also, as always when I attempt to type and write anything especially on this blog or Facebook, my brain is under attack by their technology ("they" as in the terrorists sent out by a terror regime that has spanned decades of US rulership in covert torture funding and activities).


Firstly I want to add that in the video above or in any video regarding this Ugandan election subject: the established "corrupt" Dictator signet (kiss the dictator signet ring) color scheme is to wear YELLOW SHIRTS. I use the term signet to imply a kind of monarchist sole entity rule where the subjects must kiss the ring in servitude or risk censure/death. The opposition wears the shirt color of RED. If anyone is aware of Thai politics, the same color scheme is played out with the Monarchy designating the color yellow, and thus it's supporters wear Yellow Shirts. The opposition wears RED SHIRTS and are very basically called The Red Shirts (however this term has gone out of favor since the last coup in 2014 broke the Democratically-elected former PM Yingluck). I write this now because in one of the paragraphs below I write that this sort of systematic terror operation extends on a global level. From SE Asia to the far reaches of Uganda, the same sort of system has been adapted/adopted with even the same color scheme representing the two same factions. Since writing anything adverse to the Thai Monarchy is illegal, I cannot delve further into this issue. The similarities between the Thai color scheme and the draconian rule of Les Majeste perfectly simulate the Ugandan murdering election cycle with death threats and now house arrest without a warrant (aka "gang stalking" but heightened and without the secrecy that accompanies such American exploits of censure and covert assassination that I am under the oppression of and have been all my life. 


What terror activities are being aimed at Bobby Wine, opponent of 36-year reign of Ugandan president--assassinations, attempted assassination of political opponents, and now house arrest for no reason except that Bobby Wine claims the election was rigged.
THIS is what the "gang stalker" terrorists attacking me are aiming for as a new order in the United States. They have imposed a very similar system in Thailand, sans the extreme violence that Uganda has experienced. Protestors in Thailand have been imprisoned for years for writing any posts against the political machinery that took over the government in a Coup years ago. Thailand remains under a type of Martial Law.
THIS is what the terrorists attacking me (including the millionaire/billionaire) celebrities out of H-wood are attaining so they can enjoy endless monopolies of the media. THIS is what the aims of the terrorists want and they remain absolutely in power despite a seeming power change in the United States.
The type of suppression and stalking maneuvers that Bobby Wine experiences are standard, daily activities aimed at me in this "gang stalking" situation. I have tried to list the numbers of physical attacks which are in tandem with financial and other psychological attacks. The lists I have written of for years remain silenced, unpunished for the criminals and the protocols and the system remains intact, and all the criminal celebrities who are supposed to "represent" American "Exceptionalism" ("Democracy") are holding fast to the concept that their entitlement will always be extended and enlarged. They smirk like the terrorists who attacked the Capital on January 6, 2021. The photos are extremely reminiscent of the same looks of absolute glee and schadenfreude terror elation that the celebrities and politicians also demonstrate. All completely smug and they are acting right now with a sense of calm that they have been assured that their system of systematic racism and torture and murder--like any "tin pot dictatorship" in Uganda, for example, can endure like an endless dictatorship that extends now for 40 years in Uganda--their monopoly and their endless entitlement to all monopolies of top awards and production costs and all handed to them for promoting the absolute destruction of the United States--all under the guise of entertainment and they are beloved because of the performances of sheer lies that they compound and that the public digests.


Please note that the dictator of Uganda is a BLACK MALE. yes, black people are even capable of acting like white supremacist fascist Nazis, yes they are even in Africa amongst their own "people" when liberated supposedly (they are as usual infiltrated by fascist white Nazis who are investors and you can believe this is a factual reality in every country, almost). Yes, black people can be as cruel and nasty as the worst white lynch mob, and that this is indeed possible with black celebrities even in "liberal, radical" H-wood who pose as the false oppositional representatives thus blocking real alternatives to pose as cultural leaders. All fits into a one-party fascist system. The rioters who broke into the US Capital last week are as violent as the fascist black party of Uganda. Perhaps the Ugandans have been brainwashed and are under the same post-colonization paradigm that is the result of former Colonial rule. In America, the white version of supremacists and fascist blatantly label as enemies the H-wood celebrities who in their own fashion emulate the colonizers who have infiltrated H-wood and have reached great strides in overtaking the United States through these Nazi networks. The rioters are protesting their own celebrity icons who have brainwashed them into being dumbed-down by media meaningless fodder material imbeciles ready to fight "to the death" for a fascist regime that doesn't really give a damn about them anyway. The celebrities would rape, torture and kill any one of these "trashy losers" as these bigot parasites call anyone who isn't wealthy and part of their fascist system. What is America now? In two days, I wait to see the results of my own EIGHT YEARS of asking Obama and Trump and the rest of the people "at the top" associated with them if the next administration could possibly be more than a mere "tin pot" dictatorship fascist entity completely embracing terrorist operations, as they have done for decades in the United States. The culmination so far has resulted in massive waves of "gang stalkers" thronging the capital with full sense, like the H-wood terrorists attacking me, they believe they are entitled to doing whatever they want and can get away with it because for decades this organization has been sponsored to terrorize groups and people using these same sorts of surveillance systems always enhanced by police and government officials--as has been proven to have happened in the Capital siege last week.

Security Expert describes forms of electronic torture via terror "stalking" operations. A bona fide, accepted human unit embedded into the fabric of society actually delineating the attack systematic operations that most of you reading/hacking into this are staunch members of, participate in, and glorify in. For those who fear for the future of the planet, here is a bit more information on how sick your colleagues and the pundits of this system really are because what they are brining into America and around the world is a huge death system that even these blind followers of orders could themselves be controlled by or killed. It could also happen to you. No one can even BEGIN to care about society and the ills they/you all allow to happen until it's a threat knocking on your door.

I have to fight all of this and much more every single day: alone. Alone because none of you will ever come to defend me or any other person involved in the network of this systematic death organization. Don't imagine that the greed of this group will be limited to simply attacking those who are not a part of your league or on the insider group. Once they obtain a penchant for power, their insatiable desire to steal and rob and murder will engross all their subsequent actions and yes you too could become targets unbeknownst to you. You will love them until they murder you, never knowing that you have been wacked covertly with these weapons and this system.

Think more about continuing to do nothing to stop this group (or help me because too many people are being put into power who have extremely callous attitudes towards the harm they are helping to further into society and on the planet. They simply do not care, for all their posturing in this respect they are excellent actors playing roles. That includes those who are not professional "actors" because this organization creates livelihoods comprised of performing roles designed to steal people of their property and lives. All they do is lie and act, almost all of the people I have seen involved in this group/global oganization.

If you truly do become a target, the system is so apt at stealth operations that you will NEVER know what is happening to your home, food and body and no one will inform you as well.

The terrorists have commenced attacking my heart with their terror electronic technology. I can feel it. It is lighter than yesterday but still evident and in operation. It's a very definite sensation that is not natural and extremely dangerous to health. Please stop the terrorists and their death technology.


In-Custody Deaths by Electronic Control Devices

Gratitude and thank you to anyone who may have intervened in the attack upon me that I wrote of yesterday. Unless the attack was a form of inducing a written response from me, which inevitably leads to a "mind control" tech attack on my brain, forcing a type of "truth serum" effect so I pour out ideas which are then stolen by these terrorists you call the H-wood "A-list" celebrities so they can continue to foment Nazi ideology in movies but disguised as "liberal" fodder for the masses to consume and ingest and believe and follow the Big Lies that are continuously spewed out by this propaganda hate machine of H-wood and the media.

*I had to just rewrite this first paragraph because in the two minutes it took me to write the first draft, hackers had already deleted letters and words from the original. The rest of the post, which I am not going to spend more time in rewriting or reviewing, probably has multiple hacker "errors". Of course, I am struggling to pound down on the keyboard as the keys are being blocked by malware or remote interference. The same attacks I have been writing of for years continue today, as per usual.

Gratitude and thank you to anyone who may have intervened in the attack upon me that I wrote of yesterday. Unless the attack was a form of inducing a written response from me, which inevitably leads to a "mind control" tech attack on my brain, forcing a type of "truth serum" effect so I pour out ideas. This, then is what these terrorist actors and writers rely on to obtain ideas they steal in bits and parts from my writing, so they can continue to promote their false narrative of being anti-racist and anti-sexist and all that other blathering K-rap H-wood keeps cranking out year after year about how hip and alternative these fascist adherent actors and writer/directors are (NOT). Thus, I am tortured without end by these unscrupulous actors and also part of the contract is to have visual evidence of me being deformed, broken down so I slowly deteriorate in a series of images from years of daily poisoning and torture which is also a part of the contract. These actor hyena parasites; I have many other more pejorative terms for them, but I am dealing with psychos who have NEVER YET been stopped from torturing me and attacking me and I am tired of my lethargic American population allowing these terrorists and terror operations to continue. I assume now that people understand that my years of "ranting" about infiltration of Nazis into H-wood and in America was not a delusional ranting spree that I just went on for years and years every single day, without end as they torturing me for writing about it and no one has since, and still not yet, ever stopped them completely so I can live in peace. Thus, It is very probable that the reason the attacks were stopped was because the actor who I wrote of yesterday is using any and all means to ensure a response in order to fulfill the terms of this contract of attacking me to obtain responses so he can be promoted for having caused a hate and rage reaction, then the parasites continue to suck out ideas that I rant on as the technology opens various centers of my brain so the concepts I am literally, and physically incapable of writing due to hacking and these attacks on my body and brain, are just stolen while I sit here unable to create my own writing pieces, unable to do anything but fight to not be poisoned daily by these terrorist expletives who you all keep allowing to control and attain higher ranking in influence and power in the media and the mind control Nazi apparatus. lungs are not being electronically constricted because some hateful attacker wants to see me be slowly murdered in just that one single attack of an endless series of deadly attacks (that he and all involved condone both for me and for others).

Whomsoever has intervened, I thank you and I do urge you most (impatiently) to also become involved in stopping these weapons because they are being dispersed not only to white supremacist groups, but to many other groups as well GLOBALLY. Instead of hearing the chants in the streets of, "I can't breathe" and "Hands up, don't shoot" these barbarian haters will be using these covert weapons to constrict heart muscles and lungs, until fibrillation and then cardiac arrest ensue. No videos to implicate police will ever be used for mass protests ever again, just these silent electronic weapons to MURDER people in the streets or in the silent sanctity of their own homes with through walls and other versions of these murder electronic weapons. The list of attacks, deadly all, are enormous.

Think about it dearly woke people who are also at risk, you are at risk as well. You can be the most successful white supremacist but if any one of these people who has these weapons wants to eliminate you, they need not do much more than get ahold of any one of these weapons, (are they accounted for, who holds the stockpiles, where are they stored?) and just murder someone, even without "permission" from their superiors in the ranks of this insidious organization.


thank you for assisting if anyone has--unless this response of stopping the deadly attack on my heart muscle is part of their "game" to entice me to react, and once on the computer the brain-altering "mind control" tech kicks in and I begin to pour out ideas which are then sucked out by the parasites posing as the "alternative liberal" fighters in the media who are 100% a part of the Nazi take-over scheme of the United States (and the planet).

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Terrorist attack on my heart and nervous system due to technological terror weapons. Be they implants or remote. The physiological deadly attacks on my heart muscle and breathing and nervous system have increased to a slow pace but murderous for the last 48 hours. I believe this ha been ordered by the latest edition to the celebrity Nazi infiltrators posing as "liberal" in the media. Please get him and them off me. I wait for politicians whose lives were almost forfeit by their "friends" in this murder organization who they thought were never going to turn against them as they have turned against me while they watched on allowing it to happen; I wait for you to respond to my over EIGHT YEARS of writing about this terror situation and to stop yet another infiltrator and Nazi bigot and to stop them all and stop this system. Your lives actually are at stake at this point. Please FOR ONCE think about this as if you care about America and about Democracy.

 Written on Facebook today (by me of course). Copied here. I am posting on both hoping that if anyone is reading my posts that they can influence the torture situation because the attack on my heart is deadly and it's also affecting my ability to breathe. It's also inducing a slight "panic" attack type condition and it's absolutely electronically-induced.


*btw, the longer you allow this situation to continue, the greater the chances of these types of weapons being used against you too. Even if you think and assume you are too important for this to happen to you, it can happen to anyone of any race, of any socioeconomic status and even from your partners in your organization which sponsors this endless terror global operation which most of you reading this are participants and beneficiaries of. 

Hacking is very bad, it's very hard to type and I can't think clearly any longer.


All mistakes in this post are entirely due to hackers as I have meticulously observed every sentence and word I have written.


Terrorists are attacking my heart and nervous system with their terror electronic weaponry. The attacks are a deadly albeit "ambient" type of attack that is continuous (24/7). I began to notice the effects yesterday but the cumulative effects are now deadly. It is akin to my chest and heart being compressed and an inability to breathe deeply. They are trying to simulate a "nervous" attack and not only are they murdering me by weakening my heart muscle, but there are extremely ugly hate messages bombarding my "inner" ear, combined with the remote-effect of a "nervous" hate induced state, the people exploiting me, the new one who just jumped into attacking me BECAUSE i DOWNLOADED A 30-YEAR OLD MOVIE IN WHICH HE AND HIS FRIENDS NOW POLLUTING MY INTERNET WITH THEIR PHOTOS--THEY PLAYED ROLES IN. Just because I wanted to watch an old movie due to THE PLOT and not because I want to see them at all (not at all). It's a "classic" sci-fi movie, I wanted to watch a bit of movie fodder which is one of those end-of-the-world plots.
Within two days of me downloading this film and the attack by this Europ-a actor, he obtained a GLOBAL media onslaught of his fake opposition to Nazism. Because I am drugged, under this non-stop nervous and subliminal and endless attack state to endlessly induce hysteria if possible (for which they always seem to obtain MORE CONTRACTS AND AWARDS AND LEAD ROLES IF i REACT AND REACT--THAT PROVES HOW "SUCCESSFUL" THEY ARE at using this torture teleportation rape, torture and murder system which this entire organization will--WILL continue to sponsor so it becomes an ALTERNATIVE TO VOTING AND INSTALLING ANY GOVERMENT but still retaining the superficial appearance of having a "Democracy".
that is the system that has already been installed by this group.
Because I reacted in rage to his exploitation and the sick and dirty foul sleazy but predictable response--as he only follows the orders that this insidiously stupid, sleazy, often well-educated but inherently incompetently stupid disgusting group puts out-- I went shopping today and was assaulted in the sick stupid "skits" by waves of Europ-a white males and their glowing, smiling and hate-filled Thai consorts used along with surveillance and stalking procedures that reveal the ugliness and depth of violence but on a small scale, that is a corollary to to the huge theater attack on the Capital building on January 6, 2021.
They really want me to react by calling them names and going into hysterics, as I have done for years due to the drugging, extreme torture (disfigurement and slow dismemberment including actual dismemberment and breaking of bones every single day without end for years--plus damage to my property every single day and endless assault and etc...) all the culprits are "enjoying" now awards from the highest categories, new Europ-a mansions and jets, yachts and lead roles, huge production companies handed to them scripts put in their name directing and all they ever dreamed of put in their names and handed to them for participating in this hate crime.
The politicians who have participated have almost lost their lives in the huge orchestration of this larger, more violent aspect of the same organization and the same protocols were used as the "gang stalking" terrorism that no one of them ever stopped while they actually even teleported or participated (meaning the "liberals").
I am of course under extreme attack in typing and thinking and in addition to the heart compressions and nervous system hyper-accentuation to induce a panic state with hate messages endlessly input. Plus teleportation to hate and waking up to this heinously nasty man out of Austria who sickens me--sickens and disgusts me because like all of the Americans, after years of experiencing the most disgusting attacks that are reminiscent of the ugliness people can finally visibly see on the faces of the Capital attackers, these terrorists of the A-list celebrity group remain absolutely shrouded in a cloak of endless exoneration because they are celluloid celebrities who politicians can rely on to endorse them for their political careers, and help also bring them into the folds of the mansions in europe and the wealth and attainment that this Nazi-controlled United States conglomerate corporation has become absolutely infiltrated by.
I want to add that I heard about one of the Capital Hill (black) Congresswomen whose office had been stripped of the alarm buttons (or are they called "panic" buttons?). The terrorists removed her alarm system so she could not alert security that her office and she was under deadly assault. She claimed, for the news interviews, that her office panic buttons had operated well in the past. This is the exact type of sabotage that terrorists use on my motorbike, on my phone systems, when I make phone calls all calls are diverted to terrorist agents to give out wrong information and attack me verbally on the phone. Not obtaining critical information can be deadly in various circumstances. The list is long and now more information is coming out about the collaborative efforts of various Congressional reps who were in collusion with the terrorist attacks. These are the same people involved in the terrorist attacks upon me, although they may not be directly involved in my particular attack planning and orchestration, the global group contains these very same members who also are part of the same group who are attacking me.
It is now very nearly impossible to type any longer. The keyboard is now completely stiff to the point that I must exert my biceps in order to pound down any letter so it can print. I won't recheck what hackers are going to delete and rewrite. So far I have written and backspaced and corrected all so there are almost zero mistakes or incongruities.
If anyone is out there who cares who is not blind to how deadly not doing anything to stop these celebrities or this organization is if you continue to allow them to proceed in this terror and teleportation MK ULTRA stalking terror operation which is the very same operation involved in stalking and violating the Capital building--the same energy is involved, the same resources, the same modus operandi, the very same sick grins and glee on the faces of the possessed terrorists trying to assassinate and destroy and murder politicians so they can have their fascist Nazi system with free open allowance to use technocratic terror operations to openly stalk and terrorize, rape and murder anyone they don't like. That is their ultimate goal and you people reading this who think you are against something like this but are just waiting to see what will happen or don't think it can ever happen to you--so far, some of those who thought it would only happen to me are now openly screaming about how they were almost murdered just a few weeks ago by the same organization they thought was their friendly support system.
Please stop this nasty new actor, he is an abomination. I have lots of names and insults I could write but they and he are waiting for this response as proof of how incredibly sinister and corrupt and violent they are so the Nazis they really are can become more empowered to put out their fake anti-racist/pro "Democracy" media K-rap as often as possible. I want to say that when he put out his horrid fake video a few days ago, MSNBC, which had one of their lead media anchors who attacked me, they absolutely promoted this, as well as politicians and news outlets and not a single person doubted the veracity or the intent behind what was being shown. People sink into a fake reverie of how the actor claimed he was a "victim" (to paraphrase) of an abusive Nazi father alcoholic, and the sappy music began to play and then he continued to deride his good BUSINESS PARTNER AND FRIEND Trump who actually handed this teleportation terror operation to him to continue with the rest of the hate crowd that has accumulated to attack me until there are too many to count under the brain-altering attack that always accompanies my attempts to write while the keyboard, as it is now, is completely blocked and I must backspace to retype letters that won't appear unless I pound down literally with all my hand and arm strength. At this point I'v ebeen struggling to fight to type like this for a long enough time it's now painful to keep exerting my bicep like this and my hand and arm are fighting so hard to write. My brain is now under assault and I can't "remember" what I want to say any longer. It will all come back as soon as I get up and walk away from this spot where my brain is under some extreme brain-altering technological attack (either from the laptop where something has been inserted or from the rooms next to mine aiming these weapons at me or from where ever. )
With no evidence all I can do is write about the suspected attacks and can't begin to find information online as all searches are blocked and false information is always put on my laptop. This is also the 'future" of people who this group doesn't like but want to exploit or use: tons of false information and no real pertinent information will be obtained by those this group wants to stifle. Of course, all of you reading this assume that will never be you or your families or children.
I can't write any longer. I just ask that people PLEASE GET THIS HATE-PERSON OFF ME, HE'S so nasty and vile towards me and is such a user and is deplorable and is just another Nazi terrorist using this technology to continue to INFILTRATE THE UNITED STATES. That he was a Governor is a testament to how he uses women and that his former WIFE WAS A KENNEDY AND i DOUBT he could have functioned politically or obtained that level without her. Of course, once his political career was over so was his marriage which is only a testament to what a user and exploiter he is and liar. Please do not let him exploit me to obtain more power.

I also want to add finally that these actors who have and are currently attacking me behave with the most smug assurance that they will NEVER have any repercussions of law or block to their endless attacks upon me, or anyone they damn well want to attack in the future as these weapons continue to be produced and meted out to organizations that encompass the entire globe, seamlessly. They are so certain that all presidents, who hitherto have absolutely participated in these crimes for their celebrity endorsers, who promote their images and their angle into politics to gain "the black vote" or "the Nazi vote" which by now are merging into one huge group (now called Trumpism but really when it comes to obtaining money and power by participating in this hate organization, these seemingly disparate polar opposites somehow manage to operate like best buddies in these operations and in the silencing of the information because they obtain so many huge deals and contracts out of participating but in still appearing to represent opposite views and political spectrums.)

I refer to those who aspire to the media celebrity positions and also as well in politics, as these also merge and have combined in a most sinuous and lethal way (referring to the Capital attacks once again).
I am now pounding down, backspacing and fighting to move my hands and can't continue with what I had wanted to write.


20 Minutes later:

here's one thing I "remembered" after getting onto another page and not fighting to type on this page: The video that the terrorist currently attacking me (alongside the spate of terrorists who are his American Nazi friends who put out all the anti-Nazi movies and tv talk shows): that video relied on such a standard H-wood movie plot device: the UNDERDOG. The tragic victim of cruel parents/society/corrupt authority figures who are now "fighting" and "speaking out" about their victimization and are all "fighting" by making MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN MOVIES THEY CRANK OUT ABOUT HOW THEY ARE "FIGHTING" THESE EVIL POWER FIGURES WHO THEY WERE THE UNDER DOG VICTIMIZED BY. Always the same plot device used in so many of these same block buster Nazi promotional films (subliminal, psychological reverse psychology always is used). And this most Nazi attacker has relied once more not only upon a Vaseline butt-f*kk music score behind the posturing greasy lies, but the same old formula device always the same for these violent fascists who crank out these movies (and talk shows and news anchor commentaries and YouTube videos and channels--who operate under this particular system). "They" want complete control and they continue to narrow down all opposition while people remain allowing it to happen by doing nothing or saying nothing and receiving all these benefits and promotions. As I wrote above: some of them are now engulfed in chagrin that they were almost murdered and assassinated by the very same system in it's more plebian and unadorned waves of violent gang stalkers converging upon The Capital last week. There has to be more than complacency now when it comes to this organization and your allegiance to being silent and allowing it to continue to flourish.

there's more I want to write about how the minority minions behave while they are attacking me, gloating and laughing as they do, with their white "masters" putting their arms around them hugging them because they are "helping" the white Nazi bigots to have their paid-for minions attack me for their inclusion into the power structure (pyramid hierarchy where they are so happy to be a member of). The same looks of delight are on the faces of some of the most rabid black anti-racist vehemently shouting actors and performers who attack me and are gloating in photos while they are in Europ-a-land alongside white Nazis who hand them and their aspiring children plastic surgery vacations and cat walks and movie roles and endless shopping and party invitations (not understanding that they are really being invited into the Nazi Party) but they party nevertheless. They then return to California where they "fight" for millions of dollars to promote "black" interests and continue to viciously attack me because blacks have to hate Jews in order to be invited into the "elite" nazi party circles (so they think, so they assume that's were they are being invited into). Otherwise, I see the exact delight smug behavior in Thailand from the women (especially as they are the lead portal of investment for these bigot Nazi white males who have completely poured and scoured over Thailand and the very best, most beautiful and all places are being completely taken over as has the government and all politics in the country--just as I see happening in America and in H-wood).

Oh, it's very much the same. Why must I write this for YEARS and still it appears to people read my posts to steal information and ideas but remain allowing this system to continue unabated? Can't you understand that death and genocide even of you and your entire group you belong to are at risk? Even if you are white and a Nazi it can also happen to you. The people who were threatened with death went along with the white fascist ideology up to the point that they didn't want to betray certain oaths that they took. They were then turned upon viciously for simply disobeying orders without question. That is what this group is aspiring to, in reality but you keep assuming I am ranting and drugged up (which I have been for so long).

Friday, January 15, 2021

A REVOLUTION is necessary in mainstream entertainment and commercial media. NOW IS THE TIME. The Art of the Brain Steal. Relating to selling hate concepts, but also relating to how terrorist squads operate (as this must be included). Direct violence versus psychological manipulation through social media and other art and mass communication means: If black and white can achieve the same level of the lowest common denominator (demon-baiters) through terrorist activities (i.e. "Gang stalking") then they can also equally possess the highest capabilities and are therefore equal, inherently. What a great hypothesis. However, advertising assists in the White Wonder high-end sales pitch for social engineering. A thought on white bread and black long, dark cigarettes and the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays puts a bit of import into how people can be easily corrupted and brainwashed.

WONDER WHITE the bread package states in bold letters, but the frame was partially cut off so you can't read it or see the entire package until you play the video. Classic subliminal racist message.
White wonder bread so much better for you than brown bread and more nutritious too, you don't need brown bread at all! Just stick to WONDER WHITE.


Racism as a sales pitch is not new, of course as everyone knows. From my upbringing in English literature and having read texts from centuries such as the 17th or earlier: racism was enveloped in the literature of earlier centuries and indeed main focal pieces of other earlier forms of art which have morphed into "social media" of our current time. Visual, aural and psychological coercion of racism combined with mass engineering utilizing the constructs of terror squads--which the US Capital just experienced a most violent example of this past week. No one can deny that means of mass communication and social engineering brought about the terrorist network into their most visible formation of breaking and entering that has just occurred, which is finally drawing out the ire of the politicians and the public. 

This Capital Building breach was gang stalking at it's most visible version, but will remain silenced into the future by those who sponsored it and will continue to sponsor and allow it to commence and continue and thus: I call out for a revolution in the media but I do not mean the continuation of the most egregious form of racism as NewsMax represents. 

The protocols I observed in the last few days of more information being conveyed by the media news outlets concur exactly with my first-hand experience with being terrorized in the same protocol system by the H-wood celebrities and the groups which operate globally using the same system as the Capital rioters and the H-wood celebrities and the local groups operating against me here and those who have always attacked me throughout my life.

The system and the modus operandi is exactly the same from my target situation to what the US Government just has experienced.

However, the history of brainwashing and programming people into these actions has a long and sometimes fuzzy romantic past and otherwise a more diligent perversity in racial epithets disguised as advertising and entertainment and political machinations.

 After centuries of race-based art and literature and musical appreciation entrenched socio-political and racial lines: then, when tv (and radio) commercials and advertising came along in the last century (yes, it is getting longer and farther into the future each and every day): the effect was to ingrain what has always been ingrained in public consciousness through earlier centuries of  literature and artistic and socio-political rendering of how society should be, according to the social construct engineers. 

As for direct conditioning without subliminal mental coercion: According to the "task-masters" of punitive social engineering, no advertising was necessary as slavery was legal and violence and mass murder was the most useful social engineering tool, the quickest and least expensive in many cases. Now that direct violence is "illegal", the violence is done subliminally through socially-enforced ( with covert deadly punitive consequences if not conformed into) memes, reverse psychology media constructs which I have been trying to write for years (fighting hacking and brain-altering attacks plus recurrent drugging and poisoning and blocks to my functioning particularly when I fight to type and think for any public sort of expression). However, as the secret remains: the real violence is now being conducted through these "gang stalking" terrorist groups which operate to inflict DEATH and the US Capital just had an explosion of some of the most militant stalkers, who only represent huge swaths of the general population who back down and claim they care about the Constitution once they see they have to recede back into the former death squad terrorist groups which remain "at Large".


"Racist Commercial" (YouTube title). A commercial for "Confederate Insurance" where the white male is the "master" of the home (land)!

Confederate Insurance Commercial. It appears to be something from SNL but supposedly it's a bonafide commercial from back in the day (last week).


1970's Hostess Ho-Ho's (for the inner Ho in you which is a mixture of black and white creamy artificial flavor)

Wow! Back in the 70's tv commercials sold Wonder Bread and Hostess junk food as being packed with vitamins and minerals (the Wonder Bread, and Hostess Ho Ho's packed with VITAMINS according to the adds. Also featuring cigarettes which also were "doctor-recommended" to help relieve stress!
Now using the term "ho-ho" would also be used for an SNL skit.


Morgan Freeman switches from short, emasculated white male penis cigarettes to long, hard black cool smokes from what appears to be something like a Black Panther activist inspiring him to just be cool and smoke like he's not a fool. Those black cigarettes, baby be cool. Long, hard and black what a man rising up from his father's fathers. What a politically-motivated sales pitch and how empowering it feels to smoke the black long and hard ride.

Damn! That is Morgan Freeman making a long, black penis oral fixation substitute symbolism of black male power against short, white male penises, It's of course an obvious reference in this not very subliminally obvious commercial which is very funny nevertheless.
Long, long black suck it baby! Forget about all those short, white emasculated weak white male oral penis substitute little processed cigarettes (and the white man in general).

BTW: Not saying I prefer either black or white in these posts, just thinking about commercials and these products which have been sold under racial lines of propagandized influencing. However, when it comes to victimizers, there is very little difference in color lines. Human behavior really has very few real distinctions between colors and races when it comes to gang stalking. Since this phenomenon has been silenced, the research on how and why these operational principles that can be carried from one race and color spectrum to the next with absolute ease has remained the research of entities which keep the results of their analyses quiet. If only I had access to more research databases or journals I might not so easily be able to hazard this hypothesis that the information on human behavior when it comes to being mismanaged to attack in group formation against a civilian in a civilian setting under order and protocol--this remains silent as well from all I have tried to find. There really is very little difference in the most "elite" racist white supremacist and the most black or "brown" performing the same acts who do it in the same way using the same system of conformity. Thus, really, when the bottom is analyzed of the worst of society, there is really very little difference and that should prove a point that if the worst is equal amongst races, then so is the best.


If racism can be sold as a commercial package of white bread and Insurance and Black power sold as long, hard cigarettes, then Edward Bernays helps us to understand that anti-racist products can also be sold if we are just creative enough to topple the ancient stereotypes and cliches, perhaps even through advertising and social media. 

It is very subtle but the change is necessary. So far, people of all races are selling anti-racism when they are part of a global racist genocidal entity which has wrested control over a huge portion of the media, entertainment and perhaps even in the political sphere. It is time to "take back" our minds by rethinking how media is played by having people who are extremely astute in the variances in psychological brain-twisting that goes on behind all the scripts and decisions.
That means a revolution is necessary in the media.


The King of 5th Avenue advertising. Nephew to Sigmund Freud.
Edward Bernays on how to influence and peddle almost anything: (however, Letterman did a good job of contorting around the contortionist and played an excellent game of repartee with no animosity but instead friendly, and polite rebound. One of the most friendly interviews I have seen by Letterman and he did a good job of playing around the words of Bernays in a funny and innocuous way.)


BTW: Not saying I prefer either black or white people, or any thing in between in these posts. I am  just thinking about commercials and these products which have been sold under racial lines of propagandized influencing by relying on color bias due to racist ideology that is assumed.


Caveat/Nota Bene: I had to spend yet more time rewriting part of the beginning of this post because my brain is under so much attack while I write. My sentences literally have holes in the though process and much is omitted because I am struggling simply to get words out due to hacking. While I fight to type my brain is literally being turned "on and off" because I do know that this organization can force me to literally pass out and I think they can cause a break in my consciousness that lasts for less than a second so my brain completely blanks out and I lose train-of-thought. This same effect happens each and every single time I am in public and trying to operate or purchase something, have a conversation or get any single thing done (much less being able to count).

Thus, my writing is very disjointed and disconnected and the connecting thoughts that would make my sentences have impact are either deleted out by hackers or just blocked from my brain while I am writing. My writing because cryptic and lacking cohesive word structures. I am continuously fighting hacking every second I type.

looking over this page after pressing the publish button. Hackers continuously block the type font so I try to get medium or large print and always end up with a very small print on this page. I highlight and change the font and publish and what comes out is always a much smaller print size. 

While fighting to just open this page after publishing, the entire laptop froze, I could not scroll down and had to wait while other pages opened instead and the blog shut down while the cursor spun and spun in a cycle. I did not try to get the print a red color but the hackers just inserted that particular color. What else can they do to block my ability to type, think or publish? To block the ability to see--they are forcing tears out of my eyes while I am reading a scientific article because they want me absolutely dumbed down and without relevant information or anything on a higher level than their brainwashing mainstream meaningless endless blather that they force upon my every internet search, while blocking content I search for but can never find.

I am so sick of the US Government sponsoring this. Will they "learn" from what has happened during the last week to STOP THESE TERRORIST GROUPS WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN SPONSORING FOR DECADES OR FROM EVEN THE PAST CENTURY OR LONGER? This is a revolution to be desired in many more areas than simply in the media--and I do not mean another alternative for Fox News but for something that truly does not conform to racial or sexist stereotypes and allows people who are "different" to also analyze society and the news. As long as they are not fascist Nazis because as I have been writing of for so long, many "alternative" "liberals" have participated in this very hate-oriented Nazi contract out on me and thus, what really needs to be done is a careful analysis of media content to stop dispelling also the false oppositional narratives that also create the current terrorist death squad society that the United States obviously has become.


Of course, I "forgot" to mention above that hackers also delete and rewrite passages, and then if they delete parts of sentences they string what has been partially deleted into one huge paragraph. They usually delete/omit commas and periods too.
I am so sick of these sleazy and nasty foul terrorist squads which rampage all of society but those who govern information continue to keep this a "top secret" of the government to be used by people the bigot fascists can't stand to see have a chance to compete or best them in any competition. 

Even now, when there is supposed to be some huge change in society: I wait, I wait to see and it's so ....enervating to have to wait and see if society has learned a lesson from the capital attacks because it was "gang stalking" at it's very violent but most obvious state.

The very same sick and evil grins--demonic faces--that stalkers had in some of these media photos--(I cannot find them online, I saw them inserted into media clips--they were not the usual photos of the rioters in the Capital building) . The greasy, demonic smiles of some of these white males were very similar to the greasy smug giggles and laughs of the celebrities and others who have teleported and "gang stalked" me for most of my life. 

The situation has now gone out-of-hand and it has now affected the very organization which has, for some of these politicians at least, helped to sponsor the covert funding and operate the platforms and oversee the funding and apparatus of this huge global entity.

Now it has been turned against political rivals and I do hope that this technology will be STOPPED and that the willingness to continue to fund and help pay for and operate these terrorist groups which are only part of a huge global enterprise--will be stopped and from the "greatest country on the planet" the United States which should be upholding some semblance of Democracy where citizens are not microchipped and thus tortured by gangs of sleazy sick scumbags who operate exactly like the thugs who broke into the Capital building. The most "sophisticated" of the white blonde Nazis who have teleported me have the same exact sick and stupid demonic grins on their filthy greasy sleazy faces when they attack me. The same looks of glee, absolute joy, schadenfreude and the thrill of committing crimes and in the act of sabotage, attempted MURDER OR MURDER and torture, creating fear and carnage. The looks are the same, the modus operandi was and is the same when you see that there was surveillance and operational methodology in the attacks. 

Because some of these sick perverts are enormous factors in the major media I do urge people to begin to search for not only alternative actors but also alternative systems and in obtaining experts at psychology to analyze these scripts and movies to search for extremely deadly subliminal hate content that has been pumped out through these movies and cartoons and commercials and in all kinds of ways through the media. I also urge as much effort at transparency for the actors and this huge multi-national conglomerate operation to have boundaries, committees and inspections of their operations for sabotage of the United States as this entity of the media through the entertainment media has been very instrumental in helping to achieve this current terrorist subterfuge of the United States Government. The infiltration of foreign hostile entities from my personal experience of being teleported to this group of hate Nazis posing as "liberals" of every kind of angle that could possibly create a false illusion of a "Democratic" society has proven that there must be as much attempt to root out corruption from the groups that help to control the minds of the people who then go out and act upon what they have been programmed into by these psy-op media and commercial productions, which so blur with politics it has now become inseparable.

I can't understate how adversely the attack on my brain from whatever technology is being utilized to render me incapable of expressing--how badly I am being attacked. Not just from the rewriting of what I write and the hacking, but my brain is put into a miasma of confusion and dizziness and I can't see clearly as my vision goes blurry (not from tears remotely being forced to blur my vision). My writing is so disjointed I must get off the laptop, walk away, do something else. Preferably running my hands at least under water. A few minutes later the ideas come back that had simply blanked out while I was sitting here fighting to bypass hacker obstruction to the keyboard. Today is no different. I would have to spend hours simply rewriting or correct a three-paragraph page.

I am listening to a video from a man who is echoing what I wrote above regarding media input on situations and how the positioning of the media is supposed to represent the adversity to fascism or Nazism but is instead subtly advertising these fascist entities as if promoting them like a commercial advert. As the YouTuber is a former military specialist and has picked out this fault in the media presentation (but does not include which media or clip to which he is referring so I base this only on what he says in this vlog clip). 

It is the same premise behind the movies and news clips purporting to be against or aghast at these practices of fascist overtake (which the very same actors or media representatives actually participate in) and these very subtle "advertising" through condemnation (to create reverse psychological effects in order to lure people into doing what is actually on the agenda of the terrorist organization).

"Let's talk about the highly trained at the Capitol and the media...." (YouTube title)