"The Count of Monte Cristo 2002 Trailer | Jim Caviezel | Guy Pearce". Trailer Chan. June 26, 2017.
This trailer above is far-lacking in representation of the story-line or plot of the actual movie or indeed of the novel (which I have not read but I assume the movie at least loosely follows the original). The trailer emphasizes the romantic 50% of the plot, whereas the movie and I am certain the novel delve intensely if not more significantly towards the political corruption and intrigue of "high society" that this book exposes in it's wonderful story-telling guise. Also law and justice are viewed and revealed to be the elitist stranglehold of the post-revolutionary France that retain the values of aristocratic power usurpation.
What I found most interesting in the film were the aspects of "criminal justice" if you can call it that for this representation of 18th Century "law and order". The plot is reminiscent of Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities where a similar imprisonment for a similarly outrageously unjust reason on the part of the nobility-encrusted "State" demanded at that time. However, this novel is representing France AFTER the bloody Revolution, implying that things have not really changed much after all and power was just shifted from one group of wealthy white privileged landholders out of the grasp of an elite Royalty. The system remained the same, essentially as I believe Dumas was trying to assert through his narrative plot structure. Characteristically H-wood presented the film as a revenge plot for the sake of romantic love, which is just I believe an add-on to the real meaning of the story which is of a hegemony that endures despite superficial posturings of the elite paradigm-makers.
I was entranced throughout the film and the pace was a wonderful fast level without a single moment of tedium. Rare, extremely rare I have found in movies based on modern culture made by "alternative" "liberal" covert fascist Nazis posturing on their politically-correct memes for photo-opportunities and creating movies of the same tenor.
What is most important about this film as a contrast to a celluloid programming piece into victimization of white male superiority culture via the technocratic tyrannical boom of the current era of new developments in master/slave indoctrination and society structuring is that in the Dumas version, the "victim" actually uses his higher critical thinking skills to formulate a plan of action that is so clever that not even those in highest levels of power can begin to unravel it's complexity or purpose. As opposed to the Matrix trilogy where there is a lot of expounding on the intricacies of mental masturbation in terms of philosophical posturing, in the end the only way to surmount the power base is to fight-to-the-death. In the death culture that has ensconced the globe (Nazi death cult and etc) the movies of this current zeitgeist always MUST have a sacrificial slew of deaths to appease the bloodthirsty audience (so the controllers claim that is demanded of the industry to endlessly have sacrificial bloodbaths in each and almost every single film must include a death or as many as possible). In the end of the Matrix, every single movie, all the rambling postulations of the elders and those in charge is reduced to one force: the neo neanderthal fight to the death. That is really all that matters. Somehow accessing this primal force can over-ride the most deadly of technologies and adversaries, so I believe one can gleam from the movies with all their endings.
As for the Count of MC, it is true intellectual complexity that wins alongside physical fighting skills that are used only as a kind of last resort instead of a continuum of violent scenes that the modern death cult movies always install into at least every ten minutes of viewing.
The result is that your brain is involved in the fighting, as I wrote in one review of The Matrix, but the downing of the power structure is done although fantastically in the Count of MC, the expose of the layers of corruption are not fantastical nor are the intrigues and plots although perhaps to the casual onlooker this is only fiction and not really reality. Realistically speaking I believe Dumas understood completely what the powers were and how they operated and to this day they are essentially still the same--from my personal experience of having been teleported or being exposed to their inclusion in these horrendous and immature power grab contract protocols involved in the social engineering project that teleportation and all the entrails of this organizational restructuring of society entail.
I luve watching "Thug Notes Summary and Analysis" on YouTube. It's entertaining, it's fast, it's funny, and better than cliff notes. This dude expounds on topics that the movie (the 2002 version I loved watching after the death-splat Matrix last franchise--the Count of MC 2002 version is my first view of this Dumas novel via movie). The Thug Notes summary gets into the novel to a much greater degree and one can read of the various levels of corruption in society in finance, elitism, racism and the ongoing slave trade. These are conveniently omitted in the film version and I suspect in all the versions available that are mainstream.
"The Count of Monte Cristo - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis". Wisecrack. March 13, 2014.
"Napoleon and the Legendary Black General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas". History Dose. June 18, 2021.
I want to add this because it is circling my poor head after another night of the most foul and stupid teleportation skits from this putrid group of inferior intellectual scumbag rapists and aspirants for absolute power misused and misappropriated by the "leaders" who have been granted their titles through a global conspiracy to destroy the United States and install into powerful positions absolutely corrupt and death-mongering, incompetent (at the most crucial levels of responsibility for a population, in that aspect but of course they are all well-trained in how to calculate and distort and lie and blather on with lies concealing their atrocious misdeeds).
The Count of Monte Cristo, an adaptation of which I watched--it was a 2000's version. It was so delightful it had of course death by sword, but it also held more solid analyses through perfectly-timed sequences of the narrative and plot that like the daggers of truth hit the spot of realization immediately without wasting time of superfluous blathering content--like what the Matrix dumps into the cerebral cavities of the dazzled and dazed viewers. All the blathering is interspersed betwixt endless gruesome violent explosions and murders all the while. In the end, the Matrix advocates a purely physical violent approach to quelling opposition. All the mental acrobatics literally are made obsolete with the reality that violence on all levels (in this other-realm of spiritual acumen that includes imbibing a spiritual force to "fight" but of course it's just CGI effects which appear like those "dome" technologies you can see in Israeli defense clips when the Palestinians are trying to bomb the Shiite out of Israel and this "dome" shield looks exactly like what the scumbag rapist death-threatening actor uses to push his enemies away--ostensibly this is due to his "spiritual" acumen and advancement due to his "enlightenment" from having been "freed" from The Matrix.
The actor himself always reverts to threats of violence and after having raped me threatened to kill me as many times as his films appeared in the next year: four times. When he had a slew of Matrix Resurrections films polluting my YouTube channel in order to effect a reaction (the sick and rotten contract upheld by sick and rotten men and their skanky and rotten sick women and children but handed to them by most sick and rotten scumbags I suggest mostly come out of Europe in places like France and Germany and England--the actors out of those countries dominate the scenario of controllers of the wanna be aristocrat Americans). However Peeves is Canadian and of course as a colonized subject of The Crown of England he is anti-American and has made this clear in one statement but otherwise doesn't let it out how much of a pawn-who-would-be-king he really is.
And so, violence towards me which he threatens in a most black tone of voice, I can see his black eyes and black aura which is due to all the death he practices for his many obnoxiously violent roles which people around the world love. They love this. I also know that he has used the theme (or I believe he has) of my cat La Moux having been stolen and my YEARS of demanding and begging her to be returned has sparked, perhaps, this kind of going insane to get the little puppy or cat back (there are two movies he has played in using this theme). It could be, I am purely theorizing at this point on that angle.
This post today is also exactly what he has been fishing for--a reaction and in this sick contract these scumbag pig ape whores get promotions that are beyond belief. They then get to additionally continue to vent their pent-up hate re-directed at me for having reacted to what is now over 6 years of just this one pig ape scumbag actor having participated in the endless dismemberment, torture, destruction of my body and home and life so he can obtain ideas and get these endless lead roles playing death-dealing psychopaths. Since these pig apes all get plastic surgery they make psychopathy look appealing in some fashion and it's all fashion and so it becomes top billing. It is deliberately paid for so it's top-billing at that. The masses of millions if not billions of gang stalkers (adherents join this organization daily and years the count must be massive as the alternatives are being closed off and this "one-world-order-government" continues to glue everyone into a tether of world order by all the technological tyranny that is being sold-off as a wonderful addition that you must have if you want to function in this ever-changing society).
...and that is the theme: the society is de-evolving into brutality and not advancing due to the technology.
The solution always being pushed in these mind-programming H-wood blockbusters is that violence is the ultimate answer to the problems of modern technological tyrannical forces. For all the postulating on theorems on human advancement and how the brain works and operates, I can assure you that at the "end of the day" the postulating academics and corporate Ivy-league CEO's are all completely pushing for a violent upheaval using these technologies. The movies reflect these aspects. The blathering endless mental circles that The Matrix in all it's endless franchise sequences provides always has one single answer to all the problems that Authoritarianism presents: violent revolutions and death. It is the only answer, it is the "neo" the new but it's just a de-evolution of the advancements of society that have evolved with all the Feminism and Enlightenment philosophers (mostly white males, or exclusively who remained at the pinnacle of public access), and in the end, even this white supremacist flick is just an inferior piece of technological blasting of the senses with violence without end from beginning to end. In the end it's the white male and his now-nearly equal white female partner who ascend into the glorified realms of power, claiming they are going to make rainbows instead of the blank two-dimensions that had preceded. All the former leaders are now debunked and prove to be vapid and powerless relics of a tattered and torn useless reality that had hitherto held the reigns of power.
It is of course a Nazi-inspired White Racial film with it's basis in Theosophy and what Helena Blavatsky had termed "The Root Races" which don't have as much to do with color of skin but of transcending the older orders, but ultimately this meant that whites were superior as they represented The Aryian" races which were supposed to be The Master Race, and I see that with all the nappy dreadlock minorities and lesbians in Doc Martins fighting Kung Fu that in the end, it's the violent actor playing white supremacist but benevolent towards his minority minions underlings who have assisted (died as pawns that they are and were in the film) for his power ascent to "save the world".
After I wrote about this awful movie, which I said was entertaining because the alternative choices for any film that provokes any kind of thought whatsoever is lacking in the lists of these films that deflate the mind and are annoying on so many levels--but the gang stalking terrorist world loves them, of course they want to be titillated with meaninglessness and violence and pornographic displays of fake passion.
The Count of Monte Cristo, whatever was truly adapted from the original carried through. The plot and the revelations about how power and corruption operate are as real now as they were back in the 18th Century--it isn't such a long time away anyway.
And I was thrilled by this film and want to read the novel by Dumas. I looked for other celluloid products based on the words of Dumas and discovered a mostly violent version made in England what focused almost exclusively on one insult and power struggle after violent gory death and sex scene--the typical formula for numbing and dumbing down. The people playing the lead roles were absolutely unconvincing and it was just another modern mind-programming flick. It was not the Count of Monte Cristo, by the way.
So I was so lucky to have downloaded this version (the Monte Cristo movie) which proved to me how badly the movie industry has diluted really excellent plot structure and meaning in these films.
I also had watched a documentary about the life of Dumas' father who had been imprisoned by Napoleon after having demonstrated his superior talents in war and leadership capability. That Dumas' father had come from a slave plantation in the Carribbean but was the product of a white French slave-owner aristocrat and his Black mistress or wife--I think they did not get married. The racism and oppression but transferred in character to whites reveals the reality of the plot in how oppression and abuse-of-power operate in a very real sense. Unlike these sick and crappy horrid blockbuster movies where the writers and the actors are fully ensconced and integrated like components (mindless and soulless, effectively) into the workings of the real Matrix--the revelations are stark and real in the case of Dumas who could not be technologically stolen from, tortured, and etc so his ideas could be fully formulated and expressed in what has been called one of the greatest authors of all time, by some.
The Matrix will be forgotten in due time because of it's shoddy structure and the lead actor is going to try to torture me for having written this, his ugly harsh violent voice which is so ugly it's like a frog amplified but turned and distorted into a rotten and foul monster from the depths of some level of Hell--where his dirty soul truly resides--I can attest to this from his rape and threats of cutting off my head because he played a samuri in some role--or something, maybe I am confusing him with another one of the terrorist actors who has a similar hair color and body type--they are all meaningless and rotten nothings to me by now.
So I was very lucky to have obtained this comparison between a truly great work of art and a shoddy franchise superprick flick about white privilege and white superiority played by actors of the same ilk philosophy. You can note that peeves always has a swarm of black women around him, or has done so in this teleportation hate act that he has played on cue. He got an English black "model" woman to glare into my face with the most ugly hate I have ever seen. I can only imagine that her growing up in most racist England has taught her the looks of the hatred towards the hated and she just emulated this position towards me. Of course I suspect she is out "fighting against racism" at every photo-op moment possible. Together they proved racist abuser but from a colony trying to be aristocratic elite in Europe/England, and an English woman but black who wants to also rise up and prove how anti-Semitic and reverse racist she truly is. Together they threatened me with death and glaring into my face from a few inches away--I am like suspended in mid-air in these teleportation situations--my vision is reduced which I think the terrorists can manipulate my vision in these skits--and thus really truly helpless and don't know where I am, but of course I can see these monster "celebrities" up close and I can identify them and they of course let me know who they are and they are them indeed--but so altered from their posturing bs public antics it's really hard to believe the alteration that I am forced to witness day after day.
So, that's it. Great writings from great authors do not come from perpetrators who are part of a hate organization. The movies are awful and the critics form a power dome of protection for the awful films but the public is so immersed and drugged up on various forms of social engineering and artificial food and other drugs (always pushed in these mafia films as well) that they really don't know the difference.
Me continuously asking whomever is out there to get this crap and scum group off me and to stop this terror torture for the nth day for the nth year it's gone on and on for over a decade.
So far I've just seen the corruption of politicians destroying the country and parts of the planet for their power-dealing entrance into this global domination and death organization.
Maybe people will only care about this situation if they begin to read or watch movies that were written by people like Dumas so they can make a comparison and realize that what is lacking are good movies written by realistic people who have experienced life, suffering and success and not gilded idiots with degrees who are told they are entitled and project this into horrid formulaic plots--with embellishments of mental blathering about philosophical concepts but ultimately degrading into endless death and violence--"what the audience really wants and demands" for each and every sacrificial movie plot about death and hate ultimately bringing the white superiority-monsters with their minority minions who also play the same roles for their crappy movies.
This is now devloving into ranting at this point. While I write the cursor literally jumps to another part of the page in the same action as if you took your mouse and jolted it upwards--which is what the hackers are doing to my cursor on the page while I am writing. Obviously they are going to be deleting and rewriting this post so at least 50% of it appears to make no sense whatsoever.
Whenever anyone is willing to stop this endless terror contract upon me then perhaps there will be better movies as you are all continuously assisting in the most vapid and stupid movies to be put into lead categories by the way by just allowing this to continue inevitably. That was my point, the only way people might be able to "care" about this situation is if they can only begin to perceive how shoddy and awful these carefully manufactured technological pieces of plot are put into films but the mind programing and baseless meaningless of the inevitable mass death movie plots is just more programming for a fascist and Nazi programming created by ever-increasingly fascist and Nazi "actors" who are also being programmed into behaving with more callous violence, by using me as this protocol implanted symbol of all they want to change and usurp and destroy in all the "alternative" scenes.