Monday, January 3, 2022

Disgusting, rotten pig old men of Whorewood who are well past their prime--but continuing to crank out "Academy Award" movie roles for the crap they put out. Year after year they take turns attacking me and obtaining these awards. Their rotten wives, most of them are multiple divorce with a probable list of women and men they raped, abused and used who also tried to use them and hopefully succeeeded--all jaded all rotten all corrupt completely to the core of their meaningless creepy lives--as far as I can see of them. All get very young daughter/granddauther-aged wives or girlfriends--all are repuslvie rapists including and especially the #me too skanks who abound in assisting these rapist putrid old men in rape and torture of me. They participate drooling with anticipation of the roles they too will be handed. All are fully surrounded by a host of Europigapes flaunting dangling gold-plated incentives, promises of luxury in Europe and living in mansions and castles in Europigapeland for their assistance in SELLING THE UNITED STATES OUT but unfortunately the rotten vulture aged-hyena appearing women of the Democrat Party i.e. .pig-lousy et al (Clinton) are just part of the white male supremacist rape culture. They are akin to the Ghislane Maxwell school of matronly support for these rotten pig whore men--especially if they come from Europe and bow down like groveling madams to the Johns who are from countries like Austria and Germany who assault me.

 My body by now after more than a decade of complete illness and fighting potential deadly diseases from poisons hardened into my spine--now as I have had to whittle away the poisons by doing monthly Master-cleanse fasts as my one and only healing modality which is "free"--because these rotten whore pig apes with millions and billions of dollars just "can't help me in any way financially because their contracts all entail the most abusive quality of life for me that is still on a level of just abused poverty and being raped and tortured via electronic weapons on 24/7 basis for decades--by now the constant daily torture has been going on for longer than a decade without a day of it eve rending--not one single day not ONE.

So I write this and have told myself it's dangerous and wrong to get on YouTube. I am so drugged up my food is drugged--whenever I take a fast for at least 5 days I am completely sick but after that point all the drugs have been consumed by my body's elimination process and I realize how badly I am being constantly drugged every single day in my food intake, which I strive to make as clean as possible but this is impossible whne I can't afford to pay for food that isn't marked specially on sale (here in Phuket the sale items are mostly labeled with individual stickers so they are pre-poisoned and packaged waiting just as I arrive in the store--drugged. I can't afford to eat basically because they ahve forced me into very dire poverty and are blocking all and every access to earning any money online--all is hacked and blocked every search for anything everything is obstructed I can't accomplish a single thing on this planet. Of course everyone turns aside and allows this to continue indefinitely towards me while at the same time everywhere on the planet people are denying the existence of this organization and it's exploits of discriminatory torture and murder. ------------ I have been writing imploring people to get this group of SHIT OFF me but it never happens. They come at me in succession and then return once I have had to fight one another one pops up immediately and then they return after I am surrounded by another formerly married couple or a group--but now it's an endless rotation of these shitty whore pig apes the same scumbags now for years--all have been handed many Oscars and top Golden Globes awards which they never were in line for prior to participating in this contract out on me--but they have been in the biz cranking out their movies for decades so this is not an anomaly. I must stop getting on YouTube I need money I need a safe home I need actual defense and protection and this is State-sponsored and everyone around the planet is either participating or remaining silent and leaving me to fight to the death for some kind of stop to this--meaning these people are not going to ever stop until they murder me and all I want is to see them dead. That is the point I am at after years and years and years and years an dyears of this going on and on and on and on day after day and night after night. The united states government. I said I was pro-government but I don't mean the shithead politicians I mean the system that was supposed to work and protect the human rights of citizens and not put crooks in power who allow foreign intervention in the form of "dark money" to rule to the point of despotic fascism with mafia and Nazi influence controlling the stupid whores in the media and in Congress.

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