Monday, January 24, 2022

This past week, in the last segment of a 10-day fasting/cleanse; While I was passed-out from toxic shock, literally unconscious, and could not wrap my cap/layers of material/shower cap/scarf pinned into all to create a nearly seal-tight thingy upon my head to thwart the hair attack (leaving me balding on the top of my head with hair falling out continuously--not due to naturally-occurring problems but due to chemicals by terrorists being sprayed into my hair. This last week I have spent two day literally passing in and out of consciousness as horrific poisons are loosening from the cement structure embedded into my back/spine/hips/skull/legs/feet, etc running a course into all conduits of my body and cavities and etc. As I lay in utter sickness, too sick to even bend to do the body security things that I have been doing to stop the utter destruction of my toes/fingers/hair and I cannot protect my entire body and skin area from the endless toxins that are put on my body EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and then toxic stinking sprays are on my blankets/sheets and sleepwear upon waking as well as black and blue marks on my thighs and etc and slashes into my skin. My hair had been growing out for the 2 months of me protecting my hair...but this last week they literally chemically slashed out 1/5 of my total hair.

 My hair had become more lush, the balding spot which I think is now permanent had at least begun to grow little tufts which were thin, weak and paltry but at last growing. I woke up two days ago with my hair reeking of stinking substances, so greasy I have had to wash it three days in a row to get the stinking grease out. The balding spot had enlarged during that time from the 2-month condition it had been prior to my fastidious attempts to protect my hair, which had been successful until I began to faint due to toxic shock and detox during my last fast. (As usual the chemicals remain horrible inside my body so I must constantly continue this 11 year effort--it's going on 11 years by now of that combined with torture, rape so the poisons were pumped deeper into my body, and stress severely reduced immune response and stress factors leading to reduced body capability to heal as these celebrities mercilessly abused and tortured me nightly and the terrorist "gang stalker" death squads took over during the day (and night as well if they could get into my room). Always electronic torture accompanies this with the through-wall technologies (tears pouring from eyes, heart palpitations that are deadly and could kill potentially, nervous system attacks, etc etc etc making me choke while eating or drinking due to the microchip implant in my throat--which they tweak all the time while I am sleeping so my throat constricts and this makes a horrid nasty noise which wakes me up; and the terrorists use this to create sleep disruptions in addition to torture during my most healing theta deep sleep patterns where these terrorist parasite celebrities inflict their rape and hate and abuse skits with death, violence and endless threats of making me homeless and always surrounded by groups insulting and abusing me.

So, trying endlessly for years to try to begin to comprehend the system being inflicted upon me and in an attempt to defend myself all I have been able to do plus years of plastering all I could afford (not much monthly, so the process required over two years of monthly purchases at the hardware store and the dollar store to try to stop the mechanical arms from prying open the countless panels and tiles the cover this tiny studio room.

But they got to me and the hair I had managed to make almost look normal and feel like hair, it required great effort for months to get to that point--they then smeared while I was literally too ill to defend myself--such horrible poisons that what had been down to my hips is now thin strands barely covering my scalp and hanging down to my shoulders--they removed at least one fifth of my hair. 

I tried to write about this two days ago but the terrorists kept deleting parts of sentences and mixing sentences around into various other paragraphs.

While all of the physical deformation was going on I was being abused by the expletive woman and her expletive thug on their endless power trip for their gratification and promotion as they, like all the rest, kept comparing what they had attained from all their illegal and legal activities to what they illegally destroyed in my body and home--while having my hair damaged so badly it's now like a thin patch once again on top of my head with balding patches and it all feels like it's a permanent condition, the hair is so damaged not just from YEARS of chemical destruction this organization has forced into my body but DECADES OF IT. But the worst began once the Europigapes of this acting group which fixates upon plastic surgeries and on their appearances got a hold of damaging and destroying my body (and everything else they were "permitted" to steal and take and destroy from me thanks to our great leaders who also participate in this crime against me, against human nature, against society, and against The United States. People may not recognize what a threat it is to the United States and I keep trying to make this point more clear in case people endlessly assume that they and their kinfolk are going to just benefit indefinitely from a system this confining and filled with vice and greed and selfishness and lack of real competence in handling responsibly this type of power over other lives.

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