Friday, January 21, 2022

Corporate (Inter)National Socialism is the unofficially recognized real Party leading the USA. Questioning the regime is strictly forbidden in a stifling but inconspicuous way that our Democracy has permitted. What should have been the censure of critics and formal criticism has been reverted into a lack of real scrutiny and questioning leaving a dull mental drain of weak laud of the leadership on both political and media/performer levels. That means film critiques and political questioning at the mainstream media journalist levels. The acceptable harsh criticism is reverberated between all the journalists so it does appear that there is serious antagonism but eventually the result is that corporate Socialism prevails (meaning fascist Nazi Imperialist trending towards European fascism in a corporate monopolistic Totalitarian Dictatorship).

 "Ralph Nader: Biden's First Year Proves He Is Still a "Corporate Socialist" Beholden to Big Business. Democracy Now! January 20, 2022.

Biden held some kind of a lengthy 2-hour media conference. Activist Ralph Nader examines the lack of penetrating questioning by reporters regarding the heavy leaning towards corporate enfranchisement at the expense of the population's financial health. As well as the extreme huge increase in military spending (many millions in excess of what the Pentagon had requested) AFTER the withdrawal from Afghanistan. This entire post is a sequence of what I had written yesterday about the backing of an international fascist Nazi white supremacist organization funding and promoting it's "Left" actors/producers/writers and fully enveloping the awards system to tout their "moll" actors who deliver fake promises of redemption but truly are welcoming in with red carpet fanfare extremely genocidal fascist Nazis from foreign countries into their very clic circles (which they have now globalized into them wanting only to be included in the Europ-a circles of the very antiquity-based, fascist Nazi wealthy and their enclaves of slavish devotion to their exploitation hegemony principles of destroying and taking over/search and destroy policies).

The critics of these movies are likewise totally remiss at endeavoring to analyze the deeper concepts entwined in the superficially repetitive plot structures that are cranked out mercilessly. Like the military funding budget of Biden, the excessive focus on murder, violence and sexual degradation of (women in particular) is usually excluded from any of the mainstream (or Ms Magazine, to boot) reviews and critical analyses.

I am locked out of peer-reviewed databases to find research and my internet is plagued by hacking and blocks of alternative material (i.e. I do a search for a term and get hundreds of thousands of results, but when I scroll down the page of results there are less than a page full of items that I can open and then the subject matter changes).

There is a total attempt to obscure all intentions of this National Socialist Corporate Fascist Nazi State that is slowly enticing more and more adherents to the very simple incentive of getting an incentive or promotion if they fully believe and follow without any question. The blocks to advancement are slowly making any independent attempt for self-sustaining financial and career advancement IMPOSSIBLE and the only avenue "out" of complete and total financial desperation in this now rich and poor divide is to be brainwashed into compliance to this grossly unbalanced and violent National Socialist Corporate Nazi Fascist Mafia organization. No questions, no serious questions. The facades at the political and media level continue that there is "change" and that there is "hope" and today is a "new Day". Well, like your illuminati symbol of the Sun Rising, every day is a new day of the same Old Order.


*Hacking and obstruction of my keyboard is constant throughout this attempt to write. Mind control tech is blasting into my brain so being able to refine my sentences into more direct ideas is impossible while I am in the middle of backspacing constantly as my neural firing capabilities are under constant attack while subliminal sentences are being pumped into my "inner ear" so I am just fighting to think and type constantly.

Undoubtedly the terrorist hackers have deleted obscured and rewritten parts of this post after I publish. I have other things to do than to endlessly retype and fight to correct so I leave it as is.

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