Friday, January 14, 2022

"No one knows Who, or What, or How, but they probably know Why ". A laughable news byte syndrome. Give me a fake Cohiba won't ya?! Havana Syndrome a "mysterious ailment". I am affected by these techno-terror attacks every single day and enhanced to the point of being nearly incapacitated while I am out in public or on the phone attempting to do business---plus while writing these posts (I struggle to "remember" basic words and vocabulary and keep on track of thought patterns as I digress while hackers delete and rewrite for the discrediting aspect of the targeting).

This morning upon perusing the WSJ's Rupert Murdoch fish-wrapping usurpation of US News sources I saw that the Havana Syndrome has spread not just from the "Democrat" citadel of Vienna but also now includes reports coming from Geneva and Paris (surprise, surprise!). These are what I have called various names such as electronic torture, mind control brain-wave altering tech and techno-terror attacks. No such direct titles coming from the Press, instead they reduce it all to blaming the Communist Country because apparently the reportage of this occurrence originated from US Diplomats in Havana reporting these miasma-disorienting attacks which hinder their ability to function in any real diplomatic capacity. 

What makes this all laughable to me is that if every goon out there on the streets who is handed these techs from some so-far unidentified source, centralized but spread out internationally is it? Or is it localized manufacturers of these technologies using a basic template to produce these various types of portable techno-terror weapons for mental incapacitation of targets? It is laughable that I am continuously surrounded by terrorists utilizing these technologies and yet the Press and the US Government by way of silent consent and utter participation in these atrocious terror operations (and also probably every government with the means and ways around the planet has their own internal and external connection to the technology and operating, perhaps satellite--system of this seamless inter-connected web of brain and physical entrapment and disability. That is not to forget the drugging that accompanies these attacks and the drugs are inconspicuously poured into drinks and food at restaurants, by the agents sent to become "friends" and "lovers" and even family members do get involved in these terrorist activities.

It's laughing a laughable syndrome of the Frankenstein virus infecting the essentially incompetent power-mongering leadership of all the portals of power who are installed into these positions for the express purpose of continuing in a web of silence these nefarious activities.

If the Press wanted to expose the many victims of these attacks who are on the plebian level they could have done so years ago and have a dearth of source material but they remain mute (and compliant to the system and fully incorporated into the technoterror global apparatus). 

"Victims of Havana Syndrome have reported a varying set of symptoms and physical sensations, including sudden vertigo, nausea, headaches and head pressure, sometimes accompanied by a "piercing directional noise." Some reported being able to "step in" and "step out" of these sensations by physically moving their bodies elsewhere. Some have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries and continue to suffer from debilitating headaches and other health issues years later.

Since the incidents began in late 2016 in Cuba, US federal investigators have struggled to determine what -- or who -- is causing the mysterious symptoms. There have been cases reported in Russia, China and elsewhere across the globe, and a Senate committee said in April that the number of suspected cases appeared to be on the rise. In April, CNN reported on two separate incidents that occurred near the White House late last year affecting National Security Council staffers."

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