Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Joe: Came in to the podium for his bid for power back in 2020 stumbling and stammering. After one year of being the American version of "absolute power", he Is about to start World War III and is roaring like the Nazi Lion in the Demons' Den of the Oval Office where just another antic to assume power has played off. He couldn't wait to press those buttons to begin the next war machine profiteering campaign. When people were "scared" that Trump had the codes to Nuclear launches, what they really should have been concerned about was seemingly innocuous, old stammering man, fascist adherent disguised in Sheep's clothing Old vicious bigot, racist Hawk Joe and his minority entourage of minions. The United States MUST change leadership IMMEDIATELY and get rid of the old guard of the Nazi wave (aka "Baby Boomers" who were swept up in the huge increase of living standards to the point that their greed and destruction of the US has no boundaries any longer; it began of course with the economic policy of Deregulation and now turned into every facet of usurpation possible of the wealth of the nation). Not just for 2022 elections but for the 2024 Presidential Race--Joe and Kamala (must not be allowed to congratulate The House Speaker any longer for participating in violent mind control operations out on me so she and her cronies can all drain whatever illicit funds they are capable of grasping along with these politico-celebrity haters and aspirant fascist politicians themselves. There MUST be a change of presidential leadership completely where all these older generations along with their younger successive waves are not the only ones vying for top position as they have completely monopolized the recurring rotation of political leadership contenders. This is also true in the H-wood endless rotation monopoly of the revolving awards circuit where the exact SAME actors "win" rigged and fascist-dominated and controlled "Awards" ceremonies with huge financial boons that all the criminal culprits get to share alike (with more contracts being handed out continuously).

 As I have had to be privy to famous celebrity and politico and indeed journalist/media/youtuber "influencer" political commentary people and the unmasking of their media disguises for these many years of teleportation torture "madness" as some would glibly call it, along with the other layers of the bs cake that they throw crumbs out to continuously whet the appetites for death, hate and destruction to the ravenous-for-bs-public: all trying to get a bigger piece of the crumbling American Pie, all trying to devour all resources and profits before the next snorting pig ape next to them gets more than they can grab and steal out of the coffers of the dwindling wealth of the United States (but what is remaining is going into the pockets of the ultra-wealthy, who grasp onto fascism as a form of their ultimate financial and political control over what the Europigapes who are their mentors and trainers already haven't pocketed for their ever-enlarging Nazi 4th Reich operation.

Seeing Joe operate, for I cannot call him President any longer as he has already sent out TWO Congressional representatives to attack me along with virulent strains of the media 4th Reich hate organization disguised as pleasant and plastic-coated Humanitarians operating to quell all kinds of unpleasant evil-doers on film.


This must be stopped finally, these corrupt politicians who have stolen so much from the American political scene and economy and handed it out to their corporate and foreign benefactors and donors. 

Yet who will do this if people like me are being targeted and tortured and none of these "benevolent" media commentators who also know exactly what is happening to me as they also participate in the crime and leave it all silent so they too can have their own share of the money and monopolies? 


It is again a very hard struggle to pound this out and to think clearly as the attacks are multiple now and I must fight to get every word out. My "memory" is being badly affected and my vocabulary is now limited in scope to basic standards. 


But I am seeing that this current president who the public chose in desperation during a pandemic where no solutions were being offered while people were losing everything; he is continuing the policies and politics of the former administration in terms of pushing more of the American populace down into abject powerlessness and poverty or worse, the policy of a two-tiered economic system as well as the fascist Nazi leadership which spans both of the Parties and appears as a jolly deadlock that is like a boxing match for every controversial piece of legislation being passed. This equates to which Party and group is going to get more of the money being bandied about, and that really is the entire gist of the debate debacles in Congress from my perspective of what really drives the power structures and all their rhetorical blathering (which is refined due to their Harvard and other Ivy League institutional educational standards).

The Post Office is one such area of controversy now that Joe is retaining the services of the man Trump appointed to be Post Master General who has delayed services, upped prices and deteriorated the Post Office in a way that is unrecognizable to some who grew up with a standard of excellence. This of course affects the ability of people who are on middle tier economic and lower levels to function as well as those who can afford to pay the expedited higher-priced private firms such as FedEx. 

And in fact, Joe is promoting people now that the limelight has somewhat shifted from his nominations for highest position to this impending war scene in the Ukraine, surely a huge promotional boost to his image as being a tough guy and also of course the industrial-military complex must necessarily have an endless war in order for the multi-billion dollar grafting profiteering industry must thrive and crank out weapons and wars on a quarterly basis and Joe has already lost I think it was one quarter of the US without war and now they are making up in this new war looming on the horizon of "The New Day" as Joe called his old regime change of guard on the first day of his Inauguration.

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