"Manchin RUBS Inflation in Biden's Face While Pushing For More Coal". Waldorf Nation. April 14, 2022.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Thursday, April 14, 2022
My "opinion" from personal observations as a bipartisan target, from administration-to-administration, in teleportation capacity involving top level (clearance) personal/personnel political party bipartisan participation, as a neutral observer. There is no or little difference in power structure bipartisan cohesion involved in this technological exercise in power that the teleportation and mind-control tech/surveillance apparatus has amply provided these power brokers in politics and media--in order for me to make this analysis comment based on YEARS of being a passive observer of myself being inflicted with their torture and technological tyranny:
My commentary on the state of the nation, economy, politics, and personal observations about terrorists: but....with the hounds of hell on either side growling with vicious and drooling threats of confiscation of every and all things ME if I write any single comment that is not "in line" with their current cartel operation which encompasses the globe--and only acceptable commentarists (sic) who are essentially members of their universal organization albeit "on the other side of the aisle/fence" but still operating the lop-sided and one-sided paradigm: my comments under this inauspicious threat are under extreme scrutiny and threat. My comments are....
"Jabberwocky--Introduction". gwalchjune. July 1, 2007.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
The sad realities about human cruelty, incompetence (on basic, intrinsic levels of functioning for a society), and blaming the victim mentality which I have seen prevails over all other considerations.
It is extremely sad to see a societal paradigm that has been slowly and quietly emerging all my life out of an earlier conscientious base-line for behavioral paradigms (in American society, or how I perceived it based on all indicators of general mood and acceptance of these above-mentioned failures on the part of society to act as an integrated wholistic, safe haven for dignity for human rights.
I am referring to the life I grew up around, where I was not exposed to the really deadly acts of hate that I assume have always been hidden and disguised. But now these are almost open and becoming more visible in society as this hateful cloak of slow death to all human dignity is being allowed to cover the collective sight of our society. This post is reminiscent of a sophomoric essay on ethics or a decline in civilization.
to understand that I have written of sick and deranged and foul people torturing me using these technologies. That government officials are fully aware, participating and allowing this situation to endlessly engulf my life and others whom I have no contact but I realize there must be many in my situation, and many more to come in the future (which not a single one of you reading this cares or gives a damn about, apparently since no one will fight to protect human rights not just for me but for the other victims of this targeting). I suggest that many of you reading this post are yourselves victims but are unaware of how much your life is not just technologically-induced but the old-fashioned form of social conditioning applies as well.
It is DISGUSTING that I have written for nearly a decade to people asking for help, to stop the teleportation, the rape, the home violations, the abuse in every corner of the planet and have gotten zero real-time response on a practical level of support or condemnation for the perpetrators.
THE PERPETRATORS who are famous have become infamous in the years of teleporting me and some have been "canceled" in H-wood to some degree (if their violent actions have been made open and are supported by clear evidence or accusation). Except for one of them, a male of course who appears to have carte blanche to commit every act of violence and not be attacked in the media for any kind of violence towards me, or anybody else (and he has attacked others and the spotlight has remained firmly fixated upon his every movie and awards season while endlessly attacking me).
Some others who have participated have made global headlines for their acts of violence. I wrote about them, and was tortured, and I wrote about their hate and how dangerous it is to allow them to ferment in the stew of fascist programming that this teleportation contract actually implies for the planet. To no avail, I was met with more abuse, torture and disfiguration on my body. Congress has remained silent. Some of the famous and more media-oriented bombastic types in the US Gov have participated in the verbal abuse and teleportation. Back to the really violent and criminal celebrities--two of whom I have written of who act in a team to verbally and physically threaten and attack me (I won't write in detail any longer about the violence as, unfortunately A TRULY SAD FACT IS THAT THE VICTIM OF RAPE OR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OR ANY ACT AGAINST WOMEN, IF MINORITY IN STATUS, IS ESSENTILALY AN ACCUSATION AGAINST HER. Blaming the victim, is what it's called.
The people who commit such acts are being awarded and their actions in real-life have resulted in deadly threats to all kinds of systems that are part of the overall structure of American society. And yet, nothing has been done to avert this problem, defend me, or stop the criminals. The most openly committed acts of violence are met with applause and cheers from their peers and from society on a very large scale level.
The two "mafia" actors I wrote of, and have been writing of how filthy, nasty, sleazy, and disgusting they behave with this technology remain as the "muscle" of attack used by this group to try to inflict traumatization. They are so foul, it' s like the stories of women being assaulted right now in your precious ("your" as in the collective of "you" hackers who are part of this terror organization)--but the women being assaulted by Russian troops in the war right now--as the media is blaring to elicit sympathy for Ukraine--the same people who are shouting about how evil Russia is (the faux liberal celebrities who advertise their support for endless millions of $$ for Ukraine defense) themselves have sat by and participated when one of the very famous celebrities was in partnership with PUTIN and I was being raped by Russians here in this condo where I have had to fight for my life to protect my body from having my teeth knocked out while sleeping, fungus inserted into every orifice, breathing in fungus all night, every night for over 6 years without fresh air--continuously so my body is extremely ill or very poisoned (or perhaps worse) just from that one aspect of this hate contract. But I was being assaulted by Russians in this condo where I now live, under the control of Putin, a "friend" of one of the people involved--and nothing--nothing from anybody on the shock of the evils of this contract or defense of me. But the headlines are blaring now about rape and Russia and how evil Putin is. The very same celebrities now descrying Putin have themselves partnered with him on a very oblong tangent since this group is so interconnected and diverse in scope and scale--but they all knew and had no qualms about this.
I am referring to the reality content and not the fictitious posturing endorsement photo-ops that are the real basis for their presentations of charitable humanitarianism--at least from my perspective.
IT IS A SAD STATEMENT on the part of American society. It is disgusting on the part of American society to allow this to continue indefinitely and to allow these celebrities and terrorist groups to continue to become psychopathic and extremely violent because they have been given no blocks to the ever-enlarging breadth and scale of their attack system with full remuneration and support from the US Government, and indeed all governments in countries I have lived in with also full support of the top levels of society in all capacities.
With the technology at this level of deadly incision into human life, it will not be shocking to me when society becomes unraveled, and not too very long in the future I expect there to be a cataclysmic shift in the lowering standard of human behavior to the point of near endless chaotic murderous standards, similar to something like a perpetual Inquisition but using these "modern" technologies of "touchless" torture, combined with sadistic surveillance and full applause and awards, cheers from society on a whole.
But the celebrities who are so openly disgusting and foul, two of whom I wrote of just yesterday, are becoming more disgusting, more like soldiers on a warfront atrocity level of dumb animalistic violence and rape and hate---as the "sophisticated" and "classy" expletive foreigners (in this case it's been a slew of English for months on end--as the celebrities who are "American" have partnerships or family relations with English heritage or claim they are descendants of that culture --not of American culture, but of a foreign culture). This, too is welcomed with cheers as Americans who want to claim that America is great can't stand the concept of a diverse culture where people truly can be free and have equal opportunity. Their system is an entrenched form of racism based on the earlier stereotypes but adjusted to more modern posturing levels of deception.
I cannot write a business letter/email without it being destroyed in part by terrorist hackers who rewrite and discredit all my efforts. I wrote a letter to a bank manager after FOUR HOURS of being lied to, hung up on, redirected, put on hold, lied to, given one answer and then a completely opposite answer, given hostile answers to basic questions when the terror agents gave me indiscernible answers--. the teleportation sickness goes on. Every night teleported to scene of being dying or being killed. The mafia actors out of Brooklyn are grabbing at my body and making their usual filthy and obscene comments about my body and sexuality and when I use the toilet and wash myself--they are dirty and nasty and stinking. They are still operating for the former #45 and he's still behind all these attacks.
The letter I sent this branch manager after 4 hours of being snapped at with rude nastiness (mostly by the black agents) and with cheerful glee by the whites who probably ordered all of the attacks as their minions outpoured all their lifetimes of racism and oppression out onto me. Nasty and lying and abusive on the phone while my brain was being blasted and while they were perpetually lying. I kept making jokes as they got nasty, and they got nastier.
The teleportation is disgusting. More English sitting in the rows as the mafia "Italian-American" bigots mafia actors (your famous ones) kept on making comments, grabbing at my body, making sleazy and disgusting slurs while I was washing, in the shower, on the toilet, always about my appearance while I am sick, as they order my body disfigured and mutilated while they get deals and promotions. Endless filth and sleazy, stupid and sick comments forced upon me with this tech. Endless truth serum/drugged-up/tech injected sessions of abuse while the English Holocaust-referencing Nazi who "won" the Oscar two weeks ago after his anti-Semitic Nazi hate rant at me, making direct ties to killing me and Nazi genocide in WWII--"won his Oscar--was sitting in the front row of the endless seating of "celebrity" after expletive in these awful rows. It's sickening how they try to obtain ideas out of torturing someone so they can appear sympathetic to human suffering by stealing what I am screaming as they torture me to obtain ideas.
But of course, all you readers, almost all, are fully aware and "love" these celebrities. But the next time you try to ingest their media fodder, try to conceptualize the meaningless behind these mostly crappy movies which keep being put into front position year-after-year and consider how many real artists and people who actually have original ideas are being prevented by them and in light of this contract for perpetual monopoly in this hate propagandized field (connected to politics and the US Government).
All my attacks are sanctioned constantly by the US Government at the Executive and Legislative Branches.
Below is a hacked and terrorist-corrupted redacted copy of the letter I sent the manager of one of the bank branches I reached at 2 a.m. last night--in a last-ditch attempt to get accurate information on a very simple set of basic service questions. This is now the common experience with every single question or request for help at any institution, this bank, for my computer to repair what hackers break or steal--for every single thing almost this is my experience. The phone (which is always hacked and almost all calls re-directed to terrorists operating as agents for the institution or company I try to reach for real and accurate help or information). In the letter below, you can see the almost "ambient" grammatical and cohesion deletions/inserts which are so ubiquitous in all my correspondences. I believe that there is a stream of "subliminal" words and phrases being constantly bombarded into my brain at this inaudible level, which I repeat while I am trying to formulate sentences. I get "lost" in confusion and find also after having written that the wording has been CHANGED ALMOST IMMEDIATELY AFTER I T YPE and the phrasing is so incorrect and unreadable often it's just a jumble of incoherency. The letter below exhibits only some of the endless hacker inserts and deletions. In addition to all sources I asked for information from, in English, to native English speakers, was met by mass confusion and nothing answered after FOUR HOURS of being put on hold, etc. You can read only a very messed-up tiny list of the hours of this going on and on for the entire time that I got no information I really wanted or needed which I had set out to get information on. My head feels, as usual, like it's being slightly crushed inward, my vision is blurry, I feel dizzy--my brain is under severe electronic attack as always happens when I try to speak or write or communicate in any way with any human being--except in teleportation and then I am put into hyperbolic hate and rage mode by the mood-altering tech and all that hate and violence these thug celebrities and politicians continuously--FOR YEARS AND YEARS NIGHT AFTER DAY AFTER NIGHT--fling into my life, their unwanted everything still being forced upon me (as with this entire organization). Still no support anywhere in sight around the world for me.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
MY "new" bank forced upon me--PNC bank and it's non-outsourcing, "make America great as it never has been" American terrorism. Horrible telephone terrorist run-around by my bank--hours of getting wrong answers with repeat information for questions I had already asked and gotten answers to, but wrong information for information not easy to access and kept waiting on the phone while they ut me on hold. Meanwhile I was giggly and fake-happy due to the tech attacking my brain--got different answers from the 6 people I spoke with. People became nasty when they told me one bit of information, contradicting it and then claiming they had already told me--nasty and rude. Hours of this going on and on. At the end, I have been told lie after lie and nothing has changed I got no help.
After a while, of being constantly lied to repeatedly, while being put on hold indefinitely while they have to "check" for answers--blathering out information that is so basic I must ask questions, and they go into detail with info they had already told me but won't answer my question, then get nasty about how they just told me when they hadn't--becoming confusing while my brain is being BLASTED so I can't think clearly. While I got up to do something I put my reading glasses down and came back and the mechanical arms had reached through my bathroom (the tiles in the walls) and broke the glasses within a 5-minute stretch of me just moving away from the desk area--to come back to the frames broken and the lens falling out (it is a new pair of /cheap glasses, but replacing the last few pairs, the new pair I had just bought but left in this room while I was out shopping is now gone, like the 2 pairs I had never used which are now gone--stolen from my room---
But I was so happy to get any answer, and then it was contradicted by the next representative who then lied to me
but I was put into a silly happy daze by the tech--trying to remain positive instead of blowing up in some "rage" which is how they want me to be, perpetually with all these hateful people attacking me.
It's easier, I have discovered, when you get people who "no speak English" instead of the blathering haters who speak English with lies and deceit that pour out like the hate that this group always has in abundance--like a pouring of hate endlessly and spattering blathering hate by these institutions like banks and official business offices.
All my calls, of course, are transferred to terrorist agents on the phones who all work for the bank but are part of this global system.
I also got messages earlier today that my bank is frozen and I must have a text message sent to my mobile phone in order to unfreeze my account. Knowing that I do not have a phone, this has been a constant block to my every social media account and now this has happened to my bank website repeatedly for the half year I have had to use this bank.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
The attempt to create another Holocaust, but from within the United States. The old Nazi hate cliches must be maintained. //My thoughts on the "dirty Jew" cliche being forced upon me (which means, this is yet another "filth terrorist report", and yet another attempt which will go silenced and unanswered in my appeal for this filth bs to be stopped by people of the same quality who both order and enact and perform these filthy deeds of enforced cliche-ridden racism upon me and my property/history of the hate cliches aimed at "Jews" from Galicia by the Nazis who eventually massacred millions and on the anti-Semitism of the "woke" Joke celebrity terrorist I wrote of in my very last post: //I realize "they" get promotions and new deals and endless $$$ for every post I write that is in response to the triggering efforts "they" make (these terrorists who use every manipulative device to get me to react--they get new contracts, lead roles, more lead roles, awards afterwards for the K-rap they crank out all rife with racist cliches usually in subliminal form). //Realizing that I am "playing" into their "game"--I write anyway. Why? My goal in writing these posts, as drugged-up, under technological "mind control" influence as they are --is to reveal the tactics of those who want to discredit me. I try to garner either sympathy or outrage from the readership but in effect, nothing much comes of it but more expletives coming to exploit this contract out on me and abuse, rape, torture and threaten my life. Currently, even tho 99% of the people hacking/reading my posts are part of the Nazi/Mafia terrorist league-org, all want to either get involved for their profit or steal ideas or try to use my information as their own campaign slogans and ideas (has happened with politicians many times, and they paste their thefts onto my YouTube page--writing about it is supposed to make me appear "delusional" but I continue.) My hope is that in the future, when this technology is not covert any longer, what I write will be held seriously as an historical record and that the terrorists are not held in reverence any longer--and in the future, I assume the destruction this hate organization is creating and will continue to wreak upon the planet in all it's greedy usurpation/collective consumer/fake ideological altruism, this very same hate organization will be shorn from the record as being heroes of society as they now are being held up as representing with their pig-sniffing-the-air Nazi postures for photos and media representations. All their fake promises and the platitudes that currently are the selling points that they rely on will be exposed and that people will stop trusting in this system or these sleazy and rapacious protocols and instead strive for a truly decent society for all to enjoy and not a divide between desperate and greedy (in other words, the K-rap crap they are always pumping out in their media and political slogans but effecting misery on a global scale). If there is a planet left, in the "future" anyway.. As for my last post about this awful celebrity joke "woke" political commentator (and his ilk): he WANTED me to comment upon his post--they all endlessly try to trigger me by hacking their unwanted faces, posts and ideas onto my every YouTube search, especially when I am playing ANOTHER video but busy cleaning (endlessly cleaning up their filth and muck that is sprayed and poured into everything, under everything, on everything)---so I can't get to the laptop to change the channel (on YouTube==I mean click on a different video). This has been happening at precisely the moment I am in my bathroom cleaning something, or washing my hands, or some place in accessible to clicking on the laptop because my hands are dirty (cooking also)--and that is when these unwanted pests put their videos on my "autoplay" so I am "forced" to be "triggered". I am trying very cautiously to avoid this entire triggering social media and media onslaught so with all their surveillance they use these "tricks". And voila! Today I reacted once more. All that I wrote, which should get some people angry I assume, is only a means for a PROMOTION for this thug hater bigot, the anti-Semitic Joke he used to smear Schumer will be IGNORED by both Schumer himself, a "good" boy who doesn't make these kinds of waves (accepts racism in other words, the programming for which he was inculcated in order to be put as a fake representative of an unbiased and not racist government--but is so fully racist and anti-Semitic even operated in racist form by Jews themselves)--Nazi style, for this is also how Nazis got some of the Jews into those death camps, by using the selected "good" Jews (who were later just gassed when the job was finished) to corral them into the trains, and etc....And so, Schumer is not going to protest this joke, neither will the officiated "Jewish Community" leaders which will remain, like good boys and girls programmed to be endless butts of jokes, hate and abuse and discrimination unless it comes in the form of outright genocidal hate language used by Neo-Nazis at rallies. Then there is evidence enough for them to write letters of protest to government authorities. So far, zero governmental authorities have helped me whatsoever in this violent anti-Semitic situation that this very same government has funded all my life.
My brain is straying from all the points I am trying to make--the mind control is very overwhelming. I have no shielding material and I am at the "mercy " of this technology.
Colbert is a virulent anti-Semite (even if he claims he has "Jewish friends" as racists will do...). Years ago, maybe 6 years ago---In teleportation hell that never ends where day after day I am being passed from one bigot celebrity-to-the-next--, all colors and races, ages and nationalities included including Jewish; he (Colbert) slapped me Smith-style, after I merely said I didn't like his tv show. That was all I had "done" to get this response. When I wrote about Smith emulating white fascist behavior, I refer in part (just one tiny component of the overarching problem in terms of racist inclusion) to Colbert in this case. Today while I was busy and in another room, my YouTube hacked system put this video on after I had chosen a different video, but the "autoplay" was on and this was hacked in. Lately, this has been happening from this same show. I had told him years ago that I didn't like his show upon questioning. I got this Smith-style response only for having said I didn't like his show. I then explained that joking about politics in the way that he does is not funny, in my opinion. He is now assaulting me with his fodder once again by this "triggering" social media apparatus they all employ to a sickening greed and sleaze level of opportunism; and today I got this video which triggered this response--also based on the PHYSICAL VIOLENCE he demonstrated, as all these celebrities and politicians do, with racist hate-based anti-Semitic violence, death threats, rape and torture. I listened at first thinking it may be just a good word for a black person with an ethnic hairstyle and public defender background (which my mother also has in some sense, she's an attorney, and I know that representing the "poor" does not mean that at highest levels representing the wealthy is not excluded from the real agenda--the past is just a resume insert and does not mean necessarily a person's real affinity towards helping the discriminated-against in all cases). Please bear with me, this is reality not fiction posing as hipster K-rap (I use the "k" meaning the "K-economy"--which is an economic term implying the wealth gap but you must look it up, it was a trendy term during the 2020 prez election cycle and now it's gone from the media terminology as business-as-usual prevails).//A racist covert/Colbert anti-Semitic "joke" while feigning being "woke" for the now hip "Black" movement, which H-wood celebrates by "including" Blacks into major media events and awards and shows and etc. The anti-Semitism has become an increasing non-disclosed event only mentioned in news media alerts about the rise of Nazi groups, but in H-wood, this remains as silent as ever. What you can see obviously in this video of The Late Show is first thunderous applause for the nomination of the black woman, and then an anti-Semitic "joke" that is as hate-based as any grits, ham-hocks and green-eyed peas joke about black food fare that the worst bigots could have made in their heyday of public and staged comedy. The mix of the "ethnic food" joke that "Jews" (seemingly on Jews eat) like is then immediately connected to toilets an bathroom jokes along with the high-ranking Jew in Congress (who, by the way, supports the Nazis assaulting me in H -wood because their fake posturing, they believe, helps to support the legislation they want to pass--but oddly, sexism is growing along with Nazism and hate in America---how about that for a sick joke?). Anti-Semitic (stupid, nasty, hateful and absolutely racist) comment/joke made by one of the good ole' white "liberal" media commentators (there are SO MANY OF THEM and none of "me" in the media--"they represent" the "alternative" which is no alternative except to cheer on programmed blacks who retain their white supremacist male privilege on one level or another) while, at the same time, applauding the hipster BLM cause--very popular now in the media and often done by blacks "fighting against racism". My unfortunate experience when their fake masks are not plastered onto their personas for media photo-ops. To all the "wokster"/hipster (covert/Colbert) albeit nevertheless racist, BLM-inspired, anti-Semitic Nazis of the media (and of the entire planet): SCREW YOU and your (faux/fake) "hipster" BLM-inspired, politically-correct/political commentary/"woke"/JOKE anti-Semitic hate content cloaked as a joke (the joke is on everyone who remains silent and obedient--i.e. racially discriminated-against/oppressed Jews-- and everyone applauds racism while pouring out unrestrained thunderous applause for the BLM "woke" cause to protect much of the Nazi component partnership with the large faction of black Nazism that remains disguised as righteous activism (in H-wood and beyond into the trickle-down of American and global society). With the rise of a newly-fashioned and fashionable anti-racist "woke" culture also as a parallel denotes the rise and continues genocidal Nazi/KKK hate against Jews while seeming "woke". This is much of what the "liberal/woke" Left has demonstrated to me personally not just in H-wood, unfortunately it's a ubiquitous situation. but loathsome once again to have it forced on my tube while not having access to changing the Tube channel while doing something else so I had to hear this and upon this trigger thusly I react (the video was hacked, this "comedian" pc commentator has most nastily attacked me in teleportation and he's an absolute bigot part of the fake alternative squad in politics/Congress and in the media Nazi/Mafia bigot empire of perpetual re-runs of fodder material and personalities:
*I had re-written this post 4x and then as I tried to add one last finishing sentence, the hackers deleted the ENTIRE post--SO THIS is attempt #5--the hacking, deletions and revisions you can read below intended to discredit me with bad/false grammar and cohesion hacks-- is atrocious.
"Ketanji Brown Jackson Makes History!/Covid Sweeps Through Washington, D.C.". The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. April 8, 2022.
The Chuck Schumer/cheesecake ethnic food cliche "joke" is an anti-Semitic smear insinuating Jewish food and bathroom coagulation, intertwined. It's a typical Hollywood response to inter-mingle the now trendy pro-black rights advocacy while adding sprinkles of hate against Jews into the "trendy" commentary. It officiates Anti-Semitism, in other words, along with hundreds or more of anti-Semitic jokes, smears and hints and subliminal content, visual imagery and the endless hate aimed at Jews in media presentations (i.e. movies, etc) and from celebrities. This is why I never watch this dumba&& on the screen above, but it was put on my YouTube autoplay and I was not near the computer to switch it off abruptly to stop the blathering of this hateful personality (I have experienced his anti-Semitism) and I am sick of this kind of pro-black anti-Semitic K-rap from the media and "joke" personalities like him (there are so many--and taken far too seriously). It is part of the larger Neo-Nazi movement openly emerging not just within the United States but also connected internationally. In other words, this is a "liberal" Nazi featured as a "woke" liberal. Screw your cheesecake/bathroom/anti-Semitic/anti-Chuck Schumer joke which is such a racist barb aimed at Jews, disguised as "comedy". Listen to the dumbed-down sheeple applauding and cheering while they simultaneously assume they are "woke" by cheering the "first black woman" nominated to the SC. It's BS in contradictory terms but no one can even begin to assess this racist double-standard.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Mind Programming Control lesson #666.02: Big Bro wants you to watch tv manipulators on the computer tube (or on your tv-phone tube). Every time I use the computer system and click on any news, social media source, streaming media, anything that is of a more fluid informational system pertaining to current events that are more mainstream than not (and I do not want to veer into mainstream anything any longer and most of my life I never have, the mind control and all this torture keeps me stuck like most of the "sheeple" into this dumb viewer and often instant-belief programming for the most absurd lies and distortions); I am confronted with the celebrity/politico terrorists who teleport me to the hate that they truly embrace, but are the obverse of in huge smiles for their platforms on the many tubes that feed into the fewer brains of the sheeple: evil and false terrorist celebrity/politician people who have teleported me and are then put on nearly superhuman pedestals by the media afterwards. It isn't just the celebrities who constantly hack into my system the instant I get on; but today I focus one of the politicos whose interview was forced into my consciousness during a news segment for a source I watch every day. It is an "alternative" news source but a visual tube thingy so of course it is rife with personalities who participate in this crime--but most of the politicians are at the highest levels and not these activists who are interviewed; but my lifetime experience has shown me that grass-roots activism is as fertile a field of exploitative manipulators who eagerly participate in this contract as the most vicious open mafia types who probably are thrilled with corporations rape the environment--perhaps they get sexual excitement out of it?-- but today I was chagrined, not grinning at the sight of one of "them" who wears a dress, claims to be an advocate for EVERY SINGLE LIBERAL issue possible that is hip, chic and current teleported me with glaring looks of hate, as I was put in a lower position physically (like, on the floor while she hovered over me with her black hair and black eyes and a black look on her face--now whitened with endless beauty treatments because she's a "Latino" and is always fighting against racism. My crime? Trying to not be raped, beaten, abused, my ideas stolen from with my permission--I am always fighting this. The technology enables these culprits criminals to really get away with all these crimes and for the fakes to unleash their real stances on all these issues for which they are turned into advocates and representatives of in the media and by politics. This fake was on the news show I watch almost every night and it was an affront to hear her talk about student loan forgiveness as if she cares. When it comes to me, I am technically and officially labeled "disabled" and I have student loan--Biden passed an act that forgave Disabled persons with student loans but for some reason I was bypassed for this forgiveness exception. When this "Miss Thang" teleported me a few months ago and glared in hate at me, to help her and the celebrities (this political personality has made a few media and fashion appearances at top H-wood and tv show venues and is straddling the line between celebrity and politician---the perfect fake for every occasion). But in addition to the plight that has been forced upon me which she fully endorses (absolute injustice, every kind of racist and sexist philosophy and mentality she fully supports when it comes to her career, her fashion/modeling and political merging and mixing--and her image) but...expletive! I am at a loss for words as my brain is under very strong attack while I write this---I'm trying not to call "them" names any longer--it's very hard the technology is enhancing subliminal coercion of my thoughts and emotional unbalance to the extreme. I just was subjected to hearing her make her fashion statement about politics while dressed in every expensive designer apparel, completely done up for a fashion show while she was discussing student loan forgiveness to what appeared to be a "hip" type of interview show (never seen it or heard of it before and I still don't know what it is called).
In addition to all the hate crimes she is sponsoring and approving of in this covert and hidden disguise of this celebrity torture technology protocol (formerly Italian Mafia/H-wood celebrity mash-up with English aristocracy/monarchy mash-up)--and formerly just rapist Nazi types of America and other countries I traveled to all my life.
But to have to see "them" on screen while I'm fighting to access the news, and struggling every day to not get onto social media but they keep attacking me with deadly force and I keep fighting to get ANYONE TO LISTEN TO ME AND HAVE ANY KIND OF HUMANITY TOWARDS ME IN THIS SITUATION. So far after years I am still wondering what the f is going on with America and why no one can ever intervene in this situation to protect me?
I had made a conviction to myself to only read the news in printed form--but I slipped (I am under severe mind control operations every time I am using the WiFi and in this sitting position in front of this laptop. My very viewing choices are endlessly under assault to re-program me from what I really want to learn about to sliding into a dazed dumbed-down viewer mode and going into the traps of visual triggering by these absolutely vicious and vile criminals--who hack into my system and put their news and faces perpetually on almost all streaming and social media I ever click on--almost instantaneously they are there like a list of most unwanted criminals.
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...