Thursday, April 7, 2022

Mind Programming Control lesson #666.02: Big Bro wants you to watch tv manipulators on the computer tube (or on your tv-phone tube). Every time I use the computer system and click on any news, social media source, streaming media, anything that is of a more fluid informational system pertaining to current events that are more mainstream than not (and I do not want to veer into mainstream anything any longer and most of my life I never have, the mind control and all this torture keeps me stuck like most of the "sheeple" into this dumb viewer and often instant-belief programming for the most absurd lies and distortions); I am confronted with the celebrity/politico terrorists who teleport me to the hate that they truly embrace, but are the obverse of in huge smiles for their platforms on the many tubes that feed into the fewer brains of the sheeple: evil and false terrorist celebrity/politician people who have teleported me and are then put on nearly superhuman pedestals by the media afterwards. It isn't just the celebrities who constantly hack into my system the instant I get on; but today I focus one of the politicos whose interview was forced into my consciousness during a news segment for a source I watch every day. It is an "alternative" news source but a visual tube thingy so of course it is rife with personalities who participate in this crime--but most of the politicians are at the highest levels and not these activists who are interviewed; but my lifetime experience has shown me that grass-roots activism is as fertile a field of exploitative manipulators who eagerly participate in this contract as the most vicious open mafia types who probably are thrilled with corporations rape the environment--perhaps they get sexual excitement out of it?-- but today I was chagrined, not grinning at the sight of one of "them" who wears a dress, claims to be an advocate for EVERY SINGLE LIBERAL issue possible that is hip, chic and current teleported me with glaring looks of hate, as I was put in a lower position physically (like, on the floor while she hovered over me with her black hair and black eyes and a black look on her face--now whitened with endless beauty treatments because she's a "Latino" and is always fighting against racism. My crime? Trying to not be raped, beaten, abused, my ideas stolen from with my permission--I am always fighting this. The technology enables these culprits criminals to really get away with all these crimes and for the fakes to unleash their real stances on all these issues for which they are turned into advocates and representatives of in the media and by politics. This fake was on the news show I watch almost every night and it was an affront to hear her talk about student loan forgiveness as if she cares. When it comes to me, I am technically and officially labeled "disabled" and I have student loan--Biden passed an act that forgave Disabled persons with student loans but for some reason I was bypassed for this forgiveness exception. When this "Miss Thang" teleported me a few months ago and glared in hate at me, to help her and the celebrities (this political personality has made a few media and fashion appearances at top H-wood and tv show venues and is straddling the line between celebrity and politician---the perfect fake for every occasion). But in addition to the plight that has been forced upon me which she fully endorses (absolute injustice, every kind of racist and sexist philosophy and mentality she fully supports when it comes to her career, her fashion/modeling and political merging and mixing--and her image) but...expletive! I am at a loss for words as my brain is under very strong attack while I write this---I'm trying not to call "them" names any longer--it's very hard the technology is enhancing subliminal coercion of my thoughts and emotional unbalance to the extreme. I just was subjected to hearing her make her fashion statement about politics while dressed in every expensive designer apparel, completely done up for a fashion show while she was discussing student loan forgiveness to what appeared to be a "hip" type of interview show (never seen it or heard of it before and I still don't know what it is called).

 In addition to all the hate crimes she is sponsoring and approving of in this covert and hidden disguise of this celebrity torture technology protocol (formerly Italian Mafia/H-wood celebrity mash-up with English aristocracy/monarchy mash-up)--and formerly just rapist Nazi types of America and other countries I traveled to all my life. 

But to have to see "them" on screen while I'm fighting to access the news, and struggling every day to not get onto social media but they keep attacking me with deadly force and I keep fighting to get ANYONE TO LISTEN TO ME AND HAVE ANY KIND OF HUMANITY TOWARDS ME IN THIS SITUATION. So far after years I am still wondering what the f is going on with America and why no one can ever intervene in this situation to protect me?


I had made a conviction to myself to only read the news in printed form--but I slipped (I am under severe mind control operations every time I am using the WiFi and in this sitting position in front of this laptop. My very viewing choices are endlessly under assault to re-program me from what I really want to learn about to sliding into a dazed dumbed-down viewer mode and going into the traps of visual triggering by these absolutely vicious and vile criminals--who hack into my system and put their news and faces perpetually on almost all streaming and social media I ever click on--almost instantaneously they are there like a list of most unwanted criminals.

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