Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Rise of the Celebrity-Politician Machine for the future of the technocratic, 4th Reich global Plantation. I could--and already have--add a LOT of content to this subject and the dangers of this take-over. The hostile part is nowhere near the actual reality of what hostile takeover of your mind, your country and too bad, but your soul has already been purchased if you think this dude is going to be some savior of freedom of anything in the future except for the 4th Reich, and only then when the racist and hegemonic hierarchies are fully implemented and fully in place where no adverse word can be uttered without the technocratic tyranny that you have all allowed Musk to continue to develop but sold as a wonderful boon to the future of humanity. Wait until his satellites and brain/body interface technology blank out your brain and body or zap and potentially kill you if you don't comply. If you think I am being slightly melodramatic, you have not been a victim of Musk and this group of celebrities and politicians as I have, and had to witness firsthand how psychopathic and seriously deranged and power-driven they are without an iota of moral or ethical concern for anybody except for those who support their fascist power structure (and even then, since that power structure encompasses the planet, the minions will be and are now--expendable).

 "Musk Buys Twitter As Sociopaths Purchase Our Reality". Moment of Clarity with Lee Camp. April 27, 2022.

The "Liberal" members of Congress who have participated in this hate contract out on me, i.e. Rep. Cortez, a Trump-era fashionista/actor (you can hear her voice change to suit the demographic audience she plays dumb millennial and urban slang and then switches to articulate member of Congress--who has also stolen an idea from me that I wrote on my blog/Facebook--and teleported me with hate and negativity to conform to the system which keeps people like her taking the place of actually concerned legislators who could protect "The American People" instead of act, pose and lie and participate in this hate protocol fascist white supremacist global take-over by technocratic 4th Reichsters--like Musk). And I could go on, I could describe his participation.
The reason why Congress has not put the brakes on this fake egalitarian humanitarian Musk is because Congress in it's current iteration is likewise building up a fascist component colonized Eurocentric 4th Reich Plantation State.


Going into more detail would entail threats to my existence with, as usual, no support from anyone reading this or anybody in Congress or anybody in any vicinity where I am and everyone on the planet appears to want this system to be fully installed. Everyone who doesn't still won't stand up for me, and if they had, someone like Musk would not be as powerful today if these anti-corporate cartel "progressives" would only have actually done more than flap their wings in irate verbosity or protest in a party type of conflagration. To actually go against this grain of a stain against Democracy and Freedom, one has to actually take the risk of fighting the overwhelming majority of people who want immediate gratification (that is the main sell point of this 4th Reich, is that when you join and/or participate or do nothing or help it along, you get instant promotion, instant teleportation sex slave punching bag potential sadistic murder victims or instant rape or instant sexual gratification along fantasy lines (there is not a point in the last list that is either more prominent in the gratification list of wants for those who are so eager to be included in this technocratic future that Musk is portending but no one sees it as a threat in terms of the technology he is exploiting. They only see the happy and smiling dough boy putting on the false cloaks of the sheeple caring about protecting freedom for the wolves, some are not hinting that may be the ultimate reality but not in terms that actual would prompt alarm, as I am trying to do unsuccessfully--I just get more censorship and threats and attacks and hate--while people are still stealing my ideas and concepts and selling them off as their own, as Rep. Cortez, the "brown" woman who has just had skin lightening and is very keen on continuing to posture for more fascist Nazi fashion shows and get more huge million dollar deals and help the white supremacists obtain their power cartel so she can be further amplified in the media as a celebrity/politician, while the celebrities are vying to become celebrity-turned-politicians.


*Regarding hacking: I can tell already that this post will be redacted/rewritten by hackers as a part of their usual discrediting. I could not write this post with any kind of calm or intellectual clarity due to the brain-altering tech affecting my limbic system, nervous system as well as the hackers doing things like making my cursor jump to another part of the page while I am using the pointer to try to correct their hacking intrusions-just as an example of how bad the hacking is. I can't think clearly due to the tech that Elon Musk has ordered be used against me, as he has been a part of this terror team since at the very least, 2013. As you all know, he has risen into power as the planet's leading technocratic celebrity-turned political enhancer of fascist ideology but disguised as a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing by the media, which has coached and trained him all these years he has lived in Los Angeles with all the acting coaches he could afford to purchase.

What I know of him when he teleports me is that he is a full supporter and advocate of technocratic terror, is fully embracing all the violent antics these celebrity fascists employ--probably is part of the overall promotional scheme of supporting each and every celebrity who violently with hate and racist slurs attacks me--more awards for the more violent of the bunch--the most stupid, immature and nasty they act and behave in the confines of the security system of teleportation that Musk is fully awarding them and protecting them--as they all are put into pedestal positions by society because of the endless push to propel them into these stances. Fully supported by the US Congress and it's members who either openly support this, pretend they are against it, or do nothing to stop or quell this fasco-corporate technocratic entity that is now spreading an electronic fence around not just the planet, but they plan on incorporating an internal prison of your mind and surveillance of your thoughts as well.

Obviously my writings are only being passed from one expletive to the next in this huge global organization. I have to state openly that some of you are either now or will become victims of this group which you think have helped to instantly gratify your needs for easy and cheap promotions and deals.

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