But all of that is just a continuation of the years of T-rump with his filthy whore Nazi pair of wives ordering all this mutilation, with the rest of them ordering other forms and version of deadly poisoning and violence upon my body (don't forget the rapes in my studio while my brain was shut down, teleported to be only raped and beaten and abused in the teleported state--simultaneously for that double f-effect).
And more and more, the list is far too long. But to see that worthless parasites have finally just made me old from stress and hate--hate so much it's killing me. I pray for their deaths every single night.
these filthy piecdes of pig ape shit are all vying to extract a baby out of me, after f-ing pit and his nasty shit wife #2 ordered part of my uterus severed out so I have hormone imbalance and my body has aged because I not only can't afford hormones or food even to heal my body because I have to try to subsist on less than sub-poverty income and that is a huge screw over itself as a story from this group which caused so much damage to my body that I am patially paralyzed while this group of filth and shit celebrities are inhumane beyond reasonable cruelty--all working hard as possible to utter holocaust statements into my face so this German pig scum whore parasite and the Austrian thug robot formerly the governor of California can feel "better" that like all the rest of them, I didn't immediately bow down in near worship of Nazi pig shit apes as they all do, as the Thai people all do, as the Latinos mostly do in Miami, etc etc (the blacks hissing racist hate phrases at me and laughing about it, then being put into lead haute magazines winning top awards--all obviously controlled by the Nazis out of Europigapeland like Germany and rotten Austria and England (and France)--and Italy, and etc etc but the major G7 f-ers are the main perpetrators--with American sieg heiling right alongside them and in this contract I am this perpetual target they want to break and destroy.
All I have been doing for years is writing these posts begging people to stop this violence. At this point I am finished with the United States and hope it gets blown up by Putid and burned completely in California with Los Angeles just destroyed so this citadel of shit is burned into the hole of hell that it now is on so many levels. Unfortunately I have never encountered anyone from California who isn't a part of this hate organization or working from within it, so my viewpoint is skewed towards utter disgust at what I encountered there and what I see of the laxity towards allowing such Nazi and mafia filth and crap to fully control things like The Academy Awards and The Golden Globes, where these Nazi saluting scumbag filth whore pig apes you all call your untouchable celebrities win their Nazi whore rapist and bigot sleaze murdering ass awards, year after year and you all do nothing but cheer them on.
But I ask again, and again, to get this group of fucking shit and stop this heinous crime being committed against me by Donald Trump,. Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and his wife, Kamala Harris also was part of a teleportation night where by she programmed me to say that I "wanted" her to become president and voila! She was put into VP position. This is no exaggeration or figment of my sleep imagination in writing this. Pelosi as I have written many times threatened to kill me when I fought back against the Austrian thug she was sitting next to, your former governor of that now Nazi State just so he would give a good word for her with the Nazi network that has infiltrated the United States--run ostensibly by a partnership with Europigape Nazis and American Nazis (blacks and Jews,. Latinos and the usual types of white supremacists and more races mixed inbetween).
That has been my experience in California, and indeed in America around the country and then around the world three times in my life and I have not yet been able to find sanctuary or people who would stand up for me and defend me or protect me anywhere on this planet.
so the f pigs have given me grey hair after years of this going on, me fighting endlessly against one group after the next.
Asking endlessly for some kind of law and order, some kind of US-backed Constitutional rights that I was born to have as my civil rights but denied me in every case of this situation.
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