Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Baloneeya T-rump: the source of these attacks (along with T-rump itself) which have recently been forced upon me. I realize my posts are going into circular eddies in timeline and coherency--as I must backspace and fight to use the keyboard--but back in time to last week, approximately.

 I had prayed for Balongneya T-rump, this arm-"candy" frump whore that married T-rump that bigot loser of a president and of manhood in general---as I consider his minions to be losers of womanhood and manhood--lumped together into a fascist clump of bs and artifice and destruction of MY country which they are and have turned into expletive dung--that includes the protegee of this organization the Biden Administration, fully conforming to the Nazi protocols and even more violently almost. What I had condemned in Obama may have actually had more to do with the pernicious influence of Biden than Obama himself (I think whitey Biden was behind much of the problems and failures to achieve equality goals of the Obama administration--instead of blaming Obama I think the problems with Obama passing his legislation are mostly due to the influence of Biden and the Elizabeth Warren Nazis of Congress --all wearing the "Squad" suit of "woke" "liberalism"--count the Squad into the mix as I have had a few doses of their bs as well--some of them, not all).


Back to the point. I had written a post regarding the probable influence of my family on what is now part of Ukraine. It used to be called Galicia. My family, probably under the directive of Franz Joseph of Austria and perhaps not Joseph II, as I had earlier thought was a possibility. But they were sent out of Austria to help colonize that region. My ancestor, as the legend goes, was a superior craftsman and artist and helped repair a certain cross atop a church that the Austrian royalty held dear. As a honorarium, according to the myth or history my great Uncle wrote of, they were changed in name to suit the name of Emperor Joseph and sent to this little town (according to my family, it was in Austria, but Galicia WAS a part of the Hungarian-Austrian Empire during the 19th Century when this supposedly happened, according to historical research my uncle claimed he had made but provided no sources for this information on the little booklet he distributed to every family member part of this branch of this one bloodline, which of course I am a member of).


I had written other topics, regarding Nazis but I never mentioned that balognia whore that T-rump had married. yet, that night I was subjected to someone being theatrically hung in a gruesome way, while the celebrities sat screeching at me (Greasy withered utensil is always a loud-mouthed and ugly screeching disgusting thing--her first name is Reese but you can guess the rest--what a foul and stupid and rotten creep, as they all are. Her point towards me is endless lowering and degradation and uses foul and nasty skits to try to elevate herself. She was awarded nearly a billion dollars in some settlement later on after only one of her initial yelling and screeching attacks at me along with pit---he's always there alongside her urging her on, they attack together almost like lovers--they probably were at some point or still are sometimes.) But it was a spectacle of hate, ugliness and stupidity on their part for me writing about my family being somehow tied to royalty in some elevated way (if only briefly, or for a State plan to take over that area of the East where every country in the vicinity has likewise tried to take that region over). My family was sent to a tiny burg in the vicinity of what was called Lemberg, now called Lviv. 

Lviv, in the city center, is a cultural citadel of architectural glory and beauty. I saw a video of this beautiful city and was amazed at how beautiful the work was. I believe my great-great-ancestor was partially responsible, perhaps, for some of this glory as he was sent directly by Austrian monarchy to bring his architectural talents to that area to enhance what was essentially an undeveloped kind of outland mudpatch. The legacy of that area remaining poor and dirty and infested was attributed to a lack of investment and plans being scrapped for the eventual crumbling of the intent that Joseph II had originated: a multicultural area where Jews and other cultures could thrive in what was an "experiment" in culture based, probably, on Enlightenment concepts of the potentialities of humanity to ascend beyond the limitations of the confines of racism and classism.

Of course, this effort had to be quelled and then destroyed. The Nazis made sure to pour in and kill off and destroy and steal all they could. I believe that Bolognia T-rump, the dirty and stupid whore that that pig married as his rapist enabler "arm candy" model (of bs) comes from neighboring Slovakia. Of course shit like her and her obviously well-connected Nazi lineage (which is why T-rump married her and has since been fomenting a Nazi cartel, which never casts any aspersions upon the rotten and ugly skank he married, that rotten piece of whore filth is never questioned in the media as having any role in the Nazi and Neo-Nazi takeover of the United States--her connections in her little shitberg in Slovakia nor her history have never, as far as I know, been researched by journalists-nor T-rump's first nasty and crusty Nazi bigot skank rotten wife--who is excellent at posturing as an elitist fascist--but just stupid and petty and narrow-minded and imbued with endless inculcation of fascist knee-jerk reactionary violence to anything they can try to crush if it doesn't serve their purposes of putting incompetence and stupidity into lead positions of power--which is all they are, really--even if they can calculate economic disparities with a huge greasy smile on their filthy faces.


I had written of this, was inflicted with greasy withered utensile screeching, someone being hung and murdered in a horrible way, the group of celebrities as usual the same pig ape whores sitting in rows (or in a semi-circle in this case as the hanging was the main focus of their attention) and screaming, screeching, murder, etc. 

All of this for writing about the legacy which Nazis stole and then murdered and then took over in the East of what is now Ukraine. Slovakian Nazis call the beauty of the architecture that people like my ancestors made, were then kicked out of, massacred, murdered and then called "low class" and "losers" by these posturing whores who are adorned with the diamonds and gold from all their murders and thefts, the posturing of their increased educations that the Jewish activists who wanted Socialist populism brought into Europigapeland, which turned it into Nazi Socialism and killed off the Jewish Socialists and Communists who wanted free and equal chances to compete. Now I wrote about just a little bit of my family history as it was related in an undocumented little pamphlet my uncle had written, and I was threatened with death and accosted. 

The next day, in a rage at this huge injustice--as filthy Bolognia had told me that she had ordered a car to hit and almost kill me years ago after I had written a post on my Facebook page about asking for JUSTICE and that pit not be awarded year-after-year with Oscars--which had not happened until he began to assault me in this contract--back in 2013 or 2014 and onwards he and his filthy skank stupid whore wife, also stealing every single idea from me, having my body mutilated on a daily basis, and claiming she is "more beautiful" after decades of hardening poison I am fighting to remove from my body are then packed with more poison and endless abuse so I can't heal---all money I need to heal blocked so I can only just barely afford to buy food that is pre-drugged put on sale on the shelves of the stores where I am attacked by huge groups of pig apes under their orders. But Bolognia T-rump had a car hit me while I was driving around 30-40 mph on a busy road, surrounded by terrorist drivers who all pulled away from me just at the moment that this car drove from the side of the road directly into my motorbike hitting me. I hit the cement on my chin because I was wearing a very heavy bag I carry at all times because of the terrorists who break into my room and destroy my property whenever I leave this room. They then tried to break my teeth out later that night, while I was in a deep sleep. Filthy pit then raped and physically assaulted me, and then went on a  YEAR of nightly torture and information/torture sessions taking notes and bringing in all kinds of Europigape whore friends also part of the Tarantinoe shit Nazi and Mafia group--all spouting anti-Semitism of genocidal import (I forgot to mention in my last post that the "movie about the Irish" I had mentioned was made by a pig out of England who hissed Nazi genocidal phrases at me, and "won" the best film award" for some stupid category the very next week by the Nazi Oscar Mafia Awards circuit--). Oh yes, oh no, they are pigs extraordinaire--still worshipped by my dumb and sick culture and country and the rest of the planet. 

But I can go in endless circles as this is a circuitous situation that never ends, and it intertwines upon it's own foul actors playing the same roles but only just different foul bodies playing these various parts--so I can go from one subject and easily get lost into the next scumbag personality or politician or just minion who all are just alike--only one group much more wealthy than the other--perhaps more "better looking" due to their money--which is a small plus, but they are then assured that they have every and all freedom to do whatever the f-they want so it's worse than--or perhaps not, it's all a basket of deplorable pieces of shit I write of, your friends, etc I refer to.


After YEARS of that Balongnia and then this assault upon me, it struck me when I was trying to understand what had just happened to cause such a reaction of violence and rage and hate to my post about my family and this area of the planet--and realizing then that Bolognia and T-rump have never rescinded from this contract, and the ugly duo of Deniro and pesce are their minions sent to smear and insult with their most foul and disgusting filthy mouths and mentalities--which is so elevated in media endlessly with all this mafia glorification which is a true fiction compared with the stench and filth that these scumbag evil and foul pieces of crap truly and really are, in reality, not in a glamorized Scorsese movie.


Its' because shit like Bolognia's ancestors killed people like my family's ancestors, who were wealthy and established. I can imagine the ancestors of both of the wives of T-rump came from mediocrities who latched onto Nazism because they were so overshadowed by the artistic and intellectual prowess of the Jews who created such beautiful architecture and political ideologies. They can't stand to have the legacy of that culture which they have misappropriated and now claim is their own culture, omitting entirely the actual and true history of their Nazi genocide and all they stole and claim as their own cultural heritage. They have to keep this silent and buried in the never-mentioned history. I wrote just a fragment about this, in my post which was not hate-riddled since not only years of torture and rape have been forced upon me, but in the last 7 months, prior to the German ape pig piece of foul and filthy stupid shit I wrote of in my last post performing an act of pornographic violence upon me as this group of shit cheered him on, hugged him literally, (Shitnegger the thug hulk of crap who somehow became governor of California and even T-rump, one of his big Nazi supporters, even claimed he did a "bad job" at being Governor of California--but to no avail, as this stupid moronic thug is still being deferred to by crap like Pelosi who absolutely sat next to him in one of these hate sessions threatening to first cut off my foot and then to have me killed while sitting next to this huge hunk of shit--only to appease him as I had tried to get the next bigot shit Nazi off me and of course the Democrat Biden friend had to fully support not just white supremacy but absolute genocidal racism to get the graft $$ out of one of the stimulus bills that Biden had passed--she appeared one week prior to each of those Bills being passed for all those months). And so, it's just a pile of shit as far as I am concerned but of course you readers--oh you readers--you are all friends with them you love them and their shitty movies so I am writing to no one. Perhaps one day someone will read this and not be terrified to step out of bounds and then will care about it--far too late though. Far too late to stop their destruction and their plots of destroying the country and allowing every filthy Nazi Europigape to take the reigns of power either explicitly or implicitly.


I had prayed that filthy whore BS T-rump were dead--I prayed for her death as she has made a few murder attempts at me, yelling that she had ordered the car to hit me and would do it again if I did anything like ask for justice and that these pig pieces of whore shit and pigs were not awarded for their violence forced upon me with full applause by the US Government and all institutions.  That was my crime, which according to Bolognia was to be met with murder, just asking that they be stopped. They are trying to emulate actual genocidal holocaust concentration camp conditions in my life by forcing stinking filth, poverty, rape, torture and murder attempts, disfiguration and all kinds of Nazi statements made openly to me by these shit pig whores out of Whorewood so they can be awarded at the Oscars year after year.

I prayed for her death to stop this shit after more than 6 or 7 years of me just fighting for any kind of justice and being met with threats and violence by Congressional politicians of both parties (mostly for my situation on the "Left" but I know they are just vying for favoritism by the real violent Nazis on the Right).


That whore then sent this team of filth--DeNiro and Pesce--to make rotten and foul comments when ever I am on the toilet, when I am cleaning my body, if I am doing any stretching they make pornographic comments and I have to "hear" this with this subliminal "voice-to-skull" technology. But in fascist Nazi style, that rotten and stupid whore didn't stop these filthy and dumb scum thugs after just a week, they keep going on and on and on and on. I am fighting back,. As I wrote, I am trying to stop the teleportation by wrapping my head in so many layers of materials around my head that it's like a slight mummification process. But I wake up and the layers of cloth, strings and etc have been shifted, there is always a small "hole" in the entire set of multi-layers that had been immovable when I went to sleep--loose and moved and shifted and there is a "hole" in the left-side just behind my ear, where they can attach the nodes behind my ear, at the base of my skull. 

I had succeeded, I believe, at least partially to thwart this two nights ago, and I had arranged the layers that is extremely uncomfortable, but I was not subjected to the endless sickness and stupidity of this most foul and pestilent group for one single night--although there were weird dreams, so maybe I was hopeful. The materials were not shifted and I was not subjected to rape, death threats and violence for one night. But, upon waking, the scumbag pair of thugs began their endless HOURS of verbal assault using this technology--the voice-to-skull technology so they can hiss their demonic hate into my ears for hours--I am in a state of being "transfixed" and can't ignore them. the tech is being blasted into my brain to effect this block to my shields to "ignore" shitty people, which is a natural defense that the technology also overrides while the FILTH of this organization pour their pornographic hate and rape and murder fantasies into my brain and ears--hours and hours--making commentary on every single thing I do. 

So I can only pray for their deaths--I have decided that after the first few days when they told me--this pair of pigs from Brooklyn--to not pray for her death and to just be cool--that after a few days they would stop this terror campaign. But no, they continue every single day for hours and hours. It is the prototypical fascist reaction to anything that is a resistance to their takeover--their mediocrity which only brings a state of mental inertia and mediocrity if you are concerned about higher quality of intelligence or art or politics. Otherwise, this group and most of you reading this love mediocrity and don't want people to think whatsoever and to just accept the blathering bs these pig apes who are the most filthy and vile are put into power to lie about--their concern for humanity while they are raping and robbing everything possible from every bit of "help" legislation to every artistic idea that people like me create--blocked absolutely from having a career or just in writing as EVERYTHING I write in a creative fashion is then stolen by one or other of this huge global group--literally verbatim, and then put on my social media for me to see--if I react in anger they then torture me--and get promoted. It's been so many years (more than a decade by now) of this going on and on.


All I have done for a decade is write posts since no one in authority will stop this or defend me--I write asking people to join together to stop this tyrannical technocratic onslaught that appears so innocuous since it's "touchless" and you really can't tell you are being attacked, even after it's too late. Seriously I believe most of these ignorant and dumb scum out of Whorewood have long been mind-control subjects themselves. 

But I ask again if there is any humanity out there to stop these pigs and also get T-rump and his clan off this contract. He latched on back in 2015 because I clicked on his Facebook campaign page to see what his platform was all about. It's been h is Nazi filth whore wife and family and shit group and then these mafia pig apes and more and more Nazis out of Europe coming to rape and outright hiss Nazi statements at me while they are awarded in the next round of Nazi awards for celebrity posturing pig ape talent.


So I prayed, I prayed for filthy B

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...