Friday, April 22, 2022

Coming from the voice of insane reason (meaning she's an interpreter of the insanity which is based upon reason and not hyperbolic ranting although it may seem otherwise), my spokespersona who is not microchipped in her throat as I am so she can scream reality while I am unable to sing or talk loudly without terrorists making my throat constrict due to the microchip implant embedded in my larynx or affecting vocal chords (which terrorists keep tweaking while I am sleeping so I make awful noises as my throat is constricted every 20 minutes, for up to 3 hours at a time, while I am in a deep sleep--but singing or talking is likewise affected). As part of the general silencing, I must revert to this acrimonious truth-telling, genre-buster Lydia Lunch to tell it like it really and truly is. Dedicated to the expletives teleporting me and the agencies paying and promoting them and al their nasty dirty and foul minions helping to create a continuous terror atmosphere, which translates into the rest of the world and it's sharp decline that is obvious to anyone alert and observant. This video is a complete analysis of the terrorists teleporting me and the mentality behind them all: DO NOT GIVE MORE MONEY AND POWER TO ELON MUSK OR HIS ILK (part of the teleportation team assaulting me) ANY LONGER--Just to point out the tyrannical potential that Musk has accumulated since helping T-rump to attain his power while offering help to Heard, in order to obtain this contract away from Depp and then attain his goals, now turned into international near global terrorist in sheeple's clothing as pseudo-hipster but a good old bigot Nazi unfortunately outside of this trained posturing and coached performances to the contrary: ONE OF THE BIGGEST AND WORST FAKES OF THE FAKES BECAUSE HE HOLDS SO MUCH TECHNOCRATIC "POWER" AND IS UNETHICAL AND IMMATURE AND NASTY OUTSIDE OF HIS PRETENTIOUS POSTURING "HIPSTER" MEDIA PERSONA (apparent in teleportation, which unfortunately is not being exposed to the planet and how insidious these celebrities-turned-politician and societal influencer really are--but alas, the "people" are equally as sick and sinister or, those in their terror Nazi/Mafia criminal global organization).Please elect the country's best and most poignant victim of socio-political pornography: Miss Lydia Lunch, esquire. (No, it's not a queen in disguise as an emasculated gender-neutral xxx-chromosome fashion statement model).

 Must watch the video to understand the reference to porn and presidency.

"Lydia Lunch--The Gun is Loaded". Wiseblood 1966. April 7, 2012.

How much saner would the world be if Lydia Lunch became our next benevolent despotic leader and had the duty, self-appointed no less, to randomly chose all future political office-holders around the planet? More insane than now or less? When the atomic bombs begin to fly out of Russian submarines, will people begin to question the American fascist regime which keeps handing millions and billions to continue to promote a global empire of militaristic overtake, prompting violent reaction from "rogue" nations around the world?


"Koyaanisqatsi--Ending Scene". Necumnato. November 17, 2019.

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