Thursday, April 28, 2022

The latent violence was always there. I believe this "gang stalking" organization is playing a huge role in the deterioration in the moral decay and uptick in violence in American and global society.// Back in the 80's--Minneapolis was very safe for me while I studied at the University of Minnesota and lived in the dorms and then in Dinkytown--but it was dangerous and deadly while I lived there with that old gang stalking violence, unbeknownst to me, but of course surrounding me all the "nice" people were fully aware and remained silent or participated. Now the polite bubble has burst and I have to wonder if gang stalking is a large part of the problem of this huge spike in violence and police brutality in Minneapolis now--35 years later. The hate that was simmering below the surface but fully fed upon hate with gang stalking has exploded as the technologies and the open source racist jargon increases and technologies are being handed out like drugs to rabid children who are grey and old either in appearance or at heart, but active and violent like infantile juvenile thugs just waiting to wreak violence and death.

 Some of the most jaw-dropping statements in the state Human Rights report on MPD--Deena Winter. The Minnesota Reformer. April 27, 2022.

For all the years I lived at the University of Minnesota and Dinkytown (a 10 minute walk from campus--or 20 where I lived my last year there). I never had a problem with street violence, threats, or any feeling of fear while I lived there. While unaware, due to this disgusting and foul system aka "gang stalking" however,  I was drugged to the point that my body was always bloated and I was under extreme drugged up inertia and unable to concentrate (so I could not study the field I really wanted to study). I was as I am now decades later, assaulted and put in accidents, attacked and experienced gang stalking in such indefinable ways that what were my foes in comparison to what I experience now could be considered wonderful and loving friends, which of course they were not. The hate that always was there has since  proliferated to the point that it's making headlines and national attention, particularly of course after George Floyd.  But the outward appearance of Minneapolis 1982-1987 when I lived there and studied and partied and felt free, safe but bored as hell--it was so placid and seemingly safe and politically correct that I had no idea whatsoever about the lurking violence and racism of that society. I had some problems but I was always able to obtain immediate help or assistance, so I just thought it was the natural sort of differences that people experience, and that perhaps racism had something to do with it but since no one ever mentioned any kind of racist epitaph to me I just thought it was because I was slightly different.  I never heard racist slurs ever---not once. I heard negative references to Prince but those were not openly expressed in racist terms--only that he was sexually promiscuous and that was shocking to the "good" gang stalking rapists and covert bigots who I never heard make any overt racist commentary about anyone--in all the years I lived there I never heard racist comments--but racism was everywhere. I was surrounded by students for the most part who claimed all kinds of politically-correct moral imperatives about their righteousness---with all their parents' money poured into their bank accounts each month. They were extremely superficially well-mannered--it was the polite society that was the "normal" for Minneapolis at that time. Prince was seen as being extremely decadent. Prince in comparison to what he described as the decadence of Los Angeles and in other places (he hinted at this and made some other references, but it was in the Minneapolis context that he made the comparison while in Minneapolis) and thus--to hear about how there is open shootings in the areas where I remember crickets making those whirring sounds as I rode bicycle and nothing ever happened in places like Dinkytown--but I was assaulted while sleeping and by terrorists who offered me apartment share situations and also in my female-only dormitory---as usual, people who latched on for years obtaining whatever contracts they could out of attacking me--who I 'hung out with" who also then betrayed me afterwards but I had no inkling of what the heck was goin' on----even their betrayals were very mild in comparison to the absolute violence of people outside of this former Minneapolis little Midwest bubble that has been burst by what appears to be outside influences--but which influences exactly I can't say--the media? Migration? Immigration? The deterioration of the middle class? The movies that are always touting gun violence which the sheeple try to emulate and get brainwashed into as they view this? More lethal capacity of guns that are available on all the various types of markets?


"Safety in Dinkytown". Mayzie Olson. April 29, 2021.


"Probe into George Floyd's death finds discrimination by police". USA Today. April 28, 2022.

"How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody/Visual Investigations". The New York Times. June 1, 2020.

The violence was ALWAYS there trapped in a bubble of muted pretense and with gang stalking intensity in Minneapolis while I lived there---. It is everywhere in the United States---but that it is appearing openly with society becoming mass shooting crazy on the civilian or lone shooter level--the problem has been building for a long time, I believe that the global gang stalking organization is largely to blame for all the rise in hostility and hate. I think mass segments of the population are being mass brain-programmed via technologies that remain silenced and never exposed (while so many know and are using the technologies like it's drugs being passed out to children as a form of gratuitous candy/dope. 


As a post-thought: these foe/friends I hung with were constantly using racial slurs but in the fake context of jokes. My group included lesbians, blacks, Jews, and white supremacists posing as pot-smoking artist liberals--(who just went to all-German-speaking "camps" in Northern Minnesota in the summers and were paid to go to Berlin by some "friends" they said--who were there to be a part of the MK ULTRA programming and exploitation of me---now in retrospect I understand but at the time I had never heard of any such mind control program or understood this kind of malignant "evil"--which is what this "gang stalking" terrorism is at the core of it's organized chaos. But as for this artist group I was a part of (with technology students, musicians, "hippie" style peeps-- and any other stragglers inbetween the mix. I thought that when there were laughing barbs thrown around about race--it was just "jokes" because of the differences in this group, everyone was "laughing" and the jokes were very nasty but funny but also sick--but funny----because Minneapolis is quite homogenous and living there was like a sea of pale white faces in what felt like perpetual winter with a few blacks appearing and few other minorities mixed into the mostly white culture. I think the increase in public transportation in the last 35 years, especially a relatively new metro subway system, has enabled many from the outlying "minority" communities to get into other areas of the city--I am unsure mostly because there are so many extensive highways leading in and out of various parts of the city--but the public transit has increased and gone beyond the horrid slow buses that got you nowhere for an entire day of waiting to transfer in subfreezing weather. That was Mpls in the 80's, now you can take these subways from and to all parts of the city--I think--I have only seen a few videos about these street cars or subways-city trains--I think accessibility and mobility has altered the city and racism has flared because people mostly kept to their neighborhoods except for converging on downtown and Uptown on the weekends (and of course all week for parties but not like on the weekends--conservative Minneapolis---). Otherwise, I think the demographic has also changed and the racial divisions have increased with an increase in racial diversity as probably many people moved into MInneapolis--immigration policies, etc (I lived in Mpls long before NAFTA and all these horrid "Neo-liberal" fiscal policies which brought on global misery and migration out of dying globalization countries". So my "friends" at this time were always making "jokes" about minorities, Nazis, Jews, etc etc it was a common theme but it was never spoken like hate and vitriol but the underlying intent was extremely hostile from mostly the blonde Nazi and Germany-centric "liberals" who I hung out with who lied endlessly and were part of this gang stalking hate and death organization. Their time has now come and they can be open about their racism in Minneapolis, and the police are just the outward expression that was so endlessly always waiting to explode in every situation I encountered this endless throng of haters. But it was not expressed as such back in those days, and the proportion of whites to minorities was much more clear and perhaps definable. Whichever it was or is of my ponderings, or a combination of them all I suspect are all variables--I would NEVER hang with these types of people ever again. I had no idea they REALLY were being covertly racist I thought they were just ironing out mental ruts that they were all trying to overcome with all their otherwise fake "liberal" posturing (and I have to wonder how guilty I am also of having fake liberal stances, which harsh reality has shown me are much worse than I had imagined in my college "safe" bubble back in "safe" Minneapolis.

**hacking***I just re-read parts of this last paragraph above and saw that hackers did the usual: deleted parts of sentences, removed commas and grammar, and rewrote other parts and strung all the partially deleted sentences together. I also have to struggle to use the keyboard and fight to think clearly. But the hacking has made this post somewhat illegible but you can understand between the lines if you can manage--but this is not what I had written, I am only making this clear. I am tired of pounding down on the keyboard and fighting to get the keys to print anything out--it's very stiff, the malware has been installed, etc etc the never-ending hacking that I can't fight against. I just did a restore operation and I saw that the hackers added printers to my devices while I was setting up the system within a few seconds of having restored the system--as the system went back up and I had already deleted the three printers that always appear on my Devices page--which are the portals of hacking that the terrorists in this condo where I live use to break into my system--I believe. I delete and remove them, and once I try to get anything done and even though I keep the Device Manager page open and minimized but I can still see it, while I am looking away for a moment they have added another printer to my Devices (you have to manually ADD these to the Devices Manager, these are being obviously hacked into my system and forced upon me--and that is how they break into my system. I tried very hard to stop this today but could not accomplish this. I have to keep a continuous Device Manager page open any time I am using internet and must do this all the time if I want to try to explore how to stop all this intrusion into my system. Otherwise, I am too much a beginner at programming to begin to attempt to use any real method of blocking professionals from hacking into my system--funded of course by my government so they are using very sophisticated methods. Besides all the "thought-reading" hacking they can do with my brain, imagine how easy it is for them to hack into my Windows 10.

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