Saturday, April 16, 2022

Teleportation filth, hate, sleaze, rape, violence, threats, toxic poison attacks from actors DeNiro and Pesce. It's gone on and on for years, but this week they've been on a filth and sleaze, hate rampage. They are not merely deplorable (T-rump minions operating for that organization of hate and bigotry and mafia and Nazism and tech torture and usurpation and theft and rape and murder and genocide).

"The Who--Do You Think It's Alright (2) Fiddle About (Tommy: The Movie) (HD)". Mateo J. April 11, 2020.


I am truly not in the mood to go into detail, but for years now I have written about their filth and hate poured on me. Nothing ever stops them (meaning no one). I implore again: they are vile and ugly and sick and mentally deranged people from a culture that inculcates this as predatorial behavior to their clanish cohesion. It is a barbaric mentality based on intimidation. Spike Lee made a movie on this theme, in part, but then of course Lee has also joined with this group (under Obama) and stole an idea from me, put the finished product on my search engines and then put photos of him glaring in hate into a camera right on my media pages--the protocol that the mafia uses and everyone else in this mafia-Nazi organization. But still, Lee had to participate but formerly, perhaps in his former incarnation as a politically-correct somewhat wanna be before his huge leap into fame and mind control programming to become just like the bigot creeps he formerly claimed he was so fully against--but retaining that hate for "another "group while undoubtedly kissing up to his former "enemies"--i.e. these two actors. None of these righteous people in H-wood intervenes as far as I know--I mean "righteous". They are just wealthy.

However, the main point was that currently, today, yesterday, the day before, the year before, the year before that, the year before that, and the year before that this duo of creeps have either collaterally participated or directly inflicted filth, hate and rape upon me (they used someone else to rape me, I mean a few others, I mean a lot of others). They organize the situation and profit thereof---endlessly profiting off this situation. Behind them is Stallone who has been attacking me via his Italian (not "Italian-Americans" out of the East Coast but out of Italy) mafia since 1996. Yes, this has not stopped being a bonanza for Rambo since decades of his involvement through his most disgusting and vile friend and partner who formerly managed Stallone's nightclub in Miami--Bar None (partnering with Steven Tyler from Aerosmith, who also attacked me and probably has a stake in this situation but is more of a "silent partner"--I suspect since his band members partnered with Depp while HE was attacking me all those years, prior to handing me over to pitt and his group who haven't stopped for YEARS, and now it's a continuous reshuffling of the oldies who play their games like broken records following the sick and psychopathic protocols that this contract entails. It's hard to fathom how my society can have installed people like this into positions that are supposed to represent society in any form--except to be put there to help deteriorate the moral fiber of society in order for the Europ-a's to infiltrate and take over, with Americans fawning over how "classy" the Europigapes are--but only deluded by glittering posturing which has been inculcated into that group for centuries so it's just another protocol. The money they flaunt is all from genocides, Imperialism and destruction of life and environment. I keep on this theme because people are far too mesmerized by this most ugly and vile and vicious entity that is fully in the more controlling puppet-string levels of this entire operation and the corporate power and political influence behind all these more minor actors and politicians (acting and politics appears to be easily interchangeable now in my deteriorating society).


but Pesce and DeNiro are sick and vile an disgusting on levels that are akin to having psychic slime poured from a gushing and infected source, endlessly outpouring their suppressed dark energy and bad negativity and psychopathic criminality and hate and sleaze and...

the skits they order their equally sleazy and sick minions to perform are vile and nasty and stupid. They have me repeat sentences that they write (this happened last night) and as I was under hypnosis, asleep, in deep sleeping state, and sick from detox and I always am (I am disabled from it) I repeated these sentences as some white bigot Nazi-looking creep began to yell misogynist hate terms at me (these men I refer to appear to have very nasty sexual problems or association of pornographic woman-hating in their repertoire of suppressed hate attacks which this technology enables them to unleash). I hear from them endless misogynist and genitalia dysfunctional hate terms that are only what the most jaded porno-addicts would say after years of hating women and having dysfunctional relationships. Their violence in their career lives as mafia and history have obviously affected their perception of women and sexuality. Probably they fawn over blonde women Nazis like supplicants. The Nazi bigot women who sit in the row-upon-row of seating while I am teleported, the "audience" of the same celebrities that only take turn attacking me day after year after year (now it's turning into more than a decade of the same people taking turns but adding more and more to the group). The Nazi women are probably so enthralled at their supplicating and ingratiating bigot "Italian" Brooklyn actors who grovel with the brainwashing programming to "worship" Blonde women but turning with vicious filth, hate and sleaze and all their indoctrinated hate for darker women lurking with all the racist "jokes" and memes they grew up with--and also there are the claims that many make that having a "darker" complexion as Europigapes the Italians along with their other Axis allies (still in operational effect, the war pacts remain the same but only shifted in name-only--I mean for a large part, there are anti-fascist rallies allowed in all those former fascist countries but I have never met any real anti-fascist from any of those countries in my life of searching--I am always diverted from meeting people who might actually be legitimately friendly and concerned). I don't mean to sound narrow-minded but I am always put into a cloistered box of hostility and fake liars surrounding me, perpetually so my only experience of Italians and Germans and the other Axis powers is, what I described above. I am certain there are many who are not of this political persuasion but I personally have only encountered fake smiling and vicious bigots and Nazis and violent and anti-Semitic Italians, and indeed "Italian-Americans" who are extremely nasty--my lifetime experience has shown this. The few that aren't of this mentality are far and few between, I suspect. I think those who are of that tiny percentage will avoid me because they are fed lies and they are not strong enough to not follow societal order enough to actually be a real threat to the prevailing order that is emerging constantly on the world political stage (the lies are fading the fascism is growing, in other words).


PLEASE get them off me and stop this sick and disgusting group from attacking me any longer. 


AT least get people (like these two creep actors, Mafia "Italian" but from Brooklyn, and the assorted sordid variety of celebrities from all these other countries and places around the planet and America) who are not sexually dysfunctional who need to vent their genitalia hate memes at me and make "dirty old man" sick "jokes" and sick and stupid statements. They fully advocate for sexual slavery and human trafficking (now in "electronic" teleportation, microchip implant and drugging with mind control and interface technological tyranny form). But, they keep being put into power because the fanbase "loves" mafia movies and these criminally insane goons who make stupid jokes and the planet loves it! Yeah! How funny they are in these movies which are comedies because they can make "fun" of their violent personality iconography (while at the same time inserting anti-Semitic memes that are disgusting and racist but since it's "comedy" no one makes any waves over it. That is the same aspect of "comedy" that I wrote of a few days ago with the embedded anti-Semitism of Colbert who first lauded "blacks" and then inserted a nasty hate and racist insult aimed at Jews, which no one seemed to notice. It is a very useful trick to these comedy media drives to put a few very hate and nasty agendas through the medium of comedy). These vile and filthy and sick men are not funny people. The "jokes" they make are continually tinged with hate and sarcasm, I suspect. I have never heard any of these expletives who teleport me ever say a single intellectual, interesting, witty, funny or "superior" statement in all the years they have only said and hissed stupid cliches, stupid and ugly phrases that absolute hate bigots use, and they only suck every positive thing out of me and drain and use and abuse.


But as to the literal filth content: I just discovered that the air purifier I had bought to try to save my life from the poisoning of all the fungus and stinking toxic substances perpetually sprayed into my clothing, food, furniture, curtains, bed linens, etc--the pig apes who break into my room or use the mechanical arms (under direction from the celebrities and politicians, I think, I don't know for sure) have sprayed filthy and stinking substances directly into the air purifier--not into the filter but they opened up the purifier and doused it with putrid and stinking toxic substances. As I have written for so long, the things they make putrid are laboratory-enhanced to stain permanently. The stink never goes away completely despite furious attempts at scrubbing and cleaning multiple times. I could only spray some cleaning solvents and pour baking soda and essential oil. The air coming out still stinks but not as rancid as before I nearly damaged the interior components by doing this.

That is the kind of stink filth that I think Pesce has ordered, because with Oprah years ago my room was completely saturated as they sat together torturing and abusing me verbally and then ordering this kind of filth to be done to my body and food (at that time the terrorist goons in this condo were breaking into my room and raping my body, putting my spine and hips out of place, inserting fungus into my vagina and hair and ears and then into my food and furniture and clothing. They have done this every day for years.)

When I would wash my underwear, the terrorists using mechanical arms would spray a black/brown line into the crotch area. This is the kind of woman-hating dysfunctional sexuality I refer to--an absolute hate for women and their genitalia. Of course, I can only imagine the same people bowing with submission to Nazis out of Europigapeland, and that is what they are doing now in this contract out on me. It's absolutely a racist operation to the core. But it's being inflicted upon me perpetually day and night and has been for years. The only programming they have done is to deprogram me to view any of them as decent human beings--because I had begun with that premise and now I only see distorted scumbags unworthy of having positions of power in society.


An iconoclastic theme and imagery from (the film Tommy, directed by Ken Russell. Above any other movie (besides A Clockwork Orange) I hold this to be a film I hold near and dear in my MK ULTRA/Sleep teleportation library of films that pay homage to altered states and the exploitation of the unregulated upon those who are under these (Nazi) experiments (now turned State-sponsored terrorism).

I would deem this clip to be a skeptical view on the universally-accepted media and societal Nazification of the planet in Church of Blonde/Nazi media programming worship mind control. One filmmaker could go beyond this programming (Ken Russell, who I have suspicions was drugged and/or mind controlled to stop his genius director input into an otherwise socialized Nazi propaganda push by the media. In the clip, for one single time I have ever seen in the media, there is artistic and symbolic desecration of this pseudo-religious orientation toppled by the blind, not to omit those who can see but can't topple false icons and fake Nazi-inspired psychic, psycho tv and movie "Gods". I have had to confront such people turned into iconic images now for almost a decade and thus I happily turn to some director who would NOT be honored in the current media maelstrom of awards and highest distinction in it's current phase of mind control operations to instill only adoration of the Nazi/blonde or white supremacist image, endlessly repeated with variations in the media, trickling down into society (around the globe).

"Eric Clapton, Arthur Brown e The Who--'Eyesight To the Blind' (Tommy--1975) (Legendado-Pt)". February 16, 2013.


As a complete, but related aside, here is a real homage to the Super-Psychodelic-Fragelistic directing and far-out groovy directing of the late Ken Russel. How I wish there were directors like him around who could both incorporate psychadelia into the movie genre along with in-depth analysis of culture, instead of Nazi programming which essentially lulls one's sense of analysis into a semi-autonomic state of mental paralysis, intellectual nullification and psychic terror (always some psycho bit of violence in such movies, heralded as "the best" by this Nazi-Mafia-driven establishment called "The Media"). Cheered on, of course, by "the masses" who buy into it all and reinforce it at every signal where they are trained to applause every hate subliminal embedded into "comedy" of tragedies and murder suspense thriller dramas, etc etc.

But anyways: here's a fantastic bit from Tina Turner, The Acid Queen and this scene is of her top quality as a "down low" drug and porno Queen but fashioned into a top quality psychadelic drug trip into alternative realities of Life and Living Death--etc etc (you can write themes and reams on this film):

Here's to Tina Turner in her glorious days (oh, and also to the late Oliver Reed, a fantastic actor who makes every movie thrilling with his larger-than-life personality and antics.

"Tina Turner--Acid Queen (Tommy) (1975)". VOS Music Rotterdam. February 29, 2019.

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More hours of screaming (3 or more hours non-stop) with the most furious rage and hate I possibly can due to drugging and the mind control. I could not breathe or stop--the reaction was instantaneous it was in my brain I "saw" the hated abusers who are latched onto their careers being skyrocketed by latching onto torturing me for decades--for expletives like Rambo it is more than 40 years for shitalina and her filthy father it's more like 50 years of them latching onto attacking me in this contract--they attacked my family and it has been ongoing since 1975 with s hitalina and her dirty father and the English shit who directed Deliverance--mostly it is the fault of my family but they are incapable of defending against a world of violent Nazis including in the Jewish community. Today it was again G. Clooney, who laughed when he was being promoted as advocating for Kamala, who rushed to abuse and attack me smiling lovingly at the rapist German expletive who has been there influencing every person who jumps at the money he and his Nazi German team is throwing around like drugs to addicts--the money is unbelievable the Holocaust has generated 70 years of America being completely bought out and transfixed on having their own holocaust to steal all possible from Jews and anybody else they can label as being whatever--targets . Clooney screaming with rage that I am "supposed" to sacrifice my life be poisoned raped and tortured abused to death ideas that blank hateful stupid sleazy bigots--himself and his friends the shitalina pig ape pitt group who have stolen my ideas for over 15 years and their benefactors also associated with the movie Deliverance out of London having done the same for over 20 years--Stallone and h is Italian mafia with Steven Tyler and his daughter having done so since 1995 and onwwards without end. They hit me they punch into me they threaten my life they scream that I have zero rights I am going to be killed they scream endlessly to submit and just let them murder me destroy my life so t hey and their lack of actual top talent t heir lack of creativity their endless theft of my i deas can be stolen without me having a single "right" to defend myself. Absolutely supported by MAGA with full blessings of years of Obama the foul black Nazi who is probably more a puppet of the insidious Biden group than anyone could ever imagine, the posturing of all is so extremely deceptive and bombastic and the lack of actual criticism has been lethal for the United States--all is so discouraged a barrage of fake lying "liberals" are the only ones allowed to dominate the "algorithms". So Pete Hegseth, who with his wife and children began about 3 weeks ago to torture threaten my life endlessly yelling as I am stuck shitting out the poison that the dirty shitpigapealina pair and group and stallone and tyler and all the rest poured into my body to keep me so paralyzed, sick and dying that I could go NOWHERE every day I am paralyzed iin pain shitting poiso out that they ordered put in my body. I spend 80% of my time fighting to stop the endless mutilation of my body by mechanical arms while I am asleep and being injected drugged poisoned by mechanical arms and then it used to be I was being raped by people breaking into my home, injecting fungus into my hair and scalp and damaging chemicals are smeared still on my skin--I try to cover all up every night it is impossible--they would put my spine and hips out of alignment and rape me I had semen and fungus coming out of my body and smeared into my hair and I was in extreme pain, walking crooked with a limp every morning after they pounded my body and did whatever--sliced part of my cuticles out in my toes broke my toes cut into my gumline to the jawbone etc etc etc every single night for YEARS in this torture room. Now Hegseth who was with Bannon last week screaming with death threats constantly and they killed a pet on my patio that I had a connection to, they killed more plants they screamed with fascist murder and today Hegseth told me that he would cut part of my arm off and that I would die and that he would make sure I was going to submit. I have a phone appointment with Social Security on the 27 and they could cut my money off. This group and organizatino has fractured my vertebrae so I am chronically disabled--there is x-ray evidence I am listed as permanently disabled. They forced me into the lowest payment schedule because they fractured my body 3 months out of college as I was temping in San Francisco (at an elite law firm, btw). All was done while I was sleeping, inert and unconscious. I was since denied health care and then I had to fight for survival. My family did NOTHING to help but instead viciously attacked me while I was that helpless and did nothing and kept saying that I was making up the spine condition, a claim they still make although I have to tell them that there are x-rays to protect their crimes against me they claim that I am delusional and making it all up, a sponge on the system and etc etc. My brother John came to "hug" me in front of pig ape shitalina a few months ago, he has not done that since I was about 4 years old, and he was abusive back then under instruction from my family so it was just to demonstrate that he was as usual a full-on Jewish nazi doing what was told by Nazi filth attacking me--my family has sacrificed me wholeheartedly--the entire family from uncles to every member--like all of society. I thusly am faced with Hegseth who has used non-stop violence death threats and such extreme yellin screaming I can feel my hair turning grey again as it did when the German ape scum was raping and punching me in the face while I was completely drugged and under mind control and could not stop the sexual "urges" that are artificial one million percent; ever since they have forced this ape on me because I reacted for a few days and thusly they say I am "supposed" to give him a baby so he can infiltrate America and become an extremely VIOLENT NAZI influencing all the Left and Right of the scum group who have joined in for all these years. And I fight but the lingering threat of them having my money cut off remains. They forced this upon me, they had a situation where my money was cut off a few times in the past few years because they used their Nazi influence to have people like Trump and biden force all kinds of threats to my security. They had my mail returned and the agencies claimed that the letters had been returned instead of delivered and cut my money off. Then they demand a phone interview where they could ask me for items I cannot provide information on and could cut my money off. They are all assuring me that they won't do that which means they are planning on doing exactly that. I need someone to intervene not only to stop this endless life-sucking drain of their vampirism and screeching weasel parasitic latching onto my life as their endless springboard for endless incompetents endless has-beens who obtain plastic surgery and are put in every lead role for years afterwards. The shit like Dumb Mirran who obtained non-stop- plastic surgery after having had her Irish boyfriend (former ) rape me as she obtained plastic surgery and has been put into lead roles ever since--the flocking of has-been women like Jane Fonda who brought the German rapist into this slew of scum as well as the Gottis, and Deniro and all whose careers had been in decline they have been at the Oscars and at the White house all of them ever since. The screaming screeching parasites are outraged that I am saying NO after years of being stuck shitting poison out, fighting to get the murder of poisoning me to death and paralysis to be stopped as no one would intervene--to stop this endless destruction of my life--they are threatening my life for trying to stop the endless murder tortrure and rape so a bunch of stupid ape shit can have a lifetime of movie lead roles after torture of me--by now I have become a symbol of hate for all to rush and abuse as has been happening for decades--believe it or not, I used to have a lot of friends was top of my class was beautiful and they have mutilated my body through the stupidity of mob mentality all view me now as some target witch hunt person no one dares come forth who may be against this. //The interview is on February 27 at 9:30 EST--with the Indian River Social Security Branch in Miami. They will phone me, I cannot provide various bits of information and I can't state everything clearly but I also would not be lying if I said that I do not go to any Western medical doctors any longer. I have not seen a doctor since 2011. My disability is from spondylolysthesis which is crushed vertebrae and this is a condition in many places along my spine from men who raped and t hen when I said no they had my spine fractured by the teams of death squads . These so-called "men" (in their 20's) had drugged and date-raped me. I never wanted "instant sex" I was drugged into an overwhelming state of sexual desire and like floating and drugged but appearing compliant I went along like I was floating down a fast torrent of manipulation. And now, this is a man who had my pet killed last week, and his family has proven to be extremely nasty there is no semblance of any kind of the Christianity that is associated with the kindness and compassion of Jesus it is the Christianity that is derived from another source (Christianity was a religious theme before the birth of Christ--). I am stuck without any way to go outside I am still very ill. today I shat out more poison that has been lodged in my thoracic region of m y back probably for decades as the poisons have hardened into a mess of flattened pieces stuck together like a lumpy cement mixture. Hard as rock but intertwined with vertebrae and muscle and ligament tissue (and into my intestines into my skull) and etc.