Saturday, April 30, 2022

****Ordo Ab Chaos****.//I recall An old-school phrase: "I need some b**Ls**t repellant". Update to that: I need some greasy and foul pig-ape whore cesspool remover for permanent stains on my life. The usual celebrities I have been writing of their exploits in exploitation and their filthy and vile attacks, which seem to endlessly entitle them to awards and more and more presents from this culture and this global fascist organization which has full control over all beauty pageants, awards prizes i.e. Golden Globes/Oscars--and etc they control and dominate. The excessive glib psychopathy accompanying this kind of power has enabled every low and vile personal filth antic to become a beacon of imitation with a host of followers, all vying for equally desired top positions, or anywhere along the food chain this organization has created.

 The technology they use to absolutely be as disgusting (which is never satiated, their filth and disgusting personality structures are in full open wound spewing of their filth aimed at me, endlessly there is nothing I have done to them, they are just empowered and emboldened by having such an easily accessible victim (in the criminal justice, legal sense) to wreak their inner turmoil and lack of true connection to life and to the beauty of life--they pour out their filth on me and blossom from the societal awards they are presented (plus all the beauty treatments, plastic surgery and endless millions or in some cases, from the parasite pig apes who have latched on to this contract out on me--one of whom I mention below--they obtain BILLIONS of dollars and endless media focus so-much-so that they are akin to top Governmental Executive Branch power--but they are just greasy and dirty foul business men and women. The actors are no exception to this. Selling lemons but polished by their promoters as being chunks of pure gold to the public. The public of course also lives in a mire of filth and decay so they swallow it all whole without a glitch.


Rotten and foul Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesce--with foul and ugly H. Mirren that essence of putridity that Illuminati whoredom has regaled at every year that dirty and foul thing has participated in this hate contract out on me--since at LEAST 2013, if not earlier. I had never even heard of her until this contract and her inclusion with her rape partner out of Ireland-=-the actor Neeson. Neeson was not immediately attacking me, but Mirren with the usual Pesce/DeNiro duo were and have not stopped attacking me (Mirren has been too busy endlessly getting promotions and top media attention since her violent and mind-f** misuse of this technology upon me, months ago but she is not stopping. She brought in--I mean she as the representation of the English Crown system, which obviously rules over H-wood and American politics to a degree that could be designated as a master-colony servitude discrepancy at this point--but it's being done so slightly and quietly. H-wood is one of the main receptacles of this power transfer, but it's also been done in the US Government very covertly for at least a century if not longer. I am listening to documented sources explain how all elections in the United States are controlled by what is called, "American Royalty"--originated from the Roosevelt family but the structure of the organization stems back to Europe in the 18th Century (and they obtained this structure from "secret" information about ruling, dominating and traumatizing societies for centuries, if not millennium).


But they are trying to chip away at my sanity. Ugly and filthy Mirren is so disgusting to me at this point that her close-up, tunnel-vision enforcement of her literal enthrallment that she can participate in this contract for years, when I call her a piece of shit once she gets literally at least 30 celebrities to call me horrific names, threaten and then have the terrorists where I live mutilate my body even further (I now have almost no more hair on my head--they made my underarm hair stop permanently--) but the stupidity and ugliness this creepy woman and this duo of absolute violent and psychological hate filth out of Brooklyn--the kind of mafia psy-ops attack that is effective I must say---it's sickening and disgusting to the max, but they use it with this subliminal technology so as I have written of for a very long time--when I am naked, when I am on the toilet, when I am in the shower (they attack me--this entire group, one taking turns with the next--every single time I am relaxing my very damaged body in the shower, needing to heal and relax, and they use this tech which is like a kind of mental "glue" adhering me to responding and not have any way to unfocus off these unwanted, absolutely unglamorous parasitic celebrities who hiss hate and voice-to-skull hate and attacks--I can't disassociate from their ugly faces and stupid and nasty vile commentary--I respond immediately and can't stop. I believe this is being achieved by a very pernicious form of mind control technology, in combination with the nightly drugging and the drugging of my food I also cannot stave off. Not with thousands of people just in my vicinity waiting to attack me and they do in coordinated attack squandrens--upon cue, with me never having done a single thing of harm to any of the people attacking me. My " crime" has been to defend myself.

But I respond immediately and I am not able at this time to stop responding. I try--so DeNiro grabs my breasts and body making derogatory comments about my deformity due to the poisoning, lack of exercise and the endless hate and negativity these ape whores are inflicting upon me night and day using these technologies. 

It is now 4 pm my time and the pig whores are sleeping or out having their luxury dinner parties and laughing about how they dance around, grab my body say filthy and stupid things. You readers for the most part are enjoying my endless years of writing about the filth and hate and violence--as most of you absolutely approve.

I waste my time in writing this post today, but just writing it anyway. Since I can't exercise to relieve my body of the stress, because they begin the attacks while I am in deep healing sleep mode--using teleportation of course. Then they extend the same hate for every moment of my waking morning routine--non-stop they go at destroying my mood, energy, sucking out life force and feeding off hate and violent negativity. Especially these rotten older people, but the younger and more energetic ape whores i.e. the spawn of these rapist male celebrities and their Nazi "feminist" whore wives who are vile and nasty--like Mirren, they imitate her, the Crown creates this trickle-down mentality of absolute entitlement to rape, pillage, steal and then dance around in joy when the "victim" is screaming in rage to stop after --what is it now? YEARS of day and night attacks.


Other thoughts I had today: pondering about how every time I write about how a high political female character (Pelosi and Clinton) attack me, Biden the prez can be seen either hugging them or claiming they want to reinstate them into power when any next election comes around; ALWAYS posted on my social media or hacked on my search for news information (entire webpages are hacked, the templates altered, and the hacked articles regarding those who are attacking me appear). Each and every time these women attack me, Biden is in some way promoting them within the week and this is put on my internet for me to see--always boldly placed somewhere at the top of immediately eyesight of every page-hugging them, conferring with them--and this is the only time I have ever seen Biden acting in this manner specifically to any female in any prominent position. When he advocates a certain female to be selected or elected to an office otherwise, he does it in a formal, much more distant way of recommendation.

Biden is so much a part of this entire terror situation. It must be of no news to anyone who is "in the know" but it's disturbing that this monopoly of top leadership positions has been handed to such infantile and emotionally incompetent personalities (not referring necessarily to Biden, as he appears stoic and proficient in many other ways, as a leader of this rank must be). 

How I would like to see freedom to put people who are ethically engaged in the pursuit of real "Democratic" principles as defined for all in the US Constitution. Who would immediately stop this kind of sick and utterly vile torture situation being forced upon me--for no reason--I just wanted to compete and succeed in society. I am standing up for myself and demanding some kind of accountability to these most greasy and greedy foul and sinister parasitic whore pig apes --with DeNiro I have not demanded any kind of compensation for the idea he and his crew obtained out of me for the script and concept of Joker--(they took one concept from me, and "traumatized" me in order to obtain it--since the protagonist of this film was a "traumatized" victim of all kinds of oppression--they wanted to hear my response--I put it in a self-sufficient form of "positive thinking" which of course they turned into a miserable degradation of their endless descent into portraying misery and then offering up a false solution to the problem they actually created. 

Ordo ab Chaos.

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