Saturday, April 9, 2022

The attempt to create another Holocaust, but from within the United States. The old Nazi hate cliches must be maintained. //My thoughts on the "dirty Jew" cliche being forced upon me (which means, this is yet another "filth terrorist report", and yet another attempt which will go silenced and unanswered in my appeal for this filth bs to be stopped by people of the same quality who both order and enact and perform these filthy deeds of enforced cliche-ridden racism upon me and my property/history of the hate cliches aimed at "Jews" from Galicia by the Nazis who eventually massacred millions and on the anti-Semitism of the "woke" Joke celebrity terrorist I wrote of in my very last post: //I realize "they" get promotions and new deals and endless $$$ for every post I write that is in response to the triggering efforts "they" make (these terrorists who use every manipulative device to get me to react--they get new contracts, lead roles, more lead roles, awards afterwards for the K-rap they crank out all rife with racist cliches usually in subliminal form). //Realizing that I am "playing" into their "game"--I write anyway. Why? My goal in writing these posts, as drugged-up, under technological "mind control" influence as they are --is to reveal the tactics of those who want to discredit me. I try to garner either sympathy or outrage from the readership but in effect, nothing much comes of it but more expletives coming to exploit this contract out on me and abuse, rape, torture and threaten my life. Currently, even tho 99% of the people hacking/reading my posts are part of the Nazi/Mafia terrorist league-org, all want to either get involved for their profit or steal ideas or try to use my information as their own campaign slogans and ideas (has happened with politicians many times, and they paste their thefts onto my YouTube page--writing about it is supposed to make me appear "delusional" but I continue.) My hope is that in the future, when this technology is not covert any longer, what I write will be held seriously as an historical record and that the terrorists are not held in reverence any longer--and in the future, I assume the destruction this hate organization is creating and will continue to wreak upon the planet in all it's greedy usurpation/collective consumer/fake ideological altruism, this very same hate organization will be shorn from the record as being heroes of society as they now are being held up as representing with their pig-sniffing-the-air Nazi postures for photos and media representations. All their fake promises and the platitudes that currently are the selling points that they rely on will be exposed and that people will stop trusting in this system or these sleazy and rapacious protocols and instead strive for a truly decent society for all to enjoy and not a divide between desperate and greedy (in other words, the K-rap crap they are always pumping out in their media and political slogans but effecting misery on a global scale). If there is a planet left, in the "future" anyway.. As for my last post about this awful celebrity joke "woke" political commentator (and his ilk): he WANTED me to comment upon his post--they all endlessly try to trigger me by hacking their unwanted faces, posts and ideas onto my every YouTube search, especially when I am playing ANOTHER video but busy cleaning (endlessly cleaning up their filth and muck that is sprayed and poured into everything, under everything, on everything)---so I can't get to the laptop to change the channel (on YouTube==I mean click on a different video). This has been happening at precisely the moment I am in my bathroom cleaning something, or washing my hands, or some place in accessible to clicking on the laptop because my hands are dirty (cooking also)--and that is when these unwanted pests put their videos on my "autoplay" so I am "forced" to be "triggered". I am trying very cautiously to avoid this entire triggering social media and media onslaught so with all their surveillance they use these "tricks". And voila! Today I reacted once more. All that I wrote, which should get some people angry I assume, is only a means for a PROMOTION for this thug hater bigot, the anti-Semitic Joke he used to smear Schumer will be IGNORED by both Schumer himself, a "good" boy who doesn't make these kinds of waves (accepts racism in other words, the programming for which he was inculcated in order to be put as a fake representative of an unbiased and not racist government--but is so fully racist and anti-Semitic even operated in racist form by Jews themselves)--Nazi style, for this is also how Nazis got some of the Jews into those death camps, by using the selected "good" Jews (who were later just gassed when the job was finished) to corral them into the trains, and etc....And so, Schumer is not going to protest this joke, neither will the officiated "Jewish Community" leaders which will remain, like good boys and girls programmed to be endless butts of jokes, hate and abuse and discrimination unless it comes in the form of outright genocidal hate language used by Neo-Nazis at rallies. Then there is evidence enough for them to write letters of protest to government authorities. So far, zero governmental authorities have helped me whatsoever in this violent anti-Semitic situation that this very same government has funded all my life.

 My brain is straying from all the points I am trying to make--the mind control is very overwhelming. I have no shielding material and I am at the "mercy " of this technology.

I am, at this very moment, in a pause (but spending far too much time due to hacking rewriting and backspacing and fighting to use my brain without going into unessential tangents--)
but I had to polish my shoes, which are tied in triplicate bags with rubber bands and strings in knots around each of the ties---to try to stop the terrorists from ripping the soles out of the shoes, and putting stinking fungus saturated with laboratory chemicals so the stink NEVER comes out--but underneath the kitchen sink, which I have pounded metal hooks into, with rubber matting inserted into the half-inch cracks which are merely portals for the mechanical arms to break into my room--because the 2-milimeter-thick panel separating my kitchen under-sink piping from the terrorist room next door on the other side--is continuously saturated with wet substances and the flimsy 2-milimeter board is to pliable that the mechanical arms get through to destroy whatever within a few seconds if I walk away from the open cabinet doors--when I am pouring the stinking and filth-ridden water that these creeple pour into the plastic trays--which they bend so they are more flimsy--with layers of slime on top of the black-encrused liquid that they put on the trays that I have lined on the bottom of this cabinet--. They had completely destroyed the interior and all but I covered all with a decorative design, which they began to destroy--so I used plastic trays to try to stop the liquids from utterly destroying the entire area--the pipes of course with the rubber seals always removed--in every place I have lived for so long it's my entire time in Thailand this same thing has been done--the cheap housing I am forced to live in always has PVC pipes with rubber seals--

So they made the plastic tray even more flimsy with some chemical and as I tried to lift it out carefully and gingerly, this fungus and stinking with layers of grime and things floating on the surface poured all over the place--

I was only trying to access the shoe polish and I am now spending over one hour with cleaning it--the entire inside is saturated with this stinking filth. I have to use my "new" fan (bought last month). They replaced it with a fan that makes a horrific rattling noise--and the only way to stop it is by removing the metal grill from the exterior. They then spray rusting chemicals on all the joints of the new fan (the fan has metal blades and metal joints--it is a higher quality fan than the plastic fans that most Thai people buy). I am constantly cleaning soot out of the fan blades, and they put string around the fan joint to make it break slowly and every kind of rolling joint from any chair or movable part in this room is likewise stuffed with strings and soot and grime so within a few DAYS of purchase they are inoperable and filthy.
These are just small details from hundreds of such attacks on my property here in this tiny studio--and indeed in all places I have lived there is endless filth and stinking crap forced upon my body, my intestines, my hair my clothing and all furniture and every single possession I have is made stinking with permanent chemicals so I must either throw it all away or fight endlessly to clean.

On this thought, I was watching the "hacked" videos on Galicia==the area of Ukraine that Austrian Emperor Joseph II had tried to turn into a kind of multi-cultural "melting" pot--but like Mozart after his "murder/assassination" that attempt for that kind of elevated attempt at a more beautiful society with the Enlightenment ideal of the enlightened society was thrust back into the Medieval concepts of the "Dirty Jew" and the inferior races unable to live without being filthy and disgusting.

I know that this "filth" protocol of forcing people in my position to appear as stinking, dirty, disabled, bloated, huge, fat, ugly, broken emotionally, mentally, spiritually--the "whole shebang--that is the goal of these rotten and filthy celebrities and they make no disguise in their attempts with their psychologically violent hate insults--and when I strive to fight back--more violence for me, more promotions for them.

I have watched a few of these historical videos on the history of this "failed" experiment--much like what the Neo-Nazis call America today: a "failed experiment in Democracy" and they are LOATHE to allow Jews who formerly had been so subjugated that their physical appearance was a demonstration of the oppression of the hate they endured for centuries under bigot fascist Europ-a-oppression. LOATHE to allow any kind of change in the cultural legacy from fascist Nazi Mafia Europ-a-land--and now I am subjected WITH NO RESPONSE FROM MY GOVERNMENT TO BE forced into living with stinking filth and crap and deadly poisons endlessly poured into my food, water, clothing, furniture and on every single part of this room, from top to bottom, underneath everything--I can't use any closed space--al the many rows of cabinets are stinking with foul and unwashable fungus and stinking filth that never comes out--it has saturated completely the fake wooden material that I am su pposed to be financially responsible for when I move out--which my landlord has personally destroyed--in all the places I have lived this is always the case--or in the unfortunate situations when I had to live with roommates.
The "dirty Jews" This hate trope was aimed at me by one of the current celebrities out of Europ-a-land only a few months ago. I understood the reference immediately. I then tried to defend myself and got death threats from him. He is now starring in yet another movie and is absolutely welcomed with red carpet treatment by none other than highest ranking politicians (who are "friends" with Schumer, by the way, and obviously it's because Schumer keeps his dead down and plays the good boy role of not doing any thing about anti-Semitism unless it's a direct confrontational assault upon any community, which they begs authorities to rescue them from.
The filth that the racist Nazis (and Mafi and the rest of the dirty filth that makes such claims, who actually create the filth used to label those they want to destroy as what "they are"--a tactic that is so universally used by this terror organization) claimed that the "dirty Jews" of Galicia were thus because they were in fact just sub-human and unworthy to live.

I know that this contract of enforcing a filthy living space and thus discrediting me into that category has been ongoing since my birth. I grew up with the "good" Christian people of Champaign, Illinois and my "good" "liberal" and "woke" in every respect parents who fought against Vietnam and everything else--feminism, etc and they still are there shouting in the marches--but firmly participating in this contract--I am their "sacrifice" offering to the Nazis so they can get ahead--while I remain cleaning up stinking filth because I am not being "good" and just bowing down when they rape and poison me with expectations that I will die silently and loving them for it. Calling them "pigs" for having done so in written posts while drugged and dying and hysterical was "justification" for having me throw in jail because they blocked my access to getting a visa stay and thus I was forced also into that position. Then attacked by hundreds of thousands of people and then turned over to the voraciously dirty group in H-wood as their attack target to try to force this "programming" onto me. One of them sat happily with Schumer for it's fake posturing platform just a few months ago--

Good boy Schumer.


So this filth program, to discredit the Jews and call them "dirty" has been going on for CENTURIES I think, I know but have no proof.

If my situation, known to so many and kept so silent and under wraps with all this freely abounding media instant messaging and circuitous information sharing has been kept silent for the public--with endless dismissals of my claims, threats of imprisonment for trying to alert any law enforcement agency and threats of being labeled mentally ill and locked up--that is all I get.
If that is the response, then imagine before all this instant media and how silently this "secret" of discrediting the "Jews" had been prior to all this modern technology?

Also, because most of you may not know this, the Jews had been fighting for equal rights at ownership and position and had "finally" been awarded some kind of status whereby they could get out of the money-grubbing industry (the cliches that they are money-gnawing and etc) and the filth that they were forced to live in (the filth protocols and the destruction of communities that has been forced on Jews and blacks and other groups)--all obeying in order to get out of the filth conditions. But eventually they get slaughtered anyway.
I am now going to have to finish the filthy cleaning I was just trying to do very quickly. I had been trying to cook something--the plastic bottle of coconut oil I had bought--unopened--had been either replaced while I was sleeping with something that stinks of filth or was cooked in some oven--but replaced or tainted while I slept. I have had to stop closing the patio sliding doors at night because of the deadly fungus I was breathing in for YEARS TRYING unsuccessfully to stop from the creeple who are sent by the expletives to rape and rob and destroy.
I have more to write but I have to clean this up--it is now dark outside--the thing I am cooking has been languising in the hotpot for at least half an hour--and behind me the doors are open, I don't know if the creeple have inserted mechanical arms and put more filth on the chair I am sitting on

last week the expletives had the mechanical arms spray fish oil on my chair where I sit--and on my clothing. My sleeping gown is perpetually being sprayed with stinking odors every morning I wake up with my clothing I slept in stinking--but was clean the night before. I am in too much pain from their poisoning to bend and sweep the floor. I am forced to live in filth. No one is stopping this. Not Schumer, not that good boy wh obeys and allows the Nazis and Mafia to continue on their push to create another Holocaust but within the US.


As for this article above: I do not agree with much of the bias inherent in the article but the point of an "anti-terrorist" branch being added to the branch that I believe is either fully or partially responsible for the terrorism being aimed at me; I have not nor ever been involved with anti-Governmental groups, terrorists or am part of any organization that advocates violence as political coercion (aka "terrorism"). The point of the terrorism being aimed at me is "behavior modification" which essentially is the gist of terrorist aims--to alter political and societal beliefs and behaviors (and law).
I only add this article because I accidentally discovered it on someone else's blog and without having read through, I decided to add this part to the overall push which I associate with fascist Nazi (mafia) takeover of the united States, but put under the seeming auspices of being "Democratic" or "fighting against terrorism" and the "threat" that I have never posed to society. I have actually fought for a society of equality and also against racism (for blacks, which I am only being further targeted for having done and listened to the lectures of the slain outspoken advocates who fought for TRUE equality and not a concession of subservience to racism and pressure to play the roles of demeaning stature in order to appear in the roles demanded to suit the needs of white supremacy (also in terms of celebrity, thus enticing followers into the same creed). The ground-breaking mottos are only segues for entertainment opportunism to promote a false agenda. The rest simply follow the most racist and openly genocidal fascist Nazi/Mafia in order to continue to be handed the excess of the lucre that allows them to live in conspicuous consumption luxury and excess. There is no limit to how much they are disposed to take if possible they would take all until they destroyed everything around them, being told meanwhile that they were heroes and paid handsomely for this deadly stunt--as a collective.
But going into tangents because I am under mind control--fully zapped in my brain to the membrane---
this post touches upon an issue of the lack of privacy that was never contested to the extent that it should have been when these agencies (the NSA) began their ultimate and open surveillance society. Thank you all the whistleblowers who exposed some of these crimes against society---but the celebrities and politicians remain fixed in their determination to control all and to have all and have surveillance over all if possible. The article is an issue that should be dealt with, by the "Left" who, in these comedy informercial sketches of glib joke about being Woke in these televised tv shows only touch on the gossip angle of politics--openly using genitalia terms and offensive speech that is now deemed "politically-correct". I have discovered that some of the most lewd are open participants in this crime against me and fully support those who are the most nasty Holocaust hissing nasties of the bunch--(they're all "friends"----also referring to that stupid tv show which hosts one of the most persistent terrorists connected to the other endlessly persistent attacker terrorist expletives who have clung on for years and won't stop---latching, attacking--it never ends. They're all "friends" and probably your "friends" out there, you reading this. You all so fully award them and condone them for this sick and nasty behavior which is so concealed by people like Chuck Schumer who plays along and won't make waves where there should be bombs and not bread doled out to the terrorists. The Nazis, the expletives who are also Schumer's good "Friends".
So this article is not what I am condoning I just add it because there is a lack of commentary on "The Left" on the surveillance society. the "Right" is damned alarmed because white supremacy can't be in the trap they are creating for the "minorities" who they claim are "dirty" and "subhuman" and have created this system of violence and murder in order to create that new Nazi/Mafia society of death squad operations that you are all, reading this now, a part of in one way or another (by doing NOTHING to stop it).
And also, this article link I had copied to this post before I published it and then continued to clean up the filth (and discovered more filthy and stinking crap poured into soap dishes and in my food--done by mechanical arms while I sleep). This article had been deleted from the finished product, which I checked on after publishing and it was there on this post--but deleted after I got off the laptop to finish the hours of cleaning just because I keep the shoe polish under the kitchen sink---it took 2 hours to clean that area and all I wanted was to get this shoe polish. It also takes at least 30 minutes to untie the strings around the metal hooks I pounded into the doors, and the rubber matting--and to put it all back (the rubber is sprayed with brown stinking goo--it's all filthy stinking and my hands stink for hours even with repeated washing--it's all chemically treated with permanently staining crap). The people ordering this and performing this are the dirty and subhuman scum and not me. Why must I fight these Nazi cliches all alone and have to try to explain to people that it's destroying the United States, even when it happens to me--even if you don''t care about "me" and my persona has already been so absolutely discredited and smeared by this group, and my ranting and drug-induced hate diatribes that permeate all my writing (subliminals influencing my every post)
again--after publishing I re-read just the last portion of this post--which was written at least an hour after the other portions which I had to re-write FIVE TIMES and they are still hacked after all these attempts. The last part was, like the rest, rewritten by hackers so the grammar is absolutely incorrect, there are parts partially deleted and then strung back together again--it reads like a halfway incoherent badly written grammatical mess (it's not as bad as all that, but to me it's just endless sickening things forced upon my every outward appearance)----thus the post has been altered. I can't fix this. Why must I deal with this endless bs with no support system from my openly defunct society after YEARS of writing these posts the same crap is still going on from the same people? The government changes some of the horses but the stream remains carrying all ethical standards down into the mud pond that is stagnant and the rest of the land follows this stagnated state. Right now--again, I am struggling JUST TO SCROLL UP THE PAGE--the page remained stuck at the article I had just posted in my last post regarding this person who hacked his video onto my YouTube page when I am trying to stop the hacking, stop watching streaming information (but forgot to turn off the autoplay--and because this is the 2nd day in a row where I was doing something else in another room and the very same celebrity and his K-rap was put on my video exactly at the point where I could not turn it off--I know it was a deliberate hacking attack to prompt this very reaction--and now the page won't scroll beyond his picture from my last post (I mean, I finally got it, but after the page froze, I "lost" this comment and then finally the hackers stopped blocking and hacking for a moment. I just did 2 system restores 2 days ago---). If my country is so determined to emulate the conditions of the Holocaust, and no one will intervene in this sick and disgusting situation that everyone seems to think is just a fun exercise in power and the people acting like buffoons are wonderfully glorious, then I can only say that I am try ing to get rid of all of you and am still struggling to accomplish this BY MYSELF. I just want them to be stopped and to live in peace, without them or any of you really--can't anyone ever intervene?

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More hours of screaming (3 or more hours non-stop) with the most furious rage and hate I possibly can due to drugging and the mind control. I could not breathe or stop--the reaction was instantaneous it was in my brain I "saw" the hated abusers who are latched onto their careers being skyrocketed by latching onto torturing me for decades--for expletives like Rambo it is more than 40 years for shitalina and her filthy father it's more like 50 years of them latching onto attacking me in this contract--they attacked my family and it has been ongoing since 1975 with s hitalina and her dirty father and the English shit who directed Deliverance--mostly it is the fault of my family but they are incapable of defending against a world of violent Nazis including in the Jewish community. Today it was again G. Clooney, who laughed when he was being promoted as advocating for Kamala, who rushed to abuse and attack me smiling lovingly at the rapist German expletive who has been there influencing every person who jumps at the money he and his Nazi German team is throwing around like drugs to addicts--the money is unbelievable the Holocaust has generated 70 years of America being completely bought out and transfixed on having their own holocaust to steal all possible from Jews and anybody else they can label as being whatever--targets . Clooney screaming with rage that I am "supposed" to sacrifice my life be poisoned raped and tortured abused to death ideas that blank hateful stupid sleazy bigots--himself and his friends the shitalina pig ape pitt group who have stolen my ideas for over 15 years and their benefactors also associated with the movie Deliverance out of London having done the same for over 20 years--Stallone and h is Italian mafia with Steven Tyler and his daughter having done so since 1995 and onwwards without end. They hit me they punch into me they threaten my life they scream that I have zero rights I am going to be killed they scream endlessly to submit and just let them murder me destroy my life so t hey and their lack of actual top talent t heir lack of creativity their endless theft of my i deas can be stolen without me having a single "right" to defend myself. Absolutely supported by MAGA with full blessings of years of Obama the foul black Nazi who is probably more a puppet of the insidious Biden group than anyone could ever imagine, the posturing of all is so extremely deceptive and bombastic and the lack of actual criticism has been lethal for the United States--all is so discouraged a barrage of fake lying "liberals" are the only ones allowed to dominate the "algorithms". So Pete Hegseth, who with his wife and children began about 3 weeks ago to torture threaten my life endlessly yelling as I am stuck shitting out the poison that the dirty shitpigapealina pair and group and stallone and tyler and all the rest poured into my body to keep me so paralyzed, sick and dying that I could go NOWHERE every day I am paralyzed iin pain shitting poiso out that they ordered put in my body. I spend 80% of my time fighting to stop the endless mutilation of my body by mechanical arms while I am asleep and being injected drugged poisoned by mechanical arms and then it used to be I was being raped by people breaking into my home, injecting fungus into my hair and scalp and damaging chemicals are smeared still on my skin--I try to cover all up every night it is impossible--they would put my spine and hips out of alignment and rape me I had semen and fungus coming out of my body and smeared into my hair and I was in extreme pain, walking crooked with a limp every morning after they pounded my body and did whatever--sliced part of my cuticles out in my toes broke my toes cut into my gumline to the jawbone etc etc etc every single night for YEARS in this torture room. Now Hegseth who was with Bannon last week screaming with death threats constantly and they killed a pet on my patio that I had a connection to, they killed more plants they screamed with fascist murder and today Hegseth told me that he would cut part of my arm off and that I would die and that he would make sure I was going to submit. I have a phone appointment with Social Security on the 27 and they could cut my money off. This group and organizatino has fractured my vertebrae so I am chronically disabled--there is x-ray evidence I am listed as permanently disabled. They forced me into the lowest payment schedule because they fractured my body 3 months out of college as I was temping in San Francisco (at an elite law firm, btw). All was done while I was sleeping, inert and unconscious. I was since denied health care and then I had to fight for survival. My family did NOTHING to help but instead viciously attacked me while I was that helpless and did nothing and kept saying that I was making up the spine condition, a claim they still make although I have to tell them that there are x-rays to protect their crimes against me they claim that I am delusional and making it all up, a sponge on the system and etc etc. My brother John came to "hug" me in front of pig ape shitalina a few months ago, he has not done that since I was about 4 years old, and he was abusive back then under instruction from my family so it was just to demonstrate that he was as usual a full-on Jewish nazi doing what was told by Nazi filth attacking me--my family has sacrificed me wholeheartedly--the entire family from uncles to every member--like all of society. I thusly am faced with Hegseth who has used non-stop violence death threats and such extreme yellin screaming I can feel my hair turning grey again as it did when the German ape scum was raping and punching me in the face while I was completely drugged and under mind control and could not stop the sexual "urges" that are artificial one million percent; ever since they have forced this ape on me because I reacted for a few days and thusly they say I am "supposed" to give him a baby so he can infiltrate America and become an extremely VIOLENT NAZI influencing all the Left and Right of the scum group who have joined in for all these years. And I fight but the lingering threat of them having my money cut off remains. They forced this upon me, they had a situation where my money was cut off a few times in the past few years because they used their Nazi influence to have people like Trump and biden force all kinds of threats to my security. They had my mail returned and the agencies claimed that the letters had been returned instead of delivered and cut my money off. Then they demand a phone interview where they could ask me for items I cannot provide information on and could cut my money off. They are all assuring me that they won't do that which means they are planning on doing exactly that. I need someone to intervene not only to stop this endless life-sucking drain of their vampirism and screeching weasel parasitic latching onto my life as their endless springboard for endless incompetents endless has-beens who obtain plastic surgery and are put in every lead role for years afterwards. The shit like Dumb Mirran who obtained non-stop- plastic surgery after having had her Irish boyfriend (former ) rape me as she obtained plastic surgery and has been put into lead roles ever since--the flocking of has-been women like Jane Fonda who brought the German rapist into this slew of scum as well as the Gottis, and Deniro and all whose careers had been in decline they have been at the Oscars and at the White house all of them ever since. The screaming screeching parasites are outraged that I am saying NO after years of being stuck shitting poison out, fighting to get the murder of poisoning me to death and paralysis to be stopped as no one would intervene--to stop this endless destruction of my life--they are threatening my life for trying to stop the endless murder tortrure and rape so a bunch of stupid ape shit can have a lifetime of movie lead roles after torture of me--by now I have become a symbol of hate for all to rush and abuse as has been happening for decades--believe it or not, I used to have a lot of friends was top of my class was beautiful and they have mutilated my body through the stupidity of mob mentality all view me now as some target witch hunt person no one dares come forth who may be against this. //The interview is on February 27 at 9:30 EST--with the Indian River Social Security Branch in Miami. They will phone me, I cannot provide various bits of information and I can't state everything clearly but I also would not be lying if I said that I do not go to any Western medical doctors any longer. I have not seen a doctor since 2011. My disability is from spondylolysthesis which is crushed vertebrae and this is a condition in many places along my spine from men who raped and t hen when I said no they had my spine fractured by the teams of death squads . These so-called "men" (in their 20's) had drugged and date-raped me. I never wanted "instant sex" I was drugged into an overwhelming state of sexual desire and like floating and drugged but appearing compliant I went along like I was floating down a fast torrent of manipulation. And now, this is a man who had my pet killed last week, and his family has proven to be extremely nasty there is no semblance of any kind of the Christianity that is associated with the kindness and compassion of Jesus it is the Christianity that is derived from another source (Christianity was a religious theme before the birth of Christ--). I am stuck without any way to go outside I am still very ill. today I shat out more poison that has been lodged in my thoracic region of m y back probably for decades as the poisons have hardened into a mess of flattened pieces stuck together like a lumpy cement mixture. Hard as rock but intertwined with vertebrae and muscle and ligament tissue (and into my intestines into my skull) and etc.