Wednesday, April 20, 2022

I have had to flee my country, the United States, from murder attempts by poisoning and terrorist "gang stalking" in dire need of health care not once, but twice in my life. Even with Medicaid I was denied basic care I needed to try to allay the pain of hardening poison poured into my body every day most of my life. Once having left the US. I have been tortured BY AMERICANS and their Nazi Europ-a allies and partners in this Government-sponsored terrorist hate contract of teleportation and violence, rape, attempted murder and non-stop violence for over 11 years (just using the teleportation as a torture tactic, not counting decades of deadly assault, endless rape, disfigurement, community terrorist "gang stalking" in each and every place I have gone (and around the world). Receiving zero protection, support or just warning about my situation all my life. //You don't have to live like a refugee? The racial disparity in targeting victimization versus the racial disparity in migrant policies.. A speculative and much thwarted attempt to write a few brief sentences Hacking is so bad I can barely type, my brain is under attack, I make extremely tenuous connections between the status of various cultures being granted immediate refugee status versus those who are living on the streets, put in prison while waiting for entrance into the US while they are fleeing war and death squads and horrible conditions in "The Global South". My status is likewise being treated in this manner of the first, much unfortunate group. Today in all major news outlets from the US I see that the celebrity who beat, raped and tortured me for years is facing-off-against his accuser who also profited and assisted in the rape and torture of me (for her benefit, which has resulted in her being paid millions in royalties, I assume, for the lead role she obtained while participating in this crime). I wrote about his violence for YEARS and was not only silenced but they almost murdered me just at the end of their marriage (I barely managed to survive a very deadly motor accident which was actually a layer of greased meat put on the road with motorbikes driving on all sides of me and then all pulling away within one second just as I almost drove into this patch of meat literally plastered in a square in the middle of the road--while huge 10-wheel truck barreled behind me within 2 feet. My handlebars were then stiffened by remote control and I could not maneuver to any side except that I pushed almost as hard as I could right at the last minute to avert absolutely certain horrific death. Nothing that they have done or tried to do has been met even by any sympathetic reaction from anybody in power and that includes presidents and all the A-list celebrities who then participated in their own way (and had me hit by cars later on, as I wrote in my last post--almost dying in that fashion at least 6 times in the space of so many weeks during this last part of the contentious relationship that is now hitting all news outlets. The blonde woman got punched so she accuses, and has been publicized, granted millions, and endlessly proclaimed a hero for repeating almost verbatim what I had said and written for the two years they both tortured me--about domestic violence and alcoholism and etc. Like the refugees who are put in prison when attempting to get visas to enter the US after fleeing from war-torn countries who get nothing but hate and if lucky, possible entry but with many conditions. Unlike the immediate welcome and immediate entrance for the "white" Europeans (almost in the EU at this point). The racist discrepancy continues on many such fronts in both domestic and international society and political politics (and sexual, unfortunately they are also trying to suck every bit of my sexuality, love and every bit of my energy out of me using the drugging and brain implants that force various emotional reactions out of me (the drugging is more powerful than anything you readers can possibly imagine, and if compounded it's unbelievable how inarticulate and almost helpless you can be if this is constantly pumped into your bloodstream--always non-consensual on my part--by all the nice people I have always been around all my life. This American society which has so absolutely supported state-sponsored rape, torture and absolute discrimination against me for my entire life. I see the refugee crisis as being part of a larger and overall public policy that remains unexpressed but is so open and obvious when it comes to the refugee status being easily or almost like a criminal penalty for various cultures and visible and outward appearance, but under the same conditions of oppression (hacking is so bad, this is going to be redacted I am certain after I publish this but I can't go on any longer it's like fighting and pounding down constantly for this effort to write about what all of you already know anyway, and fully participate quite happily in and fully support and are part of the hate and violence. It's all really just part of the 4th Reich conditioning of allowing for genocide and racial massacre on various domestic and international levels.

 "US Welcomes Ukrainians at Border, Uses 'Title 42' To Block Other Asylum Seekers". Democracy Now! April 20, 2022.

"Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers--Refugee (Official Video)". October 5, 2009.

I wrote, a few days ago, that I am displeased that the US is sending millions (and now another something like $800 million) to Ukraine to rebuild (Zelenskyy is requesting $5 Billion in aid to rebuild from the UN--). There are people who are American living on the streets needing housing, health care, food and many others needing child care, assistance in so many other ways. The domestic policies that I see are absolutely all about creating a white supremacist society and this program explains a bit about this international racist agenda. Perhaps the group of celebrities who attacked me last week and years and years and years prior to that in a never-ending hate assault upon me with these covert weapons were trying to torture me for writing that I oppose the US Government in all it's glorified hypocrisy in sending Ukrainians millions and millions of dollars, and pumping millions and billions of $ into defense upgrades to send more weapons to Ukraine and the rest of the "51st State" around the planet. As a target of US-State-sponsored terrorism and torture, I can attest that zero money goes to me from the members of Congress and the Executive Branch who have joined in on this torture protocol system for their endless more millions and millions and millions of $ in free perks, handouts and have never paid me a single penny for the ideas they stole from me, the years of destroying my property and body--and I see all this money being poured into the white supremacist takeover and preservation societies which I associate with the 4th Reich.

I am opposed to all this financial assistance to Ukraine coming out of the United States when there are homeless camps proliferating the urban landscape of major cities from East-to-West Coast. And all the trickling down of misery and destruction that this disparity agenda creates in the deplorable living conditions in America comparable to the bombed-out areas of Ukraine.

I feel certain that the absolute LACK of concern about my situation of being the perpetual torture, rape and attempted murder target of former US President 45 and his vicious Nazi wives (and one of their children--with the others joining in to try to see what they too can get out of this contract) with me saying repeatedly I need my own home I need protection please make these psychopath celebrities stop torturing me with teleportation and body torture and every other kind of poisoning--met with silence and me endlessly begging onlin for help for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.

It is the same racist policy being aimed at me as in this migration policy disparity between who gets justice and who is essentially slated to die but get tortured, bombed, left dying in the streets or in camps or in tents or in shelters until they finally can't cope any longer, but silenced until they conveniently stop visibly displaying the misery that this global 4th Reich creates in the first place (for their "lebensraum" policies and politics).

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