"Cypress Hill & Sonic Youth--Mary Jane". SD 2581. February 27, 2009.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
"Cypress Hill & Sonic Youth--Mary Jane". SD 2581. February 27, 2009.
**Hacking and the brain-altering tech affecting my motor skills, so my hands would not move correctly, and my brain could not think, and the keyboard was so blocked I had to backspace and rewrite almost every other word, literally throughout this entire thing--the keys are so stiff I must pound down, etc)
The drugging reduces significantly or completely, immediately, tolerance levels and barriers to all forms of psychological self-protection during these unjustified and usually trivial, silly or trite attacks but rendered in the form of vicious hate, insults, threats and sometimes violence. Any single thing can be used to attack (me), or the target (anyone), as I assume this terror protocol remains the same wherever it is utilized: worldwide.
For example, in Gainesville, Florida one late night, I drove my newly purchased lemon 4th hand car I had bought for a very low price, the vehicle was working very well the day I bought it--but the air conditioner broke three days later, as happened with all autos I bought in Florida and everywhere, in fact (that is the first thing to go; by the way, I had not done "anything" like resisting abuse, torture or anything these attacks upon my property have been ongoing all my life, from early childhood when I actually did what I was told and "obeyed").
But driving this new/old car to this drive-through/restaurant with burgers, shakes and etc, like the old 50's style burger restaurants--filled with students, it was around 12:00 am, or later, or late at night.
It was a black woman at the drive-through window. I asked her for just a typical burger, and the names of these burgers were somehow patriotic or related to Americanism in some way. I was drugged, as I always am and have been, but they of course were preparing a new freshly-poisoned/drugged burger for me. I had never seen this woman before. I made a joke, in this silly giggly happy love-everyone vulnerable exploitable puppet mode, and I said, "Oh, I can't wait to try this all-American burger!" just like that, the woman glared in hate at me and said over her shoulder to the other woman making the burgers in the background, "This girl say she want an "All-American burger" with sneering hate like I had just insulted her and the joint and everything American. I sat dumbfounded like shocked at this kind of attack, of course I knew nothing about being poisoned or drugged or that I was a target--this happened around 2002, something like that. The woman repeated what I had said as if I had really insulted them and she was almost going to rush out and attack me personally. I was in this "accept" mode and I asked them what I was wrong with saying that. The woman remain silent and slammed the food in front of me and almost yelled the price I had to pay, glaring in hate at me as I sat in my car, feeling kind of deflated. I didn't say anything in response and drove away and never returned to that greasy spoon. I only use this as the most obvious version of how almost nothing can be used to attack the target, any word, sentence and statement is turned into something that can be attacked. There are more violent examples of this and my experience of living in Gainesville for a few years had a few of these types of examples that remain stuck in my mind as glaring.
But I was drugged and poisoned again yesterday, as three women suddenly came to the formerly completely empty counter for the smoothie little "island" in the middle of the mall food area (where I go to the supermarket at the end of the food mall area).
I was extremely thirsty, exhausted and in physical pain from carrying and lifting and rushing around from place-to-place to get my internet turned on, the stress of the yelling and abusive landlord--the many people attacking me in the places I had to go where they drained my energy, and then my body not being physically capable of sustaining heavy lifting of all the bags I carry with me, in addition to the things I buy which are supposed to last me circa 2 weeks because I am always in too much pain to get out and drive around and get things done.
I felt the effect of the subliminal hate and humiliation insult messages, I could feel my body shrink from feelings and sensations that were associated with how I look and etc. My barriers were pushed into openings of vulnerability just after I drank that concoction. The drink was very tasty, but I underestimate how violently persistent the forms of attack are and how many very sick people there are who so gladly feed off attacking me (or any target they can). They get energized, I lose energy. By the time at least 100-300 people have attacked me I am completely bedraggled and struggling to have any kind of energy. Since the borders have opened due to Covid receding, the violent hate of the terrorist Nazi/Mafia organization is rushing back as it had operated for years without end, by the order of the same expletives in H-wood and in all the other realms of "power" that operate the international proxy terror operations, upon their order, in other words.
I also bought food that had been prepared, and this group knows and understands by now that I pay for sandwiches that are sold 2-for-1 at the deli at a certain late hour. The food is drugged/poisoned but I sometimes need good food (the sandwiches are of high quality, the store I go to is considered the "World Class" shopping mall of Phuket, or one of them). It's gourmet, or something close to it, close enough for me to risk getting drugged to just have some good food once in a while. So I was very drugged up. I woke up this afternoon after going to bed with my body feeling like I was going to break bones from how much the hard poisons along my spine were being pulled. I have not regenerated the muscle tissue, after all these years of detoxing because of the pig apes in Whorewood ordering stiffening and bloating and hardening chemicals inserted into my body every day so I have remained stuck sitting in one position literally unable to move from my chair to the other side of the room, for most of the day--or laying in bed completely exhausted and drugged or just stuck in a nearly comatose state in front of the laptop all day--my muscles have atrophied to a dangerously lax state and my body has absorbed all the fungus, sewage water, mold and other drugs and poisons plus the hate and negativity the celebrities poured upon me every single day for years, over a decade one after the next in deadly stress-level assaults--plus depriving me of all health care, and I can't trust a single doctor and all and any injections could be fatal or have future deadly consequences.
So I must remember to get food that is packaged, in a random way, to try to stop this poisoning. I was ranting at the level of a nervous breakdown hate explosion level. This morning, not freshly poisoned or drugged, I can write with some calm reserve.
The deadly dangers of being poisoned remain. Like the witch in Snow White, the people intentionally poisoning me have a huge glowing smile as they had me the poisoned apple.
Also, in another store, I saw a pair of Muslim people--a woman and male, around 20-something years old, who looked like they were literally glowing after having had sex--they rushed to get in front of me while I was pushing my cart down the ramp at the little Thai shopping center where I tried to get my internet problem solved in some way--mostly to get instructions on where the office for the internet provider is, but then they just phoned my landlord the entire thing was a staged and pre-orchestrated attack.
The Muslim couple, glowing with dopamine, seratonin and high on violence, were giggling and laughing as they were in front of me, pushing and rushing to get in front of me, laughing and sexually titillated, as all the parasites who attack me are. They are addicted to attacking me (or anybody they can) and go on like it's an addiction. Most of them, or maybe all, have had cocaine, alcohol or other drug addictions, or pornography, workaholic, something addiction in their past and present (shifting addictions from one thing to the next--and torture is a hormonal high and I have heard that murder is as well--).
It is disgusting to see this. I am ALWAYS, ALWAYS under a mind control network and when people laugh, I laugh as if it's happy and innocent. I am actually a happy person and innocent as I grew up with a lot of love, although the "programming" to destroy my family was always set up due to racist programming, but I grew up with love and was a very innocent person. I don't automatically assume that people are glowing with joy because they are sexually enthused at having someone to torture. I have no doubt that racist stereotypes had something to do with their glee and schadenfreude joy as well in attacking me.
But it is now disgusting on a level of intolerability on my part to have to be subjected to sick people constantly coming after me to get their little fix and high. The terrorist celebrities are revolting to me in this respect, and when I was breaking down and screaming in rage because there is only any sentient being can tolerate, they increased the level of abuse to murderous levels of hate and became much more vicious, the more I succumbed to reacting in rage and hate, the more they fed off the negativity and my energy as they got high on violence and it is synonymous with drug and other addictions, their behavior. The need to increase the stimulus to get higher and higher.
I tried to discover where this CAT internet service was in Phuket Town. No one could understand English or help me. I asked and asked, and cold silence, "no understan" was the response. This is a place where Thai people flock to speak English in order to capitalize on the 9 MILLION tourists who flock to Phuket every year on their vacations--mostly speaking English as the main common language.
No one will speak English with me except to screw me over and lie and create hate or abusive situations.
I am always under extreme mind control under such situations, and the pretexts these filthy creeps use for any kind of confrontation is of the slightest and most offensively meaningless excuse. They are so rude it's unbelievable. I tried to go to the internet shop where they could barely help me the last time I tried to discern if the router was broken--there had been a Thai man who was helpful, and I only was helped by him because I randomly went into this store instead of thinking about it beforehand. Today he would not talk to me, could not understand English although he spoke it perfectly the last time. There was a woman wearing the store uniform--and there were 8 "employees" wearing the uniform for that store, which is so small you can only fit a shopping cart with great difficulty and it is essentially a little hole-in-the-wall internet shop. I had been trying and trying to not have any contact with this piece of shit landlord but in the end, this terrorist agent wearing the store uniform made phone calls, so she feigned, to the internet service where no one speaks English for an internet service for Phuket, a major tourist hub with huge ex-pat population of white trash pig ape Nazis who they all speak English to, who have given them these instructions on how to behave like stupid and foul ugly pigs in the first place--training them to be white trash Nazi pig apes, I mean, just like them. So in the end, this woman handed me the phone after claiming she was asking the internet company about my service--after 20 minutes of being put on hold and repeating what she had been told to repeat, she handed me the phone to this disgusting sick creep landlord who began YELLING at me that I needed a phone. I began to tell him calmly, as I told this sickening expletive rotten ugly thing years ago when I first moved in that I don't need a phone I make phone calls on my laptop--and in every verbal encounter I have with anybody, the microchip the pig ape Nazi organization out of the United States non-consensually implanted into my throat is used to constrict my throat muscles so I begin to choke if I try to talk. I was talking and my throat was constricted I could not talk or shout above him--I also have not been able to access my bank account for 3 weeks and the endless recurring threat of this group of sickening shit cutting off my money is ever-present, and non-stop and that began under T-rump that ape pig--foul thing like all the rest of most of you reading this.
This creep landlord was yelling and yelling at me on the phone as I h had to finally put it away from my ears and hold it out to hear him yelling--I had begun to tell him that I had already told him, so he began to shout and yell so loudly I couldn't use my voice to interrupt him--my throat is just tightened into a tiny little constricted tube I choke and my voice cracks and I can't speak any longer.
so he went on, and that was after having gone through having this router checked, telling the Thai store clerk to phone this piece of shit landlord and tell him that the router works, my computer works--that was before--days ago, maybe 2 weeks ago, and the landlord just left the system off.
After he went on yelling and yelling at me, I just ignored the subject because I was under mind control I literally could not think to fight this any longer. I had undergone extensive abuse at shops, such as when I was asking about finding a good and sturdy raincoat in a little shitty hole-in-the-wall little shop selling raincoats, which has a very good selection--buying types of things like this in Rainy Season Thailand is often best in little stores like this--and the least expensive usually by half the larger store prices--as always I must go to the very dirty and shitty little stores where stalking terrorism is at a much higher intensity of attack. I was listening to music and I asked for a good raincoat as the store was stalked to the top with all kinds of raincoats and plastic materials like that--the woman began yelling with hate at me while I was listening to my music--saying things like--"This is a raincoat with arms" as I was trying the coat on--telling her I could not hear her and I just needed a coat--I know that I don't need verbal contact or questions but she began yelling at me to take the music off--I had to finally take a bud out of my ear and just to hear her say, "this coat has long arms" --which obviously duh--as I could see. I asked her to show me the thickest raincoat she had, and as she was not the real store clerk, but the other one fully was in with the hate attack, she stood around watching with hate on her rotten stupid flaccid ugly face--I finally had to yell back at this filthy thing because someone who had come in to attack me from behind lifted up the kind of coat I really was looking for, which this terror agent did not know about or was just lying. She was so nasty and rude and I had taken off my music because I also had to keep turning around to watch the people behind me as they were almost 1 inch behind me, and that means that they are flicking something on my clothing, ripping something on my clothing from behind, or doing something to my clothing from behind--100% of the time this happens on both sides. I had put my little purse down, and when I picked it up, permanent green stains were on the fabric by the expletive nasty woman who I had just yelled at and she then subsided but was happy after having put the stain on my purse.
The point of these pieces of sick and stupid shit is that if I don't just "accept" being abused, exploited, raped, beaten, stolen from with no complaint, then that is the protocol and they just continue to abuse, rape, exploit, try to subjugate, humiliate and etc. If I fight back, they then destroy and attack on a higher level of violence, with police and groups of pig apes surrounding me on a more vicious level.
Regardless, the sewage crap pieces of disgusting shit like the pair of troglodytes in Brooklyn, just pure shit as human beings but so famous for their criminal acting crap--the stupid symbols they use of Mickey Mouse, their stalking symbol they use and have used for years--so sick and stupid they are so disgusting--I called them sewage, they are just like slime and shit compacted into a pair of repressed gay woman-hating sex trafficking offenders and thugs and shit as people and nothing as men. That is the gist of the entire group of all of you.
And so, I had to deal with this landlord yelling,. I have been nearly killed and the group of celebrity pig shit have been not just viciously attacking me in teleportation for years, but it's gone into endless yelling and death threats for the past 4 months of non-stop violence aimed at me by endless English pig whore pieces of shit, the shit from Whorewood never-ending pigs and whores who are convinced that years of stealing material I write is their entitlement not just with no payment in return, but murder and destruction of my body in return. After, of course, they extract a baby out of me because obviously there is some contract to extract this baby out of me that is worth a huge, huge prize for some pig scumbag lack of manhood in this group of wealthy scumbags who are lower than apes and nothing I would prize or think of as anything but rapist ugly pigs and scumbag whores who deserve to die violently. That is all I think of them, and oh yes, castration as well. The women as well.
This post is a reflection of the utter violence that has been aimed at me just today--in stores I was attacked so often it's unbelievable. Driving is non-stop cars veering into nearly hitting me on all sides, as usual, people pulling into the road and driving in jerky and sporadic spurts directly into me from the side of the road, pulling out to nearly hit me as I drive past--from the side, in fast-moving traffic.
The same shit that was never ending before the pandemic is now happening once more. The ugliness of these creeps, the white trash Nazi pig ape whores with a ratio of 15 dark-skinned minions to every one piece of worthless shit is the same as it's always been.
Watching a news clip on Democracy Now published today, which is a direct representation of how badly gang stalking has spread into current racist mass shooting/murder operations in the US--shit country, where politicians will never disclose the top secret of this organization because they are all all part of it and endorse it.
I will not include the clip because the hacking is so bad I can't type anything out. My brain is in a horrific mind control web of hate, and the endless months of daily and nightly terror and screaming in rage and hate and wishing the pigs death and fighting and fighting day and night to get the fucking pig whore apes off me, as they keep going, and keep asking me if I like them why don't i like them. I call them names, they then torture me, they go on. The same fucking whore pig ape pieces of sh it never stop this same process and they are so repugnant and ugly and sick I truly find them subhuman by now, and they are. They are connected to the racist shootings in Texas and in Buffalo through association with this organization, which is worldwide terrorism and racism of a genocidal and violence Holocaust white supremacy orientation, obviously but I have to state it plainly again.
I watched in shock as 9 year olds had been shot by yet another 18 year old. I also think that the younger generation such as I find with the pig ape terrorist celebrities are worse than stupid and idiotic and under educated and so spoiled with media injections of whoring dumbing down and instant gratification and other really stupidifying materials endlessly pumped into them by their endlessly ingratiating parents, most of whom are not very bright either on the interpersonal level or emotional level and very few are bright on the intellectual level whatsoever, and these are being put into leadership position by seriously deranged mind screw operators whose abilities to deceive and manipulate are really at a very high level but everything else is at the lowest point of human achievement for personality and reality of emotional exchange. Pornography and rape culture permeate the entire shit pile of them/you all.
Thusly, another sick and foul 18 year old from this generation of stupidity and sickness shot and killed 9 year olds in another race-based white supremacy Nazi operation. Democracy Now posted a journalist taking a mobile phone recording of huge white Nazi bikers wearing MAGA style pseudo military riot gear but of the denim variety--making absolute gang stalking actions that I know only too well, and claiming that they were asked to perform this by the police in that area. They were boxing the journalist into a square and pushing into him as he was walking to his intended journalist location to interview families of the shooting victims at the funerals and the commemoration. The terrorist white supremacists, huge and nasty and very deadly in appearance, with the same grim and deadly looks on their huge ugly faces as people like Pesce has and Deniro, very violent grimmaces of hate with violence underneath their thin-lipped looks of absolute violence about to erupt--they pushed and confined the journalist and like all the whores out of pigapewood they claimed that they were "protecting" the "children" from harassment by media--they even claimed that they were from some "child defense" league. They began putting their mobile phones up directly into the face of the journalist who was filming them, and it was done exactly like the countless terrorist attacker stalkers have done to me for all these years here in Phuket and everywhere else--it's an intimidation tactic where you are put on camera and they shove the camera right into your face as they physically assault you on all sides. Unlike most of the actions taken against me, there is no direct reference to police complicity or participation as it was spoken directly to the LatinX journalist covering this race-based hate crime.
There was another journalist interviewed who had the same experience of being harassed and blocked from filming or doing interviews by the same group. She was given outright lies by the police stating that there was some fictitious law that barred journalists from filming such activities and this woman had been doing such types of journalism for years and says that this was the first time such a disregard for the law was ever actually uttered by police--in Texas, with that horrid Governor and what has been happening in Texas yes, it appears that now gang stalking is out and in the open by the police and absolutely no one is fighting or or even acknowledging that this is what is actually happening. They are scratching their heads wondering why this is being allowed to happen. Still, like no one in Phuket can understand English when I am trying to get my internet service turned back on because my bank has shut me out from all but one browser on only my computer on this IP address, no one can understand that there is gang stalking Nazi and Mafia terrorism that is now directly tied in this case to the SILENCING OF JOURNALISTS when they are reporting on a white supremacist act of a spree killing. The immigration Nazi murdering stalking terrorists in Texas encompass a collusion between Nazi bikers and the police in what is open and officially sanctioned state-sponsored terrorism.
I'm at this internet shop, after one week of the router being turned off--I mean the internet service stopped. The router plug was hacked and then the service has been entirely stopped and shut off. I had to fight to get anything done to replace it today with everyone attacking me as usual in the shops--I had all my bags I carry around and immediately the white trash Nazi bigots followed me into the store and smeared some ink on my white satin bag when I was busy trying to get the internet shop to test the router and connection. Everything was working well. And even when the Thai shop assistant helped me by phoning my Thai landlord (terrorist) and speaking in Thai, the landlord made him repeat 6 times in a row that the router works, it connects to both LAN and WiFi. I heard him say this repeatedly in Thai (I can understand the basics when I know what people are talking about and they use these universal terms).
I then went back to my condo torture chamber where I had been accosted when I first brought my router and laptop down to the front desk to see if they would help me to test if the router had been broken. I knew that my laptop was okay but brought it to test it anyway. The router had plugged in no prob when I was in my room, but once downstairs the hackers blocked the plug--the plugs for electronic items can even be hacked to stop circuitry flow. Then an ugly man, who is a terrorist on my floor--a Thai creepazoid, fat and nasty and dishevelled--came up with nastiness saying that the antennas were broken (by him or his associates in this terror operation) and he began in whining Europigape harassment vocal tones (was very much like the ugly fat white men who proliferate here whom these Thai men revolve around, sound exactly like in their English, and try to emulate as much as possible--sorry, but it's my assessment from over 10 years of living in Phuket).
Returning to my condo to tell the nasty thin Thai guy who only says "YOU" and points his hand--but obviously speaks perfect English. I told him that I wanted him to also phone my landlord and tell him that my laptop was working perfectly and once again, for the 2nd time in the same day, to let him know that all has been tested and Thai people are letting him know that it's the service that is the problem. I am using every means possible to avert him knocking on my door or coming over--which is his goal, to harass me for the pig apes back in the USA who terrorize, harass and abuse me daily to the point that it's death threats non-stop, hate, abuse, violence, The Europigape English white trash wealthy instructing the poor white trash Americans how to threaten and become their pawns and puppets for the upcoming genocides they all want to implement once they perfect the technocratic "Divide and conquer" strategies to get people to kill one another in the streets--as they are now doing in the bad old USA but from instruction and mind control out of the playbook from bad ole old old old Europigapeland.
I am now at an internet shop trying to use a computer and it's being hacked so badly that there is almost no response when I try to change tabs for one browser. The usual hacking that I am plagued by in every computer shop, every place, everywhere anywhere any time I try to use any internet and the system follows me every single place.
Everywhere now people "no understan" and won't provide service until I have to repeat the simple instructions at least 6 times. they keep asking the same question 6 times in a row because "no understan" and it's a stress tactic.
I really can't stand these expletives teleporting me and they go on every single morning and I cant' stop talking. The system is a true torture and truth serum response machine I can't block them out. They abuse me endlessly it's a fight with hate and threats and death threats now every single morning, going on for hours and hours. I wrote posts in rage because my brain and body are continuously under mind control torture regimens that are devastating to mind, body and spirit. These psycho sickos never stop. I am a happy person in my daily life, and their goal is to completely destroy all my happiness in this life and my health, suck out every single thing possible out of me until I am broken and miserable and old and then can't fight them any longer.
I can't begin to describe how loathsome t his organization and these people teleporting and attacking me are to me by now.
The entire 11 years of this going on and on, I have been writing posts asking, begging and imploring anyone to step in and intervene to stop this sick situation. For a decade not a single person supposedly famous or in charge politically will do any goddamn thing but watch me fight for my life as they applaud and promote the disgusting foul shit people performing such vile and sick acts of torture and mutilation and rape and attempted murder and slow murder.
If I survive the total collapse of planetary cohesion that you are all bringing about, and all of you are destroyed--if that happens I will not be sad if you are all blown away by the very system you are now creating. If fires burn your Whorewood down due to climate change I will think of the pig from Whorewood who was in the shower trying to rape me, and in my sleeping teleportation state I told him to "not waste water and not let water just run"--he began to violently threaten me because his sexual "high" in this situation was disrupted. When his mansion in the Whorewood hills burns because of the lack of water and the burning of fire because he's a sleazy pig who must have instant gratification, I will not feel sorry for the piece of shit who also threatened to kill me 4x and got 4 lead movie roles that same year and it was during the pandemic when movie theaters were not shown.
If the shit children of the male pigs from Whorewood get raped and if this happens I will be extremely happy and I so hope it happens to the pieces of crap that these pigs with their whore rapist enabler bigot wives have spawned. I have been pushed, hit, spat upon by these children who also have risen in their careers ONLY due to this contract their shit parents latched onto not only because they in their A-list status could continue to have monopolies but because through "entitlement" nepotism, their little shit spawn could also be immediately handed positions in the film front roles only due to how fascist and Nazi they learned to emulate their nasty parents. I so hope they are raped and beaten to death I would be happy to see it done, along with the shit parents.
That is how much hate and reverse violence I feel for these pigs, I tell them almost every day that i wish them death and pray for it. The pigs out of Brooklyn have begun a campaign of severe violent threats against me as a result, along with their years of the usual filthy pornographic comments, grabbing at my body, constantly making comments about how disfigured I am and unattrractive and etc while I am laid up, being perpetually abused and for over 11 years on a non-stop basis--while perpetually begging online for help, for someone to stop this--and it's just a joke for the fuckers reading this, the English in particular and part of the protocol is to mock and laugh at the victim--the pig apes here in Phuket do this often, they imitate and laugh as my brain is put into rage and hate mode by the tech--as it is right now--and they begin to make fun and imitate and laugh. They really want me destroyed on every single level possible.
So I must finish writing about this shit to you fuckers out there as this is just entertainment to you pieces of shit participating and enjoying reading these miserable hate rants which you never do any fucking thing to prevent from going on and on this endless shit you all participate in. Your system is going to implode and you will all suffer consequences of allowing such shit into positions of power and for having done nothing to stop this system.
Too many "Blacks, Jews and Gays"! Bigots are freaking out (AND shooting to kill from Greasytown Brooklyn to Buffalo, Geneseo and on to Whorewood, USA but taking orders from the International cartel of bigotry, formerly known as the Axis Powers during WWII):
"Chic--Le Freak (Official Music Video)". April 12, 2019.
Yes! I am filled with hate today. It's only a decade of unwarranted hate directly focused upon me by millionaires and billionaires who have been handed these odious and pernicious technologies by the millionaires and billionaires of Congress to inflict their behavioral conditioning for a resistance-free American Nazi inclusion in the global 4th Reich.
It's also been a lifetime of attacks, and I am going to very briefly, under extremely arduous writing conditions such as my laptop being hacked so writing is very difficult physically (hacking is non-stop of course as usual disrupting all typing and writing ability on a manual level) while my brain is blocked from cognitive access of higher critical and otherwise calm analytical appraisal of a situation. The drugging from earlier today has worn off a bit.
As I peruse the mess that America now is on so many levels, I see that this area where I had once lived--from 1977-1979--or thereabouts, I have lost a bit of time with all the drugging but I think it was a time span of roughly one and a half years when "Le Freak" was the driving song on the radio at least from what I heard it was the dominant theme at that time.
My mother and I had been living in Geneseo for that time, my brother was sent to come in from Champaign and create a terror situation in assistance to my mother because the "Italian-American" community of expletives could not stand to see me as a competitive factor. I would like to write a short story about this but I am sick of these same thugs and parasites stealing my concepts, wording and phrasing and conceptual imagery endlessly if I write so much as a creative sentence. I realize how "delusional" that last sentence sounds, but that is the insanity by which this disgusting organization has created this contract out on me so the endless plethora of parasites never stop attacking and stealing all they can every day if I try to write and prove myself any form of competition. The hate directed at me, and it's been from "Italian-American" mafia expletive ooey gooey slime for so many years just in the H-wood theater, but I am writing about the late 70's and the Geneseo-but-connected-to-a-much larger diaspora grouping which very violently both paid my mother off to do their bidding for her own promotion, while also making sure I was very viciously attacked and was sent packing and etc (it turned out very well for me in a way, up to this point).
I can't describe how viciously racist these people are in that area, and how much the Italian-American mafia actually extorts a huge presence in that region. It's just the "upstate" version of MAGA maniacal bigotry that you can find easily in some Southern antebellum province of lynchmob, USA. It has surfaced as such today, but the culprit has a N. Europ-a-land name in his suffix. I can't imagine what other mixes there are in his recent historical heritage as that area is packed with those of the more Southern regions of Europ-a-land and extremely rife with this mafia contingent (just spread out from NYC area probably in their own history of migration to "the country" but dominating it, although subordinate to the blonde and blue Nazi groupings for which they are always defending and being the front attackers for--but now this organization is replacing the former "dark" Italians with the minority minions who are flooding into this organization like lemmings the worse globalization has made survival on most other Southern Hemispheric continents of the planet (not an accident in geopolitical terms--oh yes, thank H. Cliton for that as well, as she and her hubby are largely responsible and their Nazis behind them for this endless travesty of destitution which they plunder as human resources to replace the former darker contingent of "Italian-Americans" to do their filthy and vile nasty work for them).
My personal experience is very nasty and I don't know if I want to detail this, but I will only say that I was recently teleported to one of the nasty skanks who attacked me in this junior high school and only because I added my name to the list of Geneseo High School "Yearbook" page listings so people could contact me. I wrote on my page that I don't have the money or desire to pay for this service so any email or message will remain unread and I can't contact anyone. I just added my name just to see what would happen. One of the expletive skanks who had attacked me way back in 1978 or so put a host of her photos and a few ugly rotten men who look like they are around 75 years old, fat and rotten squalid creeps who are supposedly people I had contact with--but never did. One of them is glaring into a photo that I could click on "for free" although I have paid for no service and was supposed to not be allowed to access the page whatsoever to open any photo. I have been assaulted by these "free" one-time clicks to open pages or messages and have gotten this rotten ugly woman who was fully a part of an "Italian-American" team of teenagers who very viciously orchestrated a most nasty attack upon me (and also upon my mother, but because she was essentially "selling me to highest bidder" along with my brother for their own protection in this hate Nazi system--she went along and got along, I was viciously attacked in most nasty ways but while sleeping and drugged but still prevailed and never had a clue as to what was really going on until just recently--as in the last few years--decades later).
However, Diane put her photo and some glaring in hate old man who supposedly is my age onto this "free" clickable page so I could see the ugly looks and that her little tab photo was right next to his--as a team of course--she was attacking me then to force a kind of sex slavery upon me, and is still going at it today. She teleported me and asked me why I look so healthy, and she showed me her refrigerator and I told her to get rid of the junk food like doughnuts and etc and also told her to stop drinking coffee. I was then assaulted by the mobster Brooklyn pair of actors who had set this "reunion" up, which was essentially another disgusting parasite asking me for ideas and then the pig apes attacking me for having any idea they want to steal but don't like and etc. Thus, I was attacked for having told her, under hypnosis, while sleeping, and drugged up, and not aware of where I was but speaking in an insombulant way out of subconscious awareness (which none of these idiots has a fathoming of exactly how unconscious I really am in these sessions as they torture me for saying honest opinions about how disgusting they are--in their stupid and incompetent attempts at "behavior modification" which is just torture and bigotry and stupidity amplified by this most misused technology being treated like a fun power-trip toy by the most idiocracy of morons being handed technology far too sophisticated for their basic uneducated or under-educated levels of celebrity enhancement--they just don't know anything about the Scientific Method, psychology or anything they are just pure greed, selfishness corruption crime and sleazy porno filth amplified as well by celebrity enhancements that are endless and for decades until they believe they are some kind of untouchable royalty entitled to every single thing they can steal and suck out and abuse possible).
Because I addressed the potential of excessive coffee in the pre-aging process, the addicts out of Brooklyn, the porn addicts, the drug addicts and the violence addicts addicted to this technology and torture and abuse as well began a campaign of harassment aimed at me regarding how great coffee is, and they began torturing me for this as well. I can't express how petty, stupid and disgusting they are, this is just a small example.
But this is Diane, the terrorist who had participated with the mafia "Italian-American" haters who is of a more N. Europ-a-land descent, who directed the mafia girly teens to attack me for her--she is of "white trash" descent and my mother and I and my brother were sent to live in a very nice cul d'sac and these girls were extremely jealous--they lived in trashy white trash houses and their parents were slobby and dumb kind of bigots but of course inter-connected to the 4th Reich--up their in Upstate New York area--just 65 East of Buffalo where the shooting occurred today because these bigots are terrified that minorities are going to surpass them.
In Geneseo I recall maybe one black person in my class. I was as usual the only "Jewish" person in my span of contact--I am always surrounded by enemies and always have been, so whomever was of that "race" was separated from me.
The hate was palpable but I had no inkling of what was going on. My parents, whom I had trusted and respected (Meaning the professor my step-father and my Ivy-league mother, out of wealth and comfort--had assured me that the Nazis were no longer in power, there was nothing to worry about. Society had reinforced that lie by more lies, and when Nazis marched I was told that this was only a tiny little segment of creeps and nothing whatsoever to worry about, by everyone I was lied to by everyone, all the time. There was no internet I had no clue what I was in reality being surrounded by every moment of every day.
Diane is trying the same old game, and I thought to myself, if Brad Pitt is someone I can't tolerate as an abuser exploiting me, why the f would I want some ugly old man loser as a replacement and one who is of an ugly temperament as this creep glaring into the photo with his sagging jowls and grey hair and supposedly he's my age? Ugly and nasty. I have received at least once a week notices that people are trying to contact me, but when I open the contacts page for which I am blocked because I never paid for the service, I get only creepy photos, mostly of men I had never known and don't recognize making stupid looks into the camera or the usual culprits who formed a gang--but I hung out with them because it was a small town and I was always drugged--had sleepovers with them, went to the pizza shop on Friday nights--etc etc etc for over a year until I had to leave my home because my mother conformed so completely with what all the Mafia and Nazioso always demanded of her--and she still does.
Sigh--when I see this shooting I think back only two days ago when I saw yet another attempt to put me in a category by some creepy woman who also just participated with a most nasty and negative pair of "Italian-Americans" who have been trying to crush me on every level possible but only to the extent to which they are allowed--otherwise they would be nearly or even lethal if they were given permission to attack me to that level--I have no doubt. She participated with them, I gave her basic food health guidelines she returned it with the usual attempt these whores and trashy parasitic women of this hate organization return all my friendliness, the ideas they always steal from me and return with torture and hate and destruction of my body and property and income and health--but from filthy pigalina in Whorewood to Upstate New York, the Nazi/Mafia collusion is the same sort of disgusting collaboration.
If you think that a shooting like this in Buffalo is nowhere near connected or inter-related to the concealed threat of a future Holocaust or genocide by the pig apes I have mentioned endlessly not just the Brooklyn pair of bozos who are foul and filthy and rotten and mean and evil, but just all of them--and the terror networks span from East of Buffalo and east from there to the West and everywhere in between.
"Cuz the Bronx ain't a place for a kid to grow up in. Let's find a place that's far away (i.e. Upstate, NY) where there's no Blacks, no Jews and no Gays (i.e. Geneseo)" And in 2022 that translates into go on a shooting racist rampage and kill those n-words to prove that only white nazi and mafia are allowed in Upstate, New York (and downstate, NY, and on to Whorewood, unless they are are "good" and do what they are told and allow all kinds of humiliating versions of racism disguised as having open-mindedness some call "Libtard Wokeness" but in this context I can't find a bit of disagreement with that hate statement because the hypocrisy is so much more real than anyone will know. But back in the disco days, the honesty was much more apparent--so find a place, far away from The Bronx with no Blacks, no Jews and no Gays---(before shooting in public and making the mass murder a streaming spectacle on social media, so bigot "people" will switch over from the bigot movie programming to real-life streaming content as their main focus of indoctrination, in order to contribute to the much -desired potentially upcoming Civil War and Race war these bigots yearn for, with all their militarized equipment and bigotry in the form of "gang stalking" murder death squads once they get out in the open it will be a killing field situated in the midst of American civil life)--but just keep on ignoring my posts and me and continue to defend and put on pedestals those who are pushing this sickening agenda, the MAGA celebrities and politicians and never revealing these networks of terror and death and murder, inc.
"MACHINE--There But For the Grace of God, There Go I". Fred Rossi. September 22, 2012.
No blacks, no jews no gays......Straight outta of Brooklyn No Exit.
fly international to get an appointment because someone alerted them that I am not in the city--a probable reason there have been no problem...