Wednesday, June 8, 2022

On addiction and terrorism and this technology--subjects I have broached before and many times but I repeat the same sentiment today because I am seeing it in the stalkers very clearly as the numbers are increasing once more to pre-pandemic level and this is a huge 100+ group effort in little shopping malls and etc of countless numbers of people surrounding and assaulting me, all high on terror and all addicted sexually to this activity.//Hyperbolic hate ranting yesterday due to the (symbolic) poisoned apple presented to me from snarling/smiling Thai terrorists in the form of a mixed berry smoothie. Drugged, drugged and awful subliminal and tech attacks producing the expletive-driven attack yesterday late at night, when my body was in pain and I had no more tolerance.

 The drugging reduces significantly or completely, immediately, tolerance levels and barriers to all forms of psychological self-protection during these unjustified and usually trivial, silly or trite attacks but rendered in the form of vicious hate, insults, threats and sometimes violence. Any single thing can be used to attack (me), or the target (anyone), as I assume this terror protocol remains the same wherever it is utilized: worldwide.

For example, in Gainesville, Florida one late night, I drove my newly purchased lemon 4th hand car I had bought for a very low price, the vehicle was working very well the day I bought it--but the air conditioner broke three days later, as happened with all autos I bought in Florida and everywhere, in fact (that is the first thing to go; by the way, I had not done "anything" like resisting abuse, torture or anything these attacks upon my property have been ongoing all my life, from early childhood when I actually did what I was told and "obeyed").

But driving this new/old car to this drive-through/restaurant with burgers, shakes and etc, like the old 50's style burger restaurants--filled with students, it was around 12:00 am, or later, or late at night. 

It was a black woman at the drive-through window. I asked her for just a typical burger, and the names of these burgers were somehow patriotic or related to Americanism in some way. I was drugged, as I always am and have been, but they of course were preparing a new freshly-poisoned/drugged burger for me. I had never seen this woman before. I made a joke, in this silly giggly happy love-everyone vulnerable exploitable puppet mode, and I said, "Oh, I can't wait to try this all-American burger!" just like that, the woman glared in hate at me and said over her shoulder to the other woman making the burgers in the background, "This girl say she want an "All-American burger" with sneering hate like I had just insulted her and the joint and everything American. I sat dumbfounded like shocked at this kind of attack, of course I knew nothing about being poisoned or drugged or that I was a target--this happened around 2002, something like that. The woman repeated what I had said as if I had really insulted them and she was almost going to rush out and attack me personally. I was in this "accept" mode and I asked them what I was wrong with saying that. The woman remain silent and slammed the food in front of me and almost yelled the price I had to pay, glaring in hate at me as I sat in my car, feeling kind of deflated. I didn't say anything in response and drove away and never returned to that greasy spoon. I only use this as the most obvious version of how almost nothing can be used to attack the target, any word, sentence and statement is turned into something that can be attacked. There are more violent examples of this and my experience of living in Gainesville for a few years had a few of these types of examples that remain stuck in my mind as glaring.

But I was drugged and poisoned again yesterday, as three women suddenly came to the formerly completely empty counter for the smoothie little "island" in the middle of the mall food area (where I go to the supermarket at the end of the food mall area). 

I was extremely thirsty, exhausted and in physical pain from carrying and lifting and rushing around from place-to-place to get my internet turned on, the stress of the yelling and abusive landlord--the many people attacking me in the places I had to go where they drained my energy, and then my body not being physically capable of sustaining heavy lifting of all the bags I carry with me, in addition to the things I buy which are supposed to last me circa 2 weeks because I am always in too much pain to get out and drive around and get things done.


I felt the effect of the subliminal hate and humiliation insult messages, I could feel my body shrink from feelings and sensations that were associated with how I look and etc. My barriers were pushed into openings of vulnerability just after I drank that concoction. The drink was very tasty, but I underestimate how violently persistent the forms of attack are and how many very sick people there are who so gladly feed off attacking me (or any target they can). They get energized, I lose energy. By the time at least 100-300 people have attacked me I am completely bedraggled and struggling to have any kind of energy. Since the borders have opened due to Covid receding, the violent hate of the terrorist Nazi/Mafia organization is rushing back as it had operated for years without end, by the order of the same expletives in H-wood and in all the other realms of "power" that operate the international proxy terror operations, upon their order, in other words.

I also bought food that had been prepared, and this group knows and understands by now that I pay for sandwiches that are sold 2-for-1 at the deli at a certain late hour. The food is drugged/poisoned but I sometimes need good food (the sandwiches are of high quality, the store I go to is considered the "World Class" shopping mall of Phuket, or one of them). It's gourmet, or something close to it, close enough for me to risk getting drugged to just have some good food once in a while. So I was very drugged up. I woke up this afternoon after going to bed with my body feeling like I was going to break bones from how much the hard poisons along my spine were being pulled. I have not regenerated the muscle tissue, after all these years of detoxing because of the pig apes in Whorewood ordering stiffening and bloating and hardening chemicals inserted into my body every day so I have remained stuck sitting in one position literally unable to move from my chair to the other side of the room, for most of the day--or laying in bed completely exhausted and drugged or just stuck in a nearly comatose state in front of the laptop all day--my muscles have atrophied to a dangerously lax state and my body has absorbed all the fungus, sewage water, mold and other drugs and poisons plus the hate and negativity the celebrities poured upon me every single day for years, over a decade one after the next in deadly stress-level assaults--plus depriving me of all health care, and I can't trust a single doctor and all and any injections could be fatal or have future deadly consequences.


So I must remember to get food that is packaged, in a random way, to try to stop this poisoning. I was ranting at the level of a nervous breakdown hate explosion level. This morning, not freshly poisoned or drugged, I can write with some calm reserve.


The deadly dangers of being poisoned remain. Like the witch in Snow White, the people intentionally poisoning me have a huge glowing smile as they had me the poisoned apple. 


Also, in another store, I saw a pair of Muslim people--a woman and male, around 20-something years old, who looked like they were literally glowing after having had sex--they rushed to get in front of me while I was pushing my cart down the ramp at the little Thai shopping center where I tried to get my internet problem solved in some way--mostly to get instructions on where the office for the internet provider is, but then they just phoned my landlord the entire thing was a staged and pre-orchestrated attack. 

The Muslim couple, glowing with dopamine, seratonin and high on violence, were giggling and laughing as they were in front of me, pushing and rushing to get in front of me, laughing and sexually titillated, as all the parasites who attack me are. They are addicted to attacking me (or anybody they can) and go on like it's an addiction. Most of them, or maybe all, have had cocaine, alcohol or other drug addictions, or pornography, workaholic, something addiction in their past and present (shifting addictions from one thing to the next--and torture is a hormonal high and I have heard that murder is as well--). 

It is disgusting to see this. I am ALWAYS, ALWAYS under a mind control network and when people laugh, I laugh as if it's happy and innocent. I am actually a happy person and innocent as I grew up with a lot of love, although the "programming" to destroy my family was always set up due to racist programming, but I grew up with love and was a very innocent person. I don't automatically assume that people are glowing with joy because they are sexually enthused at having someone to torture. I have no doubt that racist stereotypes had something to do with their glee and schadenfreude joy as well in attacking me. 

But it is now disgusting on a level of intolerability on my part to have to be subjected to sick people constantly coming after me to get their little fix and high. The terrorist celebrities are revolting to me in this respect, and when I was breaking down and screaming in rage because there is only any sentient being can tolerate, they increased the level of abuse to murderous levels of hate and became much more vicious, the more I succumbed to reacting in rage and hate, the more they fed off the negativity and my energy as they got high on violence and it is synonymous with drug and other addictions, their behavior. The need to increase the stimulus to get higher and higher. 

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