Saturday, June 18, 2022

Actors and minions of Italy/Rome's 4th Reich Empire: "Woke" Whoopie---hugging the monster rapist partner, bigot, fascist Nazi/Mafia white supremacist actor becuz they're "friends" and love one another. At least SHE isn't going to be victimized by him becuz obviously she's a "Good" black celebrity, according to the white male privilege entitlement rape sexist fascist Nazi Mafia culture which puts people like her into public positions of judge, jury and blameless for stupid comments about Jews (as in, racist and stupid).

 There that bloated thing was, hugging the bigot fascist Mafia sleaze hate sick thing out of Brooklyn I have been writing of only for at least a few years. All the expletives in that industry at the "top" levels are aware of my situation, or I believe. I was teleported to that rug of a mat providing cushioning for so-called "men" like the "Italian-American" mafia filth torturing bigot who has nearly murdered me just from daily stress along with his boyfriend partner--two disgusting examples of the sickness buried inside a criminal psychopath subset always allowed into highest circles within the government and in society. Exposed as I have been to the utter rape mentality, absolute white supremacist mentality that these two bozo troglodytes truly are--(as in cave men, prehistoric brute force violence rape torture genocidal Axis Power fascism--not divorced from the "Italian-American" mindset).

But there was bloated and probably long drugged-up, mind-controlled Whoopie who somehow combined the term for a fart pillow joke cushion to a "Jewish" last name, hugging the filthy celebrity who has gone from nearly murdering me--I was getting close to a complete nervous breakdown or death from non-stop poisoning, filth and toxic substances this filthy ugly man and his group you all love as your celebrity sexual titillation, socio-political mental fodder advocates for NOTHING but distortions of reality. In gratitude for him displaying endless fascination with criminal activity and absolute violence, he has been included in every torture protocol for years aimed at me, honored by highest politicians (in the Democratic Party, no doubt and welcomed by all the NY personalities who have risen into positions of "power" and mostly they all publicly display all the usual lies about "Democracy" and caring about "The American People". The list of these Democrats of that long-lost party is increasing the longer the Biden Administration continues to be in the lead position of politics, only for the moment.


***IT's very strenuous and difficult to type as the hacking is making the keyboard nearly impossible to fight to pound anything out. Undoubtedly the terrorist hackers will be at work deleting words, commas, and rewriting this post, even while I am writing at this moment they are doing it on what has been typed above.


 What I do for a kind of "masochism" is look at People magazine online. This has been such a hacked forum for the celebrities to force their photos and all their goings on into my personal perusal of what is happening in that domain of terrorism--which has afflicted my life, stolen my life force, ideas, my family, my home, everything possible they have co-opted, stolen or destroyed--all over my body, my home, my ideas, my cat, my everything they have tainted, stolen for their own use or taken away from me. 


So I saw ugly bloated (probably drugged with bloating chemicals and mind control) rotten "woke" Whoopie--hugging deniro this filthy and foul most sinister and mentally deranged sicko psycho--along with Pesci they are a force of hate and violence when their aim is to torture, interrogate and I have no doubt there is a long string of murders behind them in one form or another either as a part of their more intimate group (i.e. The Gotti family, to which I was subjected to with all the hate and trappings of this situation for at least two years--along with them was bloated disgusting Oprah--)
and all the while these two mafia-endorsed "good" black women sat and hatefully glared or participated but NEVER objected when genocidal Nazi Holocaust statements were repeatedly hissed at me (not by the goon pair from Brooklyn, but they sat there absolutely defending every person who made such statements--they claim that they "never made any racist comments" to me as some kind of excuse for their behavior and that in their mental derangement this is just "business" and another "contract" in which they can exhibit their murderous and rape and torture brutality. The entire group of the pieces of shit from Whorewood have conscripted them for this very purpose--to torture me--and they did so nearly to death--

Whoopie the really disgusting fake out-of-date celebrity is hugging this rotten foul man in a photo at the Tribeca Festival. I think the pig DeNiro is responsible for this parade of pretentious "woke" culture.

The photos of some of the actors whose movies and shows I have never seen looks promising and very artistic, I will grant the choice of actors being put on display as appearing very genuinely creative and competent--hopefully-as actors. 

Sickening to see how much clout this psychopath deniro has in politics and in the mafia/Nazi/fascist purview of Whorewood and supported in all his hate crimes by the establishment called otherwise the United States Congress and it's foul "woke" members. Clinton, Raskin, Pelosi, oh yes, Sanders who I do admire but he just used a phrase I had just written in my blog last week--for his speech--as his idea--at a conference held regarding labor unions--. What he used which I wrote last week was when I wrote that I was called "Radical" by the latest attacker who has joined this group. I wrote that it's these people who are extremist or radical and not me--as they are advocating violence and murder and mayhem in society with these technologies and what is obviously going to be a complete shift in politics into a fascist and Nazi/Mafia state--but disguised as a "Democracy" but real rights will be further eroded--I didn't get into those terms exactly but I wrote the phrase about being "radical" and "it's really they who are radical and extremist" and that was stolen. So far Sanders, as much as I respect him above most or all of the other politicians who make the media fodder mind trap (I'm sure there would be other politicians I would like but don't see them advertised by the media as being personalities) but---so far he's doing what all of "them" are doing, stealing my ideas or phrases for his own use but leaving me BEGGING not to be slowly murdered, posioned and torture or raped any longer through these technologies. So far--for all these years--NOTHING from the Sanders angle. 

and then there's another one--another near Presidential candidate out of NYC who can't get these murdering filthy b-tards off me (pesce & deniro--filthy, sick, sleazy, most racist most violent people I have ever encountered--they don't utter racist remarks they are careful not to leave any "evidence" of their utter disregard for human life and their racist affinity and the anti-Semitism which plagues the "Italian-American" community and even worse, with "Italians" whom I have encountered--especially in Miami Beach but around the world I have not met any who are not viciously genocidal in terms of continuation of what the fascists in Italy did to the Jews--which was to steal, rob, loot, rape and then torture or brutalize to death. This has been the prevailing mentality and they are fascist and violent as hell. And the pair of these hoodlum thugs are no different towards me--much to the gratitude of the other "woke" celebrities who sit around watching me get abused slowly to death by this pair as they then join in--as they are latched onto this contract and fully welcomed to hiss the most foul and disgusting sleazy and filthy stupid commentary and threats if I fight to get them off me--after more than 4-5 years of Pesci making comments like porn and filth while I am on the toilet, while I am washing my body, while I am doing anything they pair up--the two bozo sleaze filthpair--and make the most sick and disgusting and threatening comments--threatening to beat me, punching into the air next to my head and within a few inches of my head for having told a rapist brutally beating and raping me that he is a pig--and so is his rape organ a piece of pig meat is what I said--after a month of torture, poisoning and drugging that kept me unable to function on any level except to sit in a dazed and paralyzed drugged state--but threatened violently by deniro for fighting to get the Nazi-statement-making German violinist off me--as they all hugged this rapist and have welcomed him into the US for tours and to participate in movies in soundtracks or I don't know what--I have not looked. 

And there is whoopie the "woke" hugging this filth bucket becuz she's a "good" black minion, makes anti-Semitic statements, participates in the torture of me either willingly or by not doing any damn thing to stop it--as all of you reading also do.


A post-script thought that occurred to me after getting up from this brain-altering position of torture while I fight to write:

I am not "masochistic" by going onto the pirated/hacked website that is obviously done so by the terrorist celebrities I do so also to get a bit of information about them and their promotions and what is happening in that world. They're all out obviously partying it up after they destroy my night/morning/day and everything inbetween. As I call them perpetually parasites it truly becomes exemplified when I see them laughing it up in their new promotions and awards. I spend my time healing and cleaning up the filth they order and dump on me because it lightens their filthy and nasty loads of personal burden--out on me, successively one after the next their personal drama, hate and problems are poured out on me. The expletives made a joke about me writing about this, as they gathered in their formation of sitting in rows while I was put in front of them, as they asked like it was a huge joke, which personal problem I thought they exhibited when they teleported me--like it was a circus even and I was performing for their fun and entertainment.

This is how they approach torture and violence and this technology. I am nearly murdered and every single day they are allowed to get on this teleportation circuit and abuse and insult me they all gather to do so and vent and pour their hate, problems and misery out on me. They go off laughing and partying, I sit alone fighting to not die from stress and abuse every single day without fail.

I am not masochistic when I get on People magazine to see the endless photos of the very same people teleporting me, without fail there are at a minimum of four per daily issue--which means of course that it's all hacked. This also continues for online news sources and videos and etc....

But I should stop by now--they all literally feed off the violence and go off feeling gay and happy as hell about it--

I literally was on the brink of breaking down or dying from stress just a few days ago from YEARS of filthy deniro and pesci along with the rest--the endless years of the same people going on and on trying to break my spirit and soul, sucking out ideas, with politicians coming to insult, threaten and abuse me alongside them as they all claim that I look very bad by now and they then insult me for this as well.


I see that they are just gloating off the feeding frenzy of having a victim to abuse and torture by just simply pressing a button--the US Government and every government around the planet handing them this tech, spreading out the tech so more people can be abused so the wealthy have victims to abuse and release their stress upon, rape, suck the life out of, and etc so they don't have to "take responsibility" for their problems. Meanwhile the prevailing mentality of their Conservative base is of "taking personal responsibility" for problems and for the consequences of bad choices or policies.


Every single thing they do and perform, even the "evil" roles that they play, are absolutely contrived bs performances and lies and distortions and it's not entertainment it's just a huge mind programming operation.

I used to not look at who or what they were doing or getting involved in, and then I would click on a movie link and get tortured by one of their filthy and nasty friends who is linked to them and yearns to join in on this most lucrative contract out on me. People like pesci and deniro are so used to criminal activity and abusing and using people and then kissing up to the power structure that this is just another contract put out by a mafia/nazi/government alliance. They were torturing me to death, and as I began to continuously scream in what was becoming a very fast-appraoching nervous breakdown after YEARS A DECADE of torture but increased exponentially for the past year--I;ve only been writing about it all daily so anyone can see my past year of writing--

one person came and reduced but has not stopped this onslaught of near-death upon me--the expletive pair are still there attacking me--they are also addicted to this type of surveillance, disgusting foul and odious pornographic-hate-almost snuff type film behavior--they are like drooling and snarling kill attack dogs set upon me by the equally violent celebrities who don't want to openly exhibit this type of violence--the women are very keen to have this done to me, but don't want to appear like the vicious vile and disgusting skanks that they truly are behind all the posturing.


Whoopie "the woke" is even more odious with her endless blather about racism and sexist behavior in this respect. So is Oprah. And Samuel Jackson.

Oh how sad and sick it all is.

But they're all out laughing and partying it up, I am fighting to not be utterly destroyed by all this hate endlessly directed at me by people I have never harmed, including the psycho Nazis who ordered this contract upon me, who actually sucked all the sexual passion and love they drugged and forced out of me until I began calling them pigs while they continued to poison and rape me while I was fighting to not die from the years YEARS they had been doing this while I was kind, and drugged into a "loving" state to men who never interested in even an iota but when drugged and teleported I was in a rapture of fake "love" which they sucked out, went out partying to the promotions they all obtained while I was stuck in paralysis being abused to death by millions of people.

And it never ends.

I am still alone, sitting here writing these posts while I see the photos of these pig ape whores laughing it up at all their promotion parties.

The Government continues to ignore me, but still people are stealing ideas from me but obviously ignoring my pleas for my life to stop the poisoning and drugging and violence-with all the threats, hate and violence heaped upon me by not just the two mafia troglodytes from Brooklyn but just an entire mini-universal quota of haters attacking me in every location every day and night everywhere around the planet with zero people ever actually coming to defend me.


But I see them in these photos, telling myself I must be masochistic to go to that website, and then seeing how the MEDIA installs the most virulent haters who pose as being benevolent, and Whoopie is probably one of the most sorry in this respect (sorry as in sad and sick). She's so effective at putting out the "no nonsense" stuff about analyzing racism for her tv show sitting alongside the other "Italian-American" woman who is always interrupting and yelling over other people because she's obviously the Mafia "Italian-American" controller in this "woke" tv show scenario. I was most offended seeing her interviewing Pelosi who came on blathering, "I'm a proud American-Italian" and then claiming she is the Speaker of the House and an icon for the Democrat Party working for "The American People" but you can easily see what comes first, as with all of them: hailing back to Rome, the Axis alliance with Nazis, the holocaust, world domination and they operate as the "muscle" which is sent to create most brutal violence upon the target such as myself. 


Each terrorist teleporting me who is not absolutely following a script, but still they are even when not told precisely what to say (that constitutes 80% or more of the terrorists who stalk or teleport me) but then..the actors and politicians---their attacks upon me are--to my viewpoint from where I am as this observer but target at the same time---the point of attack reveals to me their inherent "weakness" which is suppressed. That which bothers them the most or very largely they inflict upon me as the prime focus of attack--but within the context of this situation they are confined to a certain number of types of attack.

When I attempted to describe this to them, under hypnosis, asleep, drugged up as they are still inserting drugs into my vagina and still I am under non-stop threat of murder via poisoning and liver and kidney collapse from drugging and poisoning, stress levels that are so deadly that I can't believe there is worse damage to my body.

I was explaining this to them, so they treated it like a Peanuts $.05 psych evaluation entertainment insult skit for me to tell each one--as the "joke" of course they all treat it with disdain. Some are probably furiously taking notes on what I say from behind--I mean undoubtedly this is going on--to use the concepts for some upcoming movie or phrases I use--they steal all they can out of me. Otherwise they appear from the YEARS of this behavior only as blank slates also puppets being told what to do, but with corresponding emotions that they suppress and have buried--which is nothing like a joke, and this is how murders are operated from this dark and dank suppression of trauma or these types of problems that people have to conceal for the public.


With deniro and pesci, the need to inflict murderous torture has been embraced into the fabric of their personalities. But they conceal it all with superficial jokester personalities which are considered "charming" and "fun". People can't get enough of this type of behavior and many really want to have the "power" to be able to inflict torture but appear as savvy and "charming" socially acceptable entertainers. They remain high in popularity and are exonerated from every act of violence. All the #me too feminists gather around and watch as they use pornographic slurs on my body, which has been poisoned via drugging into my vagina, along with fungus and other deadly substances which this very group has watched and ordered inserted into my body so they can continue to break me as much as possible--to death.

Years of writing that I am being murdered has resulted in ZERO personality or politician ever intervening EXCEPT to get a piece of the ever-expanding cake of this contract which has ballooned into what appears to be the entire A-list of celebrities in H-wood--along with an ever-increasing number of Democrats and Republicans in Congress who are famous for their "defense" of the underdog--feminists, fighting for Democracy fighting against Trump (who is behind this current violence, who brought the Brooklyn terror murder team with all these mafia personalities to break and destroy me as much as possible while taking their suppressed hate and problems out on me. Their addiction to torture and violence has it's roots somewhere in their culture and their past. 

None of them will take any responsibility or have any kind of mature or responsible perspective of this situation or the general long-term repercussions of what they are embracing now--all so eager to vent and dump and pour their problems out on me. They of course deny and laugh about it all. As long as politicians and the legal system and all people put into positions of power continue to allow this type of fascist and Mafia-driven misuse of technology to continue the collapse of society is inevitable. Once these terrorists are able to inflict violence upon a torture target indefinitely they become more violent as time goes by, like an algorithm. In the last month I began to break down into a nervous breakdown after months of extremely violent torture to which the smiling and very calm and confident deniro inflicted upon me along with pesce every single day FOR HOURS--often going on and on for 4 hours after the nightly teleportation homelessness skits, the rape skits, the hate and abuse skits, on and on and on. SMug, smiling, embracing the "good" black woman endlessly spouting stuff about women and minorities in her every blathering content for that Mafia Nazi show regarding women's rights and humanitarian concepts of a fair and equal society. 

They ALL, all of these people, treat me like I am the problem and not them. I have done nothing, they have done nothing but break every law and mutilate order mutilation rape and beat and abuse me without any stop for YEARS--

But there they are, all out partying and being patted on the back by the US government, the leaders of the business world, by the H-wood industry. 

Welcomed into Italy to have mansions and castles---with applause--the blacks who teleport me who are the worst of the groveling minions possible (almost, not quite as bad as in Thailand) but....they make big ado about going shopping for elite fashion designs in Italy and their rapper music also reflects this minion status in all their "Gucci" songs about how hip and "fly" they are.

Big Whoopie--(using that sarcastic term not meaning fat, bloated whoopie the woke bigot's "good" minion).


Correction: A few days ago I had written that I felt that Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary, was my favorite personality in Congress. How I forget about her, she's so unpublicized as being a personality by the media. I don't know how exactly hypocritical she is. Her stance is purely economic but I did see her in an interview with Jon Stewart seeming sympathetic to the economic woes that working class and poor face due to Inflation and other travesties that are being inflicted in order to create this unaccountable ultrawealthy class which is now being handed technology to brutalize and destroy people to the applause of their peers, Congress, all law enforcement and society at large. Society that has been "culled" of the compassionate activists who really wanted a truly egalitarian society; replaced by these fakes and others who, for the contract out on me, perpetually torture me (to death) in order to traumatize ideas out of me. The drugging is non-stop, my ideas are perpetually being stolen. I receive not just NO MONEY for my writings or thoughts or concepts but more abuse and all opportunities blocked--I could barely access my bank account and went through another hell of being lied to for HOURS on the phone---all phone calls rerouted to terrorists who lie and deny me answers and services.

The hacking is so bad I can't finish this any longer--I can barely get anything out now. My brain as usual under attack can't finish sentences can't think clearly. The hackers will be rewriting/deleting as well to finish off the effect of discrediting me.


Just one more little, teeny weeny addition: regarding Biden, the participant through his own lackeys and minions:

I even supported Biden as candidate for president. No, I mean not until he was the only choice. I would have chosen otherwise from the list of viable candidates but another person who is vaguely involved in this situation, albeit as an observer, is Elizabeth Warren. She is the one who guided or coerced the Democratic Caucus to install Biden as the top candidate choice. AOC and another one from the "Squad", also including Warren, have used the internet social media triggering attacks upon me (very hard to prove, sounds "delusional" but for those who also perform these annoying pestilent attacks, you know and understand. Biden: I supported him probably for the same reason many people voted him into power: to oust #45. I was so desperate to get T-rump off me and his wives who are absolute fascist bigot Nazis that I cheered Biden on. I was not antagonistic towards Biden in any way. I was supportive of him in all respects. His response has been viciously violent towards me in order to obtain the favoritism of this fascist organization which seems to be more in control over the United States than any American citizen (natural-born). From an outside perspective and only seeing the reactions and behavioral patterns of these people who all follow orders, but from whom, it only appears to be coming out of Europ-a-land but I can't say definitively.

I have not in any way "deserved" this kind of violence from the Biden team in any way, whatsoever. I want to add this as an extra to this topic, as probably Biden too is another minion of the 4th Reich and I have zero doubts about this whatsoever.


They are against me because they are told to hate me for their own promotion and inclusion in higher circles of power. I have done none of them wrong. I have supported many of them and got only violent hate and hostility and near-death in some cases as a result.


Subsequently, some like deniro or the rest, who I had no reactions to until after YEARS of them participating in this hate crime against me, seeing that they have stolen ideas from me and tortured me to obtain them, this endless protocol that every blood-sucking parasitic minion performs like empty and drained and meaningless leeches that they are (upon me, at least) when I react in anger and say sarcastic things about how I consider them to be incompetent or not qualified to tell me in any way, whatsoever, how to lead my life, as they block all my attempts and opportunities to observe life to it's fullest using my full capabilities--to which they are terrified that I have access to and block in every way, and of course never stop telling me how "superior" they are once all has been stolen from me--but I finally react to them and their response if near-murder violence upon me to get me to not defend myself in any way, for as long as they want to torture, rape, rob and mutilate poison drug rape abuse and threaten me with zero resistance or reaction on my part. After YEARS I finally break down and then they are turned on absolutely by being able to use all these weapons, their proxy minions to torture me nearly to death--having staved off death a few times already just by trying to defend myself against murder--otherwise if I had not resisted or fought back they would have happily murdered me with me "giving" them love until they poisoned and abused me to death after having stolen all they could out of and from me. That is their program, their protocol system, their plans for untold and countless other victims with this system now becoming a stepping-stone for advancement for every unscrupulous b-tard around the planet.


Social Media triggering campaign by Biden and co.:

The first month of Biden's administration my Facebook feed, upon first opening the browser in the morning, as I do every day, there was Biden and then Harris right next to one another as large posts---like sandwiched one on top of the other on the feed. I know that the main feed of Facebook does not operate like this normally. So many of the attackers hack into my WiFi connection and insert and change templates of webpages, their videos, Facebook posts and etc on my feed. 

The week after Hillary Clinton began her own inclusion in this hate and torture/sex trafficked micorchip implant victim situation forced upon me--there was Biden in a photo (recent at the time) hugging Hillary in a huge, warm embrace. 

The week after Pelosi first came to join in on the torture team teleporting me, when she threatened to have my foot cut off (then the next time she joined in, she threatened to have me killed)--each time Pelosi came into the situation was exactly one week before the Covid Relief Legislation was about to be passed--in the Senate. She was always sitting next to S-negger, the former Gov of CA who had used Nazi genocidal hate speech directed at me in earlier teleportation hate sessions. The next week, on some news clip added to my YouTube recommended page, was a video stating that Biden wanted Pelosi to run for House Speaker once more (I had thought she was going to exit this year, as she had promised to the House last 

When those Covid relief Bills went through and the Treasury Dept. deposited that money into my account, I sent a Facebook message to Biden giving a Thank you. I am adding this just to state that I have never once been contrary to Biden until I was most viciously attacked by his partners and allies in the Dem Party just this past year, when the violence from an ever-increasingly violent and near murderous mob of celebrities (including two politicians from the J-6 Select Committee--one Republican on Dem--both sneering in contempt at me after I gave them life-saving advice, or that is what I have had to do to save MY life from the poisoning that the US Government under people like those two Reps. have supported --all my life). My "payment" was abuse, insults and the violence increased and they did NOTHING whatsoever to help me. They are now being considered "champions" as they sit comfortably in a group and supported by law enforcement and now comfortably secure with the fascist faction so they don't have to fear retribution as much as if they had not participated in this hate attack upon me. Same for Pelosi, and same for Biden I assume, only making a broad assumption for "why" they are acting so violently towards me although I have done nothing but support the Dem Party--at least in opposition to what appears to be most blatant fascism and genocidal racism from the Republican faction that has caused so much alarm and violence in the US for the past many years.


That ALL are involved in this fascist organization to one degree or another is truly disheartening--to put it mildly. 

It's the 4th Reich--it's tentacles have encompassed every facet of American life by now. 

But to see how many people embrace it and love it, is amazing. Trauma-based mind control, and whoopie is perhaps a very good example of this. Perhaps the Democratic Party is yet another example of this very well-researched psy-ops practice of turning victims into defenders of abusive psychological programming.

I think it was a very well established tenant of the First Roman Empire which so many cultures that were dominated have since striven to emulate in every form possible.


For these reasons and a multitude of others, I cannot perceive leadership capabilities in any of the terrorists who are attacking me. They can't think independently, they are a violent mob like the Capital mob and now I see at least two of the members of the Select Committee are a tangent component of the same mob or it's source--all under the inauspicious domination of a protocol system of instruction and all behave almost in similar fashion when the superficial trappings of posturing are removed.

I also would not "select" those who lead those who follow, such as those I loosely refer to above and those of their ilk. I am not able to write with the clarity I am capable of, I can't delineate all that I mean in these posts--most often they resort to ranting tirades due to the mind control tech and drug interface plus unending torture and violence which has reached murderous proportions in the last few years. 


I would not chose the leaders of this organization either. Whether they are competent or not to foresee the results of their greedy assumption to power via the technologies and the really disgusting minions who will do ANY single thing to obtain a promotion. I find that the truly ugly and disgusting sick and sleazy actions they commit in the name of gang stalking confirm that this organization is, if not spiritually "evil' then it is at the core mentally and psychologically dysfunctional as being capable human beings living on a fragile planet. Their frenzy to obtain power and steal and rob and kill off in order to obtain dominance in their "lebensraum" politics is of a most brutish and short-sighted mob mentality, even the leaders encompass this spectrum of square-linear destruction into a dead-end which they consider to be their ultimate goal--which they cannot foresee because they are too blinded by the greedy assumption that they will indeed inherit the earth when they can blast people's brains, kill off, destroy and steal and cover all with their plantations and slave dwellings and businesses for their ultimate luxury. I think they are grossly incompetent as human beings and have no concept of what life means or how to sustain it in a livable way for a sustainable planet. On personal levels, they are each a microcosm of mental and emotional dysfunction, at least the people I have had contact with who are part of this organization. Even when they appear to have the "perfect" blonde Nazi family structure. They make sure that others are mired in misery and hate and abuse. They generate it upon one another but not nearly as violently as they strive to impose this upon the vast majority of earth's inhabitants so they can rise up and claim superiority in all things.

The minions still love them and cling to them in adoration and above all things, follow and obey lovingly all the instructions to plunder, destroy, pour filth and hate upon the targets such as myself. They are like swarms of locusts and will devour the planet with their proprietary and predatorial predisposition towards elimination of opponents and of devouring all for their plantation luxury lifestyles which are just locusts devouring the planet without end until they kill all including themselves in the end.


That is my assessment of this organization and it's minions and the leaders who are very cleverly disguised and hidden in plain sight.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...