Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Sickening rotten old men and their greasy skank whore wives and shitty rat children--my plight of being teleported in a sex trafficking cyber technocratic torture apparatus fully sponsored by a corrupt and rotten global fraternity of filth. But years now of ugly old men and their granddaughter-aged girlfriends attacking me with vicious hate, the children told they are entitled to aristocfratic torture permission while the adults who were raised in Democratic lies are training their rat children to become even more violent than they.//More ranting--trying to supreptitiously write this before hackers stop all internet connections and hacking is so extreme I can't get anything out--but too late, as soon as I turn on the router I get a hacker device listed on my devices app, showing me that this connection is being hacked. I used "shared experiences" and disconnected all computers or systems but the hackers insert their devices used to hack as soon as the connection is turned on, within a few seconds they are hacked in.

 The terrorists have so much surveillance on me that if I cough while sitting in front oft his laptop, too much in pain to move as this poison the ape network forced upon my body never comes out--despite sickness for years, fighting for years, asking for help for years--it remains a huge bulge of hard poison latched into my hips and spine which I must fight to deal with every day.

If I cough the terrorist in the room to my left-hand side makes a thudding noise on the wall but it sounds like it's an apparatus that has been put inside my refrigerator--it makes a loud thudding knocking noise but it's like a mechanical hammer being remotely tweaked to hit something inside the interior of the casing for the fridge. 

The sickness I must endure in sleep state--the creeps keep making this throat microchip implant close off my esophagus constrict so there is a disgusting choking/snorting noise, sometimes it sounds like something is churning in my throat--it wakes me up constantly--then the teleportation skits while I'm in deep sleep of people with their bofdies tied up, being murdered. Cats burning in fires. I am always homeless in the skits, as homelessness is the major threat and the pigs are always telling me that I will come to live with them in luxury if I just give the shit ugly old men and their rotten skank pig ape whore women Nazi filth wives and mommies what they want--a baby out of me, me disposed of in some horrid way--them getting an empire out of forcing this upon me--me murdered or stuck with a baby out of some putrid creep I find deplorable at best--

They have now made this blog impossible to write on. The script is disappearing beneath the page and I can't scroll high enough to see what I am ty ping. There is a black streak with "update failed" covering what I can barely make out of what I am typing now.

The stress has gotten to me today. I had to kill two living things this morning as the pig apes have made my home infested and I have to now kill the poor creatures that have been forced into my home--not coming out of any kind of filth that I personally create--the creatures are forced either through the removable cracks in the panels or tiles in the walls or put there whenever I leave--always happens, therei s an endless infestation every time I leave and return.

The sickness of these parasites attacking me is endless filth and hate and ugliness that is never stopped. I can't see what I am typing any longer as the hackers are endlessly dirsupting keyboard functions--. I would do a restore type of operation but I am about to take a shower and if I leave the computer theyu will use mechanical arms to mess up the cleaning process for the harddrive or seriously impair the system--while I am in the shower they continue to insert hair, string and muck and greasy filth into the wheels of the chair that are embeddedintside tiny cracks of the plastic casing surrounding the axes of the wheels--they do this every time I am taking a shower so I get out and have to for the 4th time of the day clean out these areas. It's now never-ending, along with filth sprayed on my clothing non-stop. All of this since nasty ugly Greasy Graham the cracker began his assault on me,k since his buddy Trump got away with it for years, Obama allowed filthy depp and pig pitt and filthalina dn their entire Europigape crew of fascist Nazis to get away with it--the country has allowed psycho groups of terrorist thugs to get away with it, teachers have allowed it, professors have participated, now the President, his Senate greasy Nazi buddy is attacking me with a wave of hate and filth, which is what i consider him to be internally and he looks like it in outward appearance--he spreads this filth in teleportation.

One ugly disgusting filthy pig ape rotten old man after the next associated with Trump and then with PItt it's the younger folk who just emulate the rotten elders who have handed themj ev3ery kind of automatic promotion only due to a need to eliminate freedom in competition around the planet--a fascist Nazi systematic hierarchy and elimination of peopl elike me from having any autonomy in any single thing--the technology enablers them to endlessly "punish" me for reacting in anger against the ideas they steal because they are so blank and filled wtih bs and hate and stupidity and mediocrity but are sexualized porno crap personalities pushed into lead power positions--inclucing the sleazy filth in plotical positions--all seem to gravitate towards rape and sexual violenlce but when it comes to a woman they will even go against a blonde white supremacfist like Heard if only to support this faction of greasy ugly old ape pig men just to keep the fascist Nazi system of overtake of the US continuing without a  hitch. 


But ugly, dirty old man Greasy Graham the Cracker filth machine of hate and lies and bs is just yet another ugly old man with his coterie of blasphemous Christian hyhpocritical family assaulting me while they were breaking every law, every Christian value and triying to seriously screw me over so Greasy Graham can (and is now, as I react because I'm being drugged and tortured every day and for over a deacde non-stop while after fighting day fater day to not get murdered by poisoning with no health care of su pport and always under non-stop attack--including deadly attacks like heart palpitations).

But this has been an entire year or longer of rotten old filth parasites who are extremely wealthy assaulting me viciously as i fight to defend myself and my human rights. Ugly rotten creeps out of London who have been so blatently Nazi in open genocidal speech as I called one of them a piece of sh it while she tried to get me to call her some nobility title--to me sh'es just a rotten whore who has been awarded for the pretenses of fighting against every kind of discrimination possible while getting endless plastic surgery and lead roles after having her friend out of Ireland rape me--thus endless wavew  of vicious and hateful rotten old people who are famous celebrities assaulting me--but YEARS of rotten deniro and pesci such foul and rotten ugly old men with filth and porno hate and racism embedde dinto the core of their shitty filth personalities--endless assaults every day by this due of shit and crap and hate and stinking foul bad filth energy--porn commentaries about my body and every excretion I made the scatological pair of filth made jokes and sickening porno hate comments about my every sickness form the poisoning while they kept having me poisong.   ...

btw...I am unable to literally see what I am typing as hacking has made the page unreadable and blocked from my view while I am typing--as the page scrolls up there are endless typos in the words I could not see as the keyboard is manipulated to not function with every pounding effort I make to get anything to print out.

Then there was nasty foul Bloombertg, the billionaire who was so violentlyu abusive about defending white supremacist Nazi culture that the endless hate he and his stupid rat daughter inflicted upon me was so foul that I fought to get them off--resulting in heart palpitations from the attacks they ordered--leading to ugly greasy Graham who needs a "get out of jail card" just like filthy Trump does so the attacks upon me to either promote these foul nasty ugly people as they get put into positions of leadership as a result, with their careers flagging behind the potentialities of a new wave of creators put into the media--but now stuck with these ortten old pieces of crap putting out their bs and crap endlessly--for how many more decades the blobe has to be subjected to their filth while they are unable to discern what is excellence and just stupidity in movies and entertainment any longer---

But Bloomberg, having me put on ropes dangling from  a helicopter because I told him after endless insults by his nasty rat Jewish nazi daughter about what a "loser" I am, although I hve done more than her and had to do more than she will ever accomplish and with the pigs she bows and scrapes to who teleported me--the filthy pigg pig gang with filtahlina and co of fascist Nazis mostly out of Europe--the blonde Nazi bs operators who teh Jewish Nazis are so lovingly affixed to while they vicious tyrn against me--so after Bloomberg hissed in hate that he had so much more money than me, I just responded by saying, "and what did you do to get all that money in dirty New York City?" to which he had me danging in teleportation under a moving helicopter hovering over some city block in NYC or some place--don'tknow where. The ugly rotten endless sucession of rotten ugly old men, their Nazi wibes and shitty foul children has been onn-stop every day in teleportation for years--but for the last year it's been so much violence and I have done NOTHING to you ugly foul pigs--I just degfend myself and no one else does. So I am ranting--it's a fuin joke to you fucking pigs reading this. 

I tried to stop reacting to the sickness in society that is unfolding in America, which all you fucking pigs helped to create by watching this group being handed more and more power as you stupid people reading my posts have done nothing but watch as fascist moronic piga pees, rotten old men their shitty filthy wives and dirty crap children have been destroying the United STates. None of you cares, and my situation you consider a fucking running joke.


Meanwhile, after years of fighting to get this poison out, and having spent the last month in agony and painful suffering while greasy Graham the filthy ugly slime parasite slithered in to attack me, with me saying no politely not even saying no just not saying yes immediately as this filthy crap peraonality really believes I hvae zero human rights and he is some exalted scumbag who is "above the law" as he was waiting  for a fascist Nazi system to unfold so filth like him can so easily claim that his rotten mediocrity and that of his filthy family and group in his bigot KKK zone are "superior" while they have me surrounded, poisoned, and I was in so much pain I could not move to one side--and I have had to eat and eat since that time because my body really eliminated a lot of poison--only to find that what is buried just expands inside my body, I must eat to create a cushion because it's just to close to the bone and I have no more muscle tone because the wealthy pig apes of whorewood would not contruibute $100 a piece--so I could pay for rent in a small house with a swimming pool--the cost is about $800-$1000 here in Phuket--the pigs owuld not even do that--and laying and sitting all day in one position in agonizing pain while they kept having the bloasting and muscle constricting poison put in my body has left me so emaciated that when I do eliminate the poisons my body is too weak and the mscles and cushioning of flesh is gone--so I must eat my body demands it until I am bloated and huge again--the hard shell of poison remains sticking out--and I look months pregnant with a huge bloated abdomen wityh a  hard "shelf" of poisons that is excruciating to thepoint of having muscle and flesh ripped out of my body every time it finally comes out--just a little bit at a time--with poisons so toxic I am exhausted and literally can't do anything or move for an entier day--or days--and I remain like this--so I am alway sdisfigured, they keep slicing into my body and spraying filth and inserting poisons into my bladder (( believe they are still doing this) to keep me drugged up, so I become "hysterical" while they keep asaautling me no-stop all day and night with various mechanical arms and weapons and teleporting me to murder, death, hate, homelessnes,s animals and people being killed--etc etc

as ugly rotten old men torture me for not saying "yes" to being raped, tortured, exploited beyond comprehension in a modern-day slavery situation that the fucking US Government with shit like Graham fully endorsing and paying off filth from Whorewood who already have millions and billions of dollars-- unfortunately this includes shit like Bernie Sanders one of the biggest fakes and false leaders of preposterous opposition to fascist culture (alongside many, many of the "progressive" pundits in the media--i.e. so man of t hem have participate in attacking me--famous media personalities who claim Sanders is their leader--all part of the fascist white supremacist league, including the blacks --those who are part of this group--not "all" but so many, so many and in every part of the globe this is a reality that no one will admit to


The typos above are endless-as I wrote, I can't actually see what I am typing due to hacker interference and the line I am writing on "disappears" below eye-sight as hackers insert typose into every word almost--


I am completely wasting my time writing these posts as you fuckers play this game of reducing the torture so I keep on writing in hopes that one day some decent human being out there will actually do something to sotp this--so I keep writing. YOu fucking mind fuck operators keep reducing the violence when I write about it, then it resumes as yhou keep either strealing ideas from me or just find it amusing that I am this rape and torture object never having a chance and always being ahused by one rotten disgusting old man after th enext-raped, beaten, torrtured, disfigured, the wives and shit mothers and mommies and children are enthralled adn join on in and themommies of these rotten loveless pig apes always wan ttheir little piggy boys to rape and beat me as they feel wonderful probbly because big daddy beat and abused them all (even little piggy boy who is now a reapist). As the cycle goes on, and domestic violence issues are being handed by rapist enablers like Hillary and filthalina--as pig men like this are being put into positions of power because they are rapistas and racists--adn the world keeps showering them with honors and prizes. Depp the filthy pscho greasebag scum is one example of this. Working with the pieces of shit who have attacked me since 2q013 when filthy Depp finally unlatched his parasitic rape greasy grip on this contract out on me--forced undoubtedly when Heard gave this contract to Trump--

now Trump associates like mafia deniro and pesci and graham and the company of greasy filth who are all claiming they are "liberal" are all being awarded for being racist rapist pig scum but becuase it's "me" they are attacking people just keep allowing it to go on and on. I am so fucking wasting my time writing these posts at this point.

Terrorist Report: Since having written my last post this morning, the topic was politics and a very brief mention of one of the latest terrorist politicians who I called names, since he is not worthy of having a real name in my opinion any longer---right now I have to clean stains which have become permanently sprayed upon clothing I had hanging outside--the clothing was sprayed with stinking odors for days since the last time I clean them (my sleep pants and shirt)---foul odors, which I clean with spot cleaning but then cleaned the entire set (which I did about 4 days ago, as they were stinking with the foul odors which I tried to spot clean every day, always cleaning the stains off so they sprayed all the clothing, bed linens, etc and brown water came out of the initial rinse when I washed everything in the bathroom sink. BEcause the poisons they have kept putting in my body have made bending over to this top-load cheap Thai washing machine nearly impossible for me while I'm in so much pain--from detox, while I was endlessly attacked by this foul and pestilent politician who is now covering the news with his crimes against the United States--for which he has attacked me, a victim of his inclusive crimes against freedom and a fair and Democratic society--in this terror contract).

 **Hacking terrorism is extremely obstructive for this post below--during the entire lengthy process of fighting to get around the hacking--which is keys not operating when I have to pound down, not press but pound with my entire hand, every letter must be pounded down as the keyboard is made with malware too stiff to operate. Then they obstruct the keys--I press a key and some other letter or a space comes out. They kept turning off the internet connection while I wrote this--as I tried to write below, this is now a non-stop attack so every 10 minutes or less the internet connection is turned off--. I have to disengage the connection and then connect to the wifi connection to get where I was after the obstruction. They are then deleting words, grammer and changing what I have written so it's completely grammatically incorrect, impossible to understand as the coherency is gone--they delete/rewrite and change what I write constantly--you can see the result below--it is impossible to understand in most parts. They are also blasting my brain while all the rest of this is going on--with cognitive process inhibitors either through the microchip implants in my brain (yes, this is not a conspiracy theory) and/or remote attacks, but my ability to focus and relate without losing the thread and then going into rage and hate tangents is inescapable, especially after YEARS of this ongoing without a single human being coming to me with any support or help or protection so I am just endlessly being assautled. So I try to write but with all the drugging, the endless assaults on my property as I must constantly pay to replace what is broken, destroyed and clean and clean as I stare at my broken down body which is mutilated and stained and scarred every day--while the planet remains silent and sees and does nothing, almost nothing. Celebrity after celebrity puts their goddamn crap on my youtube connection trying to get me to click on so they can somehow latch onto this lucrative contract. Pig pitt and filthalina welcome all of you as they are told by shit like Graham they are in charge and can include as many fakes and whores as possible into this deal of terror aimed endlessly at me (and other targets, the situation is of psycho scumbags having free access to dump on and suck everything positive they can from people who are INNOCENT while the guilty are being paid in millions for participation).

*I remain having to fight, clean this stinking filth--and I still can't defend myself against poisoning or the endless destruction of my property.
They are spraying stinking filth on my clothing and they once I have to hand wash it all--they then spray permanent brown stains which look like paint splatter on my clothing--ruining my property and this is going on now every day. Yesterday it was a hat I was cleaning from stinking sprays, then stained with paint splotches while drying outside as I have no drying with a spin cycle everything is dripping wet so I put it on the patio--which is stained with hairs and filth and debris and brown goo stains on the white tiles--the pig apes put using their endless mechanical arms. You can all call me hysterical now from over a decade of this going on every single fuckiing day with one rotten president after the next participating or putting their good buddy Senators, Hillary rotten Clinton, etc Greasy Graham (spiritual partner with Clinton--as greasy, lying and corrupt but with a hypocritical "Christian" moral superiority grease stain posturing behind his bs posturing--Clinton has pseudo-religious "feminism" as her moral crutch--just like filthy greasy pigape-alina married to pig pitt and the rest of this creepy crew of crap from Whorewood who are stains put into my life I can't get the filth out---

But back to my clothing. I wrote about him *Greasy Graham Cracker the criminal Senator** only using a vague reference. my clothing was splattered with permanently staining spots all over the pants--washing them doesn't stop the stains. Yesterday I had to hang up a pink hat that was stinking from having been sprayed and it too was then splattered so I can't use it unless I want to wear something stained, shabby looking and just unclean and messy-- (since I can't put it in a closet, it was laying on top of my couch which is loaded with bags and pillows because I have no closets--as they stink so badly from endless spraying I can't use anything that is enclosed. The stuff I have hanging on the racks and on the furniture (organized as much as I can also while not being able to move or bend most of the time due to the permanently affixed poisons that have been put in my body for decades and continuing with my endless detox for over a decade as more was put in my body and food by this group of criminal celebrities and politicians).
so to "punish" me for writing about their filth, their criminality for yet another time--*at this point hackers deleted entier sentences so this is completely incongruous--I try to write and the hacking is so bad I can't even write about the hacking--))but I was trying to write that when ever I write about how sick and vile and disgusting and criminal they are, they break and destroy something else. When I remain silent, they continue with poisoning, destruction and torture and abuse every moment. It doesn't matter therefore what I write, they just are murdering me with non-stop attacks, torture and just the stress levels are enough to kill.

But now I am trying to make this coherent--I was writing that when I tried to be silent and not "provoke" more torture, even though all these pig pieces of ape shit do is attack me to provoke a response so they can then torture or destroy or maim or try to murder me if I react--but they go on and on nevertheless to obtain a reaction of hate and rage--poisoning and drugging with drugs inserted into my bladder continue now--I remain drugged up every single day--every time I turn around there is some other destruction in my room and cockroaches and filth and things destroying my furniture and clothing--all I have bought on subpoverty income adn the pig apes have forced subpoverty income on me with threats of taking every single thing away from me--so with pig pitt no matter what I did he would attack me--because I tried very desperately not to react to the nightly violence and hate and negative very bad energy of pig pitt the filthy nasty hater inflicted and still inflicts upon me for his dirty and foul nasty profit and endless Oscars and the crap he gets for being a sick and disgusting pig pitt---he seems so cavalier when he's making his photo-op speeches about how non-chalant he is about everything--an uptight vile prick filled with nervous bad energy and aggression that is really off-the-charts when he's teleporting me--EVERY SINGLE DAY and the residue of his negativity stained my energy field every day with awful, life sucking energy waste that he drained and fed off with more awards. He never stopped the attacks regardless of how much I tried not to react.
The awards were too great to get a reaction out of me every day, so pig pitt just kept going on and on. The pig apes who promote him have to see me slowly dying and being emotionally and psychologically, sexually and physically ripped to shreds every day but ever-so-slowly, a horrid slow death and that has been ongoing.
So greasy Graham Cracker or pig pitt or some other sick rotten parasite in my vicinity--some white trash Europigape with a host of brown-skinned filthy apes doing the dirty work for him/her--a group of the white trash pig apes no doubt with even larger ratio of brown/black minions performing every filth act possible. They order these attacks upon my clothing, endless stains, stinking odors--and all because I am fighting to not be raped and murdered by one greasy, rotten loveless filthy pig prick creep and his foul white supremacist-enabler wife (so many black people attacking me for the purpose of being promoted into the white supremacist "elite" status as visitors with limited extension for staying power but they don' t give a damn)--
Every day they spray things and make stains, filth and all things destroyed.
They keep embedding strings, threads, hair and I even yanked out a safety pin out of the rolling wheels of the (expensive, for me) office chair I bought as an extravagance so I would not have to push a chair back and forth on the floor to try to get out of a space where I have no room to maneuver between the "kitchen" sink and this table, next to the bathroom door--there is literally no space and I had to drag a chair back and forth and I kept heavy pillows on it because of the inability to sit normally on a normal chair--I had to prop up my body--so it was cumbersome. I scratched my leg on the hooks I had put on the sink cabinet doors below the sink--to close off the areas where the mechanical arms were getting through (and still are) as they sprayed my hair from the back while I sat in front of the laptop dazed, sick from recurrent non-stop drugging and poisoning--for a decade. The pig apes then put some brown permanently staining liquid on the scratches which became infected and permanent brown stains of the relatively small cuts in my thighs against the hooks because I could not push the chair--heavy with pillows, back and forth so I bought this chair which they are now destroying every day by embedding filth, grime, objects and hair as deeply into the axes of the wheels as possible. I have to burn them out, and then try to dig into this tiny crack of the wheel axis to get the hairs and grime and materials out--using a long lighter to burn away the plastic shields of the wheels encasements--this takes 30 minutes and a great strain on my back--I have to prop the chair up, lift it up and it's heavy--to try to burn all the way into the tiny cracks of the wheel axes between the plastic coverings of the wheels--they do this with mechanical arms EVERY SINGLE DAY i have to fight this. I remain stuck to this chair most of the day because of healing and pain and stiffness, as the pigs keep having me injected through my bladder with liquids and undoubtedly they are STILL poisoning and obviously drugging me up. I try very hard to not react but then I see more objects splattered with paint and it remains stained--washing while the stains are wet does NOTHING to get them out. NOTHING gets them out. My clothing is ruined. I have no money NO MONEY to pay for everything that is broken and they keep spraying filth into my fans, a necessity since they spray this room with toxins so the furniture adn the entire room stinks of foul toxins--fungus and mold and etc sprayed in cracks I can't get to because everything is piled up with stuff because I have no closets and I also have to put things on top of things to try to protect other things from the mechanical arms--and my entire life is just endlessly fighting to protect my body and material objects and I can't do it--I then spend hours and YEARS ENTIRE YEARS writing about this shit and it is NEFVER STOPPED BY YOU FUCKERS READING THIS.

I splurged to buy this black office chair--a higher price because it has little pillows and a ergonomic sort of back support system--with rolling wheels. Every single day they embed hair and strings and muck, grease and safety pins and other objects into the axes of the the wheels where they rotate--in the metal joints of the wheels. They insert the stuff so deeply I can't feel it unless I really press my finger hard into the crack where this axis is--for each side of each wheel--5 wheels in total, ten tiny spaces where they insert endlessly, day after day, these objects so the wheels won't rotate. I have to burn the stuff out--it takes about 30 minutes to make the wheels somewhat rotational every day--the wheels are being destroyed because I am burning the plastic covering off each area of the wheels, but not enough to get into the tiny little crevices where they are stuffing this stuff into the wheels. Every single day this goes on and on . Every single day they are spraying my bed, sleep clothing and objects i hang outside to dry from this endless cleaning as everything on the racks I use for my entire wearable wardrobe stinks so badly--that in order to actually wear anything I have to automatically wash it repeatedly. I washed things I made by hand yesterday, object after object that had been cleaned.
Greasy Graham the sick creep associated with Trump really believes that he is not only not responsible to have to testify before the Georgia court system for his attempt to fraudulently overturn the legitimate votes for Biden, but also that he's far too important as a Senator to have to deal with county prosecutors, much less me, who he claims "Ain't S***" as he keeps attacking me because everyone else has been doing it for years. They shout and yell at me and say with soft hate that I am nothing, a loser, have never done anything in my entire life as they endless torture me to extract information and ideas I have studied.
Not wanting me to have any chance, greasy Graham is so adamant about forcing this _non-existent status of invisibility and being a nothing unworthy of any legal consideration and only to be abused, beaten, raped, torture and this greasy rotten creep even used "Christian" moral superiority when he teleported me to his enclave of righteous abusers and users in his hometown (his family) who began a very subtle campaign of moral high ground while they were criminally attacking me using every righteous "moral" justification that I am somehow "radical and liberal" and thus deserve torture-to-death as "punishment" for this crime. Claiming that they are wonderful Christians the entire time. When I declined his offensive offer, which he didn't even say openly just that I was to come to his nasty bigot KKK area and no questions or explanations were needed by him--just to comply without question (as all of these pig apes including Clinton who so resembles Graham in so many respects--sans the Christian BS posturing--offering me a vision of wealth and that without any explanation I must submit to whatever they want without question. Yelling and rage and torture as a result of me even politely declining as I hd done with both pieces of greasy, nasty and foul shit who have been polluting Congress and the United States with their bigoted agenda, very similar in most respect to one another (they had been friends also when Hillary was not running for president, prior to 2016/2015). Bigots from the North and from the South--just acting in almost exactly the same ways but the Southern Christian thing Greasy and sinister GRaham tried to inflict upon me was most offensive in all respects of his supposed "Higher ground" along with his status and the discriminatory destruction he not only applauds and gets so excited about but also steals money from US government funds to pay the millionaire/billionaire pig apes like pig pitt and greasy filthalina with huge sums stolen, misappropriated, as Graham's partner in the budget Committee--a "good friend" as he says of Clinton--to pay off every fascist Nazi bigot who attacks me. I wrote of this earlier, but I repeat it only loosely again today in this diatribe. See, I had written nothing yesterday but they attacked me anyway. They attack me with sick teleportation death and homelessness and murder and abuse and rape skits every single night--for over a decade and yelling fights with this group of shit (celebrity pig apes) which has gone on for at least 2 years non-stop every day (pig pitt at the helm, greasy filthalina the skank whore sitting alongside him with her beady and nasty greasy eyes glaring in hate at me, saying she wants me dead, insults as I yell at them--they smirk they gloat and go off getting more and more money and awards from shit like Greasy Graham who has been behind all the orchestration of this sick and disgusting plot to destroy women like me, people like me who the pig apes like Greasy Graham claim are "radical liberals" which equates in their greasy filthy stupid ape minds as death contracts but first slow torture-to-death just in case the target--me in this case-survives all the murder attempts from cars hitting me while driving to poisoning that has never stopped.
so I am writing about these pieces of shit now in hysterical rage mode. My property vandalized and destroyed every single day--and why? I was being murdered while the filthy Europigapes prior to this group of shit from Whorewood took over the contract--beginning with greasy rotten psycho Depp and his foul group to pig pitt and filthalina--who are glowing with joy that they have gotten away wtih this for all these years=--they laugh and smirk about it like the psychopath rotten crap that they truly are but you only see the creepy posturing they have been trained to model themselves after and ideas they stole from me make them appear like they are original and care about feminism and society in general.
But greasy and nasty Graham is just a foul and perverted sick personality who is openly racist and really says disgusting things personally and for the media--the faction he supports are the murdering bigots who all want "Civil War" now--ultra right-wing fanatics who are "above the law" or was that "Politics is above the Law" as he said--making himself exempt from legal prosecution in the eyes of his stupid pig ape constituency of radical fascist Nazis disguised as "patriots".
So no matter what I do, the torture is never stopped nor ends. I had written a somewhat decent post this morning without getting into hysterics (as I fight frantically to get this keyboard to function, I press keys and different letters appear or spaces where I am in the middle of trying to type at something close to my perfect 75 wpm pace--or faster, I am extremely fast, when the keyboard is not hacked my writing is almost perfect and I write like lightening speed--but can't do this, have been blocked from t his for over a DECADE of this going on and on as these rotten pig apes keep calling ;me a "nothing loser" etc who has never accomplished anything. They keep coming out with ideas they stole from me, even when I think ideas they can use the thought -extracting technology and steal it.
They continue to destroy my property every day. Today my pants-a tied-dyed pair of pants I sleep in--I have to cut long strips into the pants section because the pig apes spray stinking sprays into the crotch area to infect my body--while they are inserting liquids into my bladder by the way--with the mechanical arms entering into my room which I cannot stop no matter how many years I have spent fighting to be able to afford materials to hammer into the panels of the walls--all cabinets are sealed off and etc--they are still getting in. I cannot close the patio doors any longer because the pig apes have sprayed such stinking poisons into the room that I was essentilaly breathing in toxins trying to stop the entrance into my body and room by this group of foul and rotten shit you all worship nearly--these pig apes in w horewood and the shit of Congress--like Greasy Graham, and the more I have to deal with him the more odious he is and it's apparent that he's unworthy of any respect. He claims that I must respect him, I think of him every day on a lower basis of a little grease stain put into the Senate who is a traitor and a fascist Nazi with a superiority fantasy--and this hate and racist technology system, which used to be the KKK and lynch mobs had once done what this technology adn the covert "gang staling" death squads are now accomplishing for rotten and dirty pieces of greasy filth like pig pitt, depp, graham, filthalina--but they are so loved and this "system" of torture so necessary for that group of incompetent crap to be endless put into power so people like me can't have a chance. Every chance they get they demean me, say I have never done anything, am a nothing a loser and just a prostituted free disposable torture/rape victim who had better only say yes. I was "complying" unknowingly to these pigs outof Europigapeland who were poisoning me (knowingly) to death while they teleported and raped me. I was so bloated from poisons and sick I believed that I "loved' these rotten men who I detested when I actually came close to them in reality--but in the dream drugged up under non-stop torture situation they forced upon me, a fantasy of some loving creep who I dreamed about seemingly was better than endless violence coming from rotten old greasy men and disgusting white trashy and nasty minorities endlessly attacking me every place else--
but now I just think of them as shit, no matter their wealth or status or plastic surgery surperficial appearances or how much the rest of the gang stalking planet worships these idiot creeps and their real lack of inner artistic capability or leadership ability. They are crooks and criminals. You keep supporting and protecting them. Now America is worried that the entire country will collapse as a result of the shit you put into power. You all keep applauding these filthy stupid ape pigs.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A tinge of patriotism this morning when I am brainwashed by a well-scripted speech by my President who either personally or in combination with his administration, and the prior administration, and all previous administrations since my birth-- has negated me as a human being obliterating all human rights, Constitutional Rights and legal rights due to exploiting this contract out on me: This is not a sarcastic anti-politics post: Today President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act. His speech was "galvanizing" but I fear that I am always duped by inflammatory speeches and "believe" in rhetoric designed to create a starry vision (for the next upcoming election cycle). I thought this speech was excellent, something I have not felt for a long time. I know there are many detractors (from the "radical liberal") side of the poly spectrum who denounce this legislation as being far short of realistic climate change actions which require far more drastic reduction limits and etc. I know a bit of what the Reds are claiming about the IRS included in this legislation. Biden said that "Not a single Republican in either Chamber voted for this Inflation Reduction Act, not a SINGLE one".

 "Special Report: President Biden signs Inflation Reduction Act". ABC News. August 17, 2022.

I still feel proud of the office of the United States President and within this speech Biden expressed the aspiration that the hope of a Free society and progress in political representation for all members of society is not a faded dream relegated to insurrections or duplicitous greedy-mongering "special interest" factions which vote and act in accordance to "Dark Money". However, unfortunately, in my personal experience, the Dems however much they tout their splendid acts of societal benevolence are part of this "dark money" scheme and behave like most repugnant and deplorable grabbing grasping liars in private when they participate with the same fascist Nazis they claim they are denouncing across the "aisle"--and I refer to most (not all) of the politicians who have participated in the teleportation terrorism aimed at me for their agenda-based promotional schemes. That they are violating EVERY SINGLE law and Constitutional Right when they behave egregiously towards me ==death threats, mockery of the torture/poisoning and slow murder the celebrities have inflicted upon me, after wealthy Europigapes who I had almost no contact with who latched onto this scheme and were poisoning me and torturing me to death, with the celebrities continuing the poisoning and abuse to destroy my body and life but steal and rob all from me and destroy the rest if possible--with US politicians of the Dem Party who endlessly blather about Democracy and The American People and The Constitution, endlessly aiming barbs at the Repugs who they are partners with in this crime against me)---that should be very telling about who and what they really are and represent. But since I can't provide "evidence" and everyone involved is keeping this situation "secret" and "silent" I remain writing to some vacuous "audience" who may or may not believe my claims, unbacked by evidence.
I have hope they--the corrupticians including the false and disgusting Democrats who claim they are wonderful angels of benevolence and life-affirming equality and fairness but are vile and devious, violent and murderous bigots and liars and fascist Totalitarian Authoritarians in disguise-- will soon be discharged from office and more favorable people enlightened about not participating in these awful death-dealing groups will come into political power. The law is NOT above politics--(that was a quote taken from the latest hater tyrannical terrorist who is a "leading" politician who just finished viciously attacking me in a myriad of ways, attacking me non-stop while I was at my lowest point of pain and healing crisis mode--truly a slithering exploiter--, who spoke about the FBI in a recent interview or lecture. He said that "No one is above the law, but the Law is not above politics". He is exempt from the Law, in other words. He is due to testify before a Grand Jury in the near future for his election fraud schemes back in 2020. He tried to attack me I believe to gain some kind of favoritism from this Nazi organization in the outcome of what undoubtedly will be yet another "I claim the5th" testifying curve ball game most of the politician criminals are now playing out in their cases and trials.
I have hope and still some faith that America will stop allowing this corrupting rot to endlessly be put into lead positions of power.
In honor, in some kind of fantasy nationalistic daze, I post this today and hope that America will not become more ensconced into the $th Reich fascist global order but will prevail in it's original intention of a free and peaceful open society (stop the global Imperialism from US interests would be a good start to stopping this fascism that has overtaken the United States government and society at large. The trickle-down theory of uppermost politicians not wanting to fund every overseas action of overtake and control would help to stop the paradigm from becoming Nazi fascism within American society).


"Hail to the Chief". TheMarches09. February 5, 2010.

Good job, President Biden. For one day (and perhaps one day only) I have a brief sensation of patriotism and respect for the United States and it's governmental leaders who helped to pass this legislation. Obviously what I have negated in the last sentence is a sentence of blame for the opposing faction--and their insidious hate and murder/death agenda is repugnant and truly deplorable--same for the DINO Democrats (Democrats In Name Only)


**Hacker alert: I just rewrite the below post for the second time. I will not go through this post after publishing it for a third time, so whatever mistakes appear are due to hacker terrorism.

I find that I am not able to gather all my thoughts, even if the hacking is not as obtrusive as it normally is--I can't collect my thoughts and write all that I had intended to write. Even when I rewrite I find that what I had wanted to say was shortened by not being able to literally recall my concepts due to the influence of technology blasting my brain and reducing short-term memory impact of cognitive ability. I still can't understand how you people out there reading this assume that you personally will be exempt from this tech inflicted upon your brain or lives and that it's only going to happen to "people like me"--the "radical liberals" or whatever labels you all foist upon me or people "like me" which is, seemingly non-existent as I have no base or group or there are no people like me I find anywhere.


Monday, August 15, 2022

I regret having written anything adverse about the abused woman re the Amber Heard defamation trial, even though it is real, true and legitimate because she helped Depp to rape and beat me for TWO years prior to him turning the violence upon her, too. He had me poisoned and then raped me in what seemed like a regular basis for the two years as I endlessly begged him to stop; but he just had me tortured after rape, stole ideas, and then continue the violence while Heard watched on enjoying her promotions out of the deal. They stole my cat because I said no so often, and I have asked and demanded for her to be returned to me alive, if she is still alive. Otherwise, I defend Heard now because the stakes are so high for this verdict of Depp being innocent (he's a guilty as sin and hell) and it has to be reversed. My personal anger against Heard is legitimate but that pig scumbag being awarded for having "won" in what may have been a rigged outcome is so unjust that I fully support Heard at this point--and what the outcome of a real guilty verdict will bring. So hope the courts are not influenced and that this will be a fair trial (it seems so much money is backing an innocent verdict for rapist greasebag Depp and one of the wealthiest men on the planet is fully backing Depp because this contract out on me entails that this acting group is legitimate in the eyes of public opinion). You must win this upcoming appeal case, Heard.

Amber Heard Reveals New Legal Team Amid Johnny Depp Defamation Trial Verdict Appeal 

**warning** this post is extremely enraged, hyperbolic and filled with immature ranting name-calling. I am tired, it is midnight my time, I have been in pain for over the last month in this detox situation but I have been tortured every night for years while I sleep--the attacks are never stopped, I am exhausted, there is no end in sight from this endless violence so some ultra wealthy pieces of shit can capitalize on torturing me without end taking turns as they all get deals and promotions. I have harmed not a single one of them. The list of shit celebrities attacking me just with pig pitt and filthalina for YEARS taking turns, and now they are directing, producing, their have their own product lines, they have been put into awards ceremonies and have been handed top awards for crap movies and creepy acting and violent movies that have no reverberating appeal no one watches these crap movies which "win" and they "won" because of rigged awards ceremonies, and this contract out on me has put piece of shit into power and awards positions for years. The abuse towards me is never stopped, it's one of these creeps coming after me after the next, with crap like Depp and pig pitt endlessly being awarded, handed every single thing for handing out free passes to attack me to wear me down and abuse me into slow death--poisoning me non-stop along the way and drugging my food and then torturing me in teleportation--night after night. Politicians also come and go, the last one greasy Graham such an ugly and sinister sick politicians associated with Trump, just one of the Whorewood rapist criminals but still--Congress still won't stop this contract out on me and pigs like Pelosi come and attack me viciously alongside all the fascists who are part of this Whorewood team. One of the celebrities has apologized to me but has done nothing ever since to quell even the carnage endlessly being aimed at me. Behind all of them are Europigapes mostly out of England and France. They are all agents of foreign intervention in US media and propaganda for the 4th Reich takeover of the US. Pawns all. All so greedy and not a single one will apologize (except for one, one time) and repay me for the damages they have inflicted upon me, and no justice appears upcoming for me ever in the near and distant future. Despite new politicians being elected, this contract out on murdering me slowly and extracting and sucking out and raping, beating and abusing me without end one piece of rotten shit (all controlled by Europigapes ) after the next come to get their free deals after attacking me. Huge smiles on their rancid faces in media promotions afterwards for years-- One of them has been Heard and she's made millions in connection to this contract out on me. Nevertheless, I can only hope that her appeal will be a fair trial and that justice at least on some level will prevail towards this otherwise disgusting rapist abuser beater and pedophile apparently he's really only in love with his creepy daughter. They really are a pair of disgusting crap people, at least as far as I am concerned. They are nearly worshipped by the fascist French. I so hope that despite the ultra wealthy group that Heard must fight against, that for once one of these scumbags participating in this crime against me is not paraded around as being a hero for having raped and beaten me--or any other women. But I really need to get off this internet bloody exposure of my guts in writing these posts. This hell has been ongoing without a day of any ceasefire or release for me for over a decade and I am INNOCENT and have done nothing to any of these pigs except fight for my human rights and fight to defend myself against their racist attacks--and viciously attacked by the Jews participating in this crime even before the teleportation it's just recurrent hate directed at me by the minority minions but endless violence directed at me courtesy of the United States Government endlessly endorsing these torture methodologies and weapons and drugs, death squad groups and there appears to never be an end in sight I am exhausted, disgusted by the shit people but even moreso by the really crap US Government and society for helping this along--and if you Europeans try to assume that the problem is a dysfunctional American society and government the problem stems from Europeans as far as I can tell-the situation is no different in your crappy countries so don't put any crap on my internet about how sick America is compared with your even more sick countries--at least America recognizes the sickness your well-heeled societies are adepts at disguising your real fascist proclivities and fake deceptions with polite trained behavioral expectations. The fascists in the streets of Europe are open about it, though. You people with financial means are very cool about concealing your affiliations of fascist Nazi import. Don't blame American society blame yourselves and your own societies, oh guilty Europ-a's out there endlessly hissing about how much you really hate America but so want to just move on in and take over all you can out of my country. I don't believe really anything any of you claim about how wonderful your country is compared with "stupid" America.
I have to stop writing about this hell because I've been detailing exactly the violence endlessly being directed at me and it's never stopped by anyone. It's diminished perhaps but then some other scumbag takes over with pig pitt and depp and the shit associated with them fully backing the action and getting more and more promotions for their inclusion--it's just like a snowball effect of shit rolling down a hill-more and more latch onto the bandwagon of torture. I sit here writing about it and it's enthralling for people to masturbate over reading about all this violence while I struggle for my life to just heal from poisoning as they keep poisoning my body, my sleep, my home my food and you all think it's wonderful. I have to stop writing it's enough by now. I just hope some day, how long will it take? This will be recognized as a CRIME and not a promotional opportunity for creep scumbags to participate in while claiming they "love and care" and fight for social justice and all that bs crap you all make millions off promoting.

Years of my body being inflicted with fungus, mutilations, parts of my body broken, cut out, my hair, skin and every other part of my body affected by nightly assaults upon my body--the list is so long I can never get through the endless attacks upon my body for me just fighting for justice and human rights and to not be raped by ugly sinister men I have no attraction to who are looking for an easy promotional deal and an outlet for their woman-hating racist violence--as their crappy shitty whore women watch on so relieved that the pig ape men they "love" are raping and abusing me, they feel so entitled-Heard was one of these types of women and probably still is of that mindset. Nothing but silence and the hell continues. Not a single penny for damages much less the ideas most of them have stolen or watched as I fought and I continue to fight for my life to be left in peace, but not left destitute or forced into some kind of domestic violence slavery to be raped and beaten and abused slowly to death (or quickly, who knows..) with some baby extracted out of me by some pig ape man I would rather destroy who probably plans on killing me after he and his filthy pig wife and friends have obtained all they want to suck out, steal and destroy out of me. The US government continues to claim it is fighting for "Democracy" as it spends millions and billions to help bolster foreign countries. The very same politicians come to assault me with vicious death threats and violence, in full support of this crime against me because they want a class of people who have NO CHANCE to compete in the market forces where only those they choose (white supremacists, their donor base) have any chance whatsoever to compete--the rest must kiss up or get out (die). Become slaves in everything but name---I fight this and am threatened with murder by politicians and these celebrity pig apes as a result of fighting for constitutionally protected rights which are unprotected as I sit here writing and the most famous people in America are reading this and my posts for YEARS and not a single one has done any damn thing to stop this. So I must STOP this writing, you are really not the people I want to connect with anyway and none of you really ever has been high in my personal opinion of high regard--I don't hold your opinions or the fact that corrupt scum like you people (most of you, 99 % probably_) reading this have been unjustly put into power. The politicians are traitors and treasonous--they should not be in power. The celebrities are sell-out whores who are puppets of Europigape fascist Nazi 4th Reich regimes disguised as "Democratic" institutionalized kindly entities.
It is hard to forgive this person but I felt a pang of regret when she lost. One jury member said that she appeared sobbing one minute and cold as ice the next, so he concluded that she was faking and discredited her testimony. I know from years of torture (years from Depp in teleportation) that after the initial shock you can shift from being extremely upset but after so much times is consumed by reliving the trauma by having to confront it (I write about it, thus "confronting it" and Heard is "confronting it" in endless weeks of testifying, with years of consulting with attorneys. You can very easily go from extreme emotions to being cold because of the numbing effect of having to go through all the reliving of the bs. The jury member has no idea what domestic violence does to a person and also the blame game for victims.

To Amber Heard: please make sure the jury selection process eliminates dumb people who have no awareness of the impact of domestic violence. I hope you win. I regret having written my posts during your trial--I wrote some unkind words but it was justified in my opinion. However I was extremely sad that you lost and now fully support your effort. I think it's a sick crime that the fascist Nazis out of Europe i.e. France and the fragrance company are endorsing Depp like he's a hero. His allegiance with foreign countries such as France and being a completely brainwashed pawn by these Nazi entities has made him immune to the supposed "feminism" that is used to attack people like Polanski, but otherwise when it comes to this pretender fascist Nazi puppet being exploited by the French and the fascist Europ-a fascists, he's exempt from all moral responsibility. Put into a role as being a monarch and then put into position as a fragrance promoter for a very "fashionable" line of colognes for men. It's a complete sexist support for violence against women--especially since it's an American woman--and of course Depp teleported me to Cannes where he was disgusting and sleazy but put in a very "fashionable" situation during the Cannes festival--back in around 2013 or 2014--so many years of endless attacks against me I can't off the top of my memory recall without having to really think about this--I think it was 2013--


A most disgusting creep. GOOD FOR YOU for your continued fight.

Please SUPPORT AMBER HEARD in this next trial. MAY SHE WIN MAY YOU WIN this creep cannot be exalted any longer for his rape and brutality against women. The Europigape models such as Moss are complete scum who love the fact that he's such a good pawn for EUropigape fascist overtake of American media--which she herself plans on being a part of-alongside f-ing Pig pitt and filthalina and the goons who have endlessly attacked me--for years, just right after Depp stopped--they took over with increase in violence against me.

How I wish there were endless trials against them all. But I can only hope that Heard WINS AND WINS and I fully support you. That you lost and immediately that disgusting rapist abuser violent greasebag scumbag was handed roles making him seem like some royalty is DISGUSTING and I have for so many years only felt like the French at that level of wealth who are truly fascist Nazis are disgusting and foul--I was invited by the late wife of T-rump to go shopping in the South of France and I declined--while under hypnosis--or while sleeping, teleported and just said "those fuckers" to which Trump smiled but Ivana began a campaign of inserting fungus into my EARS, having French tv blasting outside my window every day for hours for at least 6 months without end. construction going on and on. And more and more violence just because I said the wealthy French (fascists) are fuckers and I don't want to have their clothing--even if for free. I was raped in a most disgusting way by rotten greasy Depp at a Cannes "private screening" of me being exploited in this most disgusting way--it was a lavish and wealthy set-up in some room at Cannes.

I do not intend to include of course every person in that country--just those associated with this contract--and I have been attacked by wealthy French for years in Miami Beach--when I worked at a 5-star French restaurant and then in clubs (selling cigars) and I have lost all respect for that culture (not all the people, just the wealthy, that can also include English in some respect, but not much. The same kind of behavior is true to form in England, America and indeed France and in every other country. Blaming America for being a sick country is so erroneous because Americans who are of this fascist MAGA style group set take their behavioral cues from Europigapes and that means English even at lowest levels of society. It includes French even at lowest levels of society.
But Dear Amber Heard, please focus on the jury selection and emphasize people who understand the effects of domestic violence on victims, and that victims can also "fight back" physically after being abused--that women like Heard hit that filthy creep back is supposed to be some indictment of her "violence" against that pig ape creep--his daughter included. I mjust add though, that Heard has participated in attacking me alongside Depp's rotten rat daughter and that was years after the initial divorce and dv accusations.
But goddamn WIN Heard and take the cues from the problems of the first court case where
Depp the rapist abuser violator and scumbag was awarded so much for being such a creep--by society, by the jury--I would suggest that money paid for the verdict as well as Elon Musk also was and is involved in this Depp/Pitt/etc terrorist group from Whorewood and perhaps there was some underhanded pay-outs and incentives for this pro-Depp the pig ape innocent verdict. The jury member I read who was interviewed sounded like an idiot who has no awareness of what violence is or how trauma affects people.
I so hope you win, win win reverse this unfair verdict. The creeps associated with Depp i.e. the terrorists who have attacked me for years after the years of Depp attacking me--the good ole blonde bigot pit and his filthy wife the rapist scumbag "feminist"--oh, how sickening they are. If Depp continues to "win", pig pit also wins and so does filthalina and the other skanks associated with this crime (so many of them).
------Btw one of the black rapper parasites who verbally threatened me with violence after participating in this hate crime is being awarded and awarded and awarded with so many promotions--it's just one f-ing scumbag attacking me after the next being promoted by this insidious group--which also has fostered Trump into power through his violence against me--which you, Heard participated in. maybe you support Trump, but what Trump has done is set women far back in power--and so you should rethink your willingness to do anything to appeal to men in power and think about what they actually represent and how you participate in violence yourself--which has boomeranged against me. Having said that, win and get that pig Depp and then please reconsider your support of rapist men (i.e. Trump) and that group, including Depp's filthy rat daughter.

This post has been a very emotionally ranting "immature" hate vitriolic expression or rage that has been festering for so many years because the hell is never stopped--the teleportation violence is never stopped--the attacks on my property and body is never stopped by this sick government. So hope one day this US Government will also be held responsible for the terrorist domestic violence simulation that they create using this insidious technology and gang stalking terrorism.. They have forced domestic violence upon me without me having "allowed" it to happen. I am tortured for fighting to not be a victim of shit like Depp or pig pit or their crappy wives. Please rethink your former decisions, Dearest Heard, and do not allow this kind of torture technology or situation to continue to be allowed, if you can get beyond your own personal rage, then rethink the decisions you have made to continue to support this technology which enables men to rape and abuse women (which has a collateral effect on women "like" you, Heard, in case you are able to connect those dots at all).

I have been under far too much attack and for too long. That Heard has reached global media attention for her claims of DV while I am TORTURED by members of Congress for fighting to not be artificially forced into a domestic violence torture victim raped status without my "allowing" it to happen or "doing something to deserve it"---; by now I am fighting one disgusting pig ape creep rapist and abuser after the next. The list of them is endless and they all "worship" blonde women like you, Heard--but when they finally can't pretend to be good guys and with a lack of women to abuse, they turn against women like you too. That is why women like you love this technology--but eventually the men become so sick that they turn into ultra violent pieces of shit and the women do too--so please try to extend your fight and the people who support you into fighting to stop this kind of enforced DV on people like me who are innocent and have been tortured for YEARS to try to force this shit upon women who are not married to pigs like this, who need women to beat and rape and abuse in order to vent their hate for women on the women who they are not married to--

"A Girl has no name..." (Arya Stark quote, Game of Thrones): Terrorist Report: August 15, 2022. Attack on clothing I have sewn by hand; original designs. Stinking stains and filth sprayed every single day on clothing I have created. This group of terrorist celebrities and politicians teleporting me to torture me while I am at my unconscious most vulnerable keep shouting and sneering with contemptuous hate at me that I am a "nothing" "loser" but what I make by hand they destroy--keep it stinking, ripped and stained with filth. Thus, anything I make that is original either they steal (the concept) and destroy (the original I have created or thought up and tried to conceptualize materially--destroyed every day). They keep hissing in hate at me that I have never done anything, that I am this horrid nothing person, etc but I can't make or create a single thing that is original without them stealing it and destroying it afterwards and torturing me for having created something original they haven't thought of but steal and claim is their own design or concept or verbatim copy words and story ideas I have written.

"Game of Thrones--Blind Arya's Training (clip)". Gogtash. March 24, 2019.

I am writing this after having written the post below (which I have no re-read to check for terrorist hacking/deletions/rewrites/typos inserted, etc). Someone very kindly put a video about how "you are special" was the theme of another very romantic song from a band that inspired me years ago, and today inspired me once again. I then thought of the saga of Game of Thrones, which I am ensconced in the middle of, watching from the middle to the end of the 7th season, then going back to Season 1, to go through the entire sequence until I can watch Season 8--and then on maybe another round of this epic drama (not 100% in support of the show, as statistically I think there is not a drama that I can say I am 100% in favor of in one way or another there is always an element of criticism. If there were a drama that came close, Game of Thrones would be almost as close as some of the more favorable works of art presented to the public.

The theme of the blind person being attacked by a vicious provocateur (in training, ostensibly) is something that reminds me of my particular situation. I am always under attack from every blind angle, from behind, when I am in deep sleep (teleported and physically attacked as the microchip implants force unconsciousness even when I am being damaged physically I feel nothing until waking and then I am always injected with pain-killer so the injuries become apparent only a day or two later---

This induced sort of blindness while under attack is featured most hospitably by the creators of Game of Thrones in the Arya Stark training segments in this house of death, no-name mausoleum containing peeled faces of suicided no-name willing victims and often targets of assassination (the temple mausoleum is a cult death organization with pay-for-assassination recruits/neophytes in training, as Arya Stark was in this series of episodes from Game of Thrones.

She was being trained in a Zen-sort of assassination actor's morphology in order to assume the gait, personality and voice of the dead peeled faces exhumed from the chamber of death, mounted in the walls of the enormous sepulchure pillars of mounted death masks peeled off targets and suicided victims alike.

I grew up with a blind person in my household and as a child I would "practice" walking in pitch black spaces like the basement--a cold cement-floored and musty place (terrorists had poured water into the area while my family was on vacation--we returned with the entire area flooded at least half a foot high into the entire basement area--forevermore that area was damp, clammy and had a resonant nasty sensation--It also ironically was where the washer and dryer were, and the little art table space my mother made for me and my brothers and sisters to play and make art in--but the cold and damp that resulted from the terrorist attack on my house made that area to inhospitable to play or work in---(my family "accepted" the attack and left that area in a kind of nasty condition, under orders from the Nazi terror network. Unfortunately my family complied with every attack, mutilation and subordination decree but I had no idea all of this was contractual and so I essentially 'rebelled" in some way and had no notion of what was "expected" of me not to compete or have any original or creative output and continue the theme below. 

I practiced barefoot in this dark basement with the tiny windows situated so high upon the walls that the tiny windows were at the level of the ceiling--I would walk barefoot and with all lights off at night so it was pitch black--just to practice being "blind" and to have the experience my blind step-father had while walking around. I am still unused to people teleporting me while sleeping (the equivalent in this context of being hit from behind while blind)--I can never get used to people coming at me from oblique angles or from behind while I am out in public to attack my clothing, hair or property--but it's a similar experience to what this clip of Arya Stark being "trained" by a woman who really wants to kill her in this temple of death and assassination that she chose to be trained in. I would like to hope that my outcome of this situation of being endlessly attacked while "blinded" by sleep in teleportation, drugged up, people coming at me using vector-analysis software to target me from around every corner and aisles while in public and most dangerously while driving--that I can get into a higher position and somehow prove to have trained to become a master of the art of blindly destroying my enemy by becoming expert at defense while at this seeming disadvantage. Either way, the Game of Thrones sequences showing this training is exceptional and well-done and at least it's inspiring.

A major component of Arya Stark's "training" is in losing her identity. When asked what her name was, if she responded that her name was Arya Stark, she was beaten with a large stick. When she said she "had no name" she was granted clemency for a very brief moment in between the other hits and assaults and deprivations (in training to be an assassin with "no name"). "A girl has no name" is what she was trained to repeat. In the end, she came to embrace her name and personal identity to the point that her strength in knowing who she was, her name, her identity-- was almost unrivaled by the spiteful and the devious--. A girl has no name, the male in charge of the temple of assassins and murder and death had her repeat. She emerged to take what she needed to destroy the men who tried to rape and destroy her family, her womanhood and to partner with her raped and beaten sister--I have not gotten to the end of this saga so I don't know exactly what becomes of them in the last Season. I assume they will emerge triumphant over the male domination that wants women silenced or subservient and obedient and blind and always getting told to be silent, good, obey and be blind so much the easier to be a vulnerable and soft target for when the assassination (of spirit) is ordered upon the willing apprentice of self-sacrifice.


Every single day I am cleaning a shirt which I bought long ago, that I keep hung up next to the open patio door because I use it when the wrap-around satong I use is sprayed and filthy and I have nothing to wear. I hand sewed wrist cuffs that are kind of psychedelica, and then began adding a purple satin base piece of material on the bottom. Every SINGLE DAY they are spraying filthy stinking substances in the arm pits of this shirt. It is this stench they spray on everything that reeks of dead meat or something organic that died or was spewed out of some orifice or I don't know what. It's stinking and has that laboratory chemical that makes it adhere to the material it is sprayed on. Just like the poison inside my body--it sticks to the bones, it sticks to the porcelain when I finally, after weeks and years of effort, get it to liquify and get out of the hard shell embedded inside my back, into my spine/hips/skull/legs, etc etc from head-to-toe it is cemented and the density is like cement. But coming out, like the stink they put on my clothing and furniture/bed/walls, etc under every piece of furniture, between every crack of the sofas and next to tables--it remains despite spraying bleach and cleaning substances, perfumes, etc. What they use to make my body, clothing and home toxic is intended to not come out except to replace the items---permanent. Nothing except the most strenuous of attempts and removal agents gets any of these toxic substances out of my body/clothing/furniture and getting these terrorists out of my life is also as difficult to remove as the permanent toxins I refer to. They latch on just like these laboratory poisons and try to never let go of their victim they feed off parasitically, as long as they can glob on they also never get off--


But what I have made which I think is beautiful is being destroyed--so they can constantly say that everything I am is nothing. What I make they destroy and copy and steal and rob and then destroy it and me so I can't make more. I can't write creative concepts because so many of these parasites have stolen verbatim words and stories I have written. The refrain they all claim is they owe me nothing but more torture for getting upset about their pirating of my material. They then claim I am a "loser" and have never done anything in my life and just have nothing to claim as being exceptional about myself. They then continue to block and destroy all my efforts to get out of the cavernous gaping hole they have been endlessly pushing me into as I fight to climb out the US government assists in this endless suppression/oppression effort that is a global structure of discrimination and destruction and blaming the victim is the one and foremost prong of their multi-pronged warfare against me--and others I can't assume that my situation is even original. That I can't find any supporters as all victims of this targeting are deliberately kept as far apart and unaware of one another as possible.


Still, it's disgusting to constantly be cleaning stains and filth from things I have spent hours creating and then sewing very carefully, stitch-by-stitch by stitch requiring hours of patience and doting work to make all appear as clean and artistic as possible. Not finished with some of the clothing because I have been so ill for so long--every day that I detox I spend sitting in a stupor unable to think, read, concentrate or move--the poisons are so deadly I am so ill every day now that poisons trapped into my body for decades I am managing to eek out of my system--so dehabilitating.

I can't finish the pieces, but when I take them off this rack I see stains, the stink on this purple blouse I turned into a mini-dress with that purple satin frilly bottom stinks every single day with this dead meat spray that has also been put on items every day around my room for years--whatever it is, it's a dead animal or semen or something filthy like these creeps attacking me--and this system and the people and their tactics who operate within it. That they are proud of this kind of behavior bespeaks of how filthy they really are on every real honest level of their endless lying fake facades to the public about how wonderful they claim they are and how "superior" they are--according to what standards it's basically if they can yell like a fascist, abuse and control with cruelty, and smile with deference to anybody they need to kiss up to, and posture with that Nazi pig sniffing the air posture that is supposed to imply they are somehow superior--that awful Nazi "aristocratic" pose that so many emulate in H-wood who covertly perform these low and disgusting acts and plan and orchestrate this to be spewed into my life and body and home. Like all they say and do with the lie that they are superior, this is to imply that I am somehow dirty and not they. Like the rape, that it's me who is a porn disposable prostituted sex slave and not they who are foul and nasty loveless whoring scum who are the sleazy and disgusting perverted filthy pig apes but their behavior is supposed to imply that it's me, not they.

And with everything else filthy and disgusting they do in order to destroy as much of me as possible. All I do is clean and fight to remove poisons and stinking filth from my body and personal belongings. It's really all I do, and most of the rest of the time I am too ill to move physically so I can't clean the filth that I am forced to live with and around or get away from it or them.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).