I was surrounded yesterday by a huge throng of Russians at the bank I use, here in Phuket. The entire tiny branch was packed with people holding the maroon Russian passports, and ALL were opening bank accounts. They spent over 30 minutes per person in the two or three open windows of this tiny little branch in order to open an account. All the seats were taken, so I put all my heavy bags on a small table at the very end of the room, which held the Thai alter to prosperity and gold-laced photos of the Thai royalty--a very common sight in government and business facilities like banks here in wonderful and beautiful Thailand. There was a very large woman walking back and forth into me and she kept bumping into me and staring. I was listening to some very groovy music, I had been prepared for the inevitable death squad group from white supremacy culture to perform it's usual disgusting display of stupidity and ignorance as they all throng together, feeling so "powerful". Their ability to kill makes them a force, but otherwise they are extremely weak people, especially if you get the chance to confront them one-on-one in person without poisoning/drugging and mind control tech blocking cognitive functioning.
But driving to-and-fro from this bank which is the one and only bank which doesn't charge an extra fee (so I use it) but the banks right next to me of the same branch refuse to accept my Debit card and tell me they can't process it. It is a very direct lie, and this has happened for years (they also blocked all ATM's from my use for at least two years, as well as PayPal--just to add how "Powerful" in destroying and blocking they truly are). There was a beautiful huge field with Thai bulls grazing in the field, next to the little Muay Thai boxing community ("Tiger Gym" area in Chalong). I have driven past that beautiful field feeling so grateful that not ALL of this once very natural and extremely beautiful area has not been covered with ugly boxes of cement and steal (the architectural style that is being sold as "modern luxury" is just bloc housing a la communist bloc countries). It is ugly and awful, and they also covered another area that I used to drive past which was very lovely, with birds and bulls and other animals grazing in the fields, next to a view of a lake and the Chalong Temple (very famous, called Wat Chalong in Thai).
They covered this area with a zig-zag formation of ugly little "vacation" cement and/or permanent living boxes and cut down the trees, got rid of the animals and the entire once beautiful plot of land is covered with signs, posts, cement box communist bloc housing.
The field that I am now referring to is right next to a major road, and I would look at the one or two bulls hoping they would survive the rush for extinction and the 4th Reich "vacation paradise" sprawl of destruction. Not so, they are gone, probably not dead but gone. Instead there is another huge mall being built. All the animals and land and insects and plants have been bulldozed up.
There is nothing that can get through the heads of these terrorists about preserving and respecting life. They seek to control, dominate and exploit, lying the entire time about how wonderful and generous they are and how they are building a most beautiful society of loving grace around the planet. The minions coming out of poverty only grovel more in admiration as they attack me with viciousness in order to get jobs in the new plantation cement factories of consumer death, because they were sick of living around palm trees in tiny little run-down shacks and houses.
"We are here to help" must be the prevailing motto that is sold off to gain the full worship of the terrorist death squad culture.
However, despite how blind the human race in accepting the power grab of this Nazi/Mafia criminal enterprise is, the destruction of Nature while there is not just scientific evidence but actual destruction of the planet as a result of greenhouse emissions has done NOTHING to quell the endless greed and insatiable need for slaves and opulence for the pig apes who are now pouring into Phuket to plunder and have mansions with bowing and scraping slaves who believe, are mind-controlled into believing that this is elevating themselves. I have seen the poverty that was Thailand, or a semblance of it when I first arrived in Thailand over a decade ago. One woman in a shop told me, jokingly, that the "Thai" version of a raincoat was to stick a plastic bag over your head to shield you from the rain during rainy season---like they can't afford a $1.00 raincoat--I don't know if she was just doing the usual "stupidity" game with me to put out bs instead of talking to me in any form of intelligibility. They try to imply that I am stupid by saying stupid things to me, or either it's intended to imply that they won't take me seriously. Either way, I take her comment as a sign of her impoverished mentality as I have always been for Developing countries to have their own cultural pride and dignity and not being overshadowed by very damaging entities like the IMF in it's "debt" and austerity-measure see-saw functions around the world.
But I want to add that there has been construction on what you may call a most prime area that is so extremely beautiful, near the more quiet end of the island, which has been developed to the extent that huge multi-storied buildings which had been vistas into the most beautiful beach and bay expanses are now blocking the views with ugly buildings, where only the customers of the hotels and luxury dwellings for the 4th Reich-approved-of clientele can have their own view but no one else can.
I recall that within the first few months of the quarantine efforts by the Thai and Phuket governments, the English-speaking Phuket newspaper reported that animals were slowly coming back to the bays and the beach coastal areas while they had all but disappeared due to the endless tourist packing of all possible for maximum profit.
In short, the cultural paradigm of endless vacation building and maximization of profit and deforestation must end and it must happen quickly. When I had to be surrounded by the very nasty people at this bank (not as nasty as some other cultures, though)--I felt that this plague would eventually, perhaps in my lifetime, be stopped because they are a death raid upon the planet and their structures and mentality cannot be sustained any longer for the planet to survive. The first step has to be an expose of how this structure operates and it must be stopped permanently. There are far too many really BLIND FOLLOWERS (a euphemism for really STUPID) people who simply only follow the dictates of these rapacious life and love-sucking destroyers. They can't see beyond how they feel that they are empowered by this huge global organization. The denial remains so intact about the devastation to the climate that even while the floods and fires remain, what remains of the standing communities and natural places remain in the targets of the most despicable life-f*** people on the planet who control the never-ending lower hierarchies of the following death terrorist squadron.
In addition to the end of the natural planet and the endless destruction of what was beautiful, and turned into cement death plantations with a few manicured land plots standing (as reported by Democracy Now, which is reporting from a scientific source, 1/8 of the planet's birds have been or are facing extinction due to deforestation and climate change). Think of the real food chain and how an elimination of birds due to endless deforestation, just that one factor and variable in itself, will bring DEATH to the planet. They can't think of these things when the pig apes can have slaves and huge mansions and swimming pools countering their slower paced and less opulent lives while they watch the movies and fashion shows and only want to attain that level as much as possible in their own little luxury universes--and here in Thailand they see this as a dawning new empire and so they flock and create hate and violence towards me because I am not a Nazi/Mafia-approved promoter of their death and hate culture. They don't think about it, they don't know me. Most of the famous celebrities teleporting me know NOTING bout me, even if they teleport me and suck out my ideas and ask endlessly for my viewpoint and for my history and background (probably to make a movie about mind control loosely based on what I have said). Even with all that, they can ONLY see me through the template of what they are instructed to see and now how they can actually perceive because apparently following-orders-only is a permanent mind control structure that binds them all together--so they feel "powerful". How powerful will they feel when the economy crashes if global warming continues and the environment of the planet is unsustainable for life for a majority of the inhabitants?
I wrote of how the people who were teleporting me, namely the last administration, was going to destroy the planet and I referenced global warming. At that time, the floods had not come to worry the Europigapes about the destruction that they have helped to create (in other parts of the world, of course making all appear ugly and destroyed except for their own, which has been one of the strategies they use on me with the daily and incessant poisoning and besmirching of my body and property and living space so it's filthy, destroyed, shabby, broken down, filth is sprayed everywhere--and these pig apes do this to the impoverished and it's part of the minority minion enslavement protocols, so they look to the pigs who created the filth in the first place for "help" to "get out" of the mess that they are forced and mired in. This is especially true, that I am aware of, with the minority minions in H-wood who attack me who all came from poor upbringings and are fully integrated in every respect into following the dictates of their promotional Nazi/Mafia controlling forces.
These are sourced and referenced scientific researched statements about the future of the Earth under the heavy mantel of Greenhouse emissions and gasses within the next 30 years and the increasing temperature rise.
"At current greenhouse gas emission rates, temperatures could increase by 2 °C (3.6 °F), which the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says is the upper limit to avoid "dangerous" levels, by 2050.[11] The vast majority of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions come from combustion of fossil fuels, principally coal, petroleum (including oil) and natural gas, with additional contributions from cement manufacturing, fertilizer production, deforestation and other changes in land use.[12][13][14]"
I was tortured, maimed, raped, beaten, poisoned and drugged with cars nearly hitting me and then hitting me while I drove at high speeds in fast traffic in the middle of a lane perfectly following all driving laws and normal operations by cars stopping in the middle of the road as they sped up to drive in front of me, or from the side or from a parked car area--etc after I wrote these posts years ago about the destruction of the planet due to the administration of $45 increasing carbon emissions. The actor/celebrities who sat around gravitating to this contract out on me all hissed in hate at me while they put out little comedy videos about how they cared about the future of the planet and global warming. All of them, and to note those who were handed Oscars year after year. The pit of them. One who has had animals I loved killed (because he and this group are a life-f*** operation and killing animals is just like masturbating to porn for them when it comes to a power high if they can hurt the target, who is bereft of all natural love from all of humanity because "everyone" follows the dictates of this group. Not only is the target eliminated from society, but any animal they find love with is inevitably killed. Any person who comforts the target is either killed or sent packing under death threats, ultimately this has been the case for me all my life and I have seen it's working elsewhere in other hate-targeting situations. Killing animals and people who are against the rapacious greed of this 4th Reich master-slave global entity is just another day for them and nothing unusual.
The "race to the abyss" of global destruction continues, in the goose-step formation of the "leaders" who also are ensconced in "following orders" of the people who appear to be something akin to unnatural life-f*** parasites put on the planet to conquer all and destroy all in the wake of their destruction for their Kingly plantation paradise they have obtained through genocides and force upon this planet for millennium.
This age-old conquest tradition has turned the modern forms of technology into a reverse-effect of just killing off the soul of humanity and the life of the planet.
Even Greta Thunberg--who nastily teleported me even though she obviously read my posts about her never coming to a Nazified place like Thailand to spitefully spit out her hate at the misuse of plantation master-slave encroachment on the natural and life-sustaining bedrock of life here in Thailand by the white supremacists--her backers--in their endless need for supremacy with mind control programming ushering in next generations of following order minority minions doing the bidding for them. No, she spat hate at me and then got an award for her "activism" by the Germans just a few weeks after her contribution to the celebrities--who all prance around in marches and protests about climate change--but all got investments for the YEARS of torturing me as they still never know who I am or what I really think but know my responses to violence and thus create a furthering of the violence because they also are programming the responses in while they continue to attack me for their endless awards and Oscars and deals and political influence while fully supporting the #45 administration push for more power--so they can get more awards and deals and get away with all their CRIMINAL violence towards me. They truly need people to rape and beat and rob for their sense of "power" and beautification as well, as this kind of violence and then being promoted for it is as high as you can get "for free" without having to pay for actual drugs. Undoubtedly the actors and people of political import are themselves being drugged and brainwashed and mind controlled as part of a (perhaps what is called) a "double-blind" experiment--but it's really they who are being programmed into the endless devastation of the soul of humanity the lies they always tell about how magnificent they are in caring about everything, especially in terms of climate change. They don't want their mansions in Hollywood to burn due to climate change extinction, but they have their mansions and castles in Europ-a-land which are not as yet inundated with flooding but will be in a few years' time. AS this has not yet happened and everything appears to be "returning to normal" a la prior to the Covid 19 pandemic and it's stop to all this endless devastation to the planet, they assume they can just resume their onward push for planetary domination.
Nota Bene: correction in the above post. I had only "remembered" the term buffalo, and I think these were water buffalos as I have heard them called that were kicked out of their habitat(s) by the endless cement death squad culture of the 4th Reich--not "bulls" as I had stated. I am so blanked out with my cognitive processes while I fight to circumvent endless hacking blocks to the typing and surfing apparatus. I am just adding this below instead of going through the post above because I will see so many sentences that have been altered that I will spend another 30 minutes re-writing what took me more than 6 times longer than what I really could do if not so censored and blocked by the terrorist death squad of the 4th Reich with all it's minions--here in Thailand and there in LA and everywhere else around the planet it's the same system. The same planet in it's entirety is being killed off by this very system which has taken "both sides" of every debate, more or less so there truly is no real opposition. This must be changed for the planet to survive just from the greed for power and luxury which is the driving force of this death culture. There gang stalking death squad approach to "whistleblowers" and "activists" who don't support their agenda must primarily be stopped. I am a target most likely for those perceived reasons I just wrote of, as I was mentored by activists in my formative years (who protested war and then were throttled afterwards by this Nazi/Mafia group into compliance to conformity to servicing them as "slaves" but appearing as functioning in a "Democracy").
Nota Bene: correction in the above post. I had only "remembered" the term buffalo, and I think these were water buffalos as I have heard them called that were kicked out of their habitat(s) by the endless cement death squad culture of the 4th Reich--not "bulls" as I had stated. I am so blanked out with my cognitive processes while I fight to circumvent endless hacking blocks to the typing and surfing apparatus. I am just adding this below instead of going through the post above because I will see so many sentences that have been altered that I will spend another 30 minutes re-writing what took me more than 6 times longer than what I really could do if not so censored and blocked by the terrorist death squad of the 4th Reich with all it's minions--here in Thailand and there in LA and everywhere else around the planet it's the same system. The same planet in it's entirety is being killed off by this very system which has taken "both sides" of every debate, more or less so there truly is no real opposition. This must be changed for the planet to survive just from the greed for power and luxury which is the driving force of this death culture. There gang stalking death squad approach to "whistleblowers" and "activists" who don't support their agenda must primarily be stopped. I am a target most likely for those perceived reasons I just wrote of, as I was mentored by activists in my formative years (who protested war and then were throttled afterwards by this Nazi/Mafia group into compliance to conformity to servicing them as "slaves" but appearing as functioning in a "Democracy"). //My early formative years appeared to be "anti-establishment" but the true reality is that my parents are the most conformist to Nazi/Mafia structure possible. They worked to "save" white supremacist males from being drafted into the Vietnam War, and afterwards they were considered not only expendable because my parents did so much lobbying for white male power in the name of fighting for peace (meaning my mother and step-father, not my biological father who supported Nixon and was always a Republican his entire life). Once the white supremacists could get minorities and poorer whites to willingly fight for the country, they turned to increasing war-mongering aptitudes until the US is the major military aggressor on the planet. People who objected or object are eliminated through this death culture of the Nazi/Mafia/fascist 4th Reich. They are now building master-slave paradises all over the planet, and thusly their death culture mentality of genocidal paradisal master-slave society is bringing death to everything else and the death of moral conscience, love and respect for what truly is real on this natural planet.